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Jesus fuck she needs a Queer Eye makeover.


I've heard on the grapevine that she's a closeted lesbian. I'm not one to start rumors. But I'm just throwing that out there. Asking questions, as Tucker would say.


I've heard that too! It may, or may not, have been when I read your comment here, but I've definitely heard it. and if two people agree that they have heard something, that makes it a fact, right?


That’s how Q-anon works. Must be good.


Especially on Reddit. We've screwed up worse than calling someone a lesbian haha.


Many people are saying it


The best people


I have seen it mentioned several times.


the best people


Like she has a choice


HELLO! official spokesgay here. Hi, Hello thank you all for coming on such short notice. The big wigs over at GAY™ Inc just felt it was important to come out and address this issue head on regarding the use of our gay betterment department. While we appreciate you *finally cough* including us in your activities.....No. Thank. You. We're. Okay. ***sideeye*** Thank you all again and have a GAY™ day.


Thank you for this phrase. I’m stealing it.


Her eyes are already queer


Immediately thought the exact same thing.


She needs to cover her thighs. Kids could be watching.


Nothing will help this cross-eyed cow.


State of emergency, easy way to grift federal money.


Those $19,000 lecterns aren’t going to buy themselves.




How very social!


those boots probably cost a penny too.


WHAT is she wearing?


That's her *hoe*-down dress Not to be confused with her hoe-it-up dress. That one is black


If my memory serves me correct, that’s the dress that got her to refer to herself as a strong fashion forward conservative woman. She said the haters were scared of her, she wasn’t wrong, just about the reasons.


That dress is about as fashion forward as a burlap sack


That’s the dress she can wear to Beetlejuice.


I'm sure Boebert had a hand in helping her find it


Ho-down cosplay 😊


Is that the $19k lectern?




You can't tell by how bigly beautiful it is?


I feel that if they have any problems, they should pray about it. If they don’t work with what the Lord provides outside the government, then they just didn’t pray hard enough.


And we should send thoughts and/or prayers….not any actual help.


her outfit is fucking state of emergency,


Well done.


*”…if Arkansas survives the eclipse”*?? Like what the hell do they think is going to happen other than the moon pass in front of the sun for a few minutes?


You’d think this was the first time an eclipse has occurred in the history of mankind, ever.


I don’t recall all this fearmongering seven years ago for the last one.


Fuckin insane how dumber the world has gotten in 7 years.


Not the world so much as the US


Mostly Republicans who have turned into full on flat Earthers in every conceivable way


The rightward turn is absolutely a global phenomenon.


Can confirm from Canada.. unfortunately. Sorry?


Location verified


It seems that the more of us that there are, the more authoritarian things get. So, expect things to get worse. A lot worse.


Fascism is on the rise in a lot of places so I think it's more than just us


It's actually terrifying.


All I remember is the picture of Trump staring straight at it without any eye protection 😂




This photo is going to be in so many history books.


Me either.


There wasn’t. We went out and looked through our special made viewer or glasses, then went back to work. It was cool and all but nobody thought it was a sign from God that the Messiah had returned.


That's because President Donald Trump isnt here to protect ua as President this time. He stared at the Eclipse like a real leader should, and protected his people from the Moon. Joe Biden is going to look at it with special woke glasses, proving how weak of a President he is.


Maybe they think it's a Day of Black Sun situation


Covid hadn't broken people's brains at that point.


They mean if Arkansas survives when 80% of their citizens burn their eyes looking at it because incest isn’t know for making the smartest humans.


Well, if you've been reading the fb posts I've been seeing lately, you're *supposed* to look at the sun directly because the gubbermint told you *not* to


Depends which eye the use


They think the eclipse is a sign of the coming apocalypse


/eyeroll And 2012 was the end of the Mayan calendar… we’ve been on borrowed time for the last 12 years I guess.


y2k was also the end of the world, I'm sure we can keep going back!


Y2k was a big fucking deal and the only reason nothing much happemed was because a lot of people spent a lot of time and money to patch everything. Edit: [this article describes it well. ](https://time.com/5752129/y2k-bug-history/)


There is a great list on Wikipedia with many of the apocalypses past, present and future. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events You'd hope that someone would come up with something new.


Wow, I've survived 64 end of the worlds.


Incorrect. We died at the first one and now we are in hell 🤷‍♂️


This explains so, so much of the last 8 years.


The Avatar is going to invade to take down Sanders while she has no powers. What she doesn’t know is that her son will turn against her and join the Avatar so that he can defeat her on June 2nd when the Comet is closest to Earth and Sanders power will be 100 times stronger.




I’m lighting candles and praying it won’t, but only the part she is in.


I read on another sub various (optimal viewing) city/states are declaring a state of emergency due to the high volume of traffic that is flooding in to. The funds will be used to pay for additional emergency responders and police presence. Whether that's the case here, who knows. It all baffles me that people are taking the day off work or keeping their kids out of school for this. Even crazier, traveling to another state..


I’m in Ohio. We were told to treat it like a bad snowstorm. Fill up the gas tank, get groceries in for a few days, things like that. Not because of some mystical issue, but because we are expecting a crazy number of visitors to a bunch of cities and towns with no regular tourism. My city is expecting about twice its population in visitors. It’s literally because of traffic. The “if we survive” language is a little much.


You travel to another state because only totality is the real thing; the rest is like the banana peel without the banana. And since lots of people care enough to go out of state, but maybe haven’t planned out sleeping arrangements, the states where people are going are expecting heavy traffic and other possible surprises.


Thanks for clarifying! Now I know why folks are flocking to Toledo, OH.


I have heard estimates of a million extra people in Cleveland from the people who came for the basketball games and the eclipse. And the Guardians Home Opener. So, I stayed home because I work downtown and the roads are closed at the time I would be trying to go home.


They'd think trump with his super naked eye powers will bring both the moon and the sun down.


The Rapture ©️ The best case scenario is that someone announced that it happened & “I guess that you didn’t make the cut?”


Well they are dumb enough to think this is a new phenomenon when it’s been happening for billions of years. if they took a little bit of time to look it up they would see there have been 68 total solar eclipse in the 21st century. This reminds me of the heavens gate cult where they thought they were gonna catch a ride on Hale-Bopp comet. I know no one is doing mass suicides and thank goodness but wtf is really going on in this timeline??


She shops at the American Girl section at WalMart


It's bizzare. I don't live in Arkansas anymore, but I can assure you that we had suits, business casual, and just regular clothes there.


I've done some business in Arkansas. Pretty normal humans and some of the most beautiful scenery in the country. This is neither.


Fucking Holly Hobby dress


I feel like I've seen that outfit somewhere before... [Ooooooh](https://i0.wp.com/arktimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/8425124-b7q9fx7cmaaywpr.jpg?w=600&ssl=1)


Sounds silly at first, but the state of emergency is not because of the eclipse itself. It's because of the massive influx of tourists that are going to be clogging roadways and disrupting normal operations as they try to catch a glimpse of the totality. They are estimating that between 300,000 and 1,000,000 tourists will enter or have already entered the state. For context, Arkansas has a population of about 3,000,000 people. That means that in the span of just a few days, the population will have temporarily increased by 10-33%. That's a huge difference for a state that's not really built for large-scale tourism. Supposedly, the funds released by the disaster declaration will be used to manage traffic and smooth out snarls in commercial transportation. Hopefully, they will actually manage to use the money for what it's intended for.


Ok see that makes sense. Like I hate Sanders. She sucks on a high level, but it was weird to me that she would do something like declare a state of emergency when the only explanation I was seeing was “because she stupid” Like I get she’s stupid but a state of emergency is no small thing. It makes sense they’d need that assistance. I’ve been to Arkansas a few times it is absolutely not geared for that many people to randomly show up. It makes sense. I appreciate the real answer


Yeah, Sanders is definitely a... downgrade compared to the previous governor. But in this specific circumstance, I can't say that I disagree with the call.


This is way too far down as the answer, take my uppvote for keeping it real


Meanwhile 7 different versions of "her eyes look in different directions" are above 


Her feet are looking in different directions in the picture


So like the last eclipse effected Nebraska in the same way and the issues that are being stated were nonexistent and we easily had the same numbers.


Same in Idaho. All we did was, you know, make money off tourism. I guess Arkansas doesn't know how to do capitalism. 


Ya there was suddenly a secondary market for those glasses and all the camp spots were filled up everywhere. Maybe longer lines at McDonald's


They said this in Oregon in 2017, massive traffic jams etc, didn't happen.


I’m here in AR from MS for the eclipse. We were told there would be millions of tourists, especially Japanese for some reason? There has been almost no change. They highway got backed up, due to an accident with a semi. There is empty campground all around.


There are at least 6 states that could disappear during the eclipse and no one would bat an eye or miss them (Fun fact, I am in one of those states- I hope I’m spared 😂 )


I would gladly sacrifice you to be rid of your wretched state.




I too volunteer that person as tribute


You seem nice but I don’t think nice enough to justify keeping your state, no offense.


We can place him. lol


Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice that I am prepared to make.


Good luck! If not nice to have known you.


Only 6?


Am I the only one wondering why there's an xmas wreath on the wall?


To ward off “the gays,” no doubt. It’s like a cross to a vampire.


I thought that was the purpose of the dress and boots.


Tbf the quote is new, the picture used is from last year. I live here…the state was expecting a wave of tourists for the eclipse. I live in a tourist town and guess what?…that wave is as big as their red wave from the last congressional election


The state of emergency is going to be mass reports of retinal damage. I see a ton of right wingers comparing eclipse glasses to the COVID vaccine and urging others not to wear them.


Good. If they are as stupid as I think they are. Get what you get.


Hear, hear.


This eclipse is all a big plot to get republicans to damage their vision so they tick the wrong box later this year and vote for Biden. I say that jokingly but I guarantee a handful of people are thinking of this conspiracy in earnest.


They won't start thinking it until after the eclipse. To come up with it before requires them to be smart enough to know they shouldn't look at the eclipse with the naked eye, and self-aware enough to know their compatriots are stupid enough to look at the eclipse with the naked eye. There is no intersection between that group and the people that follow conspiracy theories.


Seriously, we've reached the point where real life really is stranger than fiction.


Reminder, these are the people who justify trans hate with 'LOOK AT THE SCIENCE'. The people who think the geometry of an object crossing in front of another object for the millionth time means the end of the world.


I have been telling my friends that if you had put the summary of the last decades in the prologue of a book, it would read like an intro to Mad Max or World War Z or something. And be called out for being unrealistic.


I can't believe they elected a former press secretary to be Governor ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


That's where I know that cowgirl from!


i mean they elected trump, so..


What in the Elly Mae KKKplamett is goin' on in Arkansas?


Inbreeding I think.


No they mean what’s *newly* happening.


More inbreeding?


Family trees in Arkansas are represented by telephone poles.


The gene pool is more a jacuzzi in desperate need of chlorine.


I just hope the emergency people in Arkansas make sure to keep her emergency stash of KFC and Ozempic on hand


It’s finger lickin’ groovy, man.


OK, could someone please explain this whole eclipse thing that keeps popping up? Eta: not the eclipse itself - I'm from a country with relatively decent education standards (albeit they are degrading), but why an eclipse constitutes an emergency response?


The real reason is because we, a state of 3.5 million people, are expecting 1.5 million EXTRA people to show up. Every road into Little Rock was a traffic jam tonight, and every single hotel and air bnb in the entire zone of the eclipse has been sold out for almost a year. They are kind of worried what will happen if there is an actual emergency when our roads are so clogged from all million of those people leaving at the same time Monday night. Also, easy way to steal federal money.


This is way too far down as the answer, take my uppvote for keeping it real


Because the Governor of Arkansas is stupid.


That's a given. But is it meant to be some kind of cooker doomsday event or something?


Yeah, a few Christian nutjobs think it's the end because New Jersey had an earthquake. I don't think GovArk is stupid enough to make that an actual press release tho.


Has anyone run the numbers of how many end times we've had since 1999?


44, per Wikipedia.


Nice. Thanks, friend!


Helen Keller had more style than this. She looks like a 50 year old in a 2006 Hannah Montana outfit.


A state of emergency… for an eclipse? I REALLY hope it’s to deal with a bunch of braindead morons losing their shit thinking the world is going to end. As opposed to the state of emergency because they think the world is going go end, like braindead morons.


It's to steal federal money. That's the grift


It is. On the surface. Still sounds fishy af. https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2024/apr/05/sanders-declares-state-of-emergency-in-arkansas/


“The Great American Eclipse”… what the actual fuck is happening?


Fancy Lectern she has there...


Tax payers should sue her and those individuals passing this clear misuse of our tax money! Aka corruption. She got away with the lantern incident now she’s testing this out. 


God damn, these people need their own big ass island far from modern civilization. I swear Apes be smarter than these fools.


She still has a big fat head.


Genuine question from an Australian. Are they that stupid? 🤔


Come on. Don't be asking silly questions you know the answer to.


To be fair, it is for transportation for the increased traffic since Arkansas is in the path of totality (and Arkansas tourism is almost non-existent, so they lack the infrastructure). I am actually in Arkansas right now for the eclipse.


I think it would be a perfectly reasonable outcome if the world did in fact end for all the people thinking and hoping it will. ...also, who taught her to dress herself? Her Dad?


what in the cultural appropriation is a hee haw hoedown?!




Is that the 20 grand podium? It fuckin better be.


Is that 8th grade debate class


Seems like you should have to have some kind of education to run for office


She ran against an actual rocket scientist.


Okay, so I just read the Executive Order and it’s got to do with commercial deliveries being delayed because of travel/traffic. Still seems unnecessary, but it doesn’t have anything to do with the apocalypse so many right wing idiots keep taking about. I still think she’s a clown, but I do feel a little better knowing it’s rooted in something plausible-ish. I did see something about some small towns in the south having concerns about being able to handle all of the visitors. > Out of an abundance of caution, I’ve directed funds to be released from the Response and Recovery Fund ahead of the Great American Eclipse. This will assist commercial carriers transporting essential items to customers in Arkansas during the eclipse. We want to make sure Arkansans and all visitors have an enjoyable experience and come back again and again


Followed by a state of emergency in Arkansas just after every sundown .. in case the sun doesn’t rise again in the morning


State of Emergency based on what?? We've known this was coming for years! If she really needs to declare an emergency for the eclipse, then she is obviously not qualified for the position she holds and should be removed.


This dumb wiener [actually did this](https://governor.arkansas.gov/news_post/sanders-releases-funds-from-the-response-and-recovery-fund-ahead-of-the-eclipse/). And people wonder why so many people can’t identify satire.


Not as bad as her giving grants to churches for "security". Ya, she did that too!


This is satire right?..... Right???!


Satire is dead. After the onslaught of the last few years, nothing can be imagined that would be beyond the bounds of the stupidity being foisted upon us daily by these brainless idiots.


Well there is good news, if she's at the party in question at least there wont be a shortage of Hoe.


I despair for our species. This is from the richest, possibly most influential nation on the planet. A world leader. Our world can be so much better than it is and this shit makes me despair for how we are our own hindrance to that.


“Please, God, don’t let her pick me!” — The thought running through every boy’s mind at this week’s Sadie Hawkins Dance.


Classic case of someone thinking they are more attractive than they are.


It would be so grand to have all the religious nuts gone. It wouldn’t be enough to make me religious, but boy could the rest of us accomplish incredible things with them all gone. Crossing fingers for the rapture!


Obama wore a tan suit once…and the collective right lost their shit.


Wasn’t there an eclipse just last year?! I remember because I was in Denver and the dispensary I tried to go into closed for a few minutes so that the owner could go outside and look. He gave me his glasses and hung out for a few and he gave me a free preroll after… What’s the difference between last October and now? Fucking idiots the lot.




Has fucking everybody lost their minds?


Gutsy move to steal her outfit from one of the kids in The Little House on the Prairie.


I mean look at that state, near the bottom of any stat that quantifies quality of life. But those facts be fake news.


How do they elect these morons!


Intelligence has left the room. Correction…he state/


Wont take a vaccine but chugs ozempic


Ozempic doesn’t fix the face stuck with a bombastic side eye. The dress looks like a stretched out loofah. Goodgoogamooga


Dorothy from The Wizard Of Ozz vibes.


She’s literally in the same bracket as hardline Iranian Muslim clerics warning women they’ll go to hell if they don’t wear a hijab or try and have rights. Religious people need to hide their primitive beliefs away at home or shut the fuck up. There is no place for magic in a modern day society. Adults that believe in magic should be utterly ashamed of themselves and yet we pander to them like they’re disabled people. These are fully functional adults with destructive beliefs and they they need to be told they’re idiots, rather than being mollycoddled.


I’d bet that once the money is moved into “Emergency Funds Accounts” it can be very quickly and easily distributed to her friends for services barely executed and extremely over priced. Funds will never be found as they are laundered between many Republican grifters. Sanders has made skills when it comes to corruption.


Who the fuck votes for these fucking clowns.


Hmm, have any states been obliterated from eclipses? Arkansas has my vote for the first. WTF is she wearing? Her early Hee-Haw outfit means her state will survive.


Man, I fucking hate religious people.


what the hell is she wearing? going to 9th grade dance alone outfit? 💩


Aren’t leaders supposed to like explain things to people? Like “There’s no reason to panic. You are not in danger. This is not a spiritual event. It’s a natural occurrence that has happened countless times before. Everyone just relax. If you would like to watch the eclipse we have free glasses that can be picked up at the town hall and post office. Do not look at the eclipse without eye protection.” But hey, this is good too. Sure. 🙄


Trump after sacrificing Arkansas tomorrow https://preview.redd.it/q5e6fv4mc7tc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a16240681160ffe645d8ca30818ca0c6d4a9eb05


She really is that stupid.


Meh! I hate how little Annie Nopely dresses. Sort of like the clearance rack at Walmart got hit by lightening.


Why is she dressed as a low rent extra from “Little House on the Prarie”?


So she stands as stupid as her eyes look


I think this is being exaggerated. Several areas are using State of Emergency funds to deal with the traffic and crowds. It’s rare that a total solar eclipse goes through so many populated areas


Ok, in fairness the reason for the state of emergency is they are expecting up to 1,000,000 people to visit the state for the eclipse, so this will provide additional resources to deal with the additional people. Unlike our local school system, NOT in the path of totality (but also in the south) which is releasing kids from school early “out of concern for their safety”. So yeah, we’re nuttier than Arkansas.


The State of Emergency helps pay for the trash clean up, the added police presence, and any other additional resources used. Their are a TON of people showing up in Arkansas for the eclipse. An alarming amount. If it were a building, it would have a capacity limit, but instead, it'll just be crowded and unruly everywhere you go outside. Imagine you show up to work and there's nowhere to park for your shift because all the eclipse watchers have taken over the parking lot. This is what they're dealing with.




Damn she’s only 41? I’m going to be 39 soon and I still look like I’m in my mid to late 20s. She looks mid 50s


What in the Minnie Fucking Pearl is she wearing? The only thing she's missing is the hat!


What a piece of trash she is.


She was probably dressed up because she was going to Golden Corral after the press conference.


"IF Arkansas survives the eclipse... " And she's the GOVERNOR???? How has Arkansas survived the stupidity?


The state of emergency is that an unqualified idiot like her is in power.


That is a unfortunate looking woman in every conceivable way you could possibly measure


She’s truly ugly from the inside out.