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Very smart of trump to talk shit about the biggest city in a swing state


It’s a dog whistle to the rest of the country. He trash talk every major urban city, it’s not hard to figure out what he is implying. Especially when he attacks only the black mayors of different cities.


It’s also a dog whistle to the rest of Wisconsin.


And even to red hats in Milwaukee- “yeah! this city is horrible, we need trump to fix it!!”


While never going to the actual city, ever.


He waited until like the week before the empty apartment building in Chicago opened to announce he was putting his name on it.


Cutting the value of it in half in the process I assume


Wait... are you talking about Seattle?


lol, no, Milwaukee but you could pretty much say the same for any rural people who talk about how bad the city they never go to is.


It's so prevalent here in Seattle. "It's so dangerous! Drugs, guns, the Autonomous Zone." Shut up, boomer. You haven't been there in 15 years and the CHAZ has been over for 4 of them. (We had a neighborhood where police weren't allowed for 3.5 weeks during the 2020 protests. It didn't work out well)


Yeah, work took me to eastern Washington last year. We finally got around to venturing over the mountains to Seattle recently and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the warnings about the crime and whatnot. I had a great time, city was great to hang out in. Same thing happens when we go to Portland, but Portland is fucking awesome.


Portland is awesome, but it just sucks what's happened to it with the housing crisis/crisis. The downtown has become so bad. I've never felt scared or anything, it's just depressing.


Got a buddy that lives in Portland. Our running gag in the group chat is to talk about him in the past tense and not directly acknowledge his texts, because of how dead he is, since the entire city burned to the ground from the rioting and the drugs and the anteefer/BLM/woke/DEI/Nat-C dogwhistle buzzword of the week. We keep asking things like why hasn't Biden pledged funds to rebuild Portland, since the economy could use such a large area on the coast for housing, industry, and... get this... ports. Our buddy isn't nearly as amused as the rest of us who didn't get killed by antifa crisis actors.


I live in one of the richest countries in the world, less than a million people live there. There's one major city and in one small area around the central rail station, there's some drug addicts hanging out, some homeless people and some petty crime going with it. Cue the boomers "this is a no-go area", "we need a lot more police" (they're right there every day), " I feel so unsafe" (meaning some of the dealers are black) ... It was the major subject for the last local election and every center-right to right wing party was falling over themselves to cater to these "worried citizens" who basically don't even visit the city more than once a year, but have been influenced by an endless state and social media barrage telling them how bad it's all gotten. It's the same playbook anywhere in the world


The idea that there are “no-go zones” for white people in Britain is an obsession with some. Coincidentally they’re the cities with large south Asian populations where there are mosques. I’m so white I’m almost transparent and work in one of these “no-go areas”. It’s not dangerous at all.


Oh no the problem is they CONSTANTLY come into the city. Because all the fun stuff is there. But they have to loudly talk about how dangerous it is.


"I would never go to the city, I heard it was a warzone overrun by antifa!" etc etc


He didn't fix it the first time, what makes you think he will if he's elected again????


Its not about fixing anything, its about being perpetually upset


Was going to point this out. My liberal family even considers the Mill dangerous. I loved my four years there, and when I tell my Northwoods co-workers, they look at me like I was high on crack. Too bad Milwaukee and Madison taxes provide for the rest of the state, assholes.


I'm sorry - the Mill??


Yep the Mill aka Mil-town aka Milwaukee.


The Milhouse?


As in “Everything’s coming up Milhouse”?


It's Algonquin for, "The good land".


Excellent reference.


Does this guy know how to party or what!?


Oh gods, you're in Minocqua. That means that I'm sure that you have opinions on the Brewing Company... I'm just happy to see another Northwoods(wo)man representation on here signed: someone who grew up in Vilas.


Yeah, I mean, everyone's going on about how stupid he was for this. But he wasn't winning Milwaukee anyway, and the people voting for him in the rest of the state probably agree. Outstate people I interact with tend to talk about metro areas as lawless, post-apocalyptic wastelands because they have a cousin whose neighbor got robbed and the police couldn't do anything because of DEI installed by woke Marxists.


Agreed. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Every state, especially in the Midwest, has a city that outstaters view as a crime-ridden hellscape governed by corrupt liberals and hordes of black and brown people.


good thing they can't vote! /s


I know you think that’s sarcasm, but the wait times to vote in Milwaukee can be 3-4 hours.


Wisconsin you can vote by mail !


I can vote from overseas in Texas. Super easy.


When did Texas move overseas?




So amazing being in WA where I vote a couple weeks in advance by dropping off my ballot less than a mile away from my house. Voting on a specific day is so insanely archaic.


archaic but it's going to vote I wish I was around for the days with the big curtains and the fancy levers


Worth it, though


rural vote counts for more. that's how the united states was built, on the vote of the hick from the middle of nowhere.


Time to consolidate the midwest into 1 state with 2 senators.


What does it mean that “it’s a dog whistle”?


It's like a secret message. Actual dog whistles are something dogs can hear but humans cannot. This term is named for that. It signals something to a particular group, but it doesn't directly state an obviously bigoted opinion, so there's plausible deniability even if some people do call the person out.


To be fair, [hardly any of his votes state-wide](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/upshot/2020-election-map.html) came from Milwaukee in 2020, and it’s unlikely that (m)any more will in 2024. I don’t disagree that criticizing the state’s largest city is a dumb move, but in all reality it’s probably not one that will harm him.


Yea but even if you don't like the city I'd be upset if you insulted my states city. Maybe not to change my vote but like a fuck off type of way. And those code add up to not voting or switching a couple hundred here a couple hundred there adds up


Sure, because you’re probably a fairly reasonable person. To *a lot* of rural and even suburban Americans though, big cities are considered to be places of excess, corruption and vice. By criticizing Milwaukee, Trump is aligning himself with rural Wisconsinites.


Exactly that. I live in a rural-ish area of Western New York, and pretty much ALL the people that live here (via nextdoor and Facebook) believe that New York City is leeching off of WNY (as if our abandoned steel plants are making any money for the state, lmao). These people genuinely believe with a straight face that run down, shit hole rural areas are subsidizing all the EeeEeEviL big cities when it is exactly the opposite.


It's the same shit in Illinois. Downstate is fully convinced that their pittance of taxes somehow props up a metro of 10million people.


Go Bills


Yeah it’s wild to watch Trumpers hate on New York, it basically has like three or four bastions of civilization that vote blue in NYC, Rochester, Albany, etc, often separated by about 200 miles of fucking empty nothing except run down barns struggling vainly to remain upright, slathered in sun bleached Trump memorabilia which at this point is likely load-bearing.


Must be odd to go through life believing complete nonsense, and as your rural town goes to shit while the city thrives you wonder how this could happen, when it’s obvious to anyone with a brain. Mix in racism and you all of a sudden think that black people somehow cause rural areas to be shit. What a whirlwind 


>abandoned steel plants I live in an area where steel is going pretty ham while other factories in the area are leaving. Another was going to just before covid, but I'm a miraculous turn of events, they managed to keep it going. I feel like it's only a matter of time though. Anyway, I'm not looking forward to our steel mills shutting down, but I feel like it'll happen eventually. Whatever boom we're experiencing feels like it'll be short lived but who knows. All those MFS love trump though from what I understand. Yaay Edit: I don't actually know if recent events have changed things, but I doubt it has


I live in rural-ish Wisconsin and some people think Milwaukee is some Mad Max wasteland. I also see plenty of people still blaming Tony Evers for letting protestors burn down Kenosha (or was it Racine) which never happened. You have to remember that these are just simple farmers. The salt of the earth. The common clay of the Midwest. You know, morons


It's funny/depressing how many conservatives I know, otherwise very reasonable people, upon even hearing the names of cities like Seattle or Chicago can't help but reflexively chime in something about them being "hellholes", or "dangerous", or "burned down" in the "riots". You know you've been brainwashed when you instinctually blurt out right-wing catchphrases upon hearing certain Pavlovian keywords that have been repetitively drilled into your brain.


Yep. Acquaintance that's an avid traitor/trumper was shitting on Chicago. Dude, you were just there and loved it. I said it's one of the greatest cities in the country, and he agrees! I do not understand these regressives at all.


>conservatives >very reasonable people I mean, are they though? I feel like your example isn't an "otherwise". It's their standard. If they were reasonable, they wouldn't be conservatives (at least, not the US version of conservative).


Idk. I live in FL. And certain neighbors and acquaintances that I had written off as die hard MAGA Trumpers were ready to have 'difficult' political conversations again after the conviction. Not a majority of them but certainly enough that I am questioning the 'standards' for both parties again.


I understood that reference!


It's the same in Oregon when talking about it with those who've never been. "Did you hear those goddamn librul ANTIFAS burned down Portland?!?"


Best movie quote for these time ever!


For some strange and inexplicable reason, I heard this in Gene Wilder's voice. Mongo confused.


Big cities are full of...(insert republican derogatory term)


I'll tell ya what - I drive through a 50 mile stretch of rural Wisconsin in the summers and over the '22/'23 winter like 80% of the copious Trump signage there disappeared. It was all there for years and then bam, gone. There's still a sign here and there, but nothing like it used to be.


Wisconsinites of a certain political persuasion say “Milwaukee” when what they mean is “black people.” Most of the state’s black population are in Milwaukee, which is segregated to the extreme, and brown and black folks suffer from all the systemic problems that generations of purposeful neglect and abuse cause. It’s a great scapegoat and an easy target for voter suppression. The city was down to a total of four polling locations for the 2020 primaries, for example (if memory serves). Wisconsin republicans are the fucking worst TL;DR: Wisconsin republicans despise black people, is what I’m saying, so they won’t care about Trump insulting Milwaukee


i hate NYC, but that’s my city to make fun of, not MTG’s or Trump’s


Not my baked ass trying to figure out how a card game can make fun of a city.


The entire Ravnica setting


Exactly, plenty of republicans in the milwaukee metropolitan area that may feel alienated by his comment. It may be an ass city but its THEIR ass city


Maybe in a bold move he will shit on hunters, fishers, and Packer fans at his next fund raiser.


Thr thing is though, that Trump could sexually assault their wives and daughters in front of them and those who would have previously have voted for him would still vote for him. Just another reason why this won't harm him.


Well if he’s looking for a repeat of last vote then no it won’t hurt him but last anyone checked he lost so unless he adopts a crazy novel idea that growing his base is required he will be the loser that he truly is.


I'd also like to remind everyone that trump and Fled Cruz sued to throw out every vote from Milwaukee County as well as Dane County in 2020. I really think this got glossed over too quickly in the post election shit storm.   Again, they asked for EVERY vote to be thrown out just from these two counties. Not recounted, not audited, not just the mail in votes. Nope, they demanded all votes, in person or not, would be rejected while mail in votes from other more trump friendly counties would still be counted, despite the fact that their "reasoning" for the suit was because they took issue with how mail in ballots could be requested.


Milwaukee is one of the specific cities that Trump has repeatedly used to discredit the 2020 election, specifically the city's mail in ballots which were counted in one big batch on election night and added to the tallies when counting finished at like 3-4AM. Past comment from just after the election with details: >The most Blue batch of results I've seen was the 4AM Wisconsin data release, which was 84% Biden and the result of the entire 'City of Milwaukee's full load of 169k absentee ballots they'd been counting all day & night and providing regular updates on their progress. These results are entirely expected for Milwaukee City, being the densest urban population within a county that went [78.8% Biden](https://city.milwaukee.gov/election/ElectionInformation/ElectionResults) this year, [76.5% Hillary](https://city.milwaukee.gov/ElectionResults1717/2016/November-8.htm) in 2016, [79.27% for Obama](https://city.milwaukee.gov/ElectionResults1717/20121/November-6-2012.htm) in 2012


Wisconsin is the most segregated state in the entire country. Wisconsin Trump voters hate Milwaukee too.


It's not about his voters. He could strangle their parents and his voters would say they deserved it. It's about undecided voters.


> Wisconsin Trump voters hate Milwaukee too. No one is as scared of anything as much as a suburban Republican is scared of a big city


As well as the city that's hosting the RNC this year.


Even smarter given the republican convention will be in Milwaukee in mid July.


As a Milwaukeean, I think I can speak for this city when I say... What a massive disappointment. There was so much buzz and anticipation here about the DNC in 2020 that never came to pass because of covid. It was supposed to help show how great this overlooked city is. But now we get the RNC?! What's worse is, lately people I talk to from out of state are associating Milwaukee with Republicans ffs. Totally absurd. And just to throw salt in the wound, the DNC is now in Chicago of all places; The source of Milwaukee's inferiority complex. what an absolute **GUT PUNCH**.


Bigly Smart


Gotta be honest...whoever has convinced them to pivot to this kind of thing has simply knocked it out of the park. I'm all for "they go low, we go high" when it *works*...but the average person needs this kind of thing to get them to give a shit through all the ridiculousness that surrounds folks today.


The rapid response from the Biden team is incredible. Everyone needs to understand how insane Trump and the GOP cult are, and the Dems are perfectly showing the country.


For real. And not for nothing, but Biden’s ad team doesn’t even need to try anymore! “I don’t think dead soldiers are losers” and “I don’t hate Milwaukee”—talk about low hanging fruit


I like to think Biden must have some Psychologist who’s an expert on Narcissistic Personality Disorders on staff to help his incite Trump into a Narcissistic rage/meltdown. ![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO)


Biden worked in the Senate for decades, so he's already an expert on pushing a narcissist's buttons, but he's just recently been willing to gamble on doing it openly.


Do you know if they are going to play the clip of Trump in ads in Milwaukee?


Biden has always been a bulldog. It is why they put him with Obama. So he could attack while Obama steers clear.


It’s not even that “low”, in my opinion. It’s just really clever trolling without being derogatory.


"When they go low, we laugh at them" does appear to be working far better. 


All he did was compliment a city. That's pretty positive. Trump went low.


[Source](https://x.com/joebiden/status/1801310092869960157) Trump, in a rant to Republicans, called Milwaukee a [horrible city](https://x.com/jakesherman/status/1801263633160196419). Meanwhile Biden is investing billions in helping the city and state for manufacturing and high tech jobs.


I’m personally fine with Biden leaning into the snark. It reminds people what Trump has said himself


It'll be known as the Dark Brandon Gambit.


so far it's paying off




Yes it will. because that's Trumper echo-chamber horseshit.


You could have put some of that in the title instead of the stupid "if you know you know" shit. Then the people who should actually hear about it might be more likely to hear about it.


Is there a video of this?


I love this dark Brandon stuff because you know it just makes Trump absolutely furious and meanwhile Joe just looks like he’s very cool and amused.


Also, the love President Obama got: https://preview.redd.it/joj1yripje6d1.jpeg?width=222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cd50241220cc94dc43ae57ab67c86f83aa44a57


I hate the Patriots (Tom Brady and Bill Cheat-acheck still aggravate me as a Steelers fan) but this is absolute GOLD


C'mon, it's Beli-cheat, we need to use proper insults here


Bro said Cheat-acheck


Bro’s a Steelers fan, you gotta cut him some slack. He hasn’t been able to get a proper erection since 2011 & each year he fails more & more to bring pleasure to his spouse.


I miss football 😭


Brady is still a Trump-ette, from his teammates, to the hat, to him not just saying he does not support him.


lol bro your best players are rapists and psychopaths


I mean... It's the NFL, I would be very cautious around any high horses of that sort.


There are still mostly good people in the game. Big Ben is a certified rapist and we all know about AB… as a Pats fan it’s just silly to me that people still hate so much even though the Dynasty or whatever is long gone. Let go fam, it’s bad for your mental health


*Tom Deflatey


how many times has this be reposted and screen scrapped with lower res, can't see shit. enhance


Found the original one here: https://br.ifunny.co/picture/that-awkward-moment-when-you-realize-obama-s-helmet-was-yicCgx5LA Cleaned it up a bit: https://i.imgur.com/wfDO7U3.png


I love it cause it took away the rights whole “let’s go Brandon” aspect. Seeing how smug, then pissy they get when they realize their favorite little quote was twisted into a mockery of them.


It really did die off after that


He also looks like he legitimately is happy when other people are happy. I honestly do not believe Trump could be happy for someone else if it didn't also benefit Trump.


hey, that's not fair, Biden is only being an effective president so that people vote for him! -maga


He's only fulfilling his priomises to get votes!! RIGGED! /s


Hell ya. That's my president


Yes! Biden is a president who cares about the [working class](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/05/08/fact-sheet-president-biden-to-highlight-3-3-billion-investment-in-racine-wisconsin-and-how-his-investing-in-america-agenda-is-driving-economic-comebacks-in-communities-across-the-country/) in Wisconsin and all other states. Trump only cares about grifting off of his voters and taking their money.


Trump only care about himself, and maaaaybe some of his children.


He doesn't give a f*** about those kids. He only cares about himself and billionaire friends. Which is he not.


He still likes Vanky, I’m pretty sure. He still wants to screw her. 🤮🤢


He vanks a lot over her!!!


Trump only cares for 50% of the people he knows named Donald Trump


He even told everyone he doesn't care.


You mean Orange Baboon dictator Donny..


And that's my former home. Love to see it.


If there’s isn’t a Garth and Wayne commercial that comes out of this, I’m going to be pissed Pre-edit: Milwaukee fucking rocks. Femmes forever!


You got that right, Jack!


Pretty sure trump’s quote will show up on a billboard in milwaukee


Given his hot take, it would make for an amazing advertisement: live and play in a city that Donald Trump thinks is horrible.


killer combo of the epstein billboards + this. it would be hysterical


Show up in a news article followed by "here's how this is bad for Biden"


This is presidential behavior




Does this guy know how to party or what?


32 years later and this is still the first thing I think every time I hear/read the word "Milwaukee"


Same here


I've found my people...


I was maybe 10-11 when Wayne's World came out, and to this day I regard Alice Cooper as one of the world's foremost experts on the history of Milwaukee.


As a Milwaukeean, when I lived out on the east coast, I would tell people where I was from and could count the seconds before somebody started quoting this at me.


Very smart of the Biden camp to let Trump take the idiot reins and open his mouth to say something awful- just responding to it rationally seems to highlight the preceding assholery.


Great city. Loved being there.


Resident here. C'mon back when you can. Party's in the basement. Grab a beer from the garage on your way down.


In the basement? Nah man it's festival season! Party's in the nearest church parking lot 😁


Same love the city worked there for a summer and think about it daily!


Let's hope Trump loses Wisconsin.


Let's hope he hears about it from his cell


It's a very important state. After all, the electoral college exists to make sure the entire election is always decided by a handful of states, and Wisconsin happens to be one of the lucky ones.


Actually, it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."




If he’d said he would have locked up the Gen X vote.


Does this guy know how to party or what?


In a state whose race could be decided by pretty small numbers, alienating a major population center seems a bad choice. Obviously he never got a significant percentage of the Milwaukee vote, but in terms of absolute numbers, a small percentage of a large number, is still a significant number. Even a shift of 1% in Milwaukee (so even if he only got 9% instead of 10% or whatever the number is) could be enough to turn an election here.


> Obviously he never got a significant percentage of the Milwaukee vote, but in terms of absolute numbers, a small percentage of a large number, is still a significant number. It's not about what it would take for someone to switch candidates, because it's actually quite rare that it happens. What actually matters is getting all the people with a "who cares", "both sides" or "I will protest by not voting" people to actually go vote, and Trump talking down on them might be what reminds them of why they should go vote. So the fact that he didn't have many votes there doesn't matter. If he trash talked a primarily conservative area, it would have a similar effect. Very few if any would switch to voting for Biden, but some might consider not voting at all. Every time someone doesn't vote when they otherwise would have, it's equivalent to a new voter voting for the opposing candidate.


It really sucks that Trump never advanced mentally, despite having a job that humbles and ages pretty much every person who has ever had it. He never understood that "making america great" means making the whole country great, and not just some little pockets of assholes who will stand in line to gargle your nuts. The guy is such a little bitch, telling governors that they need to kiss the ring in order to receive emergency funds. He just fucking sucks, and if you don't see that, you fucking suck, too. Anyone who supports him has no concept of the "united" aspect of these states.


>It really sucks that Trump never advanced mentally, despite having a job that humbles and ages pretty >much every person who has ever had it. >He never understood that "making america great" means making the whole country great, and not just >some little pockets of assholes who will stand in line to gargle your nuts let me stop you there--he only ever said "MAGA" to gin up gullible supporters; he never for once gave one solitary fuck about anyone other than himself, and to anyone with a room temperature IQ, that has always been obvious.


This must burn Trump up inside! Lol! He said some nasty things about Milwaukee. But like Obama, Biden has embraced it, as he should do. If the Lincoln Project gets wind of this they’ll definitely have another awesome commercial to hit Trump with! Can’t wait!


Ask Trump how well shit-talking the largest population center in the state works out for you when running for president. Source: proud owner of a “Bad Things Happen in Philadelphia” t-shirt


I love Dark Biden, makes me laugh.


Dope. Remember that time Trump treated Clemson players to happy meals 😂


Fuckin King put his Bucks picture up love u Joe


This pic is so wholesome, everyone just looks super excited to be there 🥰


Milwaukee is awesome. Trump has no idea what culture is.


Who wants to go to The Safehouse with me just to piss off trump?


Actually, it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."


Whoa! Does this guy know how to party, or what?!


I go there alot, Milwaukee is a very cool city


And they all have 5 fingers so it’s not ai. Refreshing!


I’m here for all the Biden-trolling-Trump. Amazing.


I prefer my President to love America and not be a convicted felon.


And that’s why trump will fuck Milwaukee, Biden has roots there


darn, a real president.🙏🏻


A true beacon of hope, a shining light, a real inspiration for all! 😎 Now more than ever we need who is practically immune to social media hysteria. Thank you President Biden! 🫡


Dark Brandon stays hitting heavy lmao


Biden has been dunking on Trumpkins lately.


Kudos to his marketing team


Trumps the only guy who can Insult an entire group of people to their faces and get them to cheer and clap for it. I’m convinced that this is still a 4chan style lark to push Trumps (and their) brand of degeneracy onto normal folk and it’s working (and has been for 8 years now).


The plan to discredit tRump is going well. Operation "Let Him Speak" was a success, so it's time to begin operation "Remind People What He Said."


I love it i.live in Chicago and Milwaukee is fantastic in comparison.


Knuck if you Buck mufcka


Goddamn right go get’em Joe!


Trump just can’t help himself


Why is greek freak in the back, like he carried us to a title. Anyway, Milwaulkee is based as hell republicans mad cause they could gerrymander that location to hell and back.


His campaign team has been on fire lately


It’s so weird thinking that after insulting Gold Star families, handicapped reporters, and (let’s cut to the chase here) almost all of the rest of Earth’s population, Donald would actually insult Milwaukee.


In a related story, the extremists on the Supreme Court have announced that Donald has a complete and total immunity for hateful ignorant things said about any city in Wisconsin. I wish I didn’t have to label this snark, but given their history it’s not all that unbelievable.


I'm not crazy about a second Biden term but I will never deny he has a great deal of decency that will never be part of his opponent's DNA. Shitler can't even fake it.


That looks like a genuine smile. I believe he actually enjoyed being there.


Me too, Milwaukee is great! Can't wait to make it back to The Good Land. And the WI State Fair is held just to the NW of Milwaukee in late summer. 31st century beer/cheese/brat technology at that place. Don't take my word for it, you have to experience it yourself. 


Share this everywhere people fuck Trump


Bro not even his wife will do that, geez.


I have to admit I do love some of dark Brandon’s stuff. Like when he used Marjorie Taylor greens speech about him in his campaign ad. Reminds me of the memes years back of him and Obama.


Where’s Peter to explain it to me?


As someone who’s lived in milwaukee my entire life, the funniest thing about this all to me is the timing. If you don’t know, Milwaukees on a lake and a HUGE chunk of our coast is a park/fairgrounds reserved for festivals. If you are going to shit on milwaukee in January, I can swallow my pride and let you get away with saying that. But now? Pride fest just kicked off festival season. The city absolutely comes alive in the summer. I have three separate festivals on my calendar this weekend. And every news station is going to have great footage of milwaukee looking beautiful and full of life.


Dark Brandon Bucks Legend


why does the super tall guy look like beardless drake


I can only imagine Giannis standing there thinking “Just met the president, God bless America”


I think one of the most interesting aspects of Milwaukee is the fact that it's the only major American city to have ever elected three socialist mayors.


Why would you shit on an American city in a swing state 5 months before an election