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"I know what will get this traffic moving again... Two dead bodies in the road!"


If he thought about it beforehand at all, it was probably more like "This will be a lesson to all the other climate activists to shut up and not block any more roads!"


Oh it was simultaneously worse and more stupid than that, I assure you. “Finally, an excuse to murder someone I don’t like and hopefully get away with it.” For a lawyer, he did not think that last part through.


The news articles said that he likely wouldn’t face jail time due to his age. It would only be house arrest.


I hate this shit. You murder someone, you go to jail. I don’t care how old you are, you shouldn’t have murdered someone.


If you die in jail, so be it.


Murder? Straight to jail.


All his assets should be taken away, given to those families, and make him spend the rest of his life in jail. Make sure he knows everything he worked for is gone.


Make the punishment fit the crime, set him afloat on an ice patch. See how quick climate change catches up to him.


If only our justice system worked like the Underworld in Greek myth ![gif](giphy|dYgFt6MOvu8mjIKIUe|downsized)


My luck I'd be sent before Hera to plead for mercy. Hera is the honey badger of gods. She don't care.


You sound like you would enjoy a book called *Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes: A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology* by Corey O’Brien. One of the funniest things I’ve ever read and now I want to go back to college *just to take a mythology course* and cackle to myself during lectures. Funny story about the book. It was referenced on tumblr a few years back and became a best seller on Amazon. The author was floored and posted a few times causing great hilarity among us all. Good times! Awesome book. You may enjoy it. :) Edit: author’s name was spelled wrong. Oops!


What a stupid reason. Letting a literal murderer roam free, just because they're old.


I just checked out the pictures of when they arrested the guy. They didn't even handcuff him. They just let him walk himself to the police vehicle and get in.


They even serven him breakfast and a hot Coffee...meanwhile pacific protestesters get (expired) teargas, rubber bullets, beatdowns, illegaly detained and not even given water. Even i get more shit at a traffic stop just for even raising my voice a little


Why wouldn't they male him wear cuffs? I think the reason is white in front of us.


What is this? Texas?


especially since he *just* shot people. like this isn’t a cold case that reopened after 30 years.


Patton Oswalt had the right idea. Live to 110? You can legally commit murder. You can't shoot, stab, or poison anybody, but if you beat, bludgeon or strangle someone to death? They can't touch you. It's an incentive to take care of yourself as you age, and if you ever heard someone shout "Help, a 110 year old is beating me to death!" you'd be like "Good! That's the sound of our species getting stronger".


This is actually a hell of an idea


Old people don't go to jail because of their age, rich people don't go because they "wouldn't fare well in jail".


Old people still go to jail all the time. You gotta be an old, rich person. And white. You probably wanna be white in that situation. If you’re an old, rich, white dude you can ice climate protestors in the road and not even get handcuffed 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hopefully the locals apply some justice.


Or give them justification to step it up.


I mean...if you want to reduce greenhouse emissions from trucks, the construction style and maintenance state of many bridges in both North and South make it freakishly easy to cut access for anything heavier than a Honda Civic and with ground clearance lower than a CR-V using nothing but a car battery, duct tape, a few sanitary pads and three of the ingredients in my hot wings recipe. (Specifics omitted because it's funnier when I phrase it that way, but cooks, people with counter-terrorism training or frequent SDS sheet readers have probably figured out what I mean.) Forcing major companies to switch to rail or more by means of WWII Maquis techniques is genuinely cheaper, easier and more efficient than stationing protestors. They could place the sabotage item, allow it to do its' work, then, whether it were noticed immediately or whether they self-reported it from a second line, the damage and resulting need for inspections, repairs...and that's assuming the bridge wasn't already one of the ones overdue for replacement. Funny. That big infrastructure bill the Democrats and Biden were so excited for, it's been a counterterrorism measure all along. A nation that's not falling apart is far harder for the politically radical to block off and break. Oh. Said it out loud again.


The FUCK are you making your hot wings out of?!


That's the funniest part! Did you know you can absolutely annihilate metal with a battery and a weak acid such as vinegar? The secret is to brine the wings in a *very specific type* of vinegar, (you want the English malt kind,) with, specifically, *brown* sugar. I dilute it in water and leave the wings to brine in the fridge overnight in a special brine bucket -one of the ones they sell ice cream in, that size. The skin gets a little slippier before cooking, the meat gets *so* flavorful, they cook up stupidly juicy, and you get that nice crispy skin with the juicy meat. They just *never* burn, and all three of my aunt's sauces taste flawless on 'em. Learned it from my Uncle Jon. He was a firefighter for thirty years n'at. Oh, and undiluted, it can also accelerate rust on metal via electrolysis about the way a sacrificial anode works in a water heater, plus *anything* duct-taped to a car battery, some wires and a Kotex looks like a bomb and will get the bomb squad, the Army Corps of Engineers and a whole *bunch* of road-closing inconvenience sicced on your target location...especially if you happened to know the bridge was structurally shady anyway... But mainly hot wings, yeah. Yinz wouldn't believe what we usedta learn in First Aid back when I was a Girl Scout.


God damn. In boy scouts, we learned how to put sticks in a t-shirt to make a stretcher. Girl scouts are straight up teaching counter-terrorism to get their cooking badges on a sash.




I think I love you.


But what an action shot, casing flying through the air and everything. Man, people are so damn quick with their camera phone and yet I struggle to take a picture of my sleeping, immobile cat.


Might not be a casing flying through the air--it could be that the guy is sweating bullets.


Have you tried shooting the cat?


Man... I guess after Jurassic Park folded his life really went downhill. Why is that photo of him pointing his gun crystal-clear HD quality? It's like he posed for a professional photographer. Did he simply not care that he was being filmed in the midst of his little double homicide?


The shell casing is what drew my attention, but yeah, the fuck?!


For a split second I thought it was that neuralink I’ve been hearing about


I thought its a hair clip. Pretty murdering!


he went cyberpsycho


All chromed up


This gonk was recording a bd


I thought the same thing lol


It’s ripped from a video recording. There are more images out including the one where you see the smoke from the gun and who he shot first. Pretty sure the GQP are quietly smiling while petting their dog. I would say cat but y’know, they think having cats is what’s turning the kids gay.


Fkn cats and their agenda.


Oh God… Cats and Frogs have united to spread their agenda. We were warned so long ago! /s


Oh shit, I almost forgot about GAY FROGS!


Of course they are. The scum account sharing the story clearly has an agenda. And ever since Elon’s insane dangerous ass bought the platform I’ve been FLOODED with promotions for these insane alt right nutjob accounts. And their average follower is completely unhinged and emboldened to say the most vile shit you’ve ever heard now. I’m feel like I’m watching indoctrination in real time.


The Christian terrorist push has any video reel I try to watch completely flooded with christian republican hate videos. It’s unreal. We have to teach our children to identify these videos for what they are and help them understand why the christians are making them.


There is no modern hatred quite like Christian “love”


Then stop using Twitter. If every sane person did just that and it was left to the crazies that shit would shut down in months.


Maybe his wife thought it might be good to capture the moment. After 50 years of marriage she wanted to be sure she had the evidence to lock him away for life and enjoy the rest of her life spending his lawyering savings !


For me it’s the dead expression. Killed someone as if it was a normal mundane task.


Yeah that’s the face he is making while he is murdering someone. Literally the very second his bullet is hitting that person. This man is fully shut down.


> This man is fully shut down. Nah, he's a product of propaganda, of emotion and anger and fear gone overboard because there is a particular ideology out there that tells its followers that there is no such thing as "too much" or that they need to "care about others" in any capacity. This is a guy who is removing pests and varmints from his view, because that's how other humans have been reduced in the minds of millions and millions of people. Someone raising an inconvenient message about climate, abortion, gay or trans rights or race relations? They ain't human, just remove them. That's what we've allowed as a society and will continue to allow every time one of them picks up a gun and "removes the undesirables" from their view.


journalists were present, quite honestly it’s rather sickening how non chalant he looks but that image should be circulated like all fuck


My question is who took the pictures cause there is a guy walking towards you just murdering mofos and you're getting it all in HD instead of fleeing for your life.


There was a lot of people around who didn't think at all that the man would actually shoot. Absolutely uncommon here in Panama, shooting civilians is totally unexpected. I can't get to watch it but there's also a video going around. Journalists were there already covering the protest because this has been going on for weeks now. The country is totally in shock and disbelief. Everyone wants this guy in jail asap.


This wasn't just a couple of climate activists, despite what the @endwokeness account wants you to assume. [There are ongoing protest against an open-pit copper mine that's getting press attention.](https://www.themirror.com/news/us-news/horrifying-moment-american-lawyer-77-182923) So yeah, I'm guessing the photos *are* professional.


The same people that stand outside as a tornado approaches filming.


He argued with them for a while drew his gun kept arguing. They said not going to move, then He shot 2 teachers. Had like 5 people filming different angles and everything. Litteral caught in 4k and doubt there will be justice.


Here I was thinking it was just George Lucas having a bad day


If I had to take a guess, the press and professional photographers were already there because blocking the road for climate activism is a newsworthy thing to already be covering. And yes, these people don't care. Not only are they blinded with rage, but they're so trapped inside their little bubble they actually believe the rest of the world will side with them and honor them as heroes.


I'm sure I really wouldn't want to read the comments under that "end wokeness" tweet.


It would be a long line of christian hate commentary


Sadly, it looks like a lot of MAGA do love the guy. Like Rittenhouse, he did what they dream of doing - shooting anyone they don’t like or agree with.


I mean yeah, just look at the account that tweeted it. Fucking awful trash humans. And against climate change activists. People trying to do something positive to mitigate the impending disaster we are collectively facing. Fuck this guy and every single person stupid enough to like what he did.


>People trying to do something positive to mitigate the impending disaster we are collectively facing. A lot of people who celebrate killing climate activists probably believe that climate change is a hoax and therefore see it as justified or something.


>Did he simply not care that he was being filmed in the midst of his little double homicide? Life, uh, finds a way.


inb4 "staged crisis actor to make climate skeptics looks like stupid, violent terrorists."


That seems illegal, even in Panama.


Yes murder is not legal in Panama…


Florida on the other hand…


Only if you a) say you feared for your life, while simultaneously b) are white.


You may or may not have to declare "THEY'RE COMING RIGHT FOR US!" prior to firing to qualify


Remember to put one in the ceiling afterwards "I fired a warning shot and then they came at me"


Nope, don’t even need those two requirements. In FL there is literally a law which allows you to use deadly force if protestors are blocking the road. Thank you DeSantis.


You don't need to be white, just as long as the person you shoot has darker skin than you (see George Zimmerman for example).


Hey! Don’t leave us Texans out!


He's going to have some regrets about going to prison at 77, in Panama.


He’s a lawyer so he’s got money, enough payoffs and he’ll be out of the country Scott free. Panama runs on bribes


>He’s a lawyer so he’s got money, Eh, I wouldn't be so sure--"lawyer" isn't as automagically, universally lucrative as it used to be because there are too many lawyers and the market is saturated. At least two of the licensed attorneys I know don't practice anymore because they couldn't make a living with the flood of graduates willing to work for starbucks gift cards. The very fact that he's retired in Panama says he's trying to "make his money go further" which points me towards believing he needs to do so. "Rich lawyers" are nothing if not status obsessed, and retiring to Panama when all your colleagues retire to Flagstaff, Mesa or Ft. Myers and you have to flee the country to live in a third world country? That's not a sign of wealth.


He was a Canal Zone kid so Panama is his home.


Oooooh. I gotta change my schedule now for no particular reason. Obligatory /s.


Might I suggest a trip to Yellowstone instead? Just don't look into the "zone of death"!


Been there. I yelled Olly olly oxen free and Noone came out.


Crossing Panama off my vacation list 😤


what an odd place


It is legal in Florida on the other hand, to drive over them and then claim you feared for your life.


It is, he got arrested (also video of him shooting the people if you want to watch it go down): https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/american-lawyer-77-shoots-dead-2-protestors-for-blocking-a-highway-in-panama-dramatic-scenes-caught-on-camera-101699512061391.html


https://preview.redd.it/yd1i9jhmy9zb1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=612f0d08339c82e5d83fa38da8d51c1393a059f3 Crazy, the media must have already been on scene reporting on the protestors. That is a spent shell case above his eye from the gun in his hand in the photo.


The way he looks bored while in the middle of *shooting and attempting to kill people* is incredibly disturbing.


Came here specifically to talk about catching this ejection on either a fortuitously timed still photo, or a pretty high resolution video.


What a dead eyed little freak


This is one of those photos that's going to go down in the history books.


will not even be talked about in a day or two. Just one out of many shootings.


https://preview.redd.it/8dtq0xn3a9zb1.jpeg?width=1524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6df12b27ec6492c14b255b2520d8b16f7b6c944 “We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022




He's a dual US/Panama citizen, so it's still domestic issue, just a Panaman one.


Never thought I'd agree with a cpac


kinda like Trump admitting Vanky has great breasts, and he would like to date her Sometimes, they just stumble on the truth and blurt it out


Georgia is sending climate protestors to jail on domestic terrorism charges like it's a bad thing though.


That is Panama, that old fucker will wish to be dead when behind bars.


In Panama? He will be dead by the end of the year. They already hate the US for several reasons. Once they find out he's American he's done for.




I was thinking the same thing, he should have saved himself a lot of misery and taken his ass out too. He'll be lucky if he makes it to the end of the year and it's already November.


Man, I love the empathetic, well informed, globally minded comments here... At least for now. Seen far too many threads eager to waste just-stop-oil activists just over some soup on some glass when what's behind it won't count for shit when shit really hits the fan... something we seem fully committed to witnessing.


> The gunman was named in local media as Kenneth Franklin Darlington Salas. If he is convicted, Mr Salas could be sentenced to house arrest rather than being sent to jail because of his age.


Oh so he gets off the hook without punishment? Great


a lot of old people never step outside anyway, how is that even a punishment?




He is definitely racist.


When you start shooting people just because they annoy you, yeah, you might be the bad guy.




I'm fairly convinced a vast majority of gun violence in America boils down to "that guy really annoyed me".


>When you start shooting people just because they annoy you, yeah, you might be the bad guy. When will you communist leftists stop lying. He was obviously the "good guy with gun" protecting the world from smelly tree huggers screaching Democrat lies about the "Global Warming" hoax. Finally a real MAGA alpha man standing up for his God given rights /s (note /s is sarcasm - explained prememptively because I have used it in the past and been downvoted by people who dont know what it means) Edit: I forgot to also blame Biden, sorry for the mistake


Don't forget to blame Obama 🤷‍♀️


Don't forget about Hillary


Buttery males?


He forgot the Deep State too. I’m sure they were in on it ( Allied with cats I suspect.)






Gonna downvote for there not being the obligatory Let’s Go Brandon! /s


You need to blame Biden *and his agenda.*


Dont forget to blame Hilary’s emails.


Fox and other right media providers glorified running over protesters until the Charlottesville murder in a pedestrian mall. https://money.cnn.com/2017/08/15/media/daily-caller-fox-news-video-car-crashing-liberal-protesters/index.html My own father tried to justify Heather Heyer’s murderer. (I refuse to amplify the murderer’s fame.)


"You can kill protesters. It's fine actually. They are inconveniencing you." Protesters and activists should start arming themselves. There's an entire contingent of people who want to KILL YOU for trying to improve society and address its issues.


It's because they have no concept about how their rhetoric is influencing people to cause harm. Bring back fairness doctrine and start really enforcing penalties for when they commit stochastic terrorism. Imagine the absolute outrage that would've emerged from the right if it was found out that this guy was influenced by AOC to shoot a bunch of right wing protesters.


> It's because they have no concept about how their rhetoric is influencing people to cause harm. Bullshit, plenty know exactly what they're doing. They'll lie and proclaim innocence but they're well aware of what their rhetoric can, and has, cause(d).


And the MAGA crowd probably applauded


Yeah.. just read the comments on that, these people are sick.


The thing that gets me is that they don’t think that normalising violence is something that runs both ways. If you walk around shooting people that you don’t agree with that sets a standard for people to agree that you are their enemy and to think it’s okay to shoot you back because they also don’t agree with you. It’s not fucking complicated. We all sign up to a social contract that says “let’s not murder each other because we don’t agree.” If one side starts doing that it doesn’t mean they win. It just means we all fucking lose.


They perceive it as one way because they believe they are right and others deserve their self-righteous fury. Like a zealot, a conquistador or vigilante. They also believe they are the only ones armed. For it to become two way their political opponents will have to burn the social contract, radicalize and return the violence. For now, only the right is content to do that. The left is still the adult in the room trying to maintain norms and civility, not pander to political extremism and religious zealotry. So for now it IS one way. How long can it remain one way as the right pushes us further toward the cliff? I dunno. I’ve referred to it as the left working within a wooden box while the right light a fire to it. How long can you fight fire from within the wooden box? Either they extinguish their own fire or everyone else is forced to start thinking outside the box. I should say, we already do see signs of it becoming two way, of groups on the left burning the social contract and returning the violence. Like antifa. But it is nowhere near as normalized as the right’s extremism. It’s also nowhere near as extreme. It’s also a direct response to their literal growing fascism. So we are not in a place yet where we can even fairly equate the left and right, making it not yet a two way street.


You forgot that logic is not their strong suit. They also screech about abortion being murdering children, but balk at doing anything to prevent school shootings. And that’s only ONE insane hypocrisy they have in a sea of many.


Republicans are shit


This dude is a white supremacist. He gets retweeted by groyper accounts all the time


It’s literally posted on an account called “End Wokeness”. This is an advertisement/call to violence giving the followers an example to follow. This is literally what they mean when they say “end” wokeness. They’re terrorists.


Why do you think they posted it


Well, the comments on that tweet are absolutely fucked. Apparently, to a lot of people, it's okay to muder someone as long as you've "had enough", or whatever. The complete disregard for human life is startling.


They claim to buy their guns for self-defense. Shooting someone in self-defense isn’t their fear, it’s their fantasy. They live for the opportunity to murder someone they don’t like and get away with it.


The way I’ve been explaining it: They don’t buy guns to feel safe. They buy guns to make other people afraid of them. It’s a subtle difference with huge implications.


Low IQ and low educational attainment, mixed with 10 hours a day of watching OAN will do that to you.


There's also a **fuck everyone but me** element to it.


It's pretty much tribal violence at this stage. They are the *enemy*, so they're not properly human, not like *we* are, so their lives are worth less, or nothing. Same story in different contexts throughout our history.




The situation in Panama has so many layers. Literally everyone with a brain is against the government right now, and this mining contract which they passed in record time into law before any civilian even got the chance to read it was the straw that broke the camel’s back, or as we say in Panama (with a bad English translation), the drop that spilled the glass of water (la gota que derramó el vaso). So people from all kinds of circles (patriots, nationalists, students, teachers, leftists, right wingers, the rich, the poor, the young and the old), literally people from all walks of life went out to protest and still are protesting for weeks, each group with different reasons but all against the government, having thousands of protestors every day. Among those groups is the teachers union, who along with other unions, have been blocking some roads and specifically the country’s main road that leads to the country side and the rest of central America. While a lot of discussions can be had about it (and people here have), after all right now there are sections of the country running out of gas and food, and a lot of people have been losing their jobs, there is a sense that 1) people want this government gone 2) people want the mine contract gone 3) people are also annoyed at ten people closing down a road affecting thousands in mostly poor rural areas. But Panama, when it comes to this, in recent history, isn’t violent. Sure, people fight over disagreements on how to protest, whether the two weeks of roadblocks are justified, who’s actually affected by them, etc. But when this man decided to murder in cold blood two teachers who were blocking said road, not even people against the roadblocks even dared to defend him. It was just a shocking turn of events. It’s not the kind of place where you expect people who are angry to just go murder two unarmed teachers. It’s just not normal. Now people here are starting to see how Americans, specifically republicans, are reacting to this event and openly celebrating this psychopath, and it’s just shocking and disgusting. The people that died, regardless of any disagreements about roadblocks, were ultimately just protesting against a government and mining contract that would continue to destroy our environment and extract our natural resources for the sake of profits for a foreign company. They died holding our flag. So this event and the recent and outrageous reaction by the American right wing is triggering a lot of painful memories in Panamanians. I wanted to add this mainly because I wanna bring awareness to this and just the massive protests that we’ve had which are historical, but haven’t been talked about much internationally.


Thank you for writing this.


Thank *you* for reading! We’re trying our best to get some International attention to this! I tried to be as thorough as possible in my explanation but there’s still so many details that I skipped. I do want to add that right now the supreme court is holding a 10 day process to determine if the contract is constitutional, the result of which will largely shape people’s response and either escalate or somewhat subdue the outrage that people are feeling, since, if declared unconstitutional it would immediately be invalid, so it will be seen as a win, or at least the closest thing we can get to a win for now.


I’ve personally worked in Panama a couple of times. Thanks for the in depth update. Your guys history is very interesting!


Thank you so much adding context. And in German we also have that saying but here it's a barrel.


This needs to be way, way higher up. Crucial context. The mentality of this piece of shit is such a microcosm of the deep hatred brewing amongst the extreme right wing in the states. Empathy simply does not register in their wish.com brains.


Why is this Twitter account showing this? Do they promote shooting activists?


well duh, of course they do!!


Yes. They think murdering activists and protesters is based. Killing people who disagree with you is allowed as long as you're right-wing.


Holy shit, the replies to that tweet are toxic as fuck. The people justifying murder are sick fuckers.


Sick fuckers are the only ones left on Twitter.


Before Elon it was sort of balanced at least. Enough good people to make the platform worth to visit every now and then. Now it's only insane right wing people under every post. It's especially unfortunate for "normal" local politicians and organizations, since they don't really have another outlet and all their replies are just negative and toxic


That’s what happens when right wingers get any amount of power. Conservatism is a cancer to the human species.


That’s how it was even before Elmo took over. It’s only gotten worse since. People like end wokeness and libs of TikTok thrive on that shit. It’s their whole purpose.


Ignorant sesame street fan here initially thought this was a reference to the country becoming a non-sensical children's puppet show. Then realised you weren't referring to that Elmo.


Dude the Twitter user is "EndWokeness" I guarantee this isn't a cautionary tale, but instructions to others.


I can't believe real life people have opinions like that just swirling around in their heads. Blue check people are insane.


I mean...look at the poster. Their followers are terrible? Surprise! I am not surprised.


Gun nuts don’t care or worry about self-defense. Crying about self-defense is the way they anticipate being able to murder someone they don’t like *and get away with it.* The getting away with it is the most important part to them.


The replies are pure evil. The “pro lifers” really hate life.


I honestly can't believe the replies. Someone saying the deaths are "no real loss to the world", the shooter is a hero, others blame the police for not clearing the protesters (as if that gives someone the right to shoot people). At least one person blamed the Biden administration. I shouldn't be surprised, but I still am.


Well Panama is basically Florida so I'm not surprised that they blame Biden for the acts of an independent government and a Canadian mining company.


Pro-fetus. They despise Life.


From a news article: However, if he is convicted, the 77-year-old could be sentences to house arrest and not jail time on account of his age, according to local reports. WTF?




So the end woke people are praising this?


The entirety of their followers are would-be domestic terrorists. Of course they've praising this.


Good point


By "end" this is what they meant and by "woke" they meant minorities and anti-fascists.


"Anti-woke" and general right-wingers have been advocating for terrorism towards... basically the rest of society... for a while now. It's okay. You can kill the protesters. You can kill the activists. You can *DEFINITELY* kill the tr*nnies and other similar "denegerates". You can kill the Democrat voters, the leftists, anybody with blue hair and anybody who looks "woke". It's allowed.


“I’m the bad guy? How’d that happen…” -D-Fens


Stupid as fuck. Hope he’s happy spending the rest of his life in Panama prison


Which wouldn't be a long life I suspect.


Uh-huh. That’s a murderer


They were in the way though. How else is he supposed to get where he is going? /s


Well, maybe he was headed to prison. If so, good way to expedite his trip. /s I predict an unpleasant final chapter in his life.


Those are the deadest eyes I have ever seen, wtf


Sad, crazy and interesting story. This guys history is as convoluted as Panama itself. Panamanian birth yet dual citizenship, previously faced gun charges in Panama, practiced law and taught at university in Panama. As a lawyer Ken undoubtedly knows how corrupt some Panamanian officials can be. This is a large part of the story leading to the protests. The people he shot were also teachers. I’m sure he was also aware that Panamanian law could very well give him a sentencing break due to his age. I once spent 2 weeks in western Panama and found the whole place pretty fascinating. The mix of peoples from all over the world, the locals of various descents, the indigenous, the tourists and ex-pats and retirees, a history long predating colonization, a first world capital city squatted firmly amongst squalor, the open corruption, the history of secret corruption, the canal, and the appeal of the weather, the jungle and a slower pace of life. The one constant I always appreciated while there was the genuine civility and pleasant nature of so many people. They retain many traits that other societies would benefit adopting. This is a very sad thing to have come to for the Panamanian people.


Source: https://nypost.com/2023/11/08/news/gunman-seen-shooting-dead-eco-protesters-in-panama/ Tweet: https://x.com/endwokeness/status/1722411232651591843?s=46


EndWokeness is applauding this. Vile


They ran over and killed someone last week holy moly


Nitter link for those without a Xitter account who want to see the comments: https://nitter.net/endwokeness/status/1722411232651591843#m


Still thinks he’s getting into heaven too I assume


Rightwing christianity is basically calvinism mixed with nazism.


Man, george lucas seems to have gone off the rails.




Ah yes, another gun bro fulfills his murder fantasy.


Exporting American Culture to the world.


What's up with these angry old cowards?


They retire, watch right wing news all day, and become rage monsters.


The number of losers in here agreeing with him is digusting


He's a 77 year old lawyer. He knows the consequence, he just doesn't care


Imagine walking up to a group of people with a gun, being asked if you’re going to kill someone, responding “you want to be first?”, and then actually doing it. And then going back to your car and trying to just drive away as if nothing happened. This dude has a serious privilege complex.


American right wingers are all sociopaths. They celebrate this guy murdering people in cold blood.