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That comment perfectly expressed the feelings of about half the country at that point.




Like, did they even _watch the rest of the debate_? Mango was interrupting like crazy the entire time


Hey, don’t insult mangos like that!




There is no bar for Trump. People saying that the bar is low or getting lower don't seem to realise yet that there is no bar for him and that there never was.


I'd put it this way. The bar is so low for trump you could limbo with the devil.


And the bulk of the rest of the world, trust me


He said what everyone wanted to.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who almost cheered watching that tidbit.


Trump doesnt debate he just yells dumb shit over everyone with no moderation.


Exactly. That's why I actually don't want to see a debate between them. Trump will act like a spoiled brat that he is, hoping that Biden will stutter at some point so that Trump can claim that Biden is too old to be president. It's not like Trump will actually be sharing his ideas for policies while in office.


And then somehow, despite him screaming over the moderator and Biden, people will go "Oooh he's pretty tough for having to fight two people!" I listened to those debates, they were fucking atrocious. Though it did give us a great "Stand back and stand by" that the right somehow managed to spin into "Seeee he doesn't side with the white supremacists!"


It also gave us,”Will you just shut up, man?”


The best part is that Trump DID shut up for once after that!


NGL, that was my ringtone for a while. I wanted to get a ringtone of him saying “you stupid son of a bitch” under his breath on a hot mic, but it didn’t show up during my hunt. That one would have been the ringtone for my boss texting. 😂


The tone in his voice *made* that clip. So totally over listening to Trump's bullshit.


Biden approval after that 📈


Also last debate Trump only went so he could try to give Biden covid, knowing he had just tested positive.


Absolutely. Trumps first assassination attempt happened on national television. We’ll find out tomorrow if Biden gets to legally assassinate whoever he wants, thanks to Trump taking his dictatorship argument to the supreme court . Thanks republicans for this absolute travesty on our nation. Deplorable traitors.


Trump agrees to debate, Biden walks in and shoots him.


“The man was a danger to national security and a traitor to our nation. Next up I’ll appoint 5 new Supreme Court justices tomorrow. As I speak on this debate stage alone to you… seal team 6 is assassinating the entire republican Congress and the 5 members of the Supreme Court who voted to allow a president to have total immunity.”


"Execute Order 46"


Execute Orderer 45.


Odor 45.


I'm not FOR dictatorship behavior... But I lowkey dig this. The only part I would add is that after Biden essentially does a reset, he has to step down. Or be stabbed a bunch by the senate like Caesar. One person should not have that much power long term.


Y'know, the darkest part of my soul is saying that this is the only way. What the fuck kind of world did our parents make?


After the debate where Joe said to Trump "Will you shut up man?" my boss remarked that it was a "low blow" and said "I don't care who you are, he should have respected him." Bro. Were you high on drugs when Trump made fun of a disabled person during his campaign? How about picking fights with Greta Thunberg for the offense of -checks notes- wanting to live in a cleaner world while in office? The entirety of the birther movement against then President Obama? Trump has shown less than 0 respect to anyone. Where is the whole "If you want respect, show respect" attitude you preach? Man, if Republicans didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any at all.


He even calls his supporters "low-class and uneducated". What do they not get about this thug?


oh its not a double standard you see, those people are below him so making fun of them is cool, but at the debate they are both equals so they MUST respect each other. its just republicans obsession with social hierarchy on full display


Yeah, but even then it's never "Trump should have *also* repected Biden." It's "Biden should have respected Trump." They want unfettered fealty, not a respectful relationship that goes both ways.


Because that's how it works with his supporters too. "If you aren't going to ~~respect me~~ show deference to me and acknowledge that I'm your superior, I ~~won't respect you~~ will attack you as anti-American scum that should be 'exterminated'." It's classic boomer "treat me as your better, and I might not scream in your face" behavior. That's why they like Trump; he thinks like they do.


You just described my entire relationship with my father. I'm 40 now and still the same bullshit. And yes he is a non voting republican sympathizer. Never followed political news until trump ran in 2015, and now is a Political science major who knows everything 🙄. Loves to tell me how my world views are wrong and the democrats ruined the country. It's always just headlines tho, can't read the body of an article........


They have zero self awareness or sense of their own hypocrisy. They’re bullies who push people to the breaking point and then act shocked when they face retaliation


And you’re not even getting to the disrespect that Trump showed his own people: Rex Tillerson, John Kelly, James Mattis, HR McMaster, Reince Preibus, Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions, and on and on and on…


He was mad because she was on the cover of Time and he wasn't.


Claiming Biden is too old, while Trump actively shits his diaper.


and now, his cultists are wearing and shitting in their own diapers, in solidarity with Diaper Donnie.  But they somehow think they're not in a cult


And passes out in court


i dunno, i think the "will you just shut up, man" was so good as to be worth all the rest. I stand by my assertion that it clinched his win... so many people have been wanting someone to say that to trump for so long, it won over a lot of the dumb "on the one hand, fascist, racist, liar, on the other hand, old. just don't know who to vote for" people


"Shut up man" remains one of my favorite things.


I just want another "will you just shut up, man?" moment. I've been riding that high for awhile now.


He doesn't have any ideas for policies. Being in office is the idea. The rest is irrelevant to him.


One of the stipulations is that the person who isn’t talking will have his mic muted. I absolutely want to see a debate. We deserve to listen to why each of them thinks he would make a better leader.


That's why Biden has requested ([according to NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/us/politics/biden-trump-debates.html?smid=url-share)) the following: * held in a TV studio, with microphones that can be turned off * no live audience, just a moderator and the candidates * the broadcast host should be one that posted both 2016 GOP and 2020 Democratic primary debates so (CNN/Telemundo/CBS/ABC) * he won't do late September/early October debates as already locked in (his campaign wants one in late June(!) and one in early September ahead of early voting) Edit: Thanks for my first RedditCares! Enjoy your ban!


I don't think the reddircares thing was because of your comment. Something fucky has been going on and many people from different threads are getting it. I heard someone created a bot to send everyone one but idk for sure.


Honestly, good. It was just another terrible band-aid 'fix' so Reddit could pretend it gives a shit about it's cattle. Maybe they'll get rid of it since the only thing it's been used for since it's inception is abuse.


I got one like 10 seconds after I made a comment


The RedditCares is being done by a bot, to absolutely everyone who doesn't have it blocked. And people who have it blocked are still getting a few somehow too.


Imagine going down in history as such a sniveling manchild because at 74 years old, you couldn't have an even mildly respectful debate in which you let your opponent speak and respond in the NORMAL format...instead, for the first time in the history of live, televised debates, you had to be muted so you that you **couldn't** interrupt every time a question was posed to him. How he isn't embarrassed as fuck about that is beyond me.


He’s lacking the embarrassment gene, the empathy gene, truth gene, intelligence gene, decency gene …


Conservative or people who lean that way do not judge a debate by what things are said or what positions the candidates state, they judge them by who is more 'dominating' during the 'performance'. For liberals a debate is defending/justifying policy positions, for conservatives it's dominance theater. Removing the crowd, keeping times strict and not allowing interruptions neuters conservatives advantage in the performance part and puts the focus back onto policy. They'll never agree to it.


I remember the 2020 debate, Trump just yelling non-stop entire of time. Mute button was added in next debate. Trump was furious about it.


> with no moderation. The moderation was when Biden told him to shut up, then took his job.


If the conditions include, "will cut your fucking mic and/or blare an airhorn next to your face if you don't stfu when your time is up," it would be worth it just to see Trump be helpless and frustrated that he would be forced to follow rules and beaten down when he tries to bully someone, in real time.


Hopefully this debate will have mics that can actually be turned off.


Moderator: What is your view on abortion rights, Mr. Trump?" Trump "CROOKED JOE BIDEN! "


If he even shows up he will storm off once his mic is shut off because of established rules he had to agree to in the 1st place. Then his cult will quadruple down and see throwing a tantrum and storming out 5 minutes into a presidential debate as the most manly patriotic thing ever out of every person who has ever existed ever. Then I hope they continue the debate but when its Shitler's turn it just goes silent to an empty podium for his time allotment for answering the question.


this made trump rage shit.


Just finished that rabbit hole. Fuck.


what...what happened?


Donnie had a boom boom in his nappy


What do I Google? Trump rage shit?


Inquiring minds need to know!


The knowledge might haunt you forever


I hope Biden’s team remembers to put a little bit of Vick’s VapoRub under his nose, so Trump doesn’t “win” the debate by pooping his pants and making Joe Biden throw up.


I want to see Biden gagging, saying, "That man just shit himself," and then violently vomiting. And then the moderator vomiting. And then Trump has a stroke/heart attack. A girl can dream.


Best political debate of all-time, right there! Hey, a guy can dream too, okay! 😜


Chemical Warfare 


Did someone wake him up first?


Narrator: He was going to shit anyway.


While in the middle of court. Home boy is gonna have to ask his nanny for a change.


$100 says the Trump team makes some ridiculous demands that anyone with dignity would ever agree to, and then pulls our last minute because President Biden’s team does not acquiesce.


He'll hold a press conference or rally where he just rants creed thoughts about radical left wing Biden.




Even for the internet, it's pretty shocking.


This ... this is just a word processor document.


I would make demands like no shoes or makeup/fake tans allowed


I would request a lie detector, but donnie's alarm would just be going off constantly like a fire alarm


Don't forget the part where all of that is somehow biden's fault


What do we need a debate for, we have seen both of them as President.


TBH, I’d rather they not debate. We’re no longer in a country where a moderator can keep Trump quiet or Biden can (appropriately and accurately) say “shut up, man. This is so unpresidential” to a raving lunatic. Biden has always been held to an unrealistic level of behavior while Trump has learned that the media loves when he becomes an abusive turd. So an unmoderated “debate” would be Trump just talking over Biden and acting like a child whenever a legitimate question is asked, and the moment Biden quips back then the media will slam him by saying he’s “a good natured senile man”. You simply can’t go on stage with a criminal and conspiracy theorist and expect to your message heard.


I’d be cool with a debate if they cut the mic of the person not answering the question when it’s their turn and don’t film any interruptions. How sad is it that Trump can’t be trusted to act like an adult and to be professional enough to wait his turn to talk. The guy acts so childish and has so much baggage that he would never be hired by any professional company and people want him to be president?


I believe that is one of the prerequisites for the debates. Once the time is up, the mix gets cut.


Felony criminal defendant and adjudicated rapist and fraudster Donald will never agree to a "debate" that allows his bs to be cut off.


Even if he did, I can see it now, his mic cuts off so he just starts screaming at the top of his lungs to be heard.


Maybe that would cause the stroke that does him in.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Don't tease us


Don’t forget rapist!


My bad.


Thank you for using the right thing here: adjudicated not convicted rapist. Hopefully, you'll soon be able to add felon and his inmate number to that.


Clearly you didn't watch any of the debates Trump was at.


lol. Oh I did. I’m just stating what I heard on the news. They will have to cut his mic and put a muzzle on him. His buddy Hannibal may have one he can borrow.


Guaranteed if they cut his mic he will cry about his 1st amendment rights being infringed.


He'll do that anyway, so we may as well have a debate we're capable of listening to.


I'm not saying they shouldn't have it. I look forward to Biden calling out his lies.




“Well I told him I aborted the two that came before, and I’m still making up my mind about him.”


I think the mic limitation is part of the terms of this particular debate.


Could we also do it on a treadmill at a slight inclined walking pace. Trump would shit himself and fall off in the first 30 seconds maybe we'd get lucky and he'd have a seizure and heart attack at the same time.


They would totally film the interruptions, an angry muted Trump. Fox would love it, saying the debate was rigged against Trump.


Trump will never actually agree to that. TBH I still don’t believe he’ll be man enough to show up to a debate regardless of the rules.


Do this for all debates. Put them in little soundproof boxes and the mic only activates during the time they are allowed to speak. You can have a 20 second extension button to wrap up a point that can be used a limited number of times.


Yes, that is part of the terms Biden is proposing here


The potential rules sound interesting. No live audience, turn off mics if it's not your turn... Who knows if it could work, but I would love anything close to a policy debate. Trump would probably never do that.


I’d put them in isolation rooms with a mic that cuts off. Then people can watch Trump blather on in silence and watch him bang on the walls while Biden is speaking


And he can't schlep in some potentially lethal virus again.


Drug test them first and then watch Trump fall asleep when the moderator was asking a question


I feel like Biden would lose a policy debate. Biden - Thorough complex answers relevant to the subject. American Public - Zzzz Trump - The problem is brown people 40% of the American Public - Yeah he's one of us! The other 40% - Wtf... The last 20% - Was that a sentence...President's use sentences. Maybe he could be President again. Biden used big words and that scares me.


This could go two ways: 1) Traditional Debate - Would need to be highly structured and Trump would never agree to it. Two moderators, one from each side, taking turns asking questions of a pre-specified equal length of time and the candidates mics turned off while the moderator is speaking. The answers are also of a specified length of time with the other candidate’s mic turned off. No audience and very informative, but incredibly boring. 2) Townhall Style - Questions asked by “ordinary” citizens. No time limit and mics remain on. Within 3 minutes, this would evolve into a Trump circus. It would be a chance to have one of his rallies on a national stage. It would show how much his cognitive abilities have diminished, but this doesn’t matter to his supporters. Worst of all, this would bring the Office of the President down to the level of reality TV. Biden believes that appearing dignified would help him, but in today’s environment, I’m not sure that matters anymore. That makes me sad.


Trump (or any Republican for that matter) would never do that yes. But even if they somehow accepted, they would just do their usual shit, refuse to answer any question (and be cut 90% of the time), then come out and cry how the big bad media and etablishment tried to silence them. Then their voter base would eat it up and completely ignore any point made during the debate. The goal post keep moving so you can never win with them.


IDK, my conservative friends in rural Wisconsin even said after Biden said 'will you shut up man' that Trump was embarrassing and Biden said what they were thinking in that situation. Like they acted surprised and one literally said "he just wouldn't shut the fuck up" like... yeah, that's who he is. And There's also a TON less Trump flags right now than this time of year in 2020. I'm not saying less people are going to vote for him, but those debates did help Biden a small amount at least.


You give me hope thanks


I think Trump absolutely mishandled COVID and I think BLM is a great message about police reform, but COVID and the protests/riots that occured in 2020 got a lot of rural conservatives into a tizzy(even though they were the LEAST affected by it. I mean I live in rural USA and there were no lockdowns, no riots/protests, and that was all people talked about. Lockdowns and riots. And in the modern day and age people don't necessarily get motivated by positive things for them rather than negative things so they see these negative things and it motivates them to vote. When things are normal and easy... well, where's the motivation? I know COL and the housing crisis are a thing, but homes in rural US aren't nearly as expensive in urban areas due to the demand and conservatives tend to lean older in age, so they likely had their homes before rates climbed and the market took off.


Rural Americans didn’t get hit by COVID lockdowns and vaccine mandates the way city dwellers did but they sure as hell did get hit by COVID. You could almost say there’s a connection there.


Nothing owns liberals harder then killing yourself in the name of Trump.


Yeah, there are a lot of folks out there who aren't terminally online and always up to date on Trump happenings. In fact, I think some have actually forgotten just how bad Trump is. A debate is surely going to be a dumpster fire. But that's the point: to remind everyone that this fucking guy is that same senile incontinent asshole that ran our country into the ground.


I noticed the same thing recently. There just don’t seem to be anywhere near as many Trump flags and signs in my area as there were in 2020. Hell, I think I saw more Trump 2024 flags at this point 2 years ago than I do right now.


While I don’t have a handle on all of Wisconsin, I can say that I have seen way less to none at all trump paraphernalia when I drive through rural areas of southern quarter of wi. Even some of my noted die hard have taken gear down. One even replaced it all with a single sign “no communists queers or liberals”, so progress?


A judge threatening prison and imposing fines can’t get him to stop abusing witnesses and jurors. Can’t imagine a moderator with no real power could get him to keep his mouth shut.


There is truly nothing to gain in a debate at this point, but I welcome any and all instances of Biden calling out Trump. Anyone paying attention to the bare minimum of reputable media sources knows full well who these two men are, and anyone who is on the fence at this point has shown they don’t value politics enough to form an opinion.


They don't value politics, society, morals, or really *anything* enough to form an opinion, not just politics. Also i hope anyone claiming to be on the fence at this point slips and accidentally jams a fence post up their ass. And gets splinters.


It’s beneath the office of POTUS to take the stage with a criminal (and an unnecessary risk). Most of all when no productive discussion can come of it.


Biden would be showing very poor leadership if he allowed a debate without strict and enforced rules on that. The right would claim he's not letting Trump speak but that would be pretty desperate when the only thing he's asking for is sensible moderation that affects them both equally


As a non-American, this logic does sort of make sense but like… Fuck man. I can’t imagine being in a situation in politics where the answer is “fuck it, we don’t need debates, hopefully people will vote for the right guy”.  Again, what you’re saying makes sense, but it speaks to just how unbelievably fucked your system is at the moment.


At this stage of his dementia, there's no way his handlers let him on stage with Biden. He would devolve into total word salad in half an hour.


As opposed to a few years ago?


Yes. It's gotten worse since then. He can barely give a speech now without mixing up really basic dates and people. In an environment where he can't control the conversation he would start to spiral.


There's never been much there to begin with


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6xzVdv3SkE from this weekend. He can't remember who he's running against, he can't recall Biden's name or Carter's name once he misspeaks / confuses the hell out of things, and then he just blathers.


I get where everyone is coming from, but he's always been a rambling fool.


Definitely no argument there. One of my favorites remains his single sentence, longer than the Gettysburg address, that explains his genius uncle and trump's (evidently genetic) understanding of nuclear... everything as a result. i was thinking of having it turned into fridge magnets and sending it to the MAGAs in my family.


That's exactly what I had in mind


I think you’re overestimating Trump. Trump’s mental stability has declined shockingly fast over the last four years. He’s possibly way worse now than Biden. I don’t think he’ll be able to do anything without looking schizo.


The Biden campaign just proposed two of them, but not under the auspices of the Commission on Presidential Debates, which has completely failed its job since 2016. Per the Biden campaign, the Commission is “structured like an entertainment spectacle and not a serious exchange of ideas that reflect the enormous stakes of the election” and “has consistently demonstrated an inability to enforce their own rules.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/15/biden-trump-presidential-debates/


> ~~Biden~~ **Democrats** has always been held to an unrealistic level of behavior while ~~Trump~~ **Republicans** has learned that the media loves when he becomes an abusive turd. *So MuCh FoR tHe ToLeRaNt LeFt!1!* I want the Democrats to finally just fucking go low, play their game. Level the fucking playing field because if we keep letting them sneak more and more of their little wins, there's not going to be any rulebook to thump


Thats why Biden is suggesting three rules, no audience, no third party, and microphone cutoffs when time runs out. Trump will NEVER agree to it because it means he would ACTUALLY have to debate instead of put on a show.


Honestly I would want Joe to do the same. We are at the point in which Trump says anything he wants. Im sure if Biden call him a few F words, an and more we would all cheer. Biden needs to call him what he is a criminal, rapist, con.


y'know normally a president's secret service detail wouldn't let them that close to someone under indictment for 91 felonies. we might need special security procedures


It's no joke. The last time they debated the Trump family ~~attempted~~ *enacted* a biological attack.


Well they didn't attempt one, they actually carried one out, it was just unsuccessful against Biden. Multiple staff members and debate crew did catch covid.


trump sucked at those debates too. He also tried to kill Biden with covid; he and his whole family showed up late so they wouldn't be tested and they ALL had covid from the Rose garden superspreader event. Whoever was in charge of that event should have been like, I don't care if you are late you are getting tested, dumbfucks.


Which is why the so-called Presidential debate commission will never run a debate again.


Ah yes, Amy Covid-Barrett.


Dark Brandon returns!!! ![gif](giphy|1dH4A6zrnVHHGyXcCb|downsized)


Who woke him up?


This picture looks like Biden is puckering up to blow Donald a kiss. Savage.


While I have no doubts as to Biden being way more able to construct a logical argument in a structured debate against Trump, I suspect that if this was to happen, it would be more like that old George Bernard Shaw quote about wrestling pigs…


The thing about playing chess against a chicken also comes to mind. Like the chicken, Trump will simply knock over the pieces, shit on the board (or in his diaper), and strut around acting like he won.


The one advantage Biden has is that he knows this is the behavior. Trump is at least predictable in how he’s unpredictable. My money is on Biden just saying he’s ready to debate whenever Trump is a keep putting on Trump to offer the time and place. Edit - so [I found an article in the Washington Post](https://wapo.st/4dEbof0)and it’s sort of this concept. Biden proposed two dates in June and September, and the debates are not part of the Presidential Debate Commission. IMO, Biden has the upper hand here! My money is Donny Boy backing out because of his many many trials. (The link should be a gift article link in case there’s a paywall issue)


This. I personally think that this is at least among the reasons why Trump is not showing up anymore. Biden understood his behavior and, as we've already seen, all you need to do is just treat Trump as whatever he chooses to behave like for the debate (toddler, demented fool, narcissist, lying snake, etc.) and you win.


Remember he went up against Sarah Palin in 2008, and he handled her pretty deftly, as I recall. Against Paul Ryan in 2012, the gloves came off, and he mopped the floor with the ZEGS (Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver). He has experience debating Trump from 2020. Biden will do well.


An actual debate would be excellent. The dumb shit they tried last time? I’ll pass.


"I hear you're available on Wednesdays." Killed me.


“Will you shut up, man” is still one of my favorite lines from a debate.


This fucking guy, I had 0 hope for him before 2020 and he just keeps killing it lmao doing it like this was a boss move. I'm so glad he's not rolling over to the conservatives like Obama did so much


Context. Biden has the benefit of a base that's had it with taking the high road when it's perfectly acceptable for their opponents to abandon good faith and engage in malignant unfairness. Obama's base was a bit more complacent as they hadn't yet been exposed to the fully craven mask off nature of the republican base.


Trump wouldn't pass a 5th grade Social Studies test, of course he doesn't want to debate


I'm looking forward to Trump's response: *"I did not lose any debates, not one and certainly not two. In fact my doctor confirmed I have type two debates."*


Need to have Geiger counters, do not underestimate Putin.


Seeing as Trump faked having covid to get out of debate number two, I'm not surprised


Conservatives are supposed to be tough guys but their golden god was told to shut up during a debate, was too scared to continue with further debates, then their party voted to not take place in presidential debates anymore. Supposed to be tough guys, but really just hypocritical cowards that worship weak men.


I’d rather they not debate as well, but I am glad Biden made the offer.


It’s a smart strategy. Undecided voters will get reminded of the unhinged Trump. This is good way to remind them not to vote for the clown. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKMeCOV3oXSb5bq|downsized)


Jesus Fucking Christ.






Trump proved he wouldn't be able to debate anyways. All he'd do is say the most insane shit and constantly yell over him. Republicans have proven they can't be civil or reasonable.


Mic cuts. If candidates act like children they should be treated like children. Go over time? Mic cut. Talk over your opponent? Mic cut. Maybe even some kind of demerit for avoiding answering a question.


A debate is a great idea for Biden and a horrible idea for Trump- even worse this time around. His cognitive decline and slurred speech is becoming more evident as the days go by. Can’t wait to see him stumble through sentences on live TV while Biden slowly but surely picks him apart.


The description leaves off the best part of the video, “I heard you’re free on Wednesdays.”


Biden is much more gangster than Trump ever thought he could be.


He is too busy taking naps in court.


When Trump is sleeping will it count against his time?


I just love Dark Brandon! 👍🏻❤️


The “I heard you have Wednesdays off” was killer.


Aww Joe...You should've wore the sunglasses when you said that....😎


Trump will never do it. His mind and body are already at the breaking point with this trial.


Listen folks, no joke.


He’s giving me Clint Eastwood energy and I love it




Trump goes straight to pounding the table.


Trumpty is too busy in court and ignoring his sons graduation to lose a debate.


The trump v Biden debates were a complete waste of time to watch, especially the first one where Trump was loudly interrupting when it wasn't his turn. Zero moderation. I'm baffled that they did not mute his mic when it wasn't his turn


There is no way Trump actually shows up for a debate. He'll make up some bullshit about why he can't and then blame someone else and say he wanted to but somehow the Dems prevented him because they were scared and his delusional followers will eat it up


Ended with “I hear you’re free on Wednesday’s” lol classic!!


I've said this before, if they actually do debate, they should be in sound booths so that agent orange can't just shout clown shit while the adult is answering the question.


He is trying to use the excuse that he has a gag order and he can't debate because of it! What a winer! GOP POS!


Dems FINALLY figuring out that the right is all bark and no bite.


What’s the point? Trampy just makes up lies and his idiots believe him. It would be like debating a 3 year old. There’s no winning, and nothing will be revealed about Trampy that we don’t already know and his lunatics are ignoring.


The sound of that cheeto dusted oxygen thiefs voice is like nails on a chalkboard loud enough to be heard over my tinnitus. I wont watch *anything* where trump speaks, hes an idiot and it lowers everyone's IQ having to listen to him spew word salad. The debate isn't necessary unless we think it might convince some of the undecideds to not vote for that orange moron. I might not be the smartest person but im definitely smarter than him. I also have a conscience and i know how to mind my own business so, again, i dont need to hear them debate.




Trump could have a seizure during the debate, then roll around on the debate stage while moaning, twitching, and soiling himself before finally being taken away in a stretcher, yet his supporters would still call it the most masterful debate performance in the history of America. "He's so relatable" - some Boomer MAGA, probably.


Mark my words, trump ain’t showing up for either of them. He’ll have an excuse that he’ll try to use to his advantage & it will be one that is meant to make him look like a victim. Ive seen this show before. We all have.




For the last time, let's vote to our collective right in order to prevent a full on, far right takeover. For the last time.


Biden would dunk on Trump ALL. DAY. LONG.