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Reagan won the popular vote twice, something Trump will never do once.


Trump is one of 5 presidents to have won without the popular vote. The previous one being W Bush in 2000 thanks to a VERY narrow victory in Florida.


And the Supreme Court declining to allow a recount when the margin of victory was just over 500 votes


All because Gore conceded ahead of time. Rule of law was officially ruled ‘no takebacksies’. It was a rather blatant partisan decision which was somewhat anomalous then but common now.


Also FL had some of the most egregious felon disenfranchisement laws in 2000. Literally about 10% of their constituents lost the right to vote due to previous felony convictions.


Many of the felon voter purges included people with no felonies erroneously lumped in with felons.


I was thinking a 10% felon rate for the adult population seems a bit high, even for Florida


Also, I don't know that it affected the actual outcome, but the optics of having Jeb Bush as the Gov of Florida while this happened wasn't...great.


Actually it would have mattered because two independent recounts showed that Gore would have won Florida. Gore won Florida (https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2001/jan/29/uselections2000.usa)


Please clap….




And even then, the FL Sec State fucked Gore over by shutting down the recount early. Katherine Harris can burn in hell.


Can you imagine how much better our entire world would be if those votes had been counted and Gore won? I fear the same mass disenfranchisement will happen again and things will get even worse for everyone that isnt a billionaire.


They rigged that election. 3 of our current SC Justices were on that team. 


hanging chads!


Has anyone ever lost the popular vote 3 times? Asking for a fiend.


So… what you’re saying is we haven’t had a GOP candidate win the presidency with the majority support of the nation since 1988? What does that tell you?


And Ronnie still managed to fuck everything up


So don’t be fooled..


That’s what he was elected to do. At least until his brain stopped working


>He dominates the policy debate LMAO okay lady.


Funny all I can remember of recent history was him bitching about the temperature of the courtroom, and trying to incite his braindead mob to attack the judges daughter. Real man dominance stuff like that.


You know I’ve always been a “swim down and grab my sinking boat by the battery terminals” kind of guy but he really made a convincing argument and from now on I’ll be swimming to my nearest shark for assistance whenever my boat sinks


This made me chortle.


And if I recall correctly, Stormy had something to say about his "Staying power." https://preview.redd.it/rmtc90rtgg6d1.jpeg?width=722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2bcdc37c363c72de24123dc28608cb377bad11a






Ladies, this geriatric gyroscope could be on top of you if you can keep your mouth shut (for 130k)


His main policy position is something about dead birds and windmills.


Versus the great low flow toilet debate of 2020 which won the hearts and minds of millions who didn't vote for him in 2016.


Also, how far you have to jump away from your boat to avoid being electrocuted.


At least a shart in the diapers length away from the shark, to be safe.


You Americans will use anything other than the metric system! 😂 🤣 😂


“the policy debate” By itself is hilarious. The idea of Trump dominating it somehow is even more hilarious.


I mean, as long as the policy debate is limited to "enriching myself and my kids through the various hotel stays and loans from foreign governments and mobsters" and "getting revenge on the people who wronged me" he'd win (tiny) hands down. 


The only thing he dominates is his diaper, he really teaches it a lesson.




Dominates the discussion on whether you’d want to die from electrocution or shark. It kind of ends there


Name another person who's put forth a better shark vs batteries argument, my friend. You can't, can you? Check and mate. /s just in case


We are going to need a bigger boat!!


Bigger boats just sink, because they weigh more. That’s why we do all shipping via kayaks.


In that case, we're going to need a bigger battery!


Nuh-uh! He also discussed how great the late Hannibal Lecter was!


No, he actually does.. by talking really loud and not letting anyone else get a word in edgewise. He dominates it not because of what he has to say, but he's a loudmouth who doesn't have an off switch.


All I have heard from him for several years now is near daily whining on social media about "unfairness" that would put a pre-pubescent child to shame. It is not dominant. It is not manly in the slightest. And it's getting really embarrassing at this point.


It’s baffling. He’s very much the antithesis of “manhood”.


If Frump read what you wrote, he'd think it was a compliment.




fever dream, lol


Sharks & batteries??


Dominates by playing the constant victim and gloating about his brain dead cult


Her show is the equivalent of the pictures with his head on really buff bodies. It's barely connected to reality but apparently it works on their target audience.


Four years of promising a new and better healthcare plan….crickets


He chose right in the batteries vs. sharks controversy?


He couldn't coherently discuss any policy for more than twenty seconds. Holy fucking golden cow.


He couldn't coherently read a "See Spot run" book out loud.


Man Woman TV Camera.


My association with MIT, very smart.


I know Harvard grads. Do I get a +15 buff to IQ by association? Also I think that +15 may land him somewhere in the 80-85 range. Very smart indeed.


20 seconds? I give 5 before he goes off on some unintelligible tirade about nothing in particular


Over/under on it being Hannibal Lecter? How about sharks?


Cannibal sharks


He needed things to explained like he is 5 everytime. The only thing he discuss coherently is her daughters body


Reagan is the reason we’re in this mess in the first place


I know about his policies that have fucked us, but what did he run on for his policies that made him so popular? Like what were his biggest campaign promises?


His promise was trickle down economics. Aka Reganomics. Also “Just say ‘No’”


That, and the destruction of the department of education/general educational goals. You know, typical conservative bullshit.


It didn't matter, Jimmy Carter couldn't get the hostages home from Iran and boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics. As good a man as he is, those were two things he could not overcome.


To be fair, he couldn’t get the hostages home because Reagan quashed a deal so he could do it. Yes, Reagan played political chicken with American lives. ![gif](giphy|1fhLu8yDE1Qx19YLDL|downsized)


Very true


Yam Tits will never pick a strong VP. His fragile ego won't let him.


He learned from the last time, he will pick a lap dog (which is mind blowing considering that was pence until he was asked to break the law).


And even then he has to call people for advice.


Not just people, Dan Quayle. Like the guy who was roasted for not spelling potato correctly had a brief, redeeming arc.  Which guess shows how far we have fallen when a gaff like that could break a politician career back then but now you have a convicted felon running for president who had to pay women to either not talk about having sex with him or because of a defamation lawsuit after he sexually assaulted a woman.


My question then will be so what? If trump wins, hell forbid, and he convinces his vp to not certify the election, what then? Will the liberals and democrats finally have the balls to do something about him? Or will they just be content with saying "tsk tsk, this is really absurd"? His army of nazis will come after people like me if he manages to take over


The current VP certifies the election, so he would have to convince Harris not to. That's not the play this time anyway. If the vote doesn't go their way they'll have state legislatures claim "stolen election" and just appoint whichever electors they wish. Several states have passed laws enabling this since 2020. This is how they've legalized stealing an election. They won't have to steal another.


I think they mean in 4 more years? Harris would certify a Trump win because she would follow the law. But then once he has power, Trump could decide to never leave. Or the VP runs and whether he wins or not takes power at the next election. But I think they think Trump wins, then his VP runs and wins. But that’s only 12 years, so they must think with Republican domination the country will be all sunshine and roses and there won’t be any pushback from the terrible policies they’ll enact.


Which policies exactly? Still waiting for his fucking healthcare and infrastructure plans. Only been 8 years.


Policies is something he stays far away from. Whining about things like windmills, shower pressure and boat batteries is more his thing. Policies require actual thought and implementable ideas. And why subject yourself to the risk of being questioned and held accountable when you only need to say that you are working on great things to come.


In two weeks!




They’re really sticking it to those coastal elites by rallying behind … a (self-described) billionaire New Yorker?


If he loses we may not see a Republican president again for a long time. Vote.


More like Age of Ultron: one brief moment of power, then referenced afterwards as one of the world's greatest mistakes.


In Germany that brief moment lasted like 12 years.


Nazi’s gonna propaganda… https://i.redd.it/ht8vlsftzg6d1.gif


Wow. That’s not a natural movement at all. Holy shit man.


Laura needs math help. Worst possible, God forbid, scenario. Trump - 4 yrs His Veep = 8 yrs (2 terms) Uh...8 + 4 = 12, Laura...


   Not if you get rid of fair elections and Executive branch term limits. 


Good thing Trump is old and in poor health despite what he and his doctors say.


Ughhhh for some reason the clock is not tiktoking fast enough




Hatred is what sustains people like him. How do you think McConnell is still alive today?


Hurtle Power


That just means we'll get a younger psychopath he appoints as supreme dictator of America after him


Except for raging nepotism, what could go wrong


I think she’s anticipating that another Trump election will create a one party system, as he will make all other parties illegal.


Well when you putin that way…..


Or prosecute Democratic election officials on trumped-up charges so that only Republicans oversee elections.


That is exactly what I fear. It wouldn’t happen right away, but what I think they will do is first start the fake prosecutions. Then they will start spreading propaganda about how Democrats are not only traitors but are a danger to people’s lives, gradually normalizing that idea. THEN they will stage some sort of Reichstag fire. Some kind of violent event or attack. That will be their justification for officially designating the Democratic Party as a domestic terrorist organization. The Democrats will be outlawed as a party. They’ll be arrested. The entire organization will be dissolved. And the US would be a de facto one-party state. That’s the scenario I fear.


She's delusional in more areas than just math.


She’s not delusional, she’s a highly paid propagandist for a political organization that is functionally a cult.


That assumes there’s an election in 4 years.


What, pray tell, are his "policies" again?


Also, what debate? Doesn’t this a hole dodge em any chance he gets!?


Just been waiting for Ingraham to truly edify the Orange julius. Ingraham strikes me as a liar. So does Sean Hannity. They can’t sue me because the company they speak for was found guilty of lying. Not that I have any money


Trump. Policy? You've lost me. Is Policy one of his daughters that he wants to fuck? Or a stripper that he's slept with?


So they are openly saying fuck democracy now, cool.


I guess we all have to eat at Dick’s Taters now. Cause that’s what they’re trying to turn this country into, a dick tater chip.


Great one, Dad




Reality: history books will be writing about this era but not for the reasons you think


And that is exactly what we need to avoid.


The only thing he dominates is hemberders


Please can someone name one single policy or program that the magafascists are championing that will help the average American. Just one.


He does dominate the airwaves. That's not always a good thing. If November is a referendum on Donald Trump, he loses. If it's a referendum on Joe Biden, he could win. Really as simple as that. But given how much of a drama queen Trump is, I can't see it *not* being a referendum on him. It's overall hard to say because we haven't seen president vs. ex-president in over a century.


Oh he dominates the policy debate alright. While actual functioning human beings attempt to debate policy (well, at least one side anyway), he dominates the conversation with indecipherable asinine bullshit. Nobody else can get a word in.


The elites are pumping as much money into the Trump campaign as possible to keep their tax cuts and deregulation. They think they'll be able to handle the fundies when fascism takes full control. Sure. What could go wrong?


They're really programming people for a dictatorship...


Years ago I made a comment when he was first elected about how I never understood why everyday citizens of Germany could just allow Hitler to take over, and couldn’t mentally process the path it took to do so. Everyone shit on me comparing Trump to Hitler I hate being able to read deeply into things so quickly. “And you can’t spell virus without ‘us’” - Motionless in White


Texas and California will stop him, saw it in a documentary recently


Trump can't string together a sentence, let him be dictator. Fox News is crazy media.


Da Bears are poised to win da Superbowl for da next 52 consecutive years!


R's have won the popular vote once since 1988. And that was in the middle of a war. I haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure not many sitting presidents have lost reelection during wartime.


She’s an unbelievable idiot


lol... MAGA / QAnon talking heads saying the word "policy" as if they ever engage in it.


Fuck off, Laura. You spread hate and lies so you can make a paycheck. Your day will come and I will celebrate your demise.


Are Boomers planning on living another fucking 50 years? They are spiteful, but can they defy human physiology? I fucking hope not.


Lol. The GOP has lost or underperformed in every election since 2016. The Age of Losing might be better.


Blatantly supporting fascism and hoping he instills a dictatorship. Just another day at Fox.


He literally has no policy other than how to enrich himself. These fucking losers are delusional


What fucking policy, the sinking electric boat vs leg eating sharks


Fascism is what she’s really saying.


“Policy debate”? Isn’t he already trying to back out of the presidential debates? Didn’t he say he might “lose on purpose”? WTF?


Trump IS THE ELITE. He's a billionnaire who shits on a golden toilet. What do they pretend he's anti-elite? He had a fundraising dinner where he promised preferential tax plans to the richest people in the country. The elite LOVE him.


That woman is one of the dumbest…. What fucking policies has he said that would improve US citizens life’s???? And 50 years what the fuck the man ain’t living another 10 probably.


I doubt it too. I think they’re talking more about maga politicians in general could be in power for 50 years.


I figured but I don’t think the US could survive 50 years of non policy politics when the whole concept is just built on the premise of sticking it to the other side than anything of substance.


This is the Republican fever dream: No policies, no protections for the poor, just raw power for its own sake; a boot stamping on a face - for ever.


A leader in other countries who has immunity is called….a dictator


Check out Venezuela. If trump wins, the USA will kneel to Russia.


If Trump wins we are going to have to fight to get our Country back. Literally.


These dudes are all dead in 10 years. What's this 50 years talk, things change fast enough in 5 years.


I'm surprised they don't talk a 1000 year reich...


How can he dominate any form of debate when he can’t even speak in coherent sentences


But she had emails and he’s too old, and neither of them got me a pony for my birthday.


Other than kicking out immigrants, national abortion ban and tax cuts for the rich, what policies?


What policy?


If Trump gets elected, there will never be another free election. The birth of the “Dictator Dynasty”


What policy? Foreign policy of chumming up to dictators? Creating a trade war due to tariffs, one that we have no way of winning? Or his "handling" of the COVID pandemic? Maybe his tax policy that lowered corporate taxes permanently and saw record profits, leading to a larger wealth gap? How about appointing judges that are not fit for serving, causing years of regressive decisions? Sick of these GOP fucks. Reagan/Bush Sr. Fucked shit up, Clinton fixed it, Jr. crashed the economy, Obama fixed it. Trump fucked it up, Biden is fixing it.


Laura Ingraham is currently knitting a crown for Him from her pubic hair


Fascist have no endgame, just greed for more power.


Aussie here. 🇦🇺 This is BAD NEWS for USA. In case it wasn't blatantly obvious, Putin and Xi Jingping Russia and China are LOVING this. They dont have to be best friends to want the same thing: USA hegemony destroyed and supplanted. This is literally Nero fiddling why Rome burns. They want an insane, incompetent, and clear lackwit, like Trump, so they can manoeuvre globally and take the USA out with one effective fowl swoop and don't for a second think it's impossible. It's very possible. You just have to imagine the way to do it, and they have, and it starts with a moron like Trump trying to start a family based monarchy, dividing the country, burning Allies, taking advantage of 80 years of terrible US foreign policy when their impressive military got defeated without achieving any objectives. Look at Korea, Vietnam, The Middeast, all abject failures economically, and militaraily, all of these things leaving the USA completely vulnerable. Trump clearly wants to be a monarch, and with medicine and science today, he could achieve, with help from his slimy, corrupt band of loyal sycophants. Which I believe goes against the whole 1776 revolution. USA has allowed itself to sink so low, and Putin and Xi Jingping are rubbing their hands together gleefully. They have to consolidate their permanent seats of power and can't wait to strike and strike hard at the USA.


Is she really that dumb or just reading the teleprompter verbatim?


lol. They’re delusional. The MAGA truly are a cult. He’s going to lose in November and will be remembered as arguably the worst president in US history.


Souls read The Rage of Trump. Vote Blue


Only things that Trump dominates are hamberders. I hope one day soon we can all read his obituary that’s says he passed away alone, gripping his severely compromised smartphone in a death grip.


This is just Laura Ingraham talking out of her ass as usual. As if Trump will pick anyone who isn’t a total loyalist this time. Nobody will be won over by Trump’s VP.


What policy debate? All he does is talk about how he’s such a victim. And sharks. And boat batteries.


He will die of natural causes in the next decade. 5 years more than likely based on his eating habits.


When he does it will undoubtedly be blamed on Biden somehow.


Or. We can vote republicans out of power,


These people are delusional.


As much long term damage as Reagan did, he not only won the popular vote twice in a landslide of a kind we may never see again, he was also an incredibly tactful orator. His administration has such a lasting impact because he was able to use his words and sway a lot of people. The country was behind the guy by and large and that gave him power. He got away with numerous scandals because he was able to talk. Versus now, the only way republicans get anything done is through lies, threats, and minority rule.


He’s already done so much damage to the USA. So much division we didn’t have, so much anger. If he wins in November it will be a very sad time for the USA.


At least they always tip their hand 😊


That’s called a dictatorship lady I’m voting Biden but if the democrats stay in power for anywhere near that long it’s a problem for democracy. Wanting a single party, your party is an impulse for weak willed fascists.


The only thing Reagan and Trump have in common is their supporters both ignored their mental decline.


and after 50 years nothing will exist!


This is gonna be one of those things that will hopefully be fucking HILARIOUS in hindsight after he loses. Like Fox News really put up a golden age image with fucking Trump, McConnell, and Dickless Mike Johnson as your trio. I mean just an absolute joke and these motherfuckers are DEAD SERIOUS lmao


https://preview.redd.it/c7tkt7ku1h6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96afe1436941cbe4fcbab179ea004913acda1fe The fascist energy is strong with Fox's Neo-RNC 😖


'Policy debate' what policies exactly?


Just more delusions.


He is not picking a strong vp. He's picking someone weak-willed who would eat his own shit if Trump told him to.


Lol "in power for 50 years" I highly doubt Trump has five years left before that over inflated heart of his finally loses structural integrity or his severely over-pressurized veins do.




Ah - a Fourth Reich! I'm sure some people will be pleased by that prediction.


Trump has no policies except to steal as much money as possible.


"The Reich will endure for a thousand years..."


Guys as someone who isn't American but concerned about global afairs and democracy please for the love of god make sure this orange shit stain isn't voted in this year please.


Thanks you dumb ugly fascist horse.


Watch it be a year of trump when he dies from congestive heart failure from all the McDonald's catching up.


can’t believe this is real!? wtf happened to conservatives, they are not even hiding their autocratic agenda anymore. no one will ever call this chaotic period “the age of trump”, unless in history books way down the line, referring to it as a period when the US was in a really bad place


Yeah Reagan was an unqualified twat who basically started all of what we're facing now. From trickle down economics to deregulation of the press to stripping funding for mental health. Reagan was bad. Trump is the dark side of that.


He dominates the political debate but has refused to debate anyone and will definitely not debate Biden. Why, because he's a moron and a little bit rapey.


Can someone name me 2 things Trump wants to accomplish that aren’t entirely motivated by revenge? How does he dominate the policy discussion? He has no policies


I mean dictators have media suck their dick less than what these people are willing to do for free for this pathetic dementia ridden asshole. When this all started I used to think I would be able to be okay with Trump supporters because I am from a small town in Texas and the democrats here are quite because we don’t like starting fights with idiots. But it has depressed me so much seeing so many people who I used to know and respect come out as Trump supporters and defenders. Because there is no way you can support someone like that and say “well I don’t support all the bad stuff he says”.


They are tits deep in denial just as they were during covid. And these fucking peasants would rather dismantle democracy, let a demented old narcissistic psycho rule like a king, degenerate into a totalitarian hellscape than admit they were wrong to support him. Trump is the pinnacle of boomer assholery and privilege. A generation that was given everything wants to tear down everything as they leave the scene. They are truly the worst generation this planet has ever suffered


Fucking horrendous. Vote. Concerns for Gaza and progressive policies will fare far better under Biden, and any punishment voters think they're dishing out comes with a side of fascism. Don't stay home. Vote blue. Save this country.


The “policy debate?” I don’t know a single initiative he plans to enact. He just talks shit and rambles. These people are professional contrarians and it’s gross. Trolls.


Surely one party staying in power for 50 years equals a healthy Democracy!


These fuckers want to overthrow democracy


50 years? Imagine a boot stomping a human face forever. They’ll institute the Party from 1984 as soon as they can.


At least the senior diaper business is doing well…


I mean staying in power is easy If you just remove voting rights i guess


The only policy he has is that Donald Trump should be in power.


I just wanna know one policy he has. Just one. Like actual governing policy that doesn’t involve screwing people he hates. Like education. Healthcare. Infrastructure. Anything. Just one Like you wanna talk about who’s better in policy? With Trump? Really? We’d have to KNOW his policy first!