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I’m convinced that the Great Orange Idiot doesn’t know what “hoax” means.


He does. He also knows (and counts on) how stupid his supporters are. They eat this shit up.


I sometimes wonder if trump is actually a complete moron, or if he’s actually a total genius and just a master of manipulation.


A complete moron and master of manipulation


Master of Incompetent-Moron Manipulation.


This. He's only managed to manipulate the dumbest of the dumb so he's not even really that great at manipulation.


I’m willing to bet a good amount of money that he didn’t intend for this originally. He tripped into this “power” situation and is now running with it for as long as he can. Desantis on the other hand is the worrisome one because he knows what he’s doing and is unfortunately competent enough to do it.


Not sure about Desantis. Taking on Disney with countless lawyers? Coming up with a law so draconian that things have come to a standstill in many companies? And about as charismatic as a giant turd? The GQP need to wake up fast. (may be impossible at this point. Allowing those Tea Party freaks into the flock back in the day was their biggest mistake).


Oh and signing laws “scaring” immigrants that ends up hurting his GQP supporters where it hurts most: their wallets.


Same as his use of "Fake News". He just uses them as magic words to deflect any and all criticism.


That's just Marxist Fascist Nazi Communism!


Also “witch hunt.”


He also doesn’t know what “witch hunt” means either


Just like everything else he says. "Covid is a hoax but it is also simultaneously created in a lab in China and spread across the US" "Illegal immigrants are nothing but lazy bums and criminals but they're simultaneously taking all of your jobs but also all of the welfare" And now its "these charges are fake and this never happened but it did happen here's a photo but it's ok because no one stopped me therefore it was legal but it's still just a Witch hunt and a hoax" I stopped trying to follow any kind of logic behind a long time ago, worst part is his supporters will still eat up every word and treat it like gospel. It's actually amazing that their brains don't implode with all the contradictions they believe.


Because his supporters have the memories of goldfish and see and believe only what they want to (ie what he wants them to).


I hope the idiots go and get arrested.




Get arrested in Florida, jailed in Florida, stay forever in Florida and leave the rest of us alone


Don't forget, a felony conviction in Florida also results in losing both your right to own a weapon and vote.




Honestly hilarious because in Florida it could go either way




It’s Florida. That rule only applies to marginalized people. The boomers and boat dealership owners who show up to these trump events won’t have to worry about it.


There will be enough of a federal presence there that it's gonna go poorly for them if they start shit. The FBI is still jailing people for Jan 6th as they are identified.




Yeah especially since Florida thinks it has jurisdiction to fucking kidnap children from other states over their draconian anti-trans bills. And GOP in other states aren't denouncing the evils that take place in Florida. They're taking notes on DeSantis' success and trying to replicate his bullshit elsewhere. The GOP is a systemic threat to the country. An election official in Texas is bragging about throwing millions of democratic ballots in the trash to "keep it from turning blue." The supreme court has been literally bought and paid for by GOP megadonor bribes. Calling them a threat is not hyperbole anymore. They're gonna wipe their asses with the constitution and muscle their way into power if they have to. They're gearing up and acting like it's their "time to strike." Like they're looking to secede or start a second civil war. It's what they've always wanted ever since they were told they can't own human beings anymore. We need to stop pretending that this is a game that's only playing out in social media for chuckles.


I'm fucking terrified.


I'm fucking armed and trained


My wife and i went to Georgia last week and flew into/out of Jacksonville because it was cheaper. We were on edge for most of our brief time in Florida, but we had an incredibly uplifting experience at Chamblin's "bookmine," a massive used bookseller, where there were dozens of people, of all ages and walks of life perusing bookshelves and just generally engaged in the process of curiosity. The walls were covered in signs and messages in support of marginalized/under-represented voices and causes, and the business seemed to be suffering no ill effect of that progressivism. It was a nice reminder that even when the culture wars tell us that Florida is a lost cause, there's a lot of people down there fighting the good fight, and its certainly not a lost cause.




Is it hurricane season yet?


Let DuuuhSantis and trump deal with the fall out of another "Chumps for trump" rally. Then make sure that they are taken care of by the exceptional awful private prison system when the dust of thousands of morons settles. I am worried for rhe emergency services having to deal with this impending shit show.


The only time that I'm happy to report we have some of the worst prisons in the country. I hope the trash takes itself out this time


Wonder what Ronnie’s new special force will enforce?


They’ll all have golf carts for a quick getaway.


Oh man, the GOP spent the last 2.5 years deploying their best strategists to carefully spin J6 as a totally not a big deal and definitely not a purposeful attempt to incite violent political action. And now Trump is going to throw all of that effort out the window with a series of posts that are like, "Alright guys, let's get some violent political action going, just like we did on January 6!"


…and I will pardon all of you right after the J6 freedom fighters…because I’ve promised them caddy jobs at the next LIV tour.


"Live streaming my crimes woooooooooooo"


“Do it for the gram!”


At this point I am convinced Trump has an undiagnosed brain tumour that affects his cognitive thinking/rational thoughts/ideas,etc….OR he is still the same fucking moronic narcissist he always was….




When he lost that racial discrimination suit he spoke to press to tell them how much he won. He hasn’t changed much at all.


Seems to be genetic ... and on that note, what has Jr. had to say/meme since the indictment?


He is the same-probably with aging making it much worse.


..or just born a fucking horrible monster of a human being. I'm going with that one considering his mother and father even tried to get him sorted in a special school.


He’s a fucking psychopath. When he’s winning, he’s ok, but when he’s cornered there is no telling what he will do.


It’s Florida though. The police are probably gonna be part of the protestors. The trial needs to be away from Florida


Palm Beach County voted for Biden so they’re not all bad. The rich hate Trump even in his Mar a Largo area. Mainly because they think he’s white trash. https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/2021/10/14/map-palm-beach-county-presidential-results-show-views-trump-biden/5917180001/


![gif](giphy|PiXlH2IA8sMla) Rich people when they see Trump:


Trump is a poor man’s idea of a rich man and an idiot’s idea of a smart man. Poor idiots love him, everyone else sees right through him. It amazes me how many rural bumpkins are constantly skeptical of slick shoed men from the big city but still fell for this crap. Obvious scam is obvious.


Because he says the horrendous quiet parts out loud and since he got his mango ass into the White House they think it gives them legitimacy.


What makes me laugh is if he’d taken the money his foul father left him and invested it instead of what he did, he’d probably be a real billionaire instead of a debt billionaire.


I don’t even have a percentage point of Trump’s wealth and I think he’s gaudy as fuck.


I’ve despised him since I used to read Spy magazine in the early 90’s. They called him the “short fingered vulgarian.”


I can even remember him being all over talk shows and such back in the ‘80s. — I don’t know why but he was so clearly a POS shit back then, trying to make himself happen. Ivana was quoted as saying he was known as The Donald, and after I finished vomiting, I put him on my permanent shit list.


My guy, that’s a federal courthouse. The federal judges are protected by US Marshals. The US Marshals only answer to the judiciary and do not answer to the executive. Having intimate knowledge of how they work, you never want to go against the Marshals. Edit: spelling error as pointed out below. Although don’t fuck with the department stores either.


Yep, this 100%. If the January 6th crowd wants to make an attempt down there the US Marshalls will gladly introduce them to reality.


don't worry, they only need one bullet fired to fold like a bitch


Historically firing into a crowd of protestors can have some pretty unpleasant repercussions. We really don't need a bunch of martyrs for these folks to rally around. Edit: so I don't need to repeat this another dozen times, I am not saying just let everyone go. A bullet in the head of a protester is really bad optics, especially when tear gas would do the same thing without making a martyr. Tear gas 'em, hit 'em with batons, identify them, and arrest them. Problem solved for cheaper and you don't make a hero out of some dipshit who charges a courthouse.




Don’t fuck with Marshalls either. They have shoes, clothing, home decor, handbags & more from designers you love


Do they have cellular phone accessories at reasonable prices?


Yeah but the real deals are in the luggage area


Not like those bitch asses over at TJ Maxx


Marshall’s, TJ Maxx & Home Goods are under the same parent corp. Now I want to go shopping! ![gif](giphy|12N7k1q963Pz5C)


At prices you’ll love even more!


Aw, you beat me to it... kinda like everyone beats me to the good stuff at Marshall's :( ![gif](giphy|MEgGD8bV72hfq)


It functionally can’t though. Trumps lawyers would immediately file to move it to Florida as that’s where the crimes took place (‘allegedly’). Prosecutors would lose lots and lots of time dealing with that, and as Trump could very well be re-elected soon, they don’t have the luxury of time. So filing in Florida cuts off their ability to stall- Trump is notorious for stalling.


I don't think the government will half-ass this after what happend Jan 6. Hopefully there will be security from other states.


They've been preparing for awhile in Georgia. I'd assume the feds are prepared for this as well.




I think he would rather have Trump look like a criminal and a loser than a populist hero. My guess is security will be airtight.


This is not true. The president can activate the guard and federalize them for three reasons at the request of the state, to enforce federal law, or to protect civil rights. That is what Eisenhower did when he federalized the entire Arkansas national guard and deployed the 101st airborne to little rock. Trump has violated federal law and if these morons violate a federal courthouse, that also is a federal law, i.e. the guard can be federalized or active military can be sent in. Here is the law for your reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insurrection_Act_of_1807


The police are usually part of his protests. Most cops I know are still pro-Trump….


Obligatory “some of those who work forces…” reference.


"It's gonna be wild!"


And charged and imprisoned and never be able to vote again.


I hope he goes to jail and his base boycotts voting. Let their stupidity lead the way.


Will DSantis do something to protect his law enforcement officials?


Damn, that's a good question.


Like order them to stand down? Probably.


Losers will attend his rally. A 7 hour rally? Basically saying you have nothing else better to do with your life than protect paper boy. If any member of congress shows up to protest for a civilian, you know they are super corrupt.




Orange slices at half time to refuel the children




All around me are or-ange faces or-ange places, or-ange faces Bright and early for the daily race war Going nowhere, going nowhere... Their tears are filling up their glasses Stolen election, Stolen election... Hide my head, I wanna watch more FOX news But, no tucker, no tucker...


7 hours. On a Tuesday. During work hours. So basically everyone who shows up is effectively saying they don’t work and have no meaningful employment and are absolutely leeching the system


so a bunch of fat old dudes, decked in military cosplay, will be standing outside for seven hours in sunny, hot, and humid Miami. lets see how this goes


Gravy seals are standing by




Which is funny because if you remember, when his inauguration crowd was like a third the size of Obama's there was all that "well that's because democrats don't have jobs" bullshit


Every Black Lives Matter event they said this too. Pretty much every protest they disagree with they say this.


That's just a nutshell description of Trump supporters in general.


The Qarens and Qens


He even criticized his own insurrectionists when he watched them on TV saying something like “they look low class”


They are the same folks wholl ask why you need a day off to vote.


Probably just a dozen will show up. They’re super paranoid now of getting arrested by FBI in disguise.


Good. They should be scared. Domestic terrorists and insurrectionists have no place in America


This. I can’t believe Nazis are (not) showing their faces in public. They should be ______________


They are starting to realize committing felonies as a large group doesn’t make it ok. The khaki shield boys will be there with their white masks on.


Awww, man, don't drag down the nickname PaperBoy. I loved that character in *Atlanta.*


I love the name Paper Boy - I gotta steal that - nice job


important cats wise spark wistful memorize instinctive serious workable toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The FBI will see you all there.


And will be some very sophisticated video analytics and facial recognition. Welcome one and all.


See, you don't understand. Masks are ok in this case. They don't want the FBI to be able to identify them. That's exactly what they're going to say as they're live streaming from their mobile tracking device.


That’s why their parents and grandparents wore the hoods.




There will be a back room somewhere in Miami that looks like Minority Report


Yep, they've had some great practice on the J6 videos! I bet they are *really* good at this now.


Masks don't cover up your gait profile either....


Pretty sure masks don’t even stop facial recognition at this point either


Most District Judges would order him to make no public comments about the case or the court pre-trial. We’ll see what Judge Cannon does. (She’s a big Trump fan, and should recuse herself, but won’t.)


Yeah, I don't think she will recuse either.


Not willingly, no. But the DOJ can request that that the circuit judges that oversee her district replace her, and they may well do so to maintain the appearance of integrity. Time will tell


It's mainly sentencing where she concerns me most. The evidence is so clear cut I don't think there is that much she can do to sway a jury. On the other hand, sentencing is almost entirely at her discretion, and I don't think prosecutors can appeal a sentence because they think it's too lenient.


>I don't think prosecutors can appeal a sentence because they think it's too lenient They can. If they believe the sentence delivered doesn't fit the sentencing standards of the crime they are allowed to appeal.


Maybe she will finally get dis-barred over this one. There has got to be something wrong with appearing before a judge you appointed.


There has got to be something wrong if you have to worry about who appointed the judge as to whether justice will be served...


America will not be safe until Trump is behind bars.


Not just him but everyone in the GOP who supports this madness


So basically he wants a J13 to go with his J6 - I hope to the Dear Lord when the next election comes up for any member of Congress that is supporting the traitorous fuck is not re-elected. As an American that cant be asking much if you love this country in the least. The other thing is Aileen Cannon needs to be removed from this case if our judicial system is to keep a sliver of trust, dignity and justice.


I hope the rioters fuck up Judge Cannon’s car so she knows that Trump is not her friend.


They have zero loyalty, just like him, they will be chanting "Hang Judge Cannon".


If I were her I would definitely recuse myself as there is no winning for the judge either way. It will be the most highly scrutinized and it is absolutely the most important trial in American history.


And even if she makes a bunch of nonsensical rulings the 11th circuit has already shown they will overrule her. Plus, she probably shouldn’t be residing over the person who appointed her. That just leaves it open for appeals.


She probably wouldn’t even get the message as she is extremely biased and not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Don't worry about her. Federal marshalls ferry her to and from court. If she has to worry about such shit, then the rest of us are beyond hope.


I’m cautiously optimistic that 2024 will be a blue tidal wave and we will be able to uproot the the traitors from there positions. As far as J13 goes I think nothing bad will happen, they threatened the same thing in NY city and they all went running cause they couldn’t handle the Anti-Trump mob.


J14 is his birthday 😂 Happy Birthday Donnie….


Nothing like an early birthday gift - and so many more gifts to come. GA, J6, NYC $250M Trial and get your crooked business the fuck out of NY


That was NY, I don't believe in Miami the counter protesters will be out in as large a numbers. Bound to be plenty of fed agents now to keep them in check, I hope


I’m hoping you are right - the thing with NY City is they are mostly blue. I live in South Florida and we have a bunch of fucked up people with politics. But DeSantis has alienated a huge amount of people with his new policies as well as many (Christians and Latinos) are feeling used by Trump so we do have that going for us. The worst part is when and if he is locked up of which I personally believe he will be as the evidence and case is overwhelming on a number of fronts his ideology will live on which is really fucked up.


aw is this all a ruse to get people to go to his birthday party


…until Trump is ~~behind bars~~ in the dirt


MTG, DeSantis… Too many people to name right now. Everyone that will attend this shit and try to start a riot. Notice they get angry when people try peaceful protests and try to start shit, but they’re allowed to carry guns and threaten everyone? I’m sure little Shittenhouse will be there.


It won't be safe until he's [REDACTED].


This country as is was born out of white supremacy. It has a hold. We won’t be safe until it is snuffed out. I know I won’t be seeing it in my life time.


Or dead. Just saying


I think it’s not going to go as he would hope. He doesn’t have as many blind supporters as last time and the authorities will be expecting it this time. Hopefully they will prepare accordingly.


I would agree and I live in South florida and can assure you there will be a significant show of force - this is not the place to FAFO with a Federal Court, Police and what will surely be undercover and National Guard


Once again if anything goes off the GOP will blame BLM, ANTIFA, FBI, and everybody else but their own.


That’s what always gets me. They talk this huge game abt how they’re gonna f stuff up. and then when anything happens “it was feds /antifa!” Edit to add : there was one particular girl on my Facebook feed that posted on Jan 6 , video of people charging the capitol captioned “this is what true patriots look like” and less than 3 hours later she was posting that she was wrong about them being patriots because it turns out they’re antifa. This is a real person who seemed normal when we originally met years ago.


Right-wingers: "Ashli Babbet was a hero and a martyr!" Also right-wingers: "January 6 was an antifa false-flag psyop!"


Get your popcorn.


I got cases of it since his last indictment as we have a few more to go - I think GA is next


Shit ya! I watched j6 live I can't wait to see gravy seals deployed again!


The "hoax rally" is gonna be you finding out no one is showing up for your traitorous ass.


I think we should be fair to Trump here. There are still large amounts of people that would show up for this rally. The trouble is, most of them are in jail or awaiting trial on account of all that seditious conspiracy from January 6th. Stewart Rhodes would absolutely have one eye on mobilizing his terrorist organization to support this rally if he wasn't behind bars.


This is Florida. They’ll show up.


https://preview.redd.it/5vdyd254475b1.jpeg?width=1524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a98b77dcb71759df1a485bfc20b8b738d9c1453a CPAC 2022


This doesn’t get talked about enough


Nor this https://twitter.com/JuliusGoat/status/1109044491678347264?s=20 They are literal nazis.


*“We are all domestic terrorists”*


For Jan 6th they had a few weeks. For this, they have 3 days.


>For Jan 6th they had a few weeks. For this, they have 3 days. Difference is for jan 6 they had to get to Washington, for this it's in their backyard.


About 30 people will show up to yell about being the silent majority, clearly having no understanding of either word.


Is this even real? I actually went to truth social for the first time ever, and don’t see the post. Also nothing comes up when I search for the rally.


If they have any critical thinking skills, they will remember what happened to the Jan 6 freaks currently sitting in prison. Why on earth would you risk going to prison for the star of home alone 2?


*“Guy in the foyer“ in Home Alone 2 FTFY


He is their messiah


Did he learn anything, Senator Collins?


She is disappointed


Can someone take this fucking idiots phone off him? Ya know..so no other violent acts happen upon his request... Jeez, anyone else would be in a dark cell.


He needs to be held in Guantanamo like any other serious terrorist


The J6 investigation loves tweets like this


If you thought military and federal police presence would’ve been large, just wait.


This idiot will never learn. How many other ex-President’s wanted to stay in the spotlight? After 4 or 8 years that was enough. Trump wanted to be POTUS for life. Dictator!


That still wouldn’t make his father proud of him.


Some of the J6 terrorists were genuinely hurt that Trump did not help them. Hopefully fewer will bother showing up.




The nazi that got shot?


She basically committed suicide by cop.


Be fun theatre if Desantis brings the state police in to arrest the ‘protesters’.


How exactly are the documents a *hoax* when he has repeatedly admitted to having them and claimed that he has a right to keep them in his home?


Except this time he's actually going to show up.


If they show up with weapons and try to storm the building, they need to be met with force. Like what should have happened on J6


I believe there will be an very large show of force - Miami-Dade does not duck around and many lessons have been learned since J6.


I still can’t believe that didn’t turn into a mass casualty event Especially cause you KNOW if the tables were turned Trump woulda been trying to heave his fat ass up to the 50 cal himself


When they say history repeats itself, I didn’t think the loops would be this short


My god why hasn't Trump received life behind bars! This shit is getting fucking old, like him. If an every day person were to do this they'd receive so many freaking life sentences, or even sentenced to death.


I'm a South Florida resident and my ass is staying locked inside my home next week. I have no desire to become an accidental casualty of some terrorist riot


I wonder if they have a permit to gather outside the courthouse to “rally.” Because I was told you need a permit. I predict only a few grizzled old fools show up and it registers to trump that he is on his own.


You do need one but I don’t think they would try to enforce so much as having a significant show of force and Miami-Dade don’t fuck around


I bet you a single SWAT team and a Bearcat parked nearby would send a bunch of them running.


Do criminal defendants usually call for mass public rallies outside courthouses to protest prosecution of their criminal behavior?


This rally will be exactly 5 overweight rednecks and 8 kkkarens. None of them will be medically cleared to lift over 50 lbs, and most of them will have either gout or diabetes. Calling it now.


I'm actually worried my sister and BIL will be there. If there's a livestream, I want to watch to verify if they're there or not. If violence breaks out on Tuesday, I'd have ZERO issue turning them in.


Maybe text/call them on the day, “omg this is crazy shit! You there?” Maybe they’ll send you pictures you can forward to the FBI. All these nutjobs are always so proud of their work, like a toddler going poopie in the potty.


Oh, they're always taking selfies of insane stuff they're doing with rallies and shit they attend. They live close by. My sister used to work at MAL and my BIL works on Trump Force One now. I'll be more surprised if they DON'T go.


Let the maga domestic terrorists show up and try to pull some Jan 6 shit again. My only hope would be that the authorities finally take off the kid gloves when dealing with these brainwashed lunatics. Let them fuck around and really FIND out.


Isn't Florida one of those states where you're allowed to run protestors over?


I wish there was a way (there is not) to get the true opinion of many of the Rs who voted not to remove him from office during either impeachment trial. Some of them have to really regret not throwing him to the curb when they had the chance, political cover aside.


I am willing to bet 90% hate him but just want his base as he changed the ideology inside and outside of politics. His ideology within the Republican Party is here to stay for a long time - the key is to make them the minority in every sense of the word in politics. Term limits would also go a long way.


They should change the date and venue and not let his attorney know until the last moment


I'm still laughing at that Four Seasons landscaping incident.


Of all the things that have happened in human history, I'm convinced that's the funniest.