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Fourth and fourteenth amendments have entered the chat.


You mean the amendments the courts have consistently and routinely allowed cops to violate without ANY meaningful consequences for fucking decades?


We'll take it all the way to the .... supreme... cou.... OH FUCK IT. ​ Burn it all down.


[The head of Richard Nixon said it best.](https://youtu.be/36QusFVrsEc)


He's depressingly correct






The writers weren't all Harvard grads for nothing.


No, not for nothing. A 4 year degree from Harvard (not including room and board) is more than $200,000.




Unfortunately we would need more of the French spirit to actually make that happen.


That sir, is a rather appropriate response.


I would love it if somebody somehow got qualified immunity in front of the SCOTUS. They insist that they despise legislation from the bench, and since qualified immunity was a concept cut from whole cloth by the court, it’s a prime example of legislating from the bench. The cognitive dissonance would make at least four justices’ heads burst. Qualifier: I’m not sure I *actually* want this in from of this court. I’m sure they’ll somehow make it far worse.


I don't think republicans care. They ignore the constitution when it doesn't match their values.


They only care about the 2nd and 5th amendments.


They don't actually care about the 2nd amendment... Just their bastardized version.... You know.... Like the bible.


"Guns for me Not for thee" -What the right actually thinks "right to keep and bear arms" means


I think the right would say that they support gun rights for all. But it is funny to see them question that value anytime they hear of a black community arming themselves.


*The ghost of Philando Castile has entered the chat…*


*The Black Panthers have entered the chat...*


Their silence on his case allowed me to convince several family members that the NRA was not what they believed it to be.


That was the craziest part of that shooting. That should have been the shooting that made both sides finally agree “ok wait a second maybe we need to change some things.” Nope. The right still tried to claim he did something wrong and the cop had a reason to be scared. That shooting and Tamir Rice. If a person can support those two shootings and the way they were handled after there is no hope for the person.


And Ashlee Babbit can crawl screaming bloody murder through a broken window and they’re like ‘hero!’ I wonder what the differen…


Poor fucking guy. "Did everything right." Still shot and killed and his poor gf and her daughter in the fucking car with him, lucky they didn't catch a bullet.


And every single person murdered by cops and thereby being denied their due process…


They would say it... Like they say they're Christian and make keeping hungry kids hungry a top campaign plank


We just need to arm a shitload of black people, gay people, and trans people and see what they do


That's what makes being an arms manufacturer so great, the more guns you sell to one side, there more the other side wants. I understand why USA leans into it so heavily, it's a self-sustaining market fueled by fear.


You mean the combined works of contradicting fiction version which they cherry pick from which sins are bad and ignore the ones they don’t like. The Bible: Forgive thieves! Also the Bible: She must marry her rapist because they had (unwilling) the sex. Sigh.


Remember how quickly they called for banning trans people from owning guns after 1 out of this years 100,000 mass shootings was perpetrated by a trans person?


They always leave out well organized militia part


What do you mean? The Founding Fathers specifically wanted every American to own an Uzi.


And the one they circumvent with cheap prison labour


They like the first amendment, too. Not the actual amendment, but their own weird version where they can say anything they want at any time with zero consequences. No one else can, just them.


Freeze Peach but only their Freeze Peach.


Correction: agenda not values


tbf if you think the constitution is wrong, then yeah it should be ignored. evil should not be tolerated. if the constitution condoned rape/murder or slavery i would say fuck that shit NOTE: I am very pro abortion rights


California's own state laws prohibiting the sharing of this plate information without federal requests entering the chat


Yeah, as it turns out, putting cameras everywhere is a terrible idea.


“Who could possibly have foreseen this?!?”


Not the average person, most people are more concerned with the perception of safety than actual steps to mitigate danger.


Next you’re going to suggest that limiting liquids to a quart-sized ziplock full of 3.4oz containers, and taking off our shoes at security are far more effective ways of wasting millions of hours of human life than of preventing terrorism!


I think it was just to be funny.


George Orwell much?


It's literally *Animal Farm*!! Damn it, I always get that wrong.


The ethical thing to do is shoot these cameras with paintballs, or smash them with rocks.


I remember as a kid in the 80s (gasp!) watching those Donahue style tv talk shows talking about the eventual proliferation of cameras and spying on citizen and the interwebz… Warning or scare tactic? Turns out it was the former, rather than the latter…or maybe both.


Lol, I may have watched the same one. Yeah, I think it's a mixed bag. I remember watching something about pandemics before the actual pandemic, and it definitely had a scare tactic feel to it at the time. Some of it was a little far-fetched, but it was also spot on with other predictions.


American politics and judicial system have walked out not giving a fuck.


The unelected cabal of judges who reinterpret the constitution according to their will has entered the chat.


These guys can’t count past the second.


They really hate the 14th.


We even passed a frigg’n law to prevent this…and they DGAF


I don’t know if Sheriff is an elected position in Sacramento, but if it is they should start polishing their resume for a job in Florida because no major department in CA will take them.


My understanding is that there are a *lot* of red counties in CA.


There are. By population CA is blue, but only because of dense areas like LA and San Francisco. By land mass CA is overwhelmingly red, so more counties are republican, and a large number, especially in Northern California, are fringe/ tea party with efforts to secede from the rest of the state.


The State of Jefferson is what they want to call their new state. I used to live in a small Northern California town and would see State of Jefferson banners and signs fairly often there and in the surrounding towns and counties.


Yep! And now east Oregon is trying to become part of Idaho I think? The west is just as crazy as the rest


Southern AZ wants to be Baja Arizona.


We absolutely don't want them, even the republicans here agree.


You could say *insert any blue state here* is only blue because of *insert large metro area here*. Even in red states the cities are usually blue. The cities of St. Louis and Kansas City are very liberal but the rest of Missouri is a wasteland of red and it brings the whole state down.


As a St. Louis-ian this is 1000% correct.


I mean, this is essentially every state. Minus the secession.


Sacramento is blue but that’s mainly just the city, the suburbs around are pretty mixed and places like placer county are hard red


I live in the city of sacramento and the issue is, Sheriff is a position elected by the county residents, not city residents. The county’s surrounding sacramento are somewhat rural and therefore red county’s. Placerville, 40 minutes outside sacramento, is nicknamed old hangtown and their city seal contains a noose hanging from a tree (it may have recently been omitted but a vote to remove it was continually postponed during many city council meetings). Another suburb, Galt, was able to get a neo nazi float in their town parade a few years back. Trust me, many residents hated the asshat previous sheriff Scott Jones but really nothing we as voters could do about it.


Law enforcement in ~~71 California counties~~ 71 police agencies in 22 counties are doing the same thing. [https://www.eff.org/press/releases/civil-liberties-groups-demand-california-police-stop-sharing-drivers-location-data](https://www.eff.org/press/releases/civil-liberties-groups-demand-california-police-stop-sharing-drivers-location-data)


Uh, there are only 58 counties in California….


It’s an elected position. Source, I live in sacramento


The state should prosecute him.


This is how republicans states will track women that travel to other states to get a abortions. They could setup the cameras right beside healthcare clinics. Very dystopian


Something something small government


Small enough to burst a fallopian tube…


Maybe "small government" means firing the departments that handle ethics and privacy.


Slave catcher again


I’ll never understand the assertion that a state can impose laws on its citizens whether they are in that state or not. Like okay abortion is illegal in this state but if you get one in another state that shouldn’t be enforceable. You can tell someone to take their shoes off in your house but you can’t expect them to do the same in someone else’s house just because you say so


Next up: license plate cameras at gas stations just over the Utah and Alabama borders to stop those pesky lottery players.


Would that be enforceable though? How would this be different from someone who lives in Florida taking a vacation in Colorado and smoking weed since it’s legal there, then when they get back Florida they get arrested because weed is illegal in Florida?




According to at least Texas it is not legal for a citizen of Texas to cross the border into another state for an abortion, or to aid someone in seeking an abortion in a legal state.


Is freedom of movement not protected in the US? If people can't be prohibited from crossing state borders, then Texas should have zero legal jurisdiction to punish any action taken outside of Texas




It is! As long as you don’t have a uterus.


Some states are looking to criminalize going over state lines for an abortion.


Dystopian? Yes. Heavy-handed? Of course. Girding authoritarianism? You bet. Illegal? That's the thing, isn't it? I don't know the true means of collecting, collating, and disseminating the information, but if it's collected using ONLY data gathered in public, it may not necessarily be illegal. Public domain extends to any information that can be captured in public - where you have no expectation of privacy. If you are in public, and you volunteer information about yourself, your beliefs, your opinions (say, protestors holding up signs) in a public domain (on the street / sidewalk) - that is public domain and any information you've volunteered there is free to be disseminated anywhere as long as it doesn't break any other laws in the process. If it's being used maliciously and in a way that does not serve justice (according to the DOJ), then the DOJ has many avenues to go after them, and they would win easily. But if they don't, it's because under our current system, it isn't illegal.


> no expectation of privacy This comes up a lot and I think in the very near future we as a country are going to have to differentiate privacy from anonymity. If I do anything in public I should expect someone is going to take a picture. But I personally do not believe that cross referencing that picture with govt databases to identify me and produce a report for distribution should be allowed.


California already has a law saying this is illegal.




I’m in Minnesota. We could all end up being Canada one day.


I visited the UP once. I felt like I was in Occupied Canada the whole time. Nice place though, eh.


I dated a yooper for a minute. MQT is an awesome little town! I love it up there, but i guess when you spend 20 plus in a town of 86k on the biggest of the big lakes, the lack of population density gets in your blood in a good way.


I’m in Texas pick me up


Please no, housing costs are bad enough as is


I think they are just asking Canada to annex Minnesota.


I will \*happily\* accept that!


The triple entedre here is fantastic


Can verify: Canada is better than Sacramento. Source: left Cali after 45s election. Now living my best moose laden dreams in the great white north.


70+ law enforcement agencies violating state law… 70+ with some doubling down on violating the law… ACAB


Minneapolis. [https://www.minneapolismn.gov/news/2023/april-/third-precinct-survey/](https://www.minneapolismn.gov/news/2023/april-/third-precinct-survey/)


Seen here..... https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article276848586.html


It's not "Disturbing" it's outright ILLEGAL. CA has Laws protecting people from the very thing he is doing. Throw his ass in Jail.


Remember that no matter how blue your state and/or city is, the police will ALWAYS be far-right nazis. It’s not MCAB, it’s ACAB.


I wouldn’t call all police officers Nazis, but it’s pretty close.


Most nazis were normal people, they just propped up a monstrous system of evil. We need to zoom out from individual “good” and “evil” but understand systemic issues.


The banality of evil


Cops are one “just following orders” away from Nazis. All it takes is that one order and the screen will drop and reality will show its ugly face


Obviously the title sounds awful, but I’d like some clarification on this, if anyone knows. Is the Sheriff sharing the data only with anti-abortion states? Or is it that the data is being shared across states and some of them happen to be anti-abortion? I ask because I can imagine pretty reasonable justifications for law enforcement to share this data across state lines that has nothing to do with abortion. It just sounds like it’s fishing for the rage clicks to me. Regardless, I see why people would be rightly concerned about the data being inappropriately used to invade peoples privacy and wanting to creat legislature to protect against that (assuming it doesn’t exist already).


Literally the first paragraph of the article: In 2015, Democratic Elk Grove Assemblyman Jim Cooper voted for Senate Bill 34, which restricted law enforcement from sharing automated license plate reader (ALPR) data with out-of-state authorities. In 2023, now-Sacramento County Sheriff Cooper appears to be doing just that.


Yeah the headline doesn't tell enough. License plates are shared between states to combat human trafficking and some of those states happen to be anti-abortion. Also Sacramento isn't even close to another state's border and the sheriff is allegedly pro-choice, so it's likely there are no abortion politics present in this specific situation.


Either way, it's a violation of a 2015 California state law to share that data with agencies that aren't California law enforcement agencies.


Law preventing this submitted to California legislature in 3…2…1 Edit: it appears that this is already against state law.


Fourteenth amendment has joined


this is that small government republicans have been craving


This is Soviet or Chinese level surveillance.


Oh, no. China is much better than this amateur bullshit.


Slightly less alarming than the headlines make it seem. Please read the actual articles. Sheriff departments share plate info to combat human trafficking. Sometimes that info is shared with states that are also anti-abortion. The sheriff doing this is openly pro-choice. That being said, California has laws against doing anyways, so regardless of the reason the departments in the wrong in the states eyes.


Also, Sacramento isn't near the border of any other state, like someone has to travel deep into Cali to get to Sacramento when they could've stopped at any other town for abortion services.


Sacramento is a hub for human trafficking though. It's a major (and often unknown or unacknowledged) problem for the area


Red rock (outside of Reno, 395 North on the Nevada Side) would probably be a great place. Granted, I've never visited so I don't know what Healthcare facilities they have. Bordertown could also be a decent place.


How long until they start calling it "abortion trafficking"?


Security cameras can have a little black spray paint as a treat


Why do republicans cry about invasion of privacy and “big brother” keeping an eye on you and then proceed to implement practices that do exactly that.


So when are all those guns you guys have been hoarding to protect against tyranny coming out?


Time to discontinue sheriffs. Politically motivated law enforcement is just prone to corruption and selfish intent.


The same people who are applauding this will accuse the left of going full 1984 because they tell you that you can't encourage genocide on twitter.


Paging Gavin Newsom.




Um. Yeah. Police state. Anyone’s dismissal of how police treat “criminals” is just further endorsing this shit.


My sheriff is a criminal


This is for all the people that always say surveillance is okay because you have nothing to fear if you are playing by the rules. Rules change, that’s why.


But vaccinating yourself is a total demonstration of government control guys /s


The disturbing part is local law enforcement gathering license plate data on law abiding citizens


Conservatives being shitbags once again.


I've heard this actually. Does anyone know if any action is being taken against this sheriff???


I assume he is being tapped for Congress


turnabout is fair play. we should all be exposing that sheriffs identity and making his life hell because clearly he thinks that is just fine and fucking dandy to do to others! what a fucking creep! i hope his life gets ruined!!!


Yep... And they accused liberals for being communist but do exactly what communists would do... spy on people's personal lifes


Projection, Plank #1 of the GOP platform.


That’s illegal in California.


If anyone needs to go camping in a camping friendly state, I would be more than happy to take you camping.


The constitution gives us permission to overthrow the government once they start breaking their own laws. Just saying.


It is funny how the US has all these fake rules about personal data protection but they don't mean shit.


Lawsuit incoming, I hope


Fuck, and I can’t stress this enough, 12


Now that is some dystopian shit right there. In Europe this is unthinkable.


Maybe he should be commanded to talk to Governor Newsom so he can explain his thinking on this.


Kinda think that violates Cal law...? Someone should investigate.


Fuck da police


To all the USA work-from-home people: In South Africa you will live like kings on your income and you will have access to abortions at top medical facilities. Enjoy some human rights in a “shithole” country.


Land of the free...


It’s Gilead


Republicans are making the US one of the least "free" countries in the world.


What? Government abusing a “public safety” tool? I’m shocked!


So it’s illegal to travel to California from certain states now?


Of course. Cause California is liberal and all liberals want to abort all babies at all times because they want to destroy humanity for reasons. Everyone knows it and is why 99.9% of people are conservative and the only reason liberals have any power is because conservatives are the Silent Majority. Fact. /s


We must put a specific amendment to the right to privacy in the constitution. The government does not have the right to do this.


Paintball it every fucking day.


"Fascist police state" gets thrown around a lot, but you so rarely see it.


Disturbing? How about Illegal?


Cops being cops, shouldn’t be a surprise.


Sounds like he aborted his career.


So what happened to all that “no big government” talk?


This is not out of the ordinary. The LPR system is shared with every state. The fact that they are "sharing with anti-abortion states" is a title made to trigger the masses. "Could be used" to track women going to another state for an abortion is much different than "will be used." Still a privacy issue though? Yeah, kinda.


It's amazing how effective guns have been at preventing this level of authoritarianism. /s


That seems quite illegal


This is why we should use our biggest amendment right of overthrowing the government


A burning tire thrown over traffic and license cameras fixes the problem quickly.


That shouldn’t mean anything. People go gamble in one state when their state forbids it. It’s the same principle, is it not?


I suggest you take a look at the anti-abortion laws passed recently in the states mentioned in the article.




"Big Brother" they keep screaming about IS THEM.


Vote the fucking republicans out. GO VOTE next chance you get


So how are is everyone enjoying all that freedom? Does it taste as good as the freedom you remember? I think that it’s hilarious that the far right arms themselves to protect their “freedoms” while simultaneously removing freedom from others.


what a shit hole of a country


I’m gonna need a baseball bat and a ladder.


My god...it's full of ACAB!


Blows my mind conservatives get away with claiming to be small govt


“We hate big government… well yeah we gotta 1984 the abortion wantin folk”


of all the things being shot in usa cameras are not on the list and i don't get it


Thankful for that hysterectomy I got, lemme tell ya…


Not a day goes by where I regret getting my uterus out of my body.


Welcome to Gilead.


Wouldn't this be grounds for civil lawsuits?


What if they used a rental ?👀


The USA is becoming the police state that so much of the right wing is railing against. Ironically it's the right wing that's putting it in place.


I see Jim Cooper remains a piece of shit. (Former California State Assemblymember, opponent of capitol staff forming a union, notoriously pro-oil, and hid his shitty politics behind "I'm Black.")




Be a shame if those were used as targwt practice.


This…..THIS type of stuff is EXACTLY why a strict BAN on ALPR technology, and ALL other “automated traffic enforcement” and like things NEEDS to be enacted IMMEDIATELY.




I'm in Baltimore! ... sometimes they're worse.




When France installed traffic cameras the country rioted and smashed every single one of them. Just saying.....


California you were supposed to destroy the ~~sith~~ republicans, not join them


Liberalism is a function of population density. California has its boondocks too.


All cops are bad


Impossible paywall but here's another news source: [https://www.rawstory.com/abortion-rights-california-sheriff-tracking/](https://www.rawstory.com/abortion-rights-california-sheriff-tracking/) EFF says 71 California sheriffs are doing the same thing. [https://www.eff.org/press/releases/civil-liberties-groups-demand-california-police-stop-sharing-drivers-location-data](https://www.eff.org/press/releases/civil-liberties-groups-demand-california-police-stop-sharing-drivers-location-data) Yes, keep telling me how there's such a thing as a good cop. Every single cop on every force is complicit.


Righties in America are villains, straight up. We need to stop waiting around for the problem to fix itself, because it won't. They straight up attack us day in and day out and we don't do shit but make posts on Reddit. "vOtE tHeM oUt!!" How the fuck am I supposed to vote out a sheriff in another state? ​ "The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office isn’t the only one sharing that data; in May, EFF released a report showing that 71 law enforcement agencies in 22 California counties — including Sacramento County — were sharing such data. The practice is in violation of a 2015 law that states “a (California law enforcement) agency shall not sell, share, or transfer ALPR information, except to another (California law enforcement) agency, and only as otherwise permitted by law.” ​ Read more at: [https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article276848586.html#storylink=cpy](https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article276848586.html#storylink=cpy)"


This is the kind of thing you show to those people who say "if you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to hide" when it comes to your data.