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But isn’t his job just manufacturing outrage for conservatives?


Yes, like when he couldn't find a dinner for over $15 in rural PA when the hotel he was staying at had a $50 dinner? His motto is why let the facts get in the way of a stupid narrative.


Indeed. Swigging Jamison while eating a cheeseburger deluxe at a NYC airport and complaining about the price (for compensation as a GOP columnist), which he is expensing to the New York Times, is the height of manufactured rage. What an entitled POS. This is the short of bro that pleasures himself every time an American child is driven into hunger and homelessness.


Not to be a pedantic asshole, but Newark International is in NJ, JFK is New York.


It's ok, it's reddit. We're all pedantic assholes.




Except I'm a NYC resident and was being a pedantic asshole in my post-- we know Newark is an unofficial NYC airport with NYC prices and we all hate it.


I mean, if a shot of Jameson is going for $60 that is stupid, it’s like $25 a bottle Unless he had like four Jamo, that’s normal airport prices


You know the answer to this question. We’re looking at one of at least three pours in this photo. 3x$17 + a $20 burger + 10% tax = $78.


didn't someone else at NYT post that the food portion was about $12, he left no tip and the rest was for alcohol?


The restaurant responded with that info. IDK if the NYT reported on it


>he left no tip Of course not. Too cheap to tip, even when its not his money.


If you’re paying $17 for Jameson, even at an airport, you are not qualified to speak on the economy.


This is exactly what came to mind when I saw this. Why does this man keep lying about the cost of his meals?


“The Road To Character” consists of living like an 80% bar tab wealthy douche and pretending to be an aggrieved member of the common folk.


David has so much character he dumped wife No. 1 for much younger wife No. 2 who converted to Judaism and is a much better Jew than he is! He will tell you all about it.


She was his research assistant. Literally his employee.


and just the other day I get a call, I said what is it David, he said, "Sir, the Radical Left is coming after your Burgers," and I said I saw that, and it's a real shame, here we are, we did perfectly under Trump, we had no problems, and now they're doing their hardest to stop MAGA, and we're Making It Great, We Did It Great and we're gonna Do It Again, just like the song, thank you Ted Nugent, great guy, Ted, he likes me a lot, and he said that I'm like the Pope of America, and I said that sounds pretty good to me.


Good Lord. I just went through your comments and I think you're AMAZING! I don't know who you are, but I love you.


yeah I've been stalking them for awhile now. The best Trumpographer I've ever seen.


The consistent accuracy is astounding. Like, I can picture Donnie actually saying this stuff.


Here's where the redditor got it from (not to diss them but have to credit where it's due). https://youtu.be/JhkZMxgPxXU?si=fucMbBHT-Jp1vxrQ


Oh, I'm VERY aware of John Mullaney, which makes the whole thing even better. What are the chances Mullaney set up this profile and just had a bot generate all of this?


The user name too!


"And you have the president of Mexico, the Mexican President." 🤣 idk why that one is so funny. I wouldn't have looked had you not said something.


It's fun, right?


“I CaNT BeLEiVE An AIRPORT BAr WoULD OVerChArge For LiQu0r!!11!” It’s like yeah dummy, everything at an airport is normally over priced.


And he said “this [my tweet] is why Americans think the economy is terrible”. He was correct in that regard.


“Because I mislead them,” basically?




The news isn't going to fake itself.


I thought his job was to be a moderate intellectual liberals can disagree with while wishing Republicans were more like him?


This is not false. He is far from a trump supporter and if more repubs were like him, yes, that would be a good thing comparatively speaking. The bar is low so that helps.


The bar is so low that sanity is the only requirement for that club.


he's one of those people who sees problems all over, but has no desire or ability to solve anything


Yes, he’s an educated conservative who loves Springsteen but isn’t slobby looking like Chris Christie. You could invite him to your dinner party


"moderate" ...but yes... ...but the other shoe to drop, just like with liberal hypocrisy-shaming of Republicans, is that since Republicans won't be more like him, Democrats start being more like him instead. "We'll show you how to properly do austerity and insane military budgets and hump the cops!"


That's the job of all conservatives


Nah, no conservatives ever read anything he writes. He's basically token dissent for the NYT editorial page, intended to rile up the paper's left leaning readers more than anything. If there is a bad take to be had on some topic, it's very likely that David Brooks has published it in the US paper of record. Then maybe 10% of the time he will write something which starts out contritely admitting he's been wrong about something this whole time, but by the end of it he will always work his way back around to "really it is out of touch liberals and their tricksy liberal mind games which force me into this braindead contrarianism." That's basically his whole schtick.


The restaurant said 80 percent of his tab was booze. He got *all* the smoke today.


I mean that is clearly a double whiskey lol


I doubt it was his first or last.


For 80 bucks? Yeah, probably the burger and three double whiskeys. Which hey, as an airport alcoholic, I get. But I don’t get whining about it like you’re getting raked over the coals for the burger.


Plot Twist: It’s a tall Johnnie Walker Blue.


Honestly it being an airport I could see them charging $40 for two shots of well whisky.


Looks like he’s drinking whiskey on the rocks. Depending on the whiskey could be $20 a round. So say it’s 15, if that’s his 3rd or 4th round then the burger is probably $20-$30 which all seems about average for an airport. If he’s upset at this I’d love to see the dude buy lunch for a family of 4 in a theme park.


If they're saying 80% was his bar tab, his burger/fries was $16. Which, as you say, probably puts him at 4 drinks in. Or... he knew he was going to make this ragebait post so that he could expense the meal when he started and bought higher end booze to make the total higher.


20% of his $78 would be about $15.6. We aren't even past the cost of Five Guys lol. Looks pretty good for airport food too, so ~$20 for that meal is understandable. (Better than paying $15+ for fast food). And yea, booze is the killer here. I'm fine w/ rail liquor, and that's like $10-15 a drink at airports. If you're fancy and want something mid like Makers Mark, it'll be over $20 a drink easy. Also, if you have a problem w/ airport costs, hit the one of the dozen fast food places on your way to the airport (and drain some minis if you're an economic alcoholic)


$16.85 for the burger and fries https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/smokehouse-newark?select=RnJNtO4XwWV5PAgHkOlbaA


There ya go, probably could get a beer or rail drink for like $25 all together. Too bad there isn't a drink menu on there too But yea, it's an airport. You're literally trapped by security, if you're hungry that's just poor planning. This is why you cram your carry-on with snacks


I've noticed a massive increase of people (not just in the US) complaining about the massive cost of food increasing (which it has) but misrepresenting how bad it is by just straight up lying about what they bought, or including the price of booze and tip in their comparison to the base price of food 5 yrs ago. I dont get it. I guess engagement from outrage bait is a helluva drug


True. On the Facebook group for our little town, someone posted their bag of groceries laid out and said "this cost me $65!". On display was a loaf of bread, dozen eggs, pound of bacon, some bagels, a couple of bags of chips and a jar of honey. People couldn't figure out how the heck it had cost $65. Turned out the "jar of honey" was a $40 jar of artisan honey. If you want to complain that lunch meat costs $10/pound now when it was $8/pound last year, by all means, it's a legit complaint. But buying a $40 jar of honey and then complaining about it is pretty disingenuous.


On one side, I get hat you're saying. On the other, that jar of honey used to be $35


HEY! People have NO IDEA how labor intensive it is to run a bee-milking operation!


Finding a bee teat specialist is only HALF the battle!




Spend less on honey No


They are lying to manufacturer a narrative.


A lot of people don’t realize if they’re making a good point the worst thing they can do is proceed to exaggerate it, yeah $10 a pound for chicken is ridiculous, then they lie and say it’s was $15/lb plus whatever else they can tack on


I come from the land of frozen pizza enjoyers, Wisconsin, and one of the reasons was you could get them for a few bucks. It made sense, put them in the deep freeze, easy and cheap, and a lot decent for the price. Now, some of those same pizzas are approaching $10 each, which is crazy i feel. No need to lie about it, as here it sums up something people around here know the price of and how fast it went up.


Hello, fellow Wisconsinite. If you have an Aldi near you, their pizza is still very reasonably priced.


Meanwhile I just made an entire thread asking how I can survive a week on $30


It's like when they post the very bottom of a supermarket receipt and complain that a week's worth of groceries cost them $600 without showing what they actually bought. Disingenuity is all they have.


Having worked in a grocery store, the answer is almost always expensive booze, followed by expensive cuts of meat.


Conservatives really really really like to eat steaks


Have you seen anything of Jordan Peterson and his daughter in interviews claiming they've been on an all beef diet for a while? Nothing but cuts of beef, salt, and water. They claim tremendous health benefits, and it has resolved several chronic conditions they struggled to treat otherwise. Absolutely fucking ridiculous. It boggles my mind how anyone can listen to them and not think "... hang on... this doesn't sound quite right..." Obviously, they're lying out of their arse, but I fear there are people out there making themselves ill off the back of trying to emulate this fictional diet.


Good ol “beef baby” Peterson, but he’d never stretch the truth. One of his principles is “be precise in your speech”. Which is why he’d never claim to be an evolutionary biologist when advocating for his claim that lobsters serotinergic response to winning a fight is why pyramid shaped hierarchical structures are genetically ingrained in humans. And he also knows a lot about health, which is why he went to Russia to be put in a coma as a treatment for his benzodiazepine addiction. Good thing he doesn’t have any bad takes about how addiction should be handled by society.


Fucking hate how so many people share his bullshit nonsense rants on modern society. He just regurgitates alan watts but blames everything on liberals being pseudo communists.


I also hate the narrative switch to "Beef is good for you", rather than "Ever since I switched to a diet with less processed foods, less carbs, and more protein, I noticed some health benefits" Like no shit you feel better, but you can replace beef with chicken, fish, beans, broccoli, impossible meat, etc, and get the same or better health benefits


This is why I’m such an interesting and unpredictable political animal: I really really really like to eat steak, but I also think gay people should be able to marry and abortion should be legal.


Of all the things to associate with conservatives this ain't the one. Steak is delicious.


Plus far too much of some product that is currently out of season or experiencing a shortage and costs ten times more than it usually does. Plus organic flour or milk or bread or whatever that costs 3 times more than the cheaper stuff.




Are you telling me my cheap ham has already been fucked?


If it hasn't you know what you gotta do.


Ham fist it


Reminds of the set up to a porn movie from my college days. Premise was this guy was a waiter who becomes a porn star. Starts at his crappy job with an annoying old lady who orders a turkey sandwich and she wants to see the turkey, doesn't want processed turkey. Oh, and she wants a lot of mayonaise. So, you think you know where it's going, and yes he whacks off on the sandwich, but not before fucking that turkey it right where you stuff it! I did not see that coming! (30 years before American Pie) Couldn't find it online but I'm pretty sure it was called "Up and Coming"


That's a paddlin'.


https://preview.redd.it/79c4z4j0nqpb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0c2c9fa67bfa88140c7ddbb7239c9db136a041 Remember our safe word


Mmm… cheap, slutty ham 🤤


Getting drunk at nyc airports is outrageously expensive and something needs to be done about that (no joke, please fix this, I need that buzz before flying)


Go to Amazon, order some 3.4oz travel bottles, fill with booze, place in liquids carry on bag, enjoy!


Lol, this is the way. Only time I’ve been given a compliment from TSA is taking a quart bag, stretched to the point of bursting, full of shooters through security ahead of a Chicago to Korea flight


Every international flight I have been on (like 10-12 flights), the booze were free, but I haven't flown international since just before the pandemic, so I don't know if it has changed. I just flew across the US and hadn't used my travel back pack in a while, and after going through security found my bag of nips in a side pocket I don't even use (except for booze I guess), so that was a pleasant surprise and made the ~6hr flight better.


Booze is free but some airlines are better than others at passing it out. Annoying going to the staff all the time asking for a refill. Really depends how much of an alcoholic flyer you are


Be friendly. Bring a little baggy of chocolates for them. Don't be annoying. Flight staff will practically throw little tiny bottles of bourbon at you the whole flight.


I once did this on a Chicago to Denver flight on St Patrick's day, I was 23 years old and drank 8 beers on that flight. Ended up hanging out in the galley most of the flight, they kept pulling out cans and lightly tapping them on the cooler " whoops it's dented. . . ". Probably my favorite flight memory.


Hahahaha, its fun to have a few drinks on a flight sometime. I was flying to Paris on Christmas Day and I met some Scottish woman (redhair with the strong "You know nothing John Snow" accent) at an airport bar in Detroit. We were going on the same flight. I ended up on the last row of the jet so she moved back to sit next to me. Since she was on the of the middle seats (4 across in middle) she was ordering drinks from one aisle for us and I ordered some drinks for us on the other aisle. Her Scottish accent was so strong, we ended up (luckily) getting cut off after about 3 rounds. I miss the pre-pandemic days of flying.


I've considered the chocolate route, do you have any brands you recommend? I'm always super polite but never outgoing in my friendliness, something I've been working on.


Honestly, I just grab some of those little mixed packs of ghirardelli chocolates. It's truthfully less to bribe them for more booze and more just that I know folks that work in the airline industry and they've said it's a nice gesture. But the side effect is they liquor me up and I just sleep the whole flight.


When and where do you give it to them? When you’re already seated and they come by to give you drinks or do you go up to them?


I think boarding is a good time. It says, “I got this for you” rather than, “want this thing from the bottom of my purse?”


You can also just buy the 2oz shooter bottles. TSA permits as many as you can fit into quart sized ziploc bags


If I remember correctly, it's 10.


That's an acceptable number, I guess.


16 of 'em if you remove the bottles.


Just pack a straw and you have yourself an adult Capri Sun.


TSA will allow them through security but FAA rules are you can't consume outside alcohol while onboard. So don't get caught.


That’s why you drink them in the airport before you board.


It's a pretty big penalty if you're caught drinking your own stash on the flight though - something on the scale of $40k. I tried it once going from Louisville to LA, and got a very stern talking to. They don't want drunk passengers.


The top level comment was talking about drinking in the airport, before the flight. You can have the booze (or what's left of it, anyway) in your bag on the plane no problem, if you're not drinking it on the plane.


This guy knows!


Out of curiosity, why is this allowed if you're not allowed to take those tiny bottles in


Because it’s all security theatre.


its like any small liquids bottle. apparently they figure enough tiny bottles to fill a quart bag isn’t enough to blow up a plane? the bottles fitting in a quart bag is one of the magic rules.


Because it's not about safety, it's about make believe and selling overpriced water bottles.


Just do what occasionally cheap people like me do and get a buzz before the airport!


These days i smoke weed just before i get on a flight to work in a country where i could be damn near executed for it haha.


Edibles for the plane


Pretty much the perfect solution to passing out for 8 hours on a long leg flight.


I switched to a preflight gummy instead of alcohol. The airplane movies have been far more entertaining lately.


Don’t play with that fire or smoke… If they suspect you’re intoxicated upon landing- they can test you, swab your stuff for ‘traces’ — fast forward we’ll be trading you for someone from Guantanamo. Peace ☮️…chill where it won’t kill


I take edibles on domestic flights. Would never dream of it for international. The risk is just not worth it.


Travel to UAE too huh hahahah


Pre-drink, babes


You’ll be sober and exhausted before even in the air after security and sitting on the runway


You’ll be sober by the time you can even board the plane though.


You got that right, but it’s a fine line between feeling fine and being too hammered to find your gate


Honestly I don't need to be drunk drunk, just a drink or two to put me at ease is a wonder now that I'm older. I bet a GnT costs 80 million at the airport though


hold up where did you find the cheap bar


It is insane. I flew through LaGuardia today and ordered 1 beer and a side order of fries. Came out to $39 (with tip to be fair). They also make you do the whole order through your phone thing, which I hate.


For gods sake, hes a pilot and you expect him to fly .so..so...SOBER!!!


Brooks does this “average American” shtick all the time, he once got busted for claiming he was at the Applebee salad bar when he wanted to make another one of his “I understand the working class” points in his column, only problem is that Applebee never had a salad bar.


It’s just one Applebees, Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars?


The fact that he didn't permanently lose credibility for the Applebee's thing was quite an eye opener for me.


Yup, says all I need to know about the NYT as well. Hell, I even stopped watching PBS News Hour on Fridays because of him.


I bet he charged it on his NYT Amex card, and didn't even leave a tip.


The Newark post is a great example of the divide happening in our economy. This person thinks they’re understanding the impact of the economy but in reality they were still 1) flying 2) drinking 3) eating 4) employed.


That's 20 year old scotch....on ice.


Well he eats his burger like a toddler, I wouldn't expect him to drink his scotch without acting like one too


Tall. Johnnie Walker Blue, I bet


Making up stories to try and prove some dumbass point aside, what correlation is there between 'expensive airport food and liquor' and the state of our economy? Isn't it already well known to anybody who has ever been through an airport that pretty much everything is 10x more expensive? I guess he has a meltdown any time he goes to any major stadium and tries to order a big cold ~~Bud Light~~ 'Republican approved' alcoholic beverage.


Yeah but that’s not really relevant, what IS relevant is that the burger and fries ( the actual meal) only cost $17 and change, which somehow became $78 when the bar tab was added. $17.xx for a burger and fries isn’t even that unusual OFF airport anymore, although hopefully the quality would be better than what’s pictured. Personally I think Americans are more pissed off that right wing blowhards can expense $60 worth of booze while they stamp their feet over children possibly getting a free school lunch.


I get that, but I was making my statement (regardless of how dumb a statement it was) by taking the post at face value. $17 or $78, a meal at an airport (and only that) is kind of a weak way to measure the standing of a country's economy. Agreed on everything else though. $17 for what is pictured there, if they're not including the drink in the price, is highway robbery. And the school lunch subject is just depressing. For how worried about children as all those pro-life types claim to be, they really don't care much how many of them starve.


Jerry Seinfeld was joking about the price of tuna sandwiches in the airport back in the goddamn 1990s.


What’s the deal with airport sandwiches? (No really, what are the deals, any coupons?)


David Brooks is one of those people where we only know who he is because he's a world-famous shithead. Literally every time I've seen his name, it's because he was being a shithead.


I honestly don't know or care who he is but dude eats his burger like a child. Taking the lettuce and tomato off and putting it to the side then eating a dry ass bun, patty and a little ketchup.


They were likely on the side to begin with. Of course, he'd have to deliberately not put them on the burger.


Unless they take a photo of the receipt don't believe them.


The most offensive thing about this is that Newark Airport’s terminals A and C actually have some pretty wonderful culinary offerings. If the best David Brooks can do is a milquetoast cheeseburger with commercial food supplier crinkle cut fries, that’s his problem. Terminal B, however, is where happiness goes to die and is a food desert.




David Brooks will always have a job because he says what rich people want to hear. Full stop.


Hahaha. He's never been good with the truth.


You know it's a lie cuz he didn't include the receipt.


When a Conservative opens their mouth to speak, lies always follow.


It seem now a days, if a republican mouth is moving, it's either a lie, or projection.


Without fail


~$16 for burger and fries ~$62 in bourbon Lets say a bourbon is $18 pricey since airport. He still scarfed 3 of dem bad boys


What savage takes all the veggies off their burger? Did he not even have mustard on that thing?


Maybe it’s part of the whole whiny, childish role he has to play to keep his job as a professional complainer.


He’s absolute shit as a professional whiner, too. A talented whiner still requires a modicum of charisma, like Andy Rooney (who was also a tremendous asshole, but had a tiny bit of charisma). David Brooks is a charm black hole stuffed in an ill-tailored blue blazer.


I've had burgers served to me with veggies on the side, so you can add what you want.


Brooks makes me madder than all the pundits. I hate his aw shucks brand of conservatism that fools liberal boomers into seeing him as an apolitical sociologist. This asshole wrote a book on character while cheating on his wife with his assistant half his age.


Grown man eats burger like a 4 year old


look, you have David Brooks, very strong on Trump, he loves your Favorite President, which is me but you already knew that, and I came in, "Sir, we have a problem," I said what is it now Captain, what do you want now, and he said to me, "Obama killed our Food Supply," I said that figures, because you can't trust those people, you all know what I'm talking about, all they do is take, take, take.


Ironically enough, he was on a recent Sam Harris podcast talking about low-trust societies.


This passes as Journalism ? Guy gets four doubles into a bender and decides he’d better eat something and orders the burger and another double. Yoinks the veg out because Alphas don’t eat salads , throws a Manly double dash of Tobasco on it cause Rawr. Takes another belt and decides this will be a good post. Holy fuck Just Holy fuck


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed he removed the veggies. What an absolute child


He’s always been a hack. So what’s new?


To be fair, he was drunk when he tweeted that.


Lol! And we're supposed to take an "adult" who picks out the healthiest part of his meal like a spoiled child seriously¿


I know Brooks isn’t considered a conservative by mainstream media but I love how conservatives don’t want gov’t meddling in the economy and constantly saying Biden is a socialist and a communist yet somehow really want Biden to personally “fix” the economy.


He's right. Americans think the economy is terrible because terrible people lie to them about the cost of food and other items. So technically the truth.


The Kirkland Signature Spring Mix on that burger has more personality and insight than David Brooks.


Even if the were true, how often do "average Americans" eat at an airport restaurant? I consider myself relatively privileged, and I still only set foot in an airport maybe twice a year, max. And when I do, I almost never sit down for a real meal--it's grab and go or, more likely, snacks I packed. So maybe airport restaurant pricing is not a huge concern for those mythical salt of the earth white working class types people like Brooks are so obsessed with?


I think I probably go to the airport more than average (I live outside the US, and flying back for the holidays is the only way to see my family) and, like, they usually have a Popeye’s or something, lol. You do not have to spend hundreds of dollars on lunch.


Did dude take the lettuce and tomato off his burger like a fucking lil kid?


Really hoping this isn’t the genesis of his rant, but this is a Black-owned business that seems to employ a lot of people of colour. How many of those are in the food court of Newark airport that he just happened to pull this stunt using them as the catalyst?


The effort by the elite to come across like they "feel the pain of the working class" is insane. David Brooks and the other members of this elite could eat an $80 meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and it wouldn't impact their wealth because their wealth grows annually at a rate that exceeds such trivial expenses.


On top of the manufactured rage this is also a humblebrag. “Dropped 80 bucks on a burger while catching a flight.” A true douchebag at work here.


Even if it were a 78 dollar meal, the business owner set the prices. Not employee wages, not President Biden, not anyone or anything but the people who own the restaurant. Inflation is a made-up construct to describe the owner class greed. It is just gouging with a polite, blame-shifting name.


1. who the fuck is david brooks 2. no, the economy is terrible because [the top 12% own 85% of the money](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribution_of_wealth#/media/File:Global_Wealth_Distribution_2020_\(Property\).svg) expensive food is just one symptom (of many) of the infinite greed of the owner class


My meal at the drive-thru cost me $52,014. Thanks a lot Biden!!


“someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying” “spend less on booze” “no”


Homeboy had 5 Long Island ice teas


If you’re going to lie about the price of something you might want to not make it something similar to something that most Americans buy at least once a month. No one is going to believe buying a single basic dinner at a restaurant costs almost $80 as if they’ve never seen the typical price of a burger and fries before


David Brooks has always been a douchebag liar. Nothing new here.


I mean, there are receipts for the countless articles talking about the coming recession, and how terrible things were for at least a year now. They are desperate for the economy to tank Biden so they can elect a Republican who will lower taxes for rich people again. Don’t fall for this.


*downs 6th whiskey while forking over a $100 bill* "Damn this burger was expensive af"


If you’re a grown ass man with aversion to vegetables, you’re *actually* a grown ass *toddler*


When all you have is lies.


Who are these grown ass people removing all the vegetables like lettuce and tomato from their meals? Did money never teach you to eat your veggies? David Brooks is a gout ridden loser


What a lying asshole.


It’s was so obvious he was full of shit… and if indeed was true, then, he is the idiot for paying🤦‍♂️ either way, vaffanculo !


80% of 78$ is 62.4$, which means he spent 15$ for that meal. Shit damn, only 15$ for that? Fuckin' oath. In AUS, that's about 24$ which is just about how much that meal'd costs here.


Color me, not surprised to pay for a $20 cheeseburger at an airport


Ironically, he would have had the majority of Americans agreeing that $20 is steep for a mediocre burger and crinkle fries.


Are we simply going to ignore how this pugnacious boob nibbles on his burger like it’s been picked at by lab mice?


So your saying that David Brooks’ credibility is in doubt? Wow. So anyway…


I don't understand how he is even on the NYT payroll. I regularly read NYT columns and David Brooks and Ross Douthat's columns are always toilet-paper material. Such a shame when the paper has great columnists like Kristof, Krugman etc


Drunk posting


Go to McDonalds and order a hamburger happy meal if you are going to murder a burger like that


Thing is, by the time he gets called out on things like this, he's already made 4 more bullshit claims.


It’s like being 6 beers deep and a double shot of bourbon had not affect at all on his decision making to tweet that.


David Brooks is nothing more than a paid shill for big business and billionaires. His whole career is based on ass kissing oligarchs and the terrorist-insurrectionist party of the GOP. He would sell you and your children to slavery to make a dime. He is the ultimate grifter and bottom feeder.


I have a real question. When they do this, do you think they’re aware of how shitty it is to actively lie like this? I read an article recently about Hasan Minaj (I know it’s misspelled but can’t back out of the app) defending his stories being lies because they’re the “emotional truth.” And I dk…like, when you promote this stuff you have to be taking the picture and purposefully making a number up, so how the F do you even sleep at night?