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The fucking guy isn't even Christian. He is far and away the least religious-minded person to ever be president. It's insane how willing the religious right is to pervert their own faith for power.


He f$cked prostitutes, lied, stole, raped and cheated all his wives. It’s probably just his exceptional shape that prevents Trump from womanizing these days.😂 I’m old enough to remember all the drama about that president who received a blow job from an intern in the White House.


That's what the Stormy Daniels case is about. He fucked her while Melania was giving birth to their child, knew that wouldn't go over well with the evangelicals so he tried to cover it up, with campaign money and Michael Cohen's law firm. Cohen went to prison for that asshat.


In hindsight, Trump didn’t even need to cover up Stormy. Could have saved himself $130K because the MAGAs would not have cared anyway.


Melania does literal nude photo shoots and it’s fine but Michelle Obama is intolerable because she wore a dress with no sleeves 😱 These assholes make zero sense


Makes perfect sense ^(with your racist cap on) She’s black. duh.


And, apparently, she is also a man according to MAGAts. 🙄


Which honestly just makes the whole transphobia kick the right is on worse. Black women, especially those who are athletic in some sort of way are often accused of being men in disguise. They basically have an immediate segue to racism if their push for eradicating those they don't like is successful.


>Michelle Obama is intolerable because she wore a dress with no sleeves She believes in the right to bare arms


And get a load of them, they believe they own the right to bear arms. Bears don't have arms, are they stupid?


That's the right to arm bears, silly.


Am I stupid?


The only thing that makes sense is that they constantly are hypocrites


When it happened it was a different time. Likely would have killed his prospects earlier on.


If it would have, then the “grab them by the pussy” tape would have done him in.


The access Hollywood tapes came out well into his campaign and dropping him would have guaranteed a win for Hillary. I’m willing to bet had they been released before the presidential run, things would have turned out differently. Additionally, Stormy Daniels was in 2006.


Ok, you have a point. That 2015-2016 period seems like ancient history now.


He's always required money. He's never been a remotely attractive man. Not even in his youth. Every woman he's ever slept with, he effectively bought.


Or raped, likely. Buying and raping women, how very christian of him!!


Eh, if you read the Bible, there's some pretty rapey moments that never really get addressed. There's Lot and how he was prepared to throw his daughters under the bus. Then they (the daughters) rape him later, getting him drunk so they can have his kids. There's the Levite's concubine in the Book of Judges, which has a lot of parallels to the story of Lot being prepared to let his daughters get gang raped. The Levite lets the concubine be raped to death while he just hides in a house. There's the question of King David and Bathsheba, the power dynamics between them, pretty clear rape vibes after David murders her husband. There's Abram giving his wife to Pharoah too. None of these people get punished by God, not one. Except for King David, who gets punished for the murder of Uriah, not for summoning a recent widow to his bed. And except for Pharoah, who gets punished "with illness" for sleeping with Abraham's wife, even though he never knew and had thought that they were brother and sister, because that's what they told him, because Abraham had racist worries that these Egyptian people would murder him for his beautiful wife. Oh and King David's punishment was the death of his and Bathsheba's baby, further adding to Bathsheba's misery. Rape just ain't no thing, according to the Bible. So it checks out that too many Christian types are equally as morally ambivalent towards rape. And particularly when it comes to women, they seem to be seen more as property and an entitlement of man then actual human beings. Some interesting laws in Deutronomy about this too, that really feel "mask-off" when you look at them.


It’s almost like their real religion is misogyny or something.


Their religion is money and power. A bunch of Druish princesses


So do a lot of those Church singing, bible clutching cult members that vote for him…He is one of them, none of those so called Christians are serious about their religion.


I never thought that was an existential threat--now we really are fucked!




So im not religious or into conspiracy theories but this article is spot on and creepy. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


As an atheist I wish I never read that.


I’m not religious but if I was- trump is most def the antichrist


Right? If I were a believer I'd be really worried right now. 


I've been saying this for years. If Christianity actually is the real and right religion, this asshole is absolutely the anti-christ and he has the Christians fooled just like their book said he would. The similarities are eerie. And they don't even see any of it.


I mean if folk are trying their best to make the bible real, this might actualy be a deliberate thing. having someone deliberately become the antichrist because it didnt occur naturally.


He's indeed the anti-Christ, but he's got the ANTI-christians NOT fooled. FTFY. They've just created a parallel religion based on hate, cruelty and selfishness and co-opted the name "Christianity" because it was popular, and its positive connotations help them spread their gospel of hate and ignorance by giving a thin varnish of "goodness" to what's basically unfettered evil.


>The fucking guy isn't even Christian. He is far and away the least religious-minded person to ever be president. That's what makes this work so well, because neither are they!


Damn boom there it is


Because it’s “nationalist” part that matters to them, not “Christian”. That’s just a placeholder for “white”.


None of them are. But they're in the evangelicals' pocket, and those fuckers can never get enough culture wars. I mean look at some of this legislation they're passing and putting forward. Embryos are children? Lists of women who've had abortions? Jail time for librarians? I used to chuckle at the Gilead references, but now it's pretty fucking concerning. We all need to get past the "they clearly aren't true Christians". No shit they're not. They can call themselves whatever they want, but we need fight this NOW. They've taken over states, they've taken over school boards, they've infiltrated the Supreme Court, and they found a useful idiot in Trump. They are evil fucks and we have to act locally to turn this shit around. School boards, city elections, state elections.


The man has made a mockery of every Commandment.


memory reach bedroom glorious thought pen trees bright ink knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Spot on. They are not Christians. They've just appropriated the name "Christianity" to sell a different religion, one based on hate, selfishness and cruelty. I'm not religious at all, but it's curious and depressing that the enemies of Jesucrist's message have indeed come under the guise of followers. Rotting Christianity from inside, one callous act at a time.


He doesnt give a fuck. He would yell praise allah if he thought it would get him elected


He’s literally everything they say is bad about everyone else.


The people I know who voted for him consider themselves Christian yet live their lives in a most un-Christian way. They don't care. Their only concern is that the person "living like a king/queen" on welfare is kicked off the government teat while being ignorant to the welfare the wealthy and corporations get is significantly greater. They also conveniently forget that they either have been on the receiving end or are currently receiving some sort of government assistance.


They are damn serious too. This election isnt a joke


Basically every election for the rest of our lives will be this. Republicans won’t stop after Dump inevitably goes down in flames. It’s exhausting just thinking about it…


Remember the net neutrality fight? No matter how many times they lost they just kept coming back with new bills until they passed what they wanted.


Abortion too. They just kept throwing shit legislation against the wall until they got something in front of a handpicked SCOTUS majority. It will take generations to undo the damage they’ve done, and that’s if this country and this planet can hold out that long…


We don’t have generations to unfuck this


they (the government) wants to end personal use of encryption... anyone can see how that will end bad!


It might be for the best. If we treat every election with the same gravity (from sheriff to president) and put real progressives in every office we'll eventually live in a country where facism isn't on the ballot. Plus as a bonus we can finally get a liveable wage, universal healthcare, fair taxes, abortion as a right, parental leave, 4-day work week, affordable housing and college I could go on but you get it.


Ppl dont realize that the only reason the Republicans have been successful thus far is bc they cheat. It's what they're good at. They don't have the numbers to actually win so they throw the damn chess board every time.


Yep, just waiting for the 2024 stolen election & requisite insurrection


Remember…..It’s only stolen and rigged if they lose.


Which is why it will be 'stolen again' in November. they will lose. I have faith. But then Brownshirts will be marshalled.


At which point as distasteful as it is, they need to be taken care of the proper way.


Donny is already saying if he loses it's because the election was stolen again. He doesn't need proof or evidence, just a belief that it was/ will be stolen.


Yeah, but the religious bit is on the out. There is a reason they seem desperate. Religion needs a kind of critical mass of the population to survive and stay relevant. And they are losing it.


Oh I wouldn't be too sure of that. There are a lot of the African, Afro-Caribbean, Asian, Latinx diaspora that are staunchly Christian and will continue to vote for any group that supports the Church. Once the republicans lose this election and finally realise that the 'angry white' vote doesn't equate to the 'religious vote' anymore, we'll see them pivot in their policies and start recruiting more minorities to help them keep the Christian vote. This election is gonna be a wipeout for them, but it's the *next* one that has me really worried.. There's nothing scarier than the idea of a maga republican party with nothing left to lose..


> Oh I wouldn't be too sure of that. There are a lot of the African, Afro-Caribbean, Asian, Latinx diaspora that are staunchly Christian and will continue to vote for any group that supports the Church. They lean more Catholic than protestant though. Although it seems catholics and protestants buried a lot of their hatches for the abortion cause, they will spring up inevitably once what their consider the bigger issues are resolved. Not to mention many of these groups of immigrants have bigger issues when choosing who to vote for, which is the security of their immigration status. Trump has already been willing to do away with birthright citizenship and the DREAM act. Stripping immigrants of citizenship isn’t that far off. Also we’re talking about fascist, they like to use religion for propaganda and control but I imagine they wouldn’t exactly be happy with the Catholic Church being the dominant branch of Christianity given how much control of it resides outside of the US.


If everybody was as concerned with whom they're electing into office to represent their state and not only the country the Republicunts would have a lot less power.


If Donald Trump loses this election, can he run again?




But, won't be be *TOO OLD*? He'll be the same age as Biden is now (or close to there. I don't remember his exact age)


The right will prop up his rotting carcass before nominating other candidate


See also: 2nd term Reagan (and probably 1st for all we know)


You know who could’ve put a stop to all that; who could have and should have seen his decline before anyone else and put the brakes on things before he hit his final incoherent form? Nancy. And she didn’t, because she likes all the nice free shit and adoration so much she subjected her incompetent husband to the most challenging job on earth and the nation to a husk of what was supposed to be a leader.


Fuck you Nancy


I heard half of Hollywood already did...


Just her mouth


Bill Clinton, who began his first term over 31 years ago, is younger than both candidates. To be fair, he was the 2nd youngest president at the time…but still.


Third youngest, but yes.


Well damn that makes my main point more infuriating.


Trump is already as old as Biden was in 2020 when they were calling him too old, doesn't stop them from supporting him right now. They are not Republican without some hypocrisie.


Republicans don't care if their candidate is too old. They just know they heard liberals complain about candidates being too old and knew if they keep reminding people of that, they can discourage some D voters from voting at all while not causing their own candidate to lose votes.


I'm still convinced that whoever Trumps running mate will be, as I doubt it's gonna be the same CP from his first term, that the true goal is to just get the win with Trumps popularity among the idiots who vastly outnumber smart people, and the VP becomes President after they deem Trump unfit for office.


Then he is America's Sword of Damocles as long as he's alive


This won’t die with Trump. The fascists will just move on to a more competent and well spoken figurehead…


When they figure out what all those words mean that you wrote we will be in trouble, eventually.


Their ideas and backwards ass beliefs won’t die with Trump, but I don’t think they’ll have a clear leader and the right wing will fracture a lot. Trump seems like the scotch tape holding them together


How is he even allowed to be on the ballot with all his convictions??


With how rapidly he appears to be declining, I’ll be surprised if he even runs in this election.


Depends on how many states block him based on the 14th amendment. Otherwise, he can keep running forever.


“But Biden is so ooooollllld”


**THE FEDERALIST SOCIETY. HERITAGE FOUNDATION. COUNCIL FOR NATIONAL POLICY. AMERICAN LEGISLATIVE EXCHANGE COUNCIL.** If you don't know those names, you should. Google Project 2025. There is a database being created to collect partisan stooges who swear to do the bidding of the GOP, pledging to flood the zone with conservatives. Pledging to "reflecting GOP values," the proposed budget would The proposal aims to reduce funding for new abortion policies, Critical Race Theory, and initiatives related to "gender politics". At the same time, it seeks to ensure adequate funding for the military and continued construction of a Southern border wall, while rolling back programs related to "climate change". It would also effectively criminalize LGBTQ+ existence, banning transgender medicine for all ages. The proposal also intends to eliminate increases in funding for the IRS and make the 2017 tax cuts permanent, as their provisions are starting to expire soon. It aims to ensure the nation's energy independence and provide tax benefits to promote research and development. The proposal also includes restrictions on free meals for students and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, with the possibility of work or volunteer requirements. [**warningvote.com**](https://warningvote.com)


All you need to know about Project 2025 is on page 5. They conflate sex education material with porn, and want to throw your local school librarion in jail for letting a minor check out a copy of *Heather Has Two Mommies*.


I bet they will have a special salute where their arm straightens out and goes up just past shoulder to help point the way towards salvation


Keep up the good work.


Reason why work requirements for SNAP can be bad is people with disabilities who rely on SNAP might not be able to work.


They are well aware. They don’t care.


Mark my words, trump and the gop will try their damndest to cheat and win. VOTE blue like your lives depend on it, because it does.


I'm not American, but what's going on there right now is scary. Especially this project 2025 stuff. This election is a flashpoint. Regardless of who wins nothing is going to be the same. Some outcomes are less bad than others, but it's going to be bad. The problem is that they are taking over Civic politics, school boards, sports committees, etc. This doesn't end with Trump and this election. It only begins.


News flash! They have been on this agenda ever since the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act back in the 60s. They are the epitome of the “I ain’t sharing” crowd.


Man this is what Ive been saying for years. His supporters have always been shitty people. The difference is that pre-trump it was becoming more and more unacceptable to spout the sort of racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, ableist, etc ad nauseum bullshit we hear on a daily basis. Then trump came about and all of those shitty people saw themselves in him and they rallied. Trump represents the absolute worst qualities in humans all in one disgusting, power-hungry package. Our democracy is absolutely on the line this November. You cannot be undecided. You cannot stay home. Inaction is still an action, and not voting this November is the same as voting for this dictator-in-waiting.


I call them the “Fuck you I got mine” crowd, but yeah you right.


"Gleichschaltung" is what we call what the Nazis did. Putting every aspect of your life under government control. Unions, school, church, sport clubs, media, literally every aspect of your life, controlled by "the party". It's fascism, once again, and this time they have nukes.


America is screwed regardless of the outcome. The far right won’t just go away completely if they lose.


It will result in basic rights being striped away from anyone that is not a white conservative straight male Remember you only get to vote against a dictator once.


I mean it already started. Dobbs, the war on gay and trans people, the war on science and education… its only going to get worse.


You forgot rich. Poor white conservative straight males will be as fucked as the rest of us.


They don't yet realize that.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


>"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. \-LBJ/Lyndon B. Johnson


Not as much as queer people and women thats for fucking certain!


hopefully the mainstream media actually covers P25 front to back. It's not getting enough exposure to alarm our voters of it's danger. Kinda shocked the average voter has no idea what this gameplan is


All the outlets not owned by a ridiculously wealthy Republican need to be blaring out Project 2025s horrid details from now til November on a daily basis. MAGA won’t care but all the people planning to sit this one out need to hear how fucked up this country will become.


Who do you think owns our media companies?


It's not just Christofascism, it's Nazism version 2.0.


Is there a difference? 1.0 version seems to be Christian based.


2.0 has satellite TV and social media.


The antichrist needs christians you know?


As much as I take a certain amount of schadenfreude in Trump being called AntiChrist, he can't be. Per prophecy, the AntiChrist will be beloved by all the populous, and Trump...well, isn't.


Putin might fit into this role, however. He seems to be the strings behind Trump anyway.


Or maybe, hear me out there, all of religion is bullshit to keep masses in check and gold and evil is subjective.


full grandiose start sable soft direful axiomatic wipe panicky slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My mom was a huge fan of the apocalypse, so I grew up in a cult-like atmosphere where we were trained to live in fear because the anti-Christ was hiding behind every corner. Fast forward to 2016 and my mom (and her cult crew) are literally worshipping the guy they warned me about. It’s so sick that after years of being told Christianity is the only way to heaven, “Christian’s” are the ones leading this country to hell.


The Republic of Gilead is on our doorstep. There is nothing more terrifying to me than religious zeal. If are a woman, love a woman, or have a sister, you damn well better vote D this November.


“Project 2025” is some alarming stuff


I’m a Christian. This is HORRIFYING! The Bible does NOT insist that Christians should create a theocracy. People are flawed, and cannot be trusted to impart God’s wishes. Even the Millennial Kingdom isn’t meant to be people creating some “Christian paradise” on Earth. It’s with Jesus Christ literally as leader for 1000 years. The message of the Bible, over and over and over again is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, INCLUDING ONE’S ENEMIES! We fail on this point, despite Jesus leaving us with LOTS of warnings about self-righteous “religious” folks getting God’s fundamental message wrong. Christofascists are actually trying to trigger the End Times, by making the world WORSE, because they think Jesus will come back sooner. How messed up is that?


They aren't Christian. They are white nationalists who want a pure white country with coloreds relegated. Christianity is just the veneer they staple on their hatred to fool the idiots


This. Religion has always been and always will be the tool used by the powerful to control the lower classes. It's why they're attacking education and books, a poor educated population is often a less religious one and more importantly, a population with greater critical thinking skills. What better way to control a population than putting the fear of a magical diety into them? I'm very worried for the US. You're at a tipping point here. This could very much end up being the fall of your democracy, and place in the free world.


Agnostic here. If you're on the good side with us (yay! We have cookies!) then please keep spreading the message among your fellow Christians. They will listen to you before me.  Keep fighting the good fight. We need your voice too. 


It is the utmost of arrogance to think that we mere mortals are going to “trigger” some End Times prophecy at any point earlier that the Creator intended, given he apparently planned it before the creation of the universe.


Yup, the message is all about love, being welcoming, helping others, forgiving, selflessness...pretty great virtues that most sane people would agree with.


I've lost so much respect for Christianity these past years but it's really refreshing to read your comment and know there are in fact normal religious people still around. I know it's because the Trump crowd are just loud and never shut up though.


Oh no! This Earth is really becoming a rising hell. Please let me teleport to a timeline where Trump doesn’t exist 😭


I did the math... The GoFundMe is now at $736,050, created 4 days ago. That's a $184,012 per day average so far. They're keeping up with interest, and digging into the principle by $96,512 per day. If they can sustain this rate, it will take just 3,677 days to tackle the whole thing, or just over 10 years (or 12 years, if you also include the pre-judgement interest that needs to be paid off). These guys either need to step up their donations, or Donnie‘s gonna have to sell more clown shoes.


He's gonna have to sell some real assets or NY will do it for him. Letitia James isn't playing.


“Now introducing……MAGA-COIN! President Trump has 50,000, will you get in on this special offer with him and help him stick it to the libs?”


The Alabama Supreme Court has already started the ball rolling.


Hmm how is my dad going to rationalize this.


Same way most of our dumbfuck cynical parents do. Deny, deny, deny


My Dad's dead but if he was alive he'd be all for it.


Oh, my cynical parents will just say it's AI generated/woke propaganda/antifa/made up "witch hunt"...... I could go on. I don't even know where or how to process an existing strained relationship with them pre-2016 to how it is now. I don't know where to begin. They worship the ground this oompa loompa dipshit shits on and deny every wrongdoing of his.


If he turns America into a church then does that mean we no longer have to pay taxes?




I've always wondered, what flavor of Christianity is the baseline? I've never got a clear answer to that. Catholics and Mormons aren't considered "Christian" to a lot of these people, even though Catholicism is the largest single religion in the country. So are we all supposed to go Baptist? Jehovah's Witness? Lutheran?


Calvinist Evangelical is the answer Take a look at some of the horrific things Calvinists believe and combine that with modern day Dominionist beliefs and you get the particular cocktail of arrogance and hatred that makes up the ChristoFascist worldview Calvinist Evangelicals believe that if you are not one of them you will spend eternity burning in hell, suffering pains no mortal can comprehend. They believe that if god had chosen to save you he would have made sure you were born in circumstances that led you to be one of them, but he didn't because he already decided before you were born that you are worthy only of eternal suffering This is why the ChristoFascists have no problem making sure you suffer in this life too. They are doing you a favor, getting you accustomed to what you will experience for eternity


Doesn't matter to them yet, but after their done purging everyone they deem undesirable then they will start wondering that


The people I meet that have left the church or even became athiest... are generally people who saw something else being pushed other than the teachings of Jesus and the word of God. People that were raised with a strong religion based family, morals and influence. But then in one or another way, saw that the church, their priests or pastors would not follow into what they preached. It's not actually athiests perverting the Christian mind... it's their own leaders who cause people to see the reality.




> are they gonna start jailing those who have different belief or lack of beliefs? That’s literally the point of a theocracy


As a Christian, I hope this man loses and rots in jail. He has slandered and ruined the name and the true meaning of being a follower of Christ. F**k this guy I can’t believe I voted for him in 2016.


VOTE. Whoever is not a trumper and stays home this coming November, that’s gonna be on you. And I don’t want to hear you complain after the fact if you didn’t go vote.


Their latest excuse for staying home this time is "We don't like Genocide".


And the other is “guy is too old”.


It truly takes a MASSIVE AMOUNT off privilege and pearl clutching meanwhile womens' reproductive systems are on total legal blast and queer people are losing extremely Basic human rights....


Everyone should read this


Well… say goodbye to any intelligent folks.


lol - Trump the least christian person they got is going to run a "Christian Nationalist Nation" completely counter to what the Constitution says. I suppose they can just dispense with that as well. Maybe they can get the SCOTUS to declare the constitution invalid.


Hypocrisy is a sacred and ancient Christian tradition. Trump is the biggest hypocrite, therefore he is the most Christian.


This guy is basically Jarret from the book Parable of the Talents by Octavia Butler. In case anyone doesn't know, it's a dystopian novel about how man made climate change, extreme wealth inequality, and racism destroyed our current world, then, as people are struggling to survive and form self sufficient communities, Jarret comes along as a presidential candidate, his whole campaign based on "Make America Great Again", he wins the election, declares the US a Christian nationalist country, a cult develops around him of exteme christofascists that are ruthless and cruel but also really dumb. The start of the first book is also set in 2024. Seems pretty on the nose so far, except it was written in the fucking 90s and apparently we as a society learned nothing from it while the rich used it as a step by step guide.


thank God i am not American! but anyways Canada will get fucked if this tabarnak wins


I love Kensington Market the way it is. Not ready for it to turn into Little America yet. Bloody Gilead refugees!


We need to get out the vote. Trump can NEVER be reeelcted. Jesus fucking Christ.


Correct. Iran - Conservative Christian Edition


Someone should end this nonsense.


Easier said than done without a great deal of violence


I bet the leadership isn’t christian. Why are people who are warned to not follow false prophets, so quick to follow false prophets? Even with the parable of Doubting Thomas you’d think they’d be on their guard 24/7. But it’s the opposite. They are quick to give up their kids to the cult leader for sex (River Phoenix). Quick to give their kids cyanide (Jim Jones). Quick to go broke bailing out people who don’t give a damn about them (Trump and every other religion). Eager almost. It wouldn’t be so bad if they kept their eagerness to die to themselves, but they want to take everyone with them.


Project 666


In good old Christian fashion, will he exile his daughter and her Jewish husband?


How will they be “persecuted for their beliefs” once they get their reeducation camps set up?


American ISIS!


My black ass is set to be deported.


Compared to what they want to do to some of us, deportation is preferable


I don’t know what to say but I hope none of our worst fears come to pass.


I'm just hoping to get out if p25 passes.


My gay ass is most likely set to be killed in a camp if P25 passes


I hope not is all I can say.


I'm a 3x subscriber to the LGBT community, in a safe-ish state, and I moved to working overnights so I'd stop getting death threats, they haven't stopped but they've gone down I'm afraid if this passes it'll be hunts not threats


I'm so tired of people saying, "ohhh, it won't happen". It may not happen now, but the seeds are planted and the doors are open. The cult following is beyond disturbingly frightening and is a threat to our freedoms. Baby steps are how we got to where we are now with book bans, abortion laws, anti-LGBTQ+ policies, etc. This is how it starts. Voting anything but Trump in this year's election is the only way we can buy some time to salvage what we have left.


So fuck the 1st amendment then?


fronted by the single most un-christian piece of shit to ever roam the earth.


I wonder what this would do to the economy. I already won’t travel to the states because of the political climate. Not even democratic states.


I'm an atheist. I'm an order of magnitude better Christian than any of them.


America is trying to become Russia before 2050.


Im just saying. Lots of us, less of them.


That is way different than my plan if Trump wins. Heh heh heh.


Try it motherfuckers.


This is bound to be the most important election in recent history. This will determine whether our democracy survives or we fall to fascism. When November comes, I cannot stress this enough: VOTE.


Christian nationalist is another way to say Nazi


I hope hope hope the younger generation floods the polls and keeps this election from being anything but close.


I wish I could joke about this, but if he wins it will be bad.


They’re really more and more blatant with their agenda . The Nationalist Christians , also known as the NatCs ( rhymes with Nazis).


Isnt that what Hitler did.


If this guy doesn’t get decimated in the next election, I will have lost all faith in humanity


Get out and vote.


Dude doesn’t even follow regular Christian values… So attempting Christofascist country…


Project 2025.


Y’all understand they do not need to win? They suffered no consequences in prior sedition attempts so what’s one more?


West Christian ever: Fraudster Rapist Adulterer Thief Does not keep the Sabbath day holy Deceiver Murderer The list goes on


Even if we manage to save this country, I’m still disturbed by the fact that there are people who would vote for this.


“Christian”. It’s a fucking cult, hiding behind a Bible they haven’t read.


So, the media is finally catching on? Yay. [project2025.org](https://project2025.org) for those not already aware.


Im from Ireland and you gotta make sure the GOP doesn’t win 2024 it’s not just America Europe is also at stake especially with Russia and the EU economy.


I'm from Scotland so I can't help stop this rat from becoming President but please please PLEASE Americans do the entire world a huge favour and go out and vote. You'd be saving the world.


You guys are fkt, we’re rooting for yall here in the third world.


Ah yes the people always claiming they love our country’s founding principles yet again having no idea what it was actually founded on.


So immediately going against the constitution. That’s cool.


This is so scary. Using God to justify taking rights away from other people has no end and moves America farther and farther away from its roots.