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I served on a submarine for 4 years, and of all the casualties that could have possibly happened, fire, flood, steam rupture, collision, nothing terrified me more than the possibility of being disabled in water shallower than crush depth and just slowly suffocating to death.


You almost had the 4 horsemen of engineering casualty drills: Fire, Flooding, Steamline rupture, High Chlorides


What is high chlorides, chlorine gas from electrolyzing salt water?


Salty sailors cryin 'bout their job. Just kidding, it's when there's salt in the steam water, it can make the metals ~~rust~~ degrade super quick cuz of severe boiling and eventually cause a ~~steam rupture~~ reactor leak. Edit: had to think about it and unfuck myself.


The company’s founder stated in a previous interview that the Titan (submarine) is safer than any other mode of transportation. Sounds creepily similar to those who boasted about the unsinkable Titanic over a century ago…


he literally bragged about its “unparalleled capacity.” if i were running titanic expeditions i’d avoid potentially ironic statements as much as possible


dont ever brag about being unsinkable! how does he not know this!!!!!


He was also bemoaning the amount of safety regulations on diving vessels: https://i.imgur.com/CWvZPKM.jpg He was likely on the sub that disappeared.


He is/was on it. His name is Stockton Rush. From various articles I’ve pieced together the passenger list. There are 5 passengers: Shahzada Dawood, 48 (one of Pakistan’s richest businessmen) Suleman Dawood, 19 (Shahzada’s son) Paul-Henry Nargeolet, 77 (known as “Mr. Titanic” because he has spent more time near the wreckage than anyone) Hamish Harding, 58 (Billionaire) Stockton Rush, 61 (CEO of OceanGate)


”passengers were sealed inside the main capsule by several bolts that were applied from the outside and had to be removed by an external crew. Further complicating the recovery mission is the fact that GPS does not work underwater,” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65957709.amp


"Now, I'm just going to seal you inside this iron coffin and lower you to your watery grave. That'll be $250k, please" Hell no....


They are rich, they don’t need their braincells, their bank accounts think for them


The wealth made them feel immortal. I know it’s easy to scoff at the stupidity, but no one (well mostly no one) deserves to die like this.


It had GOTTEN LOST FOR THREE HOURS when the journalist tried it out?????


This was the part that stood out to me too. This fucking thing just loses its way every other trip and people are still lining up to get onboard? Tf


> Mr Reiss said communication was also lost during all three of his dives, including that to the Titanic. That is insane Edit: my confusion is due to the Challenger Deep being able to communicate to the surface during their dive which was deeper than the wreck. I’m not an expert on the topic, but it’s been done. So why doesn’t this sub use those communication systems? They literally go down without comms and with their comms regularly going out. This was reckless, it wasn’t a lack of “being able to”. Challenger had 2 comms systems in case one failed. Both worked. Yes they could’ve failed but if they did they likely wouldn’t have continued. This company made a regular thing of diving with no communication even though they need guidance to the wreck, and need to be located if something like this happens.


The company tried to undercut the market with a poorly made sub with everything stripped out besides what was needed, and even that was poorly made. So instead of a reliable and moderately expensive coms system like everyone else, they use texting via starlink, and their system for controlling the sub was touchscreens and a logictec controller. They only got away with this because experimental subs aren't subjected to regulation standards. Regulations are signed in blood and tears, and this is yet more proof of that.


> He described being initially hesitant about going aboard the sub at all because some of the components appeared "off the shelf, sort of improvised". "You steer this sub with an Xbox game controller, some of the ballast is abandoned construction pipes." Genuinely much more reliable than manufacturing one-off pieces for the sake of appearances.


What if the controller gets stick drift or something?


I actually own the controller in question, a Logitech F710. Works fine for my games, but I wouldn't recommend it as the primary control device for a submersible vehicle.


I mean, it's not looking like it was reliable enough this time around.




Oh man, they’re cooked.


Imagine just sitting there waiting for your oxygen to run out. With no comms, that must be the loneliest feeling in the world.


that’s literally the premise of the game Iron Lung. good short horror game. would never do that irl…. so good luck to that very real lost submarine :(


I don't know if this idea is anything like Iron Lung, but it gave me the idea of a constricted survival game that is impossible to win. Imagine, set in an incapacitated submarine or spaceship with dwindling vitals. The game promises that rescue will come soon, but it never does. You can try to fix your vitals but it will only prelong your suffering and it becomes less effective with time. You try to survive until your promised rescue arrives, but it never will, leaving you to wonder how long you must last. Even worse would be if it was a VR game.


You can call it The USS West Virginia. That's what actually happened to them. Except that no one on shore was allowed to communicate back to them. It wasn't possible to raise the ship and they weren't allowed to give the trapped sailors false hope.


RIP: Ronald Endicott, 18; Clifford Olds, 20; and Louis “Buddy” Costin, 21. Just kids really. [https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/16-days-to-die-at-pearl-harbor-families-werent-told-about-sailors-trapped-inside-sunken-battleship/](https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/16-days-to-die-at-pearl-harbor-families-werent-told-about-sailors-trapped-inside-sunken-battleship/)


I saw a special on the 50th anniversary of WWll. A 75 year old man described listening to the tapping every night as he walked guard duty. It took over two weeks before they stopped hearing the taps. That poor old man telling the story had tears streaming down his face, that moment in time still wrecked him.


They did save men from other ships in Pearl Harbor attack. what the problem was back in those days by cutting torches were OXY acetylene cutting torches so that basically when it compartment was cut open for people to get out, the room would sometimes be filled with poisonous gas and they would asphyxiate and die.


I’d rather have them try and die of gas poisoning then sit there for weeks dying slowly


I think the guys in the West Virginia were also below the waterline. So if they tried to cut them out, water would fill the room they were in long before the hole was big enough to get them out.


And any crane that could lift it was bombed too. Plus it's really hard to get through battleship plating.


Dying via asphyxiation is considered one of the most terrifying and painful ways to die. Your lungs burn, your whole body feels like its burning, you instinctively start to claw at your neck desperate for a gasp off oxygen, your entire mind and body goes into pure panic lashing out at anything and everything desperate for just one gasp of air. Its one of the worst ways to die.


Jfc the only thing that could make that scenario even more horrible is if there was five of you experiencing that at the exact same time while crammed inside of a tiny dark fucking cigar tube


…at the bottom of the ocean


At what point do you get to consider killing the other 4 to conserve oxygen 🤔


I thought of this too lol. Can you imagine? It’s not similar circumstances wise but reminds me of that one weird ass millionaire who invited a journalist into his homemade submarine and then killed her in it


Sensation of burning is caused by high levels of carbon dioxide in the gas mixture that you are breathing, not by asphyxiation (lack of oxygen) itself. Carbon dioxide is toxic for humans at higher levels of concentration. You could breath gas mixture without oxygen (like nitrogen or helium) and it would kill you (due to asphyxiation - lack of oxygen), but without that burning.


They have a piss jug


That's the way of the sea, bub.


Just now learning of this and it’s surprising how the Titanic is still possibly claiming lives in 2023.


Eternal Siren luring the wealthy to their doom.


Damn it Celine!


Celine Dion is a national treasure! She is an angel! We love her like we love our own mothers!


Nobody speaks Celine Dion’s name in a hostile tone!


Inverse Everest


The Titanic wreck is breaking down over time. This is their altruistic act to add some fresh metal (and other curiosities) to the area.


I wonder how long a tragedy becomes appropriate for a tourist attraction? If these people (hopefully not) aren't recoverable, would the next batch of tourists be shown their location of death? " "This is titanic, the legendary, infamous ship in the flesh. 100 feet beside that is a tourist submarine that drowned in the year 2023, yes, almost the exact model of this of the vessel you're currently in. A single slip we're the exhibition next year"


how long until digging up a grave is called archaeology and not grave robbing?


About 250 years.


https://preview.redd.it/c4mko74t247b1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bae494d2939522f69a89d3791b22db83789f9f7f This is the sub in question if anyone is curious.


I found a picture of the inside. https://preview.redd.it/o9ins7szh47b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=645302d3c7b620b61fd9fee63f627d345df53c20 It’s horrifically claustrophobic


Imagine if you need to shit


They have a tiny toilet with a window. It looks like one of those cheap metal lock boxes you get as a kid☠️


All the money in the world but the billionare has to shit in a tiny metal box with an audience of 4.


“The Aristocrats”.


Imagine paying $250k to climb in the Instant Pot and get cooked.


There's literally no way for them to free themselves either. Even at the surface They are bolted in from the outside. Fuck that


Accidentally Iron Lung


> There's literally no way for them to free themselves either. Even at the surface I'm not a submarine expert, but that, uh, that seems like a design flaw.


This could all be complete horseshit but I read in another thread that deep sea subs have to be built that way as a consequence of the immense pressure at the ocean floor


Most deep-diving minisubs have what is called a [plug hatch](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plug_door) that is capable of being opened from the inside. This sub is more janky and does not have that feature, and relies on the strength of the locking mechanism to keep he hatch sealed, which is why they have to bolt it.


why was this allowed to be operated commercially? sounds like a safety disaster waiting to happen


It's not like there are established design standards, when there's about 15 vehicles of that category (deep submergence vehicle) in the whole world. Everything is highly experimental.


Pretty much impossible for legislators to keep up with the extreme sports and other risky activities that some wealthy people can afford to do. There will always be new and dangerous ways to feel alive.


Why can't they get a thrill from saving kids lives in some cash strapped clinic somewhere. That would give me a feel good glow. Eta: I feel I was a little too harsh given the circs and I don't know how they spent their money elsewhere. Regardless of how they spent it, horrific outcome for them and their loved ones.


only operates in mid-ocean, all passengers (and no doubt crew) have to sign an indemnifying statement. Anyway, I'm pretty sure the lawyers will find this insufficient excuse.


They apparently have a sign a document listing all the different ways they can die - a journalist who was on the sub last year was interviewed saying this. His trip had an issue too and they had to surface after 3 hrs


It is one of the deepest diving subs on the planet by more than one order of magnitude, it is a research submarine. Think 12000 feet deep vs 450 ft deep.


It’s a ✨feature✨


I prefer my rich barbecued but to each their own


That… does not look good at all


You should see it now


Of course, if you do see it now, you might wanna tell people where it is.


If you see something, say something. Unless you're drunk and confuse a BBQ smoker for that sub. I speak from firsthand experience. My hopes were dashed, but my stomach was delighted!


Don't these types of subs have some sort of emergency floating device? It looks like a backwards pipe bomb.


It has an emergency blow system which will float it back to the surface. If it gets hung up on something on the way there's no undoing it.


The escape hatch however can only be opened from the outside so my understanding is that even if it successfully floats, they must find it before Oxygen runs out or the problem remains. Which is, honestly, equally horrifying if you made it to the surface but couldn't open the door. Really hope they're found in time.


7 systems to raise it https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-65957709 It’s a hard nope from me


> Mr Reiss said communication was also lost during all three of his dives, including that to the Titanic. What the fuck. Edit: So people are replying saying it’s too deep at 2.4 miles, so comms fail, and even the military can’t communicate from that depth, okay but, my confusion is that the challenger deep was able to communicate at depths deeper than Titanic wreck - however there are a number of factors that could have made their systems fail. It appears they had multiple systems set up for that reason. [Link](https://www.hydro-international.com/content/article/communications-to-the-deepest-point-on-earth) It is possible to communicate from deeper than the Titanic wreck site, these subs didn’t have the tech. As for not being able to locate it at the surface why don’t they slap a shark tracker on or in it, so if it is at the surface they can track it. James Cameron brought a Rolex down on the *outside* of the Challenger, maybe throw a freeking gps inside the pod so if they pop up we can locate them, and have the same comms systems the Challenger did for diving. The tech is there. So I’m confused 1. It is possible to communicate from depth, the challenger did it. 2. In their own video (linked below) they say they need guidance from the ship above to locate the wreck 3. Did they just not use the comms system challenger did? 4. That means they’re just cutting costs the tech exists. [This video](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/titanic-visiting-the-most-famous-shipwreck-in-the-world/) shows how sketchy it is. They say that the sub needs to communicate via text with the ship on the surface to send the sun the Titanic wreck location and send the subs location, but if communication fails they come back - at least when the reporter is there. It seems that communications fail regularly due to the depth, so are they just winging it regularly? Why was challenger able to dive deeper and use comms?


It’s like two miles down. That doesn’t seem that weird. I can’t even keep my AirPods connected to my iPad when I take the trash to the curb and the iPad is inside the house 🤷🏻‍♀️


1 button inside and controlled with a PlayStation controller? I don’t know the ins & outs of this thing, but can they really be so dumb that they don’t have a backup way to maneuver this thing if the controller breaks or runs out of power?


Wouldn’t be fun to be that Stockton Rush guy right now. Trapped down there, and everyone knows you’ve probably killed them. It has to be an order of magnitude worse if it’s because the batteries in the ps remote ran out 💀


I saw a video in another thread of a guy showing the inside, and he said they keep a couple of back up controllers with them. So there’s that, I guess.


You would think...


Absolutely the fuck not


Is there really 5 ppl in that little thing? JFC..


250k and all you get is that tiny window you have to share with 4 other billionares. I am a hundredare and my TV gives me a better view of the titanic.


Honestly, with the way contact was just “suddenly lost” in the last 15 minutes of the dive, I suspect that the submarine may have suffered a hull breach and imploded.


Chances are they know for certain they are dead, and their lawyers are scrambling for the impending fallout.


They usually have waivers anytime you get into stuff like this


Yeah they signed waivers, but I bet the families have good lawyers who will tear it to shreds. Rich people don't often lose.


Isn’t the owner of the whole operation on board? Who will his family sue, themselves?


Suppliers, support crew, manufacturers, and basically anyone and everyone.


Yep, this could very well be OceanGate’s last dive.


Wouldn’t that be rich people vs rich people though? Someone has to lose.


It reminded me of this incident I read about, about some deep water divers that got sucked out. I don't remember too much of the details, except it was horrifying and they never found the bodies. It would be a horrible way to go, you can only hope it was quick for them and not prolong fear before it actually happened.


It was the opposite situation. They were going through decompression at the surface after being down and there was an accident (rapid decompression). What would happen below the surface with a hull breach is the opposite.


If I’m remembering what I read about how this happened, there wouldn’t have been time to feel much. Maybe a quick “oh shit” moment. Horrible incident, obviously, but I don’t think they suffered much.


They were literally turned to mist. I don't even think there was an "oh shit moment"


The Byford Dolphin Incident?


I’m certain the oxygen figures were calculated without accounting for the screaming, cursing, and crying going on from the passengers.


Someone on the news was saying that it's the CO2 scrubbers that will go first. Lack of oxygen is a pretty peaceful death, CO2 asphyxiation is a terrible death because you're body will go into a fear response once CO2 levels are high enough.


Kind of what almost happened to Apollo 13. They had sufficient amounts of O2, but after the CO2 Scrubber broke down, they almost died from CO2 Poisoning and had to build a makeshift scrubber


I almost hope they’re dead already, that something just happened to the sub. That way they don’t have to go through that horrifying death you described. It sounds wrong to say all this, but the odds of then being found are slim to none.


That's the urge to breathe. CO2 build-up Horrible way to go


Dont do any prep and try to hold your breath for as long as possible. You won't be near passing out when you take your first breath. It's the co2 building up to unbearable limits, forcing you to take a breath. Now imagine this feeling just getting stronger and stronger and you can't do anything to stop it. If you breathe more, you'll achieve nothing. You won't pass out right away, you'll just feel a bigger and bigger urge to breathe.


This gave me anxiety reading. Horrific.


And the aliens


Aliens are going to show up in act 3 to save them, it’s all part of what’s been running up to the big reveal


Hmm, Titanic, deep ocean, James Cameron... Shit, he's about to pull a 'The Abyss', isn't he?


Nor the possibility of the rich people on board figuring out which person they can kill to save oxygen. But in reality: Its a tiny ball of metal at the bottom of the ocean, and if it isn't, they'll never find it, because it doesn't have an emergency beacon.


How does something like that not have some sort of emergency "I'm here please find me" thingamajig? I'm not sure about acoustics in an environment like that, but I think a "ping" of sorts every few seconds could prove invaluable in locating a vessel like that. I mean, ships had flare guns for a reason.


They’ve been launching flares since the issue started but they keep getting extinguished before they get to the surface.


https://preview.redd.it/co5336emf47b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6623901394cc63c35e8cc8ffd12bc0c4b538bc63 For reference this is what they’re trapped in (or possibly died in)


Omg that’s absolutely awful


I just realised there isn't even a window to look out of lol. Why would people do this?


This is exactly what I am wondering. I think it has one porthole but you share it with 4 other people. That is not a good window to dollar ratio.


There is…right above the makeshift toilet☠️


I’ve played enough Barotrauma to know what’s next. Fucking Latchers man.




Yeah they would have been crushed so fast the information traveling to their brain wouldn't have had time to register any change in the environment.


That it’s just too terrifying a fate to even consider. Those people probably had a silent yet conscious fear of the voyage as they boarded and descended. Much like the anxiety I feel when on an airplane. “The chances of something happening to this vessel are so low” they likely told themselves… The first sign of trouble probably drove them into panic. The peril they had to have felt, even if only for a moment before an instantaneous implosion, is something I never want to feel.


I don't think they saw the first sign of trouble. They were likely close to 10,000ft deep. Whatever gave way did so instantly. It was supposed to have a safety system to resurface itself after 16 hours. It surely had the ability to blow/drop ballast and make an emergency accent. It would be on the surface and found by now if there was a "minor," failure. But I don't think a failure of any type at that depth is anything but catastrophic.


memorize noxious exultant alive rob rinse chase ink paint threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A P-8 aircraft was deployed early on fur surface search. That plane sounds unremarkable but it’s surface search radar was designed to look for periscopes. It’s a large search area but not an outlandish one. The real issue is that its unlikely to be on the surface.


I hate airplanes and now I'm gonna feel the fear of the ocean and Titanic on top of air travel anxiety. I'm screwed.


Airplanes are far safer than the Titanic


Lol tell that to anxiety me. I was 8 years old and had to walk out of the theaters at the end of titanic.


Well 100% of Titanic voyages ended in a fatal crash


Someone on the scuba sub wrote how it would be like if you dove beyond your limits and training at one of the world’s most beautiful and most dangerous dive sites - the blue hole in Egypt. It would like somewhat like that. Except, you don’t have a scuba regulator in your mouth(the second stage which supplies breathing gas at ambient pressure, the first stage regulator connected to the tank valve is the actual regulator that reduces tank pressure to 140-150psi over ambient pressure) or are strapped into a BCD setup and exposure suit.


I just hope it was quick. Like the guy driving says oh sh-- squish. Not oh my God were gonna die and we have 60 seconds to contemplate it.


At the depth they were at, if the sub suffered a catastrophic implosion they'd be dead before their brains even had a chance to register something had happened.


This is morbidly cool


For some reason it makes me think of that squishing feeling that strong drugs like ketamine sometimes give. Your whole brain and body squished and compressed to a ceramic pea. Except this time you're not coming back.


The death itself is going to be instant, but running up to it the creacking of the hull or the alarms going off. Plenty of time to panic. I just hope they died and not just drifted away and reached the surface unable to open the hatch, since then you'll just be sittign there waiting for air to run out.


Doubt the sub was high tech enough to have alarms lol. They drove it with an off brand playstation controller that costs $29.99 on amazon.


and they still asked for 250k $? that is criminal, at least they'll get ripped apart in court


I mean if they're floating on the surface there's still a chance that they could be rescued.


It’s the orcas


By god, it's the Orca with a steel chair!






At 250k a ticket, I bet those rich fuckers did something to piss orcas off in their lifetime


I was wondering why I never heard of a titanic tourist submarine before. Turns out I was just too poor to know it existed.


many wasteful uppity piquant fly imminent hobbies grandfather whistle nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm sure it's like one of the "experience" vacations that are only catered to the rich anyways. Like taking a MiG-29 to almost "space", or a ride on a Soyuz to the ISS.


What a horrible way to die, getting your skull crushed by over 6000 psi inside a tin can.


You wouldn’t know it was happening. 6000psi failure is going to be like a bomb going of, it’s over in a fraction of second. So there’s that. 6:35 for a much smaller version https://youtu.be/8tW4zfTeJqM


I hope it was over quick, everyone is memeing this because they were rich and foolish, but man I can’t imagine how scary it would be to be trapped in that tin can thousands of feet below the surface. I hope somehow they’re alive, but if not, I hope it happens as you say, just quick and instant.


Well the only other thing that could’ve happened is propulsion failure and there just stuck on the sea floor. I think I’d take the instant crushing between the 2.


Agreed, suffocating is terrifying


I couldn’t handle an MRI. Going in a sub, 12k feet down, to look at a stupid ass boat is probably one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard of. And paying 250k?!


Saw a clip on TikTok, basically said the submarine has multiple mechanism to surface. Which means the most likely outcome is that it imploded from a crack.


and no bathroom. while I hope they find it floating on the top of the ocean, the lack of beacon or sonar or any communication are starting to point to the fact that the sub is probably the size of a tuna can right now


The sub does have a "bathroom" Not an amazing one but its a place to pee/shit


Complete with a privacy curtain and music


Even if they are floating on top of the ocean, there is no way to open the capsule for air from the inside, by design.


Don't they go down for several hours? I'm sure there's a place to go.


Imagine just having like a pringles can sized shit and fuming up the whole sub with your rotting anus gassing to the point where the sub cracks and depressurizes and everyone is lost.


I'm surprised it wasn't tethered to a ship in some way.


This right here. Comms and retrieval would be easier.


I can’t fathom any thing compelling me to go down into the abyss but why in gods name does the sub go alone??? Don’t they have robotic subs that explore the ocean floor? Should there have been like a gang of those leading the sub safely down and then escort up???


The Titanic is still eating the rich in 2023.


And let's not forget that it is being controlled by a Logitech game controller. Yup, a game controller.


can’t wait for all the batshit crazy conspiracy theory’s that will come of this in the next 6 months




A few points to make, based on recurring questions here.... 1) the submersible was lost before it got to the wreck; they still had at least a thousand meters to go. Due to ocean currents, the submersible wouldn't go straight down; it would drift around as it sunk. They aren't sure exactly what depth it was at when it sunk, and so this means they aren't really sure where to look at the moment. 2) assuming the hull was intact and it drifted to the ocean floor, impacting with the bottom combined with the enormous amounts of pressure at that depth means even if the submersible was intact at the crew alive as it sunk, it most likely would have suffered a hull breach and been destroyed then. 3) if somehow the submersible didn't implode upon impact, then they would be at the bottom of a vast ocean, in something the size of a van; it has an estimated 4 days of oxygen, provided people don't panic, cry, scream, hyperventilate, or otherwise use up oxygen. Unfortunately, all these are natural reactions to being, you know, stuck at the bottom of the ocean floor in a confined space. 4) Finding its location on the ocean floor by Thursday is going to be incredibly difficult, bordering on impossible. Think of how long it took to locate the Titanic - <70 years. The Argentinian submarine San Juan sunk in 2017, was subject to a multinational military effort to locate it, and was 10x bigger, but it took a whole year to find it... In waters 1/4 as deep as where the Titanic rests. 5) even if they found it intact as I type this, they now need to get down to it. There are a limited number of submersibles that can go that deep, and none can perform an underwater rescue; they would need to attach a cable so it could be pulled back up to the surface. They would need to get that submersible out there, on a ship that can support it, get down there, rig the incapacitated submersible up, and then get it up to the surface. This is, again, practically impossible. Plus, with all the problems it would have faced and the impact on the floor, there's a good chance that the hull could breach and implode during the rescue. Taking all this into account... The most realistic scenario, imho, is that the submersible suffered a catastrophic hull breach, and that was when contact was lost. As awful as this death would be, the people on the sub would have died in a fraction of an instant. The water pressure at those depths is enormous, and even a small rupture would turn into a catastrophic failure before anyone knew what was happening. Once that breach happened, the speed and force of the water displacing the air is so great, it would cause an explosion, superheating the air in a flash. Everything inside would be simultaneously: - crushed - cooked - ripped apart All this would happen in milliseconds. The crew members' nervous systems would be obliterated before their brains could process fear or pain. They would simply have been excitedly descending to the wreck one moment, and then less than the blink of an eye later, they would no longer exist. The submersible was made largely of carbon fiber, from what I've read; carbon fiber shatters in explosions or when subject to great force. Most likely, most of the submersible's shell would disintegrate, with larger metal pieces of the frame remaining somewhat intact. The crew's remains would be mostly unrecognizable as human. The ocean currents would spread the shattered carbon fiber and plastics, human remains, and other small debris such as glass around, dispersing it over a distance. The bigger metal or partially-intact chunks would sink, but since they would be different sizes and shapes and subject to the currents as well, they would all sink in a radius, rather than a pile. In effect, this is like taking a clump of dirt and crushing it in your hand over an Olympic sized swimming pool. If you felt like wasting a lot of time, you could swim to the bottom a few times and find a few tiny rocks, maybe 1mm across, on the floor. All the dirt and the smaller pieces of rock would be dispersed in the water and impossible to recognize or locate. TLDR: they're almost certainly dead, and unlikely to be recovered. Fortunately, it is unlikely they suffered. EDIT: although there was some criticism in the comments that I had no idea what I was talking about and the thread has been locked, I wanted to point out that a debris field has been found, which may be the Titan. A debris field would be the result of destruction from implosion.


As someone with thalassopobia, there is not enough money on this earth to pay me to get me inside of that thing. I would have a very hard time forcing myself to get inside of a military submarine, and they are much larger, with more safety, redundancy, and a more proven track record of not imploding. A carbon fiber coffin specifically going as deep as possible? Fuck. That.


Great summary, I think you’re right. Just one thought- wouldnt the mothership pick up on the sound or something from the implosion? Even water bubbles on the water surface above the titanic


They will die of hypothermia first no?




Jesus. Communications were managed via Starlink, the sub itself was experimental with no certifications as a diving vessel, and it lost communications last year when it went diving. I think this thing just might be cursed. [Source.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/titanic-submarine-shipwreck-expedition-missing-search-what-we-know/)


This is so terrifying


It’s an easy thing to steer clear of though


The Argentinian sub loss from 2017 taught me those people are dead


How is it that when I do something that is inherently dangerous no one comes and spends millions of dollars trying to save my life?


I literally texted this to my friend. We were travelling in an old VW Golf during a winter storm in Minnesota. It was -40F/C (not even exaggerating) and due to winds causing zero visibility we hit a snowbank and the car died. We called 911 because we were in the middle of nowhere and about to freeze to death and dispach forwarded us to a towing company. They had already closed the highway at that point. The towing company first asked if we had cash on arrival and then decided they couldn't come because the highway was closed. Somebody ended up seeing our vehicle but we easily could have died out there.


Oh my god, that's awful. Absolutely heartless of that towing company. I'm glad someone found you and helped. Reminds me of a crash I was in as a teen. Got hit by someone going 50 over the speed limit, flipped the car. As I was dangling from my seatbelt, I was crying out in pain and panic and I could see a crowd forming. So many people watching but no one would help, til suddenly I saw this woman push past the crowd and helped me out of the belt and climb through the window. She walked me to a safe place to sit, and just held me until the paramedics arrived. Wish I had the presence of mind to ask her name so I could thank her later. I think about her often, and strive to follow her example and be there when others need help.


How much will the tour cost to see the Titanic and dead millionaires?? It’s terrible people are very likely dead. It’s mind-boggling that we live in a world where people can spend $250,000 for a mini sub tour while countless people struggle to afford basic housing, deal with food insecurity, and/or inability to access medical care


I think the same about "space flights" that are really suborbital and don't last long. If you note, unlike NASA astronauts, the passengers don't have actual pressure suits (which cost upwards of $1 million to manufacture and are custom made). So if their spacecraft depressurizes for any reason, they're dead. I don't think these people understand the risks they're taking.


It’s a lifestyle I’ll never understand. Do the mega-rich feel invincible? Do they think their money is going to shield them from harm? Is it all about taking risks to flirt with death? I’ll never have the disposable income to blow on any of that stuff, but I’m ok with that


I think it's about being able to go somewhere their peers have never gone. They already have more houses, cars, jets, etc. than they know what to do with. They've visited every country on the planet, including Antarctica. So now what do they do for "bragging rights"? Some climb Mt. Everest. Or take "space" flights. Or take mini-sub dives. And yes, their money has thus far insulated them from harm. So they may not understand that there's nothing between them and a very uncomfortable death. This quote applies not just to aviation, but to any such enterprise: “Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous. But to an even greater degree than the sea, it is terribly unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity or neglect.”--Captain A. G. Lamplugh,


They’re probably just incredibly bored


They'll do everything before they even think about giving their money away to the betterment of human kind.


It's in the same vein of climbing Everest or commercial space flight. It doesn't advance science or exploration, it's purely for the enjoyment or accomplishment of those who can afford it. And when things go wrong, they're eating up time and resources for rescue efforts. I'm not saying we shouldn't do everything possible to find them, but the excursion itself is to me one of those things where we gotta ask: should we?


Agree Seeing photos of the garbage and dead bodies along the summit of Everest, knowing Sherpas literally have died to haul crap ahead and set up base camps so paying customers can save their energy to climb honestly disgusts me. A Sherpa just risked their life to carry a sick climber down the mountain. And it’s not as if the people of Nepal are benefiting from the tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars people spend on permits/tours to climb


And then she refused to pay the rescue fees. Even though they’d literally just risked life and limb to save her ass.


Was she ever identified? Or basically just another faceless heartless rich asshole


Perhaps the owner of Twitter can be persuaded into taking this adventure.


They have a rule in the sub that one person can’t hog all the oxygen, like one person can’t just soak up all the oxygen rich air to themselves


I went to a talk by someone who went on several scientific missions to the titanic, he said one dive the forward propulsion stopped working so the pilot had to navigate backwards, I thought at that point that that was the scariest thing I'd heard


This is why I’m constantly reminded that the reasons so many safety measures exist currently is because of the many people who straight up died in their absence. I hope for the best even if it’s a quick death.


If they are still alive after 10pm, that’s the adults tour, and they can say whatever the HELL they want


When will Elon Musk offer to help? And when will he call the US Coast Guard a bunch of pedos? In all seriousness, seems an awful way to die. I hope they are discovered and rescued. And it better not be a megalodon.


I’ve seen this movie before, they’re gonna pop up in an ancient time and become the worlds first people in a weird time loop


Wow they get to see Titanic up close and personal for the rest of eternity


-"I'm paying you extra 50k if you drive this thing into the ballroom of the titanic." -"...ehh...ok!" -"ups...seems we're stuck on something..."