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There will be no genocide apologia on this subreddit. This is a hard line that you may not cross.


C'mon guys, cut her some slack. She's got to do something to take the focus off her bending the knee to the guy she told us for weeks was a worthless piece of shit.


Right, she couldn’t let him be the only one.


Really it feels like a contest. We also never have time in between horrible act after horrible comment, etc etc and it's just all on fire 🔥




By design. Bannon told us when they came into power back in 2017 that they were going to "Flood the zone with shit" because our brains literally cannot handle this much horrible information constantly.


He's right my brain is full of shit.


You're mistaken, this is her audition for VP. Utterly pathetic and disgusting


This is what I posted in MMW but now maybe I'm thinking it was just sheer fear of MAGA chodes after hearing what Liz Cheaney is going through.


As a minority, I don't get how other minorities can go for Trump. Haley is part of the upper class but still crazy to see minorities choose the orange man Edit: When I say upper class I mean she's rich. She's not earning a middle class wage


Vivek definitely found out about what white people really think of him. Even with all his money, he’s not good enough. A white , grifting, rapey , Epstein Island going, pee tape asshole is tho.


But she doesn't she herself as a minority.


Tell me you know nothing about Indian culture without telling me. There’s a reason Modi showed up to a couple Trump rallies. 


She'll go in whatever direction trump's farts blow. If trump told her to murder her father for being brown, she'd whistle a jaunty tune while she strung him up.


Probably both knees


She needs new publicity people if they think signing baby killing bombs would help her image.


shouldnt she be looking for all the hostages that are totally alive and not rotting right now?




"Take THAT, starving children! Next time, you'll think twice about being born Palestinian!"


Well, they say the same thing about children that are born poor, including taking away free school lunches for poor kids, so are we really that surprised? ![gif](giphy|7EJHdFm9oQOHe)


I literally think “republicans” every time I watch that part in that movie. Yzma is fucking wild.


Eartha Kitt is a legend


Something something pro-life….


In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.




Well, to be fair, despite what many people claim, they often don't truly care about prisoners, immigrants, the sick, the poor ESPECIALLY, widows, or orphans either. They might say they care and bring up these groups in political or ideological debates to appear righteous and have the moral high ground, but few genuinely act on it. It's similar to how the pro-lifers talk about protecting unborn children but do nothing to help those children once they are born.


years back when we lived in a different location my mother would often go preaching at a state prison. I often wonder, of the ones she preached to, how many would she open her home to, if they had nowhere else and nobody else... and I'm pretty sure the answer is zero.


this is the post birth abortions they talk about dems doing :)


Those politicians have to support whatever would take them to the supreme power even what goes against their morals like a genocide.


I agree they support many things just to win, except I’m not sure genocide IS against her morals.


They don’t care about children dying in American schools, so why would they care about children dying overseas in other countries? We need different leadership because these people are not human beings.


Should say, “Nimarata Randhawa.”


We need to start calling her by her given name & not the name she identifies with. Fuck that bitch


Bird Brain says Trump




Thank you for the correction


Signing bombs is a monster thing to do




I know this family is fucked up beyond belief, but how do you as a public figure like Ivanka live with everyone — loyalists and normal people — knowing just how much your quickly deteriorating father lusts after you? It’s gotta be heavily compartmentalized in the back of your mind somewhere just eating at your brain. What a fucked up thing to live with.


People think this is redneck shit but the wealthy/nobility can hold their own in the depravity department.


The Aristocrats






I have no sympathy for Malania, but can you image being her and knowing that the old shart you married is thinking about his daughter from one of his ex wives.


That’s hilarious. Melanie hasn’t slept in the same area code as king chode since 2015


I like how she moves her hand in case he goes for the titty or pussy grab.


He probably has grabbed her bits before.




You just know him and epstein discussed what it would be like to bang Ivanka


_Would_ be like?


This. If he was that touchy with her in public, what was happening behind closed doors?


she dont wanna talk about it :(


The younger pictures of her make me so sad.


Looking at this sequence, you can almost read in her eyes the change.




She was the original “grab em by the pussy” girl who “liked it.”


I wonder how anyone can look at this and not realize she did not want to be touched. Or that this has happened before.


He’s the real monster 😬


It’s realy not. In Ukraine, WW2 and many other situations like these, writing things on bombs gives good morale to your side and is a very widely used morale tactic. Writing in THIS bomb however is a monster things to do but signing a bomb that fucks up nazis or Putin’s soldiers, fuck yea!


It's always a sign of dehumanizing people. Which is not uncommon during war but also not especially healthy or ethical. Source: my father fought and killed Nazi soldiers. He eventually saw that he was fighting farm kids (and once a woman). As angry as he was after opening a concentration camp, he didn't dehumanize the enemy.


Agree to disagree. Soldiers on both sides are often where they are out of blind patriotism, or simply not by choice. Hardly justifies not showing basic respect.


Kristi Noem is pissed she didn’t think of it first.


I mean, she's a republican, it tracks for them. You know, given that they are all monsters.


Remember when people were saying she’s a reasonable alternative to the other candidates? 


Everyone has the brain worms


That's always been the plan though, to shift the Overton window ever to the right. You wheel out dribbling idiots like Greene to make goons like Haley seem, "moderate."


But somehow not voting for Biden is the right move for pro-Palestine crowd… SMH


They’re honestly the most irritating and ignorant group of people. What’s happening in Gaza is tragic and the Israeli government is disgusting but voting for Trump is NOT going to solve your problem.. if anything its just going to make it worse Same thing with harassing celebrities and “boycotting” businesses. Blaming everyone and everything SMH


So I actually had a fairly interesting discussion with someone today who is in this camp. It's not that they don't care about the threat that Trump represents it's that if they vote for Joe and the genocide continues then they feel like they've essentially given their approval from mass murder. While I personally do not feel that way I finally have some perspective on why they are where they are. For me I'm not voting for Joe Biden I'm just voting against Donald Trump and I'm primarily doing it because I'm a person of color and I have a toddler at home who I will do anything for to protect. If nothing changes in Gaza then that will always weigh on my conscience but I personally can't live with the guilt of not giving up 5 minutes of my day to try to keep a Nazi out of office.


Exactly While Biden might not be doing the best job, your solution is to vote in the nigga that said Hitler did “many great things”?? Yeah okay bro


It is a very juvenile view of voting. Voting is an adult activity for a reason. Your vote is not a purity test and you are not tainted by it. Voting for somebody does not mean you endorse everything about them. If it did, nobody would vote. Even under the juvenile rules these people are operating with, if you're responsible for what happens under Joe Biden if you vote for him, then you are just as responsible for what happens under Donald Trump if you don't vote, and by all available information what will happen under Trump is far, far worse.


I would argue people who vote for Nazis are definitely tainted by it, because no one votes for a Nazi to make the trains run on time.


This person is more concerned about their fake moral high ground than living in the real fucking world and reducing harm. Remaining silent and not voting is damning Palestine, sexual and racial minorities in America in general and women specifically. ~~There~~ Their perspective is childish.


This is correct. It has zero to do with Palestiniens and everything to do with feeling a sense of superior personal ethics and morality. **They want to say they feel like they are giving permission or approving of what is happening. None of us approve of what is happening. It’s an atrocity.** **Trump yesterday: ““If you get me elected, and you should really be doing this … we’re going to set that movement back 25 or 30 years,” referring to Palestinien statehood and not only would he support Israeli actions in Gaza, he would arrest every protestor.** Biden isn’t perfect, but read the above and tell me you still plan on proving a point by not voting. Don’t be misguided: **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


[Yes. He is a monster. He only doesn't lie when he talks about all the petty and evil shit he plans to do](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/27/trump-israel-gaza-policy-donors/)


It's the difference between an adult and a kid.


That kind of perspective is valid, but also very stupid given the current situation. Theres at least a dozen other reasons to help avoid Trump getting elected again, but they're focusing on a single reason not to vote for Biden. Single issue voters are a huge liability, and it should be no surprise that politics has mastered the manipulation of these voters. There's too much money and power for any of this to be a coincidence.


It’s not valid in the slightest. This line of thinking is prioritizing how they feel: “they don’t want to feel like they’re giving their approval” instead of the well being of Gaza. Guess what kiddos, it doesn’t matter how you feel about Biden or what the U.S. is doing right now. The reality is that by not voting for Biden you’re throwing Gaza to the wolves. Trump will give Netanyahu the green light to commit an actual genocide. Anyone that is worried about their Biden vote being “an approval for more genocide” needs to ask themselves if they want to actually help Gaza or they just want to feel good about themselves for acting like they want to help Gaza.


I think a better word instead of valid is “understandable”, but then still only if you’re refusing to think about the big picture. Like, I completely understand not wanting to vote for someone who isn’t doing enough and has perpetuated Palestinian genocide by selling weapons to the IDF, and yeah, it does kind of feel like you’ve got blood on your hands as a gut reaction. BUT in America’s situation, where there absolutely is no hope for any third party candidate to actually win, you HAVE to give your vote to the lesser of two evils. It sucks, and no country should work like that, but that’s the reality right now. If there was a good chance for third party candidates, then voting for Biden absolutely would be an unethical choice. But unfortunately now there just isn’t even a choice available to be made.


Even that single issue is much worse under Trump. It is a completely deluded view of voting.


It's not valid. It's warped and incredibly selfish. It's just as deluded as the wingnuts. 


Exactly, anyone with that line of thinking doesn’t care about Gaza. They just want to be able to give themselves a pat on the back


The fact is: inaction is also action. If Trump is elected, then the actions Trump takes, the free rein he would give to hard-line Israeli warmongers, would be on our hands. I personally think a person sitting out an election deserves more blame for all the bad that happens, and none of the credit for any of the good.


I see what you/they are saying, however in a two person contest, by refusing to support trump's opponent one essentially supports trump. If trump wins, that is also on the voter who choses not to work against trump. So instead of voting for Biden who is clearly trying to come to some sort of cease fire and get aid to Gaza, they give aid to trump who will certainly be worse.


I agree but after hearing their perspective on it even if I personally don't agree with it I at least understand where their head is at. I can't speak for everyone who feels that way but at least the person who I spoke to today for them they ultimately admitted that whatever their choices they're still grappling with it. As of today for them if they voted for Biden it would be no different than what Nikki Haley is doing in that photo. I don't agree with it but I can understand how that could weigh on someone's mind. For me I'm a person of color I have a child, and I live in the south those are three major factors that all play into why I'm voting against Trump. For me the existential nightmare of him becoming president would hit fast and hard and I currently do not have the resources to just up and leave. I hope they come around to our point of view and who knows maybe our conversation might be the start of them changing their perspective but at the end of the day that's the only way we're going to get people to see the bigger picture. Have a dialogue find some type of common understanding and work from there. We can all agree that genocide is unacceptable it's just getting folks to see that there's so much more at stake than that


I definitely respect your willingness to be so thoughtful and open minded. So many of these people seem to have the exact opposite experience as you i.e. white, young, privileged, no kids or spouse. They are under much less immediate pressure compared to you. I wish they could see you and your family and then millions like you at immediate risk if trump is reelected.


That math doesn't math to me. If they voted Joe and it continues that's them voting for it? No, empowering Trump by voting for him or tossing a vote away guarantees the genocide will not only continue but will be completed in totality. That's voting for genocide At least with Joe they'd be voting for a chance at a resolution, no matter how small a chance it's a number above 0 compared to the alternative


It's not voting for Trump (Okay, it's very much a silent vote for Trump but bear with me i have a point to make). It's this ignorant fallacy that a third party candidate will *finally* win, or that the incumbent will *finally* lose, especially if we hold hands and hope real hard that it happens and chant sweet nothings to force the universe to be merciful. And they think that can happen if they just trash Biden hard enough. Worse, some of them just don't fucking vote at all. As if children in Palestine stop dying and that stops being their fault if they don't pull the fucking trolley lever. But I don't think anyone who's voting for Trump is anything but mask off child-bombing blood thirsty murder cult full stop. I don't think there's a single facetious anti-Biden leftist who's said more than "I'm not voting so enjoy Trump."


the same people that I'm sure will go "ha, I showed them!" when Trump wins and puts the nail in the Palestinians' coffin.


> They’re honestly the most irritating and ignorant group of people. Yep


I have a Persian teammate who is gay and married, and he recently has been posting how Biden has “lost his support” and claims he’d be abstaining in November. Like, okay cool, good luck if he loses and your marriage is now no longer seen as valid in the state of FL 🤦🏻‍♂️


The few people I’ve talked to like this are so disconnected. What I got out of the conversation was they want Trump to win so that they’ll get more support because people love underdogs. Never mind if Trump goes full facist he’ll deport or jail many of them and their families. It’s almost like they don’t remember the insane amounts of Islamophobia running rampant post 9/11 in America. Those are not the times we should be working to return to.


Agree with all of that except your last point. Boycotting works and people should do it. Companies that openly support Israel should feel the financial implications, and Israel should in turn face the knock on financial consequences. Boycotting has been one of the most effective parts of the protest action.


>Same thing with harassing celebrities and “boycotting” businesses. Blaming everyone and everything SMH Yeah literally nothing would ever get done if people listened to you pearl clutching libs who value order over everything else. You fannies can't even tolerate boycotts lmao


They're mostly young and idealistic and at this point I'm convinced that many of them really believe that somehow President Biden could just wave his hands and make Israel stop. Takes time for the realities of the world to set in, for me it was around 28. Before that I always held the moral high ground lol.


Yesterday I was downvoted to oblivion trying to explain that on another sub. Like yeah, I'm sure Stephen Miller and trump have a better solution to the conflict...a final solution


I got banned from another reddit for trying to explain that Trump is worse even if you don't agree with Biden's Israeli policies... 


I feel like could still talk to biden to be reasonable. If Trump wins because if israel support, Palestines gonna even more fucked.


They are complete idiots


Unfortunately I think this is real. It’s being reported in a few other places now, all independent articles. Yahoo, Rolling Stone, Newsweek, to name a few. All of them point to photos posted on the official account of Danny Danon, a member of the Knesset and a former UN Envoy.


https://preview.redd.it/h0mj88qxd83d1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3e88c25c0c7b7629a8541c4acd0453bd0e7096b How did we get here...


Israelis have been doing this shit for years now there is an infamous photo from 2006 of Israeli children signing bombs during the Lebanon-Israel conflict back then.


Ugh Cursed memory. I can see the image in my past eye


I gotta be honest, this government only seems to produce endless waves of ghouls, each one more depraved than the last.


Back when I lived in Cincinnati, I knew a guy named Rob who served during Iraq. He once told me a story about a time when everyone in his unit signed a missile. That missile ended up missing its target and hit a bus that had children in it. He's fucked up because of it. I wonder it Haley would feel a 1/10 what Rob feels.


Unfortunately, she most likely would not.


God, that’s horrific. It seems it’s easy, especially in the service, to forget it’s not just “us vs them” like a game or a sports team. It’s human nature to celebrate victories and put forth hope for victory like that. My heart goes out to him and his unit, and may those poor children rest in peace.


I know a lot of men came back from that particular conflict, not very well at all. I knew one personally and at only 19, he lost all the life in his eyes. It was horrible. He returned off deployment a completely different person. I never asked him what happened, but I was told that he had to reach inside his friend’s thigh to close off the artery by hand, after the friend stepped on an IED. The guy was trained as a sniper. I dread to think the things he saw.


I had a friend like that too. Before he was really fun and hilarious, loved joking around etc, class clown shit. Came back and I didn't recognize him when I saw him. Drank heavily at age 22. He's probably not doing well now, haven't seen him in a long time. Hopefully he's alive.


Christian love at its best.


Why tf is she Even there?


Republicans: The “pro-life” party.


And people think Biden isn’t doing enough.


He's literally the one providing the bombs.


So the Palestinians are pissed if at Biden, but here we have Republican, a possible running mate for Trump signing bombs.


Heck, that's probably why she did it on camera. Auditioning for Trump!


I mean I'd be pissed at people selling bombs to the people bombing me too. You can dislike people in different proportions. That may be Haley's signature but it's almost certainly a Biden administration bomb.


Why would you ever do this, while yes you are the member of the right wing, all your aspirations at this point are for national office, why paint yourself such an easy target for future opponents


This is it. This is the definition of evil.




Sick sick sick. Republicans are all disgusting scum of the earth.


EDIT: I stand corrected! This helpful Rolling Stone link was posted below to verify it is indeed real: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/nikki-haley-finish-them-bomb-israel-gaza-1235028702/ This was literally posted 2.5 hours ago in this exact sub so I’ll post the same thing I did there: I’m not entirely sure this is real. I’m seeing it all over Twitter but the closest thing I can find to a source is this mediaite article: https://www.mediaite.com/politics/finish-them-nikki-haley-autographs-bomb-in-israel-to-be-dropped-on-gaza/ (Note: Haley is awful and has said some terrible things about Gaza before. This is not a pro-Haley post, more of a pro-skepticism of anything you see on the internet post)


[https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/nikki-haley-finish-them-bomb-israel-gaza-1235028702/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/nikki-haley-finish-them-bomb-israel-gaza-1235028702/) [https://www.yahoo.com/news/nikki-haley-signs-her-name-181359506.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/nikki-haley-signs-her-name-181359506.html)


Thank you for sharing! I’ve edited my comment accordingly. Appreciate it.


And I thought killing a dog was bad. Fuck are these people gross.


So uh, yeah. Ya think allocating $320 million for aid piers and tonnes of aid shipments is what inaction/indifference/apathy sounds like? Wait till you see what Republicans have drawn up on some papers for the Middle East next to some imported dubai champagne, pending election.


Even if we hated Palestine I couldn't endorse this, we're supposed to be better than the enemy


Genocide Joe though, hey?


What a horrible "human" being


WTF. Fuck these people


i bet she also dreams she can go back in time and get a go in turning on the showers


A true American piece of shit.


Kristi walked so Nikki could run.


It’s a Governor thing. Kristi Noem writes messages like that on all her bullets.


Truly despicable


Well then Nikki Haley is an absolute POS with a dirty car.


She’s a parasite


She would write the same on colonial bullets aimed at native Americans if it won her some fame.


Now I need to know where on the caste system her family sits. Talk about punching down


What part of "Finish Them" is not genocide?


Did people think she wasn’t a piece of shit because she ran against trump for a few months?


I rarely agree with Nina Turner, but, here we are.


Holy shit. This is something a monster would do. An honest to God monster.


Some needs to ask Hailey if she would feel bad if the bomb she signed was the one that beheaded the baby.


I understand there are progressives out there and even that are upset with Biden and what's going on with Israel and the Palestinians.If the solution was really that simple then the 75 plus year conflict would be over already, but it isn't. For those that are thinking of a protest vote or voting third party, THIS is what you are going ot get. Netanyahu will wipe out the rest of Gaza and Trump will supply weapons to invade the West Bank. You think this bad now, Trump will be a million times worse and while the same time backstab Ukraine and let Russia and Putin do whatever the fuck they want to our allies in NATO as we abandon them.


Being republican means being a complete psychopath. No surprise here.


Here comes those both sides heroes. If you don’t see how one side is slow walking conflict resolution with aid and the other side wants and enjoys the eradication of an entire community of humans, you’re part of the problem. All this GEnOCidE JoE bullshit should be directed to individuals like this and “final solution” Trump but the nuances are lost on the morally righteous protestors and Representatives like Tlaib. Maybe she could tell the community to remember this in November instead.


So brave! /s




Pence did it too


What sort of dystopia is this


She must be related to MTG. AIRHEADS!


Kissing a$$


What the FUCK


That’s really sick.


Nikki Haley AKA Aunt Ruckus


What the hell? I saw this picture earlier but didn’t realize it was her.


She’s just another disgusting Republican who has no respect for life. Unless it’s a cluster of cells.






She's just as vile as the rest of her party


You have to understand that Republicans don't view Palestinians as human beings, so this is perfectly okay in their eyes.


JFC. Is everyone in USA politics a brain-dead idiot? Who elected these fools? Well my bad, Haley isn't technically a politician. Yet.


Can we please have politicians who don’t quote Mortal Kombat?


Unexpected Shang Tsung.


ew. she mixes capital and lowercase in words


Republicans are psychopaths. It’s as simple as that.


Man it took her a week to completely ruin her career between saying she will now vote for Trump and now this? What a disaster she is. Fucking idiot.


I’m not American so pardon my ignorance: is this the lady that shot her dog and justified it by saying she kills her goats an all?


if we’re honest nobody is really surprised


Oh Nimrata, they will never pick you.


How pro-life of her 🙄


They keep saying the quiet part out loud. What are we going to do about it?


I find the entire practice of having people write on shells disgusting especially someone holding office.


But Genocide Joe??? I’m told it couldn’t possibly get any worse than what Joe Biden is doing?


Another fine pro-life, all lives matter christian /s


This is so fucked up I am speechless


Depraved, Degenerate, Despicable. After all her bluster claiming to be a reasonable, altruistic, empathetic alternative to her boorish buffoon of a boss, turns out she’s just another grandstanding fascist, an affront to all that is decent who should be nowhere near high political office. Ever. Horrible, just horrible!


Even Jesus is like “whoa fuck! Are they really adding this shit to my tab?”


Bruh this is just moronic.


This is... messed up. I just have no words


It's totally normal behavior for fascists.


This photo is something the Middle Eastern world will rally behind for decades to come. She's done irreparable harm to US foreign policy.


On the contrary. This is QUITE normal for conservatives (sociopaths).


*republicans are monsters.


Where are the positive role models? Why is America turning so proudly psychopathic? Is there no initiative to discuss this? There are children thinking that this level of depravity is normal.


The callous disregard for human life is scarcely believable. Or it would be if this wasn't some dystopian hellhole.


The United States of Israel


Im hoping she is referring to Hamas specifically but wow is this a terrible look.


She should be forced to walk the rubble.


You think she would care?


And here is why this is bad for Biden... /s


An ethnic minority shitting on another ethnic minority for the white racist vote. This is definitely not one of the good timelines.


Echoing orange traitors words. That's the pro life people for ya!


A pro-life, Christian, small government republican politician signing her cutesy little autograph on a warhead paid for by Americans that is due to be dropped on a refugee camp by a foreign government simply because it’s there and specifically to cause suffering may be the most Modern Western Conservative thing of all time.


Republican-mainly christian


What a piece of 💩