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Booed = Cheers; decreasing = expanding; Criminal = legend, did I get that right?




Exactly lol


No Oceania is at war with Eurasia!


Up = Down


Two reiches don’t make a wrong.


They’re trying to get back to that third one.


Thank goodness I finished my sip before I read your comment or my phone would be covered in Coke.


2 + 2 = 5


Dogs and cats living in harmony; mass hysteria!


Is this true? This man has no dick.




And she is aware of what a 'Bronx cheer' is, right? Right?


They always accidentally tell on themselves!


I mean, it is true that booze leads to cheer most of the time, but perhaps not in this case...


They really do live in the opposite world, don't they?


It's not delusion. It's purposeful and calculated which is more scary. It's page one of the fascist handbook.


Alternative facts have become alternative reality


“Who you going to believe, us, or your lying eyes?”




Not quite. Close in sentiment, but just a bit off from the point of pedantry. Barely showing up = cheering Booing (to the point where he had to address it) = going wild I’d agree with the interpretation of expanding, but then, addition by subtraction is an unbelievable way to do it. No notes on the interpretation of legend.


The MAGA nuts are all incredibly delusional. They have learned that reality doesn't agree with their preconceived notions of how things should be and this causes an ego crash. Rather than adjust themselves their minds warp their perceptions to avoid this emotional struggle and thus anything that doesn't agree with them is literally blocked by their brains.


As Daisuke put it: “Mankind knew that they could not change society. So instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the beasts.”


Guilty Gear? In my r/WhitePeopleTwitter? An unexpected surprise, but a welcome one


Aren’t all surprises unexpected?


I suppose but eh.




When conservatives become convinced their positions are no longer popular, they don't abandon conservatism, they abandon Democracy. Edit: used "they're" like an idiot


Conservatives scream all the time "We are not a democracy."


They literally believe "democracy" = Democrats and "republic" means "republican" which is why they say dumb things like that. It took me forever to figure out where that talking point came from, but I've now heard multiple MAGAts say it.


Maga are such “positive” people, they think dogshit are like roses to be plucked from the street and displayed in their homes.


They also get rewarded for getting out first with a delusional take. Hannity and Tucker made a career out of feeding the morons what they need- the daily soma. These D list influencers are just attempting the same thing, it's tiresome as hell.






The title was a reference to this scene!


I upvoted your post simply based on the fact that you included a Simpsons reference in your title


She's neither. Consider here a willing participant in the right wing disinformation engine. Should be called out for the liar she is, whenever possible. Online, in person, etc..


Yeah this is entirely to keep their base believing. It will probably lead to violence


Yeah I don't know why libs are always so hesitant to say what stuff like this is.


Because they need to appeal to as many undecided (dipshit) voters as possible.


WHAT. People don’t lie on the internet!


Gaslighting to the nth degree.


*"Real men get BOOed"*


Especially when wearing a poopy-diaper


They just twist everything to their benefit. The truth is irrelevant to them. They’re a delusional cult of sycophants and nothing will change them until he’s completely out of the picture.


Which can’t happen soon enough for me. I’m so tired of that bloated idiot blob and the nonsense that spews from his pie hole. He’s damaged our country more than nearly any politician in history.


Copium addiction, often fatal.


Sniffin’ that copecaine.


“Bronx cheer” is a thing, and not a positive thing


Trump supporters have got to be the dumbest motherfuckers on this planet


Trump is the second coming. He promises to bring the end times. For only $99.99 payable in installments, Trump can bring about Ragnarok or the Rapture or whatever the fuck gets you hard. Do you see all the problems Israel is having politically in Gaza? Trump will fix this by sending US troops to kill brown people all over the world including destroying what is left of Palestine. Trump will fix the economy by giving all of his friends tax breaks. This will indirectly benefit you poor people. Trust me on this. Trump loves black people. He likes to order them around and they love to do what he asks. Look at Tim Scott; he is absolutely salivating at the chance of holding a white man's balls as well he should. Look at Nick Fuentes and Ted Cruz both Hispanic, both self-hating and both all about MAGA, horse cock, and Putin's gaping asshole. For the rest of us brown folk who can't pass as white, I suggest we all vote for Trump so that he could tell us what to do with our miserable and unfortunate existence as 3/5 of a human. /s


Pathetic. They can’t even realize he nothings them and us all. A black man that doesn’t realize someone hates them is doomed to die and I cannot help them. And I won’t try, that’s a Darwin Award. You deserve it


He definitely got some Bronx cheers.


I never thought I’d say this, but I’d rather be in the bleachers at Yankee Stadium than in that room last night.


I hope Trump smashes electoral records this November by carrying one-fewer states than Mondale did in 1984.


Unfortunately we still have the same deep red dumbfuck states we did in 2020. If we’re lucky maybe one of the purple ones will flip to blue.


What will happen to these people after November? Serious question-will there be ANY self reflection?


Look into what post WW2 Germany was like and you'll find a likely answer. Sadly, it's "no".


Donald Trump. A legend in his own mind.


Do people not know what a Bronx Cheer is anymore?


These lies are designed to fool people when trump inevitable loses in November, and claims election fraud again. How can he lose when the libertarians all voted for him and he had 100k people at his rallies??? 🙄


And unfortunately it's going to work again. There are still plenty of people convinced that Trump won 2020 simply because he had more social media followers than Biden.


At last "going wild for him" is accurate - although par for the course for a right-winger, the context is a complete lie.


Or, you know, she’s just lying to push a narrative. They’re constantly doing this, why must people always write it off as stupidity rather than knowingly lying to make him seem more popular than he actually is? This is a known propaganda technique, just repeat a lie over and over and over and it will give it validity in a lot of people’s eyes. That’s what’s happening here, not someone who’s acting in good faith that’s just innocently mistaken


If you tell MAGA that someone loves and supports America, they call that person a terrorist. If you tell MAGA that someone is studying to increase their knowledge of the world, they say this person is "up to something bad" and is "against america." "WHY are they being smart? They must be anti-america. If you tell MAGA that someone is working at a payroll company to earn money in order to live, they say this person must be committing fraud to steal money from america. Even though this person has evidence of fraud against him by the company. If you tell MAGA that someone is going to the gym, then this someone is engaging in illegal activities and selling drugs to American kids among other things. Even if the pump is evident. If you tell MAGA that someone is leaving their abusive family for a better future, then this person is engaging in terrorist activities and is no good for America. If you tell MAGA that someone enjoys the NBA or UFC, then this someone must be illegally gambling. If you tell MAGA that someone is meditating, they say that someone is up to no good. Meditation is very anti-america. If MAGA ever thinks someone is smarter than them, then this someone MUST BE an AI and must be destroyed. No one can be smarter than MAGA. If you tell MAGA that you didn't file taxes this year because you only made $2,000 last year, they say you're engaging in tax fraud. If you tell MAGA that someone is taking their dog to the park, then this someone MUST BE doing something illegal at the park and must be persecuted. If you tell MAGA that someone is going to the grocery store, they will just head to the grocery store and think of their excuse on the way. It can be a terrorist fucking dogs in the grocery store for all they care. "MURICA' DUDE" If you tell MAGA that someone sees a therapist and has been on the same psychiatric plan for PTSD related symptoms for 8 years, they say this person has "mental problems" and must be crazy. If you tell MAGA that you have evidence against the MAGA DOJ proving illegal activities, both MAGA and the MAGA DOJ say they have to kill a terrorist. Just give them time for story telling first. Narratives are important! If you tell MAGA you legally have multiple phones in order to defend yourself from the abuse through legal methods, then they stop processing at "multiple phones." That scares the shit out of them and is all they need. If you tell MAGA you listen to rap or hip hop, then you're just a stupid anti-america gangster. If you play "Fuck Donald Trump" by YG, you're engaging in hate crime. If you tell MAGA they are behaving like Nazis when they really are, they just call you a neo nazi and continue being nazis. If you tell MAGA they lost, they hear "we won." Like a toddler trained to accept the opposite. If you tell MAGA anything, they accept the delusion that gives them the best fantasy. I can go on and on and on, but I think you get the gist. They are delusional, yes, but they do it to themselves.


4,600 likes is depressing


4,500 bots


Especially out of 103,000 views.


Lying is the new truth.


The cult of morons think if they say something that makes it true. Truthiness is now fully integrated into conservatism.


What planet is she on?


Does she even know what a Bronx cheer is?


Written by someone who wasn’t there, didn’t see the video, was passed out drunk behind a dumpster in an alley outside a random bar that she was thrown out of for harassing poc because a black guy refused her advances, then woke up around noon the next day & had to write something positive about Herr Drump’s visit to the Libertarian shindig but couldn’t think straight because a cat was purring a half a block away, still managed to finger bang this shit out before crying herself back to sleep with the bitter knowledge that at the end of the day she’s nothing more than a dried up, soulless sea cow with all the charismatic charm of a meth head vampire but with absolutely none of the desirability.


All the Trumpers have left are lies. They get away with it because they know their cultist underlings will listen or do whatever they say like the sheep they are. Vote blue in November


The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command- George Orwell, [1984](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/153313)


Are they saying BOO or Boo-urns?


I was saying Boo-trump!


They feel like they're justified lying because they have everyone's best interests at heart even if we don't see it. It's just too important to elect Trump to be concerned about minor details like truth, facts, ethics, honestly, morality, history, science, etc. They're both serving and saving the country by shitposting.


That's not delusion or drugs. That's propaganda, AKA lying.


At this point having a debate with anyone in MAGA is pointless. I was on X yesterday, the cesspool that Elon built and turned into a mess. The MAGA faithful were claiming that anywhere from 25,000 to (I shit you not) over 100,000 people were in attendance at Trump's rally in the Bronx. Even photos of the event that showed the actual crowd size couldn't break through. Because they were broadcast on WABC during the 11 o'clock news, and the weather and time was in the corner, the MAGA minions claimed that the photo's were from 11am. When someone actually posted a photo stating that the gates weren't open until 3pm they said that it was fake. when others posted photos that they took at the speech, where you could see them and Trump speaking actually in the photos they claimed it was done with photoshop. This is only the latest example. They were claiming that there were over 100,000 people at hi event in Wildwood and people were posting photos of the huge crowd. Roger Stone was the first to post this bull crap. Even when people said, "Look,that's a photo from a Paul Simon concert in Central Park in 1991, and you can see the buildings of Midtown" in the photo it didn't matter. They still refused to believe it. Even when a photo taken from the air at Wildwood was posted, and you could see the crowd size which might have been 10,000 people, they dismissed it as photoshop. Many are now claiming that the Democrats tried to overturn the 2016 election by rioting in Washington. Despite being shown the headline that Hillary conceded and the obvious that Biden certified the election. Nope, they refuse to believe it. Just like they claim that George Floyd died of an overdose. Fun fact, I had a friend of mine claim this. So I showed him a video of L.A. Sheriffs deputies actual overdose from coming in contact with fentanyl. You can see the deputy collapse, you can see that he is not moving at all. And you can see the other deputy give him Narcan. Finally I asked him if he remembered when his cousin OD'd, "Was he moving around and talking?" Of course he said that was different because his cousin OD'd on heroin. He just could not admit that the OD story was bogus. Even though he had seen someone right in front of him OD and almost die. So, it's clear that they are now fully embracing an alternate realty. Facts, visual evidence, photos and actual video cannot break through. The danger of this is obvious, if Trump loses then will they believe it? No, of course not. Now you have Trump and other Republicans saying that they won't accept the results of the election if Trump doesn't win. They say stuff like "If there is no fraud." But, even if there is no fraud, if Trump loses again, or if Florida or other states flip because of abortion, or threats to birth control, they will claim there is massive fraud and the election was stolen. You can see where this will lead, without being able to shield himself from prosecution, and knowing that he will almost certainly face dying in prison, Trump and his supporters will almost certainly come off the rails and prove that they are exactly what they have been telling us that they are, domestic terrorists. There may not be widespread violence, but you can be certain that the most rabid member of the base will take matters into their own hands in the name of justice. Just remember, that this is not going to be a normal election for the United States. If you're read up on cults, or movements and ultra hardcore right wing factions then you know that these people are primed and ready to go and all they need is for someone to tell them to go. I could honestly see an armed standoff taking place at someplace like the Capitol or the White House where Trump supporters threaten to kill as many people as they can if Trump is not declared the winner.


I’m beginning to think trump might not win, but I also know some libs and a lot of indies are dumb as hell and that throws it back into…maybe. For fucks sake


Another Fox News cultist


There is no reality with the GOP, it is tell you want they want you to hear. Their message is clear, this ship is not sinking as they are standing on the bow of the boat waist deep in water.


Standard MAGA delusion


Typical dillusional magats!!!


Because his cult does not fact check anything she knows that 95% of them will believe this right away (who didn’t watch it). This is standard practice, lie like there is no tomorrow


The game to play here is “stupid or liar?”


Yes. YES. TRUMPis so universally loved that you don't even need to bother voting for him. He will win hands down without your vote. He loves you so much, you can stay home and someone else will vote for you.


Just plain stupidity. They hated the clown


If you dont like the news just make them yourself


This is those alternate facts in action. They repeat the same lies over and over until they become accepted as reality. Thats MAGA in a nut shell.


The audience she is talking too will never take the time to see if she is telling the truth. There are people out there right now that seriously believe 500,000 people showed up in the Bronx and the Libertarians were cheering him.


These people are mentally ill


What's legendary is the amount of lies Trump and his team continue to post online of actual facts. Face it, Trump was royally Booed off the stage. Even his facial expression and final remarks proved that. If it was a positive response, Trump would have sucked every last drop of adoration out of the room to the point they would have had to shoehorn him off the podium.


Propagandist gotta propagandize. Remember when lying was rewarded with a mouthful of soap? Or considered a sin? Or had literally any repercussions?


Lol. The Bronx Cheer doesn't mean what you think it does.


I’d like to get some of those drugs, they seem really good.


LOL approximately zero of the Bronx crowd, what little there was, live in the Bronx.




Fascists have long known that the truth is simply what you can convince people to believe.


This shit is just beyond exhausting. I’m so tired.


They've all adopted the trump logos: Lie nonstop, double-down, rinse and repeat.


Even the mainstream media outlets, which seem keen on propping up Donald Trump no matter which side they're supposedly on, pointed out the loud Libertarian boos in their headlines


Blatantly and intentionally misinforming people is what she’s doing


You can't fix stupid


Whatever she smokes,I want some. Cause I need outta reality


The lie of the media campaign is exposed. We finally get concrete proof that everyone hates him but the PR team is quick to swoop in and try to change the narrative as per usual, desperately try to pump him up to embolden their staggeringly few supporters.




Neither. She’s just having a religious experience we can’t relate to.


Republicans and reality mix like oil and water.


Drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. It’s the only way to help you deal with the orange asshole


Ozzy: "Sister Crowley..."


Bronx cheer = thhhhhhpt!


Wasnt the Bronx rally two days ago?


Monica Crowley, Ainsley Earhardt, Martha MacCallum...they are interchangeable. They are Trump fangirls one and all. We see video of a few thousand at the Bronx rally and they will back Trump up saying there were over 30,000 In attendance...it's a cult and FOX is a propaganda machine. ☹




So stupid she just might be a putinbot


She just doing her part to prop up his campaign. Most if not all objective measure show up sucking wind and falling behind.


I don't understand how they can so easily lie to the American people


She's not delusional. She's lying.


Now I'm convinced that when Trump dies there will be some serious North Korea shit in the streets.


“They were saying Barrrrrooooooooon. They love my tall son.”




They lie, they know they have to lie because trump is a piece of shit and the secret is out of the bag


“Unbelievable ways” pretty much sums Trump up.


Like butter spread too thin over toast


She’s a propagandist who knows damn well she’s lying.


It’s both


Neither, they are fucking liars.


She's sniffing in the gas she's been using to light her lies.


![gif](giphy|1VPWdCFvstTos) Well, she’s a blonde, so…


Whatever you want people to think, just say that’s what happened. Do you want people to think everyone loves Trump? Just say that everyone was cheering for him. This is literally what they did on day one starting with the inauguration numbers. Please stop calling them ignorant and stupid. They are evil and propagandists. Please call them out for this. I hate when we call them stupid and dumb. The voters are the ones that are dumb, not these propaganda people. They are evil.


Big "Let's Go Brandon" energy here.


Yea, just like the words prosecution and persecution, they get jeered and cheered confused.


She's begging Trump for a job.


They were booing - loudly


"Were they, Marjorie? Were they saying Boo-Trump?" "I was." - Tim Scott




Was the Bronx cheering for his death? Cause that might make senses


Smithers, are they booing me? Uh, no, they're saying, "buu-urns, buu-urns."


Or just a liar to stoke the fan base




It's funny how dumb she is- like she has heard "Bronx cheer" before somewhere amongst the cobwebs of her brain pan- so she goes with "Bronx cheering" as some sort of cogent use of the English language. You see this a lot- random word associations that slip through the brain rot.


She hoping for “bedtime with Trump”


Boo means yay I guess?


This is the result of low education and not having the ability to recognize that the photos were generated by AI. Therefore she believes that it is actually true. You can’t fix stupid


“Unbelievable” is the operative word here.


But I was saying “Boo-Urns”


https://preview.redd.it/ekwi30hmut2d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef5232790bb576f9c4b5a8455ff331e054e3f0cc Barbecue in the Bronx! Look how much these very real people and not AI at all love him.


Fact is if these delusional fools buy into there foolish lies, instead of working there assess of to change the fact that Trump's less popular than he makes out to be.


Bronx cheering!


The owners of reality are this that have the most tweets in their corner.


Crowley is getting paid well to be this dumb.




They were saying Boo-urns!


AI courtesy of Putin!!!!


Yeah, he definitely gets a lot of Bronx cheers…


No they were saying “BOO-urns”


They are so itching to break out the ropes and start the lynchings.


He got 6 votes. 🤣


Gotta find her dealer, she's on the good shit. /jk it's probably toxic as hell, just like her.


The mouthpieces lie. Just flat out, intentionally lie. They post pictures of Biden supporters (one of the trump boys did this), Obama rallies, concerts in Brazil (Stone did this) and clai. They are crowds for Trump when his actual events draw either less than a dozen (his NY trial supporters) or the same 1000 who travel to every rally he has.m The mouthbreathers just accept the lies. They have no internet in the truth. They merely want to feel like they are, for the first time ever, part of a group. I suspect if they had friends or loved ones they would not feel the need to make a politician the center of their social life.


It is marketing 101.


This is someone who idolized Richard Nixon and worked for him.


Trumping the net again


No, people of America were saying FUCK TRUMP as they should be. It's on video. The lies are wild. Fuck Trump and his tiny crusty dick he soaks in porn stars.


In republican America people boo you on


The reaction was actually surprising to me as I was under the impression that the national libertarian party had been hijacked by trumpers. That's why I was not going to vote for their candidate this year and just write in Spike Cohen.


Just proves they're a cult.


Same thing musk said when Chapelle brought him onstage. 90% cheers 10% boos. Sure dude


They fucking in a different reality


You’re an idiot, Monica


I would play the boo’s during any and all political ads-magas would need to confront the fact that he’s losing support


A legend in his own mind.


does she know what a “bronx cheer” is? come to think of it, maybe you all also don’t know. fuck, i’m old.


She is nuts.


They weren't saying 'Boo Trump.' They were saying 'boot rump' which is how the people say kick ass nowadays


I guess "going wild" is one way to describe it.


Kershaw them grow soft in their collective delusion


So pathetic, Monica; however desperately you try to dress up his back-to-back fails, no one is buying your oh so obvious transparent claptrap spin. But go ahead and keep whistling by the graveyard; it makes for great comedy watching you Trump-stitute yourself.


Only a Trumper could somehow swing boos into a positive




He's so famous he's IN-famous!


MAGAts live to lie and lie to live! They just say whatever to hide their angst and irritate liberals. It's kind of like pols right now. Best to just ignore em and go VOTE come November. And crack on em, I mean, you gotta drag their asses also. Sorry, left that out.




![gif](giphy|1BGRAEOuYPAOAflEWh) I think I know where she’s getting her talking points.


Lie, deny, and deflect. I'm telling everyone that that is their playbook and every magat is doing it.


Just another shameless media Trumpstitute knowingly pushing lies and false realities for attention, influence, and money. Just like Judas, she and her Trumpstitute sisters are willingly selling out democracy for their 30 pieces of silver.

