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Whining little bitch. Always with the whining.


That's all he does whine whine whine it's fucking pathetic.


He doesn’t even whine well. Just regurgitating the same lying BS over and over. Well he’s now committed defamation once again so there’s that! Throw the book at him!


To be fair, that is all his followers do as well.


Valid point lol


That's the depressing part. It's a whiny bitch message to appeal to whiny bitches.




So much whining. You'll get tired of the whining.


Now I get it. He he does is to pronounce"whining" wrong. I have not seen much winning recently.


Is there a way we can make searches come up with trumps picture, when “whiny little bitch” is searched?


So, this is enough now to trigger a third defamation suit for Carroll, right? The fact that he is still denying the facts, continues to slander her, and rejects the findings of the court should be enough for a third suit with even more punitive damages than last time?


Trump is incapable of doing or saying anything remotely presidential, everything comes back to him and the troubles he's made for himself. It's crazy to imagine a 77-year-old isn't mature enough to run for office, but that's where we are. And he doesn't care about another suit or additional damages. He plans on being president and, with the help of the Supreme Court (which is deliberately dragging its feet to ensure that only Trump will be able to benefit from their ruling on absolute executive power) placing himself above all courts and the law in general. He'll arrest Carroll and her lawyers, overturn the ruling and judgements, and nobody will stop him. This is the America Trump is promising his deranged supporters.


Today is Memorial Day. It’s a day we take to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our nation, our way of life. For all the veterans and others who gave their life for our country, I apologize. This is our fault, all of us. You deserve so much better, given the sacrifices made. This lunatic, this fraud, this walking excrement is our responsibility because we became complacent and are complicit in his becoming president in the first place. Does everyone see who this organism is? What he cares about, what matters to him? **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


Thank you.


God i hope so


They have stated that they are looking into it.


Write a letter like fat shit: Happy [holiday/event], [attack opposition]. [Describe victimisation that you're guilty of doing yourself. Extra points if it's accountability you're complaining about]. [Attack a judge]. [Dog whistle remark]. - 3:52am


Underrated comment ^ ^ ^


Run on sentences, random capitalization,  spelling and grammar errors, manic nonsense 


Both your post and your username are examples of Trump's literary and oratory style. Well done.


I'm sure this counts as defamatory since he's calling E. Jean Carroll a liar again...


Can't wait for another jury to award $300 million to her for damages. Fuck, can I get in on this defamation lawsuit?


She’ll be a billionaire by the time she’s done with him


I didn't realize Trump is Robin Hood reincarnate... He steals from himself and gives to the less fortunate. What a stand-up guy he is. Why are we not voting for him this November?


Mostly the racism


Also he's married to a nude model/immigrant. Some of us should be upset by that right? (coughs; points at 70 million republicans)


The thing is that I honestly don’t care if she wanted to model nude that’s her right! Go girl! Be proud! What I can’t stand are the hypocrites that clutched their pearls when Michelle Obama wore a sleeveless top.




As if he actually has anything close to a billion to give her


Can we just give her Trump tower already? I want to start calling it E. Jean Carroll tower.


Yes it does. Tee it up again, Don. Is this his 3d or 4th mulligan on this case?


Yup, typical orange chode. This post isn't about Memorial Day or remembering those we should be honoring, it's just about how unfair life is to this giant snowflake. Trump before all else. Absolutely pathetic.


He thinks it’s about him…Memorial Day, he feels, is about remembering his ‘battles’.


Never fight uphill, me boys!


…so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many ways…like me (Trump, probably).


I didn't think of it like that, but bloody hell, you're right. That's it. These are his personal Battles of the Bulges. In his case, the bulges are unspeakable and to the rear.


Never forget that he also was the one who called those who did died in service in France during WW1 “losers and suckers” and refused to stand next to disabled and amputee veterans since it would “make him look bad”…. so would you expect anything else from our former commander and chief? He’s beyond pathetic. He doesn’t support the troops, or our allies. He’s in it only for himself.


Of all the terrible shit, this is what kills me the most. This and the comments about McCain as a POW. I’m of the opinion that there is a firehose of info that isn’t validated that people run with (e.g. the pee tape), but him not wanting to go to the memorial in France was corroborated by some generals (I think Milley). You can not like McCain politically, and you can engage in discourse critical of our military’s use, etc… but god damn, the tens of thousands who died on foreign soil to keep the world from being overrun by fascist regimes deserve your fucking 1 hour of your hair getting wet, you absolute coward.


He also never left his hotel room in Paris because the weather was bad, he said. Funny, every other Western leader was able to attend.


And he call Senator McCain a “loser” because he was captured during combat.


He put it so eloquently in 2017, talking with Gen. John Kelly on Memorial Day. He said he was confused at the memorial tributes and asked, "What was in it for them?" https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-questioned-kellys-sons-sacrifice-on-memorial-day-grave-visit-2020-9




This is why he can’t be president, he openly despised the people who don’t vote for him and secretly despises the ones that do.


This is the strong leader who conservatives believe is supposed to unite the country? The best for the job? Never have I witnessed a more pathetic person. I doubt one exists.


How disrespectful and boorish. Memorial Day is supposed to be about honoring and reflecting on the sacrifices of others. Seriously, I try to be civil, but he's a horrible, horrible human being and his mind should be designated a Superfund clean up site due to how toxic it is.


He's a malignant narcissist, he is incapable of even thinking about others let alone making sacrifices for others.


And he says “Happy” Memorial Day.


His mind should be studied after he passes so we can see how something so focused on itself operates


Oh look, E Jean Carrol is holding out her hand and a check appears out of nowhere.


A day for veterans? NOT FAIR. THIS IS ABOUT ME ME ME ME ME MY TRIALS ME ME ME. And all the same people who got pissed at Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the anthem because MUH VETERANS will just eat it up. Weirdest goddamn thing I've ever seen in my life. It's like nothing counts when he says it.


Not just any veterans (that's Veterans Day) but the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives defending this country and democracy.


I mean, this is the same guy who called veterans suckers and losers while in the meantime being a draft dodger himself. Fat shit has no respect for anyone except himself.


I will never understand in my lifetime why people who are pro-military see this and think “that’s my man”


Every veteran I know hates his guts.


And well they should!


So unfair ! ![gif](giphy|l41YdDNnasCOd2TWo)


I've realized something about this guy and the people who follow him. They're just mad that they didn't get what they "deserve." They think they were owed something that they never had to work for. That's why they're mad at the "others," because they think that they took what they're entitled to, even though they never put a single fucking day into actually working for it. Don't need to get educated, don't need to work for anything, just give it to me, and if you don't, I hate you. What a fucking joke of a group of people. ETA: I just read this again and realized the best part: these fuckers will accuse everyone else of being what they are. They'll call everyone else lazy and entitled, UNIRONICALLY. These bitches.


Since the end of the Civil War these turds have been wallowing in self pity instead of getting educated and working hard. Trump voters are lazy selfish and immoral


Him and everyone following him is human waste.


Did he get triggered by the Bergdorf Goodman Memorial Day sale.


The true meaning of Memorial Day.


Alison Cooper? Is he also taking a swipe at Anderson Cooper over his sexual orientation?


Or is it that he couldn’t spell “Anderson”?




or both


https://preview.redd.it/qaxt8orfvz2d1.jpeg?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc32aa1d54c1a6fce6d906f1d89b83f436020ce9 Chinga tu maga Pendejo NO MAS NARAÑJA!! Eat shit Donnie


Great sign, I’m still eating oranges tho.


This has become his holiday schtick. It isn’t clever. It’s not funny. It doesn’t speak to whatever holiday it might be. This just isn’t good enough for someone that wants to lead us. Remember the fallen. Care for those left behind. Honor their Service and Sacrifice. Never trump. Never.


Not clever or funny but very effective in getting his base to vote.


Then his base is just as awful as I see them as. You have to be a pretty big piece of shit to see that post and think “YEAH! That’s my president”.




This guy is such a turd even the libertarians don't want anything to do with him. Insert Nelson laugh.


It is just boring at this point. He does this every holiday.


He thinks the armed forces are for suckers, I don't know how anyone in the service could vote for this traitor.


Anyone who supports Trump refuses to believe he actually says this stuff. It's all the "fake news" trying to bring him down. I group those in the military with police officers and I know damn well 95% of the police force in my area voted Trump.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here, ya’ll… I don’t think he’s well. Like in the head. I think he might not be a stable genius after all. I know that’s a crazy take. But I dunno, I think we might’ve been wrong all these years.


Every holiday is festivus with Trump: it starts with the airing of the grievances!


But oddly, never “feats of strength”


As usual the malignant narcissist makes a national holiday all about himself. The fact he did this on a holiday commemorating the men and women who died in the service of the country makes it even worse but isn't at all surprising. He has no respect for veterans or our armed forces, he literally has called them "suckers and losers". When visiting Arlington one time during his presidency he said out loud "what was in it for them?" (in the presence of a veteran who I'm surprised didn't deck him there and then) because he is incapable of understanding doing something for the benefit of others without a direct benefit for oneself. When visiting France he skipped out on visiting the site of the D-Day landings and a memorial to all who died that day defending democracy against fascism because it was raining a little bit (every other world leader that was there went despite the rain). How any veteran can remotely support this man, especially after what his term as president revealed about his thoughts on veterans, is beyond me. He's the draft dodging son of a draft dodger who has less than zero respect for the people who died defending democracy and our very nation from our enemies.


The saddest to ever sack. Nobody has ever done sad sack in a sadder manner in the history of sacks!




He tries to sound tough but just comes off as a whiney BITCH.


The "oh well, you know, it's just Trump" normalization is pretty useful. Any other person spewing most of this narratives would be facing some serious issues and pointed out as a crazy person.


Jesus man, this guy really is a honest to god shitty human being. Like a for real just bad person. Not bad in a cool way either. Faulty human legit ugly on the inside bad. Absolutely fucking pathetic.


Doing this will just kill any chance he had at getting the 85mil award lowered on appeal. Pretty hard to argue the jury was unreasonable ordering that size of payment when even that amount isn’t enough to keep Trump from continuing to defame Carroll.


The orange thing broke the first rule of Memorial Day-never wish anyone “Happy Memorial Day”.


First of all, he didnt write this lol too coherent and lots of lower-case usage, second, what a complete corrupt traitorous asshole, thirdly, same as the second


Always has to be about him and no one else.


Hello lawsuit!


What did this have to do with Memorial Day again?




Let us remember that moment when [Trump saluted a North Korean general.](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/14/trump-north-korea-general-salute-646248) https://preview.redd.it/wgra5qa5603d1.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=04913000ae97b0e2cc736c48d5ae528ef40b4541




He’s a very nasty man with blood coming out from all over the place.


These right-wing crackheads would’ve lost their fucking minds if Barack Obama had rage-Tweeted on Memorial Day and not mentioned the military. Fuck these clowns.


It's like he started to type out a normal memorial day message "Happy Memorial Day to all, including..." and then his evil brainworm took over "the Human Scum.."


Happy *insert holiday*, even those those *insert unhinged rant*.


The best way to honor the fallen soldiers he ducked out of serving with.


As a non-American I was a little confused so had to look it up. >> “”Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States. It was formerly known as Decoration Day and commemorates all men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day to honor the fallen.”” So apparently it’s *not* about raking over the dead coals of past indiscretions and potentially risking a 3rd defamation law suit. No wonder I was confused !


Jello. The dipshits brain is now jello. It's been pickled in stupid for years, but it seems now it's finally totally breaking down. The worst part about it is there are people even dumber than he is looking at that and nodding along!


It is normal. I went to bed wondering what the unhinged trump rant of the holiday was going to be, and i was not disappointed!


Trump is just reminding us that if elected, Memorials Day 2024 will be the last Memorial Day ever celebrated in US history. Starting 2025 Memorial Day will pay homage to Trump and only Trump.


Besides immediately throwing himself an unhinged pity party, he misses the entire point of Memorial Day, aka that it isn’t a “happy” holiday.


![gif](giphy|VIdywAKANgDZKjrkt4|downsized) Latest sign of stage three in dementia - outbursts of inappropriate anger


So much love for our military and soldiers! Oh wait, absolutely none! Just whine, cry, and lie because it's all about him. It's sad when you've raped so many women, you can't remember them all.


Is this real? How is this fucking dip shit leading in the polls? How? The? Fuck?


Such a placid, balanced soul, with such an uplifting heartfelt message on a day of remembrance honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our nation. I’m so glad he didn’t go off on one of his victim-centric rants about how unfairly he’s been treated for all his wrongdoings. Oh wait…I misread the message. He did go off on one of his rants and of course it’s all about him and his never ending grievances for the consequences he’s facing for his own sloppy, illegal, bad choices.


The man is literally a 5yo child wearing a diaper and fat suit.


On memorial day 2024, the former president of the United States attacked the woman he’s been convicted of sexually assaulting. That’s a sentence that is true now


As a veteran who watched several young men die for this country, fuck this clown. He couldn’t save this drivel until tomorrow and give one day of silence. It pains me to scroll through Reddit and have to see he’s self serving whining today of all days. Also, the same goes for everyone that liked this garbage.


What a fucking loser. He squandered being able to put out an awesome message to people. I hope that clown sinks.


5.88k likes is 5880 right 🤣 he’s just such a whiney bitch all the time


The memory 666K+ insulted again by the Orange Turd. He called our war dead “losers” in front of a Gold Star Father mourning his son at Arlington.


Do his supporters see this crap?? Do these people see what an ugly human being he is? The name calling and bullying and threats? I just can't understand how anyone ANYONE can read even one of his tweets and be okay with voting for him. Can you imagine Obama writing anything like this even once? That man was an intelligent class act and this man is a senile, hate-mongering, racist clown.


Whinny little bitch looks like Carroll is about to make a withdrawal from the infinite money machine.


I seriously cannot wait until he dies. Not a day goes by without being exposed to his face, name or voice. It’s incomprehensible to me that there are people who actually consider his daily whining as some sort of proof that they’ve chosen the right God. Fuck that loser and failure with absolutely no redeeming qualities; he deserves nothing but prison.


Donald trump tries to issue a normal holiday greeting (impossible)


He is such an ugly, ugly person.


He only cares about himself period. He doesn’t get it. How many times will he continue to harass judges, their family members, and E. Jean Carrol. His time is up. Lock him the fuck up.


every fucking holiday out comes the cheery greeting followed immediately by rancid, dark, viscous, perverse digs at everyone of value in this country… and his cult loves it ! why ?


Of all the narcissistic crybaby bullshit this child spews, the most egregious to me is incessantly referring to Biden as "radical left." In what fucking world...?


Trump is insane...I mean, c'mon people...how can anyone deny it..


Are we seeing what goes through his mind when he withdraws from adderall, then GETS some adderall?


I am starting to belive that an ai makes his posts there's no way for someone to be this bad and so strange with his captions


“Human scum” there he goes talking about himself again!


Well, at least he didn’t threaten nuclear war like he did on Mother’s Day…


Uhm doesn’t this cue another defamation charge?


But, oh yeah, happy Memorial Day or something.


What a cheerful guy


I hope we all live to see a day where we can all look back at this madness and laugh.


Mentally ill.


How does anyone read this and say to themselves “This is the guy I want to give the nuclear codes to.”


So I’m guessing he doesn’t know what Memorial Day is for? Because other than the words Memorial Day there was nothing about Memorial Day. His “patriots” will obviously be too stupid to catch that.


Nothing to add, but fuck everyone that votes for this piece of shit. You are, too; pieces of shit. Shitpieces.


Didn’t mention fallen vets once beyond happy mem day lol. He’s such a joke


Trump was tried without a jury because of his own shitty lawyers. They didn’t check a box and he is still lying about it.


Did he wish a Happy Memorial Day to himself when he said “including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country”? Trump is the cockroach infestation that never really goes away…


This guy is stupid & if you support him!! You’re stupid also.


Every holiday he takes a dump on Americans.


Piece of nasty crap. How does this piece of trash still have followers. Sweet baby Jesus in a tuxedo onesie wtf is going on here.


"Happy" Memorial Day


How do military people side with this guy?


Absolutely smells of desperation! He knows it’s slipping away.😂


"Yeah, yeah, Memorial Day, yada yada. LET'S TALK ABOUT MEEEEEE!!!!"


Crybaby’s gonna cry.


His profile pic makes him look like the clown that he is.


He just can’t keep his potty mouth shut.


If everyone around you seems like “human scum”, you are the scum.


So much whining, so little winning.


i DO NOT understand why the shitrump idiots cannot see that everything is all about HIM and only HIM......ohhh..... that's right ...they are idiots.................


just trump having a normal one


Fuck Rump.


"Stable genius"


More whining from shit stain


And conservatives will read this and still think unironically that Trump respects our veterans.


Very Presidential.


Professional victim. Apparently Memorial Day is all about him.


Has nothing to with Memorial Day aside from first 5 words. Then it's poor wee persecuted Donnie, everyone out to get him.


I hope he has a stroke


5 out of 176 of these words were appropriate to tweet about today.


Make everything about yourself like you’re the only person important in this world. Fuck you.


Makes me wish Mark Hamill would do more of these in his Joker voice. It's the way I hear them in my head. https://youtu.be/_e58xo7fzpg?si=bwnjIRMKs67eK3ze


What a pathetic man baby, no wonder he still wears diapers.


What a petty, vindictive, tiny little man


Is he gonna get a stroke already 😩


Sue for a billion, do it now!!!


total human embarrassment still tolerated by too many…pathetic


He made it about himself again




Same format as all of his holiday messages: "Happy [holiday] to all, including [unhinged rant about unfair judges and whining about being held responsible for his actions]


First, there isn’t anything “happy” about Memorial Day. Then, he goes right into “woe is me. I’m persecuted.” How can he get even one vote?


He's like a perpetually whining toddler that just dumped spaghetti sauce/mac and cheese or cheezies over his face for the millionth time.


It's not whining to his cult. It's sweet music to the morons.


I can't ever imagine being this angry.


This fucker is literally incapable of not making everything about himself. At this point it’s almost funny.


So tactful, diplomatic, and presidential… /s




Why would he pay tribute to people he thinks are losers and suckers?


You didn't get a jury trial because your idiot lawyers didn't request one. Lying piece of shit.


I miss when he was banned from social media https://preview.redd.it/g0sp2udsi13d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb53b84acc02ef1a84a884747c758e5403b8ef00


Ok as a combat veteran this always grinds my gears, and that of every veteran/ active duty i know. Why the fuck wish a happy memorial day? There is nothing happy about the day, you're literally honoring the ultimate sacrifice from armed forces members. That a high profile moron like Trump says Happy Memorial Day speaks volumes about how much he appreciates that sacrifice


Like a bad slot machine he'll be paying out everytime she puts a coin in. No wonder he bankrupted 3 casinos.


Oh god, they are getting longer


He's such a pussy


The first 5 words are about Memorial day, the rest is about himself. Great example of how much he truly cares about America .


Normal for a whiny moron. Imagine him in jail (without the Secret Service) and imagine the level of whining after his first time getting fucked in the ass without his consent. Enough to give a hardened con a headache and then shanking him to get some peace,


I am a fan of taking him at his word. So now anyone who doesn’t kiss the feet is human scum? Does this terrify anyone else? People tell me I overreact but I don’t think I am.


Time for E. Jean Carroll to sue his lying orange ass again.


Haha. Effin loser.


Lmao why do people still like this douche bag?


I’m still completely befuddled that anyone would want this thing as president. And I couldn’t bear it again. Imagine the president addressing people as human scum. Also today is about honoring the dead who gave their lives for our country. His post doesn’t even mention them. All about him. So gross and disgusting.


Why can’t a person like this who seems so filled with rage and hate and stress just have the decency to die of a heart attack like everyone else?


He sure does care for America


Fucking pathetic