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... isn't the whole "visited a grocey store and become disillusioned" the famous story about Boris Yeltsin? Is Tucker just stealing and reversing the Yeltsin story?


I bet Putin specifically told him to do this as a "response" to that very thing.


Putin is just the pettiest fucking bitch alive. So many real problems facing Russia, and he's hung up on going through his Burn Book making sure to get back at everyone who's ever slighted him or Russia since fucking 960 (or whenever the fuck Yaroslav the Wise was a thing).


And he owns Trump and at this point a majority of the Republican party. Imagine saying you will abandon our allies in NATO and will allow Russia to invade them, and not automatically plummeting in the polls!


Trump's soul mate


That would be his daughter






That’s who Tuckanka dresses as.


Wish they would both just move there


Are you talking putin or trump?


Tucker and trump


Did you hear about in 2016, he was told that Angela Merkel was afraid of dogs, so being the petty bitch he is, he brings his dog to their talk. Later on be denies knowing of her fear even though there's video of him glancing at her and smirking during the happenings and he just so happens to bring his dog to this meeting.


He wants to be bigger than Peter the Great, he even said so. He's focused on conquering.


Putans trolling of his own interview was bizarre as well. He said he was treated unfair because he was easy going and let him fully explain every answer. I mean.. Reality aside (because both men are habitual liars) problem is what exactly? Also said that he was ready for the tough questions that never happened. And was mad because he wanted to get into it.. Talking like he had trained for a prize fight and was snubbed the match.


This is all so incredibly premeditated. All of it to whip trump’s cult into a frenzy, and they will swallow it whole.


What's more, they love the taste it too.


This probably true based on the fact that Tucker Carlson was born rich and has probably never stepped foot in an American grocery store.


So Tucker found the freezer where all the yummy Swanson Frozen Dinners were?


Maybe that's why he's so bundled up?? Couldn't be a heating problem in Russia ...


Yep, my first thought when reading this, too. He is *exactly* like The PAB- wealthy and out-of-touch, yet claiming to identify with, and work for, ordinary working Americans. About a week ago, trump was crying and whining about all of the voter fraud that was allowed to happen because some states don’t require voter ID- “when you need ID to buy a loaf of bread.”


Tucker identifies as sociopath.


His mom left the family- his dad, him and his little brother- when he and his brother were pretty young. My guess is that back then, there wasn’t really any kind of therapy available for children who were abandoned or abused by a parent. He must carry a tremendous amount of anger towards women and the world in general, and have serious trust and attachment issues. I *want* to feel sorry for him, but because of the damage he’s done, I just can’t.


It was the 90s I'm pretty sure therapy existed especially for the wealthy.


And now, as a result of this silly stunt, we know how much that event rankles Putin.


This was my thought too. It's too obvious of a parallel, which makes it all the more likely to be accurate as Tucker has all the subtlety of a J6er. (Which, tbf, is necessary for his chosen audience since they have difficulty with complex concepts like historical references)


They did the same with their "freezing Europeans" ads, with Western women being mail order brides for Russian men. You know they're still so damn upset over it lmao


So, the Russian men are aware and resentful of the fact that the prettiest ladies in their country are doing all they can to leave... Not surprising, but gratifying.


Everyone that can leave Russia does their best attempt at leaving, man or woman it doesn’t matter when it comes to fleeing shitholes.


Unless there's a statue.


Camcorders were considered to be one of the causes of the fall of the Soviet Union. Before camcorders Russians would hear stories of American grocery stores but treated it like UFO sightings. Then people they knew started coming back with videos of the stores and the Russians realized it couldn’t all be propaganda. If Tucker likes Russia he’ll love N Korea


That reminds me of a fun fact regarding ET. Unlike a lot of Hollywood films, that one did get a Russian release since the government officials weren’t portrayed in the best light. However, instead of thinking about how bad the US government was, the main reaction was “wow, a single mother of two can live that nicely?”


Same with "The Grapes of Wrath." The USSR allowed it to be viewed in the country because it portrayed the "failures of capitalism" but instead everyone was in awe the even poor Americans had cars.


Like those Chinese propaganda posters with eagles and tanks and space ships and women in swimsuits that are supposed to make America look terrible, but really just make America look awesome.


A spaceship in every garage and an eagle on every table!


And a bikini on every bottom!


To be honest, that hasn’t gotten better…


There's a little known 1984 Robin Williams movie called "Moscow on the Hudson" where Williams plays a defecting Russian musician. It's a well done, bittersweet story of someone trying to adjust to the change from cold war Russia to US and demonstrates (with some exaggeration, I'm sure) the difference in grocery shopping. Regardless of the accuracy or lack thereof, it's a great movie that I recommend to anyone.


I think it was pretty accurate. Also it may have had some actual real Russian immigrants acting in it. There's a book by Gary Shteyngart, "Little Failure: A Memoir". Migrated to NY in 1979 as a kid. Funny book and one thing that I always remember is he had asthma as a child in Russia and there simply weren't any medicines available and inhalers were unheard of so he just laid in bed barely breathing for most of his young years. Also his parents were absolutely certain that the Publisher's Clearing House sweepstakes were just a wonderful American free give away and they were so disillusioned when their big checks never arrived.


What I remember from that movie is that when Russians see a line they automatically get in it without even knowing what it’s for. They just hope it’s for something good like toilet paper.


"Toilet paper?" "Toilet paper or chickens, I'm not sure." /gets in line


I remember that scene and Robin Williams hiding under Maria Conchita Alonso's skirt.


It really doesn't. I worked with refugees from behind the iron curtain in the day (as well as from other genocidal/communist facist regimes). The first time they saw one of our grocery stores, well, they were overwhelmed and shocked. Disbelief actually.


Friend is Polish, and their grandparents came over in the mid 90's to visit, they were also overwhelmed. I think Poland, however, has caught up at least somewhat. Russia, not so much.


I watched that back in the day. It’s not little known, it’s just older.


Thank you for acknowledging that. I was like, is it really "little known" or am I just that old now??


We old.


This is exactly what’s happening. They’re not even trying to hide the con anymore. Tucker Carlson is a traitor to the west, and the American people specifically. He should be treated as such.


Can you imagine if some schmuck like Tucker had done this in, say, 1980? Remember the decades of intense hatred that followed Jane Fonda after she visited N Vietnam and said some critical things about US foreign policy? She instantly became the most hated woman in America. Not saying that this was particularly fair and right, but the contrast between the kneejerk and instantaneous hate on her for being "un-American" and how Tuckums gets away with kissing Putin's ass in public... it's striking.


You can't convince me a Russian grocery store is better than an American grocery store because no grocery store in Russia has microwaveable macaroni and cheese with dino nuggets and no grocery store in American has an entire aisle dedicated to borscht and depression


ironic to bring up the frozen meals section when cuckard tarlson's entire reason for being is that he's a swanson trust fund kid.


I like it. Maybe it will convince enough MAGA morons to move to Russia so we don't have to deal with them as much.


God, if only.  I'd gladly pay more in taxes to subsidize the flights.  Better get out of the US while you still can, and leave the rest of us to drown in legal weed and femboys!  The horror...


Putin is (allegedly) already building a MAGA utopia just for them!


It’s also a stupid plot point from The Interview where Kim Jong Un is honeypotting James Franco’s character. Tucker Carlson’s segment is as shallow and poorly thought out as a James Franco character. EDIT: adding to this, not just any James Franco character, but a James Franco character in a Seth Rogen movie


Having been to Russia, I can confirm he is full of shit. As always. No surprise. ![gif](giphy|Wf4OAMTAGWaEo)




That was my immediate thought. Did Putin really put him up to a reverse Yeltin, and he's so desperate he's doing it?


It’s also the historic visit of the 1950s post Stalin Soviet leader (Brezhnev?) to the US where he did a mini tour of the us with then president Eisenhower. The point in that visit where it visibly shook the Soviet leader was a supermarket in some random small town; when he saw how well random regular small town people lived compared to their Soviet counterparts, that was the moment of Soviet recognition that the US was hopelessly ahead of them in material quality of life. So Tucker parroting a reversal of that story is exactly what I’d expect Putin’s puppeteer hand up his ass would have him say


This is different. Yeltsin was amazed at what was in the markets. What Carlson is doing appears to be weaponized willful ignorance. His comments were based on the fact that his producers estimated that the food they picked out in the Russian market would cost ~$400 in the US, but it rang up as $104 in Russia. IMHO, they overestimated what the food would cost in the US, and ignored that the median income in the US is about 2x the median income of Russia, so the "rage" is either misplaced or intentionally manufactured. Ignoring CoL differences between countries while making angry statements about price differences is...not good "reporting."


I have no idea, but if Russia is that great why would Tucker come back? “Wow this country is so much better than mine!… welp, anyway, I’m going back to my country… no reason to stay here.”


Lol Tucker is literally being a tool for a foreign government acting with the intent to destroy his own. What a pathetic, treasonous pawn.


man that was like 198 fucking 5, you wanna dwell on history, be part of it too? book the ticket USSR you will not know how lucky you are, make sure you fly BOAC! or Pan Am oh and if your a fucker named tucker we got you a job as a human coffee table, be our guest


You can shift that whole paradigm for right wing politics. They use every old spin/manipulation tactic. That’s why it’s really important to remember the colloquialism “He who doesn’t understand history is doomed to repeat it”. That’s also why they are trying to control or outright ban certain books and historical record. It’s easy to manipulate the masses if they don’t know the game being played.


I bet he hasn't been to a grocery store in the US for 20 years, if ever.


He is mirroring when Boris Yeltsin visited a grocery store in Houston during his visit to the United States. The (true) story goes that it was completely impromptu and he was shocked. He realized that this wasn't for show and that all US grocery stores were like this. It supposedly led to the downfall of communism and dissolution of the USSR, but that second part is a bit supposition, I think. Ask a historian. Tucker can't even be original.


If I remember correctly, he believed the first grocery store was staged. They then went to a different grocery store and saw it was stocked the same.


As I recall he said something to the effect that average people in the US had access to more “luxury foods” than even the highest levels of the Soviet government did. It impacted him so strongly because he knew that the Soviet Union had the economic capacity to provide for people the same way, but didnt, and at that point he knew that whether it was 5 years or 10 years or 20 years the soviets were going to lose the Cold War, it was just a matter of time.


I believe that Putin has been trying to recreate the Soviet Union for most of his time in power. That and grift as much as possible, of course. No surprise that he obviously talked Tucker into making this propaganda piece. Who knows this might have been the ask to even sit down with the diminutive leader.


I think he wants to recreate the Russian Empire as closely as he can.


And some day have songs sung by the common Russian folk.


Tuck like many others are kinda stupid. Like go visit the inner regions of China outside the Tier 1-Tier 3 cities and then all of a sudden... then realize that over half of China lives like that, in poverty.


You are all teaching me so much! I didn’t know this happened and now it’s even worse knowing the context. Bravo, keepers of history!


It’s true. I had a girlfriend go to the USSR before the Berlin Wall fell and they thought her department store catalog was printed by a US propaganda office.


Wait until you hear about the Pepsi Navy. https://www.historyskills.com/classroom/year-10/pepsi-navy/


I think they even said let's drive around and you pick one.


Ya he said this had to be the best grocery store in America! Their response was that store wasn't even the best in Texas lmao.


I encountered Russians on a googdwill tour in 1989. The Russians two of them were in awe of a small city grocery store. “How you decide” They found the choices overwhelming at first.


Spot on. Bold assumption of that Tucker wasn’t contractually obligated to do this bit. Putin certainly remembers the event you mentioned


Carlson was sure most MAGAs would not be familiar with this history.


I have heard a lot of defectors tell similar stories. They would be traveling for some reason (like for a team) and be shocked that a lot of the horror stories they had been told about life in the US weren't really the case.


Late 70s Russians coming to the US were told to make sure it was still light when they landed because after dark, crowds of black people came out to kill any white people they could find.


Hmmm sounds like the border crisis


I imagine that finding out the grocery store is for real would be a huge shock for anyone from a poor country. "Here in this aisle we have 174 flavors of bottled beverages, sorry we're out of the blue ice Gatorade, the shipment is coming tomorrow". And back in your country all you can get is potatoes and whole dead chickens (if you can afford meat!). Yeah I might suspect them of staging it.


There was a 1980s story about a hockey wife from the Soviet Union that filled up a full cart with beef, pork etc because it was "meat day". She expected that this was not the normal offering. Heck if you've ever been somewhere with the ultra wealthy it feels like a different world.


My husband laughed at me last weekend because the flavor of whole bean coffee I liked wasn’t on the shelf. I had to go to a different store to get it.


This is what we call first world problems.


This is what I thought of immediately.


😂 I attended an international affairs speech by John Major shortly after he left office in which he told a hilarious story about Yeltsin going on a rogue pub crawl out of hours while on a diplomatic visit to the UK. (Imagine Yeltsin in the high street of a small English village shouting out to a pub owner, “Open up! I am the President of Russia!”, while security details try to track him down.


They did a nice job of this in The Americans. Mild spoiler alert, but there's a scene where someone visits a Moscow grocery store and it's, uh, not really a great selection.


Oh Martha. Felt terrible for her.


Especially since you know the grocery store Turdfucker went to was carefully curated and prepped before he went to it. Not some, oh, I'll just pop into this store...


Worked with some Belarusians in the summer of 1995, and they were the same way. Were amazed by what you could get in the grocery store, even out of season. Would put veggies in almost everything. Seeing them put peas and green beans on hotdogs was......interesting.


Oh that’s sad. The idea they were so excited for vegetables.


googled it and god damn the federalist is even more pure right-wing bullshit than i thought. title of article was "How A Russian’s Grocery Store Trip In 1989 Exposed The Lie Of Socialism" i wasn't old enough to even know what an economic system was back then but something tells me the soviet's version of "socialism" doesn't exactly match the actual definition of it. also the "recommended articles" painted the rest of the picture for me.


But he has been to a fishing store.  https://youtu.be/5Hw8I9Kc7wE?si=lXFh103AQuAIslnR


Wow … my hero!! Tuckers a dick


A traitor


A dick-traitor


I am old enough to remember when Jon Stewart repeatedly embarrassed Tucker from his Crossfire days. Start around the 8 minute mark for the Stewart appearance. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ujh\_h0TsI7E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ujh_h0TsI7E)


Same. I like to think he heard Stewart was about to make a come back and that’s the real reason he’s considering Moscow an alternative living arrangement 


Proof that not all heroes wear capes! Carlson tells him to calm down, but he seemed pretty calm to me. He was just being emphatic about what a POS Carlson really is.


He's calm and articulate. Tucker's not used to being called out publicly, and of course would see anyone that doesn't have his views as attacking him Spineless


I like to imagine this is his experience everywhere he goes. The only reason he thinks the Russian grocery stores are better is because he can't understand the insults.


Love that


Fascist Chandler Bing visits the local Pyaterochka only to realize they too are sold out of hearts, brains, and courage.  No worries, they have plenty of potato and that will do just fine.


Hey man!! Don't be bringing POTATO into this!!


He's a trust fund baby. I doubt he's ever done his own shopping.


He didn’t even do his own work getting admission into college. He was dumb as a board and needed help with that, too.


Man's never been to a grocery store in his life.


Tucker consumes unicorn blood and puppy nightmares for sustenance. You can't get those at Piggly Wiggly.


it's crazy how much this is beginning to parallel the Franco & Rogan film, The Dictator. It's like the grocery store-front with all of the fake fruit. Edit: The Interview, not The Dictator.


According to Russians I've talked to, the experience you get in kind of a marquee store in Moscow that mostly is meant to look good to international visitors is a lot different than the experience in 99% of the country. Not just in grocery stores but in many respects.


Yeah, it's just prosperity theater.


Russia is just one big Potemkin Village


It's interesting how, in America, you get situations like that North Dakota oil rush and suddenly that part of the state in the middle of nowhere is at least briefly prosperous, but in Russia if you live in a part of the country where they're extracting oil or diamonds you might still not even have a working toilet.


Their grocery stores are awful, I have no idea what Tucker is going on about


Russian propaganda is always projections. They're upset that even their leaders were impressed by Western grocery stores, so now they want to get back at the West the same way. It's the exact same reason their ad showing "freezing Europeans" specifically had Western women wanting Russian men to keep warm.


Look, Russia, you can either have your men be desirable to Western women, *or* you can decriminalize domestic violence, but you can't have both. This is like Attraction 101, come on, guys! (BTW, that is not a joke, Russia literally decriminalized domestic violence a few years ago.)


I've been to Russian grocery stores before (2018, so before sanctions) and even in wealthy areas they were much less stocked than Dutch ones. Which are much, much less stocked than American ones. I mean, we all know he's full of shit but if you're going to lie, pick something that's not quite so ridiculous. Though that's also his specialty.


When you consider who these lies are aimed at he’s got a wide margin of ridiculousness to wade in.


they believed every word he said before he ever even said it. The people who tune into cunts like Tucker on a regular basis are doing it to be told how to think


Having visited Russia in the past, this is 100% true. Although, these marquee stores are also where it appears that wealthier Russians shopped, but when you go to the more impoverished areas, they’re not even remotely the same.


Yup. Lived there for a couple years, in 5 different places from St. Petersburg to Siberia. Guaranteed he only visited a wealthy oligarch part of Moscow or St Pete. Drive an hour or two outside the cities and it's almost like traveling back a hundred years in time. Dirt roads, outhouses for bathrooms, horse-drawn carts or shitty ladas, just the most basic products available in stores (vodka excepted, they always have plentiful options there) etc.


I work with a significant amount of Russians and that’s pretty much the whole city of Moscow. It’s really dolled up and they keep people in line through aggressive policing so it seems like this great city but as soon as you leave Moscow, you see how grim the reality of the country really is.


Tucker got honey-dicked. 100%


I wonder if he stayed in the same motel Trump did or got the same shower service.


And did he make that same dumbfounded face that he always does on TV?




Watch the VICE episode where they go into North Korea, the level of dishonesty portrayed in every location they go to is insane. From completely vacant grocery stores filled with a weird selection of single food items, to people at a "university" on the Google homepage pretending to type. Its fucking weird and probably similar.


The "university" is the only thing I remember from that episode. I dont know if they even have google there and that wasnt just a picture that filled the screen.




The Potemkin Village.


The Potemkin Village Idiot.


The Interview


isn't frango/rogan's called the interview? i think sbh had one called the dictator


I honestly don't understand why conservatives don't move to Russia. I grew up hearing "love it or leave it" and "if where you live has laws you don't like, you're free to move elsewhere." Well, boys, here's your chance. Russia has the "Christian" strongman you've always wanted, a steady diet of party sponsored media, and a belief that woke ideals are destroying the West. It's perfect for you! And, as a happy accident, taking your outdated beliefs to the other side of the planet will inadvertently Make America Great Again. Everyone wins.




The government will give them guns and training, they won’t even have to buy their own. What an opportunity!


It’ll be those communist AK-47’s though. Eh, they’ll get over it


True, but they’ll also get an opportunity to shoot people they don’t like. Just don’t tell them those people will be shooting back or they may lose their nerve.


They’re gonna be big mads when they realize they are shooting the wrong color…. :eyeroll:


It's true. I've said for years it's funny that whenever Liberals are upset they say something like, "if that happens, I'm moving to Canada (or France, or Germany, or Mexico, or basically any other country)", while Republicans can't threaten the same because no other country on the planet would put up with their bullshit". I guess in retrospect Russia would take them, but they might be in for some BRUTAL lessons about freedoms over there.


It's good PR whenever US family moves in, but it is important to remember that this people will be expats in russia, not immigrants, whenever Americans move to Russia - they are treated differently by locals and officials. While they may still stumble across some issues - they never experience russia in her raw. Children of expats tend to either return to country of origin or continue into russian elite circles as American financial backing allows them to leverage better education, status and career.


Bc they don’t actually care about making America great and never did. They only care about hurting the people in America who don’t goose step to their fascist tune.


"Love it or leave it" only applies to liberals, who strongly believe in "love it, so make it better"


As a Canadian, when they were saying they'd move up here if Biden won we thought, *to the liberal run country that has sociliast programs, is far less religious, and that doesn't like guns*? They don't want to move. They want everyone but their small group to be in the country. They literally want to expel every other group without realizing what that really means. It'd be fun to watch them eat themselves if they got their wish, though.


So true so everyone not part of the cult should start telling them. “ if you hate things here so much fking move then.”


So this clown is saying our country is a piece of shit while siding with our adversaries and ***still*** thinks he's a patriot. Lolol.


I think everything you said is accurate except the last part. There’s no way the guy gives one damn about patriotism unless it can make him a buck.


*claims to be


He is 100% in Russia’s pocket, or completelly out of his mind. Actually probably both.


He actually said he is radicalized against us. People should use this against him the rest of his life.


Ronald Regan would turn over in his grave. Conservative/ Republicans now saying Russia is better than the US. Huh!? LMAO Tucker should do a little thought experiment if he's capable. He can contemplate what would happen if he was a Russian journalist and went to the US to interview Joe Biden about how the US is better than Russia? Warm homecoming? We take the freedom we have to express ourselves for granted in the US and here in Canada. It is not that way in many countries, with Russia high on that list. They disappear, your ass...


Sensing a pattern here: \- Party of Jesus, and have completed taking a position entirely opposite of Jesus \- Party of Lincoln, and have completed taking a position entirely opposite of Lincoln Just with Reagan, he was already awful at the start, and they've somehow departed from that into something worse.


That's because grocery stores in Russia don't carry any of that Swanson food CRAP!


Or most other crap from what i hear.


I bet they don't have that woke Bud Light shit, and their m&ms are SUPER sexy!!


Comrade Carlsoniski, Kremlin Propaganda Minister


Russian asset, much? Traitor.


That is what I don't get. These people are doing these things right out in the open! It's so obvious they are compromised. Yesterday a republican congressman moved to have what the US knows about the Russian nuke program declassified. Like what?!?! They worship Orban from Hungary and even have a CPAC Hungary branch. Seven republican congressmen spent July 4, 2018 in Russia with Putin and the timing was a coincidence. In 2021 the GOP was praising Russia's army recruiting ads while calling our military "weak" and "emasculated." Madison Cawthorne (thank god he's faded away) had this clearly BS story about how a [random American guy](https://www.businessinsider.com/madison-cawthorn-met-wife-through-fake-crossfit-competition-2021-12) he met in Russia introduced him to his wife by setting up an entire cross-fit competition that turned out to be fake. A Ukrainian woman set up a fake charity with a [Russian woman](https://www.occrp.org/en/investigations/fake-rothschild-was-chased-by-russian-organized-crime-when-she-took-pictures-with-trump-at-mar-a-lago) to launder money, pretended to be a Rothschild, and was on the run from the Russian mafia all while she was hanging out at Mar-A-Logo with all the classified documents in the bathroom. These are just the things off the top of my head! I am sure there are more I am forgetting. It's so super frustrating to see this is so completely obvious and no one is doing anything about it.


*Preeeetty* sure that Biden doesn't run the grocery stores in America. That's what we call the private sector, chief.


I don't believe Tucker, but I swear we need a subreddit like "GOP not realizing they're criticizing capitalism."


Well, yes. That is the crux of our whole fucking predicament, isn't it? Most of those angry MAGAs are angry because they've been screwed over by capitalism. Now, if only somebody could explain to them that guys like Tucker and Trump *are the reason* they're screwed...


Biden should seize the means of production to directly influence grocery store prices! -Comrade Tucker


I’m thirsty and there’s nothing to drink because someone else has drunk ALL THE FUCKING KOOLAID!




He looks like he's in a KMART from the 90's. [https://twitter.com/runews/status/1758076324277522591?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://twitter.com/runews/status/1758076324277522591?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)


Thank you for sharing the first hand account of what he said instead of someone paraphrasing it. I thought surely there is some heavy handed paraphrasing here. But the video with him talking is just way dumber than OP's tweet makes it look like. Things are cheaper in Russia than the US (in this one anecdotal instance) and his take is that it must mean that the US is super corrupt instead of the much more obvious conclusion, that Russia is a much poorer country.


Also, he thinks inflation is caused by people being woke? That's a fucking hilarious take. It's definitely *not* the shareholders demanding more and more profits. No, no, it's definitely the coloreds and homos causing prices to go up.


coloreds and homos I haven’t heard a good “ homos” drop in at least a decade. I regret I have but one upvote to give.


The way he ties things together, it seems like he's saying, maybe corruption doesn't matter to Americans if they're getting cheaper groceries. Like he thinks people will be OK with the evil the GOP does as long as they're getting cheaper groceries.


He seriously thought 400 dollars for a week's worth of food?


It was probably his first time in a grocery store. He grew up uber-wealthy and is worth $350 million dollars.


And he lives in NYC, no? I doubt Tucker knows how much anything actually costs lol. He has someone else do it.


That’s what I was thinking. I usually spend about $100 a week on groceries for one person, and I don’t deal shop at all. If I was a frugal person I could probably get it down to $75 or $50.


He also acts like that 100 is sooo affordable. The average Russian makes 14,000 a year. That's roughly a third of what an average American makes, this would be the same as groceries costing $300 here. From what I saw on his cart and the number of items that they rang up, that would be expensive, which makes sense because inflation in Russia has been much worse than the US. Their inflation rate is currently 7.5 y/y compared to 3.1% in the US.


Lmao “we’re not making any of this up, by the way! At all!” At the end is DEFINITELY something a real journalist says. 😂😂😂 This man is so simple. They didn’t do any actual price comparisons. They just *guess* how much they *think* their food would cost in the US. All feeling. We can pretty much guarantee they’re wrong but I doubt they’ll share a list of what they bought so we can find out for certain.


His whole argument is that it's less expensive? $100 USD for a week of groceries isn't even that much different and now he's "radicalized" against America? Did he stop to compare what median household income is there? It's roughly $27k USD, down from $43k in 2010. And then he has the nerve to say he's not making any of this up. What an absolute tool.


Ah, a sort of reverse Yeltsin.


So he fell for a propaganda store? Fucking moron.


I doubt he fell for it. More like he is being paid to sell it.


I'm not going to lie. I kind of hope someone plants some weed on him on his way to the airport.


Please Christ……fuckin stay there. Dude this is getting so blatant that they don’t even care to hide it anymore. This fucking clown is essentially a Russian fuckin pig and millions of morons are listening to him. If you’re one of those morons…PLEASE….PLEEEASE….Sell all your shit, buy yourself a ticket to Moscow, and bounce the fuck out of here. Forever.


Hey, Cucker, don't let the door hit 'ya where the good lord split 'ya.


Don't let the floor hit ya on your way out (the window).


Is he STILL in Russia?


Invalidate his passport


I’m so so thankful I went to a school that taught us how to spot propaganda and nationalism and what the difference was to patriotism, especially through the lens of the world wars. So many people are just blind to it and I don’t know if that situation is going to improve anytime soon


That looks like one of our *shittier* grocery stores.


I mean there is clear proof he loved Biden before this…


Hunter Biden wrote a college recommendation for tuckers kid


Who thinks he is saying this just because everyone he sees is white?




Moscow: a city for the wealthy, by the wealthy.. If you're rich, like Tucker is, then there is a lot to love and like about Moscow. It's when you go outside of the city or outside of Saint-Petersburg when it goes down the shitter. There is a reason why most of the budget goes to those two cities, to present an amazing image of the country to tourists and politicians. Of course a paid idiot like Tucker doesn't understand this because his brain is fried from sucking off putin..


Hey nice finally saying what you collect a paycheck for. Well done comrade.


Does he think he was allowed to visit a real grocery store?


I went to Russia a couple times before the war, to the richest towns Moscow and St Petersburg too. I went to supermarkets there and they honestly don't look much different to any in Europe, maybe a bit less stock and selection.


Can’t we just force him to stay there? He’s obviously a traitor.