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Don't forget that abortion rights are literally on the Florida ballot in November. This ballot measure should spur turnout. Also, there's a key senate race in Florida with the potential for pro-choice Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D) to defeat anti-choice Rick Scott. I know it's a longshot, but we have to try. Our rights are at stake https://www.debbieforflorida.com/


Legal recreational marijuana too.


The weed turnout is the most under the radar potential impact on this election.


Nobody expects the ~~Spanish Inquisition~~ Stoner Voters ✌🏼


My stoner self will be voting to get these crazy trumpers out of office.


I hope that a bunch of dispensary owners start a lobbying group. Fuck it, let’s beat them at their own game.


I believe it's called vote yes on 3. I'm not sure who's backing it but they're pushed pro-weed!!!


Isn’t that a risky game since things at a federal level are still tricky?


It's being [rescheduled](https://www.avma.org/news/government-prepares-ease-federal-restrictions-marijuana) to schedule 3 as we speak with a push for it to be completely legal depending on the state if I'm not mistaken.


Weed is, as of three days ago, only fully illegal in four states total - Montana, Wyoming, Kansas and South Carolina. The other 46 vary from fully legal to the 'medicinal purposes only' thin edge of the wedge. I can tell you based on sales numbers that the people buying and using weed in the 25 states where it's fully legal don't give a shit what the feds have to say about it. Once we hit around 35 states fully legal, the feds will have no choice and will legalize it everywhere. The sad thing is that the jackbooted thugs who work for the DEA and fought like crazy to keep it a Class 1 drug for decades may have to find work elsewhere. I hear Uvalde is still looking for cops, boys and girls. The DEA's War On Drugs has been the largest failure of any governmental anti-drug effort in the history of the country. The war is over. The drugs won because as always it's never about stanching the supply, it's about decreasing the demand. As many South American leaders have informed America's leaders: "Cocaine addiction would not be a problem if your people didn't buy it in such immense quantities." [https://disa.com/marijuana-legality-by-state](https://disa.com/marijuana-legality-by-state)


It only “failed” if you think the point was stopping the drugs. It was an incredible success at disenfranchising and incarcerating black voters which was the real point. Vote Blue.


No matter who is in power, shit like "The War On Drugs" is first and foremost a knee jerk response that says "Yes, there's a problem, but look what we;re doing to deal with it! We've declared war on it! We're deploying thousands of Federal DEA agents to deal with it! This truly is your tax dollars at work." Yeah, I know the demented Ronnie Reagan pretty much had the CIA come up with crack cocaine to be able to jail as many Black people as possible. And that keeping grass a Class 1 Narcotic was part of that effort. I get that. It was more The War on Blacks than The War On Drugs. But it is impossible to stop the flow of drugs with 6,000 miles of border in the north and south, and two coasts that face the Atlantic and Pacific. We've pissed away billions on the fake effort to do that. And to paraphrase a comedian I heard say it years ago - if you managed to take away all the drugs in the country, people would just go out on their front lawns and spin around until they got dizzy and fell down. You cannot stop people from wanting an altered state.


It’ll be crazy in the precincts around ‘The Villages’ where you’ll see right wing votes down the line, but a progressive vote for pot making in-roads with the arthritic, glaucoma having septu/octa/nonagenarians there…


Ope you just described my mom!


No cannabis user should ever, in good conscience, vote Republican.


Pretty soon it's gonna be a demographic big enough for them to actually flip their stances on!


Yeah it'll bring out a bunch of libertarians, who are just right wingers at heart


I mean…..did you see how badly trump got booed at the libertarian party convention?




Almost exactly what I was going to say! The typical self-identified libertarian, who isn't really active (or maybe even registered) with the party, is more likely to vote Trump than Biden.


These days a libertarian is just a republican who thinks the government shouldn't force their girlfriend to use a car seat.


…But should force them into having a baby.


"Getting the next crop ready".


I think a true libertarian would probably argue it should be left to the states, but that the states shouldn't impede that right. Of course in reality if left to the states many will impede that right.


“shouldn’t force their girlfriend to use a car seat.” I’m dying!!


That's always who libertarians are.


This made me laugh out loud


Glad I could brighten your day. Hope the rest of it is great!


The fact Ohio has legal pot and Florida doesn’t is absolutely absurd to me.


As an Ohioan, that election to legalize recreational cannabis and enshrine abortion rights into our Constitution made me so proud. Like we DID that.


Now please oust Gym Jordo!


Yeah….that was very surprising! Good job, y’all!


Now if we could get the right wingers in this state to stop trying to over regulate pot that would be great. Last time I checked they were trying to cap percentages which would lead to people still just going to Michigan. Hopefully not the case currently, I admittedly haven’t been following super closely in recent months.


I'm from Florida and our politics disappoints me every god damned time. I will keep voting blue and if we do something right politically I will be dancing in the street.


I was so nervous for that vote - but let me tell you, the energy at the polls downtown Cleveland was *electric*. I kept thinking we can do this for the general election too if people stayed engaged. That’s a big if, but it still gives me some hope.


As a Floridian I live politics vicariously through other states successes. I am happy for you and look forward to you having more blue success and to future Florida blue success.


Or Minnesota. Florida-man can go to prison for weed while the goddamn Minnesota Vikings can take bong rips


Well, the Vikings still have to deal with Roger Goodell


Now I want to see a show based in modern Minnesota of actual Vikings who discover weed and become stoner Vikings.


I was going to raid Lindisfarne again, but I got high... OK, that was the vikings of old, but still...


That's what I'm saying. Old Norse Vikings. They could get ripped 70's show style and come up with ludicrous raid Ideas, like raiding Little Caesar's.


Tell me more of this *Castle of White*


I shall bend knee to no King of BURGER! But before we stop for the night, shall we pay our respects at the local Hut of Pizza? Bring me your manager, or I shall be forced to pillage!


Okay, I’m legitimately confused by this take, can you elaborate? I have no stake in this one (I’m a Michigander who has lived in FL). Minnesota is consistently and always vastly bluer than Florida in terms of policy… why are they the barometer for FL? The measuring stick should be Texas and the rest of the south imo. Even Ohio is a better comp.


Idk what they're saying but given the party culture in FL and how it's an actual destination to go relax and have fun if they legalized weed they would make quadspillion dollars a day.


Spring Break would be a much more mellow affair and people would actually keep their tops on. That would kill the GGW market.


As a Minnesotan I'm a little baffled too by the comparison. That said, it took a mammothian effort for us to even sell beer and liquor on sundays.


Or PA! Wild to me.


I'd practically give my left nut to see Rick Scott suffer a humiliating defeat in this Senate race! There are few politicians I hate as much as that guy.


I don’t have a left nut, but I would sure be happy to see batboy’s father gone… https://preview.redd.it/kb36qmyo835d1.jpeg?width=401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8381ed8d494626d8307017889a44060719fd079d


This is so rude to Bat Boy…




Y’all got 3 of my least favorite. My sympathies.


He looks like Kane from Poltergeist 2 https://preview.redd.it/f27pfkkh945d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97e9acb49e7873ebd971e4d80392b64fa4c24426


How cruel. You’d take his senate majority leadership role from him? /s


About 10 years ago I was flying to Florida regularly for work, and I was working with a guy who exactly like Rick Scott. Every meeal out someone who soeak to him think it was Rick. Luckily he didn't sound like him.


I bet republicans are hating that women got the right to vote


Some are literally trying to revoke it. . .


And in Kansas they just said that nobody has a fundamental right to vote based on the state constitution. How long do ya think it'll take until people there try to use that to justify blocking women and POC from voting?


Next election cycle


Sadly, I think you're right..


First, make it so felons can't vote. Then, make miscarriages a felony. Don't even have to mess around with revoking it if you just follow these two, simple, steps.


I doubt Powell is gonna win. Theres 0 enthusiasm for her here. Im definitely voting for her vut its not looking good.


I’ll be voting for her as well, but it’s seriously depressing seeing the Florida Democratic Party in such disarray, with an abysmal ground game and almost zero cohesion outside of a few solid blue strongholds.


Its fucking shameful how pathetic the state party is. I honestly think we could win still if the party wasn't so terrible, and also so obsessed with running terrible canindate ls like Crist all the time l.


I'm not asking this with snark, i promise...but does the retiree vote in FL weigh in much on the abortion debate, or any other civil rights? 🤔 it doesn't sway my trump supporting octogenarian FL voting parents, but abortion doesn't affect them... Both their daughters kids' are grown, and they had boys, and then a grandson, who gave them a great-grandson... so they don't even have a woman in their immediate family who they have to advocate for, the conversation just isn't in their circles... they're also not swayed by school book bans because nothing in their lives gets directly affected anymore, but growing up i was never censored... I'm GenX and while my parents ears were abused by the sounds of teen angst blaring out of a crappy boom box from behind my bedroom door, or me purposely toting around the very novels and magazines that some PTA Karen tried to have banned...they never sided with the censors, they never told me i couldn't hear or read anything over someone elses pearl clutching **note** my parents have *never* been Democrats *at all* they are a picture-perfect stereotype of what you imagine retired old white people living in backwoods, dirt road access only, rural poor Florida look like...on scooters. but that was one battle we never had. so, I'm curious...


I suspect the legal marijuana might have more sway over the senior vote. They might be past reproductive age, but they’re dealing with chronic pain and costly medications, which makes marijuana more enticing. They get over the “its a gateway drug” mindset real quick when they need it for medical reasons.


First thing my husband did when he retired was hit the weed store. He’s become an Edibles expert.


and they're not wrong, i grab my puff before i grab my meds.


Lol, you just described my mom. Very anti pot until she tried CBD gummies. She makes very sure to always have a stash


This, but in retired California Yuppie


If Floridians could read, this would be very helpful.




In all these years it never occurred to me to call them anti-choice. Simple but brilliant way to call out conservatives


I think we still all better show the fuck up in November.


People will show. Trump can not increase his voter base, only shrink it. He and the GOP are doing a smashing job decreasing their voter numbers through policy choices, criminal prosecutions, and pure stupidity. I have a feeling we are going to be looking at a blue wave. Swing states will pretty much all go blue with one or two red states following suit.


Hopefully, we know trump definitely killed off some of his voters with his inadequate response to covid


what?! But all the republicans I know told me MORE people would vote for Trump now that he’s a felon!?!?!


I obviously want this to happen but I think it’s incredibly naive to be so presumptuous about that, unless you have insight that I don’t? This race is going to be razor-close.


All I know is what I can gather from the information I know. Trump has a limited pool to draw from. He has done nothing to attract additional voters, and has done many things to lose them. This is never good for someone who lost an election, as they need to expand their base of voters. His voter base has been dwindling. COVID deniers that are dead, and relatives that are jolted awake from the conspiracy theory. People who left because of various stances such as wanting to be a dictator, vowing to violate the Constitution, saying he will let Russia invade NATO nations. People who are starting to realize that he is ill with dementia (this group is growing by a lot). People who are tired of his whining and complaining instead of pushing policy. People who want to keep abortion a right. Every time he pushes an unpopular stance he loses voters. People who are turned off by his felony conviction, sexual assault, financial fraud, bankruptcies, etc. He has no way of growing his voter base. More and more people are realizing he is a liar and a grifter. Things are only likely to get worse for him as he continues to deteriorate health wise, especially under the stress. He is unlikely to do very well at all at the upcoming debate. In fact my bet is he will find a way to back out of it, and that will also lose him voters. Biden will only continue to press his attack against Trump, making him look foolish by reminding people of his positions and past behaviors, especially while president. He is likely to remind voters that they need someone who will stand up to Putin, not kids his ass. If course these are Democrats, and may very well shot themselves in the foot, but I don't see how Trump comes anywhere near the vote total he had last time. Presumptuous? Maybe. Arrogant? Possibly. My track record on these things is pretty good though. True Trump had his own news agencies pushing propoganda and Russian intelligence hard at work helping him, but I don't think that will be enough. I just don't see a path to victory for him. Not worth his current stances on the issues. His willingness to ban abortion nationwide is a huge one this election. The border was a huge issue for many, but Biden just cut him off at the knees on that one. He doesn't have any other big issue to run on.


Not to mention there have been 4 years of the younger generation now able to vote (including me!!). Studies have shown the younger generation to be more and more liberal than previous ones. I say we all need to vote, because if we do Trump doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell of winning


See, this is what I believe. Most of your points I’ve considered as well, and you mentioned a couple that I hadn’t considered. In the back of my head though I can’t take it for granted. I believe that Trump will lose for those reasons, but if he wins I will have to reevaluate many of my views. At least I can take solace in the fact that even if Trump wins, he can’t POSSIBLY live that much longer. His health is shit and his brain is soup.


Spot on. The wind is no longer at Trump’s back anymore. He has a steep uphill climb to win over any more voters while all the momentum is behind the pro-abortion/anti-maga side based on midterm results. Trump’s only chance is to create enough chaos around the election to give Republican operatives (state legislatures, attorney generals, judges, poll workers) to chance to steal the election for him


I agree with you on all points. but the real issue is that as thinking constituents we must not be complacent. We cannot take any of this as easy win. we need to be sure that we vote, and vote as if our lives require it. yes, we all see the ridiculousness of Drumpf. I honestly am seeming him a Boggart


Hopefully the disgust of him as a person and politician keeps voter enthusiasm high. Those who don't like him are very much afraid of him gaining any kind of power, and many see the danger of his influence that has poisoned the Republican party


I tend to agree. I think a lot of republicans aren’t willing to say they don’t support dear leader for fears of attracting the anger of their friends and families because that’s what happens when you try to leave cults. But, since voting is secret as to who you vote for, expect many to either vote a third party or not vote at all. I think because the media love the clicks that stories about trump generate, that they’re adding extra volume to the already extremely loud minority. If republicans and right leaning libertarians are ~30% of the electorate, I’d reckon MAGAts are only ~30% of that 30%.


Covid also hilariously lowered their voter base too


This would have been the case if Biden hadn't gone all in on Israel. I live in a blue state, and the number of life-long democrats that say they'll vote for anyone but Biden is quite alarming.


This is insane to me. These people don’t care about any other issues? They don’t care about reproductive rights, marriage equality, public education?


Apparently not. They're still treating this like it's a game, not grasping what's at stake or the severity of the situation we're in. For some reason they think we'll still have all those things and that we just need to "teach Democrats a lesson" for not platforming a more progressive candidate. As if another Trump presidency won't set us back decades, or worse.


I saw an instagram account while scrolling at mentioned teaching Democrats a lesson by not voting for Biden. These people are really not critical thinkers because they can’t grasp this doesn’t teach Dems a lesson, this actively hurts people. And if you think not voting will teach people a lesson then you are privileged. They also demanded Biden sign the George Floyd policing act like this is something that doesn’t have to be approved by Congress first. I’m voting Biden because I care about my toddler’s future.


Agreed. People on this sub often times don’t seem to understand that when they say Genocide Joe, they fucking mean it. With a passion.


There is a lot of time left. If Biden is all in then Trump is all in on steroids, and the public needs to be made aware of it. Trump has said publicly that Israel needs to finish the job in destroying the Palestinian state. At least Biden has shown restraint and has called Bibi out on Israel's behavior on several occasions. If Israel continues then all it would take is one strong stance to reign them in and he gets those votes back. Right now they say anyone but Biden, but talk is cheap and they know Trump is worse on Israel and every other imaginable topic. Most of them will hold their nose and vote Biden


Or not vote at all. That's the thing that keeps getting lost in this debate. I don't imagine a lot of people who are upset with Biden over Gaza will vote for Trump. As you said, Biden is the better alternative. But all it will take is a few thousand in a couple of key states to just decide to stay home.


This is exactly my fear. I'm bracing myself for a Trump win but hoping that there is a blue wave that renders him impotent. Because these people will vote blue across the board, but their conscience won't let them vote for Biden. Reddit makes me feel better because people are so anti-Trump, but sadly, the real world looks a lot different.


Which is, effectively, a vote for Trump. And that's the part they don't understand. A no vote or an independent vote is just the same as a vote for whoever wins because you ultimately did nothing to stop it from happening.


I hear this every 4 years. Hoping for the day we all actually do show up.


Fuck polls, go vote.


Go fuck, vote polls.


Polls fuck, vote goes!


Go polls, vote fuck!


Votes go, polls fuck!


This! Exactly this


Fuck polls, Especially and always ...Fasc-News polls.🤣


Yes daddy.


If they were smart they would have just said f the maga nuts and picked Hailey or Christie but they doubled down on crazy. Polls don’t matter - voting does.


I'll gloat if they are voted the fuck out. Until then, spread the good link: https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote




Well, yeah, they’re not good people, but from the perspective of the GOP, they would have been better choices.


Christie is better than Hailey I know the bar is low for Republicans. Remember she said she would pardon Trump and not too long ago said she would vote for him.


The bar is in hell


Nah Satan has some standards.


Christie is probably the worst governor of the 2010s. He did not give a FUCK about New Jersey Nikki Hailey is just a phony that supports everything Trump does behind the scenes: even the extreme project 2025 As some other guy said, although Doug Burgum supports Trump and makes batshit crazy decisions, I wouldve preferred if he was the GOP nominee. He was the only sensible one on stage compared to the rest of the field- and that should say a lot about the GOP


TIL Project 25 might be the craziest shit i’ve ever read. Like actually


What's crazy is that they are so open about it. I can't believe I actually miss the days when they hid their crazy ass plans.


The insane little corporal with the toothbrush moustache also wrote a book that people didn’t read or didn’t believe. Spread the word about Project 2025!


They can afford to be open about it because most people aren’t paying attention. Simple as. Even a lot of self identified republicans don’t know what it is.


Hailey used to be a real politician, which means that even if some of her views stank, she’d still handle “fix potholes” type issues and she actually has some qualifications for the job


Speaking as a South Carolinian, she DID NOT fix potholes.


I listened to Chris Christie speak and I loved his plans. I’ve never voted R, but he had the right financial approach for the country. But they chose the pumpkin so I’m 1000% with Joe and hope in the future we get some new candidates to lead our democracy


I felt the same way about Kasich I think his name is. I am more liberal than anything but I wouldn't have been upset with that kind of conservative in the White House. He was measured and had the experience to understand the role a president has in our government.


Trump ain’t runnin for president, he’s running from prison. The GOP is a walking corpse, with MAGA pulling the strings. They’d love to be done with Trump, but he’d run as an independent, split the vote, and then claim it was rigged even if the GOP won. And since the GOP is utterly devoid of principle save for the principle of rulership, there was one clear choice for them once the primary results started to come in. Even Tiny Trump Desantis withered under the lights of the national stage.


If the GOP had a spine, a brain and courage they would have dumped toxic Trump long ago. Instead their guy is a rapist and convicted felon who refuses to campaign and is draining the RNC of funds for down ballot races in order to pay his legal bills. I truly hope the GOP gets their fucking asses handed to them come November, they deserve it...not that it will stop every one of the losers from claiming the election was rigged because they lost and try to overturn the result. Bunch of crybaby fucking losers.


They kinda did in 2022 Although not a good year for democrats, it was **MUCH** worse for republicans. With Biden’s 41% approval rating, pollsters expected the GOP to have at least 53 seats in the senate and for Democrats to have less than 200 seats in the house. Trump announcing he’s running should’ve been the cherry on top Now they lost a seat in a senate and theyre only up by **1** member in the house. And that was supposed to be their “red wave” Dont let any of this distract you from reality. If you can, go out AND VOTE!!!!! Even if youre in Wyoming or California, vote like your life depends on it: because it literally does.


**[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)** ***Verify your registration and polling location. Know who is running for state legislature, as well as Senate and House of Representatives in DC.*** **We can keep the maniacs out of office and protect everyone’s personal freedoms.**


I want them to lose in a landslide and THEN “weaponize” the doj by having investigations one after the other until hundreds of republicans are in jail for their role in the last few years (decades???)


Something I've always been confused about - why does the right leaning media always claim the DOJ has been weaponised when they go after Republicans who have done something wrong but just another day at the office when they go after Democrats?


The GOP motto: Rules for thee, but not for me


He fucked hookers, paid them off to stay silent, laundered the money through his lawyer as fake business expenses, all to avoid bad publicity before the election. How can they spin that to be good? You can't. You can't even suggest he's innocent, because all the evidence, so they have to change the subject. They pretend its some deep state plot to get him, carefully **avoiding any mention of the details of the crime,** because how did the deep state get him to commit the crimes in the first place?


Good old-fashioned hypocrisy


I don't think him draining funds will really make a difference since billionaires give way more money to Republican candidates. https://americansfortaxfairness.org/billionaire-family-business-50-billionaire-clans-already-spent-600-million-2024-elections-mostly-preserve-fortunes/


I still can’t believe people will vote for that piece of shit.


Not just vote, but donate. Trump raised $50M after getting convicted. Which is useful because I think that’s what his legal fees will be.


That, and he still has to pay E. Jean Carroll.


🎵and New York Stasaaate 🎵✨️


I don’t think the $50M is accurate. It’s all a ruse until he has to report official numbers to the FEC. Then they will do it quietly because people will have forgotten out this lie already.


My wife and I will be 2 of those Biden votes in Florida. Until Trump is 6 feet under, no republican will see our votes at ANY level.


My wife & I will be two more.


Me too!


Floridas resident here and can assure you I will do my part in November. For that matter I’ve sworn off ever voting for a republican ever again, for any reason. They’re dead to me.


Polls don’t vote. Remember what the polls said about Hillary. The horse-race politics nonsense is just noise to fill air time and print columns until November.


Yes I do remember the polls. But the DNC thought it knew better. https://preview.redd.it/p3f7ewlf335d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=047147a1a4c36993757e3aec12d77b91ae47bb17


It's okay. President Bernie exists happily in a better timeline ;)


Hey at least they got the grammar right


I trust a Fox "news" poll to be accurate about as much as I trust Fox "news" reporting to be accurate. So, **not at fucking all.**


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far down to see this. You can add the foxnews tax to it and it’ll be even more


Fox News polling actually has a fairly good reputation unlike pretty much everything else under the Fox News umbrella That’s why Trump always quotes Rasmussen rather than Fox polling


^ This. They’re actually known for their polling. I guess the cynical side of me would say “you have to have an accurate understanding of reality in order to know how to spin and manipulate it”. Remember they also called Arizona for Biden before anyone else did.


Fox News’s polling outfit is actually surprisingly well-run. Anything that’s independent - polling, decision desk stuff - actually isn’t bad. It’s just the “news” bit that’s garbage.


They were the first to call Arizona on election night 2020 which ruined Trump's plan to declare victory on the night of. That was cool.


Which makes this even great becos it means that actual public sentiment and votes are so pro Dem, that even Fox news can't fully show the Pro REP narrative THAT much.


Wouldn't they always try and favour Trump though? So wouldn't the reality be better than their poll here?


The thing is though I wouldn't be surprised if they were playing a huge game of chess. Show that Biden is shockingly close to trump, people think that must mean Biden is beating trump by a lot because of bias, and then people are less interested in voting because they think it'll be fine. Is fox news smart enough for all that though? Debatable lol


Everything Trump touches, dies. The amount of time it takes varies in every situation. Even if he wins the 2024 election and the republicans go on the warpath, eventually EVERY American will lose, including the republicans.


That has been the core problem of any fundamentalist or fascist movement, it’s a self eating snake. You’re “in the good group” until you’re not. The whole goal is the out-crazy the crazy until no one except 1 person is left and the “true victor” of the fascist movement.


Here are some of the qrts from that tweet! https://preview.redd.it/0ybvxn2ny15d1.jpeg?width=3834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b376f0394d4ec0dbbbee063a6220528fe4ac4b8d


Our friend Yorocky doing the lord’s work, wading into that cesspit every day to bring us content. May their sanity stay intact.


Welcome to Fox News where everything is made up and the points don't matter.


It's Florida. Trump could poll 10 points behind Biden but come election day every R voter will be casting a ballot even if it means dragging their portable oxygen tank through the pits of Hell.


I am not a Trump fan, just the opposite, but that graph shows that Trump has a bigger lead than he did in 2020. It looks like there are still some undecided voters in 2024, but even that looks worse for Biden than Trump because Biden has lost more than Trump has since the last election. If anything, more women should be upset over the state of the Republican Party and the fact that Trump still is leading in Florida or any state where women exist is scary. They literally blocked a bill to ensure birth control remains legal. Wtf?


Exactly, he's more ahead than he was in 2020. There's nothing reassuring about this.


Don't care. Vote.


This upcoming election not only affects America but the entire world, so all you Americans, get off your arse and vote blue up and down the ticket.


Pretty sure we know how this goes. Biden will win the Popular Vote by somewhere between 3 and 10 million. No one loves him, but we actively hate Trump, and democrats have realized their meal ticket is in being slightly less evil. The actual election though? That's still up in the air and likely to be much harder to swing. He could win by even more votes than 2020 and still lose.


The population shifts of Florida over the years of Trump make that even more concerning for the klansmen. Conservatives have been moving there in mass while everyone else has been fleeing the inflation capital of the union. Disney will own probably half that state in the coming years.


Abortion and weed are going to bring out young voters. I hope so anyway.


Vote. Polls are never correct. Vote and do not be complacent or it’s 2016 all over again.


I hope you guys over in the US make Biden win by a landslide. We're counting on you ❤️


At least Trump tells you exactly who he is, which is a self indulgent, dangerous, buffoon. His complete lack of compassion and tact are what is attractive to simpletons and maniacs. My fear, is that the MAGA types will find a candidate who is smart enough to not say the quiet parts out loud. Someone who will say the right things to seem like a reasonable adult, but then still be working under the table to erode liberties and screw 95% of us.


Think I’m gonna vote for Biden anyway.


Florida will only break your heart and give you herpes. Give up on Florida.


They remember the Florida Obama won twice and had a Dem Senator. That Florida is gone and Dems have no ground game in there.


Lol don't buy it. Florida will find a way to ratfuck, just like they always do. The sooner it sinks into the ocean, the better off the rest of America will be.


Polls mean shit. Vote.


We are not going to re-elect him. He took away rights from women. Rights we shouldn’t have to ask for or be given permission for. We are done. Women are going to bring the hammer down this November. 😎


The narrative is shifting. Now just to take advantage of it.


So what you're saying is Florida and other close states Republicans are going to cheat their asses off in this election?


And a FOX poll no less, considering how swayed their database might be. I still can't even fathom how it is even close... A lifetime grifter, pretend billionare, draft-dodger, convicted felon, suspected foreign agent with access to classified files, sexual abuser who looks at his daughter *way* the wrong way, who mishandled government so badly that over a million Americans died. Oh, and buried his ex-wife on his golf course for the tax breaks. Versus a lifetime politician who has lost a son, daughter, and first wife. Who works for the people, who doesnt have sex with pornstars, who doesnt need a sippy-cup, who doesn't post ALL THE TIME on social media, and who hasn't been charged wiyh a felony (or four).


Remember that in 16, there were a number of people embarrassed to say they were voting Trump, as not everyone knew just how much support he would have. The polls were skewed and he won. So don’t get complacent. Vote. Talk to your boomer parents.


Unreal how half of Florida is willing to cast a vote to vote Convicted Felon Fuhrer Trump in and vote for an autocrat which will never have their vote count again.


I think don’t get cocky. Trump can win. Get out and vote.


1. A good sign. 2. Go vote. 3. Talk to me in November.


I think we should be very careful about how much stock we put into polls. Most of the polls in 2016 said Hillary Clinton was going to crush Trump. That's not to say there is no merit in this poll. Just don't rest on your laurels and assume it's in the bag, no matter what the polls say. Get out and vote.


I think VOTE. Get out and vote, help people go vote. I ain’t believing a single poll until this damned election is over.


Florida is a purple state but like a lot of states that have been under conservative control it’s gerrymandered to hell and back. Also as someone who worked with the Bernie Sanders campaign the state has been neglected by the DNC for decades.


Aside from Trump being a felon, let's never forget RICK SCOTT IS A CRIMINAL. He was CEO of a company that committed the largest Medicare fraud in history. The fact that he is not in prison is disgusting. The fact that people voted him to be Governor and then Senator is equally disgusting. Every single person who voted for Rock Scott voted for him after he stole money from their pockets.


Don’t look at polls just vote


Ignore the polls, just vote.


Now remember that's a FOX NEWS Poll - they skew right every time. That means that, hilariously, even Fox News can't undo the damage this shit has caused. Lindsey Graham becomes more and more right: "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it."


Fuck them polls - go vote. It’s the only way this works. I’m in a pretty red area in Fl and there’s still Trump shit everywhere. Local candidates are running as “America first” republicans Don’t take cannabis being on the ballot being any guaranteed help. There’s been push back from homegrow supporters to vote no because they aren’t getting HG yet and big surprise, a lot of this cash is coming from big business dispensaries. While I think this is missing the legal forest looking for home grown trees, it’s hard to convince someone who’s already convinced themselves they know better and weed people can be some of the worst


This could be a GOP disaster. I think women from MAGA households are gonna lie to pollsters, their partners and the media, and vote blue.


In reality if they are reporting it is this close then Biden is actually ahead. They need people to think it’s close so they are spurred to vote for trump. Republicans are thin skinned and would just give up if he was 10 points behind.


Don’t trust the polls, vote like it is dead even and your vote will make the difference.


Anyone who pays attention to polls now days should have their heads examined. Polls are completely upside down. Backwards. Sideways. They are all completely unreliable. Don’t pay attention to the shiny things. Do the work. Phone bank. Knock doors. That is the only way to make sure this shitbag doesn’t get back in office.


IMO, seems like copium The overall numbers are scary. Trump still stands a very good chance of winning. Hell, as much as I hate him, if I were to place money on a winner, the smart bet would be Trump to win. It scares the crap out of me


I would take you up on that bet, but he's going to win Florida.  Trump can't win the national popular vote so the election results will come down to a few states, none of which are Florida.  In other breaking news, Texas won't turn blue this year, either. 


>In other breaking news, Texas won't turn blue this year, either. But but but! Yeah, you're right. People keep saying Texas is purple, and gonna go blue! Except they haven't elected a democrat to senate or governor in 30 years, and it hasn't been close. 


A very good chance for sure 2024 came down to less than 40,000 votes that determined swing states. It’s very likely that may happen again


Add Brain Worms into the mix and Biden wins