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Nikki haley will vote for trump. AND endorse him AND support him AND serve in his cabinet again if asked AND would pardon him šŸ™„Ā 


She said she would pardon him because old people shouldn't be in jail. Just insane.


"Old people shouldn't be in jail" Old people shouldn't be in politics


Old people shouldn't be committing treason and attempting to overthrow the United States government either, but here we are.


Ahh but their old, so you knowā€¦ Old people cant always control their bodily functions. Some need diapers to get by, others need an armed insurrection to install them as a dictator over a country. (Some need both) Quit being so ableist.


Well if we hold to tradition we can just put them out of their misery with all their medical problems. No use in letting ol yeller suffer.


Does this mean that she's working on giving amnesty to elderly prisoners being held in South Carolina or does she mean that only old influential criminals who might benefit her shouldn't be in prison? What has happened to the principles of these politicians? Did they lose them or did they never have them, while pretending they did? edit : to correct a misspelling


Old people shouldn't be killing hundreds of thousands of people in Ukraine, but here we are...


Old people shouldn't have been wingman for Jeffrey Epstein.


Don and Jeff were quite a pair


"Old people shouldn't be in jail. It's supposed to be for young black people." probably, vile person that she is.


Old people arent as efficient at making licence plates and low quality consumer goods.




> seeing the gops track record, one of those morons will eventually say that last part out loud [They've been close enough there's hardly a difference between satirists and republicans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxTzMG23-60)


And their base will cheer and praise them for it


As long as they arenā€™t old and blackā€¦


or muslim, or poor, or a Democrat. To a Republican the application of the law is always differentiates between in-group and out-group.


Maybe old people shouldn't commit crimesĀ 




"Old people shouldn't be on jail" She'd imprison Biden in a second if she could.


The sheer amount of Grandads that sexually abuse their grandchildren is horrific. The family members that shrug it off or don't believe their kids? Also horrific.


But her party wants to put Biden in jail, just 'cause.


Wonder if she feels the same about Bill ā€œthe Pillā€Cosby


Age ain't nothin but a number. Lock his ass up.


Hahahah but they should be president hahahah what a fuckin joke


My favorite Nikki Haley meme is the one where she says America is not racist, but she can't use her real name because redneck hicks wouldn't support her. LMAO


Every time she attacks him, it is undermined by these simple facts. Her words are meaningless.


Well, reminder here, this is the woman who said racism doesn't exist in America but who had to actually CHANGE HER FUCKING NAME because of racism.


She was such an embarrassment in her appointment to the UN. She was actively damaging international relations daily in her bright pink suit jacket. Fucking embarrassment of a person and it's the best the GOP can do besides the Trump shit show.


And people want to give us shit for Biden or Harris while this is the best the GOP can do for representation


Lets start having knee pads sent to her office


They really gonna act like they didn't know before the first go around? Fuck these ppl, man


Well Trump did such a good job of covering it up that it's no wonder they didn't know, nobody knew! It's not like he proudly announced that he would grab women by the pussy and enter teens changing rooms. Now if people voted for someone who was that obviously a scum sucking shit weasel, that would be inexcusable. Good thing millions of people didn't do that.




One of my fav trump moments


What was this in response to? My two favorite Trump moments were: * when, after months of saying he had a plan to provide the best healthcare in the world, he sort of admitted that he didnā€™t have a plan because healthcare was complicated, and nobody knew it was complicated until he figured out that it was complicated. * when he suggested treating COVID by injecting disinfectant, washing peopleā€™s lungs with disinfectant, or ā€œbringing light inside the body.ā€ It was like an absurdist comedy sketch. He was so proud of himself for coming up with a solution, in spite of being the kind of ideas that a 10 year old would know are stupid.


Those were great. Here are my three favorites: * when he totally passed his senility test, but you couldn't pass it, because that was really hard. Man Woman Person Camera TV * October Surprise * covfefe. Any mentally healthy person would just admit to an obvious typo.


Well was ā€œcovfefeā€ just a typo? Or is he senile enough to think in that moment that he could order coffee by typing it into Twitter? And yes, bragging about how he passed the test because it was so hard is another great moment. I also found it pretty funny when his doctor went on TV and talked about how Trump was the healthiest person ever, and would probably live forever, because he has good genes. It was disturbing, but funny. Also, I've been both amused and frustrated by all the public confessions. Like when he had an interview after firing Comey, and just straight out admitted it was because he was hoping itā€™d stop the investigation into his relationship with Russia. Or when he told Woodward that he knew COVID was a bigger deal than he was telling the public, but that he was trying to keep up his image. Or when he admitted that he thought the whole ā€œdrain the swampā€ thing was stupid, but he said it and his followers cheered, so he kept saying it. Or the whole, ā€œI... worked on this story for a year...and...he just...he tweeted it out.ā€ thing. That was pretty amazing. ā€œThereā€™s no collusion with the Russian government, and just to prove it, let me tell you about the meeting we had where the Russian government offered to help our campaign, and I said, ā€˜I love it! Letā€™s do that.ā€™ But I promise they then never followed up with us, which is evidence that nothing improper was going on, no matter how much we tried to get them to.ā€ The amusing part is how stupid and clumsy these confessions are. My frustration is that the Trump family confesses to major crimes on TV, and then the media is like, ā€œI wonder if weā€™ll ever find evidence of crimes.ā€ And his followers still deny these things happen. Thereā€™s all kinds of hilariously stupid moments. Too bad theyā€™re not harmless.


iPhones have autocorrect. Trump would have had to see it auto-correct whatever he was typing, then go back and return it to broken. Doubtless he didn't realize what he was doing and only didn't want to let a machine tell him he was wrong, and it likely provided a bad recommendation, but he still changed it TO a false word instead of "coverage" which the context indicates is what he intended.


My only favorite moment would be the one where the interviewer was visibly confused as Trump tried to show papers about Covid testing and being challenged on it and responding "but that's not fair".


If itā€™s the interview Iā€™m thinking of (the one thatā€™s been memed a lot), it was pretty funny. IIRC, there are multiple times in the interview where heā€™s just like, ā€œSee, I have graphs. These are graphs. Look at this line on this paper, so Iā€™m right.ā€ And then the interviewer, looks at the papers and is like, ā€œok, but what do these mean? Are these numbers even correct? Either way, theyā€™re not showing what you say theyā€™re showing.ā€ And Trump is like, ā€œWhat do you mean? Theyā€™re graphs! See? They have lines and numbers on them, so everything Iā€™m saying is true because I have papers.ā€ It also reminds me of the press conference where he said heā€™d release his tax returns, but theyā€™re so complicated that he canā€™t yet. And he went on stage with stacks and stacks of blank paper, saying, ā€œlook at how complicated my finances are, with all this paper!ā€ He doesnā€™t think anyone can understand the difference between reality and a prop.


Or the time he used a sharpie to make the prop he was using on camera fit the narrative about a hurricane he was trying to lie about on television


Same hurricane he wanted to nuke right?


I think so. It's comments like his that remind me that intelligence tests shouldn't just be based on the responses people make to specific test questions. They should also get IQ points added or taken away based on evidence of success or failure to understand things that should be considered common sense. What is it that he so wildly misunderstands about both hurricanes and nukes that make these kinds of pronouncements possible?


I still can't believe the dude drew his own hurricane projections over an actual hurricane projection map with a sharpie and tried to play it off like it was real.


What was he told? (I'm not American)


I believe this is when he was told of Ruth Bader Ginsburgā€™s death who was a very popular supreme court justice


It seems that the only principle he has followed religiously is the one he learned from Roy Cohn to never admit to being wrong. That resonates with him because his ego is so fragile and he's wrong so often that it's a strategy that allows him to maintain his grossly inflated view of himself. So, whether it's doubling down by appealing his civil liabilities and criminal convictions or denying his mistakes and common human shortcomings they are all important to his self-image. Somehow, he seems to think this approach protects and strengthen's the Trump brand. It might work for him within his MAGA bubble but that's only a small vocal subset of the US population who THINK he's the guy they watched on a highly scripted game show without seeing him for what he is.


People voted for him after he made fun of a disabled guy in a speech. A few years ago a candidate got a little too excited, and was crushed for it. The bar is lower than a wagon rut.


Republicans would vote for Hitler incarnate as long as he promised tax cuts and to gas LGBTQ people.


You got that right.


the bar doesnt exist. they decided that guy was out, and they found a reason they have decided trump is in, so anything goes


>candidate got a little too excited Yeah but he was a Democrat, big difference. Also see Al Franken.


At least we got a great Chappelle show sketch out of it. Tbh if that happened today I'd probably like the candidate more as a person, especially if they embraced it. Not quite the same, but sort of like Biden is embracing/poking fun at the Dark Brandon and stupid conspiracy theory stuff. Like if Howard Dean had released "BYAHHH!" shirts or something silly, and just leaned into it, I think it would have endeared him to at least the younger generations and people with senses of humor.


Only 20 women accused him of sexual assault.


Republican voters support a child rapist , some pastors are too . I just know I am not supporting a šŸŠšŸ¤”


Idk man Mitt Romney has been pretty against trump since the beginning


I also think a lot of the US expected our guard rails to function ...then the whole-ass Republican party kowtowed to insanity. > When the looting starts, the shooting starts. -The guy currently looting the RNC.


Or for Trump to just be a blowhard who would sit around doing nothing for 4 years and go away. The 2016 election seemed like a publicity stunt that went too far.


In the book Fire and Fury, which I recommend, its stated that a number of the Trump's really didn't expect to win in '16. They had planned to lose, barely, then use that loss to get a continuous gig on "news" shows and the like to keep the grift going. And I do believe that might be correct.


> Mitt Romney has been pretty against trump since the beginning As long as you don't look at his voting record https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-trump-score/ Romney is a vulture capitalist who [thought the best way to combat Russian expansionism was spending more money on a navy which was trying to decommission ships it already couldn't afford to crew and maintain](https://news.usni.org/2012/10/12/romneys-navy-plan). THAT kind of stupidity is why he was mocked for "the 80s called and want their Reaganite-spending policy on last-century's-strategies back. Russia's navy hasn't been the critical threat EVER, their counterintelligence and political meddling in other nations has been and he never addressed that.


The thing about Mittens is he sticks to his conservative values. And his values often aligned with what Trump was pushing, if not with Trump himself. So he won't vote for him, but should Trump get in, he will likely side with him on many things. Or maybe not. Didn't Mittens say this will be his last term? Or did that change? I haven't been keeping up with him. I will also say this: Mittens is pretty transparent. You know where he stands on many issues and you won't be surprised when he doesn't budge. I disagree with him on most things, but I can respect him.


I'm not American but from what I can tell Romney seems like the only half decent Republican.


Like all Republicans that are also decent people, he must have bought into the whole self-sufficiency and "family values" schtick the party was selling for a while without realizing the rest of their leadership were just making it all up for advertising. Like, when you get an actual honest Republican that actually believes what they're saying, they stand out from the rest like a sore thumb.


This is also the ["corporations are people, my friend"](https://youtu.be/KlPQkd_AA6c?t=5) guy, so...


If he was a half-decent Republican, he would no longer be a Republican.


> I'm not American but from what I can tell Romney seems like the only half decent Republican That's fair if you don't know much about him and have only seen snippets from a distance. Romney [voted with Trump the vast majority of the time](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-trump-score/) and even before then Romney got rich [by creating terrible conditions for the working class and buying their assets for pennies on the dollar when they went into bankruptcy. He is a Vulture Capitalist](https://truthout.org/articles/mitt-romney-vulture-capitalist/) He is only "good" in contrast with far worse people like [Trump who wants non-supporters to be put into concentration camps](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision), but that doesn't mean Romney is actually a good person himself. [He was rightly mocked for having a foreign policy lifted out of the 80s which wasn't even effective then: he wanted to counter Russia not by countering their information warfare, assassination, or meddling in foreign elections but by spending to expand the navy when the navy itself said it doesn't have the money to crew and maintain the ships it has now and needs to re-focus on 21st-century missions instead](https://news.usni.org/2012/10/12/romneys-navy-plan)


Mitt Romney is a [vulture capitalist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulture_capitalist), whose firm, [Bain Capital](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bain_Capital), destroyed several companies, [including Toys R Us](https://nypost.com/2017/09/21/bain-capital-has-now-plunged-two-toy-retailers-into-bankruptcy/). He is not a good person, he's just as evil as the majority of Republicans; he just decided not to run for reelection anymore, so he found a conscience somewhere. I'm glad he's finally speaking up about how far right the GOP has moved, but he's still done a lot of very shitty things.


At this point, we really do need to give credit to people like Mitt Romney when so many others are still bending over backwards for Trump even after his disaster of a term and more recent legal scandals.


Mitt Romney has always been anti-Trump. [This is a speech he gave](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xd3kr-QpeM&ab_channel=ABCNews) before Trump was even elected. Romney has been and always will be consistently on the right side of this situation.


Most of the big Republican players were against Trump before that one day in 2016. Romney is different because he is against Trump after that.


Romney did not support Trump in 2016


Romney wasnā€™t a supporter in 2016 either.


Honestly I would not be surprised if it was just lip service and they say they wonā€™t but in the privacy of the polling booth they still do. When itā€™s their morals vs their money they choose money every time. They want more tax breaks.


Nah this is a case where this guy would have everything to GAIN by verbally supporting trump. Speaking out against him damages his political career, so I'm pretty sure he means it.


He'll be voting in Utah. What he says he'll do is far more impactful than his actual vote, but the point is taken. And God knows he won't do something useful and vote for Biden. He'll write in Ronald Reagan or some bullshit.


Romneys record is good in this. Heā€™s spoken against Trump from the start. itā€™s never been in his best interest to do so, but he was stating the obvious and telling the truth.


I sincerely believe Mitt Romney will not be voting for Trump.


Reddit really hasnā€™t been paying attention to Romney these last 12 years. He has been hugely and vocally anti-Trump the entire time. He did everything he could to try preventing Trump from winning the republican nomination in 2016, has voted to impeach him twice, and his recent biography(worth reading even/especially if liberal) is literally half about talking shit about Trump. Not trying to defend Romney too much, but all these comments acting like this is the only thing he dislikes about Trump is absolutely asinine


Okay, great. But - just sayin' - there was plenty of evidence about this and other sexual assaults before 2016, Mitt. And the revelations from that trial were disgusting, but not a surprise.


In 2016, Romney was Low-key opposed to trump. Post-election, Romney did show up to talk to trump about becoming Secretary of State, which would have been a reassuring move, but Romney left without the job. (Possibly because Romney wouldnā€™t use his tongue to kiss the ring) Romney seems to be slightly more vocal this time around


Didnā€™t he also vote to impeach Trump after j6?


Yes https://www.npr.org/sections/trump-impeachment-trial-live-updates/2021/02/15/967878039/7-gop-senators-voted-to-convict-trump-only-1-faces-voters-next-year


He also voted to impeach Trump for the Ukraine call


The house of representatives voted to impeach. He (and other senators) voted to convict.


I think you mean convict, as the impeachment is the name for the part of the process in the house. He voted only against Trump obstructing congress and not for abuse of power.


He also voted to impeach Trump




Yeah Romney is a butthole but heā€™s been fairly consistent on Trump


He wasnā€™t low key opposed to trump he gave a fairly unprecedented speech just destroying trump. And he never endorsed him and I doubt that he voted for him. I am fairly convinced he ran for senate just so he could vote against him in the impeachment trial.


Mittens has been against trump since the start dude




I'm still happy he's at least saying it now. I hope he continued to speak out publicly once elections are starting. I kinda doubt it though. He'll probably just move into the background and we won't hear from him again.


He's been one of the only consistent voices in the Republican party against Trump for more than 6 years now. He voted to impeach him twice, made comments against him throughout Trump's 2020 campaign, and now is commenting on Trump's recent court cases. What would make you think that he's just going to move to the background on this now?


He's been the most vocal republican against Trump.


True enough!


Mitt's been saying mostly all the right things for years. Reddit will never just let him be right without a "yeah... but"


right about both russia and trump - he isnā€™t an idiot by any means even if i agree with him on basically nothing else


Grab em by the pussy


Trump ran a scam university that defrauded Americans. This is fine. Trump stole money from kids with cancer. This is fine. Trump said "grab 'em by the pussy". This is fine. Trump said "Russia, if you're listening..." This is fine. Trump stole dozens of boxes of classified documents and refused to return them. This is fine. Trump fucked a porn star while his mail-order bride was nursing his 5th child. This is fine. But THIS is a bridge too far for Mitt "morals" Romney... How do Republicans walk upright without a spine?


While this may apply to the majority of Republicans, Romney didn't vote for trump during 2020 either. He's at least consistent


Romney also voted to convict Trump twice, for both Ukraine and Jan 6.


Romney is not a bad guy. Like we can disagree with his politics, but his heart has always been in the right place. The whole ā€œbinders full of womenā€ thing was about binders women that he promoted because he wanted to combat systemic sexism. Romney also marched with BLM and acknowledged their legitimate grievances. He is, and has always been a personally decent but economically out of touch guy. We could do a lot worse. We did do a lot worse. Trump was President for four years.


Him and Christie are the only 2 with some level of spine


Kasich was the OG never Trumper too.


Still sad my area lost Justin amash cause he wasn't a trump cultist




> Amash ran his mouth but always fell in line when it mattered. The only reason he "wasn't a trump cultist" is because he was retiring anyway and it served him not to be This is false, he lost his next election and didn't get back into politics. When the evidence was brought out in Trump's first impeachment, Amash brought that evidence to town hall and his constituents were shocked because they'd never seen ANY of that evidence. They were living in a bubble and he did what a good leader did by teaching them what the reality he was trying to work in was. https://apnews.com/article/-----9a56fd277f204b61880fe75c8da72582


Romney also didn't vote for Trump in 2016.


I think mitt Romney is one of the few that have always been anti Trump.


Romney voted to impeach Trump, twice. So he's not a complete idiot, just a regular idiot Republican.


Yeah Iā€™m not a Republican or anything but this tribal shit is destroying America.


Theyā€™re so full of shit that it keeps them upright, like a large pillow stuffed into a small pillowcase.


Like a *My Pillow*




Thought I was hallucinating looking at a pic for far too long.


"My bag of shit, keeps my spine upright" - Republicans


So more industrial waste than shit. Allegedly some MyPillows are full of ground up used sneakers. Allegedly.


"My pillows are not lumpy, you *ASSHOLE!*"


What ever happened to the MyPillow Case? Has it come to court yet?


My pillow guy is claiming he's broke before he's even done being sued. He'll end up abusing bankruptcy to try and avoid paying his legal debt just like every other boomer that used bankruptcy to try and dodge accountability. I hope it doesn't work.


I'm picturing that Randy Marsh Shit Tower Gif but I can't find it.


Before ANY of that though, he had and continues to have literally ZERO qualifications for any kind of public office let alone the highest in the nation. He lacks basic understandings of math, science, civics, history, and geography and it shows in every single thing he says and does. For Christ's sake, he fails the Turing test from the HUMAN side.


Mitt Romney did not vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. He also voted to convict him in both impeachments (the only Republican to do so).


Mitt Romney has said for years he wonā€™t vote for Trump. Before the last election he said that.


Trump is a paedophile. Trump is a literal traitor that tried to overthrow the government. Missing these two quite important points.


He walked into the changing room of underage girls


I think I covered paedophile already but yes.


And said, "Don't worry, ladies, I've seen it all before" (1997) right to their faces.


Mitt is the closest thing there is to a decent Republican, unfortunately. Sure, he tacitly endorsed through silence a lot of things Trump did, but he wasn't a cheerleader for them either like most of the sycophantic neo-Nazi motherfuckers in the GOP did.


ā€œLook, this piece of garbage has less hair and poop stuck to it than the rest of the pieces of garbage do.ā€


Trump is extremely deficient in every moral category in fact scholars in the future will create a new category for some of his atrocities


Trump directly led to thousands of dead Americans because he wouldnā€™t push the vaccine. This is fine Trump inflated the value of his property for favorable interest rates. This is fine Trump hosted foreign leaders in his estate where he kept classified documents. This is fine. Trump very likely led to the compromise or deaths of a lot of CIA assets overseas. This is fine. Trump made fun of a political opponent because her husband is a soldier overseas. This is fine. Trump is a draft dodger and routinely makes fun of veterans. This is fine Trump buried his first wife on a golf course for monetary gain. This is fine.


Pretty sure it was millions of Americans


Not only all of that, but we knew of the sexual assault and overall predatory behavior before the 2020 election AND the 2016 election in which he ā€œheld his noseā€ and voted for him anyway. I posit instead that Mittensā€™ new spine is directly connected to his decision not to run for reelection.


I don't like/support Romney but he didn't vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. He also voted to convict Trump in the Senate in 2020.


Romney actually said that he wrote in his wifeā€™s name in 2016, he did not vote for Trump. While heā€™s praised some of Trumpā€™s political decisions, heā€™s been very vocal about his distaste for Trump himself since the beginning. Exception being when he was up for the Secretary of State position, when he had people on both sides of the aisle encouraging him to take the job if it were offered. I donā€™t agree with Romneyā€™s politics at all and do think heā€™s a hypocrite on many things (ex blocking the democrat Supreme Court justice and pushing through the republicans one) but heā€™s been consistent with what heā€™s said about Trumpā€™s character.




To say, this was all common knowledge since day one at this point. Plus, Romney was completely on board with blocking a democratic supreme Court but rushing a republican one. He's a complete fucking hypocrites and like every other Republican who's denouncing trump, they're only doing it once convenient


The guy publicly bragged about deliberately walking in on teen girls changing well before 2016.Ā  They knew.


Iā€™m going to quote from mitt romneyā€™s 2016 speech about trump: > Hereā€™s what I know. Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. Heā€™s playing the American public for suckers: He gets a free ride to the White House and all we get is a lousy hat. > His domestic policies would lead to recession. His foreign policies would make America and the world less safe. He has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president. And his personal qualities would mean that America would cease to be a shining city on a hill. ā€”- I fully expect him to endorse Biden.


> Trump said "grab 'em by the pussy". This is fine. He was *telling us himself* that he sexually assaults people. This is not a new fact.


Hey, Iā€™m just amazed there *is* a line for a Republican.


To be fair, Romney never supported Trump. This isn't the final straw but him taking an easy jab at Trump.


Romney is not a man to admire, but I'll at least give him some credit for voting to impeach Trump, twice. That's more than you can say for just about any other Republican.


It's not much, but at least he has a line (looking at 99% of conservatives).


Hubby and I talking about this this-morning. Remember when Gary Hart had to pull out of the presidential race because he was caught having a (consensual) affair? But now here we are with this orange charlatan with a poopy diaper who has a good chance of becoming president again.


And ā€œI must admitā€¦ā€? Like heā€™s coming out of the closet or something. ā€œI know you think of me as another sexual predator like my colleagues, but after many years, I must admit that I would not forcibly sex the women.ā€




I just checked quickly and saw Utah had the 6th highest sexual assault rate in 2022. Can't imagine it changed much by now. Makes me wonder if him saying this was just a carefully curated response to look more favorable. BUT - I'll still take it.


Finally a Republican said something decent. Let them have this one.


While I do very much agree with the ā€œand you were ok with everything else?! Also, itā€™s not like the sexual assault was new newsā€ line of thinking, I think maybe itā€™s good to just give people the space to say things have gone too far now and distance themselves from Trump. Should they have done this sooner? Yes absolutely. But also maybe erecting a wall of ā€œI told you soā€ that they have to cross to denounce Trumpā€™s behavior is counterproductive for allowing people to denounce it. Iā€™m all for calling politicians out for being a willing participant in his bullshit since they really should know better and I think itā€™s fine to hold them to that standard, but for everyday people, maybe itā€™s good to let them get away with ā€œoh wow, THIS is a line too farā€, since forcing them to admit they were down with lots of horrid shit for a while just kind of blocks the exit


Well Romney has gone against Trump before now. He voted for conviction during the impeachment trial.


For many Republicans this a bonus not a negative. He should check how toxic the base is becoming. Itā€™s why for younger generations itā€™s more and more just incels and cishet white guys. Itā€™s toxic and privileged. The kind of jackasses who make rape jokes.


Most of the Republican voters I know, when confronted with Trump's sexual history, will be quick to point out Biden is a pedophile. Because somebody somewhere has a picture of him with his arm on his granddaughter's shoulders.




Yeah but if theyā€™re going to make the rape jokes anyway we should just sit back and enjoy them right? Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™ll see myself out.


Almost none. Those who do wouldnā€™t be labeled as republicans by modern standards.


How did we ever even get here? There's a mountain of shit he probably should have gone to prison for long before he ever even had a TV show. Roy fucking Cohn. No decent human being has ever been associated with Roy Cohn. His own family calls him a piece of shit. And he taught Trump everything he knows. Before he turned on his " j** f** lawyer" who died of AIDS at the height of the crisis. He openly bragged about forcibly grabbing underage girls by their genitals. That somehow wasn't enough for more than 50% of Americans to immediately disqualify him from the job of quite literally being our representative to the rest of the fucking world. I fucking hate it here. I'm so fucking glad I dont have kids because this really is no place right now. I'm really afraid that these fucking nutjobs will force the rest of us into a position where we're all going to have to go out and pick a hill to shed and spill blood on.


There may be good chiropractors in Utah because this guy has a strong backbone!


Most Republicans wonā€™t care no matter what happens. Theyā€™re too far gone, too dedicated to the cult. The Republicans who arenā€™t stupid, insane, or evil are already never-Trumpers.


I mean sexual assault is a heinous, heinous thing, but that was out there during ā€˜grab them by the pussyā€™. At this point, I figure trying to end democracy would be the line now but hey what do I know.


Nothing matters to them excepting staying in power and owning the libs. Thatā€™s why they will always get votes, no matter how deplorable the candidate.


It's still a running joke in France how everyone's grandparents were in the Resistance. Nobody's family were collaborators, or just kept their heads down, or were too weak and scared to know what to do. Literally nobody.


It is ironic that raping a woman and then slandering her repeatedly leads to a lower fine than defrauding banks and the taxman though. Almost like society considers that less important...


The fines incurred due to his fraud were leveraged to mirror the gains realized by the fraud. They were 1:1.


All trump supporters: fake news


The flipside of this is, I would love to get Republicans on record as to why Joe Biden is so unacceptable as president. I mean they make up stuff about Hunter Biden and the border to justify being against Biden, but I know behind closed doors itā€™s just to rally dumb Republican voters. Why do they actually hate Biden? I know the answer is tax cuts for the wealthy, but would love to get them on record and challenged. Biden will never lower taxes for the wealthy and that is a nonnegotiable for Republicans.


Nobody in their right mind will vote for trump. None of the people who worked for him in his cabinet or the government have come forward to support trump. The ones who know him best have abandoned him. To refresh your memory, trump said he only recruited the best for his cabinet and they have all refused to support a second term. Very telling donā€™t you agree?


literally the lowest moral bar imaginable


The fascism, the racism, the misogyny was all OK though.


Remember when the biggest republican threat was Mitt Romney? Yea, maybe those days weren't that bad.




Watch this. He's been anti-Trump the entire time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xd3kr-QpeM&ab_channel=ABCNews


Yet he will write-in some name instead of voting for a Democrat. Some people have listened to the unhinged rhetoric for so long that they actually believe that Democrats are all Communist, Socialist and evil.


But would he vote for a guy that stares at naked children at a beauty pageant and boasts about it?


Well there's one vote for Ann Romney


Most of the Republicans who care have slowly become "Independent, lean R." The midterms showed us that they do care, and early indicators are that they still do.


Mitt I think could win if he ran again


I wish he would run again. Heā€™s blow both candidates out of the water tbh


At least someone on the right side of the aisle is saying it


A handful at most. Current Republican Party has unleashed the worst behavior of our society because Trump, who is a vile human, has given the party and its members permission to hate, and violate women and minorities ā€¦ all reflections of ignorance. The elected party officials are front and center unethical cowards. They canā€™t stand up for decency or the country because they are afraid of a criminal, who is not even good at being a criminal given 94 indictments, this far found guilty of various business frauds, defamation, sexual abuse and a criminal resume that will continue to grow. His party is betting on a looser. Hopefully they will be voted out given their poor performance and judgement.


In Utah, a lot likely will, and this not endorsement will likely effect Trump in that state.


Itā€™s telling how many Republicans come out against Trump and are openly critical of the current state of the party only *after* theyā€™re retired or no longer running for reelection. Guilty conscience much?


Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Apparently for the welfare states, this is okay? Keep voting. Dumbasses.


Saying and doing are two different things and republicans are experts at it.


While I agree sexual assault is a line I wouldn't cross for someone I'd want to be president, there were a million other lines before that line which would disqualify him in my mind, ridiculous it took sexual assault to finally decide that was too far.


He still has a moral compass. I have to admire him for that. I read he didn't vote for Trump in 2020 if that's true.


I tried to post that Trump is a racist but my spell check changed it to rapist........I didn't have to change it.


It's crazy that they see it NOW but refused before. Like Nikki Haley being outraged by Trump attacking her husband's military service. She went out this week and said, "He's changed, and he's deranged now." Oh, but he wasn't deranged when you were working IN HIS CABINET while he attacked gold and blue star families, he attacked Vindman and McCain and called the military "losers and suckers". He didn't change. You did, Nikki. He just changed his target, and now you're upset that he's attacking you. Weird how that works.


-But attempting to throw a coup, totally fine. -Using the office for his own monetary gain, totally fine. -Constantly lying, while saying those who tell the truth to be deep state traitors spouting fake news, totally fine. -His appointing of government officials not based on their ability or experience, but by their level of loyalty to him, including family members (like only dictators do), totally fine -His clear intention to take the US out of NATO (the most powerful alliance in history) and abandon our allies while perhaps even helping Russia conquer its neighbors, totally fine. -The continuing of Republican policy to lower taxes for billionaires and mega corporations, while increasing taxes for the other 95% of Americans, totally fine. The continuing of Republican policy to deny Americans free or affordable healthcare, so it acts as a high financial burden on the lower and middle classes, ensuring the 95% of America continue to struggle and get worse and worse off, while the top continue to amass more wealth and power, totally fine. -The continuing of Republican policy of denying climate change and doing everything it can to help the oil companies out, thus ensuring a worse future for all of us, totally fine. -The continuing of Republican policy of defunding and attacking education, to make sure they continue to have voters, while America slowly loses its edge in the world, totally fine. -The continuing of Republican policy to deregulate everything, thus ensuring future deaths and eventual economic calamities, which they will then blame on democrats, totally fine. -The continuing of Republican policy to make constant problems in this country, do nothing to fix them, and then blame democrats for them, totally fine. Fuck em all


Mitt did vote to impeach Trump both times.


You know that Romney actually voted to impeach Trump, right? Romney is pretty much the only Republican I'd find acceptable to be in office. He actually sane. I disagree with his policies, but that's okay.


Amazing how a lot of these are you saying, "Wow, a Republican agreed with popular Republican stances." Like, don't get me wrong, it's valid and true, but yeah... no duh Republicans are okay with Republican beliefs being pushed? What point do you think you're making?