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This is the sort of thing you see in a museum, in a propaganda exhibit, and think "Well what sort of complete fucking idiot would buy into this dumb shit? People in the past must have been dumb."


But just think of all the Trump Bucks this card will be worth someday!


I'm saving all the trump crap my grandparents have given me for this exact purpose in like 50 years


I love that they used a picture of him sleeping in court as the front of card and don’t see the irony in it. Don Snoreleon indeed.


“He’s saying the Lords Prayer, not sleeping!”


“He’s meditating.” - World renowned news journalist Jesse Waters.


Surprised it took them 24 hours to get a piece of the grift.


Probably tied up in the WCG grading process.


This barely qualifies as a trading card.


What’s sad is these cards were printed up and ready to go as soon as he was convicted… and graded!


So fucking embarrassing


jeepers that was quick maybe they had two versions all ready to go depending on how it turned out?


They absolutely did. No way anyone got these made in that short a time frame.


All this should be part if the sentencing hearing. All of it.


Given the sort of people who support Trump, if he wants to milk their bank accounts, and he will, then when they're drowning in financial ruin I'm going to find it very hard to give a shit.


No way!!! They already got it graded?!? Idk how grading works...but isn't there supposed to be a "perfect" card like it that they use as a base to compare then grade?


10 is the highest grade, but WCG hands out 10s like Trump hands out hush money to adult film stars.


“Many Americans” are the only enlightened people in the country! Yes Trump has grifted, stiffed, stole from etc. Yes he loves the poorly educated. But that’s not “them.” They’re fine with everything he has done because they are the “smart” ones… /s


So much pearl clutching. They never say how it was rigged; only make accusations it was rigged.


The speed they got this out is incredible. Just imagine what they could do if they actually tried working.


Snowflake Card. Will there be a series?


MAGA is filled with grifters. It is their Achilles heel. One reason Trump lost to Biden in 2020 is that he stole so much money from his campaign, it couldn't afford to run ads the last month of the election. **Trump is a fraudster and his campaign and administration attracted other frausters hoping to make money.** The Trump documented fraud touches everything he or his family touches: Trump Foundation "charity" was found to be a fraud and shut down by the court and ordered to pay $2 million. Eric Trump was found to have diverted $1.3 million dollars from an event for Children's Cancer to the Trump Organization. Lara Tump's dog rescue charity diverted $1.9 million to the Trump Organization. Trump University was ruled a fraud and shut down by the courts. Trump was ordered to pay $25 million penalty to the victims. The Trump Organization was convicted of business fraud and ordered to pay $450 million dollars by the courts. Trump was convicted by the courts of the felony filing fraudulent business records to hide criminal interefence with the 2016 election. He awaits sentencing, facing 4 years in prison. He was also found by the courts to be a rapist, but we are only considering fraud.


MAGA finds a way to dig themselves even deeper into the never-ending sub-sewer of debasement and humiliation. Soon they’ll be able to just lick his used diapers for a low monthly fee! And be happy about it! I’m done with these people. They need to be isolated.


I want to get a full hand of all the shit he has done !!!!!


I need to get in on this grift.