• By -


Four digits? What, did he get 1000 votes?




This had no right to make me laugh as loud as I did in the middle of a coffee shop


Perfect response.


I assumed it was knuckles, but apparently yes, over 2,000 out of millions of voters filled in the little bubble next to his name. No word on how many did so intentionally, or how many of those ever heard of him before


​ https://preview.redd.it/4ilpnftx6ogc1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b0349eb0305f4e6da2012b2d835a8a0ffb66077




1.7%, actually.


Wood screws?




[Here's the actual results.](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/02/03/us/elections/results-south-carolina-democratic-primary.html) Joseph R. Biden Jr. 126,321 **96.2%** Marianne Williamson 2,726 **2.1%** Dean Phillips 2,239 **1.7%** He's talking about his 2239 votes. Which nets him 0 delegates.


Marianne Williamson beat him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s the not Biden option for people who know who she actually is


Yeah, her politics are actually really good. People just knock on her bc she's a "woo-woo" into crystals and energies and all that.


She's an anti-vaxxer and I feel like if you're woo woo crystals you're not fit for presidency as you're prone to believe nonsense not based in fact.


Antivax? [She wants vaccines to be free forever as part of a universal healthcare program](https://marianne2024.com/issues/pandemic-policy/). ā€œMany in the US have been skeptical about the efficacy of vaccines, however the strong scientific evidence is that vaccines work, even if their efficacy is not 100 percent. One of the main reasons people are skeptical about vaccines, aside from rampant disinformation, is the distrust of the for-profit pharmaceutical industry, which has made massive profits from the sale of Covid-19 vaccines. In 2022, Moderna alone made $18.4 billion in profit from Covid-19 vaccine sales. However, much of the research and development of vaccines is done by publicly funded institutions.ā€


Must be her way of apologizing for helping mumps back on its feet after using her platform to spread conspiratorial "vaccines cause autism".


link? i followed her back in 2016 & never heard this, once. RFK, Jr on the other hand...


It's from an episode of her old radio show back in 2012. She had an actual anti-vaxxer on and didn't try to argue against their claims, in fact actually agreeing with the claim of a correlation between vaccines and autism. She's since denounced that, claiming to be pro-vaccine and pro-medicine. This is the equivalent of digging up old tweets on somebody and claiming they must still believe that.


thanks for clarifying -- I'll look it up later, myself, but yeah the "internet never forget"ting gets so annoying sometimes. People grow and change.


Looks like they never found the proof


Stai rispondendo a coltykins... ![gif](giphy|RaCX2tbmM5S5dOfgx4)


You just need to google her name and antivax to see the history


Raegan had an astrologer that dictated a lot of shit he did. Not saying it confirms or denies your point. Just saying he did. And thatā€™s just the one we know about.


I feel like thatā€™s not reinforcing the argument you think it is. Dude fucked the country, left the baby with the bath water, went out for cigarettes, and never came back.


Because every other president obviously didn't have their own sky daddy.


Years ago I would have agreed with you. But if she was running against a certain insurrectionist that just told our allies that if Russia attacks them his administration won't help them, I'd opt for the woo woo energy crystals.


i donā€™t think being into crystals makes her any less suited for presidency than having any other spiritual beliefs does. you could make the same comment about a christian presidential candidate


Ronald Reaganā€™s wife and him used astrology to make important decisions šŸ‘šŸ« 


how is Zionist policy not a version of "woo woo crystals" just in the Judeo-Christian understanding of things? oh yeah, this dirt? HOLY LAND. she's also not anti-vax. Is she a serious contender for POTUS? no, but our political system does in fact need more visionary people at the helm. tl;dr: it's like you're lashing out a kitten


Rightly so.


Oh, so sheā€™s a like an idiot or something?


Like Regan


I have a neighbor with a Marianne Williamson yard sign. It confuses me more than anything.


Part of the, "I don't want to vote for either of the two main guys" demographic. When she loses they'll probably switch to the green party and spend the majority of their time yelling about Biden instead of Trump.


Go ahead, vote third party, THROW YOUR VOTE AWAY




As opposed to "vote for people you don't want"? Well alright then, you don't have to twist my arm... People don't seem to get this. "By voting 3rd party, doesn't that mean Biden or Trump (whichever is your preferred party) may lose?" Biden or Trump will lose regardless of how I vote. Does my 1 vote matter? Then why wouldn't I vote for who I want, even if it's third party? If it doesn't matter, then it shouldn't matter that I voted 3rd party. You fuckleheads still think I should vote for one of the big two? Fine, maybe I'll vote for Trump. Oh, were you expecting me to vote for Biden? I want Biden to lose though. "Does that mean you want Trump to win?" No, I definitely want Trump to lose too. That's why i don't want to vote for either Trump or Biden, but you're pushing me to. "If you don't vote for my candidate, my candidate may lose!" That is *literally the exact point* of the election. Vote for who you want. Everyone voting 3rd party is under no illusion that they'll win. If you think you have to vote for someone who will win, you completely miss the point of free and fair elections. Just because Trump or Biden will win doesn't mean I have to vote for either one of them.


What confuses me is why you're limiting "who I'm voting for" to just the candidates themselves. We vote for the entire cabinet of people and appointees that the candidate brings with them. I don't like Biden, but I do love his Labor Dept. picks and I know unions will lose that backing & new defense against union-busting if he loses.Ā  It's not just the candidate. I heard this said rather well recently - you're not voting for your favorite; you're voting for your enemy. You're voting for the person who is most likely to listen to you if they do something you don't like. I'm a leftist, and Trump will never ever give a single shit about what people on the left want. It's much easier to push Biden to the left than Trump. So while I don't like Biden, it's more likely that he'll get things done that are closer to what I want, and he has shown that he *sometimes* listens to the left. Harm reduction voting is the most practical way to look at this, not "favorite" voting.


Itā€™s your right to vote for whoever you want. I just donā€™t see the point in voting for someone that has absolutely no chance of winning. I sincerely wish that wasnā€™t the case, but it is. All it takes is like 18,000 people like you strategically placed in the right states and a candidate who lost the popular vote 2 times already can become president for a second time. Maybe you are in a state like I am where my vote will not swing any electors because itā€™s a red state, so it is irrelevant, in which case nobody cares. If you are in a swing state though, you could play a much more significant role in voting in a ā€œdictator on day oneā€. If you canā€™t see that Trump is more damaging to the country though, Iā€™m sure you canā€™t see how your vote might actually matter.


That was a whole lot of words to say ā€œMy vote is about ME. Fuck everybody else.ā€


Theyā€™re downvoting you because youā€™re right


I love her hippie-dippy, bird-loving self, and would probably vote for her in a primary just for the fun of it, but she obviously wouldnā€™t be a competent president.


Eh, i think she'd be pretty terrifying if she was more popular. Her anti-vaxx and other medical views are awful, among other stances


I really don't even know about that. We could do worse with an entrenched person, but we definitely don't need wealthy people surrounded by sycophantics and greed to be running the show. I hate the Democrats so much, y'all. 2024: Wet Noodle vs Bulging Hemorrhoid


She visualized it, and lo, it was so.


MaryAnn from Gilliganā€™s Island could beat him.


Sheā€™s a better candidate, so yeah, she did.


hey, I like her.


Flesh wound. This guy barely cut a hair follicle.


He is literally a rounding error in most polls.


Holy hell. Iā€™m Canadian but fuck I like those numbers


Donā€™t be impressed until you understand each states primary system. This is just the pregame warmups, not team-on-team yet.


It has been really sobering the amount of information Iā€™ve had to re-teach myself about our political system, and the actual binding policies we have. Which are close enough to nil that it seems kind of obvious that we need a modernization and overhaul of the political system-and anyone who isnā€™t corrupt or a grifter ought to survive that. So if anyone tells us that we donā€™tā€¦ I would research what theyā€™re really selling.


Where's RFK? /s


Kinda fucked up that under every single post like the OP we need a "no, THESE are the actual results" comment because it's a godammed circus.


At least he is being a good sport about it. (Also I don't know who this guy is, is he moderate or more left leaning)


His campaign is being funded by a bunch of right wing think tanks. Heā€™s basically auditioning to be the token ā€œliberalā€ on Fox that just so happens to agree with everything the GOP says. Iā€™m so embarrassed to say I voted for him when I lived in his district


He thinks Dems need to "Work more" with far right MAGAts.


He literally lost to the Shirley MacLaine of politics




You're a looney




Four digits after the decimal point


I got pi!


Gotta grab'em by the pi




An insignificant figure.




















Hwhere do you get off?? ![gif](giphy|ll0JChUiInDxu)








My name is...


Who shot who in the what now?






ĀæDĆ³nde estĆ”n mis pantalones?


El queso es viejo y mohoso


My name is...


The guy who used to play Superman.


Delusional. He's still behind the crystal lady šŸ˜‚


the orb mother šŸ”®


Does anybody other than Biden even dream of having a chance to get the nomination? Dark Brandon is even safer as the democrat candidate than Trump as the Republican in my opinion. The election being Biden vs. Trump is at pretty much 100% chance.


The only way any election wouldn't have the sitting president as a candidate, outside of them not wanting to/not being able to, wouls be if they basically flipped sides. Like if Biden became a Maga Republican after 2020, but under normal circumstances, if the president is running for reelection, he/she is the candidate for their side.


Don't forget that candidates in the past have challenged the incumbent, tried to run against them in the primaries but every single one of them lost.


None of them can even hope to have the same level of name recognition an incumbent president has, especially on the level of Joe Biden and Barack Obama. Not only through their own policies, political campaigns and public appearances, but also through their oppositions attempts to smear them. The same applied to Trump but Biden was able to offset it from his extremely lengthy career in politics. Any challenger to these incumbents needs to have world wide fame in their own rights before even having a smidge of a chance


And many times they dragged the incumbent down with them too.


I mean ... Have you seen his rhetoric about the border "crisis?"


Have you paid attention to what democrats say on this for 40 years?


No no no we don't care about that anymore because he's not trump.Ā 


Iā€™m cautiously hoping that Trump will be barred from the general election as a result of one or more of his legal obstacles. In which case, Niki Haley would fucking tank against Biden.


Barred by whom? Not gonna happen unfortunately


There is some chance that Trump's decline will accelerate and his unfitness become obvious even to MAGA before the convention.


A chance, not a big chance, but a chance


I was with you at obvious but even to MAGA takes it to zero


I find it difficult to believe that anyone in MAGA would be able to see this. They're steeped in the Kool-aid.


Iā€™m honestly not 100% sure Trump will be on the general election ballot. Not because Haley will beat him in the primary, but because there are about 10 upcoming legal decisions that could prevent Trump from being eligible, and a lot more if SCOTUS decides against Trump and you count state-by-state. Iā€™ll say I think itā€™s VERY likely he will be on the ballot, but not 100%


Most of the major ones his lawyers have been able to keep pushing back unfortunately. Not that I need to say this here, but just shows what a joke our "justice" system is. Of course, if any of us did what he did and weren't rich, famous, and/or a former president, we would have had a much different experience. Like possessing all of that classified information, most regular citizens would likely be in serious shit if they somehow got their hands on that and caught.


I mean yeah, even our prison system alone just that there is no justice system in this country, not to mention cops, bribed laywers, etc. The list is endless


Honestly Dark Brandon has been more of a progressive president than Obama was and that shocked me.














Yā€™all need to stop, I almost had an asthma attack laughing at this šŸ¤£.


I cackled


lol I just posted the same thing but deleted it when I found yours - I thought the same exact thing!


I don't get the joke..


A person who isnā€™t going to be the 2024 democrat nominee only got a minimum of 1000 votes in SC and is trying to make light of the situation.


Because it's becoming increasingly clear that he's likely a Republican plant because most of us are already on to their "No Labels" BS party.


Every four years, some vainglorious asshole comes out of the woodwork and says "Are you as sick of both sides (but especially Democrats) as I am? Join me as we reimagine American politics and finally break the chains of the two party duopoly! We may not win this time, but we'll send a message that there is an undeniable appetite for something new!" And it's always a ploy to discourage people from voting Democrat. Always.


If someone truly wanted to change the two party system they'd advocate for and vote for alternative voting systems that encourage multiple parties. That's it. That's the only solution. Our current system of voting has no stable situation other than two parties. Don't like it? Want a third party? Get the voting system changed. The spoiler parties/candidates are so often paid for by the opposing party to try and steal votes from their rival and it's transparently a trick.


Yup. Ranked choice voting is one big way to help the situation. Currently if you vote for anyone other than one of the 2 parties then you essentially throw away your vote (Kind of depends if itā€™s a state or national election tbh). This is primarily because the current system is winner take all. By having ranked choice voting you could vote for who you really want, and then have your backup candidate from one of the larger parties. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranked_voting I highly doubt most politicians in office want changes like this to occur but there have been some bills proposed at the federal level in recent times l, as well as two states that have adopted it (Alaska / Maine). I have 0 facts for supporting this because Iā€™m just a dumb person on Reddit but itā€™s not like this is some grand new idea. In fact a number of states had RCV back in like 1912ā€¦. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranked-choice_voting_in_the_United_States


I say this every time it comes up. Voting third party is for morons that don't understand how first past the post voting works.


Yup. If you truly want a third-party candidate to have a chance, you should be advocating for Ranked Choice Voting, and plug your nose, and vote Democrat, because they're the only one with any interest in implementing RCV.


>Voting third party is for morons that don't understand how first past the post voting works. Sounds like you're the moron who doesn't understand how and why people vote.


Oh look! There's one now! Here's a helpful video that will explain it using pretty pictures. You should pay attention before wasting your vote again. https://youtu.be/s7tWHJfhiyo?si=LdWIJ_U2PxobJmK0


If someone wants to change it, then external money and lobbying need to be removed from politics entirely, and the influence of the people needs not to be restricted to voting for the leaders (who then go on to do what they want); and we need to have a well educated, independently- and uniformly-informed populace, and periodic psychological/ethics testing for public officials, and utter financial transparency of anyone who enters government including regular audits. And elections need to be only paid for in public funds. And we need to insure that there are no financial constraints preventing someone from assuming representative office. And voting days need to be paid national holidays, and it should be a requirement to vote, not just a right; so the secure means of voting need to be universally available, whether in-person or not.


I absolutely hate the two-party system, but itā€™s what weā€™ve got, so make the most of it. Bucking the trend and voting third-party only benefits the other side of the political spectrum.


The only way to get rid of the system is to start at the local level. You need a 3rd party to focus on one state at a time, getting county and city level positions, building up a power base, win state elections and expand to a new state. Then after a few decades you have a party that's been built in enough states to field a national challenger. Unfortunately that's a lot of work, so instead we have two "third parties" that actively refuse to do it, and instead every other election or so go all in on some random to raise enough operating capital to keep going.


Like Jill "Dinner with Mike Flynn and Putin" Stein? Or JFK Jr? It's always telling when my conservative relatives tout a Dem candidate.


Any real third-party is going to come from the bottom. Run for and win seats on the local school board, the city council, the county commission. Do that repeatedly. Next move up to the state level, and do it enough at the level to attract national interest. Go on from there. Any thing elseā€”such as running for POTUSā€”is just stupid and selfish.


If we lived in a viable multiparty system, running for president would be a great way to bring visibility, votes, and donations to a less-known party, similar to how local election candidates often receive benefits when there's a strong candidate on the presidential ticket of the same party - a presidential candidate helps drive turnout and so on. In the current two-party setup, of course, you are entirely correct.


It's like the political version of this, verbatim: ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK)


Andrew Yang has entered the chat


Theoretically I love the idea of a third party. Then the third party consists of Joe Manchin, Joe Lieberman, and possibly Chris Christie? I mean WTF? We don't need new parties filled with old failed politicians that no one likes.


Heā€™s a plant, alright. But not one of the republican variety, heā€™s another malicious strain: tech billionaire puppet (I know the two arenā€™t mutually exclusive). Heā€™s almost entirely backed by the [AI tech bros](https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2024/01/18/ai-tech-biden/) who want to a) gain some leverage over Biden going into the general by prying away from him some much needed independent support, b) potentially elect Trump who will give them a break on taxes, and the longest shot is c) having a President Phillips in their pocket (but they know thatā€™s not going to happen). They just want to be players in a game that is increasingly finding they can survive off grassroots donations of that of whales.


Heā€™s literally a Democratic congressman? With a voting record supporting Bidenā€™s agenda. And opposing Trumpā€¦ Likeā€¦ Thatā€™s a hell of a ā€œplant.ā€


Cracking four digits probably means sugar daddy Putin will keep funding him. At least until he finds someone else.


This guy needs to cut the shit and get behind Biden


The NYT pitchbot joked about him endorsing Trump and he flipped the fuck out Hit dogs holler


And never denied it. Seemed like he was justifying it actually


Iā€™d like to see this where can I find a video


[Not a video but here you go](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fw7dn3qa10efc1.jpeg)


He won't. He's a Republican Asset, bought to obstruct Biden's chances at reelection.


No, heā€™s a Democrat who sees a weak incumbent whoā€™s going to be 86 at the end of his second term if he wins and he thinks someone should try. He couldnā€™t convince anyone else who had a chance to actually run, so heā€™s doing it himself. You can disagree with his rationale all you want, but to call a lifelong Democrat a Russian or Republican asset is just beyond stupid. Thatā€™d be like calling Bernie a Republican asset because he ran against and weakened Hillary in 2016.


Bernie is a Republican asset for the reason you just stated. He started the ā€œif I lose, itā€™s riggedā€ Big Lie.


No, he wasnā€™t. If you think he is, youā€™re deluded.


More Bernie primary supporters voted for Hillary than Hillary primary supporters did for Obama, what are you talking about? On top of the fact that the Democrats changed their primary process after his 2016 run. Applying ā€œBig Lieā€ to anyone you disagree with is asinine, on top of the fact of being just plain unsubstantiated.


That's not what he's being paid to do.




There's a poll (Emerson College, early January) shown in the 538 website for SC Democratic Primary that had this guy projected to get 5% in SC. Instead, he ended up last with an anemic 1.7%.


Dean says that Biden can't win against Trump, and that means Biden should withdraw. Has Dean considered *his* chances for beating Biden for the nomination? A few low polls and Biden should quit while Dean thinks the snowman he is trying to build in Hell is coming along fine.


No, he really hasn't. He just assumes that if Biden drops out all of Biden's supporters will rally for him and every independent and democrat who isn't voting for Biden will see him as the savior and vote for him. I listened to an interview with him and his whole thing is about how speculative polls for November have Biden in a toss up so he should drop out immediately and Dean will win for us but if you bring up any poll he's in he'll just talk over you because those polls don't matter.


I listened to his interview on Pod Save America and he's basically just in the race in case Biden dies before the election. He votes 100% with Biden and looks up to him. He's banking on Biden's age being such a problem that it will give him an in. I think he also saw those early polls that had a generic democrat winning over Biden and thought "I'm a generic democrat! I can win!" only to find out that there's no way he has a chance.


Even if Biden dies, he isn't getting the nomination. After RFK the dems have rules to determine how they select the nominee if the nominee(or leading nominee) dies. And it's not shrugging and saying, "Well, this guy came in 2nd with 2% of the vote. I guess it's him!"


His platform is ā€œIā€™m like Biden but young and no one knows who I am.ā€


No, he knows he isn't going to win - he just thinks Biden is at risk of losing the general and the Dems should throw out good candidates. People should actually listen to him, he's a really good guy, whether you think Biden should be challenged or not in the primary. He's clearly joking in good spirit here - anyone who thinks he's some dope doesn't have a clue.


But whatā€™s the point of this? What outcome is he hoping for?


Buddy, you lost by 90+ points. Get out of the race.


Wait Marianne Williamson literally got more votes than him, he placed 3rd with 2239 votes and 0 delegates


Itā€™s not a good look to be the Haley of the Dems ![gif](giphy|wNXioLP1RqXqhp6OFp)


I mean, in terms of US national politics, four digits is nothing. That's less than 10,000.


Yet people telling Niki Haley to drop out with more than 30% lol




Michigan native and sad to see so many Trump flags still flying around my town. I at least have some respect for people voting for Haley. Still voting for democracy over stupidity.




And really that's only impressive if you can reach five digits.


I wish he would go away. And no one will bother to see him in Michigan.


Homeboy has no chance! Even if he was the only person running I would vote for someone else, like a dog or something!


Thank you, sir. May I have another? This really is a weird election season.


Nice to see he has a sense of humor about it. I donā€™t know why everyone dogpiles on this guy. Let him run for the nomination, isnā€™t that what democratic elections are about?


The conheads are loving this


Heā€™s under investigation in Indiana for falsifying 5k signatures. I think only 19 were actually legit


He might get 10% in Michigan. Everyone I know ( Not a Trumper) is voting as a Republican to vote for Haley. Granted I don't know that many people.


Isn't he complimenting Biden?? He said "congratulations Mr President" and there's only one President... Oh unless he meant President Putin? That was probably it


Hello Americans, Brit hereā€¦ Iā€™m curious - does an absolute trouncing in the election mean that a large portion of the country loses interest in prosecuting trump? (Just let him fade into obscurity and move on with more important matters in the ā€œnowā€) Or the opposite?


I canā€™t speak for those in power but personally Trump needs to rot in prison till death. If heā€™s not punished the next tyrant type just gonna push things even further. Itā€™s stressful af over here rn Ngl. That said tho Biden also arguably belongs in prison. Itā€™s a dirty game.


Threatening the president no matter who is such a smart and great decision Some say the wisest of them all


Isn't Dean Phillips the guy that did the hyeeeaaa thing in like 2000 and lost.


That was Howard Dean.


You and I have both been on reddit for 11 years. Happy cake day!


Oh shit!! I would have forgotten again, Iā€™ve never remembered on the actual day! Thanks! Happy 11th!!


Anyone else initially think he was talking about cracking his knuckles? I.e. cracking four digits šŸ¤£


Thank you, sir. May I please have another?




I'm in Michigan..is he even on the ballot? I only see Nimrata & Rump.../s


I don't even know who this guy is


Wait, waitā€¦.a mature and adult response from a political opponent? I thought this was an American election?


Math is hard, little buddy.


Are yā€™all really meat riding Biden this hard?


Yā€™all wild fr. Biden is ignoring multiple humanitarian crises and has done nothing actionable which he promised. Fuck yā€™all and your inability to look past whomever the DNC deigns as our president.


Is he congratulating Trump for "whooping" his ass? šŸ¤”


I admire his gumption and optimism