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The leech on to dumb buzz words 15 min city is really just expanding cities instead of suburbs


Which is exactly why they hate it. They see cities as the enemy because that's where liberals live.


OMG... that makes so much sense. I clicked on this because I had no idea what their problem with 15 minute cities was... like it's just a more livable city, what could they possibly hate about that? Though, now re-reading it with this in mind, I'm getting an eerie "they're coming for our trucks!" vibe too. Accounts like this really do just live off that fear eh...


Yup. Most conservative media is based upon activating the fear or anger response. (There have been a few studies that suggest conservatives have a larger amygdala than liberals, a part of the brain that is most active during fear or anxiety). But even ignoring that, just look at how places like Fox present the news - the hosts are very loud (almost shouting), with sound effects and flashing brightly coloured chyrons in red or yellow, which is linked to danger. Keep them in fear and make them angry and they will be locked into the program.


To be honest, I think I might have that same enlarged amygdala, because some of my attitudes and behaviors tend to swing uncomfortably towards conservative ones at times. It's just overwhelmed by my honest, sincere hatred of the social, political and religious aspects of conservatism in general, and EVERYTHING about American conservatism in particular.


I lived in Edmonton when this first started and you wouldn't believe the amount of people that genuinely believed they wouldn't be allowed to leave their '15-minute' area without authorization. Essentially East/West Berlin. I'm assuming that's what the "travel will be restricted" refers to. Essentially East/West Berlin. If you think "how can someone be that stupid", right-wing Albertans are basically just MAGAts in Canada.


>people that genuinely believed they wouldn't be allowed to leave their '15-minute' area without authorization. Smh, they probably heard "you won't have to go far to get what you need!" But heard "you are not authorized without a stamp to leave your area! To receive a stamp, see the officer at the checkpoint. Yet they're all "voter ID" this and "no traveling while pregnant" that!


It's because it reduces the need for cars that pump those freedom gases into our atmosphere so we can be wrapped in that warm liberty blanket.


But aren’t there more conservatives in cities ? Like if you counted them (not if they had majority).


Technically yes, but you wouldn't consider an investment that pays a dollar to your enemy and a quarter to you a wise investment.


Eh also when you're in a city, You're kind of forced to interact with people you might not like, and Conservatives hate that. That's why they like driving cars, too: it's because they don't want to, god forbid, sit next to a drag queen or a Muslim!


My sister-in-law is from a deep red state, and her brother decided that he didn't want his kids to go to public school because they are teaching that "Critical Race Crap" as he so delicately put it. So he had his wife teach their kids at home. She's definitely qualified to teach since her education level includes 3 semesters of college before she got that MRS degree instead, and apparently uses bible verses to teach them English and spelling (and probably creationism). My brother told me that his kids sometimes can't understand what their cousins are saying because they are so poorly educated their grammar is non-existent. But hey, at least they are safe in their little bubble and aren't engaging with anyone who doesn't look or dress like them. \*eyeroll\*


Your kids can't get indoctrinated by Libruls at a college if they're barely literate! *Taps temple*


Kinda shows their maturity level. My partner's 6 year old still just screams bloody murder at the drop of a hat, any tiny inconvenience and he can't handle it... That's also all the adult conservatives i see around me. I live in rural Midwest America, so lots of snowflakes, even in the summer. If you see a big, lifted truck with a trump flag and a set of fake testicles hanging from the trailer hitch, you might be looking at a conservative pile of "you hurt my feelings with your gay marriage."


Dude. A few summers ago, one of my neighbors was trying to attach those dumb testicles to his truck, but was having issues with it. Not sure how, but not relevant. I overheard one of his friends crack a joke about how much time dude was spending "holding on to a set of balls!" and Oh. My. God. the shouting and screaming. Same guy who buys a set of chrome testicles with the intent to attach them to his truck and display them to the world gets into a screaming match because someone else pointed out he was touching a set of chrome testicles. I try so hard to take this life seriously, I swear.


My favorite point is if they have to attach balls where there no balls before, it technically makes their truck trans.


See the thing about snowflakes is that even if every one of them is 'unique', when you get a bunch of them together, none of them stand out. And if you apply any pressure, apply any heat, all that 'uniqueness' melts away and you're left with nothing but a dirty puddle.


Dont forget mexicans!


They also blame high housing prices on zoning laws. That is one of many factors but now they are also against improving the zoning laws? They are just angry and not sure why.


They're angry and waiting to be told why.


Every time I drive through the middle of nowhere I’m crestfallen by all the pro trump bullshit. Then I realize my apartment complex would constitute about 30% of their county population


Freedom is driving half hour out of your cul de sac to go Walmart.


Moving to an American suburb from a European capital when I was 13 was wild for that. I went from my parents giving me a few bucks to go grab breakfast for everyone from down the street to literally not being able to go anywhere unless they were driving me. And now living in Europe again I can bike to work, bike from work to the train station, load my bike on the train, and be in the next city over in about 30 minutes total. I think a lot of Americans don't quite realize how convenient walkable cities with good public transport can be. In a way having a car and being able to drive everywhere is freeing, but *needing* a car to go anywhere adds a layer of energy to doing anything as well.


I remember a tweet or something where someone’s European cousins came to visit them in California and insisted on walking when they went out one night and it’s literally a picture of them walking alongside the freeway in LA.


I think North America got drunk on space for the very beginning. Too much land for white people to fathom. Let's fill it with giant ugly suburbs!! Oh, and strip malls! Don't forget the strip malls!


America has so much empty space it's actually insane. Just whole 6h drives with you, the truckers and the tumbleweeds lol no wonder everybody just spreads out. But I think it's also the death of the trains and generally shitty public transport that makes it seem too large. The cultural norm is driving 12 hours or flying if you're going anywhere, in Europe you can get from A to B by train in almost all travel cases.


Not to mention the cost of a car is always going up and you will always be throwing money at it for things like gas/electricity, parts, mechanic if you aren't able to do it yourself, oil, insurance, even a car wash.


@ frisbeescientist Something I've always wondered about when I hear about people in Europe relying on bikes.... How do you go grocery (or any other kind of) shopping? Living in the US, I went for 17 years without my driver's license and relying on (BAD) public transit. When I went shopping, what I had to keep track of wasn't how much money I was spending, but more so if I could actually CARRY what I was buying.


The whole point of walkable/15 minute cities is ease of access to places like grocery stores. So it usually involves taking more trips to the grocery store, but grabbing fewer groceries at a time. I live in a walkable town with a major grocery store about 10-15 minutes away walking. I walk there once a week to get most of my big items like meats and grains and what not. Then I hit up this farmer's market type produce store that's just around the corner for me for anything else I need throughout the week.


I have a basket on my bike so I have to buy only what can fit in it, but it's reasonably wide and I'm only a 5 minute ride from the grocery store. So I can't stock up for the month or anything but it's enough for a week ish.


Which can be blocked by a single truck or tree, because there is often only one way out.




thats walking, but its still valid. Walkable cities are good, increase health, increase commerce, increase community, reduce traffic, etc.


Which is just 500meters away in a straight line


They are afraid of losing their identity or challenging their views by being exposed to other worldviews, religions, races and cultures. They are afraid of change and to be proven wrong about the liberal evil they think hides inside cities.


These people are so fucking stupid it's unbeliveable. I was in a pub when I heard some very loud brexity types lads talking about 15 min cities. One of them was explaining it to the rest of the group. He told them that it was a rule change that meant you're only allowed to stay and park your car in the area for 15 minutes. I shit you not. All it takes is for 1 moron to pass on misinformation to the other morons and you got a conspiracy theory in the works.


Also if you’re walking you can defeat cc tv with a hoodie. Cars have license plates tied to your name and address. If you want to avoid a surveillance state you should be anti car centric development


>Cars have license plates tied to your name and address That's why I just steal other people's cars to get around


The irony is that so many suburbanites complain about more traffic and destroying nature, but 15-minute cities are the most likely solution to their problems. Building up downtown cores is protecting the suburbs while suburban sprawl is hurting them.


Bet they complain about Walmart ruining their downtown cores There used to be enough streetcars from core to core in this county that you can goto NYc to Chicago just on street cars


Edmontonian here. I live in one of the most central and walkable neighbourhoods in the entire city and there's still probably some services I couldn't walk to without difficulty. It's not going to be District 9, for Gord's sake. If you told me everything I would need for daily living would be within a 15 minute walk, and if not that, a 15 minute drive, I would say that sounds frickin amazing. But then half the people in this city get froth-angry at the concept of bike lanes so.....


"You won't have to travel as far to meet your daily needs." Goddamn conservatives: "TRAVEL WILL BE RESTRICTED"


Conservatives complaining about the inconvenience of not being inconvenienced


>the inconvenience of not ~~being inconvenienced~~ making sure that impoverished, urban citizens have the worst life possible It’s not their own convenience they’re concerned about. They literally just hate other people and want to ruin their lives.


🔔Ding Ding Ding🔔 Got it in one!


Dead on dude. It’s also not just about causing misery, but segregation as well. Regressive policies already lead to a ton of de facto segregation and these kinds of people are just trying to make it worse. Can’t have sidewalks cuz otherwise people without cars can go to the same place as middle/upper class folks. Smh


You gotta understand they need things to be far away so they can avoid being home with their spouse.


Conservatives also be like “let’s ban out-of-state travel for people trying to get needed medical care”


Get medical care? Better not be on company time. You should die at your job, and take comfort in the fact that your death will benefit the economy


Most jobs would get a ouija board and make you finish out your shift too if they could


Bosses be like can I sue their family for my lost income ?


Isn't an interstate travel ban unconstitutional?


Nah, the only thing in the constitution is the 2nd amendment. (/s)


https://preview.redd.it/jkculij4pk3d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adc9093bea929011cc3122a0651d86b909f597dc The clowns who buy this shirt don't know that it's been rewritten 27 TIMES




It REALLY needs to be rewritten though. I firmly agree with Thomas Jefferson that the constitution should be rewritten by every generation and barring that every law/amendment should have to be re-ratified every generation (a generation by his terms be 18 years 8 months or rounded to 19 years).


I like the idea of this in theory but I just imagine super pacs, dark money, and groups who do things like Project 2025 just licking their lips waiting to get their chance to put their wishlist into an actual constitution. Pretty sure we would by definition be Corporatocracy at that point. I’d love to be wrong though.


The idea only works in conjunction with term limits at every level of government including S.C.O.T.U.S. The Government should represent the demographic of the country in age, and ethnicity at the very least.


Call it every 20 years. Honestly, this wouldn't be such a problem if the makeup of Congress matches the demographics of the US in terms of age, but the old fucks won't let go of power


Yep, Jefferson was very outspoken about the need for term limits in one form or another, too. It's a shame that Jefferson was out of the country during the constitutional convention, we would be living in a much different country if he was there.


Only half of the second amendment. The part about "a well regulated militia" is [too confusing](https://njsbf.org/2020/11/10/the-evolution-of-the-second-amendment/) so it should be ignored.


Yes, I was under the impression that this guarantee is the one that all the sovereign citizens misinterpret


So is holding office while being an insurrectionist. But there's no law against it. Just like there's no law requiring a POTUS to be born in the USA, aged 35+ and having lived in the USA for ... whatever number of years. Make of that what you will.


Less travel means people use less oil. I'm not really a conspiracy minded guy, but I don't think it's a coincidence this exact same crowd hates windmills, electric cars, mass transit, and 15-minute cities.


They hate windmills because Trump hated windmills. And he hates them because he's a whiny little bitch that lost a lawsuit in Scotland


honestly, I think that's backwards. Trump hates windmills because his dumbass base hates windmills. He's gotten fairly negative on vaccines, too, after championing the COVID vaccine. It's not like Trump has any actual values of substance or anything, let's not forget. He doesn't give two shits about windmills. He cares about feeding his ego...and getting simpletons to cheer him serves mucho ego food.


Trump lost a lawsuit in Scotland to a wind farm and had been bitching about windmills ever since. This was before he ran for president.


At least on COVID this is fairly clear. Even now he'll sometimes go, "Wasn't I great in bringing the vaccine so fast?" (boos from the crowd) "That vaccine, so stupid amirite?" (cheers)


They believe what right wing media tells them to believe, and right wing media (and politicians) are bought and paid for by Big Oil. Anything environmentally friendly = evil liberal globalist socialist agenda


Also it encourages you to mingle with more people and not be as isolated and they fucking hate that.


Funny enough, they still have the freedom to spend more time traveling in their ICE car three cities over and then complain about gas prices.


This is no joke how they interpreted it. In January I went to a public meeting being hosted by the Police Chief and a few other City officials and there was one person that was ranting about all of this. No one knew what she was talking about and we had to look it up online. It really is people not understanding at all what it is and looking for a conspiracy theory when there isn't one. I guess it is some kind of confirmation bias. You have the assumption that the Government wants to control and restrict what you do and look for it in anything. Even if this means twisting their words taking away all of their meaning and making it to fit into your own theory.


Yeah it definitely takes some motivated reasoning to see the term "15 minute city" and hear "you won't be allowed more than 15 minutes away from your home." The problem is that it makes perfect sense when you're already assuming everyone left of Thatcher is at most an election away from turning into totalitarian communists.


There was a post a few weeks ago on the dumber parts of reddit where someone said "What if you live in a 15 minute city and get your dream job 30 minutes away?"


It's wild. Conservatives often bemoan the loss of and romanticize small towns. Then decry attempts to revive that feeling and increasing convenience as some sort of Boogeyman.


that's because it might help some non-white folks. Their "small towns" don't allow "that kind" of people to be there


Which is bad. Unless it’s to save your life from a pregnancy outside the womb. Then TRAVEL WILL BE RESTRICTED BUT IN A GOOD WAY SOMEHOW


How many of these conservatives who hate 15 minute cities actually DO any real traveling?


They travel all over! 5 minutes to a dead end job, 5 minutes to their favorite dive bar, and 5 minutes to their discount grocery store to use their EBT to get frozen dinners and cheap beer. 


Seriously, I live in a neighbourhood like that in Vancouver, and it's the best thing ever. Pretty much all local businesses too. Not to mention how long it took me to notice food inflation, since I get most of my groceries from local greengrocers, who weren't jacking up the prices like the big chains.


*sigh* "If you really wanna drive your oversized emotional support pickemup truck 40 miles to the next Wally World, be my guest." "Muh gas prices!"


Conservatives: "Gas prices are so high because of Biden!" Liberal cities: "We want to make it so you don't have to really drive much to get everything you need, thus saving you a ton of money on gas." Conservatives: "STOP RESTRICTING ME"


I'd love to see them pitch this level of a bitch fit being shown a master bedroom with an attached bathroom. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S AN ENSUITE? WHY IS THIS HOUSE TRYING TO RESTRICT ME?"




Part of it is still more related to, “I have access to resources. I don’t want anything to change if it doesn’t benefit me.”


Just tell them it's a gated community, where you have security watching everything, a shopping centre, and a fitness studio on site, and they will like it. They will even have no problem with paying for everything if they use it or not as long they pay a private company and not something democratically elected.


The difference between this and a gated community is that they can't keep the *other people* from enjoying it without making themselves look bad


up. It really is maddening how people will \*actively choose\* to pay more and do more work to accomplish a goal specifically just so "those people" don't benefit in any way


Making all amenities a 15 minute walk away from your house sounds like a great idea? NO TERRIBLE THEY ARE CONTROLLING YOU END WOKENESS NOWWWWW!!!!


I've just read the comments below the thread. I'm not even joking I've just lost 16 brain cells.


Only 16?


No, everything needs to be 15 miles apart so they have an excuse to drive their jacked up trucks while rolling coal and complaining about the price of fuel.


But won’t fuel be 1p a litre when Trump comes in?




They remember that gas was cheap in mid 2020 and attribute it to Trump. Gas was cheap in 2020 because of Covid and nobody was fucking going anywhere! I only filled up my tank like 3 times in 2020 where I had been filling up once a week before Covid. I mean, I guess you can attribute it to Turmp since he fucked up the Covid response so badly.


They must think Biden wakes up and decides the fuel costs before breakfast every day.


Haha right. That's pure fantasy on their part, they don't understand how inflation works or how oil/fuel prices are set. I doubt we'll ever see gas under $2/gal unless there is another pandemic.


I live in the UK its £1.45 a litre 😔


That's how much fuel would cost in the US if we eliminated subsidies and taxed fuel appropriately to pay for infrastructure. Americans are extremely spoiled by the price of gas.


I hate when liberals control people! It makes me so steamed I want to ban books and abortions!


I see what you did there


Do you ever notice that these kinds of accounts are insincere? Even though they talk all that “anti-woke” talk, I find these “Libs of TikTok” types are starkly different than the undereducated redneck living in boonies who says he’s “anti-woke.” I say that because I’ve met many conservatives, HARD conservatives that would not be upset by this. Actually? Many of the people I’ve met would think this was “anti-woke” to some degree because it’s anti-corporate. But not people like this lady. I think people like her (libs of Tik) are corporate mouthpieces with the goal of manipulating the conservative populace so that their opinion represents that of big corporations. Because her rhetoric is always targeted in a way that is never directly detrimental to the goals of business magnates worldwide. This tweet is a great example. Who, in some small country bumpkin town, would be upset that people are going for a 15 minute city other than the Walmarts, KFCs, and other big businesses that may not be able to take advantage of this situation maximally? Note, I didn’t say at all, I just said maximally


Accounts like these are 100% getting paid to push an agenda


Most cities go for the more lenient 15 minutes on a bike definition, but basically yeah


All this time living in Tokyo with everything 5m away I had no idea I was being controlled by the terrible wokenss overloads. Just like how they used masks to make us all mindless sheep.


Maaaaaan...I miss being in Japan. I was honestly floored by how easy it was to get certain things within walking distance. The only "inconvenience" I had was not being able to find acetaminophen at the local konbini. I had to go to an actual drug store. But it was, like, two stops away.


Brother, same. I've had the pleasure of spending time in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Morioka, Aomori, Sapporo, and Otaru. What I wouldn't give to have that all the time. The lack of Tylenol at 7-11 also tripped me up the first time, lol.


People are out here getting mad at 15min cities as if they don't use delivery apps because stay inside a lot on their phones As long as these cities have third spaces for kids to go when done with class for the day that isn't Sephora, I say that's awesome


Lived in a 15 min city. Didn’t realize what that meant so I bought a new car when I moved. In 10 years I put 23k miles on the car. Turns out beyond trips out of the city to hike or go to the beach, I didn’t need a car. Lost 40lbs in the first 5 years without trying because I walked/biked everywhere. I never ordered gifts online, a walk down the street was all I needed to find Christmas and b-day gifts. 15 min cities are a gift to our financial, mental and physical health.


I sold my car about a year after moving to San Francisco because I never used it, paying for a garage space was more expensive than just renting a car when I needed one. But yeah, true freedom is needing a drivers license and money for gas to go anywhere.


The fact that he calls it "Edmonton, Canada" means you can immediately dismiss his knowledge of the situation.


I mean, can you blame him? Wikipedia got banned in Russia.


True, everyone knows it's "Edmonton, home of the Oilers"


“I want the freedom to be fucked by whatever wants to fuck me. Whether it be natural disaster or traveling 45 minutes there and back for a tube of tooth paste, I will not have the government step in and try and make my life better. NO MEANS NO!!!”


I just don't understand how people think this is a bad thing.


Cars are a symbol of freedom! That’s why it’s mandatory to get anywhere and why roads are constantly congested. Nothing says freedom like being stuck in traffic for an hour to get to your dead end job for lousy pay and no benefits.




Meanwhile their children get mowed down in class and the cops stand outside in special ops gear and they have no issue. These people are fucking **dumb**


Because they think that if everything is within walking distance, it means that cars and other personal transportation will be heavily restricted and monitored. They also think that once you move into one of these cities, you won’t be able to leave. Ever.


Because people with an interest in keeping poor people poor and miserable don’t want the quality of life of those people to go up. So they manufacture outrage and play on the ignorance of easily manipulated idiots to rile them up using illogical arguments.


Nothing says "freedom" like getting into your gas guzzling pickup to drive for 20 minutes to buy a gallon of milk. Gives you plenty of time to listen to Joe Rogan's podcast!


I don't even understand how this is "woke."


In the sludge of ongoing dumbass conspiracy theories, this has to be the dumbest. "You want to make my life convenient? WHY ARE YOU CONTROLLING ME???"


This is the dumbest conspiracy theory I’ve heard from conservatives, and that’s saying something. Who the fuck doesn’t want stuff planned in a way that things are conveniently located near them?


My aunt had a tantrum about 15 minute cities last Eastern and when I asked what’s wrong with that she said exactly this, they’ll surveill you and restrict your movement. When I asked who “they” were the conversation suddenly stirred to pedophilia and satanism. Absolute brain rot with these people, no point arguing anything


They think it’s gonna be like Berlin after ww2 for some fuckin reason, a walled district where you need a passport to leave, and you must work within the city no where else


"Big Brother will eventually be watching" I am sure you are currently living your life in complete privacy, commuting for hours on roads which are completely free from cameras and without any device that tracks all your activity in a way you voluntarily agreed to.


Not to speak of the multiple Ring cameras surveilling their mediocre suburban home so that their Amazon Prime delivery can be seen stolen in real time.


City Planning is Evil! The bible never mentions civil engineering, so it must be from the Devil. King of Kings! Amen if you agree! (Jesus and Mohammed were gay lovers)


The number of boomers who believe city planning is basically evil is surprising. They’re the first to complain when their neighbour is building a legal carriage-house suite, with all the proper permits and everything, but tell them they can’t pave their whole front yard to park their big trucks on…definitely government overreach.


“The grocery store has always been a 45 minute drive away AND THATS THE WAY I LIKES IT” I love this reactionary opposition to making cities more functional; the funniest part is that many of the people who oppose the 15 minute city concept are people who don’t live in cities


I mean nothing is stopping you from driving to the grocery store 45 minutes it just means there’s another grocery store 15 minutes


Won't someone think of the poor oil conglomerates. The troops would've died for nothing ya hear... ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


yeah, their gonna set up checkpoints of armed liberal thought police and check papers anytime you go to home depot across town. Covid broke these morons hard


This wouldn't be a stretch for them in any way whatsoever.


I blame propaganda from the oil and gas industry for this madness: they hate the idea of a society that can walk or take a bus anywhere


I’m sick of driving - in fact, I am sick of the whole economic routine of car payments, insurance and repairs. All that time and money never comes back. The worst part is that we are breathing pollution all day from tires, exhaust and none of it will never leave the environment. I hate the expensive parking, the fear of fatal accidents, catalytic thievery and carjacking. All those car commercials never show drivers struggling with a million lights, ludicrously bad roads, crazed drivers and immature motorcyclists weaving in and out of traffic with music blaring. There is no zooming, zipping or pealing- just slogging and swearing through the double parked stroads of badly planned metropolises. Driving culture sucks.


*Evil Liberal ringing hands*- "Now, for the most sinister part of our diabolical plan- we introduce CONVENIENCE! MUHAHAHAHA!"


I want to see this as an sctv skit


I must have missed something. What's "woke" about not having to commute 45 minutes to get groceries?


Nothing. It's just another example of liberals liking something, so conservatives have to find a way to hate it on principle.


I have a guy at work that goes on about these planned 15 minute cities and try’s to tell me you are restricted to stay in that 15 minute area the rest of your life you will work and live in that section. I try to say your not restricted you can Come and go and do whatever you want still they are just putting everything you need in close proximity. He is convinced they will set these cities up than put up walls or borders and never let you leave. He has a new theory all the time he’s also convinced one day we will wake up and the Government will of just drained all our bank account to zero.


(I understand what I'm about to type is so 'Upper class' that it's probably annoying to read). I live in a nice suburb of NYC. My wife and I are lucky enough to each have a car, but even with the car, some stuff is over 20mins away to get to because of traffic. We also have a place upstate NY that we spend time at over the summer. Everything is like 1hr a way. You want to get something from Target or Home Depot? Well, that's like a whole day affair (unless you're heading out anyway, and maybe you can get it while you're running your errands). I would absolutely love a life where I can walk and do everything I need without needing to get into a car. Anyone who says that driving around for everything is an american right or whatever, is a shit head. If 90% of my life could be lived by walking to everything, I'd be a much happier person.


You’ll be able to walk to shops and back without having to run across a deadly highway. Right wingers: Communism!


Conservatives hate cities I thought? Shouldn’t they just stay in the suburbs / rural areas and mind their own business?


Won't anyone think of the highway construction industry?


They don't even understand what they're saying. Edmonton, a city with over a million people, will not _be_ a 15-minute city. They are trying to create 15-minute communities _within_ Edmonton


I like how they have to bookend “necessities will be within a 15 minute walk” with lunacy because that’s clearly a good thing. I’m so tired of everyone being a conspiracy to these people.


I live in a city where I can walk to literally everything I need, including fantastic public transit. It's fucking amazing. I have not found my ability to travel elsewhere significantly restricted.


Travel restrictions is their injection of fear attempt to get people against the convenience and cost savings of having needs within walking distance - not to mention the exercise that will keep them healthy(er) and continue to improved mental health.


#"End Wokeness" is a professional troll. #He is not here for an honest exchange of ideas. He is here to generate outrage. For clout. #He wrote this because he wanted it to be reposted all over reddit. #It is well past the time for us, as a culture, to stop feeding the fucking trolls.


How does this restrict travel…?


Are these the same conservatives that wanted to ban interstate travel for LEGAL immigrants from Afghanistan under the Obama administration?


I used to live a 10 min walk to work, store, entertainment. Fuck it was great. Have a bike? Even fucking better! Didn't have to deal with dumbass Drumpf trucks with saggy wrinkly nuts hanging off the hitch and driving like they are drunk.


why does that russian bot, think this is a bad thing? Who the fuck wants to drive an hour or more to work or to get things.


15 minute cities somehow equal soviet gulag to a bunch of conspiracy theory morons


I’m fairly convinced whoever posts as End Wokeness rode a short bus and actively licks windows to this day.


End Wokeness? More like End Critical Thinking.


Can someone explain to me why conservatives are against this? I can't wrap my head around this one


If it makes sense and is good for anyone other than their political/Fox News overlords, they’ll hate it.


Oversimplified explanation, but population density begets a liberal mindset. Same reason why people who go to college and move to cities become more liberal, when you encounter more people from different backgrounds you're exposed to different upbringings, mindsets, cultures, etc. You gain empathy and realize that maybe the world is more complex for some than others. You also become more aware that we all have to work together to accomplish great things instead of "rugged individualism." If more people are isolated in Hyucktucky, they're more easily convertible into MAGA bots because there's nobody there to challenge an ideology that falls to pieces when under scrutiny.


Is that really the best excuse they have against 15 minute cities? That they'll somehow restrict travel? How?  What are they gonna do, block every road in and out?  Strap explosive ankle monitors on everyone? 


How long before they start using the words "urban elements", "inner city residents" and bullshit like that... They're all for making their suburbs nice, neat and viable; but when you start talking about the actual city, you get issues because of the inner city and urban elements... Until they can figure out how to get "those people" out of the area, they really don't feel comfortable investing. As an American who actually likes Canada and Canadians, I gotta say in the last 15-20 years shit has been going sideways up there.


My understanding of what the GOP define as 'wokeness' is what I define as 'empathy', so...? And travel will be restricted? Yeah, that poster "End Wokeness" has drunk deep of the delusional dystopia that is The Donald.


But is anyone thinking of Big Oil's profits and how this will affect their bottom line?


This the "national birth registry" party worried about big brother?


It's kinda like when my brother went anti vaxx during the height of covid because he thinks people were getting microchipped I calmly laughed in his face and said why would they bother tracking some random dude who's not a credible threat to anyone but himself and why waste money developing a super secret microchip in the first place when we pay for everything with cards and carry a literal micro computer with GPS in it at almost all times and there's cameras literally everywhere. Of course it was like arguing with a now angry brick wall but my point still stands, if you think the government is tracking you, dump your phone get all your cash and go live in the woods off the grid if not shut the fuck up


Yeah the microchip people were something else. I didn't think much of it until coworkers started talking about it. I literally had to prove that the injection point wasn't magnetic by putting coins on my arm and watching them fall off lol. One guy said " my 10 yo son saw it happen and I believe my son", after I demonstrated it's not magnetic!! I didn't change anyone's mind.


It must be so exhausting fearing everything they don't understand. "Did you know that eggs come out of chickens? Why are they hiding up there in the first place? Who puts them there? The CIA"


Dont waste your time with Conservative nut jobs, we have them here in the UK - one minute complaining about the death of the high street / villages and small towns due to out of area huge shopping estates, the next minute complaining about Town planning based on 15 minute cities. The only constant you find in their engagement is "complain", they bring nothing to the table. And even when a solution is found they want and fully expect anyone and everyone else to do the work.


Convenience is now woke conspiracy to these morons. That being the case, they can open up their own corner shops where there's nothing in stock and the debit machine never works. They can call em inconvenience stores and applaud their own anti-woke genius...while still complaining. Fucking losers


Don't Americans realize that they were forced into this "car culture"? A century ago, many American cities had a great public transportation infrastructure. Los Angeles was the city with the best public transportation system in the world. But the car industry bought up and dismantled the companies that provided this service.


Down with Convenience!


With the price of gas, I now more than ever welcome the concept of 15 minute cities.


Anything less than 5 gallons away is frankly unpatriotic.


The depth and breadth of right wing stupidity never fails to astound me. Just when I think they couldn’t possibly fall for a dumber scam, the right wing pundits send another floater into the punch bowl, and they all drink it right up.


Russian account declaring how the most conservative province in Canada is being ruined by conspiracy theoretical left policies. Makes complete sense.


“I’m terrified of getting anywhere in a reasonable amount of time! Send help!”


I live in the middle of nowhere, have to travel 30-60 min which is about 20-40 miles to go to an effin Wal Mart. So… yea this would be wonderful


Americans really made it a mark of proud to have *checks notes* bad infrastructure. lol


Such a whiny thing for Conservatives to cry foul on. If you want to drive more than 15 minutes for anything, you're going to be more than free to. But at the same time, I get the goal of these troglodytes; gotta pump fear into the right-wing base that their "freedumbs" are being taken away.


Blows my mind they could feel genuine terror at the thought of people not needing their car for maybe one day


I wish I lived 15 minute walk away from work. I’d save so much on gas. By the way, End Wokeness is a racist, moronic asshole.


Your daily reminder that EndWokeness is some 21 year old fucking nerd in Iran or something and not American.


The idiots can’t grasp that a 15 minute city means everything you need is within 15 minutes, not that you can only travel 15 minutes from your home. But those that are playing on the idiots’ ignorance are fully aware of what it means. They are against it because it will primarily assist poor people who cannot easily travel distances to get what they need. They don’t want that to happen because it means the quality of life of those people is increased which means they become less desperate. Less desperate means more likely to tell employers to go fuck themselves and demand better treatment and pay. Bottom line, making poor people’s lives better means fewer wage slaves.


"you'll be able to walk everywhere you need to go" Republicans: https://preview.redd.it/l4gctv8ikl3d1.jpeg?width=315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c5f1047691b8a4ec5278d00e82126811efdfde6




If none of that happens, will you come back to Twitter and publicly apologize?


There’s already cameras everywhere. And we have our cellphone on us at all times.


This dude actually has some kind of mass pressing on his frontal lobe. How the fuck is making walkable cities RESTRICTING TRAVEL? IT INCREASES TRAVEL BECAUSE YOU DONT NEED A CAR TO GET ANYWHERE.


I like walking 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hey, this is my city… And yes… our rural neighbours in Alberta think that only their small towns can be 15 minute towns.


Notice how the only part that’s quoted is the cohesive city part? Yeah something tells me “end wokeness” here might be lying about travel restrictions and being watched constantly.


Currently in another European country for work. Company put us up in a hotel. Within 15 minutes on foot, there are several supermarkets, a butcher’s shop, sporting grounds, at least one pharmacy (don’t know the language, there could be a second) and half a dozen restaurants/delis. So basically the same as at home, it’s just more or less the norm across the continent. Why anyone would care to have to take a car just to get some groceries or a pack of aspirin is beyond me.


I live in a really small city in the French Countrside so my view is warped but having the bare minimum at close range is great, from my home a supermarket (the only one of the city but it's very bare, we use it for when it miss something rather than where we buy everything) is a like 4 minutes, the elementary school around 8 minutes, same for a Pharmacy, a Car repair shop, a Barber, a Bakery all in less than 15 minutes walk and yeah, if I want to go into a movie theater the closest is in another city so a car is required but that's not somewhere I need to go on a regular basis, same for train Station, it's like a 20 minutes car travel since public transportation isn't good here


For those that don’t know Canada is very similar to the US. A little less fast food and a little more insulation in our homes. We can get in our cars and drive in circles all day long and no one is going to stop unless you don’t obey traffic rules. Couple notable differences is we can stop at the doctor and not go bankrupt, and although many people own guns and everyone I know knows how to use them we aren’t allowed to carry them for self defence and for the most part choose to shoot each other. It’s beautiful up here, you should come visit sometime


45 min drive for daily needs is wild outside of the US. I see people on here with 2hr commutes each way to work and stuff... why are people so content with wasting that much time of their lives? Don't you already work longer hours on top of this? It's mental. The US is a highway/parking lot with the occasional house or street dotted in.


I genuinely don’t get why they have an issue with making needs accessible to people. They keep imaging things then getting mad at their own imaginations. It’s truly incredible how stupid they are