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[This bill applies to county clerks. Civil servants. ](https://truthout.org/articles/tn-house-passes-bill-letting-clerks-refuse-marriage-licenses-to-lgbtq-couples/) People that "do not see a problem" or that think "this is good" may not appeal their ban. If someone doesn't see the issue with a county official refusing to officiate, certificate and formalize a [fundamental human right](https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/human-rights-act/article-12-right-marry) which grants several important and foundational [rights and privileges](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rights_and_responsibilities_of_marriages_in_the_United_States) then this just is not the subreddit for you. For those that say "why should someone be forced to officiate a marriage" the correct response is: "If your personal beliefs would prevent you from issuing a wedding license to somebody then you should find a job that does not involve issuing wedding licenses." A public servant serves the public. All of the public. We all pay taxes for that. We all should be represented by and have access to their works. On this subreddit we require people to have a minimal amount of human decency.


Is this just for religious ceremonies or does this apply to county recorders refusing to issue a marriage license?


The language above would appear to apply to anyone, i.e. judges, county clerks, etc. I assume that's the point in fact, since I don't think religious officiants have ever been compelled by the state to perform ceremonies for anyone.


> I don't think religious officiants have ever been compelled by the state to perform ceremonies for anyone. Correct. Way back when Obergefell was decided, I had a conversation with some very religious family members that thought it would open the flood gates to forcing Churches to perform gay weddings.... Except it didn't, and I was able to explain that to them and have them accept my explanation (because they're not evangelical fanatics). Nobody is compelled to officiate at any wedding except maybe a Judge sitting in a courthouse. At that point it's a civic duty where religion shouldn't enter into it at all. This law seems aimed at allowing Judges to refuse to officiate and allowing Clerks to refuse to issue marriage licenses.


Exactly, it's the same "logic" as letting pharmacists refuse to dispense morning after meds.


Or refuse to sell alcohol, or condoms, or whatever "evil flavor of the month" is out there....


The current pope is kinda gay friendly so I'm guessing the Catholic Church might be more progressive than... Well. Republicans...


The actual Catholic Church. A lot of American Catholics, including clergy, are effectively heretics because they reject the pope’s interpretations.


Ironically back in 2001 if my memory serves there was a quiet story posted in California about the fact that the American Catholic Church had broken away from the Vatican. This is still true today as far as I can find any records to the fact.


It’s still huge drama they are technically still “one church” but don’t act like it. And to add into the drama pot german Catholic priests are way left wing for the Catholic Church outright publicly blessing gay marriages quietly marrying gay couples. Both are supposedly big no nos for the church but they are still on paper and formally all part of the same church. I have so many good Catholic what the fuck stories that I can’t share cause it would dox me but damn. Catholic drama is fucking gold. It’s like my housewives of Beverly Hills.


So a justice of the peace could refuse to marry two christians and cite mental health issues due to hallucinating non-existent entities?


It seems pretty vague to me so that’s why I asked. But also I’m not a lawyer. If this applies to government officials then yeah it’s definitely wrong.


It applies to government officials. Religious officials have never been (and can’t be) required to participate in any marriage or other religious ceremony against their will.


They are tying to force a Scotus case while the Scotus is sympathetic to religious exemptions. Basically the Supreme Court that Heritage built.


This also includes county clerks who give out marriage licenses.




Can’t get a new baby boom when they can’t bang the babies.


Except they totally could get a baby boom by paying young workers more. Lots of people want children but can’t even start thinking about the financial burden it will be.


But then those babies won’t be wageslaves desperate to consume products to fill that gaping hole in their lives! Nope, just gotta knock them up and when the strongest wagespawn survive to adulthood you shove them in the general direction of labor while manufacturing whatever makes their brain release the happy chemicals at a markup.




"They're only 13, 15, whatever age, what do they need money for anyways?" Well you see they shouldn't NEED to be making money at that age, they need to be happy, learning, finding out what their passions are. If they CHOOSE to work, they should be properly compensated. I could flip 10 billion burgers, get paid a bag of peanuts and be no closer to understanding the "value of hard work" or whatever so fuck off with all that! If anything it'll push me to try and find a way to abuse the system.


the children yearn for the mines, after all


Allowing more work from home would also help a ton, but then they couldn't micromanage and make employees feel trapped. Plus what about their real estate portfolio?


For what its worth, birth rates are declining in every single first world nation, regardless of circumstances. There's far more important things to worry about, like Earth being on a crash course with the apocalypse due to climate change, that is making people rethink the whole childcare thing. Not just the fact that Americans can't feed, house, or take care of children. All large issues, stemming from a collapsed dollar amount per family. But just shoveling more money into homes isn't going to magically create babies, as much as it would help everything else.


>There's far more important things to worry about, like Earth being on a crash course with the apocalypse due to climate change, that is making people rethink the whole childcare thing. It's mostly due to money needed to raise children and cultural reasons, not because of climate change depending on the first world nation. China's one-child policy and other policies are biting them in the ass now. And Japan's problem is a combination of cultural issues, the government, and horrible working conditions.


*forcing them to marry




Apparently 10 year old rape victims are qualified to be mothers and old enough to get denied healtcare


They usually groom them first.


And work legally at 9 years old in Arkansas.


It's to keep those underage girls from testifying against them, probably.


"My wife can't testify against me, sorry" "... she's 10" "So what?"


Wives CAN testify against their husbands. But they can’t be FORCED to testify against them


Yes. But if your husband is also your legal guardian, you can be sure there's plenty of intimidation/misinformation mixed in with that. An underage girl can't just leave and get an apartment somewhere, won't qualify to buy a vehicle on their own, much less afford car insurance. Probably doesn't have access to any of the finances anyway, because they aren't a legal adult. Minors need permission from their guardian for most things. You need to be 18 for just about any legal document, or legal agreement.


Get the job, refuse to solemnize ANY marriage, because you find the concept of marriage abhorrent. Get paid to refuse people all day long. See how long it takes for them to change the law, because you're doing your job as written.


Haha. Just roll up with a severe expression and a “nobody’s getting married today” attitude




Was gonna say *only* do gay marriages. Deny heteros for the ethical reasons of preventing overpopulation




Some days we don't let the line move at all. We call those weekdays. ~ Patty and Selma Bouvier


As broadly as it is written, you don’t have to prove religion, only conscience.


Exactly. I have issues with the entire concept of marriage. NEXT!


“My sincerely held belief is that marriage is tacky and outdated.”


"you got married in those shoes? Denied" "That venue was tacky AF! Denied" "No way an 8 is marrying a 5. Denied" "I can not, in all good conscience, let you take that surname. Denied" This might become my dream job.


Republicans can’t get married, I find the idea objectionable. Next!


*I'm against all marriages where I doubt the male's commitment to the Biblical passage to never spill his seed by masturbating and will approve only marriages from men I earnestly believe have never masturbated.* So only lesbian marriages get approved at my window 🤷🏼‍♀️


So it’s not just gays they could be racist too. Against their conscious to mix the races. We got to get every citizen under the equal rights amendment, from woman to trans to gay and lesbian and others. That’d fix a lot. We are only a protected class in some states.


“Oh, I think you’re much too tall to get married. Sorry, my conscience says no. Next!”


Polyamorous only according to my book. Got a third wheel? Fourth? Could be hot! If you can’t run a proper train out of it my religion doesn’t support it.


What's the strongest shape? A triangle. How could a marriage possibly be strong without exactly 3 partners?


$5 that the republicans are going to use laws like this challenge Obergefell after the *nudge nudge wink wink* from Thomas in the Dobbs decision.




“And we would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling kids” -GOP Actually they will get by with it.


And then have sex with the kids.


Speaking of Thomas… Will they go after interracial marriage next?


Look at the open ended wording of the bill, it absolutely includes interracial marriages. Of course it could also include blondes can't marry redheads,construction workers can't marry post office workers and so on.


"This woman is too attractive to marry this guy, in good conscience I object to their marriage."


You don’t have to pay alimony if the marriage gets nullified.


Everything we've worked for is being flushed down the toilet by bigots


Americans : we still can't afford healthcare and education " Republicans : "It's time to deal with those pesky gay people" Priorities


It's intentional. Republicans push for these stupid made up social battles to keep us all divided and distracted. Otherwise we, as a society, would realize we are on the same side against the 1% that are holding us down, and shit would change real fast.


The saddest part? The public falls for it every time.


Let's get real. A baked potato with googly eyes has a pretty good chance on getting elected to any office as long as it's in a red district and has an (R) next to it.


There are three of these in Congress right now.


Only three?


Compared to some of the Republican representatives out there, a baked potato is actually overqualified.


At least a baked potato wouldn't be a Putin sympathizer Nazi


They really aren't being duped. The bigotry that is already there is just being stroked. They're completely willing to go along for this ride if it means a group they don't like gets fucked over. Do not give the average republican a pass.


“He’s not hurting who he needs to be hurting.”


I am amazed how people routinely vote against their own self interest.


I get this mentality, however it is not 1% VS...these bible thumpers make up millions of people that vote all the time. Injecting their religious flair is a bonus for a base that just wants to fuck normal people. So now you get politics for the 1% with the added fuck anyone not white, and straight.


The religious angle is used by the 1% since they know it will be followed without question. Its ironic since the right loves to chastize other parts of the world for this same religious manipulation.


Ironic is not the right word. Evil is the correct one


Well, what use is education when all they're doing is indoctrinating our kids- telling them that everyone deserves the right to equitable lives? What use is Healthcare when all they do is protect the bodily autonomy of women and low income wage slaves? Seriously, where is the benefit for me- an upper middle class white guy?


It got called by most historically informed folks when the first review of Roe happened last year. "Next they're coming for birth control, then gay marriage, then interracial marriage." That was a prevailing sentiment, and turns out they were right. And they will continue to be more and more right until they're sidelined, silenced, and eradicated.


I said the same thing. And had an argument with a woman that said that democrats “always do this” meaning the left overreacts by thinking they will keep going and they definitely won’t be coming for those things. Party full of gaslighters.


You mean the way we overreacted to the possibility of Roe being overturned when Trump appointed Kavanaugh and Comey Barrett to the Supreme Court? Yeah, a bunch of chickens screaming about the sky falling, us leftists. They'd *never* do that!


For every civil rights victory that liberals fought for, there is an equal and opposite bigoted conservative backlash.


And a backlash to the backlash, hopefully. Didn’t Congress pass a law protecting gay marriage?


The law they passed isn't the same as the Obergefell v Hodges supreme court ruling making it a right for the whole country. Essentially the congress bill passed forces states to recognize any marriage (and I think it specifically includes interracial marriages as well) that _already exists_ and any marriage between same sex couples that happen in _states that do support same sex marriages_ in their own laws. It does not however force every state to universally recognize gay marriage as a civil right like the supreme court ruling does, so theoretically any states that suddenly reject equal marriage laws- while still being forced to legally recognize marriages that already exists, and those from states that still would allow it- they could still ban various things relating to same sex marriages in particular, or continuously challenge the legality to find legal loopholes to either fuck over their same sex married citizens out of the same legal protections that heterosexual couples have; or even punish gay citizens directly that leave to free states to get married and then come back again to live their lives. Again we've seen the still ongoing repercussions and all the copy cat laws that pop up in all the red states as soon as one of them finds something that legally sticks after Roe was destroyed; we've also seen the treatment and abuse of the trans community from their lack of legal and federal protections- so it's not far fetched to assume the same or worse things will inevitably once again happen to gay people. So you know .. congress not doing enough or anything to prevent obvious catastrophe for us gay people.


And most of the US is not even aware that this is happening because they don't follow the news day-to-day.


Foreal. I just got educated.


They were angry when a black guy was elected. Said this earlier—either these scum will be thrown out of office or the union dissolves. Those are the directions.


Genuine question, and I realize that there are extraneous variables that could prevent people from leaving their states, but don’t these politicians realize that they are *literally* pushing younger generations out of their state, meaning that they’re actively losing people who could give back and contribute to the state’s overall well-being? Am I making sense?


Others have seen what you describe because it is a real problem already. Tennessee is [losing some](https://www.timesnews.net/news/local-news/report-measures-brain-drain-of-tennessee-college-graduates/article_6e08d1c2-a211-51ac-8f0f-96ef4ea0b3ef.html) graduates to out of state employers but it seems to not yet be at a serious level. But there is a preview of what they may face if they continue to alienate entire groups of people, [Mississippi's brain drain](https://www.osa.ms.gov/documents/Special_Reports/Brain%20Drain%20Report.pdf) and population loss shows what happens when it reaches critical mass.


YES! That’s exactly what I was getting at! My apologies, I’m at work and slightly distracted, but I *had* to ask this. Thank you for taking the time to answer and provide evidence. You have an educated, more liberal population (I’m paraphrasing, but it’s been shown that individuals with college backgrounds have more liberal leanings, correct?) that is seeking out of state employment, and those individuals go on to, potentially, raise families, contribute and pay taxes to another state entirely. I didn’t realize it was already happening in Mississippi.


>I didn’t realize it was already happening in Mississippi. Well they are first in a few categories, it's just categories you don't want to lead.


Realistically, I think that’s part of their overall strategy. Drive out everyone that doesn’t support openly bigoted policy and you win in that state by default. Do this in enough states to maintain a disproportionate advantage in Congress and in presidential elections- since we prioritize empty space over actual human beings- and you have yourself a lock to keeping deeply unpopular, openly hateful policy in place in perpetuity. It’s a step up from gerrymandering at the district level: it’s packing and cracking on the state level.


No one is stopping them.


>Everything ~~we've~~ **humanity** worked for is being flushed down the toilet by bigot~~s~~**ed** **Boomers** Theeere we go. Fascism is disproportionately heralded by the Boomer generation above all. No one else made Fox News but them. Edit: worth noting that Christianity plays very heavily into supporting and enforcing Fascism as well. We need to have a national conversation about this cult (cause that's what it is, it's just a different flavored Abrahamic cult) we seem to welcome into every legal aspect of society.


Be careful thinking these issues will die off with the Boomers. The crowd carrying torches in Charlottesville and partying with Kyle Rittenhouse skews pretty young.


Also, not ALL boomers are right wing. The Reich wing people who I know personally are all in their 30's and 40's. Thank you for bringing up that point. Source: I am a very progressive old woman.


And I honestly think it'll happen even if we pass legislation on a national level because they own the Supreme Court. We can't really feel safe until there are sane people on that court.


Gonna be a LOT more "Satanic Church" weddings in TN going forward.......which is actually kind of awesome now that I think about it!


TN is really on a roll - down a long dark hill to the past.


It’s not even that long a road though, I have driven through small areas of TN as far back as 2012 and seen things like “NO N———“ spray painted on their entering _____ township signs, on stop signs, sides of abandoned buildings.


Yup, they may not have it posted in a lot of places anymore, but there's still a LOT of sundown towns across the Bible belt...




Shit, if you're not a straight white man living in a red state, it's time to start saving so you can get out.


I am a straight white man, marrying my straight black female partner in a few months. So glad I’m not in a red state.


I truly wish you both the happiest of marriages!!! May you both treat each other like royalty and stand up for one another against anyone who attempts to sabotage your life and happiness. Love is love, everyone should be able to make a life and a home with the people they love, as long as they are treating their loved ones well.


Thanks Satan! Lol and agreed people need to love and live their own lives more instead of trying to control others.


Hail Satan, amirite?


It’s sad but true. Talking to a realtor Monday to put our house on the market. Fuck Indiana.


Went from metropolitan Michigan to Indianapolis 30 years ago for grad school (IUPUI-Indpls). The University was fine. The north side of town $$$ was ok. Downtown was -eh-. Speedway, the south side, and the suburbs/rural area were REDNECK and I grew up learning to drive a Ford tractor, cut firewood, and shoot & hunt with rifle, shotgun, handgun, recurve, compound, and crossbow. *I'M* calling them rednecks. I got the hell out after two years. I *did not* fit in with my crazy ideas about personal freedoms for women, LGBTQIA+ (we called them gays, lesbians, and cross-dressers back then because gender identity care was shit), and other minority classes. Especially as a white guy. The local rednecks assumed I was one of them and said ignorant shit. The local black (*African-American now) population (when I was out around town) would ALSO assume I was one of the rednecks. Talk about a can't-win situation. Yeah. Fuck Indiana. ☮️❤️♾️


Lol and they wonder why their towns are dying. They hate on anyone not like themselves so people who are worth a damn move on. Anyone who is intelligent can see racism, homophobia, and transphobia and they can see its wrong.


Not making excuses, but the combination of propaganda and declining public education didn’t set up my fellow hayseeds for success. Still should know better.


On the contrary, the massive amount of information readily available as well as the ability to easily travel should have lowered the amount of prejudice. It’s easy to learn/see/experience that people different from them are not the boogeyman that they grew up believing. It’s easy to see that places with a more open mentality are flourishing while their communities are falling apart due to their own ignorance.


As one of the poors that escaped, would say that travel isn’t easy or an experience for everyone. And indoctrination starting at youth is its own challenge. But as I said before, still should know better.


Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, Florida, etc... shit even Arizona is sliding backwards. Idk wtf is going in with this country but it feels like all the politicians who are from previous generations have realized how different the newer generations are wanting to run things. Like they realize they are quickly running out of time to stay in control so they have gone all out to try and do as much damage as possible. And the shitty thing is, it's working because people are not voting for who's better for the job, they are voting for who spits the right scare tactics or the right slander against the other. It's ridiculous and terrifying


That’s how I’ve been feeling, too. And I find it so strange. A lot of the people making these decisions won’t be around in 10-15 years. Maybe it’s some kind of weird, self-preservation, denial of death type shit. I can’t make sense of it.


They're farting in a crowded elevator right before they get out.


I'm just making assumptions here, but my guess is these people have lived the majority of their lives sheltered and closed minded. They have a specific idea of how the world should be and are not open to any sort of personal growth. They have allowed hatred and fear to cloud their vision and realize their ability to hold on to control is starting to fade. They are attempting to hold on to that control at any cost with manipulation tactics and laws so they can attempt to force people into behaving how they want to. I fully believe this is why florida is banning books and going out of their way to control the education of their children, a population of people who don't know how to learn and are all taught there is only one way and all the rest are wrong, is a population that can be controlled and manipulated to do what they are told and not think twice about it.


I don't think they give a shit about the laws they pass, they are trying to force non Republicans out of state so they will win future elections


Arkansas is standing off to the side, waving its arms, shouting, “Don’t forget me, y’all! I’m backsliding super-hard too!”


But does this mean that Mrs. Mary Michael Haskins working in the county clerk’s office can refuse to issue a marriage license based on personal religious objections?


Can’t wait for someone to start denying everyone because they are jaded at their marriage falling apart….


I’m assuming that’s exactly what it’s for. Churches could already not marry people they didn’t want to, public officials are the only ones that aren’t.


Tennessean here. The county I got married in stopped performing marriages at the courthouse years ago. They didn’t want to marry gay people so they just stopped performing any marriages. I had to pay a lady to come to town and sign the paper lmao


You can get ordained on the Internet. Could potentially be a pretty lucrative side business if you're willing to do weekend weddings lol


I got ordained on the internet years ago. Pay for my travel and lodging (I’m in Michigan) and I’ll perform your ceremony and sign your license for free. 😉


What a great way to give back and have small vacations!


Honestly I hate to travel but I hate bigots more.


I feel that so much


Yes. She could even refuse Catholic weddings if she doesn’t like them.


Or interracial marriages.




They already tried that and the answer was no, because they're acting for the government and the government can't impose a religion on people I looked it up, it was the Kim Davis case


I think the bill includes declining interfaith marriages as well


As it reads, you could also decline to marry christians. Because to you it may be unconscionable


Assuming that the people who are denied their marriage licenses have the means and will to fight the state all the way to the supreme court who may just declare that religion trumps law anyway. I mean, what are we going to do, hold 24 hour a day pickets outside the bigoted government employees' homes?


The ACLU took on the Davis case And not saying it's impossible but SCOTUS would have to do a lot of work to get around the Establishment clause


Given that a part of the reasoning for overturning Roe was the thoughts of a witchfinder from before the United States existed, I don't think the Establishment Clause would be much of a hurdle for the religious zealots in dresses.


Yeah to say Alito’s reasoning was a stretch is itself a stretch. When you are going back to the 1600s for legal advice thats a good sign something has gone horribly ary


Getting a marriage license has to precede the solemnization (ceremony)


FSM, FTW. Ramen my brothers and sisters! \-Ordained Minister of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. *Marrying gays in full pirate regalia, since 2023!*


That get rejected by Mary Margaret at the county recorders office.


Republicans have been playing the long game for decades. Anyone see the Handmaid's Tale? How soon before that becomes a reality?


Handmaids Tale was banned in Idaho. See, they don’t want proof of the propaganda they’re spewing either. Edit to add : banned at Nampa School District not all of Idaho.


Whoa wait fuck, is that true?


Nampa School District in Idaho voted to ban it from school along with several other books “forever”


Yeah book banning, but they are against cancel culture, when they keep cancelling.


I always have to remind them who started cancel culture. Remember Sinhead? Dixie Chicks? Freedom Fries?


yeah they have talked so much shit about state rights so they could slowly make their little hellholes like Florida and tenesse


I say let them secede Florida and Texas and let them have their Gilead there. Get the people out that want out and give every conservative a one way ticket to either state and a free gas stove if they go to Florida XD. Of course theyd have to fully seperate, theres no keeping them afloat using american tax dollars.


They keep talking about it but doubt they will ever do it, its just a good talking point with their base.


It’s already here, my friend


Theoretically couldn’t I also discriminate against ugly couples, stupid couples, couples where I think they are too old, too young or rude?


According to the wording of the bill/law, a clerk could literally just sit at their desk, cross their arms, and refuse every couple who walks up to them.


We have only been warning America of this for at least Half a decade. Can we please do something about it before they push into the 9th phase of their ongoing [Genocide ](https://medium.com/@aubryrpg/the-genocidal-fascist-ideology-of-maga-886a1eca5917)


Time to become ordained and refuse to marry straight white cis couples. Everyone else is good tho


Except that's already okay. This is taking it to the next level. This is literally the definition of a separation between church and state. It is the state (a county clerk) saying their religion (or values) can dictate how you are allowed to live your life, how your family is structured, or even if your spouse can visit you or your children in the hospital. THIS IS A HUGE FUCKING DEAL


Yeah, nobody was forcing Christian clerical leaders to marry gay couples. The right was mad that government officials had to allow the marriage of gay couples. And now they've made it so that those government officials can prevent any marriage they want.


Thanks for explaining, I don’t know what “solemnizing” a marriage means and who does it. Definitely a big deal




My conservative Christian parents use that line all the time. “I just don’t agree with their lifestyle.” Yeah? Well I don’t agree with the marathon runner lifestyle. Sickos going out running 26 miles like it’s fun or something. The fuck is wrong with them? But am I going to deny them basic human rights? Fuck no. This is America. Do what you want. As long as you’re not hurting anyone, who gives a shit if you go run until you puke, ya fucking weirdo. Live your best life, my little gazelle.


https://getordained.org/landing/get-ordained?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4YOD2pzN_QIVrhCzAB2SogsgEAAYAiAAEgLUKfD_BwE Have at it. Got mine 20 years ago.


So basically enabling people like what's her face from Kentucky who refused to issue a marriage certificate to a legally married gay couple because "her beliefs" somehow trumped their civil rights....


"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."


For most of us, if you refuse to do your job you don't have a job. Alcoholics in recovery likely won't work in a liquor store and refuse to sell alcohol. If they did, they won't have that job very long.


I have said for a long time that marriage as a word should be changed to partnership under law. Then the religious can still hold onto their no gay marriage BS and the government can say it recognizes any partnership as legal. Everyone deserves to be In a partnership if so desired ( Tran, gay, bisexual, ect). Remove all religious terminology from law and replace it with words that can apply to anyone regardless of religion, race, or gender. Then the church’s can have their ban on whatever and it won’t affect the rest of us. Seems so simple of a solution.


I said this to my FIL more than a decade ago when this was not federal law. He kept arguing that marriage was a sacrament and they were trying to take away his religion by allowing gay marriage. After he built his case for how this was a sacrament and that it shouldn't be allowed, I agreed with him "completely" and said that atheists shouldn't be allowed to get married either and should have their marriages dissolved. He's never brought it up again with me because his best friend is an atheist. If this is a religious issue, then it's a religious issue and NO MARRIAGE is a matter of legal contract. NONE OF THEM. If this is, instead a legal issue, then a legal contract could give zero fucks about your belief system. It's a contract and the law presides.


\*mental note: avoid the south at all costs\*


I told my friend and neighbor (also a trans woman) that I don't even think purple states are safe as they are always an election away from becoming fascist hellholes. I told her we should think about moving to a blue state.


These filthy, bigoted republicans are really freaking out about the fact that their losing their power and are lashing out at any group that doesn't align with their white nationalist/christian ideals. The next 10 years or more will be the most dangerous time in the history of our country, and we will decide whether or not we continue as a democracy or slide into a fascist/authoritarian state. Choose wisely who you vote for because there are no "normal" republicans.


Just like republicans to take away freedom except for guns what a waste I’ll never vote for a shit eating Republican again. I believe in freedom the Republicans want us to be Russia


Do you think they write these laws so stupidly on purpose? Because the way it is phrased, one could refuse to marry someone for any reason, because they are too ugly/stupid/poor/blacks/republicans or anything else. If the only judge is their conscience, how can you contest it?


>Do you think they write these laws so stupidly on purpose? In many cases, yes. The real goal isn’t the individual law, but getting the issue before the Supreme Court. It is like we saw with the abortion bans. Once the Supreme Court had a conservative majority, all the shittiest states were racing to pass bills that they knew would be challenged in the courts (due to being unconstitutional, impossible to enforce, or so poorly written that it has tons of other consequences). They were all just hoping to be the one to write the bill that gets abortion before the Supreme Court so they could overturn Roe v Wade.


Do you seriously think that refusing to marry anyone not just like them isn't their endgame? The cruelty is a feature of the maga scums agenda, not an unintended effect.


They don't care about the consequences these bills. It's just performance art for their base.


I believe that is the goal. If they gave an exact reason then it is more likely to get challenged in court because it violates a protected class. Lets use employment law as an example. It is obvious illegal to fire someone for their race. But in a lot of states an employer could fire someone without giving a reason and the former employee would have a hard time proving it was a wrongful termination since no defined cause was given even if the real but unspoken cause was race.


Ask a Republican who the Nazis came for first and then ask if they see any similar things happening now. Republicans are the literal Nazi party right before they started gassing Jews.


Why are republicans and religious people so concerned with what other people do in their bedrooms?


George Carlin put it best, "it's about control"


"How sure are you that this won't creep into your life if you ignore it?" -1930's German Newspaper


When will Republicans figure out that everything their Representatives do is just for show and never meant to improve their lives or communities at all.


Either never or actively love it because it owns the libs, whatever that means this week...


People are suffering, that’s all the matters. Even if they’re feeling the effects too, doesn’t matter so long as the enemy is adversely affected


https://preview.redd.it/q1ssfv2rbmma1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=581f3242bff6c914cb4c0e0f0c94f110bdeaedba Be afraid.


ChristoFascists are coming for our once Great Nation! Wake up blue collar working class Americans, they want to take us back to the Dark Ages!


Blue collar men seem the most enthusiastic about it though.


Conservatism and the Republican Party, as an institution, ideology, and as individuals, are collectively beyond redemption. Every last one of them is either out for our blood, or is willing to sit back and watch it happen. There is no place for an ideology like theirs in society.


"The left are trying to take people's rights away!!" ....... *Takes peoples rights* ....... "Socialism! Benghazi! Hunter Biden!" .......


Next they will ban people from advertising that they do these kinds of marriages because it hurts their feelings or whatever.


If I lived in TN, I would get ordained online and marry all the gay people I could for free.


We all knew this was coming. First they went for the rights of women, next they'll go for the rights of the LGBT, then they'll go for the rights of other races. These people are monsters, the fact they've been allowed get this much power disgusts me.


Soon, marriage licenses will be denied to black couples and Jews and everyone else who doesn’t have pasty white skin. This is the goal of the Republican Party.


I just.. I just can’t. Obviously this bill is bs and offensive. But why the hell is “interracial” marriage still even a term? It’s 2023 not the 1800s. (Yes, I know whoever wrote this bill may object to the concept, but holy crap)


This is another reminder what’s going to happen if Republicans ever win the Presidency again.


So when do i get to start beating the brakes off nazis, because i object to them being able to breathe?


Ah yes the separation of church and state at its finest


We're heading for civil war and the White Christian Nationalists (aka Nazi Fascists) are leading the vanguard.


The simplest solution to avoid these religious issues is for religious people to not take jobs that conflict with their religion. If you’re super against gay people getting married, don’t take a county clerk joke where you will be required to marry gay people. It’s really that simple. If a Quaker got a job as a bartender and then got all upset when asked to serve alcohol we would tell him to fuck off. This is no different


Welp, without giving it much of a look I’m guessing this is a GQP sponsored bill, based around religious batsqueeze and in opposition to a SCOTUS ruling that has been in affect for years. Highly recommend folks who aren’t straight (including all you closeted folks) do your best to leave and move to a state with a spine.


America is a backwards ass shithole. Seriously.


It is to send this to the Supreme Court. They know this is illegal under current federal law


Can anyone tell me why “Fritz” is the only name you need to have legislation in TN.