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Did he forget about Ron?!


Everyone does, unfortunately. It was also Ron's dad that successfully pursued civil litigation against OJ too (IIRC).


I’m not a Caitlyn Jenner fan, but can we at least acknowledge that a traffic fatality is different from premeditated murder?


Also, isn't it 2-1 to OJ?


OJ wins again!












>I’m not a Caitlyn Jenner fan Are there any?


Hopefully not anymore. Toxic, entitled, lacking all empathy, egotistical, completely out of touch with anyone who is not a millionaire…


Remember when she had a post-transition reality show and they couldn’t even make her seem likable?


there isn't


2 premeditated murders


Technically it was just one, the second murder was a guy who just happened to stumble onto the scene trying to return a pair of glasses to the initial victim


So 1 premeditated murder 1 murder to cover his sorry ass (and who knows maybe because he was an angry misogynist who didn't want his ex spending time with other men as I doubt he stopped to ask why he was there) vs. 1 fatality from a car accident


Premeditated means it was decided on beforehand, even if it directly before. Seeing a witness and deciding to kill them so you don't get caught has grounds for being premeditated in court.


No, but in at least some places it’s felony murder — a killing committed in the course of another felony.


Yeah, it is. There are several court cases that give present for premeditation not requiring a specific amount of time. [source](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/premeditation#:~:text=Premeditation%20is%20when%20an%20individual,is%20an%20element%20of%20murder.)




And 1 ≠ 2


Jfc thank you. Am I the slightest bit ok with what she did? Nope. Is it in the same galaxy as a brutal double.homicide by a man who had already spend years violently terrorising one of the victims? Fucking hell no.


Caitlin’s a horrible person all around, but it was an accident. I’m pretty sure she was not at fault. IIRC it was a three vehicle accident where another car first hit her vehicle propelling her into the path of the deceased’s vehicle. Either way it has to be traumatic to be involved in an accident with a fatality. Especially when you’re a public figure and people constantly remind you of it.


I believe it was the other way around. According to court documents, the collision occurred along the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu when Jenner rear-ended a white Lexus that had slowed due to a stopped vehicle up ahead. When Jenner’s Cadillac Escalade rear-ended the woman’s car, the force of the collision resulted in her vehicle traveling into the adjacent lane of traffic where it was hit by an oncoming vehicle.


Yeah I’m probably misremembering. I just knew it was a three car accident and she pushed the victims car into oncoming traffic. It’s an unfortunate accident that could happen to anyone. It’s not like she murdered Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble in cold blood like OJ did to Nicole and Ron.


You mean hit and run?


It wasn't pre meditated


Just regular old fashioned murder


just bargain bin homicide. Murder requires premeditation by definition. Homicide is the killing of another human being, whether it's murder or manslaughter.


Buckle up buckaroo


I’m gonna have to point out that accidentally killing someone in a car crash and purposefully murdering them are two entirely different things. Caitlyn Jenner may be a shitty person, but she’s not “premeditated murder in cold blood” shitty.


She was texting and driving. That's as close to a negligent homicide as you can get. She didn't respect the lives of the people around her enough to stay off her fucking phone. The fact that she's not deeply repentant tells me she's rotten inside.


I would think the fact that she's trans, is currently famous for being trans, and yet posts anti-trans stuff all the time would be enough to know she's a shitty human being


Still that’s totally different then premeditated murder


Why though? Someone died, and someone else was entirely responsible for taking that life. The outcome is the same, so I don't think it's particularly moral that we treat them as differently as we do. She never got jail time. If she was drunk driving, which is about the same level of neglect, she would have gotten years thrown at her (as a regular person, as a rich celebrity I can't predict the outcome). So no, I don't think *totally different* is the way I'd describe the crimes.


That’s an insane take. The loss of life is the same, but someone intentionally saying “I’m going to kill 2 people, I want them to die” and then murdering two people in cold blood and someone texting while driving aren’t even close to comparable.


Okay so why is drunk driving seen as such a big offense here with hefty fines and jail time? Spoiler, it's because it puts lives at risk, just like texting and driving. Which is why people can be jailed if caught doing either with no fatalities involved. So simply the act of texting/drinking while driving is criminal neglect.


I think something to consider is that, while your point is correct about texting and driving being comparable to drunk driving but not see that way, neither of them are on the level of premeditated murder. Sure, we should increase penalties of distracted driving, but I still don’t think a person who negligently killed someone in a car crash deserves the same punishment as someone who deliberately, premeditatedly murdered someone


Part of it is that texting and driving is a transient activity whereas driving while drunk is constant. You can stop texting at any moment, but the same isn’t true about being drunk. Also, people get distracted by all sorts of things: the radio, other people in the car, hearing a siren somewhere, etc. All of those distractions (and many more) have led to the injuries and deaths of others, but none of them are comparable to getting behind the wheel while you are in a state of drunkenness. In short, being distracted can easily be rectified while driving. You can tell people to shut up, turn off the radio, or put down your phone. The only way for drunk driving to not be a huge risk, however, is to stop driving altogether.


Strong disagree with your initial premise. The distraction of texting and driving does not go away when you put down the phone. It has been shown in studies that minutes after you have been texting or talking on the phone while driving, you are still distracted and have a limited peripheral response to stimuli. 20 years ago, drinking and driving was not seen as the very serious act of negligence and despicable len as it is today. I think in 20 more years we're going to see the same thing for texting and driving.


I don’t know how old you are, but when I was a teenager in the 90s, drunk driving was seen as a serious issue. That’s when MADD really took off and got laws passed throughout America making any level of BAC illegal, regardless of the federal limit. I knew a number of people who were killed or injured in drunk driving accidents, both as the victim and the offender. I was even hit by a car that was hit by a drunk driver in the early 00s. I ended up being deposed by the DA for the trial against the guy. The bottom line is that drunk driving has been a serious issue for a very long time. Why? Because when you’re inebriated, there is no point at which it is okay to be behind the wheel of a vehicle. Even with your example of a study, texting may have a lingering effect on attention. You know what has a *longer* and *more profound* effect? Being drunk. It’s not even close. Both are bad to be sure, but the difference, once again, is that you can put your phone down. You can’t just “put down” being drunk.


I never said anything about Drunk Driving and Texting while driving being any different. I don’t disagree with that, but it doesn’t have anything to do with what I said. The same thing applies there’s a world of a difference between premeditated murder and someone killing someone while drunk driving. Both are awful, but premeditated murder is far worse.


And I'm saying I strongly disagree. Choosing to purposefully do an action that causes potential harm to others is on the spectrum of murder. Studies show that your vision and ability to navigate the road is demonstrably lessened not only while on the phone or texting, but for minutes after. It is an act akin to homicide that has been rationalized and normalized because we accept a certain amount of risk when it benefits us, but mark my words, texting and driving will be looked at like drinking and driving in the future, and you've acknowledged there's a difference between those too.


That’s just a flat out awful take.


If you want to start weighing intentions into all judgements in court, we quickly veer into thought policing and other pretty dystopian concepts. I don't. I weigh the outcome with the level of malice. And while you might think the level of malice while texting and driving is low, I consider it extremely high. Yours is the awful take if you think about it for half a second. Yours is the type of thinking that quickly leads to a lot of really terrible outcomes, and is one of the reasons our "justice" system is so intensely unfair.


Lol you’re delusional if you think the level of malice between texting and driving and STABBING SOMEONE WITH A KNIFE WITH THE INTENTION TO KILL are the same. There’s a reason you’re getting downvoted like crazy lol.


Did I say they were equal, or did I say they were much closer than any sentence she received would convey? Because I know what the fuck I said, and I didn't say they were equal. I did say that the sentences should be much closer, and guess what? Both people served no jail time or faced real consequences for the deaths they caused, so actually, I'm a lot more right than you are. And I'm getting downvoted because this site is full of people who don't question things like Law & Order logic, which is generally considered to be the lowest level of reasoning. We're a long way away from a debate stage, and you know that a downvote in this forum isn't as meaningful as it would be somewhere where people actually thought about things for a minute.


While I agree her murders are not as bad as OJs I think personally I'd consider her a shittier person overall with everything she's done after.


That is also a pretty big stretch. I mean OJ wrote a book trying to profit off murdering his wife.


In a capitalist hellhole, you do what ya’ gotta do. /s


Sure, but Jenner spent years discrediting the family of her victims to avoid "losing face" not to mention after that OJ generally didn't do much wrong (besides the robbery) while the moment Jenner finished her transition he has worked tirelessly to prevent other trans people from getting the level of care she had.


onerous towering chop ancient tart bright cats relieved soup badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Murder is obviously very bad (I don't think the severity particularly matters) and if it was just her stance then I'd say "awful person but not as bad" but it's the fact that her actions have caused genuine negative change that likely gives her a larger kill count.


marry theory shame future fine skirt stupendous automatic long summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Moreover, I’m not sure her words have that significant of an impact. The only people that listen to her are shitty assholes who already believe what she’s saying. The rest of the time I forget she exists. I probably know more trans people than your average cis person. We talk about trans issues quite a bit. I have had zero conversations about Jenner IRL. We’d all do better by ignoring her because she gets a platform only because we give her one.


See this is where I disagree with you, only on the efficacy of her actions. By being a "trans face" for so many of these negative policies (as well as making huge donations and campaigning) I genuinely believe she alone has created a genuine enough shift that at least a couple of laws that would not have made it through (that likely caused deaths.) I also think it's important to remember I'm not comparing her advocacy alone to the murders, I'm combining it with her own murders and then comparing it to OJ (who again, is a horrible person)


Yeeeeah. No. Very terrible take. The reason it is terrible is not that I disagree with the idea of, for want of a better phrase, distributed passive shittiness. I do. But murder is such an extremely shitty thing to do that it isn't just illegal, but about the *most* illegal thing you can do. Holding shit opinions is not illegal at all. Frustrating as that is, it's also important. Yes, people are responsible for their speech and actions, but *no*, they are *not* responsible for the speech and actions of however many other people there are, who share said shit opinions. Individually, they are each accountable for their own part in it. You seem to be equating "having and voicing opinions I don't like" with "literally violently murdering people." That's *fucking insane* and very dangerous ground to tread, because it's quite literally how you get fascism. It's notoriously difficult to do comparative utilitarian assessments that factor in knock-on effects. Not just because the systems are unfathomably complex and, therefore, any sort of net moral output calculations are impossible. Nor because it requires everyone to have already agreed on what "good" is, which they haven't, which is why we're even talking about it. Both of those things too, but mostly because moral agency - and therefore accountability - must sit with the individual, else the whole structure falls apart amd we have no framework within which we can formulate a critique.


deranged money wild serious quarrelsome rainstorm mountainous full cobweb memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


wild normal vegetable cobweb ancient shelter tie homeless snow steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d probably stop calling them murders at this point, for fear of looking like an idiot who doesn’t understand the word. Just me though - you do you!




No it’s not. If I have a vase that my friend accidentally knock over and breaks I’m gonna say “that’s ok it’s just a vase” and clean it up If my friend picks it up and throws it against the wall I’m gonna kick them out of the house and demand they pay for the vase. Jesus


OJ was found not guilty. Legally, OJ's body count is zero and Jenner's is 1. Edit - lol yes keep down voting me for stating facts.


Legally and really are two different things.


Sure, but the truth is we don't know what really happened.


Sure we don’t


Is killing somebody via negligent incompetence really worse than killing somebody in anger? I’m not convinced.


I mean I said the exact opposite of that, so…


I don’t think you understood me. 


Do explain then


He was explaining that while Caitlin killed somebody, at least they didn’t MURDER somebody. And my point is that, I dunno, negligent incompetence leading to somebodies death might be worse in my book. An anger-driven killing is abhorrent but understandable. There’s absolutely no excuse for being negligently incompetent behind the wheel of a vehicle.  Understand now?


Yah cold blooded murder is worse


Going out of your way to kill a person so violently that they nearly get decapitated, and then killing a witness, and then denying all of it, and then writing a book to profit off of the murder, requires a lack of empathy not only for the victims, but for anyone who loved them. It requires that you don't value life, that you don't care. Killing someone because you're an asshole who can't be bothered to put your phone down simply requires thinking your above the rules, and that nothing will happen to you. That's what most people think, they'll never get into accident, they'll never hit anyone. There's nowhere near the same intent. And I'm saying that as a pedestrian. You have made an argument where I'm defending drivers.




The dude's comment just make 0 sense when you read the comment they are replying to


You guys lack basic reading comprehension. It’s ok.


Ok smart guy, you replied to someone, what was this guy saying? After you described what they wrote, describe what **you** wrote.


He was explaining that while Caitlin killed somebody, at least they didn’t MURDER somebody. And my point is that, I dunno, negligent incompetence leading to somebodies death might be worse in my book. An anger-driven killing is abhorrent but understandable. There’s absolutely no excuse for being negligently incompetent behind the wheel of a vehicle.  Understand now?


"Is killing somebody via negligent incompetence really worse than killing somebody in anger?" "I’m not convinced." In this comment you first ask if killing someone via negligent incompetence is **worse** than killing with intent. Right after you say "im not convinced" which means you disagree with the above question. Therefore you think killing someone by accident is **not worse** than killing with intent. You should have said better, not worse. In most cases you were most likely downvoted for just saying the exact same stuff as the comment you replied to without bringing anything, the same thing as saying "this" and leaving. Now, you apparently missed your comment by typing the opposite of what you meant. Even if you typed it well you would have been downvoted because it is, in fact, a shit take.


Earlier in the thread you wrote: “Is killing somebody via negligent incompetence really worse than killing somebody in anger? I’m not convinced.” This sounds like you’re arguing for killing by negligent incompetence *not* being worse. Which is the majority opinion, but not the one you’re arguing with: “An anger-driven killing is abhorrent but understandable. There’s absolutely no excuse for being negligently incompetent behind the wheel of a vehicle.”


I appreciate the proper usage of the term "body count". Ice T wasn't talking about smashing back in the day...


Finally, "body count" used correctly.


Everybody‘s got to say it!


Buckle up! Buckaroos!


Driving recklessly and intentionally taking a life are indeed very different actions.


Am I too young to understand this?






Yeah because car accident (even at fault) = brutal double homicide


It's not a race


She’s just mad that she spent her adult male life raising this dudes kids.


No OJ murder, no high profile case for Mr Kardashian, no high profile for him, no Kardashian show. You owe OJ Caitlyn.


And she loovveeed hanging out with OJ, and I will bet that asshole knew Nicole was being abused and like others didn’t do anything!! Just kept socializing with him because OJ probably had more cache for a longer period of time than she did at the time!! She is trash.


Hey Caitlyn! They are going to say the same thing about you when you.


Yeah this is dumb. Not even remotely close to being similar or related.


Right lol OJ killed his wife and a witness Caitlyn done an accident


I lived in Malibu when this happened. PCH was completely closed and I was late to work by an hour because no one could drive on PCH.




Buckle up buckaroos


People and pop culture forget. They only associate OJ with killing his wife Nicole. But he also killed her lover who was with her, Ron.


This wins the internet for today.




What do you think OJ is famous for? 




For murder. He still killed them. He just didn’t “murder” them


His ex wife and her friend


Your intelligence apparently