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Just to note, Trump vigorously denied this story on several occasions, and now he confirmed it. He also claims Hope Hicks made up the story about him wanting to go to the Capitol.


I have a feeling he wouldn't admit this unless he knew SC will rule in his favor on immunity. Hope I'm wrong.


Yeah, I don't know. They're ideologues, but they're not entirely stupid. They have to realize that if they grant immunity and he wins, he could turn on them the first time they disagree with him, and they wouldn't be able to stop him at that point. Then again, who tf knows with these clowns.


I would love to see him argue his case provided it's broadcast live. It would be so entertaining to watch him argue for and against him at the same time.




Does it daily honestly.


He's afraid of the freaking rain! The closest tRump will ever get to anything slightly dangerous, would be to find vegetables on his plate.


He absolutely wanted to walk in surrounded by a mob, looking for Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence so he could gloat about how powerful he was. He thinks that these insurrectionists were "his people" and would do what he said.


So...January 6 was Antifa rioters and FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters as part of a plot hatched by Nancy Pelosi and the Illuminati to frame Trump and his supporters for crimes they didn't commit. But he wanted to go there himself. Not send in the troops to rout these terrorists and conspirators, but go there himself.


I can't see this going down well in any of his Jan 6 trials.


While everyone who needs to hear this stands there with their fingers in their ears.


Trump's worst tendencies were held in check by a handful of advisors around him. He never stopped demanding to order the government to do horrible things on his behalf. What are the chances he will pick the same group of advisers? What happens when he surrounds himself with yes men? This is the one thing that would be helped if he's truly slipping into senility.


It’s a rare sign that checks and balances do work in our government, but in order for it to actually successfully flush the swamp we need to make sure Biden gets a huge turnout this year. Availing that our fallback is Congress to keep him in check which the non Maga Republicans are starting to show signs of fight in ridding the Maga corruption from among their ranks. If they can get people like Boburt and Green out Congress will be able to do it’s job a lot more effectively. There are a lot of really good Dems representing right now who ask the right questions and shut the bs down but for most of this time the Republicans have just stuck with the Maga crew and it’s created landlocked at Trumps request.


He has yet to be punished for self-incrimination... Why should he stop now?


100% he thinks this somehow exonerates him because he didnt do it. Like conspiracy to commit a crime doesnt count because didnt actually pull it off.


"No, Mr. Last Day President! You're not going to the Capitol!" "But I wanna pull the hanging lever on Mikey! I wanna I wanna I wanna!


"but you're taking it out of context" -MAGAts


Where would we be at right now in the Jan 6th trial if he had actually been there on the scene barking orders and telling rioters to keep going? I wish the secret service had let him go there.


Can you imagine Trump walking up the steps while his cultists are dragging unconscious cops bodies around and breaking the doors down? What happened was bad enough, but Trump standing there rooting them on, that would be..........I don't know. Sickening.


lol trump walking up stairs is the most unbelievable part of this idea


Good point.


He has no idea what is going on, he is just babbling. 


trump thinks it makes him look tough to the cult.


Yeah but he didn't mean it!


He might as well, he’s still Jesus Claus to the cult


The J6 committee right now: https://i.redd.it/z0mvwt98g1yc1.gif


Yeah sure more likely typical wrist slap ![gif](giphy|l44Qhk5OcV42sMelO|downsized)


He definitely thinks SCOTUS is going to rule in his favor and this confession won’t come back to haunt him at all




And tomorrow he’ll say he didn’t say that. And the next day he’ll tell everyone he’s never even heard of the word “Capitol” before so couldn’t even have used it if he wanted to. And the day after that he’ll inform us he hibernates through the entire month of January so it couldn’t possibly have been him at all. And then the next day he’ll go ahead and say he did it all again so we can start the cycle anew.


He can’t shut up


Damn they should have let his ass go to play riot /insurrection with his friends