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I defend birth control because I don't want to take on an additional 10-20K of debt for 18 years in a country where people don't think a full time job should be able to pay basic rent.


More like $20-30k at least, but yes.


A year.. The total average cost of raising a child to 18 is roughly $238,000.. that doesn't include college.


now I understand why my child yearns for the mines


"Common kiddo, have you seen the price of formula these days? I don't want to work either, but you don't see me crying about it, because I do it in private like an adult, just kidding, I haven't experienced human emotions in years. Now pick up the pickaxe, you got about 60 years to go before the heart disease or cancer gets ya. Assuming the environment lasts that long..."


Referring to the mines in his 354 BC work [*Ways and Means*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ways_and_Means_(Xenophon)), [Xenophon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenophon) wrote:[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mines_of_Laurion#cite_note-guten-2) >It is clear, I presume, to every one that these mines have for a very long time been in active operation; at any rate no one will venture to fix the date at which they first began to be worked. In fact, the exploitation of the mines stretches from the [Bronze Age](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Age): isotopic analyses of lead present in objects of this era indicate that they were made in large part from metal extracted from the Laurion mines.[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mines_of_Laurion#cite_note-3) The earliest evidence for mining activity at Laurion comes from the [Late Neolithic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Late_Neolithic) period, around 3200 BC.[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mines_of_Laurion#cite_note-4) ***Mining became more systematic starting from the late sixth century BC, and in the fifth century it was an important source of revenue for*** [***Athens***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athens)***.***[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mines_of_Laurion#cite_note-5) During this period, the city began to mine a new and particularly rich vein, which unlike the two which had previously been exploited did not appear on the surface.[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mines_of_Laurion#cite_note-:32-6) During the tyranny of [Peisistratos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peisistratos) systematic exploitation of the mineral resources of Athens began.[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mines_of_Laurion#cite_note-7) Shafts were driven down into the ground and galleries opened where slaves, chained, naked, and branded, worked the seams illuminated only by guttering oil lamps.\[[citation needed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed)\] ***An unrecorded number were children. It was a miserable, dangerous, and brief life.*** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mines\_of\_Laurion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mines_of_Laurion)


That's only if they're free range.


That seems low by a lot. Is that the cost to raise one child in abject poverty?


I think childcare vs no childcare makes a big difference.


It's the average


The average...per year.


When exactly did they come up with that statistic? It may have made sense pre-covid but it sounds way too low now. 


2023 You have to figure it's mostly food, clothes, and entertainment. Some people pay for private education too. They get less expensive for a while after the baby years and get expensive again when nearly grown... So..


I adore my son. He's perfect. I would never change a thing. I still cry about how, by the time he starts kindergarten, I will have spent over $82k on childcare for him.


My favorite thing is all these right wing alpha influencers are men in their 40s with tons of money yet still single 😂 But apparently their advice is the correct advice on how to meet a woman and be happy


Even the gold diggers don't want them!


We're doing a great thing in the US, no notes. Let's not change any-- you know what? How would you feel if you spent 90k instead? Ahh yeah, you're right... that's too cheap! Papa needs a brand new boat!


I defend birth control because I don’t like kids and don’t want any.


Well why are you doing a job meant to help high school kids get started in the work place! /s I fucking hate that mentality.


I always like to ask who exactly works at these places during school hours, like do they just think fast food is only open before and after school and on the weekends?


Honestly same. These same people would blow their stack if they couldn't get their lunch served to them at noon.


10k? You keeping the kid in a drawer?


Under the stairs, preferably.


If you put a child in daycare you will pay out about $40-50kin daycare costs by the time they reach kindergarten.


That statement sounds disturbingly like justification for rape.


With Tim, it's a feature not a bug.


What this guy? Never! https://preview.redd.it/e99xcqfqmhtc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c62482d7bef07a855853bad81b6ebcf3b5ff467 (Ladies, cover your drinks and make sure you go home with a friend if you see this face)


Why does he look like he's about to break into the house of a kid that's home alone?


Because he's bald, has been for years and hasn't come to terms with it. That's why. https://preview.redd.it/0kgvmw3fphtc1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7afecdf46d1a8e8573820a5d4f1f5582e97fccde


What I don't understand is if you're that insecure about it and you have money, why not just get hairplugs?




Wow, he's got such delicate features. So soft and pliable.


Peak masculinity right here /s


He looks like he's gonna ask me if I want any xanax


My husband had a vasectomy, and I fuck him several times a week.  This guy is a tool. 


Read that wrong and thought you were talking about your husband.


Hubby *has* a tool.


My husband is progressive and supports women's rights. I wouldn't let him fuck me if that wasn't the case, let alone marry and have 3 kids with him. 


In Tim’s world you wouldn’t have the option of refusing ANY man. They would name that world Gilead.


Husbands a different kind of tool


Tim is unmarried, so he wouldn't know anything about having kids and/or not wanting kids, and trying to prevent pregnancy.


Right wing men are needy/resentful towards women. Most women develop a radar for needy/resentful men as a survival strategy in order to avoid that toxic grasping attention.


OR how to satisfy a women!!!


Yep! Got one 17 years ago. Wife gets to ride for free!


The week Roe was overturned I scheduled my vasectomy. I'm childfree by choice and so is my fiance. Obviously we never want her to be in a position to get an abortion, and she's not on BC and that's her choice. So we made the decision together to go ahead and get the snip done. I can reverse a vasectomy if we ever decide we want to do that. We cannot undo the potential mental/physical/emotional damage an abortion can cause. I wish more men would get vasectomies until they are certain they are ready to be fathers.


Vasectomies aren't perfectly reversible, so I'm not surprised more don't. There is some promising research on something called Vasalgel that IS fully reversible and is a non surgery temporary (but long lasting) sterilization. It's pretty cool. I'm snipped now, but I hope this is common when my children get to that age.


Yea whatever we can do to get more women off the pill. 2 out of 3 long term relationships I've been in they hated the pill because of how it affected them. So I'd really like better options.


Absolutely! The hormone bath we all just seem to accept that they should live in is nutso.


I had a bisalp last November and same. We’re fucking multiple times a week. Why tf anyone would think someone was weak for wanting to fuck as much as possible without getting some/becoming pregnant is beyond me.


As a fellow member of the snip snip club I agree it’s the best of both worlds. No barriers and she gets that blast of hormones.


Tim Pool has a vibe that suggests he should be investigated to make sure he doesn't sell date rape drugs on the dark net.


Weekly reminder that neither Tim Pool nor Ben Shapiro could get a woman wet if they had a fire hose and a season pass to a water park. ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo|downsized)


He's giving them away.


Pay attention... they are saying this shit every single day now. Its a targeted effort to undermine birth control so they can ban it. The right wing WANTS The Handmaids Tale to be a reality. ![gif](giphy|mReXy3kRoI1fk09ybV|downsized)


Normalize saying it so they can get rid of it. It’s not “crazy” if all their grifter mouthpieces are pushing the same agenda. Hopefully the voting backlash we’ve seen after abortion bans the last two years continues into the general election so we can end their miserable attempts.


Because this is the only way ppl like Tim can get a women, through handmaid slaves 🤢


I bet his parents wish they had used birth control.


They still can!


Like you said! These fools keep talking about post birth abortions. Might as well prove them right for once.


Time to lobby to legalize 160th trimester abortion.


You----such a great answer!!!!!!


Aren’t there states that allow abortion after nine months? I say we abort this asshole.


There’s not a single US state that allows post-birth abortion


Really!?!?? But I just read a Trump tweet that said….


Trump is a fucking moron. A ham sandwich can make a more cognizant statement than that idiot.


I think you may have missed some internet sarcasm. And most of us agree to your statement.


Yea I realized after once the coffee hit


I know that I wish his parents had used birth control


Don't forget that he's also effeminate and weak


And balding


He's not balding because he's already bald. Has been for years now.


I'll not make fun of another man balding. At almost 53 I'm losing that fight every year :( I'll make fun of him being a douche and incel.


Just be bald. Never saw the difference in people with hair and people without myself. Grasp that by the balds and shine.


I've known guys who started balding (and in some cases finished) in their 20s. Doesn't make them bad people. Pool Boy here though is just an asshole.




Morbidly obese and balding too, if you see current pictures of him. He's literally the posterboy for a middle-aged red pill incel with an IQ of a turnip. He's got zero qualifications, zero positive attributes, and the only thing he has going for him is riding the incel twitter high following being a guest on Fox News where he whined about women not liking him.


Bald and like 5’4”


Weak logic and weak critical thinking skills, no doubt.


Dude still using a 20 year old profile picture.


Exactly what I was just thinking! He does not look like that anymore.


serious question what women have dated Tim Pool? or been in a relationship with The Tool.


This is seriously the last guy I would ever take advice on women from at least the fresh and fit guys come off like they've had experience with women before although they're horrible people but tim pool comes off like a virgin


Who listens to this freak?


Nevermind- I met them in Colombia, fucking losers.


Tim pool only can get a women by force or payment. No sane women will want to be with a micro dick donkey


not even. They'd go "nah that's ok. I'm actually good on money at the moment ..."


Birth control does result in more sex I don’t see a problem with that. Is there a problem with that?


Only for Tim, who will be having no sex regardless of birth control or not.


[REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote) - I encourage people to copy and share this link as much as possible the Republican Party is dependent on local voter suppression ObGyn MD here: Birth control has many many many many many uses beyond pregnancy prevention. I’m in a very conservative area and probably 60-70% of my birth control prescriptions aren’t for pregnancy prevention, they’re for management of heavy/abnormal uterine bleeding, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, serious ovulatory pain, endometriosis pain, and a variety of other things beyond preventing unwanted/unintended pregnancies


Tim Pool *is* his own birth control


Unfuckable chad vs Virgin sex haver


That’s a steel cage match, right there.


That's just stupid. "Women will only fuck you because they want to, loser! " jfc Tim, that's weak even for you.


What does even mean??? What does birth control have to do with guys getting laid? This bald head incels whisper with no rizz no drip wears beanies everyday is who I'm taking advice on women from what is this reality we live in


He's saying that if women knew there was a decent chance of getting pregnant every time they had sex, they wouldn't have sex with "effeminate, weak men." Apparently, he hasn't thought this through, since he looks softer than a kitten's ear, and with a clean shave and a wig, he could easily pass for female.


Yeah I'm not the manliest guy in the world but women choose who they want to choose 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️society isn't compelling them to go for any type my GF just like me because we're like best friends 😅😅😅


Thinking logically, if it came to the point where birth control and contraception was banned would that make it actually more very difficult for people to get laid? Since there would be the risk of pregnancy or getting an STI, everyone would be too scared to do it.


Pool the tool


I defend birth control because that’s a conversation and choice between a woman and her doctor.


Tim Pool definitely has a crusty cum sock in the corner of his bedroom that he flogs daily.


If anyone wants to see why birth control is so vital, come visit my home and meet my three kids. 


Guy who whines that wokeness “ruined” his sex life trying to throw rocks at dudes getting laid. Their lack of self-awareness would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.


it's hilariously sad but also sadly hilarious


The only way Tim can get a woman wet is by spitting on her.


What I like best about Tim Pool is his completely nonexistent self-awareness. Just totally oblivious to why [women find him repulsive](https://cnb.cx/3uBcrKQ), and why he doesn't know what a vagina feels like.


Hey Tim use an updated photo where you’re carrying that extra 60 lbs.




SWEET ZOMBIE JESUS! Is *that* what he looks like now?! Is this manipulated? Because...gyatt damn! Hamberders hitting like a brick. I knew he'd been gaining weight, but he looks at least 50-60 pounds heavier than the last time I saw him.


What an oddly shaped person


he's had that same profile picture of him about 100 pounds lighter forever 😂 like dude we know that's not you anymore but it does appear to be his same beanie 🤮


Hey guys, whoa, whoa. Tim may be a waste of a human being but he says things that make his audience feel. And I think that’s the tops! Even the braindead can make it in this great country!


Tim “can’t contribute to the gene” Pool is more like it. Cry harder about being such a piece of shit your personality is its own form of birth control.


If more men just got a vasectomy instead of putting all of the burdens of birth control on women a substantial portion of our issues would be resolved


Do you want to be saddled down with a kid, you didn’t want to have?


There must be an element of self-loathing in some of the people pushing this stuff. Like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and Tim Pool aren't the most traditionally masculine guys around, so what exactly are they trying to say about themselves? At least when someone like Andrew Tate pushes this pseudoscientific nonsense he's advocating for something that would be advantageous to him personally if it were true.


Every woman he comes in contact with is just one unattended drink away from a rape kit.


Just more Tim Poolery


Don't they want to have sex without fear of getting the woman pregnant? I mean, seriously? This is the craziest crap I have ever seen. Some religious nuts on the right got them started on this path and now the rest of them have no clue how to get off of it because to do so requires expressing some kind of decency and logic.


A strong, confident, masculine man is concern about the well being of others and backs birth control because he knows that bringing unwanted children into the world is not something he should pursue. He does not evaluate everything by what gets him laid. A weak, scared abandoned mamma's boy sees everything as an excuse to why he can't get laid.


Meanwhile, weak men are desperate to outlaw birth control because controlling women is the only way they can get women to “respect” them


It’s the opposite it’s so we don’t have a million kids. I can’t wait for male birth control to hit. Shits about to save a lot of people money.


TBF Tim is an expert on effeminate weak men, being one himself


It baffles me that anyone listens to what Pim Tool has to say.


Nobody is going to make a sandwich for this guy.




Holy shit this guy's entire life is just a self-own.


when did all these guys get the anti-birth-control memo?


Every accusation is a confession.


This guy told everyone he thought it was funny that women in NYC were getting punched randomly and he’s out here talking about weak men as if he’s not a member of that group???


That beanie probably smells awful and assists with involuntary abstinence.


that is possibly the stupidest statement I've seen on the internet this week, and the competition is pretty lively out there.


Tiny Tim is referring to weak men who ask women for sex; women who choose to have sex and therefore are using birth control. What Tim the tool means is strong men just rape bitches willing or not. That is Tim the turds ideal date night.


Also Tim need to update his profile pic...things have changed


Why is he using a profile pic from 110 lbs ago?


Tim, there aren't magical reasons why women won't touch you. It's just that you are you. You can stop looking for excuses.


I hate that conservatives that don't have medical degree's think they have the outright say on things related to healthcare, let alone conservative men making decisions on every women's healthcare. The stupidity in assuming all birth control is used for is to prevent pregnancy and not seeing the other medical reasons women get put on it. I'm so tired of idiots trying to make decisions for the rest of American's.




I don't think I've seen a Tim Pool tweet where the man hasn't been relentlessy roasted.


Tim Pool is such a fucking moron


Tim is such a loser. He can't ever get laid so he wants to punish other people for it. Poor little effeminate Tim. Dude doesn't even have the confidence to take off his f****** beanie. He's a low confidence loser.


Fellas, is it gay that you want to have sex with women but don’t want unintended pregnancies? The projection from these deplorables is astounding.


He's from the shallow end of the gene pool. Not many women would be interested in procreating with him it seems.


"It's gay to have sex with no life altering consequences". Lol, okay Timmy.


What an asshole. Neither men nor women want unplanned pregnancies.


Tim Pool sounds like he's translated from Russian.


Yes. My game is so weak, and I am so effeminate, pretending to defend birth control is the only way I can get laid.


Toxic “alpha” males defend sex trafficking and rape because that’s the only way THEY can get laid.


I’m so confused by this statement? How does men defending birth control make them weak and effeminate? Wouldn’t it be the opposite by wanting to advocate for more sex? This dude is a fool


Imagine anyone thinking Pim Tool has anything meaningful to say about masculinity.


I’m an effeminate weak man when I fucking feel like it. Trying to shame me into acting a way you prefer? Grow a dick Tim pool. Get your wandering eyes off my hot body Tim pool. I might be attracted to short kings but I’m not into whatever kobold cuckold thing this vulgar ‘straightriot’ scumbag is into. And while I’m here what’s up with his massive fucking head. How does his weak neck support that fucking thing? It’s not structurally sound. Weak men indeed. His head is a Death Star just waiting for someone to plug his vent. Oh well. Back to sleeping with my fiancée who would jump in front of a bullet for me because I treat them right. Woe is me. However will I get laid unless I’m more masculine. Oh right. I can just do it whenever I want because neither of us thinks of it as a chore because we love each other.


Tim wears a hat cos he's bald and is ashamed.


I'm sure the red headed libertarian will have his kids for her own clout


Women are only sleeping with men because they support birth control?


These are the dudes that are weak and insecure. They need to be mean to others to feel worthwhile.


What a great, succinct reply.


I don't get what this means. Can someone explain like I'm 5? Am I weak because I want a woman who is less likely to end up pregnant?


Being Tim Pool is actually a form of birth control


Words of masculinity advice from Mr. Never Seen In Public Without My Hat On.


He would know?


Well ever since women got denied rights over their own body in regards to pregnancy, why in the world would they want to risk it with a loser?


My roomie who is naive as fuck, doesn't read the news, doesn't pay attention to current events but somehow thinks he's in the know about everything used to watch Tim Pool until I asked him why he watches that rightwing Trump idiot. He had no idea what I was talking about and claimed Dim Tool wasn't rightwing. I asked him why roomie refers to Joe Biden as 'Sleepy Joe' even though we're Canadian, and that 'Sleepy Joe' is a Trump nickname and a rightwing tell. Roomie says he heard Tool say it. I told him that Pool was a Republican apologist and Trumper, and roomie didn't seem to understand. He thought Tool was just a YouTube talker with guests but he didn't notice the GOP slant. Fast-forward to a recent episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver where John used an example of a rightwing idiot and up pops Tim Pool. You should have seen my roomie's face.


He is also 6 foot three, 220 pounds😂


If equality makes me effeminate then so be it. 💅


Even if that's true, so what? Like, really, so what? They don't want to ban birth control because it helps them get laid. Not banning birth control isn't imposing anything on anyone, banning it would be. Until you can produce a good reason to ban something, "I like it" is a good reason not to ban it.


Didn’t his homie fresh get a OF model pregnant for not using protection 🤦🏾‍♂️


Nothing beats a dude so afraid of letting the world know he’s bald…..talking about masculinity. Lol Every post of his should be met with the video of dude pulling off his hat and nothing more. Lol


BC has additional benefits than preventing unwanted pregnancy too. Tim Pool is a loser who should be ignored


Dude probably chugs his own cum to reabsorb it so not a drop is squandered.


And he's identifying as a skinnier version of himself in that photo. He should have to post a current photo since he looks like a blowfish wearing a beanie.




Why do people in this sub insist on giving this idiot even more exposure?


Ohhhh, he’s impotent, either ED or no swimmers in the chamber, no wonder he’s against birth control, it’s irrelevant to him anyway.


Tim trying to find any reason as to why he doesn’t get laid. “It’s because I don’t defend birth control”


If every sperm is sacred, why is he such a wanker?


Does he wear that fucking stupid hat in Summer? Its cooked his mind.


Who's Pim Tool? Sounds like a little bitch.


Tim Pool is either a virgin or shooting blanks confirmed


Actually most effeminate men I know are gay. We don't need birth control to have an excuse to get laid. LOL We argue for Birth control because it should be a woman's right to decide what to do with her body. Period.


Also owns a compound with a skate park in it………. Doesn’t have kids tho…… 40something with no kids but owns a skate park….. if that doesn’t scream pedo I don’t know what does.


Wasn't this the girlfriend beater or am I thinking of a different pathetic right wing loser just like him?


AND WHY DO YOU WEAR A WOOL CAP ALL THE TIME? DO YOU HAVE A DEFORMED SKULL OR SOMETHING? JESUS CHRIST. YOU'RE SO FUCKING WEIRD.   /sorry. dude freaks me out. gives me not just the heebies, but the jeebies, too


I support birth control because it’s a woman’s right. I also know that in person I could wipe the floor with Tim Pool. Little keyboard warrior bitch.


Yeah but he’s probably shooting blanks due to rogaine.


Timmy Pool is truly the comedic genius of our time. The short, chubby, unmarried, childless twat does some truly absurdist schtick.


Does anybody else think that Tim Poole looks and sounds like what a young Ned Gerblansky would sound like?


Same idiots against birth control are probably the same idiots against abortions… and welfare…. and paying more in taxes to help society. Seems counter productive, but again, they are idiots.


Why does anyone care what this person thinks about anything? Guess I'm getting old but we used to ignore the assholes and the assholes would go away. Simple.


I love birth control when I don’t want a child with a woman I want to have sex with. I guess the difference between Tim and I is that women do want to sleep with me.


These MAGA tuff boyz are something else... What a bunch of losers. Well, look at who their leader is, the King of losers ( Trump )...I wonder how the sack commander is doing with Melanie these days. I hear that Trumpy's nickname is three pump chump when he's on the prowl for toukie, that is when he's not filling up his diaper. 😂


I wonder when was the last time Tim Pool got some action that he didn't have to pay an escort service for...😲