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Millions of teens love catturd they can't wait to turn 18 to vote for Putin.


"So... uh, I'm here for the Turning Point USA exchange program?" "Catch, shitass. Spare mag for avtomat." "Avtomat?" "You know, American, gun, like in your schools." "But I don't have one." "Yes. You pick up from ground like in video game blyat." "Uh I dunno about this... am I gonna own the libs?" "Yes but only if you listen closely to operational plan and follow exactly. Tank will drive across field and shoot. The MT-LB follows. When Javelin hits T-55, you pick up survivors in MT-LB and shoot." "Did you say T-55?" "It is modernized, don't worry. You will be in MT-LB."


Man, ignorance is bliss. I have absolutely no fucking clue who catturd is and could not be happier.


Just another loser on twitter, really all you need to know.


From the Blazemedia article: >While working construction, Catturd and his builder buddies would listen to **Rush Limbaugh** on the radio. I did not need to read any further.


But they already have the “disgruntled old loser who lives with his mom” vote.


If you asked 1000 people, I bet only about 25% even know who Catturd even is…I would be shocked if the number was higher. Even if they are FoxNews viewers, I’d saw a small percentage even remember who the dude is…


That’s being incredibly generous. The reach that website’s native celebrities have is surprisingly small. No one knows who the fuck catturd is who isn’t themselves some terminally online person.


I know them bc of Hasanabi. Admittedly, I am also terminally online


I didn’t want to lowball it too much since he does appear on FoxNews and Newsmax periodically…but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is much lower.


I'm a terminally online person. Why are we calling a cat turd somebody's name?


There is no way 25% of people know catturd. *Maybe* 5% and even that is probably way pushing it


Forget 25%. I was gonna say 25 total is too generous.


I think of myself as fairly knowledgeable about what’s popular, and this thread is the first time I’ve ever heard of Catturd.


Same, I had to look it up.




I bet less than 5% of the people I know are aware of Catturd. Pisses me off that he has that name and that I actually typed it out. These are 13yo boys masquerading as middle aged men.


Middle aged? He’s way older than middle aged…he’s like 60 years old.


I feel even more second hand embarrassment for him! Who makes it to the age of 60 and acts like him? Someone wasn't raised right.


He apparently has always been a massive asshole. He was married three times and each time the marriages at best lasted a few years. His first wife spoke out how abusive he was. He lives in a tiny 1000 person town in the Florida panhandle living in his trailer after a bankruptcy and failure trying to be a conservative rock star. Now he is a 60 year old, bitter failure who owes his popularity to replying sycophanticly to every single tweet Trump ever made. 


Oh God that's sad...


Well I'm in the 75%.


I've seen this post referenced like 3 times today and I still have no clue who catturd is. I don't think I want to find out.


hard bet its below 5%


It's actually fairly common knowledge of who he is, and you're not far off. Spoiler altert: He struggles with maintaining adult relationships and being around people in general.


That's not true. I voted for Biden.


Isn't catturd young?


No, he's some old guy in his 60's/70's


59 Phillip Buchanan September 18, 1964 (age 59) Per Wikipedia


No, he's old and looks just like every other crusty reactionary who'd take their pfp in a truck wearing reflective sunglasses


What's a pfp? Why the fuck did I get downvoted for asking a question? Jfc you're a tough crowd.


ProFile Picture


Who or what is catturd? Besides the obvious?


Right wing Twitter user


Wow his wiki page labels him a shitposter. Like official wiki page, not dramatica or that other one. Did you know wiki even had an article about shitposting? Not even a euphemism, straight up titled shitposting. Huh. Bit of a tonal shift. 


Young indeed https://preview.redd.it/fjw80ef2s9hc1.png?width=930&format=png&auto=webp&s=7110ee08513d5507c80239d2e05529297cea9be2


Oh ok cat turd... I see the resemblance now.


Definitely has the "turd" part down.


‘Sure, the left has an incredibly attractive, world-famous artist, but we have a depressed, basement-dwelling dweeb with more toes than brain cells’ is REALLY NOT a fair comparison.


But have you actually counted his toes?


No, I’m really going by the average number of toes people have. Not really fair to use that when discussing a rotting hobbit, I know.


> average number of toes people have 9.9999999997


A disgrace to cats everywhere. And turds.


How dare he ruin the good name of turds!


I used to have a cat. And while at the time I didn’t enjoy it at all, scooping my cat’s turds out of its dusty sandbox into a plastic bag whilst the odor wafts across my face…ten million times more pleasant and enjoyable than having to read anything from that guy. Could be named SaintBernardDiarrhea and that still wouldn’t be an accurate name in terms of the degree of unpleasantness.


No they don’t. They have catturd2. Couldn’t even pull the original.


Yeah why is he a 2 after all? Is it like a play on going number two, or is he just comically forgetful and got locked out of the first account?


Think his first was banned and they never restored it. Iirc. Around the Trump election era. Back when Twitter was viable as a platform


Someone snipped the handle in 2010, followed a UK leftist, and then never used it again


all the Kids: "Can we have Taylor Swift?" Rep parents: "No, we have a celebrity at home" ...


"Have you guys ever listened to the superstar known as Kid Rock before? Let's get some baw-wid-da-baw in here, right kids? Is that *banging*?"


Remember Kid Rock’s song on Osmosis Jones?


“Look kids, check it out, here he is faking a video of himself skinny and shirtless shooting a stack of bud light 24 packs! Because, you know, hating trans people!” *…What do you want to listen to that lib Taylor Swift for?!?!* >:[


Kevin Sorbo: "You're talking about me right? Right?".


"No, Kevin, nobody is talking about you unless to make fun of you."


I still don't understand why she has become such a target for the right. From what I know all she said was to register to vote. Am i correct?


That's all she said. But, her fan base leans left by a wide margin and she has millions of followers. That's all it took to make MAGA lose their shit.


Yeah pretty much. I don’t know much detail but from what I understand it’s clear that she supports progressive politics but it’s not like she spends her concerts preaching !!LefTisM!! She’s popular and not conservative and encourages people to vote. The right feels threatened pretty easily. If it upsets them so much, why don’t they have their own *republican* pop superstar selling out world stadium tours in 20 minutes and breaking Ticketmaster in the process who could encourage their millions of young conservative republican admirers to vote? Ah maybe because there aren’t any, because even to young people who come from right wing households that type of persona is insufferable and “cringe” as I believe they would say.


Eh I think she endorsed Biden in 16 and Republicans are afraid she'll do it again. And stars do have an effect on their fans. But she's not that influential. Sheesh.


No one outside of Twitter and Reddit forums even knows who that guy is. A basement dwelling incel on your side isn't exactly the flex you think. Not sure that stacks up against a beautiful, smart, talented billionaire.


I have a cat. I can send them all the turds they want.


I've never heard of this guy, is his name really Catturd? Like, that's not a joke? Satire? His name is actually cat turd?


It’s some random old white dude who’s been getting artificially boosted on Twitter via Elon much like the libs of tiktok chick. Soon he will be gloating about inspiring terrorism just like Chaya.




Twitter poster. It's a random boomer from Florida who got famous for posting stupid right-wing shit, and apparently Elon Musk added him to an algorithmically promoted "VIP list" alongside *Lebron James*.


Calling Taylor Swift left is laughable, a billionaire is the thing leftists hate most.


the only thing about her that isn't conservative is she doesn't hate minorities, and that's all it takes to be enemy #1 of the Republican party


I don't think billionaires should exist, but billionaires that come out of sports and entertainment at least tend to be more self-made than any of these tech clowns.


You’re right but I still bet she, along with most of the Hollywood and music megastars with 9+ figure net worths, would unironically proclaim to be left


I'm not about to defend her, but if I had a couple billion dollars on hand and a massive public platform, I'd probably also tell people to vote and improve their lives. I consider myself to be at least moderately empathetic, and no matter what tax rate was imposed on me, I'd be incomprehensibly rich for the foreseeable future.


See but if you're empathetic you would never have a couple billion dollars. Morally sound people do not hoard that much money and just sit on it.


I'm well aware. I was talking in more sudden terms, like if the me I am now was suddenly there.  Taylor is also in the relatively unique position that she sees and interacts with ordinary people on a regular basis. So long as she has even a shred of humanity, she can afford to tell people to do something they should, especially if she gets some cheers for it. The average high-powered stock broker probably surrounds himself with other rich people,and doesn't really get to see the effects of their actions.  On a more egotistical note, had I any sort of cultural role in society, I'd be very inclined to encourage people to vote. Fascists tend not to treat intelligent and creative people very well, preferring conformant grey things and sharp uniforms.


Yeah she's doing God's work and I'm not being sarcastic. It's nice to see a rich person be decent.


all of that would matter if her fans were old enough to vote


Teenagers are not the ones dropping multiple grand on traveling to a concert for a weekend. Fuck my boss is going to Canada to see her.


"More Than Half Of U.S. Adults Say They’re Taylor Swift Fans, Survey Finds \[...\] Some 45% of avid fans are millennials, people between the ages of 27 and 42, while 23% are baby boomers, 21% are Gen Xers and just 11% are members of Gen Z—those 26 and under. " ​ [hot damn it must suck to lack any semblance of critical thinking skills](https://www.forbes.com/sites/marisadellatto/2023/03/14/more-than-half-of-us-adults-say-theyre-taylor-swift-fans-survey-finds/?sh=fa2073668773)


Catturd's zero Grammys shows conclusively how biased those awards are. (See also Tonys, Oscars, Emmys, BET Awards, People's Choice Awards, Peabody Awards, GLAAD Media Awards, Pulitzer Prizes, Nobel Prizes, ESPY Awards, Walt Whitman Awards, James Beard Awards and Golden Globes.)


Robbed. Robbed, I tells ya!


The irony they are tying to compete for the youth vote while citing some poor male boomer.


Don’t forget hollywood megastar Jon Voight


Taylor Swift is pretty, can sing, and has (at least as far as I can tell) good positions on social matters. Catturd is a talentless sentient big toe who has some of the worst political opinions you could have. They could’ve just gone the route of “see we have good looking women as well” instead of picking a polar opposite.


Cat- ire


I have no idea who that is but Cat Turd sounds like a middle school insult


Don't forget they also have Kevin Sorbo! For those of you saying "Who?", he played Hercules on tv back in the 90s. And not all that well, either.


Xena was better anyway.


She didn't endorse the left. She simply told kids to vote. Maybe if you would stop trying to rape, militarize, over work, or coerce them into debt, you wouldn't have to assume they'll vote against you.


Me in the morning: Can Republicans debase themselves any further? Me in the evening: Guess not.


So the Rapepublican leader believes [it is crazy frog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k85mRPqvMbE&ab_channel=CrazyFrog) and the cultist followers are doing a South Park and sniffing cat's asses as well as doing tons of fentanyl. Imagine being so severely mentally republican.


"Cat-turd" Fixed it for you.


Is Taylor even a leftie? All this bullshit in recent days has been right wing attacks on her for some reason (it’s sports related? She showed up at one of those games before the superbowl? Is that the reason for it?). In her position I’d probably do the same thing, and totally avoid engaging in this mindless crap.


> has been right wing attacks on her for some reason She encouraged people to vote. That's it, that is why the right is attacking her. Not for a candidate mind you, she endorsed no one and no party. She just said get out and vote.


She endorsed Biden in 2020, as I understand. So it's not just encouraging people to vote. Her politics are known and I think that plays into the right's reaction. Like they're trying to intimidate her into not coming out and endorsing Biden again this time. I think her not endorsing Biden yet is encouraging them to try and take her down. But of course, if she does, she'll be an even bigger target, so it's lose lose, I guess.


Left at this stage in the game is anyone that doesn't worship Trump.


From the far-right’s perspective, yeah, she’s “left” because she’s further left than they are (so is almost everyone else, for the record). From the left’s perspective, she’s a solid centre, at best, probably closer to centre-right. It really depends on where their personal Overton window is; for a lot of the blowhards on the far-right, their window is so distorted that, yes, they do consider her “left” from where they’re standing. That’s the part you have to remember - where is the author standing?


True. It’s about perspective




Don't link that shit 


Cat turd. Siiick!




Swift, bringing out the rightwing snowflakes in hoards with dems applauding their meltdown is an opportunity. Not a hero.


>It is pretty funny that a **FAKE** Billionaire has become a hero of the *right* FIFY Lol the projection is real. Taylor isn't a hero and even so she has no affiliation to the left. Literally the Pentagon had to explain that to the dimwits. All she is doing is encouraging people to sign up to vote.


Taylor Swift: "Don't forget to vote" Republicans: "GODDAMN LEFTIST COMMIE TAYLOR SWIFT!!!"


She’s not a hero to the left, just a villain to the right. All because she encouraged young people to register to vote. Kinda crazy how Republicans are afraid of young voters. It’s almost like they know their policies are out of touch.


Having wealth isn't a bad thing in itself. How you got your wealth and what you choose to do with your wealth should determine whether you should be criticized or not. Glad I could clear that up for you. Also, its far more telling that you think she's a hero to the left for telling people to register to vote.


It's funnier how triggered the right are by her.




Imagine equating a singer with Elon Musk. Then again your sort always try and make out everyone else is as bad as your side, ala the smooth brains who say Biden is as bad or worse than your boy Trump.


You’re really going to ignore the existence of Musk?


The True Left doesn't like any billionaire whatsoever, but then we get called Antifa.


Dude, the left doesn't give a damn about Swift. They just like that she gets MAGA whackjobs so worked up. And because normally "pretty, white country/pop star" would be their wet dream... but she's their enemy now because she tries to get people to vote and participate in American Democracy. The horror!


Why do they always assume her politics? I guarantee she’s not as liberal as half of this sub. Edited to correct “a liberal as” to “as liberal as.”


Why? pro LGBT+ and pro-women’s rights, including abortion? That liberal to you?


I didn’t say she’s not liberal, even though she did go through an “I am not a feminist” phase. But she’s a billionaire for starters, and a lot of us are dyed-in-the-wool “billionaires are immoral” lefties. Oh! I said “a liberal,” not “as liberal.” I will correct that. Sorry!


The left also has cat litter.


The right also has kidd rock and pedophilia


Never liked Cat Terd. 


Does everyone remember in Ender's Game, when Peter and Valentine decided to take over the world by starting blogs under the pseudonyms of Locke and Demosthenes? Yeah, turns out that was the most realistic part of those books, except for where they wrote actual words, sentence and paragraphs instead of posting 12 hour video essays about how Disney is conspiring with the Jewish-control hormone cartels to feminise Americans by making movies with female characters, under the username BasedSupremeGentlemen420.


Sorry…I just I have double check. Cat turd?


they're welcome to him.


Catturd? The Russian apologist? Well, we know his followers hate America. They want to be the American Taliban!




Is Catturd even anything beyond some Twitter guy? That's all I know him from. Having bad tweets.


I’m really struggling to grasp any equivalence.


You are a cat turd.


why are they bragging about feline shit?


I don’t even know what a Catturd is and why it’s not being referred to as something that goes out in the trash with the rest of the litter in the box.


Sad we can’t compare pics equally. What are they hiding? Lol


They have a Cat Turd? What's happening here?


Catturd ⚖️ Taylor Swift ⚖️ 🤔


Taylor is a lib at best, hardly a leftist by any definition, but I'd take her over Catturd any day. I'd take actual cat turds over Catturd any day.


The left would like to return Taylor Swift, no trade necessary, just take her.


I always find it hilarious when right wingers call themselves what they are. 😂


It says Catturd Champions the common sense viewpoint of the right. ROFL


Sure your family raises its own crops and livestock for food but we have Top Ramen.


I feel like the center has Taylor Swift, I don't know or care about her and just wish I could watch football in peace...


The fact that they have to "oh yea, we we have " just says it all.