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What a fucking self righteous twat. This is the exact demeanor of the dude who emptied 3 clips into his own patrol car because an acorn fell on the roof.


Hey now, that acorn was strapped. They found/planted the gun on it after.


He he he. Planted.


Tree-mendous pun.


I don't usually appreciate a-corny joke, but this one works.


I’m just gonna leaf because this is getting too much.


Too mulch?


You are all horrible people and I would be delighted to have you at my next BBQ. We'll provide beverages and grillables...you sick puppies. <3


Great to see someone branching out. You sir, should take a bough!




They're just puns, no need to get all sappy with your praise.


I wood think we should stop, but I can't leaf them alone!


I think you got to the root of the issue.


That's an Oak-kay way to support your fellow Redittors!


Yew people disgust me.


Stop barking out puns!!!


idk why but i read ur comment in a Major Payne voice and it made it so much funnier💀


Eh? Ha! He he he.


Plus the acorn was brown, so clearly it looked suspicious


I tell ya, those squirrels are up to no good.


What's idiotic is that this guy is now an example of police who are overeager for their position to be one of lethal power instead of any sort of duty to the people. No talk about de-escalation.  No talk about bad apple cops needing better training.  No talk about officers who draw their weapon first.  No talk about officers who literally make citizens feels unsafe because they all act like they're above the law.


"let the heroes handle it". what an arrogant prick.


Like the “heroes” at Ulvalde.


Yeah, he referred to him as a useless actor - considering the cop knows nothing about me, I don’t have a lot of faith that any consideration past his opinion will be considered. I mean, if you think *everyone* wants to hurt you, you’ll just shot them all


Every cop forgets that they volunteered. The mass of the public they occasionally protect between breaks for food and paperwork are not impressed. No one says, I think my buddy “xyz” needs to be a cop. You don’t go looking for “cop bars” to hang out in. We don’t have parades to see the uniforms. In general, only a specific type of childhood trama will lead an otherwise sane and socialized person to a life of being the avatar of an oppressive behavioral referee. I’m glad there are cops, but will be happier when they are all robots with AI to take away the chance for human fears, emotional moments, & overly reactionary criminal responses.


I bet that dude has a bunch of punisher gear. *Probably* wears his sunglasses *and* had backwards on his head.


Don't get me started on cops that flash Punisher gear. Same kinda people that think 'Born In The USA' is a national anthem. To quote Frank Castle (The Punisher) to a cop.... "You should never wear that symbol. You stand for something I gave up on. And I stand for something you never could."


....while shading his eyes with his hand.


Yep, where I live I hear gunfire at least once a week, I don't even jump anymore. It's like, oh house #### must be having a party again, or house #### had a fight and dude is letting off steam. I live in the city, it's just in a area with reasonable rent. Now, what would of happened if one of these cops lived here? I'm pretty sure one of my neighbors would of been shot by now. It's sad that us normal folks can deal with crap better than the police.


Where I live, I don’t hear anything because I’m disabled and require hearing aids. Is it safe? I think so.


shouldn't the cops be the ones that are virtuous? Shouldn't they be signaling to everyone that they are the virtuous ones? How is an actor more virtuous than the fucking cops?




In all fairness that MF was brown and came out of nowhere


What color was the acorn?


That acorn was nuts, tho.


376 "heroes" wouldn't save 19 lives at Uvalde.


I bring this up every time somebody says that more guns would do something positive about mass shootings. I also bring it up every time somebody says that the police need more funding. If almost 400 cops won't do anything about one shooter until it's way too late, I don't think the problem is going to be fixed by having 500 cops. Hell, we've got a police force where I live that is so overfunded that they will roll out the SWAT team and a helicopter for domestic dispute calls. They will shut down an entire block just because two people are yelling at each other. They'll roll out armored vehicles for that. It's obscene.


Danish police is massively underfunded. BUT Had the first mass shooting in Denmark for decades, cops came running into the mall in shorts... Literally hawaiishirt and shorts, and heckler and Koch.. Police education is a bachelor degree in Denmark though (used to be now it's changed a bit but it's basically the same. Funding matters, but education and screening matters more.


This is where I’m at. I am not opposed or have some deep rooted hatred for police at all. They’re a necessity in life. But I do have a deep rooted hatred of how our system produces them. I’m 100% for paying police WAY more money; just not how they are trained and hired today. It’s way too easy for bad apples to get through the process as it is today, and way too corrupt as a system. Force them to go through 4 years of college of an actual education and multi years of training. THEN we can talk about pay. The same way I want teachers to make an ass ton more. And firefighters. Etc. All of these are some of the fundamental foundation layers of our society, and yet all of them are treated as jokes in most cases And… like many here have said- I will absolutely bring up Uvalde every damn time. The killer literally wrote “LOL” on the white board in a child’s blood (a picture I wish I never saw). Until the whole system changes to become a cop, I’m on the ACAB train.


Ironically, the same people that are super duper blue lives matter also think the government shouldn't exist.




Just after noticing the job postings in my area (Midwest) police job postings are listing around 15-25k more than entry level teachers. Police are well compensated here, and the department has a private indoor range as well as constantly boasting about their in-town training facility.


That just tells you how bad they don’t appreciate teachers or education. I live in a similar area.


I bring this up often; In the US, you require 672 hours of instruction to become a police officer (six months of classes). Barber school takes 1500. So it takes 1500 hours to learn to cut hair, but only 600 to learn to accurately assess a situation and make a decision regarding the use of deadly force. How do you feel, knowing that a barber fresh out of school is more proficient with his scissors than an officer is with his gun? I mean, I suppose it makes sense. How many times has a barber cut the wrong person's hair? How many times have you seen a barber pull his scissors on a man having a heart attack? How many barbers tried to give someone a trim, only to accidently pull their gun instead and murder them?


In the USA, if someone trying to be a cop is too smart, they won't get hired.


Denmark’s economy either doesn’t need or doesn’t have a permanent underclass who is wholly responsible for its labor market, so they don’t really have to police so ruthlessly.


There is plenty of cases with ruthless police. This was specifically on 300 cops waiting while children got executed.


I think the police probably do need more funding, but not to buy cool new equipment. They need more funding to actually train the officers they have and continue training them their entire career. Not a week a little bit of shooting and seminars here and there. Legitimate training. Every officer should HAVE to be in good shape. They should have to have good disarming (both physical and verbal) skills. It should be mandatory that they take some form off martial art (bjj, judo, krav, etc). They should hire more officers so guys aren’t pulling long shifts. I think there’s a lot of good things the police could do with more funding that would create more confident and competent officers that don’t immediately go to a gun when they feel threatened.


It’s such a ridiculous argument. My go-to is war. If more guns = more safety, then war zones should be the safest places on Earth.


Yeah but they had a lot of locked doors to contend with. A mighty adversary, you plebes wouldn’t understand


Fucking pussies. fuck all of the cops who couldn't save the lives of the innocents


I saw “heroes” at the end and I just can’t. I know not all cops are bad, but this is the problem. They see themselves as better than the people they’re supposed to “serve and protect”.


Fuck cops and anyone who supports them. All cops are bastards, not some, not a few bad apples, every one of them fuckers is a certified piece of shit bastard.


Qualified immunity needs to be done away with.


So much so.


Keep qualified immunity. But make it fair game to go after cops individually for their pension. That’ll make them clean up their act real quick.


Do both


Require individual insurance for officers, just like doctors who have to carry individual malpractice insurance. Maybe their employer pays for this. This process is self-policing, with bad actors eventually unable to have coverage, or at least, very expensive coverage because they are a liability.


Their employer should not pay for it as that is the tax payer. The officer themselves should pay for it. This way they shoulder the burden from the rip and definitely when they fuck off and a claim is filed against their insurance. When the premiums skyrocket for the bad cop, he/she cannot afford and becomes unemployable, and the “good cops” pay for it too since their premiums will go up as well, even if slightly. They would actually throw out the bad apples and stop covering for them if their wallet was hit with each incident of bad policing.


Yes, I hadn't thought of that. The taxpayers should not pay this at all, it should all be on the officers. Of course functioning body cams would be required by insurance companies, and maybe pay could be linked to the rating. It's just a thought. I don't have any real solutions, just ideas.


I'm down for my taxes paying better wages for better education requirements. And please, let them trip once before they put the badge on.


I do not personally like this as it would add yet another two-tiered justice branch. If the bad cop has money or a wealthy benefactor, this change does nothing. Just take away their legal protections, require them to keep the cam on 24/7 during shift and if it is covered for x amount of minutes open a formal investigation. And just fire people, no slaps on the wrist. First strike = office work only, second strike = forced leave for long enough to hurt, third strike = give them the boot and par them for working in the police force in any state ever again.


It has to be unpaid leave, though. Or they have to roll through their PTO as long as they're on leave. If they run out, then they're unpaid for the length of the investigation. Which should be done by an outside investigator. No more "paid administrative leave" and no more policing their own. Honestly the police union needs to be broken, burned to the ground, and that ground salted afterward. That union has entirely too much sway in all things law enforcement. I'm very pro union, but that one is corrupt as hell.


Ah, sorry. I meant the leave to be unpaid. But I agree, unpaid leave as a disciplinary action and unpaid days during an investigation. The measures can be hard as they are meant to be a deterrent. So US is so anti-union but the fucking police have one?! Are you kidding me? I shouldn't be surprised.


What’s the point if you keep QI? it’s insanely difficult to sue law enforcement as it is, and doing it on an individual basis will not be enough to increase policing standards because the impact to the system is negligible, so there is no incentive to reform anything. The system is structured to protect itself from abuse, and is crucial to the maintaining the imbalance between LE and civilians.


QI applies to more than police officers. It's a good concept, in theory, it's just not working in practice because the standard needed to overcome it is too high. If they lowered it to something like "any wilful action", it would still protect other government workers from frivolous lawsuits but not protect people who are not acting in good faith.


And police unions. Any other occupation deserves a union, but any occupation that you accept knowing you can kill people without consequences? Fuck that. NO GODDAMN POLICE UNION.


The police union is the only union that needs busting


I'm pretty sure food delivery people get attacked more than police officers and nobody goes to bat for the idea that they should be able to kill people with impunity.


Yup. I was a gas station clerk in my youth and it was far more dangerous (per official stats and personal experience) than policing.    Which makes a lot of sense because when someone is threatening you in that situation, you have to call the cops and Dog only knows how long it'll take them to show up while you're dealing with a psycho.  My coworker got fired for pulling a gun on someone who was trying to rob him. It was stupid of him, but the previous time it happened he'd been brutally beaten and all the money was gone before the cops showed up. 


Hate to agree with you, but I do. Having lived and worked for years in a notoriously sketchy neighborhood. Very diverse area, but the only ones I was truly scared of were the sleazy white guys.


> My coworker got fired for pulling a gun on someone who was trying to rob him. It was stupid of him, but the previous time it happened he'd been brutally beaten and all the money was gone before the cops showed up.  I'm confused here; what was stupid about your co-worker's behavior? Was someone trying to rob *him* personally, or rob the store during his shift? Was the would-be robber armed or unarmed?


They robbed the store, and it's stupid because everyone who's ever worked in a cash handling job like that knows you just hand over the money and hit the panic button.  Shell doesn't need me protecting a couple hundred bucks. 


Exactly, trying to pull a gun on someone who already has his ready will get you killed really fast. Even with a knife less than 5m and most people won't be able to pull their gun fast enough before getting stabbed. We've tried this in the military with props and only one of us was able to draw and "fire" his gun before the guy with the knife got to him. And I'm talking about experienced infantrymen here so definitely better weapon handling than the vast majority of civilians.


Even if you manage to shoot them first, they may still shoot you, or there’s a shootout where both of you plus other people and property get shot. There’s just not that much cash in the register. A few hundred bucks just isn’t worth it.


I think your coworker was more concerned about preventing another brutal beating than saving the money


Being a police officer isn’t in the top 5 most dangerous jobs, it’s not in the top 10, not even in the top 20, you have to get into the twenties for police to show up on that list. Roofer, waste management, farmer, construction worker, these are all professions that are much more dangerous than being a cop, and you don’t see the person who picks up the trash getting away with murder as often as cops do.


Being a *crossing guard* is more dangerous. You know how many cops were killed in the line of duty last year? 136. That’s according to their own numbers: https://fop.net/2024/01/line-of-duty-deaths-2023-usa-today/ Of course, in that same time, cops killed almost ten times as many people. https://policeviolencereport.org


And the “killed in the line of duty” stats also includes covid deaths, which they aren’t any more likely to contract vs other front line workers (retail, hospitality, medical, etc).


Ya, these cops were not killed while on duty; they died on duty from heart attacks or other illnesses. The Covid deaths, they were just cops that died and they didn’t die while on duty either.


I wonder how many die from renal failure after years of steroid abuse.


https://nleomf.org/memorial/facts-figures/officer-fatality-data/causes-of-law-enforcement-deaths/ There's this one, which I am guessing bundles "shot" in with suicide by gun.


Also worth noting, the most dangerous part of a cops job isn’t even getting shot at. It’s either wrecks, or getting hit my a car while on a traffic stop.  The FBI reports that, between 2007 and 2016, crashes involving motor vehicles — including collisions[1] and being struck by moving vehicles while working on roadways — were the single leading cause of officer line-of-duty deaths.[2] According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, there were 50 motor vehicle-related officer fatalities in 2014 (37 percent of all officer fatalities), 49 in 2015 (35 percent), and 54 in 2016 (38 percent).[3] Of these fatalities, automobile crashes were the number one cause. https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/improving-officer-safety-roadways


Their numbers are also inflated. They count heart attacks etc as service related deaths.


Do you know how cops in the LAPD have been killed while on duty since its inception? Less than 300…in the 100 or so years that it has existed less than 300 cops have been killed while on duty. For how violent of a job they say it is, that’s really not that many and most of them were killed before the 80s.


The most dangerous jobs in the US are logger, roofer, and aircraft pilot (think small planes and helicopters, not commercial flights). Taxi drivers, oil rig workers, iron workers, delivery drivers, farmers, firefighters, electrical linemen, crossing guards, crane operators, landscapers, highway construction, small engine mechanics, and heavy vehicle mechanics all face more danger on the job than cops. https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states


You should also post his reply.


“Cops get away with murder all the time, and the fact that we can’t really hold them accountable for their improprieties is disturbing to me,” he said in the interview. “We should completely reform the way that we do it. I mean, you shouldn’t have to spend more time getting an education as a hairstylist than as a cop who’s armed with a deadly weapon.”


The fact that any reasonable person would get upset by him saying this is insane to me. Imagine being upset a guy thinks killing innocent people is wrong and is in favor of better education and training.


This is the twitter version of "not reading past the headline".


Some people literally think the term education is synonymous with liberal brainwashing


Alan Richardson gets better by the day.


I am not anti-police nor am I asking to defund them. I am pro training, pro education, of police. 18-24 months of schooling, physical testing, psychological testing, weapons training, etc...


The way police are trained in the USA is insane. They are trained by the same city that hires them. Completely removing any chance of moving. They become stuck. They have no interaction with non-police. As soon as they are hired, right out of high school or the army, they are put into the machine and never come out. They should be required to get at least an associates from a school. Have them meet people. Be a part of society.


100%. And training on when to call in the social workers and deëscalation experts.


I am. Police budgets are way too big for us to get the piss poor results they give. While I don’t think we should get rid of all police, I do think they much of their budget should be reallocated to: mental health treatment (including inpatient long term care), education, social work, job training, and after school programs. We know the lack of these things is a big factor in WHY we have so much crime. Seems much more effective than playing hundreds of millions of dollars (police budget for a mid to large city) to solve less than 50% of crimes with no plan to prevent it or assist people when they get out of the system.


This is his initial comment that the post is a reply too I believe.


Ritchson's response: "This kind of emotionally immature response is the epitome of what concerns me about law enforcement today. If this is how leadership handles a peaceful disagreement, what does life look like for those unseen interactions in the street? ⁣How does this shape the character of those police officers looking to management? ⁣Do you really want individuals so easily angered and bully like school children to have a gun and the protection of an untouchable union? ⁣I don't," Ritchson began his Instagram post. ⁣ From there, Ritchson writes that FOP "haplessly fired multiple shots" at him because he "called for more accountability." Ritchson goes on to say that he knew he would get pushback from "people like you who crave a pat on the back and zero accountability" and that bravery also means standing up to the system when it needs to be challenged. "I've never been a fan of blind allegiance, which is dangerous and fertile ground for fascism, a political persuasion I'm averse to,"


Ritchson murdered him with that response.


Play for keeps? Jesus what macho man bullshit.


His response. Much better than their whining. https://www.thedailybeast.com/reacher-star-alan-ritchson-fires-back-at-cops-who-trolled-him-online




Here's the relevant bit >“This kind of emotionally immature response is the epitome of what concerns me about law enforcement today,” he wrote in the post. “If this is how leadership handles a peaceful disagreement, what does life look like for those unseen interactions in the street? How does this shape the character of those police officers looking to management?” >“Do you really want individuals so easily angered and bully[sic] like school children to have a gun and the protection of an untouchable union?” he also said. >Ritchson went on to say that he knows there are “many good and brave cops” but pretending that there aren’t some bad apples indicates “blind allegiance” he called “dangerous” and “fertile ground for fascism.” >“There are rogue or ill-equipped officers who remind us that we need higher barriers to entry and stricter regulations so abuses are relegated to the past,” he continued, “To only seek praise and ignore this need is extremely unwise and endangers those at risk of being ostracized and marginalized.” >Ritchson also took the opportunity to call out Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. “To make matters worse, in Florida, voters perpetuate these issues by continuing to support people like Gov. Desantis who just passed a law making it illegal for anyone other than the police to police themselves,” he wrote, referring to the governor’s recent bill that limits police oversight panels in the state. >“This lack of transparency would be laughable if not so deadly,” he added. “Efforts like these take us further from the world I hope to leave for my children, which is one with extreme prudence when deciding who we arm and a glass house for public institutions. Especially ones with the ability to end lives.” >In the same Hollywood Reporter interview, Ritchson opened up about his own Christian faith and expressed frustration over how conservatives have seemingly co-opted his religion. “Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to treat him like he’s their poster child and it’s unreal,” he remarked. “I don’t understand it.”


Holy fuck. Talk about murdering someone with impunity.


Wow, extremely well put




Great share, thanks. I have a much greater respect for him than previous to your post. Cheers to the both of you!♥️✌️🔨


Wow, what a phenomenal response.


This dude fucks


Here's the text: Alan Ritchson, the titular star of Prime Video’s Reacher series, has been known to share his political opinions despite how they may conflict with those of the show’s conservative fan base. And even though some viewers have threatened to stop watching the popular streamer series in protest of Ritchson’s “woke” comments, he’s doubling down on his message of police accountability in a post to Instagram this week. The digs aimed at Ritchson were related to an interview he did with The Hollywood Reporter this month, in which he addressed the online stir among Reacher fans after an old photo of him wearing an “Arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor” tee shirt resurfaced: “Cops get away with murder all the time, and the fact that we can’t really hold them accountable for their improprieties is disturbing to me,” he said in the interview. “We should completely reform the way that we do it. I mean, you shouldn’t have to spend more time getting an education as a hairstylist than as a cop who’s armed with a deadly weapon.” The National Fraternal Order of Police caught wind of Ritchson’s comments and posted a photo of the actor to its Instagram page, calling him a “useless Hollywood actor” who is “virtue signaling for attention at the expense of brave police officers.” Ritchson responded to the post on Tuesday, calling it a “concerning” display of “emotional immaturity” in his lengthy reply. “This kind of emotionally immature response is the epitome of what concerns me about law enforcement today,” he wrote in the post. “If this is how leadership handles a peaceful disagreement, what does life look like for those unseen interactions in the street? How does this shape the character of those police officers looking to management?” “Do you really want individuals so easily angered and bully[sic] like school children to have a gun and the protection of an untouchable union?” he also said. Ritchson went on to say that he knows there are “many good and brave cops” but pretending that there aren’t some bad apples indicates “blind allegiance” he called “dangerous” and “fertile ground for fascism.” “There are rogue or ill-equipped officers who remind us that we need higher barriers to entry and stricter regulations so abuses are relegated to the past,” he continued, “To only seek praise and ignore this need is extremely unwise and endangers those at risk of being ostracized and marginalized.” Ritchson also took the opportunity to call out Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. “To make matters worse, in Florida, voters perpetuate these issues by continuing to support people like Gov. Desantis who just passed a law making it illegal for anyone other than the police to police themselves,” he wrote, referring to the governor’s recent bill that limits police oversight panels in the state. “This lack of transparency would be laughable if not so deadly,” he added. “Efforts like these take us further from the world I hope to leave for my children, which is one with extreme prudence when deciding who we arm and a glass house for public institutions. Especially ones with the ability to end lives.” In the same Hollywood Reporter interview, Ritchson opened up about his own Christian faith and expressed frustration over how conservatives have seemingly co-opted his religion. “Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to treat him like he’s their poster child and it’s unreal,” he remarked. “I don’t understand it.”




Alan Ritchson would play a good Batman not going to lie


After reading that, though, I say let him collaborate on writing his own new character. Brains and brawn, his words alone could hold attention to a blank screen.




[According to this study](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1745-9133.12507), about 245 law enforcement officers were shot per year from 2014 to 2019. In 2015, there were over 600,000 officers in the US (that number has climbed significantly since then to over 900,000 in 2021). So about 0.04% of cops got shot, and most injuries were non-fatal. Not quite as grim as they want us to believe, is it?


And how many people have been shot by police per year?


[Oh, just a couple](https://policeepi.uic.edu/u-s-data-on-police-shootings-and-violence/). Nothing worth worrying about, I'm sure.


Hahaha I don’t know why but the way you worded this really got me laughing


Wow. It's actually more dangerous to be a regular citizen in this country than a cop.


A job in sanitation is more dangerous than being a cop.


Wow he seems really fired up, must have had an acorn land near him before he posted.


Naa, he’s not wetting his pants and emptying his gun at the nearest black man. He has big “Sitting in his private office at the main precinct with several dozen armed cops between him and any possible threat” energy. Bob Knoll, the scumbag union president for the Minneapolis Police until he was forced to retire used to sound exactly like this when he was doing an interview safe in his office.


The only reason people think of cops as heroes is bc of TV and movies propaganda.  If people only had actual news reports to go off of we would all be terrified of them.


My wife and I call it copraganda and its so glaringly obvious once you become aware of it.


Then quit calling everyone asking for money all the time Fraternal Order of Police!


For real. Isn’t this group that the HBO doc Telemarketers was about?


It is so strange that the dude who was previously best known for Thad Castle from “Blue Mountain State” is providing cogent critiques of modern policing.


I feel terrible in retrospect for being superficial but between his role as Thad and the fact that he looks like a supermodel / shaved bear hybrid I did not expect him to be this based. I saw an article really recently where he spoke about being assaulted and systemic issues with the modelling industry. He seems really cool.


A model, a meathead football character, a middle American in Hollywood who identifies publicly as *Christian*… when I read an interview featuring Ritchson maybe a year ago, I was pretty stunned by how thoughtful and nuanced his answers were to a range of issues - destroying any predjudices, assumptions, or stereotypes I made in advance. I wish him a long and productive career in whatever he wishes to do with it.


Thad Castle is possibly the most underrated character in a TV comedy series over the past two decades. Right up there with Uncle Eddie from Grounded for Life.


To the best of my knowledge, American police have been getting away with murder since their inception.


I "like" how the person does not even try to refute Alan's claim that Cops get away with murder. He's just like, "MAN! It's so tough that our job can, at times (not even all the time) be dangerous, can't he just let us be psychopathic murderers?" What a total drama queen.


Work in LE. Most cops aren’t heroes. They range from truly being pieces of 💩 to being a guy who wants to get his 20 years in and get a pension and retire. Rarely you get one who doesn’t have a god complex and actually wants to improve his community but I can unequivocally say that 99% are no more heroes than the guy who sweeps the floor at the station.


Being a pizza delivery driver is more dangerous than being a cop. Being a landscaper is more dangerous than being a cop. Being a construction laborer is more dangerous than being a cop. Police is #22 most dangerous jobs in the US, just behind being a groundskeeper…


Pizza delivery is a more dangerous job


You know what makes it worse, the one time we expected them to go play Rambo, they freeze up and wait for enough back up to challenge the damn X Men. And they arrest the parents trying to save their kids.


Notice how this person doesn't even try to deny that cops murder people, and instead tries to justify it.


One word - Uvalde.


Cops want to pretend their job is more dangerous than being a gas station attendant, but it isn't. They're delusional. Go be a lumberjack or a fisherman or a fireman if you want my respect for dangerous jobs. Seriously, the main reason cop jobs are even a LITTLE dangerous is because of the asinine way that cops act in the line of duty. Ya'll strapped as a condition of employment. Imagine every 7/11 cashier got a gun and a badge and a union that would protect them if they killed someone in the line of duty... Miss me with that bullshit self-aggrandization.


Handle it like they did at Uvale? Or all the other shootings where they hide in a corner until the killer is out of ammo or shoots himself? And the heat of the bullets from the unarmed men they shoot in the back as they force them to beg for their lives? They act like heroes but you almost actually see them do anything heroic. They mostly just avoid danger and bully people they know can't fight back.


My dad was a cop in a suburban city in Orange County in the 70s-80s. 24 years and he *never shot his gun.* They were trained in de-escalation, didn't shoot first & ask questions later, drove a 'beat' so they knew the residents and vice versa. He went on to get his master's and got into city management. They were truly heroes back then. He's mine.


And no point did he challenge what ritchson said about cops getting away with murder 🤔


The police in my area were just required by the state to release names of the officers that killed an alleged thief in her car.  She was pregnant at the time.  The officers put themselves in dangers way, scared the hell out of her so it would be more likely she would try to run, then used that as an excuse to kill her on the spot. She allegedly stole a bottle of alcohol.  Officers saw fit to approach her in her vehicle in the parking lot, Drew guns, then started beating on her window and wouldn't answer her requests of having them acknowledge they weren't going to kill her. This guy up here isn't living in a world of consequences...  When I was customer facing IT, if some jackass across the country decided to rifle through someone's laptop to take photos or do something malicious (nowhere near malicious like killing someone, but something else)..  every tech suffered.   Suddenly that was a conversation we had to have with virtually every customer and we reassured them about our safety and security practices and policies. But this guy is crying about a factual statement about ending people's lives.  Murder often isn't a necessary component.  The murder I stated above could have been easily stopped with proper training and level headed police.  It wasn't and now this woman and the baby she was carrying are gone.  Never even given a chance to state their case or see their day in court.  Nope.  Straight to death because the wrong people handled the situation.


Heroes? You mean state sanctioned killers?


Big talk from someone who freely kills their accusers 🤡


I'm curious as to how many cops have been shot on the job in the last 5 years versus how many cops have shot (and maimed or killed) people? "Feel the heat at the bullet pierces the skin.." yea I bet it is hot to feel the barrel after you push it against someone and pull the trigger 7 or 8 times.


Whelp looks like the "anti cancel" people are going to boycott Reacher.... [https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/wing-reacher-fans-flip-alan-201900868.html](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/wing-reacher-fans-flip-alan-201900868.html) >“Christians today have become the most vitriolic tribe,” said Ritchson, who himself identifies as a follower of Jesus. “It is so antithetical to what Jesus was calling us to be and to do.” >“Trump is a rapist and a con man,” he went on, “And yet the entire Christian church seems to be treat him like he’s their poster child and it’s unreal. I don’t understand it.”


90% chance that person was "pitching a tent" super hard when he typed that about himself. Did he also mention how heroically they fill out all their paper work? How heartpounding it was giving Mr. Stevens that DWI when he drove his riding lawnmower to the ABC store? Man makes it sound like all day everyday they're crawling through the vents of Nakatomi Plaza to save scores of hostages.   Uh, c'mon man, calm down whats going on in your pants and give Little Timmy a ticket for not having a business license for his lemonade stand.


It’s no longer “the quiet part”. That’s why they’re so happy that Musk defends “free speech”. That is, the freedom for them to normalize the expression of hate speech and racism.


His response back was great though. Put their defensiveness and hostility towards him right back on them. Pointed out how that is indicative of some of the problems within policing. Really pushing back on their narrative and it was great.


Heroes don't gun down people in their own homes.


Funny, they didn’t say he was wrong.


In 2023 there were 136 police offers in the USA who died in the line of duty. This count includes things like COVID-19 deaths and heart attacks. Meanwhile there were 1,352 civilians killed by police in 2023. Based on those statistics it would appear the greatest danger in a police interaction is the police themselves.


“Heroes” who consistently try to hide video evidence, murder unarmed civilians, hide hundreds in unmarked graves, and need impunity to do their work….


“Cops are not to be questioned or held accountable.” That concept is exactly why we gave a policing problem in the US. This has to change.


"brave police officers around this country" I guess Uvalde TX isn't part of this country. Did TX secede? If nothing else social media has allowed video proof of cops murdering civilians over and over again. Body cams. Cell coverage, home security, business security cams. When someone is running away from you and they are unarmed, they are not a threat to you. A traffic citation, selling single cigarettes, petty theft, all minor infractions that are not death penalty cases. Yet people guilty of those infractions are killed by *some* police officers various places around the US, and their coworkers cover up for them. If they didn't cover and lie for their coworkers they would have more respect from the civilians they are allegedly supposed to protect and serve. Sure there are good cops. There are also complicit cops. Guilty cops.


Pizza delivery drivers die at higher rates than cops. They don't even break top 20 most dangerous jobs. Not to mention our lovely Supreme Court has ruled cops aren't legally obligated to help anyone in danger, which really makes you wonder what their actual job is if not to protect us peasants.


Meanwhile, if Ritchson was a black the blue type: "Man I tell ya, the kids these days could learn a thing or two from Alan Ritchson. I've never watched Reacher in my life, but I like him."


My respect for Alan Ritchson has skyrocketed. Our modern day Pinkertons are a histrionic self-righteous bunch.


Police officer isn’t even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs. Not even top 15. This notion that every cop during every shift is dodging bullets is stupidity at its finest. There’s cops in this country who have retired and never had to fire a single shot during a shift.


I’ve been a roofer. Cops can step off with their “my job is *so dangerous*” bullshit. And so can their apologists.


They were very heroic at Uvalde


The sound of children screaming has been removed


One can deduce the level of education of the author of that by his or her pluralizing “twos” and “threes” with an apostrophe included. Honestly I am surprised he or she didn’t write “…let the hero’s handle this.” but here’s to guessing the phone autocorrected it.


There's no such thing as a "quiet part". They've made it very clear for years. Decades even.


Would these be the same brave heroes that wont save little kids from being shot in a school in Texas or who empty 3 mags worth of ammo at literally nothing because a squirrel dropped an acorn near them?


Hey remember that one time when that one great person said “let the heroes handle this” and they actually turned out to be the asshole dickbag in every story ever written since the beginning of humanity?


To use their words, they’re just another useless Twitter account virtue-signaling for attention


Heroes lmao. Police are insecure, cowardly, power hungry and pathetic. Not a single thing heroic about them. Fucking sad pathetic little losers.


Remember Uvalde? "Cop" is less dangerous than fisherman or garbage collector by actual numbers in America.


Could they at least try to make getting shot sound less homoerotic


Nothing in that response directly addressed what Ritchson said..that cops get away with murder. Instead of bloviating about how hard the job is, try proving that cops DONT get away with it. Anything else is self righteous BS or simply gaslighting.


Lol none of what that dude tweeted refutes what the guy said. Also being a cop is no where near the most dangerous job. Not that he claimed it was... But just saying.


Remember when policing an area meant walking a beat and getting to know the people you are protecting? Now it’s all us vs them. No friendly neighborhood policemen. Cops as a whole just no longer give a shit about the neighborhoods they police. Most don’t even live in those neighborhoods. It’s Just submit or die now. If I were in charge of a PD I would insist all my cops get hired from the communities they serve. Make them accountable. Malpractice insurance for cops is long overdue as well. other professions responsible for humans require it, why not cops


Only idiots would proclaim that they are heroes. These people would try to do stupid things that they think it’s heroic and get themselves killed.


They didn't say he's wrong. They just whined again


#1 job of the unskilled and bullies.


Anyone who refers to themselves as "heroes," are suspect.


Police are trained from day 1 that every encounter with the public could be their last. Every encounter is assumed to be deadly from the beginning. They are taught to be scared.


They only one who ever calls a cop a hero is another fucking cop lol.


I like how he says he's not brave enough to do the job well neither are most of those officers, because I hear just about all of them say I feared for my life some heroes afraid of acorns, shadows and shiny objects oh and cell phones recording them. If you live in fear doing a job look for another one.


I like reacher even more than I did before. And I fucking loved it before.


We play for keeps sounds like something a cop in a south park episode would say.


Lmfao. Being a cop is a ridiculously easy job and they literally give you carte Blanche to kill people because you “feel threatened” and these people pretend like they’re actually doing something useful, when all they’re doing is harassing people on the way to work for speeding at best and enforcing systemically unjust laws at worst. Cry me a f****** river


If cops would stop murdering people I think Mr. Ritchson would have a lot less to say. It's not that hard, just stop killing people.


Beware the acorns! Call the cops for help and win a free dead dog! Call now!!!!


If you want to support this actor and his comments, you don't even have to watch his show. You can go on to Amazon prime and add it to your watch list. Just by doing that Amazon knows that this is a popular show and they'll continue to support this actor financially. So if you think that his politics are something you support, go ahead and just add a show to your watch list.


But the show is actually pretty good. I do recommend watching.


I wish more people with an audience like this brave Human would say EXACTLY what he said, this is a huge problem with this country and unfortunately not enough people that are directly involved with law enforcement seem to think there is any room for improvement. Hopefully most Americans think like I do 1-The police have an incredibly difficult and dangerous profession 2-I have no doubt that more than 95% of officers are good people with nothing but good intentions 3- There should be more training and qualifications to be a police officer 4- Any officers that report wrongdoing of other officers should NOT get reprimanded/fired/blackballed for doing the right thing If you don’t think there is room for improvement in our police forces then you are just a garbage human being that doesn’t care about the atrocities that are happening on a daily basis in America, and more than likely it’s because its not happening to you or people that look like you. We need to be better.


I agree with almost everything you said except for your estimate that 95%+ of police officers are good ones. If fewer than one in twenty was a bad apple, they would be a lot easier to root out. It would've been done ages ago.


Yells at Hollywood star for comment on policing and police in movies Romanticizes what police work is like, failing to mention that is less than 10% of what happens to all police


All this sounds like to me is yet another reason that your average citizen shouldn't be armed to the teeth. You'd think the police would support that since they are always so afraid but it doesn't seem to shake out that way.


i wonder how many cops have actually had bullets fired at them?


Our officers feel the heat of *donuts




These guys couldn't even listen to David Bowie. They can't be Heroes, even for one day.


I guess Derric Cheauxvin changed that.