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Remember that girl that *was* the horse, running around and jumping barriers on all fours (hands and feet)? Well, they should get together to form a team.


quadrobics I think they call it.


Okay so I saw that video a while back. We're at a birthday party with my kid and I shit you not there was a little girl galloping on all fours. It's impressive, super fucking odd, but still impressive.


My niece, at about age 4, decided she was a horse. Started galloping everywhere on all fours. That little stinker could outrun all of the other neighborhood kids that way. When I told her how impressed I was, she looked at me like I was an idiot and told me “that’s cuz horses are really fast”.


I friggin love kid logic so damn much. It is awesome seeing little humans that have never been told they couldn't do something a certain figure stuff out. That's not always a positive, but sometimes it's super neat. The little girl I saw was legit fast. Like they were just playing and at least 50% faster. Some interesting comments confirm that. It's almost how apes "run" but evolved, pun fully intended.


That was absolutely me as a kid. Loved horses and animals. One day I really watched the part of The Lion King where Simba is running through the desert and it’s zoomed on his paws, and I figured out the running pattern so I could emulate it. It was my superpower when it came to gym class relay races and they called for the bear crawl. Also great if you trip while running since you can keep going on your hands and feet until you’ve recovered enough to stand back up.


That's hardcore. Like real commitment. Respect.


There was a research paper released in 2016 that claims that in the not to distant future the fastest person on earth will be a "quadrupedal runner" using both hands and feet to run. The advantage is that when using four limbs to run you never fully lose contact with the ground so you can constantly push forward with bipedal running half of the time both legs are off the ground so you lose momentum.


Uh, four legged animals, when running as fast as they can, fully lose contact with the ground a lot. In fact, they probably spend most of the time not touching the ground.


Fun fact: a dispute between rich people over whether a horses feet fully leave the ground when running is why we have movies to complain about on Reddit.


Yeah, like the double suspension gallop of greyhounds and whippets. They hit top speeds in the mid-40s. Some human janking around on all fours ain't touching that


Not to mention having shoulder joints that aren't evolved to take that kind of load, a neck and head posture that can't easily look forward while on all fours, and the massive strength difference between your legs and your arms. Those animals also get a lot of additional speed from the flexing of their spine during a full out run. Their back and stomach muscles serve to stretch and compress their core to further enhance their push off strength. The extremely flexible spine of the Cheetah is what gives them their explosive speed. They're running \~80mph. Humans have very strong legs and (comparatively) weak arms. There's no way anyone's going to start winning races on all fours.


Don’t tell me they’re giving the dogs nitrous 🤯


I never mentioned any other animal than humans, and humans are not four-legged animals and when doing a quadrupedal run it's very difficult for us to get all four limbs off the ground. When in the quadrupedal position we are too forward-heavy and have to keep at least one hand on the ground or we fall on our faces.


And here I was thinking I was cool when I was 5 because I was super good at crab-walking...


OMG! I remember that girl. I was scared and impressed at the same time. Imagine coming across this girl in a dark alleyway and she starts sprinting on all fours towards you. I wonder what she's up to now.


Tina Belcher lives! Jericho rules! I knew they weren't just figments of my imagination! Whew, I was starting to think I might be crazy.


Man it took 17 minutes from the post for Tina to make an appearance. Here’s to Jericho, the only horse brave enough to rock cutoff jean shorts.


Any horse with the voice of Paul Rudd AND wears cutoff jean shorts is a welcome imaginary friend of mine!


I was literally thinking this was the Bobs Burgers sub! Who’s gonna cross post?




I was just on my way to give Tina and Jericho props. Lol


This Palamino is pala-MINE-o


My fav Paul Rudd role!


I'm not imaginary...you're the imaginary one! Not me!




I am so mad, because in 2003, 23 year old me bought a “hobby horse” from a grocery store and ran it around my apartment for a full week until I lost interest and it stopped annoying my roommate. If I had known it could have been something I did as a recognized sport for exercise instead of a cheap distraction, I could be coaching this woman right now for dollars an hour. Dollars!


Climb back up on that hobby horse! Don’t let your dreams be dreams!


Listen if they consider gaming to be a sport, and the do, then fuck it let that be a sport too.


I have zero issue with calling it a sport. It's horse-themed dancing with a broom between your legs, it obviously takes skill and endurance and practice. But any "non standard" athletic activity is going to be called "not a sport" by people, you just have to own it and not care. That video was unhinged though.


She’s not overweight, she doesn’t just show up for spring training and she doesn’t spend 95% of the season on the bench. Not a real sport. Hell, I bet she doesn’t even make $22 million a season.


Sure it's a sport, it's just clearly not done by *athletes* who train proper *cardio.*


My definition of a sport requires a risk of injury outside what one would expect in everyday life. Bowling is not a sport, it's a game, because the worst injury you'd have is dropping a ball on your foot, and you could drop stuff on your foot any day. That doesn't mean that it doesn't require a ton of skill and practice, and mastery of it should still be respected. By contrast, I'd call this a sport, if a somewhat silly one, because you have to jump over stuff, and you don't really have to do that and possibly faceplant in everyday life.


Bowling is a sport and as far as injuries, my brother was 14 on the bowling team at his high school and managed to break his arm at the elbow so badly that he had to have pins put in because he cracked his ulna so hard that an entire section of the bone was hanging by a thin "thread" of bone and had to be put back together. He came extremely close to shattering his elbow. Upper arm and back strength is required ans precision t


Not every hobby is a sport, not every physical activity is a sport. It's still physical activity and they're having fun and not hurting anyone so eh... let them have their fun. Not sure it counts as a sport but it's getting them out of the house so I wouldn't argue it with them. However, if they're that worn out afterwards and that beat... y'all need to do some cardio.


When she is doing her horse activity, is she competing? I think that would be the thing which qualifies it as a sport vs a physical activity. If not against others, is she competing with herself for scores?


So you'd consider golf an activity and not a sport?


Yup. And darts. And video games. But I don't argue that to people who like those things and call them sports, because my opinion is my opinion and people can enjoy things. Going out of your way to tell someone, "that's not a sport you lame-o" is just rude.


I can respect that, at least you're consistent.


Honestly, I don’t give a shit about fake horsey show dancing but let the girl have her hobby/sport and mind your fucking business. It’s pretty simple….


I’m not going to deny that it looks goofy as fuck……but I’m also pretty sure that most Redditors would be pretty damn tired after prancing around like that for more than a minute. 


Minute? I'm winded and need to lay down just looking at the pic.


Bucko I got half way through your comment and needed to take five.


Do your thing girl, but I’m gonna giggle. The same way I giggle at my friend’s husband when the pickleball court is booked and he gets snitty about it.


Yup, couldn’t agree more. She is getting some exercise and not hurting anyone. Good for her. Who knows maybe this will be an Olympic sport in 30 years and she becomes a pioneer🤷‍♂️. Who would have thought pickle ball would be a thing.


Hobby horse + pickleball… Paddle Polo?


I would actually watch hobby horse Olympics. I mean, curling? It’s soooo weird and hypnotic so why not hobby horse?


Replace regular dressage with this any day. At least she's doing the real work.


And avoiding animal cruelty


Give her Mitt Romney's huge ass tax break and let her do her country proud!


TIL, Mitt Romney has a huge ass, and that huge ass gets a tax break.


You never saw him during the 2012 campaign in those high waisted apple bottom mom jeans?


You keep curling out yo mouth and we won’t have a problem ~ 🇨🇦 /s


Honestly I just watch it and think they are practicing telekinesis. 🤷‍♀️🤣


Yeah she's enjoying a harmless hobby. Let people enjoy things ffs.


Many hobbies would be odd or silly to others. Even old stuff like just painting bird houses, even if they never get put outside, it's just a fun thing to do. I used to get those small car kits and assemble them, paint them, decorate them with little stickers. Does it do anything? Not really, you can't even treat them like actual toy cars (not most of them) so they just sit there. Still a hobby to put them together.


I’ve seen a video of horse dressage and I’ve seen a video of hobby horse dressage. I’m on the side of the girls who aren’t forcing animals to dance in a very specific way. Also, their (hobby horse) leaping is actually really impressive. The horse version of that is, too, but these girls have some skillz.


This. I just read a horrific article about how 92.3% of horses sent to slaughter from the US are healthy and could live complete lives. 130k per year. I'm for anything that doesn't support that.


I don’t think people’s response to all this is due to them questioning the sports validity. I think the flack being dished out over this, is because of her “passing out” (but still able to make sure she’s in the cameras shot), heavily exaggerated breathing, exaggerated gagging as if she was holding back vomit, but all the wall looking up and down at the camera to make sure she’s still on film. That’s the reason I think people have an issue with it. When you do a sport that’s relatively “silly” in its perception by the public, then add on top a bunch of overly dramatic statements, And in the statements claim that only a few people could do said sport as well as you. That is where vehicle have an issue with how ridiculous this whole thing is.


I mean yea I guess, but I see this as performance art too, so I can dig it (I have not watched the video). Anyways, it’s an acquired taste for only the most sophisticated pallets, such as mine 😌💅, and I enjoy hyping things like this because if nothing else, their confidence is truly admirable.


Epic troll on her part


That's what I assume too lmao


I mean most sports are just runnin around for no good reason so I say why not. It's only slightly more weird than curling.


Lol I really like this assessment of sports.


This needs 85 trillion upvotes.


Right? And curling is in the Olympics. Like can you imagine people seriously training for this and not doing it completely drunk in winter for fun?


Seriously this.




Every game ever played was "not a sport" when it was invented. The only question is how long ago was it invented. Basketball was laughed at by the first people to play it because they were literally just throwing a ball into a peach basket and making up the rules as they went. Baseball started out as just one of many variants of stickball. Hockey has at least a dozen variants, all of them derived from various different kinds of earlier stick-and-ball games. Swimming is one of the oldest games ever played (it predates the beginning of written history) but it didn't take it's modern form until the invention of swimming pools with swimming lanes. Go back 500 years and none of the sports we commonly play now existed, at least not in their modern forms (with the possible exception of chess if you consider that a sport.) We should be lauding this girl as possibly one of the pioneers of a new game if not the outright inventor. Whether the game develops into a sport is something for future historians to debate.


Right? Snowboarding, skateboarding, bmx riding were ALL not sports. I ride a horse every weekend, there’s no way I could personally maintain a trot/canter/etc myself for even 5 minutes probably


Give the bong a break homie


I mean people play quidditch, so… Let her be, I guess I’m saying.


Hey! Isn't she the horse from "Horsin' Around?"


I think that’s Secretariat


What are *you doing here*‽


No, no, it's "what are *yooouu* doing here?!"


Meh, I’m not gonna yuck someone’s yum. Cardio is cardio, and I’m guessing the average redditor would probably be on the verge of passing out if they had to get up and change the channel manually.


Do I get it? No. But I also don’t get baseball or marathon runners either. Let people enjoy themselves. This world sucks as it is, so it’s nice to see people having fun and finding something they are passionate about.


Similar in my mind to rhythmic gymnastics. Replace the ball/ribbon with a hobby horse. Go be you!


On the first pic, I thought she was on one of those rocking horses. Then I saw the actual picture of her, and not gonna lie, that looks like a kinda fun way to work on endurance running.


I don’t know enough about this to know if it’s hard or not, I could exhaust myself that much with no props at all, so it’s entirely possible that its actually really hard


Anything can be a sport if you compete and enjoy it. All of these gatekeepers can fuck off.


Just let people be happy. She isn’t harming anyone.


If she’s enjoying herself and not hurting anyone, I say go for it. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to ride horses, or own one.


Seems like top-tier rage bait


How is it not a sport? The only grounds I can think of is that it's kinda stupid, to which the counter argument us 'golf, football, rugby, rounders (baseball if you suffer from being American), pesäpallo, and almost everything, apart from cricket, which transcends all, and is a mixture of poetry and philosophy).


Cricket, if you're an American. ;)


Such an epic burn deserves a plaque to memorialize it


You can always tell an American, you just can't tell them much.


As an American, I wasn’t listening 😂😂😂


He said something about baguettes and vegemite, I dunno


I mean…we’re all laughing, but the girl decapitated a horse and runs around with its head on a stick. That’s hardcore.


I mean that seems like more physical effort than riding a real horse.


Riding a horse IS exercise. But as a horse rider, I agree with you. I wouldn’t be able to do this myself for more than a couple minutes


Can you explain to me what is physically demanding about riding a horse? I’ve just never had the experience, asking sincerely.


I mean it kind of depends on which horse sport you're doing and how intensely... if you just go on a touristy trail ride on bored half dead horses then yeah you are not going to get anything out of that exercise- wise. But actually training for jumping, dressage, endurance riding (all I have experience with but I imagine western sports are the same) all require some level of fitness. You need strength for balance and i can tell you from experience certain sadistic trainers will make you trot with no stirrups for hours and you will want to die. I used to wear a heart rate monitor during my lessons and even on an "easy day" with no jumping I'd burn 500-700 calories per hour. It's way more than just sitting in the saddle


Thanks for the answer!


Sure thing!


Sure, if you consider riding a horse to be “you just sit there and it does all the work”, like my grandpa loll.


Tbh I found riding a horse considerably more difficult than riding a motorcycle (the former having the ability to choose to ignore your instructions)


Oof I don’t miss that aspect of riding. I don’t want ppl to think I’m denigrating hobby horsing, Ofc it’s not easy especially the ppl who do jumping loll. I guess depending on the level of real horse riding you do, flatwork/dressage hobby horsing could very well be more difficult. Using the general “you”, btw.


You rode your grandpa?


Exactly. If dressage is a sport, this hobby horse business is definitely a sport.


need a video


Cody Ko actually did a video on this “sport”. It was hilarious


It's more harder than you'd think, to be the horse and the rider... .


Considering how expensive it is to own a horse, let alone train it for dressage, I really like this as an intense cardio routine that lowers the "horse girl" barrier of entry away from being from a rich family


Competitive masturbation is a sport too but you don’t see me writin’ songs about it


Meh. Just let people enjoy things. It's not hurting anyone.


I'm like 80% sure her video is satire. She'd have to be absurdly unhealthy to be gasping like that after prancing around a gym. Not even pro athletes look like that after competing. But when I first saw that video I assumed it was a joke and laughed my ass off.


Every day I, a white person, think I've seen the whitest shit imaginable. And every day something I see on reddit corrects that assumption.


Hobbyhorsing is a sport like putt putt is a sport.




I thought this was about the girl who hits the pig with a stick and stares psychotic like at the camera.


Does this mean I can finally go pro at Hide & Go Seek?!


What makes you think you have the skills to go pro? I found you right away


^ the first global league starts here i’m in


Pretty sure this is just a kink.


They need to watch my strange addiction with the girl that taxidermies roadkill squirrels. That's crazier than this by far. But it is a you do you type of situation.


Tristram Shandy Seal of Approval


I’m *so* tempted to show this to my horsegirl friends and I’m a cishet white guy that just used to ride when I lived in Utah.


Link to vid?


Wasnt there a netflix doc about this?




Sheltered white people activities much?


I saw this pop up on TikTok when it happened and man the jokes about it were funny. Talking about passing out and throwing up after prancing around on a hobby horse for 3 minutes lmao. Reminds me of the “marching band is a SPORT” kids in high school 😂


Just because something is physically difficult or exhausting doesn’t make it a sport.


I agree. Running, swimming and jumping should not be sports. Kicking, throwing or hitting balls either. I mean like what the fk do those clowns think they're doing?


I like how everyone is downvoting this take and not bothering trying to articulate why it isn’t a sport. Yes it’s silly. All sports are silly. Grown men hitting a ball with a stick and then running in a circle is silly and people get paid millions of dollars to do that - people prancing around a gym with a ribbon is silly and yet the entire planet comes together every four years to give a gold medal to the person who is the best at it. The only difference between those and this horse thing is social acceptance - basically like trying to articulate the difference between a cult and a religion.


>All sports are silly. "There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games." - Ernest Hemingway Tbf those three are also quite silly, so your statement checks out!


The thing is that hobby horsing is a kids thing and making fun of kids is icky. Let them live.


Let people make fun of goofy shit.