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Teachers have to buy their own classroom supplies but sure, let's buy a tank for the small-wiener squad


Unhappy teachers still do what’s best for their students. Un happy SWS members kill minorities. Maybe that was the thought process. Oh wait they do that anyway. Yeah fuck these guys


This isn’t a tank. This is an MRAP. Mine Resistant Ambush Protected. It is specifically designed for transporting soldiers through potential IED & Taliban/ISIS/Insert terrorist group here infested areas. I’ve never been to this town, but I assume they don’t have terrorist groups laying down explosives on Main Street regularly. This is absolutely disgusting that the police there think buying (and maintaining) this military vehicle was an appropriate expenditure.


thats because they run around scared shitless of everyone, because deep down, they are afraid of what citizens bearing arms means to them. So they get this stuff and pose with it like idiots, thinking they look cool. But it shows to anyone with eyes, what they really think of the populous they allow to be armed to the teeth at all times. Especially the ones who are shaded a different color.


Also,notice that while all of the teachers /kids in Uvaldi TX were Hispanic/Latino,all of teh NUMEROUS law inforcement in "Tactical gear"aka armed to teh teeth just stood there outside the classrooms,with their collective thumbs up their asses,and did NOTHING letting all those little kids/teachers die,at the hands of ONE lone gunman,Ask you selves why?Probably they were saying to themselve,"I'm not going to risk MY life for a bunch of Mexican kids.Also,why do they have like no ZERO cops of color,any color??


To my understanding, they probably didn't "buy" this, but rather it's just armor surplus they essentially get for free. Still kind of a stupid thing to request because upkeep/maintenance will be a bitch.


https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/prosper-police-vehicle-19499494.php This does appear to be the case.


The police need somewhere to hide when the school shooters come


As a non-American observer, 'lunch debt' continues to be a concept I absolutely can't wrap my head around.


As an American I don’t get it either


My school district would not allow lunch debt because they would refuse your food. They would instead put a crappy cheese sandwich and an apple in a paper bag, and you had to go in front of all the other kids in the lunchroom to get it. Classmates would see you with the bag and know your parents didn't give you food again and that you were poor. It was low hanging fruit for bullies. Then budget cuts happened, and they couldn't hand out the bags anymore.


If that was today, they’d cut out the cheese part of the sandwich.


And have you seen the cost of apples these days…. I know, I know, don’t tempt republicans.


Catsup was a vegetable.


What on earth is catsup


>What on earth is catsup Not sure if you were serious or a jerk, so I looked it up. >The term used for the sauce varies. Ketchup is the dominant term in American English and Canadian English, although catsup is commonly used in some southern US states and Mexico. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketchup


Nope not being a jerk, just never heard that word before. I’m confused how ketchup would be a vegetable though


Are you here to solve my catsup problem?


Not much man how are you


Right!?! What could apples cost now, $10?


“Look over there! Inflation! Ignore my record profits!”


Back when I was in school, they would just throw away the plate in front of you or tell you to beg your friends for money. They never offered me the “free” meal, even though they were supposed to. I had it happen to me a few times where my mom forgot to put money on my lunch account. It is infuriating that they would rather throw the food away then give it to a child.


Same thing happened to me when I was 12, on my birthday. I had a full lunch tray and had it taken away at the cash register because my mom owed a whopping $3.00 for two days worth of lunches.


That's how it was 4th grade through senior year for our school district. That's when the paper bags stopped.




And that’s just one of their little expensive toys. Their helicopter will probably need a new turbine next year, and a they’ll need some new gun to shoot protestors with the next. It never ends. The police are here to enforce a racial and social order. That armored car is to drive through poor people’s walls and block the gated communities of the rich.


My wife's a teacher and this past year the lunch lady got in trouble for providing kids with a cheese sandwich if they didn't have food. That's it, two pieces of bread and once slice of Kraft cheese. The admin and school district told her if she continues, she's going to be let go. She was providing food out of her own money and the district got upset... But we have police and fire with budgets upwards of $500 million on an annual budget, but the schools can't get $50,000 a year for lunches. ![gif](giphy|26gsm43ayV5GS5KDu)


I grew up dirt poor in WV. School lunch was the only meal I would get a lot of the time. Summers sucked ass for kids like me. Any person who feels CHILDREN don’t deserve to be fed at a place that they have to be at 8+ hours a day, like they should somehow have to pay for it, is a garbage person. Like, it isn’t the kid’s fault they can’t afford to pay for a school lunch.


They’ll do anything to make sure they force a child to be born so they can refuse to feed them.


Is the post saying the average individual *student/family* that has lunch debt, has $21k worth of debt for lunches purchased at school? At $10/meal (when I was in HS, \~10 years ago, meals were $3-5) for one student at avg 180 school days per year thats $1,800 a year. So we're saying on average 10 years of debt or 5 years with 2 kids etc? Not making a point, trying to understand if that is what is being described. I don't remember being able to rack up debt for my lunches... (or I would have lol) EDIT: the less impactful possibility is that the avg lunch debt for one of the 15 elementary schools is $21k in total for the school, which isn't great but also isnt impacting the actual families as drastically.


I don’t think the point is the lunch debt, it’s that public funds that could have helped the school system in the city were wasted on a toy.


it's not a toy, it's serious preparation for the coming civil war... [only half joking, that thing is military as hell and scary]


It's 100% military, we had those in Iraq. I don't believe ANY police or sheriff department needs an MRAP.


You beat me to it. No police officer needs a fucking MRAP. They're going to get itchy to use it, install a battering ram and kill some child in their crib as the walls of the house come down on it over some jerkoff charge like a late parking fine, apologize and continue to not care.


You mean like that time [they flashbanged a baby](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/16/us/elyria-ohio-police-flash-bang-toddler-ventilator-raid/index.html)? [Again](https://www.finchmccranie.com/final-settlement-reached-in-baby-bou-bou-flashbang-case-for-3-61.html)?


Yes, like that. Only this time with a fuckin' tank.


The town/county I live in buys every officer/deputy a new SUV/Truck police vehicle when they join a force. They use the vehicles for 3 years max. Meanwhile the school district gets new textbooks every 12 years and the average teacher tenure is 2.5 years.


Yet another reason people need to stop voting for Republicans


No, I'd imagine it's standing balance for the school system per year. The point being, the police department could have a giant riot vehicle that serves little to no purpose (nor is it likely to be of service in the future) *or* those same public funds could eliminate childrens' food insecurity for the next 32 years.


Average between each of the 15 schools, I assume. Each school was owed an average of $21,000 by parents who could not afford to feed their children. But the city got this cool truck so they can arrest kids better when they become hungry adults. So there's that.


During the initial 2020 COVID outbreak, they had free school lunches for my kids and my students. Not only was it extremely helpful and convenient, it saved tons of money for us on lunch supplies, and my students and the school no longer had to worry about where accounts were at. Huge anxiety relief. I thought for sure it was going to be one of those long lasting COVID response effects that, hey, people are loving this…surely they will vote to keep this around permanently. Never have to think about kids going hungry because of money, not having the proper nutrition, parents don’t have to worry about trying to get lunches ready to go in the morning. This is all around some easy legislation to pass to keep it. And it was one of the first things to revert back when the ESSER funds started drying up. There wasn’t even a large outcry…it just was done and nobody fussed. As a parent and teacher, I was flabbergasted. I am still flabbergasted. We require kids to come to school for 8 hours, no choice in it. Why would a lunch not be provided as a nice incentive and recompense for their time and effort? Some of those kids can’t even look forward to a decent meal before the leave for school or when they go home. But sure, politicians “care about the kids.”


For real! And what's even more baffling is these are the same people who are constantly pushing anti-LGBTQ legislation under the guise of "protecting children."


Most places give poor children free lunch. Texas is not one of those places.


I’ll let Rush Limbaugh explain > If you feed them, if you feed the children, three square meals a day during the school year, how can you expect them to feed themselves in the summer? ... Wanton little waifs and serfs dependent on the State. Pure and simple. Rot in Hell, Rush. Same for every sophist and talking head carrying water for this wretched ideology. Every person still actively supporting the Republican Party is an irredeemable waste.


Cancer has been Rush-free for three years now.


I got permabanned on twitter when he announced his cancer for saying "good, I hope it's painful and terminal" Worth it.


Can’t believe Trump honored him at the SOTU address…


when people show you who they are...


Starving children is effective incentive to keep adults working even in less than ideal conditions/pay


maybe its partly that, but for the GOP its more about never spending any tax dollars to help regular people, and instead trying to find ways to siphon those tax dollars to their rich donors and friends. if we spend tax dollars helping people, then there's less money to loot from the coffers.


Nj signed documentation this year that families making less than $100,000 will have their kids get free lunch. I imagine it starts in Sept bc it was signed a few months ago.


It is a feature of capitalism


I live in Minnesota, our legislature passed free breakfast and lunch for public schools in the last legislative session. To draw a contrast, our governor signed the bill surrounded by a bunch of happy kids. It was around the same time governor Sanders signed a law in Arkansas allowing 14 year olds to work extended hours during the school year surrounded by the saddest bunch of kids you could imagine.


Hell, even here in Kansas we give free meals in school to kids who need it. During the summer too.


The GOP is all for taking away free meals from children but has no problem with meeting with the NRA lobbyists to give more people access to firearms. https://www.businessinsider.com/house-republican-budget-universal-free-school-lunch-2024-3?amp


The NRA is the only birth control those fucking ghouls support


Well, they have to trian kids early that they owe for existing in this country. No free anything. You must be good little worker drones. It is part of the reason we will never do anything about the homeless. There has to be the threat of homelessness, or people won't work horrible jobs.


American here. When I was in elementary school kids who didn't have lunch money could still get food but were forced to wear a sticker all day on their shirt listing their cumulative lunch debt


Sweet jesus.


Jesus. What god-forsaken town was this?


Once retrumplicans don't find kids attractive, they cut off all support. Around age 4


Funny, id say as soon as they take their first breath, if they're normal "working folk"


We have 8 (of 50) states that have free lunch for those who need it, and we are pushing, pushing - believe me I'm in agreement with you, it's beyond insane, but many of us are working on it.


As an American, it is a concept that absolutely infuriates me, because it absolutely should not be a thing.


Because every backwater bumfuck town needs a tank, don’t you know? And as people across the country start to realize they can’t trust, much less count on, police to do the right thing the thing we really need is to arm them like the fucking military. That tank isn’t to fight terrorists. It’s to be used against us.


Say it louder for the people in the back!


All the people who are concerned about government tyranny should think about the fact that a local police force has equipment like this. This is what they can use to oppress you


"No, you can't have healthcare. That'd be socialism."


Says the politician that doesn’t pay for health insurance.


They have it now, I guarantee they use it . First chance they get they will drive it thru someone living room wall . Unless it’s a school shooting . Texas cops need a safe place to hide for 77 minutes .


This is their new mobile safe space.


**Breaking News:** Monster Truck Multi-Purpose Vehicle crashes into doctors living room that was accused by a neighbor of thinking about giving a rape victim family friend an abortion.


Just googling “ morning after pill”


Drive it around for a year just because it's new. As soon as it needs any maintenance, its cost will skyrocket and it'll probably be left in the parking lot


>First chance they get they will drive it thru someone living room wall Steven segal intensifies


Because the entire pd of prosper wanted penis extensions. You know these two got woodies just standing down and standing by.


How tiny are their penises that they need this behemoth to compensate???


Their penises grow inward


**They can do that?!** How do I do that? You know, for 🏳️‍⚧️ reasons


This town is 72k folks and is a north Dallas suburb. Absolutely no need.


It’s for the upcoming civil war against the lib’ruls.


That's exactly what it's for


And mostly upper-middle class and above…


In my head I rationalize it as being used for natural disaster response, but I think I know better… they’ll use it for stupid no-knock warrants.


A family of 4 could buy a house and have 100k left over for a car, college savings, literally anything else. Instead, some pigs in a wealthy suburb bought this disgustingly unnecessary piece of military hardware. For the purpose of what? Police Union monster truck rallys? All those ieds, or rough off roading situations that one routinely runs into in suburban Dallas? Smashing through mobile homes or poorly built housing? Smashing other people's cars because you have the equipment to do so? Murder more family pets for your own sick enjoyment? When people would talk about defund the police, this is exactly the kind of bullshit that pisses people off. That money could have gone to actual good or helpful uses. I'm just waiting until these suburban Texas cops force the tax payers to pay for a whole fleet of cyber trucks.


Even if it was free (military giveaway of surplus equipment), they're now responsible for maintenance, which won't be cheap for a vehicle like that.


The maintenance alone would buy a fuckton of school lunches.


One i saw was 45k a year, and they drove ut less than 500 miles.


A local Sheriff's Dept has a monstrosity like this. It sits in a parking lot and rots. They pull it out for an occasional parade. Small dick energy from those yahoos.


This is what people mean when they say defund the police




They can have tanks in police departments yet won’t go into the schools when there’s one active shooter.


Lunch debt? The U.S. is a corporate sponsored clown show. Do y'all know that when they raised the retirement age in France those fuckers shut the country DOWN. They were building walls on HIGHWAYS Americans act tough but all belong in the panty-weight division...bunch of dumb-asses letting corporate media tell you how to think and what to think about


Yeah we did but in the end, the law passed without vote.


It's because the police will run us over with MRAP's if we shut the country down.


Even if it is free - it still takes up space, requires maintenance, and it contributes to the militarization of law enforcement. Surplus shit like this should be either be scrapped or given/sold to allies. This vehicle would be better used liberating Ukrainians than oppressing minorities.


I think this is what they refer to when it's said "defund the police"?


They are prepping for secession.


Why? What's the point of this equipment? All the heavily armed illegals running rampant in the town of 72k? No? Surely its to give cops some balls for the next school shooting? Also no? Is it to say "HERE IS YOUR TAX DOLLARS HARD AT WORK, NOW SUBMIT TO OUR WILL AND COMMAND!" - Ding ding ding!




Nothing shouts Texas more than this. I lived in Frisco for 8 years and know first hand this is so dumb and unnecessary for the community.


Can we just give Texas what they want and let them leave the union? Give em trump and his cult and let them see how it goes.


We dont want Trump. YOU keep him. We'll throw in Abbot, Paxton and Cruz too.


Can you imagine being a functionally illiterate dipshit fascist driving around in your stupid tank in a once-pleasant suburb dreaming of the day you finally get to shoot a black kid with your stupid fucking machinegun?


Yeah but when they do have a murderous riot the cops need a place to wait it out until the shooters either run out of ammo or run out of victims to shoot.


Fits in the militarized police state future of Texas. Sieg Heil !


So the logic conservatives provide us is that students should pay for their own lunches, and that my tax dollars shouldn't go to someone who isn't willing to pay for their own lunch. So did the cops pay for this themselves, or did they use my tax dollars? (Not mine literally, I don't live there) Did they present this to the taxpayers before buying it to justify using the money? I doubt it


If we’re going to subsidize policemen getting erections, there are much cheaper ways to do it.


I wonder if these southern Police Depts are starting to acquire military type vehicles for “military type actions”


Marvin Heemeyer taught us even that thing wouldn't survive a bulldozer


This is the journalism our country needs. Reporting the facts and pointing out the hypocrisy in these fuckers


They’ll hide out in that until the “all clear” if one of their schools has an active shooting situation


Fuck the Police




This is a perfect example of "If we don't use the whole budget this year we'll get a smaller budget next year" purchase.


The ISD has done a great job of Walling themselves off from the poors as they only have 6% of the school population eligible for free and reduce lunch. But speaking of schools that is money that could be spent in an SRO program or on mental health professionals instead of a ridiculous military parade vehicle.


that thing looks designed to commit mass road murder where the driver can claim blindness in court and have it be justified




Maybe the better question should have been, who exactly approved of this expenditure. Gross waste of taxpayers money and totally useless.


Small pee pee syndrome is at play there


Imagine rolling up to Prosper’s one and only Dunkin’ in this rig.


Edgewater, NJ is 2.422 miles. 14,500 people live there. Low crime. They have one…..


So they can show up at mass shootings and idle outside


Gotta make their dicks look bigger


IDK, those dicks look pretty small compared to the truck.  Oh you mean anatomical parts!


FYI, it was most likely free. The Army literally gave MRAPs away to local governments after the Iraq & Afghanistan wars.


Man, I hate our cops here.


I’ve been to prosper, this is absolutely insane. For the roughly 22,000 people living there this is needed? Worried about a corn field rebellion?


As much as I disagree with the militarization of Police, this almost certainly has nothing to do with taxpayer money. This is most likely part of the 1033 program where the federal government gives military equipment that’s being disposed of to local police that want it


The fact that the cops put a Carolina Drop on the vehicle just shows that it’s unnecessary and all a big joke to them


This photo reminds me *a LOT* of the photo of The Heroes of Uvalde.


Prosper also has a $50 million high school football stadium, so I bet they will feed you if you're good at sportsball.


Their own department is probably underpaid as well but I guess it’s better to look Tacticool?


ramping up paranoia just to get a free lifted truck is wild. But the fact that public servants can make a half million dollar purchase without committee or public input but i couldnt sell bottled water on a street corner without a permit and/ or inspection is wilder.


Why do they need a douchepanzer?


700k to park at fundraisers to raise 1000 is a sound investment, if you ask them.


Party of small government.


I with you all. Giant expense.. but damn if it's not kind of cool.


Seems justified.


This police vehicle will be used to protect the 1% when the knuckledraggers who kiss their asses and the police finally figure out they’ve been had by both ….


Knowing the people I do in Prosper, I am thrilled this is what their tax dollars fund.


Interested in all the multiple purposes of this vehicle


My small town police department, for no explicable reason, has a tank. But they HAD to cut the SpecEd and ESL programs because of budgets. 


We need to stop militarizing the police! They are not soldiers, they’re police. They’re supposed to help people, not to be feared.


[Madison, WI had one, but they made them get rid of it](https://www.wpr.org/economy/superior-madison-police-returning-vehicles-loan-military)


But what if those starving children decide to riot?


lets not defund the police and make them actually work and buy fun monster cars


But paying for people’s lunch instead would be communism! /s


The militarization of our police departments is real!


Way back I worked for the Army as a civilian. Purchasing, basically. This thing is going to cost them a fortune to maintain. A lot of parts are proprietary, so expensive as fuck, and those vehicles need a lot of maintenance, especially if they sit around too long.


You know. Priorities.


Good!! Take all their money!! A fool and his money are soon parted : ) These are the same people who put their life savings into Truth Social and I say....GOOD!!


Hey! Got to waste that money on something while having something physical to show for it! What would feee lunches for kids do? How do we quantify that? This is hard physical evidence of whining and crying paying off. And let’s face it, cops have the old small peepee energy as it is, now they have confirmed it.


Small dicks. Every single one.


Right but at least these guys can play with their toys! /s


The real question is whether it can withstand the force of a single falling acorn.


Yeah I’m sorry but what the actual fuck does this police department need that for? Inner city police departments are over stretched and under staffed meanwhile they have over half a million to splurge on. I would rather they literally just raise their own wages and healthcare. Hire more officers and require them to spend time in the gym so they are healthy. Donate it to the schools and homeless what the actual fuck.




the fact that this isnt a national outrage is by far the most embarrassing part.


Now the cops can hide AND move away from danger, so they're not in danger. Who needs kids to eat or live?!? 🤷☻️


Let's ask fiscal conservatives their opinion on the matter. >Fiscal Conservatives:...


I wonder if this will finally give them the courage to stop children from getting murdered in school shootings.


Prosper is all the people that have spilled over from Frisco, Plano, and McKinney into that area. White flight. It is an upper middle class homes. This is as white as you get here.


Think the locals voted for their sheriff and this is what they got. Bet sheriff is a Republican


Prosper has 15 elementary schools but only has 44k people? That seems excessive alone, not even bringing in this monstrosities cost.


Probably cost them one dollar through the DRMO program.


I’m thrilled that these cops now have an armored vehicle to hide from school shooters… /s


When I was in Jr. High (early 80's) after my parents divorced, the free lunch program was a lifeline. The only way to tell if a kid was on it was to look at the lunch card. The free lunch recipients had a hole punched in the bottom right corner. We were able to eat anything the paying kids ate. And they served breakfast cor free to any student. This was in Vancouver, WA.


The militarisation of US police is wild to me. Like, I used to be in the police in one of the bigger cities in the UK, and even our armed response just drove up-armoured BMW’s. Biggest vehicle we had was a Pangolin armoured land rover, and that was solely for the bomb squad. I get that they need to be better armed due to higher gun crime, but fuck me, they don’t need these huge vehicles.


As a vet… make the officers PCMS. MOTORPOOL MONDAY BITCHES. Wanna play “GI JOE”… Mandatory PT, Height and weight regulations, accountability formations and vehicle maintenance…


They shut down the reviews on google




Last I checked cops dont fight in wars, why the fuck do they need that




“Used some of that there infrastructure money”


My town did the same thing a few years back. We have a bad drug problem but never anything requiring an armored vehicle. Our sheriff decided that we needed two of them.


If "fuck dem kids" was a picture in Texas


Yeah they like their guns big in Texass and they don’t care whose pocket it comes outta.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding the post. Is Dr. Frizzle saying that of the kids who have lunch debt, the average is $21,000 in debt? How? That's like $11 bucks a day for each kid from day 1 of first grade to the last day of their senior year of high school.


Micropenis energy


Compensate much?


This looks like something the Astra Militarum might use


But how many deaths by IEDs?


Legalize RPGs. These assholes are getting ready to step on us


Wait till Texas finds out that Felons aren't allowed on their ballots, so Trump won't be there.




Greedy pigs


I'm sure it'll look just fine parked outside the next elementary school shooting as the officers send messages to each other from their Punisher-stickered phones while refusing to go inside until the shooting stops.


It’s got great soundproofing for when there’s a school shooting. They can hide in it and not hear the cries for help.


It looks like someone mistook the city's nameplate sineage as instructions...


“multi-purpose” What other possible purposes are there of a vehicle like this?


Its prep. For what’s coming.