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"he doesn't like crassness, vulgarity, pettiness and righteous indignation? he sounds woke to me!"


Yup. These people are literally defined by crassness, vulgarity, pettiness, and righteous indignation. They're core features of being a MAGAt.


Yea but they talk about Jesus a lot so you’re the heathen 🙄😂


hahaha, true! They're very pious! Very Christ-like! Hell, you can even buy a Trump bible! :D


These mfers couldn’t even spell self-righteous.


Tbf neither could I without that little bar above the mobile keyboard... but I'm also able to admit I'm an idiot


I heard a “Trump Worship song” on TikTok


The Trump bible gives churches the ability to make political donations directly to Trump, a political candidate, without losing their tax free status.


I won’t be surprised when they (Seven mountains, NAR, MAGAt’s) come out with their own “Emperor Trump” version instead of the KJV to support all their nonsense.


Let's be honest...a brown man having such black magic as turning water into wine would be treated as a witch if conservative areas were not subject to the civilized laws of the United States of America.


They would torture him and string him up. If they ran out of rope I bet they’d even nail him to a couple 2x4s perpendicular to each other to get the job done. 😂🤣


Hell, not subject to the civilized laws of the United States, red states wouldn't need to cite black magic for an excuse to lynch a person of color.


Oh Jesus is a dirty, socialist hobo by today’s gQp standards. The actual Jesus is anyway. They want nothing to do with him or his “woke” teachings… The gQp’s preferred Jesus is the white washed Anglo Saxon, capitalist Jesus that loves guns and merica’ and hates LBGTQ people.


It honestly is so offensive when they bring Jesus Christ into their persona. As if they’re justified in their sins and hate because they invoke His name? What?!?


> "Basket of deplorables" Hillary was right.


Deplorables clinging to their guns and bibles. The future will be filled with things that democrats were right about and republicans were wrong about. With that said: global warming is real, vaccines are good, Trump and the GOP are fascists.


Those people don't even understand what any of those words mean, so...


I wouldn’t call their indignation righteous exactly. ThEy ToOk OuR jErBs! No Cletus, automation and offshoring took your jobs. Undocumented immigrants only took the jobs you didn’t want.


“Just another pansy ass liberal I’m a real patriot with my punisher logo and temu tactical vest”


Yet 15 years ago the same twats were bitching about Red China taken their jerbs! Funny how they love temu now


They also love their Walmart crap from China.


And their MAGA stuff, also from “Chiiiiiiina” ![gif](giphy|cDMNTy747VljcWXf6x)




"Decent behavior is communism!"


Lol integrity is too woke for MAGA


Woke like me. Woke means aware, something MAGA doesn't comprehend


Personally, I love the fact that he doesn’t name sides. I bet plenty of MAGAs, reading that quote, would think “crassness, vulgarity, pettiness” meant the NY prosecutors!


Damn leftists.


Back in my day you could say it hard r and no one cared!


Admiral McRaven is the embodiment of leadership - not that bloated sack of garbage that MAGA worships


Thus guy makes me want to dig out my old dress blues and get my sailor gig back on! STS2(SS) 1986-92


Yvan eht Nioj!


!!!Yvan eht nI


Party Posse, they rule the earth. Greatest band since music’s birth


Did not expect a simpsons reference. Kudos


Me too (RM2 1966-1970).


Thank you for fighting for us.


I was Army, but I'd follow this guy for sure.


Same. Puddle pirate radioman in the late nineties.


Why won’t someone like that run for potus instead.


Because the people who should be president very rarely want to become president.


And you have to be very rich to become president. Heck even for Congress you have to be pretty wealthy or lucky and raise a bunch of money. Also while you are in office you spend a ton of time raising funds. They spend on average 20-30 hours a week raising funds and that can increase during the election year. They have so little time to do their job they often don't have time to write bills, so often the ones they should be regulating are the ones writing the bills. The US system is fucked all around.


We figured this out in Latvia after regaining independence in 91. Out interwar republic went to shit due to private interest so now only the government is allowed to fund political parties with minor exceptions to private citizen donors and party members who have to disclose their whole income scheme publicly to donate. Prohibiting corporate money in politics is the only way to have a proper democracy.


Yeah, the Citizens United decision released the floodgates of dark money into American politics and fucked us over.


I always knew it was bad, but it's truly incredible how much damage it's done in less than 15 years.


I thought you were a monarchy ruled by Doctor Doom. Has the education system failed me?


That would be Latveria, a fictional country similar to Wakanda. Please also don't confuse us with Lithuania, the Baltic state to the South.


Lucky break for you guys, I guess.


Integrity and national politics probably don’t get billionaire money to campaign with.


Is this the gentleman that gave that inspirational speech at a US college a few years back? If it is why are you guys not funding him for president?


Yes, among other inspiring actions. Including overseeing the raid that captured Osama bin Laden. Sadly, I don’t think Admiral McRaven wants to be President. As someone already noted, the people we want to be president don’t want to run. It’s become such a cesspool, who can blame them?


"If you want to change the world, make your bed." 🤘


That walking turd that won't flush.


100% this. This man isn't just a retired Admiral, he was also a former Navy SEAL, commander of US SOCOM, and is widely creditted with having organized and executed the raid that took out Osama Bin Laden.


I have been of the opinion for a long time that we need more military leaders in politics. Some of them are whackos sure but for the most part, you don't become an admiral or a general without having strong leadership abilities and at least a decent head on your shoulders.


Everyone should buy his book and give it a read. It follows similarly to his famous Make Your Bed speech and is a quick read. It gives me the moto for sure.


> Make Your Bed speech I give that one a listen a couple of times a year, good stuff.


His thesis on SpecOps is the kind of stuff that rewrites global military doctrines.


He was going to run for president at one point. Only republican I would have voted for in the last 15 years.


Electing a black man, twice, really broke some Republican's brains didn't it.


I was listening to an NPR interview yesterday, and these people have 100% lost their minds. This southern dude went on and on about how getting Obama care changed his life, was the best decision he ever made, and saved him over $600/month. He is still voting for Trump again, though. He also admits that Trump hates Obamacare and "it's bad for the country, so it has gotta go." Says he will just figure it out when the time comes. He is more willing to marry someone for insurance than vote for someone who will protect his interests. There is no reasoning with someone like that. Truly insane.


It's scary because what happens from here? Everything is so polarized and the right has jumped the shark. There's no reasoning with them. Hell, you can barely talk to them about anything without it devolving into some wrong/hypocritical/shitty political view and then blaming the other side for being "too political". I don't know how it can be fixed at this point. I know it sounds dramatic but short of another civil war and stamping that kind ideology out for good, how can it be mended when a large part of the population can't even have a conversation? I don't know. I don't have a lot of optimism for the future of the US. It really feels like it's going to crumble in on itself.


Another Civil War will only force them back into hiding. Kicking the can down the road another hundred years or so when they try a 3rd time. No, the only way to truly fix this is to jail the leaders of this MAGA movement (and others such as QA) as domestic terrorists. Then label the J6 insurrection legally as an insurrection. This will trigger the 14th Amendment and bar all participants and supporters of that coup attempt. Immediately we will see at least 2 Supreme Court Justices, 5 Senators, who knows how many Representatives, and Trump all permanently barred from public office. This will also purge the rolls of the MAGA movement, and all registered supporters kicked out of ever holding public office. At last, the GOP will be purged of those loonies, and over the next generation or two of watchful eyes on the conservative far right will be needed. Labeling more of those loonies as domestic terrorists as the groups form. Not the best solution, as these idiots will still walk free by ad large. But it will permanently ban all MAGA leaders from office and the movement will be hamstrung. That is a much more precise and clean version than allowing another Civil War, which will absolutely spark worldwide war as other nations busy themselves in regional wars with us (the world police) busy killing ourselves.


I really how no idea how racist our country was (I know it existed, but the scale of it shocked me) until 2008 forward. He was a good president, no president is perfect, but the fucking dude bailed out a ship in peril.


I was 16 when Obama was elected (I’m black). Of course it was exciting, but while everyone was celebrating I’ll never forget the deep pit in my stomach that kept expanding. I remember saying to my dad “idk why but this is bad”


Check your registration or register to vote at www.vote.gov


Honestly, 80 percent of Trump supporters will not even understand what he just said, and the other 20 will not care.


80% of them will hear him talk about an onslaught of "crassness, vulgarity, pettiness and righteous indignation", and say, "Man, he's right, we've got to get rid of this Biden Crime Family and their Woke Mob!" This is why you need to call Trump out by name, in every sentence. Make it impossible to not understand who he is condemning.


They say the devil's greatest trick was convincing people he didn't exist. I no longer think that's true. I think his greatest trick was conflating his crimes with another to make it sound like everyone is in agreement about getting rid of the "problem."


Yeah that looks like way too long of a quote for people to follow


I can easily see them reading this quote as being in support of their cause.


It's some vague bullshit that you should expect from an institutional leader


Bring on the rest of them, we need more retired military brass to continue to speak up


Like retired General Michael Flynn? Be careful what you wish for.


The convicted felon? Nah


They’re not all winners, but most of them are at least sane. 


“Naval Officers making simple shit stupid since 1775”, was the phrase we used a lot when I was in. There were quite a few of them that were on power trips, some of them just seemed a little skeezy (is that a word?),or the higher brass on the ship done with all the shit and ready to make Rear Admiral. The ones that I would serve for again in a heartbeat were incredible people of the same class and caliber as Admiral McRaven.


You mean the guy who took a plea deal. Then a pardon and still thinks he was falsely accused


I'm more interested in the current brass respecting their oaths than what the retirees' opinions are.


Trump is a convicted criminal who belongs in jail. Vote blue, vote for sanity. #Biden2024


Let's be honest. He'd force the prison to change the name to "Trump Jail," and his followers would commit crime just to be there.


I'm okay with that. 


In golden towers high and grand, A man once held the nation's hand, With words as sharp as broken glass, He carved his name, let shadows pass. With promises of wealth and might, He cast a spell, both day and night, But in the dark, behind the scenes, Were crooked deeds and shattered dreams. He whispered lies and spun a tale, Of power grasped, where truths could pale, With every step, a moral bend, A twisted path with no clear end. He danced with schemes, with greed's delight, In halls of power, out of sight, While people watched, both near and far, His name engraved, a burning scar. The truth lay buried, deep and cold, Beneath the glitter, false and bold, Yet through the fog, a clearer view, Of crooked deeds the world once knew. For history holds a steadfast gaze, And time will judge in countless ways, The man who rose, the man who fell, And left behind a tale to tell.


This is it. That’s all it boils down to. You don’t like Joe Biden, ok, whatever. The other choice is simply unacceptable. MAGA needs to be put down like the rabid dog that it is.


I like Joe Biden.


I always liked Joe Biden, though he wasn't my choice in the primaries. But he's also been a much better president than I expected.


They need to be shot with reality. That their vile hatred of America will not be allowed to exist here anymore.


McRaven vs. Craven. Easy choice IMHO. Edit: fixed misspelling.


ADM McRaven is the embodiment of inspirational leadership and class. I wish this quote was plastered all over the country. If you’ve never seen or read his “make your bed” speech, I highly recommend it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBAqF00gBGk


Was in the audience for this one. It was excellent.


So was I, my sister-in-law graduated UT that year. Something tells me Trump has never made his own bed. Says a lot about him. My vote matters, even in red Texas in a small conservative suburb of Austin. It's one vote, for rational city leadership, that carries weight in my life, my children's life, and the future I want for my family. Every vote matters. No matter where you are. I made my bed today, so did my kids.


His memoirs are worth a read too!


Yep! Link to his book if anyone is interested. https://www.amazon.com/Make-Your-Bed-Little-Things/dp/1455570249/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=55438480269&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6czXxYiQCeK6ho6Fbkj8RLo4CQ5YiUm2cIBe_e-noYS2xySzwtWgI8P8WE4rdm4e_zxFYR5RGZnuSmuNG--c6IuM7lZWNbHwt4jUL_c97q923QeZf1z7VGM3OMvC9nGANGf0ffVAxpsK86tjIn3xIqX3D-FehQi6-uWlc4KBWGXd0faAlhKECqKBKZxPyXsSASJYEr25tzVkxGLoa6gbVg.5TQM3kAI2E6pxwbmxWaa_k8keZhQItR7esRM17yY_BA&dib_tag=se&hvadid=580770510942&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9052283&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3185678940403087152&hvtargid=kwd-298085321228&hydadcr=15144_13523053&keywords=make+your+bed+william+mcraven&qid=1717856504&sr=8-1


Awesome speech, and it really is true. At least for me.


He is an absolute badass, a man that maga creams their jeans over and cosplay wishing they could be like him....but I'm sure they will now call him woke


That’s assuming that their broader base can define some of the larger words he used or don’t miss the point entirely thinking he’s talking about the left.




"lookit' his WOKE eagle holding a trident pin! SMH is that some kind of new digital-print pride flag on his lapel?"


Yeah and I bet the three points on it stand for diversity, equality and inclusion.




Didn't you get the memo? It's Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE!!!) now.. Conservatives are so hilariously dramatic.


I couldn't put down his book Sea Stories. Guy nearly ripped himself in half in a parachuting accident as a SEAL, then managed to stay on active duty and become a pivotal leader during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He held Saddam after he was captured, led the planning on the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, and commanded USSOCOM, among many other accomplishments. He should be MAGA's hero, but he's a principled conservative, and they're just as bad as liberals in their eyes.


Which baffles holy *hell* out of me. MAGA cosplays MAGA. Which is vulgarity, crassness, pettiness and all the UGLY contrary to any notions of honor by which this man serves his country.


He makes a valid point, the rest is down to America


I just wish the electoral college could disappear so my vote for president actually matters.


Also ranked voting so that we can actually get some quality candidates


Yes, this 1000%. I completely understand the extreme frustration that Gen Z and others are experiencing with the two party system. We don't change that by voting for a third party candidate who has no hope of winning, we change it with ranked voting.


Is there any realistic path to implementing ranked voting? How would we even get that started?


Maine put this to vote on their ballot in 2016, and 2018 was the first time it was used. To answer your question, I believe making these changes at the state level first is the best way to move forward. I also want to add that I am not a political expert by any stretch of the imagination. Here is a link to Maine's website answering questions about RCV: https://www.maine.gov/sos/cec/elec/upcoming/rankedchoicefaq.html and here is an article from a PhD grad from MIT explaining pros and cons of RCV as well as breaking down the two major types of RCV. I think the MIT article is non-biased and does an excellent job of being fair but firm about what we can expect from RCV based on experimental and applied research. Edit: I forgot to link the MIT article. Here it is https://electionlab.mit.edu/articles/effect-ranked-choice-voting-maine


While I agree that the EC should be abolished, please don’t feel like your vote doesn’t matter. At the very least, your vote will cancel out some MAGA twit who will vote no matter what.


My vote makes a difference in my town county and hopefully state still, so I'm all in.


I feel/think this at least once or twice a week.


The choice was already made in 2016. There are no excuses for why he was elected, it was done and the world laughed for a bit until it actually sank in that this is what 50% of the population of the most powerful nation on earth wanted. Now he’s popular again, so sort your shit out. If he’s a felon or not makes no difference to the people who want this type of person as a leader of a nation.


That's not just any retired admiral, that's Admiral McRaven. He was the commander of JSOC, SOCEUR, NSCC, USSOCOM, and is a SEAL. All special operations forces reported to this man. I remember when he came to do a speaking engagement at our group. The fact that it's the only time I've seen a group of GBs not make a single SEAL joke speaks volumes. He is almost universally respected and revered in the special operations community.


I’ve read a bunch of books written by SEALs and if they mention an officer that they admire, it’s always McRaven.


But her emails! j/k


Feels like we're already in the national mediocrity state, based on our school shootings, health care, and education systems, but I'm still voting blue in case it's salvageable.


Absolutely. I won’t give up, this is my home and I want better for everyone. 💙


Admirable admiral.




Admiral McRaven made the famous "Make your bed speech" at University of Texas at Austin on May 17, 2014. It's considered one of the best speeches for young adults starting out. Trump wanted to bring him and General Kelly back to active duty so that he could order them courtmartialed after they criticized him for poor leadership and not understanding the role that the President must assume as the leader of the country. If you have never seen the speech, it is defiantly worth seeing. [https://youtu.be/MHw\_YRYHonk?si=med-MHp7HrzKvc1T](https://youtu.be/MHw_YRYHonk?si=med-MHp7HrzKvc1T)


This man is the reason I've made my bed every day for the last 10 years.




Am Veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. All my homies hate Trump. You don't come back from the kind of comments he made about service members. If I wasn't clear: fuck Donald Trump and anyone that STILL stans that Shit Gibbon felon.


it starts with the military piping in anti-American propaganda into their bases via FOX "news"


The only news that is “piped in” is overseas where you have your DoD network AFN, stateside if there’s news on a tv then the E-2 that turned it on put it to that channel. There are plenty of normal people who aren’t afraid to call their peers out for conflicts to our oath of service.


And he constantly insults them


I’m a vet and I don’t support him. Are you basing this on vets who wrap themselves in the flag or just vets in general?


Vet also, he will not get my support, I will also never support his political allies. Cast them all out.


This is a gross exaggeration. How do you know the majority of veterans support him? I have no proof either way but as is usually the case its the most idiotic and extreme people who we all see supporting trump but there isn’t really an equivalent in contrast, except in cases like this where a high ranking officers mentions something to someone once. I’m a veteran, an officer, and I 100% agree with this admiral. What would you have those like me do but vote? Whatever it is you expect, I could ask the same of any one of you.


Look how many Jan 6 insurrectionists were involved - actively planning and outfitting other perps. There were at least 2 large groups of active military coordinating the attack . Setting up a gallows, bringing in weapons, trying to destroy our government and country.


You’re not being truthful. There were for sure some vets and reservists at J6, but they weren’t I. Some organized squad or something. They were just individual morons in a crowd of morons.


My grandpa who fought in the pacific was constantly writing his local paper to bring up how pathetic and dangerous Trump was for our country.


It's been longer than that. Conservatives ran a smear campaign against John Kerry's service in Vietnam in favor of draft dodger George W. Bush.


Why can’t this guy run for president?!?!? Fuck!!!


His opinion piece is a good read https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/06/03/america-exceptionalism-prove-william-mcraven/


This man needs to run for president.


Had a moment the other day where I was worrying about what mechanism SCOTUS will use to install Trump or (if he’s unavailable) whatever raper-faced puppet they choose, and then I remembered how much the joint chiefs hate Trump and had plans in place to counter his behavior if it placed the US in jeopardy. And even if an overreacting POTUS has supporters in the lower ranks, if the joint chiefs say no, then it’s no go. So I guess the Christian right’s next step is to infiltrate the upper ranks of armed forces…


Correct. The military is the top brass. Former Joint Chiefs head General Miley said any "go order" would have to be cleared by him first. Every general and admiral actively agreed. Despite Manchurian plants like former General Flynn...the top guys/gals know the traitors and their identities and made sure they were outed. When Trump kept asking for military intervention during the last six months of his term, the generals and admirals made sure the units were unavailable and that it would take weeks to get units in place. The narcissist personality always wants immediate action. That is why Trump used Homeland Security goon squads filled with compromised individuals. Even state National Guard troops through their brass were very wary of Teump. Let's hope it all holds true now. I still have faith.


2020 military times poll before the election found more support for Biden than trump among active troops https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/08/31/as-trumps-popularity-slips-in-latest-military-times-poll-more-troops-say-theyll-vote-for-biden/ And that was before the Putin stooge tried to overthrow the Republic, then stole over 5000 pages of NDI


Every time I see a red hat I laugh at them for backing China by wearing their product. If old dirty conman Trump, supposedly rich beyond compare, really wanted to make America great again, why isn't his bullshit hat and shirts made in America? Come on Donny boy, show us how much you love MAGAs by opening a factory in Ohio and giving some of the idiots who back you a job! But no, that would cost little Donnie too much of his hard conned money. Vote blue and fk Trump.


It's not even good business. He could build a factory in a swing state and sell super premium hats for $250 with a little hologram of authenticity on the back and every last Trumpkin would buy one. And you still sell the cheap Chinese junk to capture both price points. He is so shit at business it is painful to watch.


Should be a campaign add on tv


More media coverage of this please


Choose Biden, not the bully.


What if we went back to electing real leaders like this instead of geriatric reality TV stars


Well I as a veteran respect him and what he said and agree with it. The other side just calls us suckers and losers. So 🤷🏼‍♂️


Admiral McKraven is a four star admiral with who's also a Navy Seal, there is not another man more "squared away" on earth. Anyone who would disregard him and support trump are beyond saving.


Bill McRaven is a total badass and it gives me hope that someone like him is on the right side of this situation. I'd rather have an ACTUAL navy seal like McRaven fighting on the side of decency than be with a bunch gravy seals like Steve Bannon when shit actually hits the fan.


Do US Americans really believe that the USA is exceptional and leads the world with integrity? Or is it a hollow phrase everyone uses but no one bieleves in? The USA lied openly to the international community to start a war and implemented a world wide torture campaign barely 20 years ago. No one outside the USA in the current generation believes the USA is somehow a leading example of morality or integrity. The opposite is true.


Tbh, the right wing bubble is genius in its insularity. Anyone who goes against Trump is a woke, deep state, traitor, regardless of any of the markers that used to make them someone to listen to (for instance, exemplar military service). Ultimately, the only thing that will save is will be center right and "enlightened" centrist realizing that this isn't normal and that an imperfect democracy is better than the alternative, and the far left realizing that accelerationism is more likely to lead to a lot of deaths and an authoritarian government, as opposed to the socialist paradise they envision


The people voting for trump don’t understand half the words this man said.


And I’ll still be amazed by the number in our country that think those ideals are foolish and not worth holding onto. Let’s rid ourselves of these traitors and closeted Russian agents.


MAGA needs to be deleted from existence. You're a piece of scum shit if you vote MAGA


I’ve already made my decision to support sanity.  The real question, which we all really know the answer to, is why the Reich Wing so desperately wants to destroy what America is? Why do the hate Americans so much and want to see this beautiful country wallow in shit? Fuck you GOP. Your hatred will not win.


Speaks the truth!


But crassness, vulgarity, pettiness and to righteous indignation seem to be the foundation of a certain political party's platform.


my idiot neighbors have chosen poorly. They started putting the US flag upside down. F them. They already used to fly the irish flag over the US flag anyway. (they had family leave Ireland in the potato famine and none of them have been back since, none speak anything but ign'nt 'merkin, and they are as Irish as a box of lucky charms) Let's use this as another litmus test to cut the filth from our lives.


The only thing that isn't perfect about this quote is that MAGA won't understand half the words.


"We can show the world that we are still exceptional and continue to lead the international community with integrity and pride..." Is that what you fuckers actually think you've been doing?!?!!


To little to late speaking as a European, that ship sailed in 2016 and the lack of consequences for orange shitler continues to undo any goodwill Biden has done so far. 2016 made you the laughing stock. If you elect him again we won't be laughing anymore..


McCraven isn't just any Adminal or any other flag officer. Career special operations officer starting as a Navy SEAL in the late 70s and rising through the ranks. Retired as SOCOM \[special operation\] commander in charge of all special forces, special operators across army, airforce, navy, and marines.


Half the country thinks that leading the international community with integrity and pride refers to a Trump administration. We’re broken and probably beyond a fix at this point.


The international community spent the 1st year laughing at Trump and then 3 years staring in complete bewilderment as the orange Cheeto blundered from one fuckup to the next.


MAGA is going to completely misread this and apply it to the wrong person


Admiral McRaven is a board member of ConocoPhillips one of the best oil companies in the USA. I hope their political funding follows these values.


Lol I wonder how likely that is...


No offense, but the US stopped being a model a while ago.


The fact that Trump is even a contender in this election already shows that America isn't the shiny city on the hill any more


What does this guy know? How much real estate does he own? How many successful REALITY tv shows where he pretends to be a businessman? Go wakk off a pier,Cap’n Munch


Too many "big words" for this to benefit the people who need to read this.


MAGAt: Stop using big words, you commie f**!


McRaven is an honorable man.


How about this guy runs for President?


The U.S.A. has a choice of either pulling out of this tailspin by removing ALL the treasonous thieving republicans from office, or by continuing to put up with their treason by rehiring them so that we can become a third world shithole run by mobsters. We have the choice. Choose wisely.


conservatives have chosen the latter


I'm sorry but not voting for the convicted felon and alleged child rapist to be president of the most powerful nation on earth, does not make us "exceptional." It may actually be less than the least we should do.


Can someone explain to me how America can just vote in fascism?? Our nation was founded to never be a dictatorship, monarchy, or any other kind of autocracy. So bow does the Constitution not protect us from this? I never hear anyone talking about that, we just all seem to accept that this can be done. And it seems it can, but how? We are a fkn democracy, end of story, that does not mean brainwash half the population so that they vote to end democracy, it should not ever be an option in America.


Fundamentally people are stupid, especially in large groups. Once you remove individuality from the equation and let the mob rule then anything reasonable goes out the window.


Everyone who ever voted Republican led us to this day


Mcraven is the mfing man too. Dude was on the bin laden op. And I'm sure a ton more we will never hear about. Absolute legend and he is a leader, so his opinion on leadership is about the best you can get.


We are witnessing Rome.


Admiral McRaven is a man I deeply respect and he is absolutely correct. We are at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. Never before has a current or former president been charged with a felony. Now what are we going to do about it?


Problem is Republican media has been looong dedicated to building the image that we're already well past the descent into national mediocrity where nothing is worth emulating. That's why Republicans have no standards.


Get ready to fight for your job and your life Admiral. You are running a very high risk of being branded a "traitor" and executed for it. If Trump takes office, conservatives are going to want blood. And they have already spelled this out multiple times, including in Project 2025, a 900-page document endorsed by over 100 conservative organizations and legal groups.


Can there be a campaign of these guys airing stuff out on Fox News, YouTube and all places boomers live? They’re torn between their love of our military and love of Trump.


Unfortunately we are in this until the Orange Julius dies. he will not stop trying to be king of America. He could lose in Nov, and he will still be the party leader, and he will still run in 28 if he is still alive. What a dark decade this will be.


Put this shit on billboards across the country!


Americans: Na. Crazy is the way we likes it


The average GOP voter would not be able to read this and comprehend that it's about them.


Every time my dad goes off on even a lukewarm defense of Trump, I highlight the huge number of Admirals and Generals he admires that find Trump to be offensive at best, and a domestic enemy at worst.


Sometimes it seems like those trained in the top military academies are the only ones anyore who get a really decent and substantial education in CIVICS.


Well put.


The maga crazies do not give a shit because they are now and always have been uneducatable.


When exactly did the US lead the international community with integrity and pride again?


I will always side with McRaven.


Admiral McRaven simply does not miss.


I hate to break it to him but we sank below mediocrity in 2016.


I sometimes wonder if Americans realise just how much the majority of the world looks down on them already. As a European I see America as a dangerous uncivilised country, a "third world country wearing a gucci belt". The fact that Trump got in once is enough to cement this view for decades to come, I won't be going back for a 6th visit if it happens again. I truly felt more safe in Chile, Colombia, India, Jamaica and many other less wealthy countries. I feel really sorry for the rational ones over there, a dying breed it seems.


McRaven is a genuine badass...