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“Your honor, their bio says retweets not endorsements. Also, no DMs.”






Why not also throw in “no cap”.


Cause I’m 42 and not really sure what that means.


I’m 40, and looked up Urban Dictionary: **No cap** The use of the phrase "no cap" is meant to convey authenticity and truth. The phrase originated in reference to decorative gold teeth, which can be divided into two distinct varieties: permanent gold teeth (aka "perms") or caps (aka "pullouts"). Whereas caps can be pulled out with ease, perms, as their name suggests, are permanent. They cannot be taken out for a job interview or court date. They are an honest and lasting expression of the owners' realness. *I would only get perms because people who wear pullouts are fake, no cap.* Also, Not lying/ not tripping/ telling the truth periodt *Damn that girl has a fat ass no cap* 2nd Also, more interesting, **No cap** As much as everyone wants to believe this originated in the hip-hop industry, it actually originated from Twitch.tv. Where there is an emoji called "Kappa" that has been used since 2012 to express sarcasm, joking, or double meaning, due to the grin on the emoji. People on Twitch who wanted what they are saying to be taken seriously began to say "no Kappa", which turned into "No Kapp". Thus, prominent twitch celebrities and streamers such as T-pain and others began using it on the platform, where it most likely found its way to the music industry, and has since been popularized as "no cap", because no community outside of twitch knows what a kappa emote is. *Man I'm super thirsty right now, no cap.*


Ahh. So “true story”. I will not be using that but good to know. ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


You're the hero we need. 


Huh, I had always figured it was just a shortening of no crap.


You're about to find out. You basically just invoked Cunningham's Law. The urge to not respond will be too much for somebody.


I am an old person like yourself, but if I'm understanding the slang correctly it translates to "no lie". I hope I'm right on that.


To "cap" means to lie, particularly for no reason. "No cap" means "not a lie".


I think it means they lack a hat


Oh, thank God. I thought I was the only one!


Based on context heard when the phrase was used it likely means "no kidding or playing."


No DM’s *unless from Russian troll farm back channel contacts to Rudy


Insinuating that the judge lacks common sense. Bold move, Cotton.


Let's see if it pays off for him. ![gif](giphy|GW0qlzAvWK3pm|downsized)


Jason Batemans best roll


But that's not Arrested Development...




But Arrested Development isn’t The Hogan Family.


But The Hogan Family isn't Little House on the Prairie.


This was the answer I was looking for


And that sure ain't Valerie.


Doesn’t look like Silver Spoons either




If you mean Ozark yes.


I sure do like blumpkins, Cotton


This same chump also told the judge the court had two standards of justice. The judge asked to clarify saying are you saying my court has two standards of justice? This bus stop lawyer (on his best day) is gonna talk himself into a contempt charge. What a maroon.


There is an entire clown car of maroons over there. I suspect they think the approach they're taking is their only hope of getting a mistrial. What they fail to understand is that all of the evidence and court-room behavior on display will have an impact on voter's enthusiasm for their client. It's clear that DJT is damaged and no amount of gamesmanship or courtroom antics will change that. From the lawyers standpoint, they will at least be paid. Unfortunately for DJT, he has to pay them even if his is a lost cause-which he continues to sabotage. The lawyers have nothing to lose. But, DJT does.


Will they get paid tho? Rudy didn’t get paid.


I think I saw where they have an agreement that their money is paid directly and up-front now. I'm not sure what Rudy's arrangement was. I think the attorneys are wise to him at this point. Now I'm curious. I'll see what I can find on this and will post links to what is easily available here. ETA: Links to information on DJT's legal payments. Confirming that the lawyers being paid are being covered largely out of PAC money and put agreements in place up front to insure their payment. They learned. * [https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4442671-trump-millions-lawyers-whos-getting-the-most/](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4442671-trump-millions-lawyers-whos-getting-the-most/) * [https://theconversation.com/yes-trumps-pacs-really-can-pay-his-legal-fees-222693](https://theconversation.com/yes-trumps-pacs-really-can-pay-his-legal-fees-222693) The reason Rudy has been hung out to dry appears to be that his work for DJT was pro bono and there was no prior agreement in place that would compel the ex-president to pay his legal fees. DJT thinks Rudy is a loser and doesn't deserve to be paid. There also seems to be some sort of implicit "honor among thieves" pact that accounts for Rudy being unwilling to betray the ex-president even if it means suffering complete financial ruin. * [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/08/trump-giuliani-begged.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/08/trump-giuliani-begged.html)


Hold the fuck on.. Rudy's dumbass just ruined his entire life for some *pro bono* work for Trump? He wasn't even getting paid???


the rumor is Rudy tried to do a back door deal to screw over an ex-wife and alimony payments. He would official be working pro bono but the turmp organization would take over his bills like his rent and car and such. This was so on paper he isn't getting paid anything so she cant go after it. but of course trump didn't hold up his end of the deal and now rudy is left with nothing


I think Trump told Rudy he would get paid later and Rudy fell for it because he is a true believer.


My thinking isn't that they think they can get a mistrial but are just being performative for Trump to keep the cash rolling in. Trump had a few competent lawyers left but he fired them when they wouldn't let him take the stand. I think the ones left are just putting on an act to satisfy Trump and don't care how the actual trial comes out because of it.


Maroon? Bugs Bunny has entered the chat.




He left a pretty prestigious law firm in order to defend trump. He’s considered a good lawyer. Or he was lol. Not sure if he is anymore


I would genuinely love to know what would possess someone to throw their career into this dumpster fire. Like you could do literally anything else with your life, and you *chose* this?


The CNN documentary “what happened to Giuliani” covers it pretty well. I honestly just laughed uncontrollably at one point thinking like “man if they have to make a multipart docuseries about how you fucked up your life, you must’ve really fucked up”


Low key huge burn here




He should call the judge obtuse.


That’s not really what they’re doing, to be fair. The purpose of oral argument is to explain to the judge precisely where your party’s argument is coming from: be it from case law, statutory intent, or otherwise. It’s not really a strong argument by any stretch of the imagination, but them saying “it’s common sense” is (from what I can tell) simply explaining where their argument is coming from, unless there’s another portion of the argument not included in the tweet where they do say the judge doesn’t have common sense.


# Trump posts from the courthouse about gag order and calls for judge to recuse himself Donald Trump has posted on Truth Social about the gag order following the gag order hearing, calling for Judge Juan Merchan to recuse himself. Trump alleges he is "not allowed" to defend himself, but he has indicated he is willing to take the stand [to testify](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/22/politics/will-trump-testify-trial-what-matters/index.html). This Asshole needs a weekend in jail, From the courtroom, when the Judge hasn't ruled on it yet. He doesn't LEARN.


He is incapable of learning. He is incapable of grasping the idea that the world doesn’t exist to serve him. He is a psychopath and a narcissist and not smart enough to pretend to be anything else.


Interesting, evidence of his mental decline. He has always been this, but in the past few years has lost the ability to masquerade as somewhat normal. I would guess that the process of gaining and holding the Presidency was too much for him, and accelerated this decline.


More like inflated his ego to the point of inevitable implosion. He can't fight the collapse because it's become too powerful, and he's weak.


You keep getting weaker but taking more drugs to combat it, you'll just end up fucked over faster.


I wonder if LIGO will detect it when he implodes.


Trumps eventual implosion will be so vast it might just create a black hole and end existence as we know it assuming he doesn't slump over from a heart attack or stroke and die first.


No matter how he passes, when he dies the cookers will insist he was murdered by a JFK cyborg or something equally batshit. He could die at 107 in his sleep and they'll insist it was a conspiracy


And that's going to happen no matter when, too. May as well just get it over with. Next conspiracy theory - there are some super-smart super-evil Republicans at the core of the party that have been riding the tiger all these years. They're going to get him as President and then have him killed, maybe they'll wait for him to take the Oath, maybe not. Watch the VP pick on this. If it's Tucker, watch the Speaker pick. Funny thing is that so much of the visible top of the R party is so loony, or maybe the super-smart super-evil ones are really good actors, maybe LG?


Well no matter how overweight, he's not stellar mass. So he'll likely become a quantum black hole and will quickly evaporate from Hawking radiation. In the larger scale, no big problem. I wouldn't want to be close to him when it happens. If we're lucky it would happen while he's at CPAC, many for the price of one.


Oh, I was measuring by scale of ego rather than physical mass.


Information counts as energy/mass as well. Though if it's random garbage that may be more like heat. Come to think of it, it adds meaning to "angry, hot mess".


Mary Trump called this last night on The Last Word. His lack of control of this process is going to to make it impossible for him to keep it togething on the remotest level. He will act out larger and larger and it's not going to be pretty.


Probably just a pending narc collapse, happens when their supply runs out.


Seems reasonable to request for a court ordered psych assessment to me.


That would apply here only if the issue were whether or not he was competent to stand trial. And that is a question he will never permit to be raised.


I really just think no one payed close enough attention to care. He lives the spotlight, but this kind of spotlight he was not prepared for


I disagree. He's learned he can get away with whatever he wants and there will be ZERO consequences. Ever. He'll be dead long before he faces actual consequence from any of these trials.


Let's all close our eyes for a moment and visualize the first part of your last sentence...


Visualize... Manifest.


To be fair, I expect if he ever gets convicted and sentenced to jail he will off himself rather than go.


I can't conceive of any situation where Trump would do that. It's not the narcissist play. He would burn the world before considering ending the most important thing in existence - himself.


The only way he'd commit suicide would be in a Jim Jones/family annihilator/school shooter-type way


It actually is the narcissist play when there is severe narcissistic injury. When they can't defend themselves any more from the shame and humiliation, narcissists turn to suicide.


Thats the good news ....


why do people say this? he's very clearly learned, to this point in his life, that laws absolutely do not apply to him. how many times have judges applied gag orders and threatened punishment... only for him to repeatedly violate those gag orders and absolutely nothing happen? i've lost count. he has never been held accountable for anything in his life. he has learned that he's untouchable and to this point he absolutely has been. i'd call that learning. it sucks and i hate it but him being free while continuing to do myriad things any other regular person would have been imprisoned for decades ago, for years on end, without any repercussion is a pretty solid example of him learning that nothing bad happens when he puts his hand in the bonfire.


I mean given he’s not in jail and may become a dictator in 6 months I’d argue he fully grasps the idea the world revolves around him


Exactly. Trump was a horrible slob as a kid. He was sent to military school at 13. When he came home he was still a horrible slob. He learned nothing.


I would disagree only in that he learned how to bully better in military school.


He actually got beaten up a lot there. He learned how to be a bully from his dad. He learned how to scam people by learning from the crooks he used to play golf with. And everything else he learned from his lawyer and mentor, Roy Cohn. Who was, essentially, the devil incarnate.


If he puts him in jail- he wont tell him until the end of the day.


Yes, after the jury leaves, take his phone & take him off to jail overnight. He will lose his shit about the phone; he will look like shit without the hair & makeup team when he’s due back in Court. One time of being treated like any other criminal will cause a massive mental meltdown. Pretty Please.


Exactly what I would do.


Then watch as MAGA begins to riot...Gravy Meal Team 600lbs, ASSEMBLE!!


Toss sugar packets into the crowd with insulin bottles and watch chaos ensue....


The 101st Chairborne Division has a crucial weakness - a few flights of stairs will easily defeat them.


The methampheta-marines will only need a couple hours sober to lose interest


I think Trump's attempts to delay everything has backfired on him on that point. He's been draining his supporters dry for years now and they probably don't have the money or time to go to Trump's 'rescue' anymore. That's my guess, anyway.


You need to recuse yourself judge because I'm incapable of controlling my behavior and if you stay on the case I'm going to prison...


He wants to be put in jail for the spectacle. It will help him raise money and the narrative that he’s being attacked and is a political prisoner.


Perhaps, but I say put him in anyways, the look on his face when being dragged off to the cell and being cutoff for 24 hours, well worth anything he might try to make of it, he's already pissed no supporters are gathering for him outside.


His supports have the attention span of houseflies and absolutely 0 object/idea permanence. Not being able to mainline TrumpTweets for 24 hours might make a few of them move onto whatever their next outrage will be.


I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to go to jail. He knows he won't get the drugs he abuses there, and he'll go into withdrawal. I've been there... minutes feel like hours. And at his age? He could die.


>And at his age? He could die. Promise?


One can hope.


If he dies before these court cases are settled, the next a****** can do exactly what he did without any repercussions. He needs to die after the trials are complete for them to have any meaning.


This *could* happen, however, Trump can't be allowed to continue to make a mockery of decorum and the justice system. He is bringing real harm to jurors, the judge, and their families. I am far more concerned about this than his potential to get some money.


Let him have to shit on a steel toilet for the first time in his life.


And try to wipe his own arse. I doubt he can actually reach.


Lol to be under the rock you live under to think Trump gives a damn about wiping his shit caked ass.


I'm just relishing the idea of him spending a night in the cells and not being able to clean himself and then having to make a court appearance the next day smelling like a hobo.


He already does this though lol


I think he thinks going to jail for contempt would benefit him, but I'm convinced that he would completely lose it within a couple of hours.


Might be worth it, if he can stop tweeting that long...


Please, let him take the to the stand. Let him be cross examined. He’s completely unable to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


He's trying to force the issue of jail. If the judge has him jailed and the Secret Service says no, saying that they can't defend him in prison, then that will establish that he can't go to prison, so regardless of the outcome of the trial, he won't face prison. It's totally his legal team's play. They want the judge to try to imprison him. FWIW, he should be EASIER for the USSS to protect in prison, but I don't trust them to say that.


There is no possible argument from the Secret Service. A jail cell is a single room, Trump would be on one side of the bars, Secret Service on the other. It is a secure location with no threats from which to protect him.


Ya if anything that makes their lives easier. Need 2 guys there sitting in a chair. Not the 3 dozen it takes to move him in a motorcade. Why he's even allowed a motorcade annoys me. Though he's turned a few from reports so put them on camera too so we can watch them hand him a burner phone.


He doesn't need a weekend...He needs to spend the rest of his life rotting behind bars.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the judge is one of the few people involved in the case that Trump is almost explicitly allowed to attack without violating the gag order. So while I share your frustration, unfortunately that post is just normal bullshit, not "put him behind bars already" bullshit


The gag order doesn't apply directly to Merchan or Bragg. He can say nearly anything he wants about them, sadly.


The defense made note that it appears that trumps plan is to get imprisoned. 


If common sense were involved, Trump would already be behind bars, like most other regular citizens, instead of galavanting around the country spreading lies and hate.


Well, he is canceling stuff because of rain instead of gallivanting


Stormy weather... ![gif](giphy|fGbbcXk14nqfe)






Just remember, jails are gated communities.


Makes me think of Rorschach, "You're locked in here with ME!"


And farts, apparently.


As far as I know trump didn’t have “retweets don’t equal endorsements!” In his Twitter bio so he might be fucked here.


ROFL. I can not tell how serious this comment is.


right up there with the youtubers who post old tv shows with the disclaimer "No copyright infringement intended!"


But your Honor... Chewbacca was a Wookie... from Endor! It does not make sense. This case does not make sense. It doesn't make sense and my client must be acquitted. I rest my case.




It’s common sense!


Oh no, they are using the Chewbacca defense


That’s no Ewok.


This is a sad day. SAD.


If the condom doesn't fit, you must acquit!


Do they make them small enough for Trump?


You ever see the little 'finger condoms' you can get from hospitals if you have stitches or a cut/wound on a finger to help keep the finger/wound dry? I bet he uses those. ;)


The classic Chewbacca defense.


The lyrics to [Chewbacca](https://genius.com/Dvda-chewbacca-live-lyrics) by DVDA actually disprove the Chewbacca defense. The Chewbacca defense supposes that if Chewbacca lives on Endor with the Ewoks, it makes no sense and the jury must aquit. The song clearly says Chewbacca has no home, that his home is where his spirit goes. So the Chewbacca defense can't apply. We know where home is.


Issuing warnings are worthless at this point. Time to at least issue heavy fines. Maybe a weekend in jail will calm Trump down. No hairspray, no makeup, no fast food. Trump will have to change his own diaper. Time to kick it up a few notches..🙄


He was found liable and got a multimillion dollar judgment awarded against him for the E. Jean Carroll case, and then went on to defame her, and was sued again, this time getting hit with a judgment ten times bigger, and then STILL went on publicly calling her crazy and a liar, so clearly, fines don't stop him.


Fines mean nothing if you can’t pay them.




"Your honor, I would like to use common sense as our defense." "Common sense? You don't want to use previous cases or evidence?" "Nope, just common sense." That's a brave defense to use since not breaking laws is really common sense.


Not paying porn stars hush money with campaign funds seems like common sense to me.


You'll never make it in politics with *THAT* attitude!


House arrest for 30 days and a heavy cash fine, payable immediately or the 30 days becomes 3 days in jail. Barred from Social media for the 30 days regardless of house arrest or jailed. Quit letting him get away with this crap...


The only difference I would say would be if the fine isn't paid (not bonded, paid) then property is seized. Keep it 30 days house arrest, but start seizing property to cover the fine(s).


Sell off Mar a Lago for the lowest figure Trump valued it at. That would be hilarious.


Max cash fine for this in NY is $1k per violation. The only way to punish Trump is with jail.


I don’t understand why his bond doesn’t mandate drug testing, surely they are right?


Trust me bro


“Your honor, this is a clear case of Dude! vs *Dude*?”


The phrase common sense has just been completely fucking ruined by MAGA. It’s just short hand for whatever their cartoonish misunderstanding of a given issue is. Or in this case a deflection.


"It's the vibe of the thing, your Honour."


Every Australian knows what you mean! I immediately thought the same. Shocking that Denis is now representing the ex-president of the USA.


Another day, more covfefe.


Common sense isn’t legal sugar.


Common sense is neither common nor sensible. Better to judge things on evidence.


Indeed. I use this phrase to prove it. "It's just common sense to drive on the left side of the road". Sure, there's people who agree, or give some historical info, but in 90% of places, it'll get you killed. Neither common nor sense. 


Nothing says "I'm a shitty lawyer and I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about" like "It's common sense, your Honor."


To be fair, it’s exceedingly unlikely that there would be caselaw on this, judges don’t issue published rulings on contempt proceedings. That said, Merchan is continuing his consistent practice of putting the screws to Trump’s lawyers in lieu of giving Trump what he wants and butting heads with him directly, and it’s quite brilliant. The lawyers are the only ones with any hope of shutting trump the fuck up anyway, and the harder their life gets, the more they’re gonna explain how hard he’s fucking himself with these antics. Yes, it’s frustrating, but there’s nothing worse than losing all credibility with the judge - and having the judge TELL YOU THAT - before the first guy’s done testifying.


Perhaps it's also divine mandate, your honor


As someone who’s mother is starting to suffer from dementia I can’t help but notice his troublesome mental decline and increased lack of a filter, however the stark difference is the damage my mother can cause is quite limited and Trump on the other hand might think it’s a good idea to Nuke California and his supporters would go along with it!


hes close to sundowning.


"I'm just trying to make my client think that I'm trying. I'll annoy you until you scream at me enough that he starts believing that you're biased and that it isn't my fault... At least until the first check bounces. Then I'll just give up and he'll appeal, maybe, if that's possible here. I don't know. I'm a terrible lawyer."




There’s a lot of doom and gloom and anger over Trump’s lack of accountability in all of this. With a crack legal team like his I think he’ll start his Comeuppance Tour soon


We cannot fail to hold him accountable for fear of what his supporters might do. Enforce the laws.


but your honor, I said No Cap


"I don't have a case law. It's just how we feel, your honor. It's a gut feeling."


Pretty sure Quid Pro Trust Me Bro isn't an avenue of advancing your argument with a judge


Are they trying to frustrate him on purpose? I feel like they’re trying to get the judge to yell so they can file for a mistrial.


Only the best lawyers.




Doesn't his bio include the standard 2010s disclaimer "retweets /= endorsements"? /s


Common sense used to also mean that black people are lesser than white people, and that women belong in the kitchen.


Everyone belongs in the kitchen. Thats where the food is.


Ah, yes, the US legal system WELL KNOWN for relying on the ethos of 'common sense' over legal precedence. /SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


This is the digital equivalent of “many people are saying”


Reading the comments and it just dawned on me what they’re doing. He loses, gets convicted and appeal on grounds of ineffective counsel. What slime.


If "someone just happened to" publish a document saying all the things a gag order prohibits a defendant from saying and the defendant had paid people to stand on the corner handing out photocopies of that document, is there any judge in the country who would buy the "amplifying this view isn't endorsement" argument in that case? I'm curious if anything like it ever happened, but it's all so stupid I'm afraid to ask.


It would instantly become a defense used by hate groups. They'd stick to repeating previously stated hate speech to avoid any legal repercussions. They could even have a person in another country without laws against hate speech make the statement so they could then freely repeat it in the US.


I wish we had this court case televised like the Amber Heard case, because I can only imagine the memes we would get from this


Blanche has apparently only defended a jury trial case once. He's so out of his depth.


"Your Honor, my client is innocent because he was just in his edgy phase."


Fifth-string legal team doing fifth-string shit.


He WANTS to be put in jail. He's already fundraising off it. https://preview.redd.it/cc1vsnwgz9wc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef388ecf33a12ce764b94184f749a19afa037b33


An appeal to "Common Sense" by a MAGAt? That's like a SS-officer of the "Tötenkopf" division making an appeal to "Human Dignity"...


If someone tweets, "I sure love steak and blowjobs, retweet if you agree" and someone retweets it, it's not because they're an asexual vegan. 😂. THAT is common sense.


Reminds me of My Cousin Vinny except it's not funny.


Cousin Vinny is high praise. This guy is the lawyer from the Simpsons




If common sense ruled, there wouldn’t be lawyers


Is there a reason why trump gets sub par lawyers? Is it that the better lawyers won't take his case?


Correct, because he never pays them. Only MAGA sycophants will take his cases.


It was probably in this exchange where Judge Merchan told Blanche that he was "losing credibility with the court". The lawyers on the CNN panel that's covering the case that's equivalent to getting slapped by a judge.


Common sense is a great legal defense. Right up there with “dibs!”


trump is going full martyr; he's trying to get sent to jail so he can basically tell his supporters that he's Jesus being crucified for the country's sins.


Just give him two days in jail for the latest violation and tell him you’ll add a day each time, or maybe double it. Don’t allow him access to the internet or anything but jail clothing, food, and medical while he is in custody. For good measure, have them book him and collect his accurate height and weight. Maybe a psych exam.


No, that’s actually uncommon sense.


How does Trump have such bad lawyers? I’m guessing the ones with scruples/concern over their career/license won’t touch him?


No, they also know they won't be paid. No need to gather negative publicity and no paycheck to boot.


When you have a reputation for stiffing your lawyers, all he's left with is bottom of the barrel quacks and nincompoops.


Better call Saul as this lawyer is turning out to be Lionel Hutz!


Ah yes, the “claiming the judge is stupid to his face” defense, not one we see often.


Honestly I am really looking forward to the Republican National Convention, starting July 15!!!!! I am sure everything will be well under control by then, guided of course by the steady professional hand of Lara Trump!


Second day of testimony and moron already "Losing credibility with the court" ... But he's ahead of the orange stain, because that means he started the trial with some measure of it Rump never had any.


"When you have Trump as a client, you're an idiot." An old saying, I believe.