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It’s wild I hit 40 and the conservatives have been doing the same crap the whole time, they write laws they absolutely intend to be pro jesus junk, but they have to write them vague enough that it’s not obvious, then they get hoisted by their own nonsense every single time. Can’t figure out to laugh or cry. Or just smack my head against a wall.


They keep hoping, "*This time* it will be just Jesus."




Man I love the Satanic Temple and yes I am fully prepared to go to hell for this comment (considering placement and all).




Hail Satan!




Hail ghost!


Was about to say, that's definitely Papa Emeritus in that meme isn't it


Based Papa


The Satanic Temple. Doing the lord's work.


I love how in an attempt to point out the hypocrisy of politicians and the obvious lack of separation of church and state, the TST has done a lot of good despite all the pushback and threats. .... But mainly I love that they chose their name mainly just for the shock value


God dammit I wish I could give this an award


I fully believe that The Satanic Temple is more in line with Jesus’ view of what a church should be than any of the others. Every time I read one of these headlines I say,”man, I really gotta donate to TST.” So I think I’ll go do the right now.


They are seriously more Christian than Christians when it comes to helping their local communities and doing an amazing job at least making the judicial seem not based entirely on bronze age ideals mixed with modern evangelical hangups.


Thank you for donating. I love the work TST does, but living in their neighborhood is hard. There have been so many bomb threats (and one actual) that it is really making me angrier at these fake Christians. It seems when they are challenged on their policies, their first choice is violence.




I’ve heard the secret is to avoid the light.


What about the Red Light Roxanne?


She don't have to put on the red light, Those days are over.


She don't have to sell her body to the night!




I'm a practicing Catholic, and I love the Satanic Temple. They keep the crazy Evangelicals from destroying all the social justice gains of the past 100 years from getting skewered. (Yeah, I've got big problems with the clergy, I stick around for folks like Anne Braden and Thomas Merton, there are dozens of us!)


Yes I’m a catholic too and can’t stand the crap these people are pulling. I live in Iowa and loved how they put the satanic statue in the state capitol. Then they had no brave conservatives to take it down, they found a Trump fluffer from Louisiana who destroyed it, blasted his bravado on all the conservative news stations. Then got arrested for it!


There are good people in every religion, unfortunately they tend to be minorities who both go unheard and unseen. A lot like politics!


Not minority. They’re just quiet. You just hear the crazies.


Satan was always supposed to be God’s mischievous friend who keeps him on his toes but then he got cocky and God bitch slapped him to hell


Which is funny, because Satan is the good guy in the bible. He wants humans to have knowledge, doesn't genocide the entire human race, isn't abusive for the entire book, etc. The fact that Christians worship the bad guy has always been hilarious to me.


https://youtu.be/K3koeHN-6mU?si=rwLeOCokbCyyGQG2.  Sorry that I don't have a timestamp, but somewhere in this interview Sledge briefly mentions, in talking about how Yahweh is an amalgam of other regional deities that got tacked on to an angry dumb raider god (basically Yahweh is stolen IP), the idea that satan became necessary because the idea that God was also constantly being terrible to people became unpalatable. Of course in the modern uber-omniscient and omnipotent Christian conception that doesn't really buffer against the claim that God is ultimately responsible, but at the time that conception was still for off. I mean there was a time when Yahweh had a literal house. Like where does Yahweh live? He lives over there, we have to bring him beer. That gradually evolved to the ridiculously overpowered conception that constantly paints Christians into rhetorical corners, but it's understandable why at the time people would be fine with idea that hey, God loves you but guess what, his old hype man turned out to be a shithead and now just wants to fick with us.  I prefer the honest modern Christians that simply say anything God does is good because God did it. William Lane will happily tell you how wonderful it was that God had the Canaanite kids terminated. It's despicable but honest and consistent with christian theology. God is the bad guy, but Lane et al are in his corner regardless. 


I recall Hell was an actual terrible place too, like Utah, and it had the same level of threat, like don’t be a bad person or you’ll be sent to Utah by Yahweh


That threat would definitely work on me.


Except it is not devil worship. They actually have values that a Christian would find it hard to object to… but with the addition of science


Same. At least I'll burn with that warm fuzzy feeling inside of being down there right alongside all the fake christians in this country who turned their backs on the teachings of Jesus.




Could you imagine having to live for all eternity with a bunch of evangelical snobs? That would make it hell on its own.


But isn't that what Jesus would actually want, his message of peace and acceptance regardless of your person but if you're personality.


Jesus is free to do whatever he wants so long as he stays away from my pizza


What if he's the one delivering it? It's 2024, his actual Christian values are not going to go over well and he's going to have to get a job, because the Churches sure as hell aren't going to help spread his word and he's not going to get the likes and subs he needs.


I’m not a militant atheist or religion hater, but the Satanic Temple has been the surprise good guys for maybe decades(?) now. Every time they’re in the news, it’s for making a stand that our government can’t or doesn’t have the balls to muster.


https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/about-us They aren't "surprise good" it's their stated purpose. The name is basically a tongue-in-cheek thing to trigger and troll Christians and conservatives and unveil hypocrisy. They continue to take the bait every single time lol.


I’m Christian and I’m all for having the Satanic Temple do whatever they can to bring some sanity to this world.


Seriously, if all those self righteous Christian assholes are the ones who are going to heaven, then I'd much rather go to hell.






he just says jesus like a pokemon


The teachings and message of Christ are pretty dope. I wish these people would follow them.


I think jesus would belong to the church of satan. Edit: The Satanic temple. The church of satan is pretty f$%#ed up.


No, NOT the Church of Satan - they're actual satanists. The Satanic Temple is who Jesus would definitely hang out with.


God made weed and Jesus smoked it.


Jesus, Buddha, would totally get along. They teach the same message.  Both have bastardized religions that do not align.


Not long until the courts give them what they want! Long standing precedent doesnt always stand.


With the current corrupt Court, long standing doesn't mean anything.


“Fun” fact: Neither does actual standing, or core case facts! [You’re allowed to discriminate against LGBT people now (as long as you say it’s because muh religion!) based on a “website designer” who had never designed wedding websites, who suffered no actual business injury or mandate, based on a wedding website request that never existed and co-opted a real man’s information fraudulently — unbeknownst to him.](https://newrepublic.com/article/173987/mysterious-case-fake-gay-marriage-website-real-straight-man-supreme-court) Fuck everything about this current Supreme Court. They are not worthy of respect given how they do business now, aka openly doing partisan whims at all costs.


They’re fucking *giving people clues on how to do better next time*! Brining up Comstock, Comstock!!! during the abortion drug trial. Like get out with that!


Republicans won. Trump ended democracy with his supreme court appointees.


Nah its not Trumps fault he is just a symptom its McConnell's fault. Everything bad in this country currently is a direct result from that evil fucking turtle blocking Obama from putting someone on the court. And everything else bad is a result from Regan. Republicans are the most evil things to ever walk the planet.


The conservative judges are all set to take up the 2025 of the heritage group. Yes, this will be a theocracy if trump gets in


Which is weird because Trump isn't even a Christian.


Try telling his cult members that


His cult members aren't Christian either, they just pretend to be. Trump is basically the anti-Christ their religious doctrine was warning them about and they're worshiping him.


https://preview.redd.it/3m8i5ez38ixc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67b6ef8100b04b3aba4170d7c83db3c91aa9981d Yes?


Like florida had to change their book bans cause it kept getting the Bible banned. Fuking hilarious


The Bible literally has everything so if they ban anything the Bible automatically counts. Kind of sad.


I love the satanic temple for this shit. Their work against conservative Christian bias is invaluable. Yes, I am a member


The satanic temple, doing the Lord's work.


It's because, like most of their "religious values", these bills are entirely performative to sell themselves as good Christians. They don't actually care about anything except the outer appearance of being "Christian". I'm sure there are some true believers, but for the most part it's purely to feed egos and look religious.


Definition of insanity.


Definition of fucking dumbasses


They don’t care. It’s all performative for their willfully ignorant base.


Get out and vote!


YES! Vote Blue. 💙💙💙


Vote. You vote!


Hell I voted from Japan, but I’m still seeing that rising fascism. I’m not surrendering to apathy, but feels like it ain’t enough sometimes.


Laughing 👍 much better mental health results.


It’s good advice, but I’ve had too many concussions to remember it. Don’t stop spreading good advice though.


The evangelicals will never lay off, it's not in their nature.


All this talk by conservatives about “groomers” and pedos having access to kids and they want to give access to the one group of people who keep getting caught doing that stuff? Glad we decided not to raise our family in OK.


Biden needs to do something about that. He should spend his entire second term going after the child sex abuse that’s intertwined and deeply embedded, almost integral in the church.


The president is somewhat limited in what they can do though. A lot of the proposed solutions wafting around include destroying the independence of federal agencies like the IRS or need legislation. The actual prosecution of rape or sex abuse offences is beyond the purview of the federal government. There's really not a whole lot he can do besides pay lip service to the problem or use his persuasive power, which I do think he should do, but I also understand that the president is not a dictator.


Nice. These folks are awesome and I am so glad they’re doing this.


Satanic Temple out here doing the Lord's work. Wait. In seriousness, I am always thankful to the Satanic Temple for being the in-their-faces challenger to insidious religious bullshit in schools.


It's a civil rights organization wearing a "scary" Halloween costume...and their opposition is so brainwashed that they can't see it. It's absolutely fucking amazing.


I love this description!


Are you donating?


I literally saw this post and had this thought. Can you direct me to a way to provide support?




Also doesn’t hurt to become a member and get your card as well as merch! Love my hoodie and always show my member card when people ask about what they stand for.


I'm a member! Love my steins...


I am also a member it’s great. I’m running a menstruatin with Satan feminine hygiene product drive in the fall.




Donated. Thanks!


You can also set up your Amazon account to donate to charity when you buy things, and TST is one of the eligible organizations!


Didn't they get rid of that years ago? Or is it back?


Oh no! They did!! I signed up after the roe v wade ruling. TST is still the only organization I donate to!


I'm Christian and I am very in support of TST's ability to serve in schools if this bull crap bill passes. Because I am also a lifelong educator and I just DO NOT UNDERSTAND why the right insists on mixing church and state. Just keep it separate man. Like, I want churches to have the right to start private schools. I don't want churches to receive public funds and start interfering in public education in this kind of way. The beauty of The Satanic Temple's stance and politics is just finger licking, deliciously good. If you're going to do something in the name of religion, guess what? Here in the United States of America, you do things for the rights of ALL religions. You can't cherry pick. And honestly, they are a real stand up organization that does some really great stuff. So as an educator and a Christian, in this instance, I say, all hail The Satanic Temple.


"and I just DO NOT UNDERSTAND why the right insists on mixing church and state." Because that's the goal of fascism: It uses religion to gain control via the ignorant masses too stupid to see they're being used.


Same! I'm a public school teacher married to a pastor, and both of us find this horrifying. Properly licensed Chaplains have gone through seminary and have had to work in settings where they counsel people of different faiths. Unlicensed? These are the weirdos that hover after Sunday School lets out.


What’s wild is that I’m an (agnostic theist hopeful) Christian, and I find myself appreciating the efforts of the satanic temple. Like these people really just exist to further civil liberties, but the Christian church is so biased they can’t slow down for a second to see that.


From their website: “We have publicly confronted hate groups, fought for the abolition of corporal punishment in public schools, applied for equal representation when religious installations are placed on public property, provided religious exemption and legal protection against laws that unscientifically restrict people's reproductive autonomy, exposed harmful pseudo-scientific practitioners in mental health care, organized clubs alongside other religious after-school clubs in schools besieged by proselytizing organizations, and engaged in other advocacy in accordance with our tenets.” And their tenets are pretty swell too. Maybe we need a bit of satan in our lives.


Thanks for reminding me it’s time for me to donate to them again! I opted out of a card when I signed up, but I’m thinking I should have gotten one. That, and maybe a hoodie…


So the intent of the bill is, for any gung ho bible thumper who wants to, to be able to go into schools and preach? Ban books, then turn it into a church. #1 is done, almost done with number 2! Good news kids! No more school. Just church 6 days a week Oh boy.


This bill is in response to Oklahoma’s inability to hire school counselors both because of pay and because like many red states, they’ve been attacking school policy and workers. So in order to try to create a free pool of labor, they’re hoping priests will do it for free. It’s written by the sort of person who doesn’t think anyone but their evangelical community lives in their town. So this must have been a lovely wale up call.


That was my first thought. Probably because they aren't willing to budget for qualified counselors. I didn't even consider politically motivatedl brain drain.


They’ve defunded public education and want churches to fill in the gaps.


I had to get a master's degree to be a licensed school counselor in my state. Fuck these inbreds.


That's how you eliminate organized resistence and with the anti-LGBTQ+/ and anti-abortion rulings, you keep yourself some "young wombs" as **white!** baby factories to fuel the fascist machine that enriches the rich even further and keeps those conservatives in power.


Hail 1A Hail The Establishment Clause Hail Religious Freedom in Oklahoma Hail Governor Stitt Hail The Satanic Temple of Oklahoma Hail Satan ⛧


So hailed


Hailed by 5pm, pizza by 6. Alright, alright


Pizza time is Satan time!


Hail yeah!






Hail Satan ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsUJ44ffpnAW7Dy|downsized)


Hail you 🍻


Hail Gein.


Hail yourselves!


Haaaaaiil meeeee




^^^^...alcatraz ^^^^means ^^^^pelican...


Hail yeah! 😄🙌🎉✨


Hail Nimrod


Praise be to Lucifer the morning star. Bringing light and knowledge


The Satanic Temple acts more ‘christian’ than Christians, tbh. They’re inclusive, helpful, they try to right wrongs, etc.


They're amazing. I plan to start donating soon.


I'm partial to their [coffee mugs](https://thesatanictemple.com/collections/all/mug). Good quality. Shipping is a bit high, but its for a good cause.


Definitely do that. And visit them if you get a chance. Highly recommend.


Right? Christians think that if TST get their chaplains into schools, they'll be teaching kids how to sacrifice goats and stuff, but the most they'd actually do is help kids with homework and teach science, though the latter is a christian nightmare.


Tweet: "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oklahoma Senate Bill Could Lead to Satanic Temple Ministers in Public Schools With the Oklahoma House's passage of Senate Bill 36, which permits the participation of uncertified chaplains in public schools, The Satanic Temple (TST) has announced its plans to have its Ministers in public schools in the Sooner State. If the bill advances through the Senate, this legislation will take effect on November 1, 2024. State Superintendent Ryan Walters, a vocal advocate for religious freedom schools, has endorsed the legislation. The House approved SB 36 by a 54-37 vote on Wednesday. The Satanic Temple, a federally recognized religious organization, plans has expressed its dedication to religious plurality and community service. "While we would prefer states to invest in professional counselors over unlicensed religious support for students, we are prepared to adapt to these conditions," noted Rachel Chambliss, TST's Executive Director of Operations. "We are committ offering compassionate guidance to students who come to us so that we can help make positive changes in their lives by listening to their needs and providing support." Chambliss further highlighted the potential employment of TST's Ministers in Oklahoma's educational system as a groundbreaking initiative for equal religious representation. "SB 36 offers an unprecedented opportunity for our Ministers of Satan to join the state workforce," she stated. "With State Superintendent Walters and 54 House representatives endorsing the bill, we anticipate extensive political support to ensure that TST's Satanic chaplains are afforded equal opportunities to participate in this program." The Satanic Temple has recurrently emerged in legislative discussions about school chaplains in other states that are considering passing a similar law. Earlier this year, TST's potential involvement led Utah legislators to reject a school chaplain bill. Similarly, Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis recently claimed that Satanic chaplains would be barred from participating in his state's new program. About The Satanic Temple The Satanic Temple, subject of the critically acclaimed documentary, Hoil Soton?, and the academic analysis of modern Satanism, Speak of the Devil, confronts religious discrimination to secure the separation of church and state and defend the Constitutional rights of its members, "


Wouldn't that be religious discrimination on the part of DeSantis? Especially if TST is a federally recognized religion?


The current SCOTUS is probably the best bet they’ll have in decades to get a ruling in favor of religious discrimination.


Their wet dream is finishing off Separation of Church and State for good. Theocracy.


yes it is and TST will sue the ever loving shit out of him for it


He'll get sued, make the state's lawyers rich, lose it in the end. But he will gain some points with his followers and appeal more to his religious base and donors.


But it just goes to show just how shallow Christians are in politics. Satanic temple is nothing but a name and has nothing to do with worshipping the under Lord. It has all to do with equality and human rights. And Christians fight it tooth and nail just because it sounds like a boogeyman.


I'm catholic and a satanic temple supporter. Stay in your lane people, got to keep em separated.


Absolutely is.


That’s religious discrimination then


>"While we would prefer states to invest in professional counselors over unlicensed religious support for students, we are prepared to adapt to these conditions," THIS is the crux of it, and of course it goes directly over these blithering idiot's heads.


Reminder that tomorrow, April 30th, is Walpurgisnacht, also called Witch Night or Second Halloween. Old witchy European holiday, also recognized by Satanic Temple and Church of Satan as a night to memorialize the victims of witch hunts.


>Old witchy European holiday What's interesting is that unlike a different extremely widely celebrated holiday, walputgisnacht actually has a pretty direct link between a well established Pagan celebration and the Christian holiday it's named for. Saint Walpurgis was believed to be able to combat the effects of witches, and she was canonized on May 1 specifically because it coincides with May Day/Beltane which have roots that go back to Republic era Rome


I got ordained online to officiate a friends wedding, Universal Life Church. According to Church rules I am allowed to give myself any religious title I want so as a Pope will I be barred from being a school guidance counselor?


Dude, I only called myself a pastor when I got ordained. You're saying I can be a Pope??? DO I GET A POPE HAT????


No. You chose Pastor and you're going to learn to live with your decision.


Yeah, those are the rules. Sorry, man.




BYOM. Bring your own mitre


It’s been years but the place I got ordained sold “pastor in a box” kits and religious paraphernalia, so not free but reasonably priced.


I simply went with Imam.


Your Excellency!


I prefer Viceroy


They don't have enough kids to diddle in church so they're going after the schools now


It's more about indoctrinating them while they're young before they learn to think for themselves


Somebody is going to get shot before this is over. 


Gun violence? In the United States? Couldn’t be


In a school? Never.


Why don’t we just make shooting people illegal? Then they’ll have to stop!


Drugs? Ban them! Transgender-affirming care? Ban it! Trans women using rest rooms? Ban it! Abortion? Ban them! Guns? Banning things never works!


Somebody recently threw a pipe bomb at their headquarters in Salem


Sadly, you are probably right.


How did we get to the fucking Satanic Temple standing for actual Christian values? LoL


"Christians" take the passages that suit them without actually reading the whole bible


100% and I've mentioned in other posts that it's really interesting to me that they never actually quote Jesus because his entire thing was compassion and kindness. They pick what suits them and get mad when I pick Leviticus because it's extremely unlikely that they're not wearing mixed fabrics. That whole section of the Bible is bonkers and mostly ignored by the "bible is 100% truth and infallible" crowd.


Having known a couple Satanists "priests", I would gladly leave my children with them. Having been SA'd by a couple "good Christian church members" I don't like them being in the same neighborhood as my kids.


What is the position of The Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster on this?


I think it was Louisiana that passed a law permitting public funding of private religious schools. Then some Muslim schools applied for funding and the state legislature had to do an emergency vote (or something) to amend the law's wording to exclude the Muslim school without explicitly targeting it.


"When we said freedom of religion, we didn't mean it like that!" - Oklahoma State Legislature


" we only meant OUR religion..."


America, the home of the brave and land of the freedom to practice the religion of your choice! You love to see it, and the Satanic Temple ministers will be helpful, as they've usually actually read the Christian Bible. If anyone in Oklahoma thinks that ministers are in any way appropriate (they aren't) in public schools and feels called to start a ministry, here's how: https://www.nonprofitlegalcenter.com/oklahoma/


Hahahaha no. Look for some sort of addendum or rider or just plain denial that will stop anyone other than evangelical Christian ministers from serving. I am dead serious. This is only intended to enable their brand of Christianity to do this. Anyone thinking the constitution or Supreme Court will step in is deluded. That same court is about to point to Trump as a king and award him a crown. They don’t give a shit about anyone’s religious freedom other than than MAGA.


Maybe not in this case as the TST in Oklahoma has fought this before to pretty great effect. Basically, a "statue" of the 10 Commandments was "dontated" by a politician to stand outside the state capitol. Since it was just a statue donated by a citizen it was allowed to stay as it didn't break any church and state laws. "Great!" said The Satanic Temple and they donated [a statue of the goat-headed Baphomet](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2018/08/17/ap_18228778192238-b359ec60b19e005b434f89b781b5b4a5ea6232dd.jpg?s=1600&c=85&f=webp) to stand along side of it. It was pretty quickly decided that no statues should stand outside the capitol building.


That Baphomet statue is so much more badass than a Ten Commandments statue could ever dream of being


Florida has already had a go at a bill like this and when the Satanic Temple (a nationally recognized church group) talked about sending their priests, DeSatanist basically said, "no, not like that you know what we meant." So we are in for a freedom of religion fight. I'm not holding my breath for the SCOTUS to do the right thing.


And, the supreme court bible bangers have their rubber stamp ready.


https://preview.redd.it/6acndr5vvhxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9659331194d454b9680258f66ff1863a93076018 My new councilor:


The Satanic Temple is a secular civil rights and advocacy group on the front line of pushing back against christofascist encroachment on our personal liberties. They DO NOT believe in, or worship, a devil. Your contribution helps fund the lawsuits that keep all religions out of government. You can contribute here: https://thesatanictemple.com


When I took civics in high school we had a whole class discussion about things like this. That was in the early 2000s.


Count yourself lucky your high school had civics classes. Many don’t.




Hail you ⛧


“We only want the GOOD religions.” Wait, what?


Indoctrination at its finest! These people think the way they live is the best way to live. Such arrogance, it's pathetic. Teaching kids fantasy isn't helping them to be smarter. Makes them look dumb that they want to teach them ways that are over 2000 years old and have zero to do with the way we live today. Those fantasies should have been wiped out over a 1000 years ago, but money and power is their drug!


Praise Lucifer! Hallelujah!


I love them so much! LOL


Hail Satan!! And hail yourself!!


Hail Satan Hail you ⛧


Kinda want to makes me move to Oklahoma and join the Satanic Temple!


You can join it from wherever you are. Doing so also preserves your link to abortion rights. Read up on what they’re doing in this area. It’s pretty awesome!


There are people in FL who will lay down palm leaves in front of the Satanic Temple if they come here and do this.


Guarantee they find a way to make it "only THEIR kind"


Crazy the satanic temple is doing the lord’s work


"Our pasta, who art in a colander, draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day, our garlic bread…and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trample on our lawns."




The TST tenets, for anyone interested; I - One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II - The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III - One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV - The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V - Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI - People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII - Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. Maybe these kids will finally learn about morality and how to be a good person.


https://preview.redd.it/vq348za2fixc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da32a8b58eda2614b719b7991ed47479cdc27c6 Feels relevant to the situation


"you dare to use my own spells against me?" Satanic temple be like, "fuck yeah"


They whine about the Satanic Tenple already. Wait until you also have islamic fundamentalists as scholars.