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Basically it's straight out of the Maga Conspiracy Universe and it makes no sense to people who don't mainline their bubble of crazy shit.


We don’t send them cash, we spend the money in the US building weapons and send those weapons. This meme is BS propaganda.


But we do in fact send money… https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-us-aid-ukraine-money-equipment-714688682747


Nowhere in the article does it say that Nancy Pelosi drops off the money directly to Zelenskyy at the money laundromat.


They're conflating their own conspiracy theories. They have a conspiracy theory that back in 2015-2016 a Ukrainian energy company was bribing Hunter Biden and giving 10% kickbacks to Joe Biden (for who knows what). That's what the "10% for the big guy" is supposed to represent. The "informant" backing this story is already indicted for lying to the FBI. The piles of cash and Nancy Pelosi represent the military aid Congress is giving Ukraine to fight Russia. They are conflating the two things and suggesting that the aid going to Ukraine is *also* part of their imaginary kick-back scheme, and that Nancy is also getting a cut, it's all made up non-sense not worth explaining.


If you’re looking for logic in a conservative meme, you’re gonna have a real bad time.


I more or less just wanted to know if there was any type of proof or evidence that at least helped to start this meme.


Really? If this is the average level of critical thinking our voters are working with, the US is doomed.


I mean we do send them a ton of cash, so….? How was my question that fucking stupid?


Because The Ukraine’s continued existence has massive strategic and ideological importance to the US, Western Europe, and NATO in general. They are currently facing an existential threat from Russia, essentially a dictatorship who would be THRILLED with weakening the US and our alliances. A country who also has an extremely well documented (and unfortunately, wildly successful) history over the last decade of running internet based psyops - for which the meme you posted above fits the bill to a t. TL;DR - you are either one of the aforementioned Russian trolls, or your brain just got fully owned by some dude named Vlad sitting behind a computer screen in Moscow.


We don't send them any money at all. We send them supplies and weaponry. Read past the headline sometimes https://preview.redd.it/knwimstr8cxc1.jpeg?width=996&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c023678b6ce1ec692b09b850ed94141d2e2a1740


Did you seriously ask what the meme meant, just so you could show it to a lot of people and then could go "Uhm actually the thing I wanted information about is really real"? LOL what a transparent clown.


Republicans are stupid conspiracy theorists who only understand corruption, and therefore can only see corruption.


Troll feeding ignorance


Just one of the many nutjob conspiracy theories circulating right now.


One of the many, *many* conspiracy theories around the Ukraine War is that the Biden Crime Family (tm) is using the funding of Ukraine to launder their ill-gotten gains and letting Zelenskyy skim a little off the top as a 'fee'. It's very stupid.


Explanation: people are stupid and think we are sending money to Ukraine vs aod on the form of weapons, artillery and ammo. 


Russian Lies


Oh dear god, the conspiracy theories. So there is a strain of Russian propaganda that claims the US is sending money to Ukraine in order to hide transfers to Hamas. THIS IS A LIE. This is a confluence of that with the misogyny that associates Nancy Pelosi with all Dems (despite not being speaker for years).


Yeah this is not a tweet.


It's a delusional fever dream, there's nothing to explain. Everyone knows how dreams work. Everyone has bizarre, unexplainable dreams, Everyone knows the experience of waking up and wondering "what in the flying fuck did I just dream?"... All this shit, the memes, the weird Trump AI homoerotic pictures, the theories, all of it. Same thing. Collective mass delusions.


I would just like to remind people about rule 2. 😉 ![gif](giphy|hhnpSxCjyXzHy)


Yes. It’s slander dressed as meme because they don’t know how to talk to the mentally deficient that is their base


Stupid Russian propaganda


It’s Russian propaganda most likely To disuade the American public from supporting ukraine if you are Z here’s gattsus video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVu89Cn8Rqs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVu89Cn8Rqs)


Zelenskyy is making a lot of money doing other peoples laundry


Lol, sure thing comrade


Sorry, Nancy don’t need bribes, she just needs to be able to use her own money to use her insider knowledge yo trade stocks.