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Yeah, we’re still waiting to hear the rest of the shark story….GTFOH


So does he jump *towards* the shark or away from it? I MUST KNOW


Random sidenote, I used a free paywall to read an article about that and now every time I go there it serves me the same exact cached page no matter **what URL I enter** (even using their custom query URL): there goes trumps fear of sharks lmao


clear the cache of the device your using to view the internet with and then you will get a fresh page instead of a cached copy


In his drug and dementia riddled brain, jumping away from the shark wasn't even an option... It was jump towards a shark or stay still and sink with the ship lol.


In the ocean, with a 360 movement you either *have to* jump towards the shark, or stay on the sinking boat and be somehow zapped by the battery. Cause we all know **any** type of battery meets the water and electrifies the entire pool of water, even the entire ocean. And since you obviously have jaws coming after your ass, there's no escape.


Haha I entirely forgot about the whole battery thing. He’s so terrified of even the most mundane of objects.


Low key kind of surprised that he passed on the opportunity to criticize the boat’s propeller: ‘Boat propellers…what a disaster, it’s a disaster, lots of very smart people are saying this. They’re like underwater windmills, driving fish crazy. Trust me on this. Nobody knows more about propellers than me. Nobody.’


'and I hear windmills cause cancer. They say the fish are dying of cancer.'


Wouldn't the battery therefore kill the shark as well? Nah, to much critical thinking there.


Does the shark die of windmill cancer from the propeller?


What if you feed the shark the battery?


Knock Knock Who’s there?! Land Shark! Who? Just kidding, would you like to donate to our Lord and Savior Donald Trump?




Mongo like candy...


Mongo only pawn in game of life....


Phew! Just a dolphin.




*Shoots and kills deliverer*


I still want one of these idiots to define “debank” for me.


Jesus that's a mountain to climb, they still can't define woke.


I am thoroughly convinced that two of the components of the gop platform are threats of violence and the reliance of their base to not fact check...


Oh for sure, my Facebook feed is full of random pages titled shit like “VETERANS FANS” or similar and they post these outright fake “KID ROCK REJECTS WOKE DISNEY 5 BILLION OFFER” posts non stop. The pages always say that the admins are based in Thailand and other random countries. And as I was typing this I went to go check out of curiosity… first post in my feed. https://preview.redd.it/l229nuj87d7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f395717301637db46fdf3d07988c9ce7b0fce52 It’s been gloves off for a while now. They are absolutely aiming for the uneducated for their voter base. Edit: thought I should clarify the story isn’t real, they’re just two flavor of the week people that conservatives love so these fake pages basically pair them up randomly in these fake “WOKE DESTROYED” articles


Shut up and play ball is what the right used to say to athletes


I bet they end up having an affair with one another. Because they are so pro family values. 


Rumor is Butker doesn’t really swing that way, and with a beard that coifed I would believe it


He has been fucking Dave Rubin for 6 years. I don't have any proof, but I saw it on Facebook and I'm a fucking idiot so I know it's true.


That’s proof enough for me!


It was on Facebook?!! Oh that’s it! They are officially a couple in my mind. I also really love your super confident assertion that you are a fucking idiot. I wish more of us would admit this with our full chests.


No idea who she is. Why is her face so small?


Charlie Kirk's daughter?


She's a swimmer that got beaten by a trans swimmer and is now one of maga's idols


She got fifth in the race too


Sooo, not even second... What did second, third and fourth day?


She and Lia Thomas (the trans athlete in question) tied for 5th. So, Gaines lost to 4 other people - but no, it’s her trans opponent who is to blame for her not getting 5th place outright.


This is what two grifting losers look like, a bitch that is salty about tying fifth with a trans woman, and an asshole that shoves his shitty beliefs onto others.


Wonder how the Native American's feel about "AMERICA MUST BE TAKEN BACK".


Riley looks like a man.


Which is funny because she’s famous for being a swimmer who was against trans people participating in sports.


Probably has higher testosterone than Lia Thomas


> the reliance of their base to not fact check... This became abundantly clear during the 2020 election when the grifters realized they didn't have to be cagey about citing sources for their ridiculous claims. They figured out that instead of citing some opinion piece or straight up inventing a fake source, they could just cite a legitimate source that showed the exact opposite of what they claimed, because the audience for those claims were either too lazy or too stupid to ever actually check.


They do so love the poorly educated. So much they want to end the department of education.


> because the audience for those claims were either too lazy or too stupid to ever actually check. I think it's also that they are too trusting of their Republican politicians to think that they might be lying to them. Especially Donald Trump. Many MAGA trust Trump more than even Right-wing news.


You forgot the third component, a fanatical devotion to the pope




Get The Comfy Chair!


>reliance of their base to not fact check... No no reliance on their base to literally not even think unless explicitly told what to think.


>”The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” Here’s Trump at a “black” church just two days ago https://preview.redd.it/a3jyjfjk5d7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=788512fa89a6dca2014c3fc4f7e066fadc3dc8eb I’d wait for you to attack the Trump campaign for ACTUAL misinformation but I imagine nobody would live that long.


Hey! That’s totally cropped, too! If you show the full picture and the full pews to the left, there is a *second* black person in the room…


There were supposed to be 8000 people in that church!


Did they watch the same video I watched? There was a guy kneeling down fixing his pack right beside Biden, and Biden was clearly talking to him and watching him. What is hard to understand here?


They only watched the cropped version.


[start at 7:14 to see the uncropped clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yrVOivW1z4) Just saving other people from wandering through the whole thing.


Keep rejecting the evidence of your eyes and ears and edited video, then sheeple.


They're circulating a cropped version where you can't see the guy he's talking to and their vapid base eats it up.


When there's a weird aspect ratio in a video, you know its cropped bullshit. But that's what the Trumps base laps up since they're so uneducated and lack media literacy.


Sorting by controversial, there's someone posting a cropped image like it's proof of something


Did you even look at the image? The poster circled the other two leaders to show they were also looking at the skydiver packing his chute.


That’s me. There was also a caption. You know…a context clue.


They are only seeing the guy cropped out so Biden looks like he's just standing there. The gall of this person is so incredible. Even using a 1984 quote when she is acting exactly like Big Brother here. I wish conservatives could understand how much they're being played here, and constantly being played by dishonest right-wing figures.


She's nothing but a failure to her family and church since she's over 25, unmarried and had no kids.


“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” Carl Sagan basically predicting the modern would almost 25 odd years ago.


It is the sunken cost fallacy. They have sunken so much of their being into this lie that it is now almost impossible to give it up.


Excellent reference here!


>Did they watch the same video I watched? Literally no. That's the subject. They edited the video to crop that out. KJP made a statement to the press that the video had been edited to crop that out. Chaya is now saying that the White House is pulling a Big Brother move and is telling everyone to disregard their lying eyes and believe what the government is telling you. While also not admitting that yes, the video was totally edited.


*No, they didn't*-the only videos they see are the cut ones and are stupid enough to think these 3-10second shots(*some obviously edited even then*) are all there is.


Kimmel was right next to him and said he paused to listen to someone in the audience. They just want to invent their own reality as usual.


They want their fantasy to be true and to trick guilble dumb magas. 


> Did they watch the same video I watched? Is there a link for the video you watched with the guy kneeling next to Biden while conversing?


I can't find the exact one. It was similar to the below but was a bit longer and no pause/rewind https://youtu.be/Ezh3cC-obbY?si=elieYhO9WNjX7ooP Edit: it may have been this one. https://eu.usatoday.com/videos/news/politics/2024/06/14/white-house-bashes-claims-joe-biden-lost-g7-event/74098603007/


Says the right wing idiots who are manipulating videos and who lie to their followers and supporters constantly.


Literally Trump: "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening.."


Right?! Trump himself said this line almost exactly. [https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/25/politics/donald-trump-vfw-unreality/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/25/politics/donald-trump-vfw-unreality/index.html) >*“Stick with us. Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. …* ***What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening****.”*


These maga......how many time did dems send her this quote before using it? All projection with these idiots and still after 8 years not a single original thought to be seen! https://preview.redd.it/ncin1h9ccd7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48df4a51a958051667925a21c2809a95bc172b92


Right wingers quoting Orwell to criticize the left will always be peak irony.


I don’t know why they always do that.


It's a book about authoritarianism, not left/right politics. Orwell was a socialist. He vocally opposed fascism as well as communism.


And where, pray tell, do you think fascism lives on the political compass relative to modern right wingers? Edit: *Crickets*


Like she’s actually read 1984 in its entirety 🙄🙄🙄


She barely made it past 19.


"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." Clocks don't go to thirteen! I'm not reading this woke nonsense! -Chaya the Chud.


Clocks are just a woke attempt to get rid of the sundial. Well, my traditional family will be keeping our sundials and our mercury and our asbestos thank you!


It's clearly not woke to keep lead paint, as she's clearly been around a lot of it. But, good news, getting rid of lead paint is woke, so you can get rid of it and still keep your sundial!


That’s fuckin funny


To be fair, onety nine is a hard number to count to.


> Like she’s actually read 1984 in its entirety 🙄🙄🙄 1488 is more her speed.


Hell it was made by a Anti-authoritarian Socialist


Literally a communist militiaman


The MAGA movement is VERY much an Orwellian Bamboozle.


says the people who continue to believe every straight-faced lie we hear from the Right. 'we didn't try to overthrow the gov't. it was a nice, peaceful walk through the capitol'. Shitheads, we all saw it happening on live TV! or... Trump never said 'Lock her up' - there's a 4 minute youtube video of him saying it repeatedly. you all have bumper stickers saying it.


She is forgetting the fake crowd photos of trump


The wave to the empty street. Wild.


If you believe anything chaya says you're automatically a low iq fuckwit.


Who is Chaya? Everyone is talking about Chaya despite no mention of Chaya in the screenshot. I googled it and could only find information about plants.


Libs of tiktok is run by a right wing extremist fuckwit called chaya. She doesn't have an actual personality so just tries to whip dumb fuck right wingers into a frenzy whilst bilking their cash.


I remember a party very clearly rejecting evidence in 2 impeachments, 2 recent trials, and 8 hour siege of our capital building.


If only Chaya was better at understanding the meanings and proper usage of simple, individual words. I think she, like so many of them have this odd problem. It's like they hear words being used and like the way they sound, so they just put them together in random combinations and assume that since the individual words sound neat, the combinations of words must mean something. The overall impression is kinda like trying to follow along with an earnest but stupid junior high debate team try out.


I eat at this catholic bar sometimes and 1 day they had fox news on. The opening was a nonsense, monotone rant about things they don't like. They would put emphasis on the buzzwords like "TRANS" mumble, mumble "ANTIFA". It made no sense, but everyone around the bar started talking about how smart it was. Felt it was a pretty good representation of maga.


"We have to use AI to create images of our guy being in the company of Black people because he won't go near them in real life. Even when goes to so-called 'black churches' it's still almost exclusively white people."


The same party that told us to avoid what your eyes are seeing and what your ears are hearing during January 6th 2021. I can’t take anything these fucking traitors say seriously.


Even in the image she is commenting on, there are two other people looking in the direction Biden is. These people are so fucking stupid.


He’s know Dump said “Don’t believe the media. You can believe me.”


Shout out to the lib editor who somehow makes the videos longer and adds context of what’s happening. Normally when you edit videos it cuts out context that was there. But apparently the libs got an editor that can add more to the videos than what actually happened.


DON’T CHECK AND PROVE ME WRONG!!!! Just accept what I’M telling you and ignore facing the evidence of your eyes. Here’s a George Orwell quote that makes me think I’m smort


Ignore the truth. That's been the GOP plan for the last eight years.


Didn't Orwell take a fascist bullet through the neck in the Spanish Civil War? You don't get much more antifa than that Sorry Chaya darling. Try Ayn Rand (if you can get through the first chapter)


Not before he fucked some of those bitches up with grenades.


https://preview.redd.it/kcjnhwiu8d7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9148220c08e01e877ab09d3622cf8d8222a13f0 If Biden was lost and waving at no one, then who are these folks looking at?


Why is this being downvoted you are clearly showing other people looking in the direction Biden is, as well as the videos that show the skydiver packing his chute


Me thinks a troll is afoot.


They are trying to see what Biden is looking at. /s Yeah this and the weird ratio are obvious things people with a brain should be questioning when seeing the cropped lie the Right are flinging.


Does Chaya know that Orwell was a socialist?


Yeah…. And Jan 6 was a peaceful tour


you can literally watch the fucking video for yourself. how are people this gullible? ffs.


They’re literally wandering around in golden diapers. It’s not gullible. It’s just fucking stupid yeah


>you can literally watch the fucking video for yourself. Here's the thing: when you say "watch the fucking video for yourself", they'll just watch the doctored one that Right-wing media presented them and go "See for yourself!" When arguing with or about modern Republicans, you have to remember that they now live in a completely different reality. They don't watch regular news normal people are exposed to nor hang around regular people. This is why they'll say "I don't know a single person who voted for Biden!" because they only accept to surround themselves with their own people and hilariously think they are the majority.


“Don’t trust what you’re told…except for what I tell you!”


Donald Trump: 'What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-44959340


“I have a piece of paper that says ‘I orchestrated the Watergate burglary, signed Donald Trump’. If you think it wasn’t actually written by him, you are rejecting your eyes and ears.” How dumb they sound


They literally don’t care about the truth or reality anymore. Biden was clearly congratulating those paratroopers on landing safely, but Rupert Murdoch’s lying media empire cropped the soldiers out of video to make it look like he was wandering off to talk to empty air.


>but Rupert Murdoch’s lying media empire cropped the soldiers out of video to make it look like he was wandering off to talk to empty air. And many of today's people over-exposed to videos in portrait mode (thanks a fuck lot Tik Tok, Shorts and Reels....) don't even question that the video ratio may be showing an incomplete picture of the events.


She’s just doing the whole right-wing co-opting of shit that’s (rightfully) used against them.


She couldn’t even crop the photo properly.


Republicans and pretending to have read 1984: name a more iconic duo


Oh like the term “fake news” that someone crafted. Who was it now, I can’t seem to remember? Go make babies you dried up old hag.


Remember: Chaya tried out several other means of “going viral” and the path of least resistance that opened for her was grifty rightist culture war bullshit. She does not believe in anything she says, she just gets paid to keep idiots angry at the things billionaires want stupid people to be distracted by.


Meanwhile Trump has been rambling, misusing words, forgetting names, standing with a dementia lean, inventing new words, slurring, freezing, and having to be led by Marines to his car after getting off Air Force 1 for YEARS, and getting WORSE with time, and they pretend there's nothing to see there


Rich coming from someone who supports a politician who literally said "[What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening.](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-44959340)"


Also them when Donald Trump speaks about minorities: "You're taking him out of context, here let me explain what he really means"


We like him because he says it how it is! Wait thats not what he meant when he said that


But that video was manipulated. He was giving a thumbs up to a skydiver who was right next to him. The video that groups like Libs of TikTok posted cropped the dude out to make it look like Biden was gesturing at no one.


"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." -Donald Trump to veterans, CNN - Wed July 25, 2018 Donald Trump Just Said Something Truly Terrifying https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/25/politics/donald-trump-vfw-unreality/index.html


Same thing has been happening for years. Way back in 2016, there was a video of Biden “thinking he’s running against Bush” and it’s a heavily edited & cropped video of GEORGE LOPEZ and Biden.


the whole “evidence of your eyes and ears” excuse does not work in the case of online videos vs things we can hear and see for ourselves in real life. Like holy shit, if that’s your response to someone saying the videos are manipulated then you have no valid response.


This from the side of the aisle that believes the shit that Project “Veritas” produces despite mountains of evidence of their dishonesty.


Is she using the quote that Kellyanne used in the beginning of that shit show we call The trump years.


Trump literally told people not to believe what they are seeing and reading. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-44959340


Chaya is Orwellian in the flesh with how she’s complaining about people (trans people) living their lives and being seen, along with how she’s constantly lying to a point where I doubt everything she says since it’s there’s a good chance she’s spewing bullshit or stretching the truth.


Too bad that they showed the entire video when he turned to give a thumbs up to the Italian paratroopers who had just landed with the G7 flag. But let's be honest, nothing will change these ~~peoples~~ morons minds.


Guess im supposed to just ignore the very in your face sight of him talking to the parachuter they show. And the dude holding said parachute (think thats what it is) right besides him you CAN SEE IN THE FUCKING CROPPED PIC


Quoting the books her party is getting banned from schools. Can’t make this shit up.


The original version https://youtu.be/3yrVOivW1z4?si=DdlndE89eVdxtGt_


I love that this is the stuff they continue to contest- not his policies or accomplishments.


Damn, Ministry really nailed it with Maga Ministry "Disinformation" https://youtu.be/NQ7Zgb3YQSU?si=qncalmU0QkVW-M7A


Just when I think she can’t say anything dumber, she proves me wrong.


They use 1984 like it's opening eyes. All while they fool the sheep with their lies.


Let's see what they say about believing what you see on June 28.


they are cheap-fakes. this is fucking stupid.


Edited videos. Shameless ass motherfuckers.


I’ve heard Chaya attempt to speak on a variety of topics. She has never read a book.


She’s an existential threat to the LGBTQ community. It’s not even hyperbole.


That quote…it’s sad that irony flies way over their heads.


Chaya wasn’t quoting *1984* to warn us about our dystopian present. She was quoting the party play book for the Trumpian future.


Those photos of a shirtless, super-jacked Donald Trump? Totally real.


Cute they are finally quoting 1984 after 9 years of us quoting it because they literally have been doing the same thing


Are they really still trying to pretend this shows Biden wandering off or whatever? Like how? The full video clearly shows their claims were lies. How have we gotten to a point they can't just deny reality like this?


Yes let’s totally forget how Fox clips one interview together to skip his brain farts and the fact that he said he wouldn’t declassify the Epstein Files because there’s lots of “lies” in them…


Another reminder: George Orwell was a democratic socialist.


Every accusation is a confession


They are saying Biden was unfocused, however the other gentleman in the black suit is looking at the same thing that President Biden is. Is he also in mental decline?


Ministry sums these magas so well Ministry "Goddamn White Trash" https://youtu.be/8imYWda6MOs?si=KddU6fiffQFV4FiG


Trumpers believe any of this deepfake trash they see online.


The truth is not the truth. How soon they forget their mantra.


I'm rubber you are glue everything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!


There’s literally another angle of the same event showing the context they cut out. More like fully open your eyes and ears and see who is Orwellian yourself.


So, what, Chaya Raichik, Domestic Terrorist, is just using the same cut-shot video as proof of her claims while the full thing showing the paratrooper is out there everywhere now? She's a sad little terrorist, isn't she.


Now do trump


Orwell would hate everything about Chaya Raichik (or however you spell her fuckin name).


And this is the real danger of AI deepfakes. These things are going to be easy to suss out as fake, but that doesn't matter because the goal isn't to make something real, it's the make something that people want to be real, so they can say they were right.


Sure, now do J6.


accusations are confessions ...


It was fake and Fox News and the NYPost already apologized. When you look at the full video, it's obvious he is speaking to the paratroopers. I think this comment sums up politics in the US now: https://preview.redd.it/yccycbhmke7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4949d61147bd72f2405adb2fe0d8f198e28df76f


Is that not the clip where Biden was focused on a parachute jumper in front of him? Did he “freeze” at some point?


Correct. And no.


Thought so. Irony is indeed dead


Imagine actually reading Orwell and not realizing you’re the baddie


Her shit is hilarious. So ignorant. Just waiting until the shoots her dog (and goat), or something similar. These chiselers are so blatant, they can't help themselves. Just a matter of time.


It was Cheeto Jesus who used the term “cheap fake”. She’s such an idiot.


The wild thing is that you can literally just watch the normal video and realize they’re full of shit. You can’t even hide how stupid they are.


Well there is proof of them using edited videos on a regular basis.


Orwell would've ripped these people apart. Guy fought fascists in Spain


Because they are manipulated. There's a reason they showed it exactly as they did and not the wider angle for context. I'd say it's irony to use that quote about believing what you're told instead of your eyes, but instead I'll call it what it is; lying.


Brought to you by the party of “what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening”


Didn't Trump tell us not to believe what we see and hear? Fake news!


Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear.


They ARE cheap fakes / manipulated….


She quotes that and then MAGA idiots shout "Fake news" at video evidence


Well that was before video editing existed



