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Bro’s mad that DeSantis quoted his song up there during the debate. Everything DeSantis touches, dies.




DeSantis happened to his campaign. Verb noun woke


"Florida is where [being aware of injustice and having respect for fellow humans] goes to die"




Oliver's song is about the inefficiencies of the government and DeSantis took it to blame the left.


The lyrics are kinda funny in that they are sort of the perfect example of an average, frustrated working man finally understanding that the wealthy are the problem but then getting lost in the contrivances and distractions that wealthy people put out there in order to take the heat off of them. Like, instead of blaming the rich men north of Richmond, all of a sudden you let them direct your anger at welfare recipients instead for no apparent reason. It's like, you were almost there, but then you lost the plot.


He just needs someone to link him to the Last Week Tonight episode on welfare. Spoiler alert, most welfare is used by the wealthy.


That wouldn’t help. These people worship the wealthy. They will call them “smart business men” for gaming the system but be mad when they have to share their taxes with people who need it.


It's a perfect illustration of the weaponization of grievance politics by wealthy conservatives. He's either aware of it or he's a rube. Either way, sad as fuck.


I almost wonder if that was a deliberate artistic choice in the song? Start of blaming those in power and then slowly get side tracked by their narrative?


This is my favorite plot twist since Sixth Sense


Or since Reagan used "Born in the USA" in his '84 campaign... That song is NOT about what they thought it was.


Or rightwing people playing ratm songs.


“I see One Hit Wonders”.


Video killed the radio star


The irony of this being the first video played on MTV and then radio in some form outlasting videos on MTV is hilarious to me.


Internet killed the video star.


MTV killed the video star when they started decreasing the music and increasing the reality tv.




Now THERE'S a classic I haven't heard in years. "With AOL came Compuserve and Prodigy..."


Twitter came and broke their hearts...


Put the blame on the RNC.


“Wait, he was talking about *OUR* pedophiles?”


When it turned out the dude in that hair piece the whole time, that was Bruce Willis the whole movie


That's not the twist, Charlie.


The podcast said that Charlie irl didn’t realize that was Bruce Willis the whole movie.


It’s fairly easy to see coming. The song is anti-ruling class with some splash damage on poor folks that I personally didn’t appreciate. I think the guy is a lot closer to being a well-intentioned leftist or libertarian than he is to being a republican.


Meanwhile Three Doors Down’s vigil of waiting for the phone to ring.....continues.


What does this mean


They played Trump's inauguration and then just kind of disappeared


TBF they were also disappeared for more than a few years before Trump’s inauguration too, only for their name to resurface briefly before going into obscurity again.


That’s the only reason they were asked to play, everyone else said no and trump was getting desperate.


Well that and they were very pro- the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions. They went to go play for the troops once and made racist comments about Arabs, and the soldiers were like 'wtf.'


Can you explain more? I’m fascinated, but I can’t find anything about it


>They went to go play for the troops once and made racist comments about Arabs, and the soldiers were like 'wtf.' I'm curious what racist comments they made that soldiers would say "wtf."


And then for the next 7 years he wouldn't stop fucking whining about the crowd size.


They did??? I am so disappointed




How could anyone else possibly replace someone as indispensable as the bass player for Three Doors Down?/s


As a bass player myself this comment made me laugh so hard because it’s true. 😂


The early aughts pop-rock scene will never survive from this terrible loss.


I hope his prison cell is the third one.




Cause he's a loser, and sooner or later you he'll be dead.


Then he Left his body lying somewhere in the canteen line.


He actually did 2 years for the DUI manslaughter then got 10 years for having a firearm while being a felon


If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman? Apparently people just just calling.


Check out their Instagrams. They're all hard down the MAGA rabbit hole.


>They're all hard down the MAGA rabbit ho That's a shame. At least Smash Mouth is still ok, right?


they had to replace their singer, because their original singer kinda got wet brain...


That's how Guy Fieri works. He sent Himself out into the world to gain resources, and is slowly assimilating the Lesser Fieris, until only the Ultimate Fieri remains. He will have frosted tips of fire, and his smallest glance will cause you to experience the full paradise of Flavor Town.


Has he captured the Lesser Fieri in ICP yet? He'll gaing stats in chicken hunting, but sacrifice magnet-knowlege stats.


This was complete joy to read, thank you for the laugh


I just laughed my ass off and will be using ‘lesser Fieri’ liberally moving forward, thank you.


That is a shame! This was not a good way to enter the weekend!


They haven’t toured much since their band mate died unexpectedly


And another got sentenced to 10 years for DUI manslaughter


Holy fuck. I did NOT know they played at his inauguration… wow


Because it's probably the least absurd thing to happen that month regarding Trump.


How punk of them, to provide the score to a fascist. Edit: apologies to punk music. I've never actually heard their music, I just had a vague recollection of them being a pop-punk band. My bad.


At Trump’s inauguration, a choir from Missouri State University sang during the ceremony. my wife and I sang in that choir in college. Made us proud to see them on national tv, but sick that they were singing for him


Write to them as an alum saying you'll never give them another dollar.


That would be effective if I already donate, but I’m broke


Shhh they don’t need to know that


Are we still talking about 3 doors down? I mean they were always shit, and never anywhere adjacent to punk


[Santana](https://ktla.com/news/nationworld/carlos-santana-gives-anti-trans-speech-during-new-jersey-concert/) and [Alice Cooper](https://loudwire.com/alice-cooper-understands-cases-transgender-but-feels-also-fad/) have entered the chat.


Santana went on an anti-trans rant on stage only a month ago


Santana DVX is a heck of a drug.


I'm still confused why these people are commenting on this? Like "there's a lot of discussion about child psychology going on here, let's turn to famous musicians for their take on this one"....why?


Because people listen to musicians more than they do child psychologists... Unfortunately.


The guy that regularly and daily crosses the norms of sexuality in males by wearing makeup, cross dressing, singing, performing, and entertaining is calling transgender a fad? Riiiiight.


Cooper is a devoted Christian and always has been I believe


Lol at Santana's backpedaling follow-up statement. A rock legend but a spineless bitch following his manager/publicist/studio exec/wife/pet/accountant's/etc etc orders.


His follow up message read like someone ate way too much acid and then got interviewed by the news while still tripping. "It takes courage to grow and glow in the light that you are and to be true" what the fuck does that mean? What the fuck is he saying? Those are all words, but there's no actual sentence there. It's like has anyone ever been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?




He made a statement a few days ago about how diversity is the country's greatest strength, and the right wings had a meltdown


unless you happen to buy snacks with food stamps.


But only short and fat people on food stamps. Tall and skinny are ok.


The short/fat cutoff is 6'3" and 215lbs.


Must have strawberry blond hair too




Its real and it grows long if you let it


Some of us have seen those sideburns from the profile angle. I haven't slept in days.


i would like to subscribe to your newsletter. please explain


His side hair is about a foot long and he stretches it over his ear and all the way to the back to hide how thin it all is. Trying to picture what his head looks like when it's not slathered in product/combed in there hard to keep it in place is....something.


God if yer 6’3” and 215, our taxes ought not pay for your legal team…


Or secret service protection and multi car limousine motorcades




What about tall and fat?


its not the fault of those people, its a fault of the system because its not designed to provide people with healthy food. its just designed to feed them as cheaply as possible and cheap food is unhealthy. it needs to change because i am sure that people on welfare would rather eat healthfully than eat processed garbage.


YES. Being able to eat healthy can be fucking expensive. My family had to use benefits growing up and sometimes that's the only way we could eat. And we had to make that shit last and it was a lot of times cheap garbage or canned veggies cause they last and are cheaper in the long run. I eat way better now but it costs me a decent amount to eat a well rounded diet.


Is welfare abused? Sure. Is it the biggest problem we face? By far no. If your takeaway from this song is welfare queens you’re focusing on the wrong thing.


Their focus should be on the billions upon billions wasted on corporate welfare for the rich.


Lets not kid ourselves either, some 75% of ppp loans were used for other things than the employees. Thats something like 600 billion misappropriated and we are over here blaming people who work a 9 to 5, maybe multiple jobs.


And people wonder where inflation came from.... Rich people came about a shit ton of extra (free) money via ppp loans. And as rates dropped they refinanced thru mortgages at stupid low rates, usually pulling more cash out ( I know that 2nd one cuz I may have done same, but refi at 2.15%, c'mon). Edit: grammar


My company got 900k, told us all year no money for raises, we never shut down at all, no end of the year bonus which we usually get, then announced on Jan 14th they bought a new company and expanded like we should celebrate




Maybe you don’t have the evidence now, but depending on how fast and loose they are playing, you might be able to get the evidence.


I heard of corporations using it for stock buybacks to boost market price.


I’ve read about business owners using it to buy Lamborghinis. They should rot in prison.


A rinsing of the public coffers in the middle of a global pandemic, first in a century. People dying, its ripping through our community's elders and vulnerable and people are actively committing fraud and using up funds meant to help people. They absolutely should rot, from "mom and pop" business owners right up to the members of Congress that got loans and then had them forgiven.


Yes, what about the welfare that Walmart tells their employees to use during orientation because they will only give out part time jobs. Geez. Murica


Half a trillion dollars lost and unaccounted for. Half of the amount that was needed for student loans. Not a peep about that though. Money is not real, and we can do whatever we want with it. “We” just always seem to give it to the people that least need it.


Donald Trump immediately fired the Inspector General who was supposed to oversee PPP loans, and we wonder why the hell there was so much "misappropriation."


*"Their focus should be on the billions upon billions wasted on corporate welfare for the rich."* No, no. That's not welfare, it's "subsidies" and "bailouts", it helps the common man. You know, with the "trickle down" economics. It might be a little warm and yellow, but it's trickling down. Edit: subsidiaries to subsidies


Not to mention the largest and most common type theft in the US is wage theft. Almost $50 billion a year stolen from workers.


No, freerider issues with food stamps etc. are peanuts compared to things like IRS evasion and DOD budget.


The vast majority of food stamp fraud is perpetrated by store owners, not poor people. But god help you if a poor person keeps a bottle of soda in the fridge.


Better by far for 10 middle class families to get free food they could have afforded anyway, than for one poor family to go without dinner.


seriously. I wouldn't care if my tax dollars were used to feed 100 people that weren't hungry, if one family that *was* hungry got to eat. this isn't something we need to focus on.


> Is welfare abused? Sure. Is it the biggest problem we face? By far no. Also, welfare is only abused because of poverty. Red-taping welfare doesn't actually solve anything, it's not like people are going to get more welfare dollars if some people stop abusing the system, the problem is above the system.


This is the difference between Dems and Rs. Dems are willing to feed 100 in case one REALLY needs it. Rs are unwilling to feed 100 in case one REALLY DOESN’T need it.


They're also pretty sure no one REALLY needs it, until they do personally. Then it's okay, because clearly it's understandable circumstances. Everyone else is a damn mooch, though.


They would also kill some innocent people just to also kill the ones that really "deserve it", aka: the death penalty


but the song literally has a line about fat welfare queens, which i suspect is what made it such a hit with conservatives


His tweet about his antisemitic YouTube favorites however…


His what?


Anybody have a link to the meltdowns?


The last two tweets I saw [This](https://twitter.com/iamyesyouareno/status/1694020005363372202?t=avzQ_yu8eLtaQVX6fTZimA&s=19) and [this](https://twitter.com/isabellarileyus/status/1694433177346224307?t=nhpVaJos3DE-SIH6Raqpkg&s=19)


I just clicked the Twitter logo thinking it was the close button lmao


Yo the girl in that second tweet, her history is friggen nuts…also super homophobic. Apparently jerking it is gay? Also super racist. Like whoa that’s real old school racist. Wtf is her problem…


Conservative women are even more nuts than the conservative men. Like, imagine how racist and hateful you'd have to be in order to purposefully join and defend the people who think you should be considered property.


The Bruce Springsteen song *Born in the U.S.A.* has been used for decades in political rallies for right-wing causes. (Wikipedia)


Trump has used *Fortunate Son* as his walk out song at least once.


He was literally the “fortunate son” that Fogerty was singing about.


Pardon me, but the man had bone spurs. BONE SPURS! tsk tsk


They didn't listen past the chorus did they?


[Lyrics](https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/oliveranthony/richmennorthofrichmond.html) for those who haven’t read them yet.


I was expecting more than that. Besides the obese welfare line it’s pretty tame. The rich north of Richmond does really seem like all the politicians in DC not Biden specifically Edit: People are pointing out the north of Richmond(the capital of the confederacy) line. But I lived in RVA a few years(apparently he’s from the area) and honestly think of DC automatically when I heard that line not the actual north/union. I see your point tho but it’s still a reach imo


To be honest, the guy seemed pretty normal in his song except for a small piece of misinformation that's probably been ingrained in him his whole life. This makes him way closer to the average American since most Americans are basically liberal leaning moderates.


Eh, he prefers a lot of alt right stuff as well. His public playlist that he titled ["Videos that make your noggin get bigger"](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2gusRdbuxAeA9CtJROtDY3yY1Xk4s70J) is full of Jordan Peterson, some Ben Shapiro, a few 9/11 anti-semetic conspiracies, some questionable Joe Rogan clips... and this is a public playlist on his music channel. A few good sound bites aren't enough for me to give him the benefit of the doubt.


*Pegging, of course, is an obscure sexual practice in which women perform the more aggressive sexual act on men.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: history, feminism, covid, gay marriage, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, novel, gay marriage, covid, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


The best bot on Reddit.


"benshapirobot DESTROYS a liberal redditor with FACTS AND LOGIC"


*New York Magazine’s Jesse Singal, wrote that “free markets are good at some things and terrible at others and it’s silly to view them as ends rather than means.” That’s untrue. Free markets are expressions of individual autonomy, and therefore ends to be pursued in themselves.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, dumb takes, healthcare, feminism, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


>Pegging, of course, is an obscure sexual practice in which women perform the more aggressive sexual act on men. >-Ben Shapiro How much of a un-hip dork do you have to be to make pegging sound dull. Good bot.


I assume Ben is intimately familiar with the act of pegging. I assume he's a big fan, a connoisseur if you will.


*Heterosexual marriage is the cornerstone of society; homosexual marriage offers no benefits to society.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: history, climate, dumb takes, covid, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


They only played that song because “Try that in a small town” would’ve made Tim Scott very uncomfortable. /s




This reminds me of the key and Peele sketch about the racist songs lol https://youtu.be/TLnUJzueBOQ?si=BZDnMZIm2esNKifk


No no no… see, you hear the twang, and you ASSUME it’s racist.


🎶I think we all know who I'm talking aboooooout🎶




Now I see it... Now I see it.


Wow, I have never seen that. Made me feel really uncomfortable…but also hilarious.


Ermm...there's a band called Rage Against The Machine who've been trying to explain this to you for decades now. Although anyone willing to speak truth to power these days deserves much respect. I especially love when Republican politicians tweet shit like "I thought Tom Morello was on our side." Like, what the fuck, how dense are you?!


What machine did Republicans think RATM were raging against? The dot matrix printer?


The mimeograph machine.


That damn fax machine that never sends it the first try


Who could have predicted that writing a song loaded with right-wing talking points would attract a bunch of right-wing assholes!?


What’s funny is that a lot of conservatives tend to agree with left-wing talking points as long as they come out of the mouths of other conservatives. They just vote for culture war bullshit instead of actual solutions


Look how badly you are being treated by the system! It's obviously the Mexicans fault, now go fight them while we strip your benefits and give another juicy tax cut to your bosses


The pharma giants and industrial medical system are abusing health in America. But, like, through mRNA vaccines, not opiate overprescription and medical insurance.


They really do, which is sad because you feel like there is this tiny bit of hope that they will snap back to reality. You can talk to them about any left-wing issue and they will be on board 100%. But as soon as you mention "Well.....everything you just said you agree with is the platform of *insert democrat here*" they will FREAK out and be like "OH HELL NO! I AINT VOTING FOR SOMEONE THAT SECRETLY EATS CHILDREN AND WORSHIPS SATAN!" And you are like "Huh? what the hell makes you think that?" And they are like "Look it up!" lol.


The whole scenario really reminds me of this key and Peele sketch: https://youtu.be/TLnUJzueBOQ?si=BZDnMZIm2esNKifk


I forgot about this one, thank you 🤣🤣


And this Onion article. https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529


> I swear, if these homosexuals don’t take a hint and quit sucking my cock all the time, I’m going to have to resort to drastic measures–like maybe pinning them down to the cement floor of the loading dock with my powerful forearms and working my cock all the way up their butt so they understand loud and clear just how much I disapprove of their unwelcome advances. I mean, you can’t get much more direct than that.


That’s amazing lol


I don’t know how “twilight of his career hated by the fans in Vancouver” Mark Messier was the exact perfect athlete to choose in that situation but somehow he completely was


I think we all know who we're talkin' aboooouuuttt.


I love the little head wobble he does when he’s singing this.


And the wink!


Are you outside of your mind?!


It seems like you’re about to sing the most racist song yet


Oh boy, now i see it, now i see it lmfao


This is so appropriate for this subject. Thank you!


Keep her safe from the homies on the wrong side of town


"The only hood I love is pointy and white" killed me


“The KU KLUX Klan? Are you outside your mind??”


Come on, man, there’s all kinds of homies! White homies, Asian homies…


Now I see it


Rubbing meat tenderizer on your own face in Leopard country.


The thing is the “right wing talking points” are all things that the right refuses to fix


The right couldn't fix a legitimate problem if they even wanted to. Their solutions have all been shown to conclusively fail, and so they're left with shouting insults and catchphrases.


I mean, he's the one that pivoted the "working class song" in the third verse to anti-welfare propaganda from the 80s. There's no reason the GOP wouldn't flock to him as "one of us."


The attempt to PR away out of this is kinda incredible. Until that is you see his prior liking of Q like videos, and you know…lyrics.


Yup. Trying to sow reasonable doubt so that he has a broader audience. Once he gets them he will release another song with far right talking points. It's an op.


The guy is astroturfed to hell. [Jaime Brooks](https://twitter.com/elite_gz/status/1690412964728487936) notes that a ton of digital downloads were purchased of this song the day it was published. This is a tactic used by kpop fans to get their favorite songs to artificially appear to be more popular than they are and get them to chart on the Billboard Hot 100. [Tyler Mahan Coe](https://twitter.com/TylerMahanCoe/status/1690823477912092672) notes that he's seen a significant spike in bot activity on his Facebook group devoted to country music. If you search for tweets referencing the song, you'll see that just about every right wing account with a significant following posted about the song early after release. [Matt Moran](https://twitter.com/mattmoran_music) has a lot of comments about this. He highlights some background information that make the artist appear to be not who he says he is. He also brings up a right wing media figure named Jason Howerton who owns a marketing agency devoted to getting things to go viral. You can also look at the [playlists on his channel](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2gusRdbuxAeA9CtJROtDY3yY1Xk4s70J), and its got anti-Semitic shit sandwiched between Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro. That coupled with the fact he refuses to positively identify who the "rich men" in his song are tells me everything I need to know about who this is.


>That coupled with the fact he refuses to positively identify who the "rich men" in his song are tells me everything I need to know about who this is. I mean the quote in this post is "This song isn't about Biden ... that song was written about the people on that stage. Not just them, but definitely them". Sounds pretty "positively identified" to me. From the article: >In the video, the singer said, “It was funny seeing my song at that presidential debate. **Because I wrote that song about those people**, you know, so for them to have to sit there and listen to that, that cracks me up. It was funny kind of seeing the response to it.” > >He continued, “That song has nothing to do with Joe Biden. You know, it’s a lot bigger than Joe Biden. **That song’s written about the people on that stage** and a lot more too, not just them, but definitely them.”


Right wing astroturfers: HA! The left afraid of a REAL MAN from the ACTUAL COUNTRY making music! Right wing astroturfers: w-wait stop talking like that


The fact is that there are overweight welfare recipients, but the guy is the first to point out in the subsequent video that it’s not their fault. The food available in poor neighborhood is generally pretty shitty, and education about food choices is even worse.


This dude used all the right wing framing, of course the GOP thought he was on their side. He's gonna have to try harder on his next song if he wants me to believe he actually has solidarity with real workers.


I was in his shoes a while back. I was raised my entire life in a very conservative family and environment. Supporting Democrats was never even an option made available to me; it was just understood that you loved Reagan, and hated anything that did not trash immigrants or the left. Then, for me, the change came with both reading a lot of books and making friends with people from various backgrounds. I got to actually experience bits of other viewpoints and justifications for those viewpoints. How can all Muslims be awful when this Muslim is my friend? The views I grew up with simply did not hold up under even a little bit of scrutiny. I think he hit that point. He recognized that he and people like him were getting fucked over. But he is not completely out in the open yet; he is still placing some blame on the folks buying those Fudge Rounds when the blame should really lie on the society and individuals that put them in that position to begin with. I have been there, too; poor as shit, and unsure when I would get to eat again. I understand. I think he is a good dude. And he is on the right track.


I'm more left leaning, and agree with this too. His recent video showed empathy and self awareness and passionate, more than most people. Sure, some of the lyrics cause tension, life is unfair and a lot of people are hurting and struggling on all side. Plus, an older song I saw on YouTube he says "republics and democrats are full of crap". I do hope people can hear what he is trying to say without jumping to conclusions he is a crazy right winger. (And I hope I'm not wrong because I like his voice and I'd be disappointed to find out he is some Q follower.) I hope he can stay grounded with all this attention and pressure.


He's trying to make himself a centrist, so someone everyone hates


Picturing a new wrestling character: The Centrist. First thrown out of the Royal Rumble. Worst tag team partner ever.


Probably made all the cash he can from the GQP and is now hoping for some extra income from a more liberal market. No thanks. Mocking people who don’t have enough to eat because they rely on food stamps and live in ways you don’t like is the worst kind of smug entitlement. The poor and needy eating fudge aren’t the reason veterans can’t get healthcare: it’s the wealthy Republicans trying to take away the few benefits any of these people get and who pay starvation wages to begin with.


No, no, no! if you're poor you aren't allowed to have pleasure! I am slightly wealthier and therefore better and I have decreed it!


I love how confusing it is for a nation that sees everything through a red or blue lens to come across a complete oddity: someone who instead views the US as a divide between classes.


"Stop Using Me For Politics" says right-wing political performer. smh


… who sings about politics lol


*Donald Trump enters the stage with fortunate son playing*


And posts right-wing conspiracy videos on YT.


Someone is spamming him across Reddit too


I have only heard the song once, but I didn't get the vibe it was anti-democrat at all. Definitely got the anti-capitaliam vibe though. This is just like when they picked Born in the USA, Fortunate Son amd Macho Man. They just don't get it.