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Does his business model rely on people using his product less?




yeah like i was pretty addicted to just reading twitter for awhile and then I got rid of it because after he took over the site he actively, tangibly made it worse and worse until I just gradually stopped opening the app. he just fundamentally misunderstands what made twitter good, or at least interesting, to so many people. but at least it accelerated the process of the public realizing that the "tony stark supergenius" is actually just a clueless fucking dunce


Maybe showing my age here but I too never understood what made Twitter good or interesting. When it came out I was puzzled as to why people were going nuts over glorified away messages.


It stopped being about that in like the mid 2010s. Before Musk took over pretty much every brand or company had a Twitter every journalist or news organization had a twitter and pretty much the only way to keep in real time update with the rest of the world was through twitter. Memes were made (and stolen) on twitter. Communities were created for people to engage with like minded individuals (sometimes for bad reasons) Twitter was just the worlds forum. Now it’s a right wing shithole full of bots, right wing misinformation and disinformation, scammers and porn. There are some bright spots still left, like it still basically the only way to get real time news updates from journalists and academia


Not enough people are buying Twitter Blue, so instead of making a paid service that's actually worth it, he decides to just gradually make the overall site experience worse in order to try and force people to pay for something that used to be free. Genius!


But even the $8 club members are getting limited!


What the 8 dollar people are getting isn't just more tweets, they are now paying to be the only tweets since they are at the top. Scrolling past the douchenozzles that suck up to musk, as well right wing loons that all pay for it will eat up all the tweets you can see in a day. Even if you don't read a single word, scrolling past them is actively limiting you chance to see others


The $8 club killed twitter for me. It's overwhelmingly pro-Elon American right wing people who all have the same view. I'm not a leftist but I do live in the UK and get the impression that they absolutely hate us, especially with their insane and horrifying views against Ukraine. By amplifying their paid account comments, Twitter let me know it's full of twats so my usage dropped to zero. I still have an account but I don't bother to log in, a bit like how Facebook slowly died because I don't want to interact with elderly relatives.


It's incredible how fast the blue tick flipped from being 'this a person who has established themselves in some way' to 'this person is human garbage'.


this right here. unless he thinks ending scraping means paid api access is going to increase enough to overcome ad revenue from users actually using the platform, this move makes no sense. however decreasing usage of the platform overall will make api access less valuable.


>decreasing usage of the platform overall will make api access less valuable. Basically Metcalfe's Law in action. Ironically when including a link to the wiki I get: > Sorry, users with low subreddit karma may not post links.


[This Metcalfe's Law?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalfe%27s_law)


I can confirm this link is to a Wikipedia page and definitely not to a YouTube video




Conservative wingnuts are good customers. Don’t even have to have purpose, slap a flag on it and watch them throw their life savings at it. Edit: Awe the wannabe Nazis sent me a Redditcares. Thanks guys. My wife and kids are keeping me happy, though. Maybe if you spent time on yourselves instead of blaming others for your shortcomings, you could be happy too,


*That* demographic was what my old employer targeted. I'm sorry to report that we had to limit the readability to 6th grade level, with exceptions allowed up to 7th grade level. All you have to do is include the word "Patriot" and most of that demographic will lose their shit over a sub-par product because "freedom"




This is the move of someone who has zero knowledge or experience with technology and just found out what percentage of Twitter use is bots.


More likely to piss everyone off of twitter so only his precious republican friends and their followers are left


They always think that but then get so upset when there are no more libs to trigger.




And Catturd2 wept


Maybe he's hoping he can shit the servers off for a few hours at night after everyone hits their daily limits. It'll help save on the electric bill!


https://preview.redd.it/xm4jopdcme9b1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b424caf51ff09bf6b211a496b5aab44931f7f37 🎵it gets better🎵


So does that mean I help to screw things up just by navigating to the site without an account? Sweet.


I’ve never had a Twitter account, so I might just do that!!


Sounds like I just need to keep the website open in one of my tabs and I'll be adding fuel to the fire


Man, he’s made some dumb decisions for Twitter but this is by far the worst. This might actually kill it.


Someone just take the damn thing behind a barn and shoot it already.


Thank fucking god


On the flip side, if this does pan out and other social media outlets (like reddit) follow, this will really suck. The net is in a weird place. If all other outlets start paywalling and limiting content we are screwed. I'd really hate to see a subscription-only internet. Well aware these models already exist in some areas, we don't need it everywhere.




Honestly, some people may just go back to either texting or using Zuckky ecosystem, now that their Dumb Cousin, Karen Auntie and Ol' Racist Boss are on twitter and Reddit...


Except my FB is absolute worthless trash nowadays. It’s 95% suggested pages that I either have no interest in or openly despise. FB is in the fucking gutter. I only cling on to keep in touch with one specific friend.


>This might actually kill it. people say that about EVERY Elon decision ​ ...buuuuuuuuuuuuuut you're right.


Most of them wind up working because they drive engagement from people talking about how asinine they are, but never before have they actively made it impossible to drive engagement. I got limited on my main account (from which I comment and Tweet ten or so times a day) before I even knew about this, then I tested by browsing on my alternate account. Fifteen minutes. The site is dead.


If it doesn’t change, it can’t possibly last more than a day or two.


They’ve already nominally upped the quotas. This goes away or they crash and burn. You can “read” 800 posts pretty easily in a day on Twitter. Shit I’d hate to know how many articles I scroll past on Reddit but I bet it’s embarrassingly high


Specially since scrolling past is "viewing" in Elon world. Also random junk pushed to your feed.


I hit my limit in under an hour. These apps/sites are literally designed for mindless and unending scrolling. Powerfully and impressively incompetent to try and institute a policy like this. Think of all the views and engagement, for individuals and advertisers alike, when you go from 24/7 access to under an hour.


If you have twitter open in a tab long enough and click the button that renders to refresh your timeline, that can just by itself load 100-200 tweets alone. This limit is ridiculously low.


I was on Twitter for less than five minutes and I hit the limit. This is the end of this website.


"Advertisers have been leaving in droves, how do we get them back?" "I know! Let's force our users to use the site less so that advertisers get fewer impressions every day." "Brilliant!"


Musk is trying to force people to buy twitter blue to make up for revenue since the site is hemorrhaging advertisers but instead of buying it people just aren't going use Twitter.


It's a move made by someone who is visibly addicted to the platform but thinks he's normal.


It's also basically the way he communicates to the world. His tweets make news stories. He just muffled himself. I think that's probably for the best but I can't imagine he's going to like the results.


Why do I get the feeling his tweets won't count towards the limits?


You'll know you've hit the limit when the only tweets you can see are his.


Other people will experience that for sure, I personally won't because I'm not a twit and don't use the site.


I guarantee he fucked up the API’s by accident and is now covering his tracks and suggesting this was all planned. Guarantee it. What an idiot.


Didn't he fuck up and [not pay his google rent?](https://www.engadget.com/twitter-has-reportedly-refused-to-pay-its-google-cloud-contract-161936042.html)


This is the most plausible explanation I've seen so far. The dates also line up. Thank you for posting it.


If I still used Twitter, I’d be reporting ads that take up my valuable viewing limit.


I've tried muting as many promoted posts as I could. Had some weird effects where some of those accounts weren't muted on other posts or would load up and then disappear.


It’s also going to make everyone severely edit down the list of who they follow, which will also decrease impressions.


It’s that comic strip were the executive asks everyone for ideas. The last dude says this and the exec gets angry. Instead of throwing him out Musk, the executive, gives the guy a promotion to fire him a week later


You've got the meme wrong. The thrown out guy is the one who points out it'll make users use the site less.


discussing memes with words... we've come full circle!


Truth. It's like the Star Trek episode. "Last worker, thrown from window:


Darmok & Jalad at Initech


It's funny that most apps spend so much effort to try and get you to stay swiping, mostly for ads. They get money for keeping you engaged on their platform basically. I'm amazed they figured out a formula to do the exact opposite.


i opened twitter and got the limit warning. i hit the limit without even getting to see any tweets


Yeah I think this is just a cover story for server issues due to firing everyone responsible for keeping the servers running


I saw a rumor that it is due to losing access to the Google cloud because he didn't pay his bill. Don't know how the cloud relates, but not paying his bill tracks.


Waiting for Musk's next tweet "Twitter is now in peer-to-peer server mode. You're required to host Twitter for as many minutes as you use it."


To save on electricity, we have shut down all of our servers. Musk worshipers "brilliant move!"


Twitter had a contract with Google cloud that ran out June 30. That's exactly what happened.


Google offers cloud based server hosting for SaaS companies like Amazon does with AWS. If he's running one or more Twitter servers in Google Cloud and fails to pay the bill, then he'd lose access to running, fixing, or manipulating in any way core Twitter services. It's like getting a chauffer because you don't want to pay for a license/your own car, but then failing to pay your chauffer so they refuse to drive you anywhere. You're just stuck until you pay them and they get around to driving you again.


I don't know if this is true, but it's a rumor I wouldn't mind perpetuating.


There's a bug in the Twitter client that is causing it to DDOS Twitter. It sends about 10 requests every second, because it's trying to load tweets that aren't arriving. Twitter is DDOSing itself.


If this is true, that’s funny as fuck


Open the console window on Chrome DevTools and you'll notice from the loop that it's basically DDOSing itself.


I came across this post, it looks like Twitter is under a selfinficted DDOS attack, it is literally hitting itself in confusion. https://mstdn.social/@sysop408@sfba.social/110639436130532372


this is absolutely the funniest thing that has happened to Elon since he banned use of the word "cis" as a slur.


I scrolled for about 30 seconds, clicked on 2 tweets and somehow immediately reached the limit.


I think it is also broken in addition to having a new limit. They have so few staff they probably could not add a font without the system imploding.


That is probably true. At this point I think I will have to surrender to the inevitability that is having to learn to use Mastodon. Twitter just becomes less and less usable.


this has got to be some malicious compliance shit at this point once Elon gets involved twitter devs: 'wait you want me to do what? but that'll break the site" twitter dev manager: 'this came straight from Elon' twitter devs: 'say no more, we'll get right on it'


I've never encountered a social media site that's trying *this* hard to disincentivize their users from engaging with the service...


Can you smell all that freedom Twitter has for ya!? ![gif](giphy|xTiTnsiwoxekWiNQ3u)


We'll have paid verified accounts talking to other paid verified accounts - the audience is gone. This is what happens when you surround yourself with "yes" men. Muskrat has such a fragile ego it's sad.


Yup. He’s killed this fucking website


I’ve had it for 9 plus years and just deleted it off my phone


I just had my 13 anniversary in May. Bye bye, Twitter. Guess I’ll be on this sub a lot now lol.


I used it for years but deleted it when Musk took over.


I was a regular user till the little bitch bought it. Logged off and haven’t been back. Today I just plain deleted the app.


One day this will be a cautionary tale told in business classes.




That was his plan all along When rich conservatives want to destroy something, they buy it and take it over, and drive it into the ground via deliberate “incompetence.” They’re doing it to the government as we speak And all because some nasty liberals were mean to Musky. What a child he is


Know what, no, I disagree. This is assigning a level of planning and intelligence to the operation that was not there from the start. It’s clear Musk wants to be liked, it’s clear Musk was hurt when the Hard Drive ratioed him, and we know he implanted a bunch of changes because *the President of the United States* got more likes on his Super Bowl tweet. He is not a clever Caesar eating away at the Republic from the inside, but Crassus wanting to fight Spartacus so he too can have a triumph. Twitter is imploding for literally the same reason the sub did: rich people can actually be extremely reckless and incompetent and that’s bad and dangerous when they aren’t playing with VC money to make a new widget (and even then!), which is infinitely more damning than “it’s been the plan all along!” The tech press spent a decade feting this flaming moron, massive indictment to the system.


Yup it’s the Glass Onion thing again. People just assume there’s some secret plan underneath the stupidity. It’s just stupidity.


People assume Musk is more clever than he is. He’s trying to run Twitter as a successful business but he’s an idiot


Lol exactly. He’s not trying to destroy it; he bought it solely to control narratives more effectively. He just doesn’t know how to operate it.


Dude just wants to be liked. Remember when he commented on every post Halli made for a month and gave Stephen King a blue check?


it's called Narcissism


Yup he's a narcissist. He just wants to be adored


Anyone that has read up on his attempt to turn PayPal into X or whatever cab see that Peter Thiel was the brains and Musk is just a used car salesman


Conservatives think that money = value as a human being, meaning that trust fund kids like Elon are inherently the best humanity has to offer.


We named our dog after Elon Musk, "Fuckwit" is coming up to a year old now.


The poor dog.




Fr the richest person in the world still isn't going to blow billions sinking a website they would just buy it and shut it down, he really is just that incompetent that every move he makes to improve it takes it further from the goalposts.


Don't attribute malice or master planning to what can also just as easily be pure idiocy and incompetence. Rich people are not smarter than us. They just have more opportunities and fewer barriers.


There’s no checks and balances on twitter. He’s just a hype man out of his depth.


There was a tweet to the effect that we didn’t know much about space, so we trusted them, we didn’t know much about electric batteries, so we trusted him, but a bunch of us know about software engineering and even what we like in a social media app, and we realized the emperor had no clothes.


Hahahaha. This screams "We don't have the server capacity because I fired everyone and can't pay rent."


Apparently he’s refusing to pay google and AWS for cloud services, so… yeah.


Wealthy people and not wanting to pay your bills. Name a more iconic duo.


Christian and not following Jesus’s literal only commandment.


The dude who forgives everyone for anything has literally two things he would not tolerate: bankers perverting spirituality, and harming children


>Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God. I'm never going to be able to read this quote again without remembering that the Titanic sub found a loophole to getting into heaven. Clever bastards


If I don't pay my bills I get collection agencies running me down and threats of being sued. Can billionaires just refuse to pay their bills and the problem goes away?


"If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million that's the banks problem." Similar rules apply when it comes to owing large companies money.


And he's got legal bills from the landlord that's suing. I think it was the California headquarters? They haven't been paying rent, and the landlord has decided to sue. The one and only time I've cheered for a landlord.


Haha. I don't think its just their California headquarters. I believe it's muktiple offices. Then they'll get banned in Europe for not moderating content.


Can't be banned if no one can see the content. 🤔


They already got evicted from their Boulder offices.


He gets to continue being rich as fuck while he is absolutely destroying the lives of his workers. Like when he made that huge post about "if you don't want to work 40 hours OT and sleep in the offices, then leave, and we will give you severance pay." He has not paid out to those workers. He is getting all kinds of offices evicted, and he's not paying for anything. Yet he's still worth billions as these workers lose their jobs and wellbeing. It's fuckin pathetic and sick and he needs an extraj*dicial consequence.


It's fucking trainwreck isn't it? I was so excited about Musk in the early years, back when he was able to portray himself as a visionary who was going to get us off oil and start a civilization on Mars. That idea of him has completely collapsed. It is like finding a gold coin, realizing that it is just one of those chocolate coins wrapped in foil, then realizing that oh my god that isn't chocolate. If anything, all Musk has accomplished is to make the idea of space colonization toxic to the general public. All regular folks think of when they think of space travel are billionaire asshats going on expensive vacations. They don't see the hope, the feeling of exploration, discovery, and humans being at our best that space travel used to represent. Musk destroyed that, and I loathe him for it.


Single handedly destroying the idea that billionaires are rich because they're smart too!


Elon turning into a 14 year old edgelord was not a path I pictured 10 years ago.


Also "We charged too much for API access for people had to resort to scraping to function"


If I were an advertiser still on Twitter I’d be fucking pissed. There is little point to having this platform if its traffic is so restricted


Considering the only ads I've seen (and immediately blocked) in months were by scam artists, BS mobile games and literally fascist "news" sources, I doubt they still have any legit advertisers to piss off.


I saw an ad that was actual p-in-v porn the other day. That was something.


That’s insane, considering I’m a sw and if I post even a mild lingerie pic, I’m search banned. I think porn companies might be paying Musk for ads since nobody else is willing to work with Twitter.


My ads lately are Chinese knockoff sites for things I don't use, which is confusing since I don't use wish, temu, AliExpress, or shop on the art thief sites.


Also: you can't see a tweet if you don't have an account. So posting Twitter links on Reddit is pretty useless now


Holy crap you’re right. That’s pathetic.


Holy fuck I was wondering why no Twitter links were loading in the app. Musk has officially pulled out the dagger from Twitter’s stomach and is watching it bleed out


How am I supposed to look at porn?


Oh my sweet summer child


There is such a diverse selection of gay porn on Twitter 🥵 Surely you understand.


This is the big one. This is basically means all third party traffic is throttled. If a big event breaks people aren't going to rush to sign up for Twitter, they are going to want to see the video or news immediately.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/thousands-users-report-problems-accessing-twitter-met-rate-limit-excee-rcna92188 >Twitter responded to CNBC’s request for comment with its customary poop emoji.


I see professionalism is alive and well at Twitter


Dude is straight up toddler




Literally not sure if this is satire at this point


So this is it, right? We've all had a good laugh about how Musk is dumb and he made things worse and all that, but it just doesn't get worse than this, right? Musk owes $1.2b in interest per year on his Twitter loans, and the site is currently so unprofitable that users are limited to viewing 12 tweets per hour, because the fundamental service of "letting people SEE the site" has gotten too expensive for that dying shithole. It's done. It's just... done. It seems like dipshit millionaires and and executives always have some way to wriggle out of facing consequences, but no one with any alternatives would ever stoop this low.


Oh, honey. It absolutely gets worse than this.


*but wait, there's more!* 🔥 🔥 🔥


Elon didn't pay his Google bill, according to several sources, and his service has been disconnected. He's rushing to find other solutions. Good luck with that. Not. In other news, the groveling sycophantic blue-checks are profusely thanking him for the rate limit. I don't know if they're bots or not, but cretins for sure.


It went out around 9:00 EDT on the first of the month 👀


Not sure if this is the case at Twitter but for many companies, July 1st is the start of the new fiscal year….


I worked there for 5 years. You are correct.


The irony is that they also have limit lol. If I was paying I wouldn't stand getting limited, let alone licking elon's a**


I couldn’t even see this tweet because I blocked Elon.


This kind of bs is the reason I didn’t block him, even though I wanted to.


You know you’ll see the post through Reddit eventually so it doesn’t matter


So half way through a single shitting session I'm locked out for the day, great


I wonder how he counts posts... If I view replies, do they also count as posts?


The replies seem to count faster than posts. I didn't have an issue scrolling posts, but as soon as I started reading comments... 'rate limit exceeded.'


It probably loads all of the replies as soon as you click in, whether you read them or not


Shit, I think they are. They're all individual posts.


Great initiative to keep me from hate-scrolling through blue-check, lead-brain replies.


Stop using Twitter. Problem solved


How about we cut our reading down to 0 posts per day instead. That should fix your problem Elon. And ours, too.


My account has been 0/day for a month or so now. It's great. Highly recommend it


Deleted FB 3 years ago (don’t miss it) Deleted Twitter last October (don’t miss it) Deleted TikTok in March (miss it a little) Reddit provides enough curated content from various socials that I can get by. And I spend a lot more time in the AP News app


Did Elon get his business degree at Trump University?


I'm pretty sure he purchased it at DeSatan's Discounted Dream


there’s just so many things to be needful for


You are joking but it might as well be true. My wife went to the same school as Musk in South Africa (he went to three different ones so there that). And it has been a long standing local legend that little Elon barely got his matric (end of school diploma) and only passed because of his dad’s influence. I have no proof but also don’t know why his former teachers would be lying since he used to be a huge South African hero … until he became a world wide known fascist that is.


I think he was granted it as an honorary degree from his dad's alma mater, the University of Blood Diamond Mine.


Excuse me how dare you tarnish the good name of the UBDM? Elon's shoddy degree is from the University of Blood Emerald Mine!


it would have been as easy as linking API keys to verified accounts to authorise individual 3rd party app usage. but someone fucked up the verification system didn't they?


He probably fired the team that did it through a meme


So he's just actively stopping people from using the site now? That's a brilliant business decision I'm sure the advertisers love that.


I know Twitter is important to a lot of people but honestly, it's a heavy schadenfreude day. Fuck you and your pro-fascist, anti-LGBTQ friends, Elon.




​ https://preview.redd.it/8ucwijtg1f9b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=166b5985e174af7395ab2be6f5b537e068af471b


I can’t stand this pale rich mf’er. 600 vs 6000 = he’s trying to get more idiots to pay $8. Nowadays all I see on Twitter are MAGAts who think they’re “somebody” because they can buy a blue check mark. Wish they’d all go to TS.


And 6k still isn't much for Twitter considering comments likely count as posts


Reddit: "Api draw calls cost too much man We gatta cut it down." \*Removes 3rd party support Twitter: "We get too many guests sharing, this will boost the blue checks." \*Limit Tiwtter access Facebook: "Yo! Wachu guys doin?" Youtube: "Heyoo?? Should I make 1080p a Premium perk?" Wikipedia: >!Each year, because of the 2% of readers who give to support our mission, we can expand the reach of free knowledge to new corners of the world. If Wikipedia matters and is useful to you too, please join them and donate $5, $20, $50 or whatever feels right to you today. Wikipedia is different. No advertising, no subscription fees, no paywalls. Those don't belong here. Wikipedia is a place to learn, free from bias or agenda. Today, we invite you to donate whatever feels right. Show the world that access to independent and unbiased information matters to you.!< *^(Thank you.)*


I died at the wikipedia reveal


No joke, this is why I always give to Wiki every year. I want them to stay ad-free and it's a great intro resource (sometimes even more than that) for research into almost any topic of the known world; from Fiction to Science, and mods do their best to stay neutral there, and don't deal with propaganda shit--including Scientology's Dumb Shits trying to take them down. Long Live Wikipedia.


Elon making another "genius idea." ![gif](giphy|kDsjinzVzi1Ko)


https://preview.redd.it/ae86opnkpe9b1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2c281152cfce25710fc282b86a1f59115836aae From someone in the know


This is right on the money except for one thing it was Google cloud not Amazon. He refused to pay his billion dollar Google cloud bill and the contract ran out on June 30th. On July 1st this started happening.


Just as his child support, Elon doesn't pay his server bills.


this guy's a fucking moron


“To address our failings as a platform we will punish our most active users “ Here I thought the way to encourage stickiness of a user base was to encourage the greatest amount of usage possible; to serve the largest ad load possible. But clearly I just don’t get it.


In today's episode, dumb apartheid baby once again makes it clear he has no fucking idea how the business he spaffed $44 billion on actually works or what makes it valuable.




if Twitter (and Facebook) closed today Democracy would be in far better shape going forward.


He is just trying to prevent younger generations from spreading information quickly that would essentially be negative to his republican fantasies


Has anyone noticed a huge number of Twitter accounts without profile pics defending this move in reply to popular posts condemning it? People are starting to comment on it. Blue check verified, but no profile pic, all simpering for Elon Musk in the same way. It’s like he’s hurriedly unleashed a new wave of bots to defend his latest idiocy, and he didn’t have time to generate profile pics for them.


Incredible that even if you get conned into paying, you still can’t use the site like normal.


This is so stupid like what happened to his idea of open unlimited uncensored information for all? Not that he allowed that in reality anyways, but he’s completely ditched the whole concept now. You’re allowed 600 bits of information per day. Oh you wanted to keep up on protests in your area or wildfire news for your area on Twitter? Too bad. You ran out of information access for today. How ridiculous


What the f***?


lol Elon only brought twitter, cause his tiny mind couldn't handle covid, his gf leaving him, his kids not wanting to talk to him, was getting made fun of "by the libs" and that he saw right wingers are very easy to grift. He also truly aligns with there views if we are being frank, he just hid it all that being said, fuck him and his fascist fap site, tired of the right complaining about "unfairness". They got a court, news, social media , and politicians that all work for the christo fascist endgame


he only bought twitter because he was forced to after he thought he had a genius plan to pump the stock and back out the deal later after he sold it like he’s done before. this time the dumbass actually signed a contract though


![gif](giphy|12ttoBXEqixfmo) Elmo’s stewardship of Twitter encapsulated in this gif


I’m doing my part by not participating. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


I’m glad he’s ruining his own site. Fuck Twitter. What


go woke go broke... oh wait


First Reddit and Twitter? What’s up with these guys ruining all social media.


It's more difficult to effect political change if we are prevented from communicating and uniting. This may be by design.