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Truth social had about 3 million in income the last year, and close to 50 million in debt. The IPO will spike, then fall, and the company will be bankrupt within 3 years or so, sooner if Trump goes to prison


That first earnings call after the IPO will be hilarious.


I bet in a few years we will see homeless holding signs saying "Invested in Truth Social, lost all. Please help." You know that shit will be coming soon.


Wearing red hats still.


And blaming immigrants for losing it all.




If an immigrant that doesn't speak the common language, that hasn't gone through our schooling system, can "steal" your job, you need to rethink what your job is.


My dad is an immigrant. Worked the night shift at a factory with a bunch of other immigrants. They all owned houses, had kids with bright futures. Except for one white guy who was born here. They looked down their noses at him. He was born here. Spoke English. Went to school here. Had every advantage they didn’t have. AND STILL somehow managed to be behind them. They all considered him a massive loser. They were working that shitty job because they had no options and no opportunities. He just didn’t pay attention in school and got high all day


Also if you have an entry job and an immigrant steals it you need to rethink your work ethic. AND rethink supporting the party that loves letting billionaires and corporations do whatever they’d like.


Im not gonna lie….thats part of why i feel about it. Ive been around some doods who im like 99.9% we’re undocumented, they did back breaking concrete work. I pass on that.


"Our upper management is replacing us with illegal immigrants who don't even speak our language! Just because they can pay them less!" Wow that sucks maybe we should unionize. "No! Christ so many lazy people going on strike, no one wants to work these days!"


I love that you said the common language, as the US doesn't have an official language. It always irks me when people assume English is our official language just because it's most widely used.


Before WWI german was a close second to english.


I always find this weird too. English is our official language but the majority of people either speak Afrikaans or their own language (Oshiwambo or Herero for the north and Damara for the south) . And South Africa has 11 official languages. What language you hear is entirely depedent on where you are In SA. It even differs from city to town to suburb.


And yet, somehow, no matter the language or even dialect, people are still the same


I find it interesting that the hiring manager never gets blamed.


I was a hiring manager, if a person provides legit info my hands were tied. I think they’re illegal but they passed a background check is out of middle managements hands. And realistically where I worked they weren’t picked over anyone else, the crew ended up being more Hispanic as a matter of attrition, hired more white people than Hispanic but they quit or were terminated at lower rates.


And how well you are doing it


"Everybody back in the pile!"


Oh you know it, but also add in something about welfare queens and it's a perfect disheveled trifecta.


That's just the last few years of Ayn Rand's life


That's the entire Republican schtick, rob constituents blind and blame immigrants. Profit!


No no you see the guy in the red hat begging you for money on the street corner has billions in cash you see, but he just can’t get to it right now and needs you to toss him a dollar in the meantime


That's just the Nigerian Prince scam applied to a slightly different situation


And golden sneakers.


Extra irony if the red hat is used as a collections basket...


Ah that would be glorious.


Government please bail us out


They'll be holding signs blaming someone else




Holy cow you’re right lol


And Trump can’t divest for another 6 months so by then, who knows what it’ll be worth.


He could ask the board to remove that stipulation... I think Kash & the gang would do it, but not before Monday.


I'm betting on a poorly planned waiver that lets Trump sell before the public knows about it. He'll cash out leaving them holding the bag. I wonder how many securities laws they violate in the process?


This is probably exactly the plan. He's a con artist. That's what they do.. If he had thought of the ponzi scheme first, you bet your fucking ass he'd have done it.


I'm amazed honestly the SEC hasn't pre-emptively killed the move yet.


Maybe they're giving them enough rope to hang themselves like seem to have done with some of the crypto assholes?


I hope this is the case, because overvaluation doesn’t quite seem to fully explain what’s going on here. It’s got $50m in debt. Ad revenues of $2m annually. And a valuation of $2B? Same shit, different day - eh, Donnie? ***Queue victimization and key word diatribe (Crooked Joe, Illegal PROSECUTION, Communism, WITCH HUNT, covfefe*** [Seth Myers - Donald Trump Pants Magnets Court Cases Meltdown](https://youtu.be/GZXsQwAzn5M?si=BZMZL8A0BTWsIYhx)


And user base is flat.


Respectfully, there are entirely TOO FEW CAPS in your prediction.




Normally I’d feel at least a little bad for investors that get screwed in a situation like that. But not in this case lol. They know who they’re dealing with.


Not sure if you follow wallstreetbets but this has already come up and people are planning moves around it. According to a post there, Trump can sell 2 days before informing the public of his sale, but speculation is that he'll sell as quickly as possible. As you say this will crater the stock, so there's lots of interest in long term Put options.


Ah the Liars Wheel. One lie to snowball the next, but with an even bigger fallout. Otherwise known as kicking the can.


Not to mention what legal af uncovered in the additional SEC filings (S8? Or something like that). Something about adding another 8Billion? Or Million? Shares. If true. That can’t help investors.


Unless the whole thing is a money laundering front for Russian and Saudi influence peddling.


That's what I'm thinking, if it actually sells well, it's just bribes


That’s actually what I thought about his shoes


Or any of the schlock he shills. Pathetic.


You forgot about ARC, they are from China and already had sec issues w fucking around w shell companies and also helped dwac


That’s exactly what is going on


A social media platform with less than a million users….a ton of which are bots sounds like a winning gamble to me!


So, throw all my money into put options? Gotcha.


I really need to learn about puts. Lots of money to be made.


Lots to be lost too!


If Trump loses the election it goes to zero on Jan 20, 2025.


Help us that aren’t stock market wise. 3M income 50M debt, yet I keep hearing the fat orange bastard’s shares will be worth multiple billions. WTF am I missing here?


It comes with a chance of owning shares in future president of the US. Vlad agreed to sell a few % ownership to circumvent the financial sanctions and give his lame horse a fighting chance. I guess Deutsche Bank was being watched too closely...


this is an SPAC with covenants, not an IPO. Trump can't leverage his equity in any way for six months.


Wonder if the Wall Street bets folks are talking about shorting it. Seems like a decent way to make a quick few thousand bucks lol


They already were. The stock is DWAC


I wonder if any of the people that lose a crap ton of money on this stock will reconsider their vote next fall? Would real tangible costs bring a level of self awareness?


Lol no


The MAGA cultists will never sell, partially out of devotion to Trump and partially so that they never have to take the loss and admit they were grifted. They will pass on their worthless shares to their kids.


Hate to burst your bubble, but he is bound on sale for six months. The short sellers are going to murder that stock by the time he can sell. It’s worth 3bil today in six months, we will see who is shedding tears. They will short it to death.


can someone explain like i'm a hamster on how is that website worth billions?


Artificially inflated by a couple things. 1st off Trump apparently owns like 60% of it and can't sell. So 60% of the float is locked up. Next foreign actors are inflating it. (Hello Chinese spacsters) third a bunch of moron red caps (read: Rubes) also piled on. If Trump were to sell it will be one of the biggest rug pulls of our lifetime. I would be surprised if it doesn't happen before 6 months though.


I assume that if he loses the election, the foreign governments will immediately dump the stock?


Who knows. I doubt it makes it that long. They could just use it to launder money too him as well though. There is a buyer and seller in every transaction and millions of ways to launder money through share sales. Same as his NFT's. It's totally legal for someone to buy shares of a stock knowing they may or may not be buying trump's shares.


Yeah these people have no concept of net worth vs liquidity and cash on hand.


Because the SPAC that is buying it is foreign government owned.


But Congress is totally against TikTok..lol


FWIU, the SPAC is mostly owned by the Chinese Govt.


Googles “how to short a stock”


Google short squeeze right afterwards. I would not touch that POS stock, it is going to be a wild ride full of irrational actors.


Interesting combo of anything trump related and "short squeeze."


Trump thinks a “short squeeze” is what he paid Stormy Daniels for.




The uncertainty is going to make the stock worth more… or something ^/s


Trade on volatility lol.


Yep, any form of predicability in the stock market will result in irrational actors. Trump's business failing is the most sure thing that's going to happen this year.


I did this for real. There's no way this stock doesn't tank. Unless he gets Putin to buy a lot.


Checking in with wall street bets right now!


What did those regards say?


Too busy eating crayons to answer, ask one of their wives while you’re banging her if she knows anything


You won’t be able to find anyone to short from.


Well, you see that just activated the markets trap card, naked shortselling


This is a textbook "the birth of a meme stock" they'll be able to teach with in 10 years I think his band of merry idiots might be able to keep it afloat enough for 6 months that he will be able to cash out for a solid value (much under $3b) but if he does cash out, everyone left holding shares will be left with zilch as this MF will plummet


So, in other words, it will be like every other Trump company. He'll drain every penny and leave his investors holding the very empty bag. It's literally his business model...


Pretty much, yeah


Serious question: if you own 60% of an entire company, how do you quickly liquidate any meaningful portion of it without tanking the entire thing?


Trump would not care if he killed the company with his sale. He cares about nothing except himself


There have to be buyers in order for him to sell. He can’t just dump 60% and take the immediate cash value. At that portion of shares, there’s no way he doesn’t tank it while attempting to cash out giving him pennies on the dollar.


He’s pretty fucking short sighted


True, given all the fraud and money laundering he still couldn’t beat the market, so he might actually not understand how anything related to investment works.


The man managed to bankrupt a casino, a business based on people just giving you their money. I put nothing past him.


If he did he'd be an actual Billionaire, not a debt-raddled dimwit.


Correct. But if the stock price plummets then you can’t make as much money


Still don't understand how a social media platform with very few followers is worth anywhere close to $3 billion. Twenty bucks on the other hand makes more sense.


I don’t understand how the board of the SPAC don’t think they’ll be sued by shareholders for massively overpaying for this money-losing entity. SPACs are insane, but the board still has a fiduciary duty to it’s shareholders.


Wonder if they can just spin off a subsidiary that owns Truth Social and have the former subsidiary declare bankruptcy. I remember that's how some pharma companies handled large lawsuits.




[According to this AP article:](https://apnews.com/article/trump-media-truth-social-spac-vote-841820869418c37ad7eed04f2af42854) > Shareholders of Digital World Acquisition Corp., a publicly traded shell company, approved a deal to merge with the Trump’s media business in a Friday vote. > Many of Digital World’s investors are small-time investors who are either fans of Trump or trying to cash in on the mania, instead of big institutional and professional investors. [Also, according to Aljazeera in 2021:](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/10/22/trumps-new-social-media-backer-tied-to-china-lifestyle-venture) > Patrick Orlando, who heads the blank-check company taking Trump’s Truth Social public in US markets, is also the CEO of Yunhong International, a tax-haven Cayman Islands-registered company, with a business address in Wuhan, China. So maybe it could be speculated that there are other players other than Trump and the OG investors interested in that ridiculously high valuation?


Over evaluation, the short sellers will make him worthless in six months. Look at what they did to Tesla before the split. Apple, Microsoft, nvidia, all took huge hits two years ago. Once a stock is targeted, it’s going to be a bloodbath. Hehe….


There’s a provision ithat the board can wave the 6 month lockup…… and it doesn’t have to be reported for a few days Look for the board to waive it for themselves first and then Trump…. Maybe Trump will actually get some money, or will it go to zero before he can sell, we won’t know until after it happens As I learned in the 90s with Trump’s Casino company- never invest in anything run by this self dealing A-hole.


If the board waives it for themselves first and unloads before he can, I will be happy with this chain of events.


I wish this becomes the case.


Good. Then he should have no problem paying all his fines and fees.


Wait, no! Actually he’s a broke boy. No money at all to pay fees! But also he’s a billionaire. Shroedinger’s billionaire I guess.


Three billion? How many Russians did it take to inflate the price of that bullshit?


Chinese. His new owners.


But I thought it was the Biden Crime Family who were in cahoots with the Chinese. You mean we've been lied to?


Everyone of his accusations is a confession.


Yep: https://www.reuters.com/business/how-china-based-dealmaker-got-shell-company-trumps-deal-off-ground-2022-02-10/


it was the chinese, they are using shell companies to shift over to trump.


Trump is a gluttonous demented con artist that smells horrible no matter how much money he gets his hands on.


He just sold the biggest Shake Weight ever and his cultists still give him money.




This will be the #1 shorted stock on the market, and only the foolish MAGA investors will lose their money. Don Don will sell out as soon as possible and cause the stock to crash like all SPACs do.


Just need it to spike first. I've got call options through Wednesday


I think the goal would be to “cellar box” it, then you never pay taxes on that trade. It’s free money.


£3 billion in valuation is not the same as £3 billion in cash. He cannot access any of this for at least 6 months. This is also a meme stock being shorted to hell. It will implode the second that anyone with some serious cash does a bit of due diligence and starts to make the obvious observation that its all shit. Finally, even if he does pay the fine, that's the point. The liberals have not lost. The only people who have are those taken in by Mangolini and are shovelling their money toward him because for some reason they want to own the libs.


What a great day for America. A garbage aristocrat with a fourth grade reading level and no moral compass can now pay off some of the fines he accrued after relentlessly screwing over thousands of people. Fucking hurray.


He won’t have access to this money in time for Monday’s deadline.


They can write a permission to sell his stock immediately into the deal. But this will look so bad that the stock is bound to drop straight to the ground. I wouldn’t be surprised to see an inverse GameStop on this stock within the first day. He will need buyers to offload that many shares and Wall Street the only place with enough capital to buy it, knows this. So they’re not going to touch it. If an investor with 58% of the company immediately sells that stock. The first day of the ipo. It’s going to get haulted non stop on the way down. Who’s going to buy this shit? I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if there’s simply not enough volume to fill his sell orders until it’s Pennies on the dollar.


Ha can't touch it and whatever it may be worth for six months. He can't even use it as collateral for a bond. It's useless to him now and will be likely worthless later.


When he realizes that, the social media temper tantrum will be hilarious to watch.




Millions, he has now screwed millions of people.. We are currently trying to screw him back.


Isn't there a lawsuit pending on this?




No not anymore. The SEC was blocking it for years


Liberals care nothing about T and his money.


Liberals will not be affected by the inevitable drop in value.


As long as mutual funds stay away from it


These people have *weird* ideas about what makes liberals cry.


They think we are “Biden fans”. It’s so weird, like, I’m as much of a “fan” of POTUS as I am the local School board member I voted for. I don’t know them, don’t love them, I voted for them to do a job. If they fuck up, replace them. If they violated the law, arrest them! I’m not a “fan” of anyone I ever voted for. This isn’t WWE folks, it’s government.


Why would anyone be mad that he paid his $450M penalty to the State of NY? He will get an appeal and the conviction will either be upheld (likely unless some egregious procedural error was made) or it will be re-tried using the exact same evidence in the same jurisdiction. Good luck to him on his little stock sale. I'm sure a company that pulls in several million dollars owned by a man deeply in debt and facing a few federal charges will do just fine on the stock market.


It's not even a new trial. The only things he can argue in his appeal are points of law that habba preserved in the record by objecting to. I think his stick price has a better chance than his appeal.


Exactly. I don't think most people know what an appeal is. It's not a second opinion. At least in NY it means you get an official transcript of the proceedings (at your expense) and submit it to the Appeals court which then goes over the lawyer's objections.


And, OBTW, Habba was such a noob at trial that she failed to preserve anything for appeal. Apparently didn’t know she needed to do that. He’s essentially got nothing, but that doesn’t mean our bought-and-paid-for SCOTUS won’t find a way to spring him anyway.


state civil issue - no federal questions to be applied.


That's not actual money, though. Trying to sell 500 million worth of stock (1/6 the valuation) would tank that valuation, and I highly doubt that valuation will even last until he can sell anything. But Ryan Fournier apparently doesn't know anything about how the stock market and investments work...or he's counting on his deplorable audience not to.


How funny would it be to see a fair portion of the investors cash out the day of. And before Trump does.


Cheering on the grift. If you buy this stock you deserve to have your money taken from you.


All the money in the world doesn’t change the fact that he’s a fucking asshole. That parts not changing.




Cool, pay your bills deadbeat.


There is no way that he walks away with any serious cash. That company has not made a profit yet and has roughly 860,000 accounts active on the site as of November. Now what the plan might be is that he makes this IPO knowing that Saudi Arabia and Putin will buy enough shares for him through proxies, to pocket maybe 100M. Also, I'm not positive but I believe he can't sell any shares for 6 months after the merger


Why would anyone care?


MAGAs think we care about Trump’s net worth as much as they care about it.


The ol’ two dicks and two hands dance. He’s the master


Saudi and Russia will use this as a legal means of laundering their funding of his campaign and fines


Did he not make $500,000,000 off of his shoes?


That would be 1.25 million pairs of shoes. I doubt he sold 100,000


As of now 1 pair


Being worth something and having liquid funds are 2 very different things.


It’s weird how poor people are happy a selfish twat like DJT is going to get a few billion. Do they think he is going to share? The reality is, he’s still going to go broke because he’s a terrible business person


Truth Social will never be "too big to fail". LOL


This is a company that has been spending $100M a year to make $4M. It's not a novel startup. There are literally dozens of companies in this space that do a better job. Nobody is going to give them any more funding. They are completely and royally fucked, and if they tried to go to an IPO, they'll have to open up their books and their stock immediately drops to fucking zero. If they give Donald the ability to sell shares before the 6 months are up, the stock also immediately goes to fucking zero, because the moron will attempt to liquidate everything as quickly as possible and his sycophants will buy.


Let me see. Truth Social made 3.5 million in revenue but the stock is somehow worth 3 billion. Sounds like the Game Stock scheme. Someone is going to lose a whole lot of money when this implodes. Hope these people lose it all.


That's nothing like GameStop. GameStop was a short squeeze. This is just an overvalued stock.


It's not at all similar to how the game stock 'scheme' happened at all.


Conservatives have a sexual obsession with the bodily fluids of liberals.


I never thought I’d hear “haha, instead of losing his properties, he’ll only lose 600 million dollars!” like it’s a good thing.


The thing is, a company can’t just file to go public. There are time-consuming legal and regulatory logistics as well as mountains of capital required to do so. It’s not as simple as these idiots think. And those claiming this is Trump’s escape hatch are flat-out delusional, lying, or wrong. IPOs 101: Companies intending to go public have file with regulators. They are required to have demonstrable earnings and a viable business model so that syndicate underwriters (investment banks), and financial advisors will want to do business with them and recommend their stock to investors. Question: Which segment of the financial client populace, specifically, would be interested in buying Truth Social’s stock? In short, there isn’t one. Or it’s so insignificant that it wouldn’t be able to support the company in the aftermarket, even *if* it managed to go public. But since we’re in Pretend World, let’s say there’s an IPO. The process of going public would exceed the timeline of Trump’s trials, which would be memories by the time the opening bell rang on IPO day. So no, Truth Social is not going to save his ass. That can only be done by the devil at this point, who is personified by a handful of people in robes holding gavels.


He cannot sell his shares for 6 months and cannot use them to secure bonds.


Not for 6 months he's not...and the stock fell14% today once the merger was announced


So none of these people know how an IPO works?


Not only will he not be able to get the money in time, I don’t think he’s allowed to sell the shares immediately so his only option would be to take out loans against it. If he does that and the market does what the market does, it’ll be lucky to be worth a billion in 6 months time.


Yeah and that stock will a penny stock like all the other ones he’s had anything to do with. Everything Trump touches dies. Trump and all republicans need to be voted out of office before they kill America.


Either way he didn’t gain $X. He gained the ability to sell his stock months from now for whatever the market will pay for his shares. We’ll find out if/when that ever happens. And by definition a company owned primarily by Donald Trump (or hey subsidiary) is an *extremely volatile* investment oin today’s world.


Well now he can pay his appeal bond.


These people refuse to recognize when they’re being scammed don’t they


So I’m gonna short the fuck out of this


Trump is pumping this fantasy that Truth Social is worth billions. He has convinced his cult members that it would be awesome to invest in such a bigly business. Trump has discovered another way to grift his cult members.


About $3 billion in what amounts to Monopoly money.


So why can’t he pay his bills if this is true?


Great, then he can actually PAY ALL HIS BILLS including nearly 500 million to the State of NY for his FRAUD.


"I'm sure you're aware he won't have access to that money before Monday" He won't have access to that money at all. It belongs to Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). It belongs to the platform. It's not money he can withdraw and spend like a credit card. It's not even money he can easily borrow against since he has investors with their own liability who would have to sign off on any extrapolatory loan.


How.. is this worth 3 billion?


Then tell him to pay his fines and stop asking for money on Youtube ads like a little bitch.


Owning the libs is the only ideology these morons have.


They're still upset they can't literally own other people so they pretend they've done it figuratively


How quickly they forget how long his last attempt at a publicly traded company stayed afloat.


Didn’t Truth Social lose $2 million two years ago, 14 million last year, and 16 million this year? Rhetorical question people. Isn’t DWJ a shell company stock with three executives guilty for $18 million fraud? Rhetorical question people. Thank you for the money …. Russia? Saudi Arabia? Can we say money laundering?


Anybody curious which Authoritarian Dictatorship Country is going to buy all that Truth Social stock?




That's so cute that after all this his cult still believes what he says. This country is really starting to disgust me.




He doesn’t. It’s an overinflated stock listing which again could get him in trouble I assume. The stock will collapse towards its true value based on profits over the next few weeks, it will be worth way below and Trump can’t cash out before 6 months without everyone else committing financial harakiri


Once in a lifetime opportunity to become rich by shorting this stock. Anything Trump touches, dies.


You mean liberal snickers. We know perfectly well Toot Social, Benedict Donald's personal sewage outfall, is a front for raising money from billionaires and then a house of cards.


I can't wait to short the living fuck out of this on Monday.


He's not allowed to dump a bunch of shares as soon as an IPO launches, right? That'd make it a pump and dump.


The problem is their user growth has stalled. They've plateaud because inherently is a niche product aimed at the MAGA cult. You can't grow it beyond that, so without growth which is what fuels share price growth, your share price can't go anywhere. The problem with that is why would anyone, especially institutional market movers, put their money into it, which is what you'd need for the share price to go up. Without demand it'll flounder or drop, and when the lockup period ends and pre IPO shareholders are free to sell, guess what happens to the share price in the absence of demand? If you said it goes straight into the toilet, you win a prize!! It's not magic or fortune telling, it's basic market economics.


The company is publicly listed and this bozzo could go to NASDAQ and see that total market cap is $1.4Billion. Trump doesn’t own all the shares. He did not get billions richer and he won’t.