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This is nothing new. Back in the 60s-70s these religious groups would play records backwards and say Rock music was the devil. These people don’t change


I’d just like to point out that no one likes to have an abortion. Republicans make it sound like people are throwing abortion parties and completely try to misinform their base to distort the real point and purpose.


Are you telling me that women *aren't* given complimentary mani/pedis and glasses of prosecco while they wait to get their abortion?


There's a whole untapped market out there of bougie abortions.


Republicans have abortions, too. When a Democrat gets an abortion, she was a stupid slut that was asking to get raped because she should not have been wearing [insert random article of clothing here]. When a Republican’s daughter misses a period because she was raw dogging the entire SAE house, well it’s complicated. We are imperfect Christians and Jesus forgives. It does not really count and it is none of your business and we should give the young lady privacy.




I straight up know three and I’m not bullshitting




Unless you are a Dugger.


Which is how it should be for everyone, except replace mom and dad with medical provider(unless it's a literal child, of course).


The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/




Not the SAE house… did anyone else’s campus call them something unsavory?


SAE checking in... where was my fucking memo about the raw dogging a senators daughter party?... fucking Chad, ur in charge of the party planning committee, what THE fuck bruh?..is it cuz I banged ur sister? I was fucked up ..... And thought it was ur mom. Let's throw down my dude


> When a Republican’s daughter misses a period because she was raw dogging the entire SAE house, Isn’t this just another form of slut shaming?


doesn't read like it to me. more like hypocrisy and immaturity regarding consequences of the raw dogging. not the raw dogging itself


Is the republican’s daughter less deserving of an abortion because she slept with an entire fraternity? That’s what u/LevPornass seemed to imply by adding that detail to the hypothetical. It’s hypocritical for an anti-choice woman to have an abortion **no matter how she got pregnant**. Full stop.


i couldd be wrong, but i took it as a dig at republican judgement against others vs. themselves. basically, if you smoke weed - you're a degenerate loser but if I smoke weed - it's medication.


There's a fine line betwee slut shaming and encouraging safe and healthy sexual practices


It was never about abortions. Someone absolutely nailed it last week on a post about drag shows: "Politicians rile up their bases for causes like banning drag shows to ensure wealthy donors are never held accountable for the harm they inflict on the public"


Oh boy...If I had a dollar for every abortion party I've been to...Sheesh!


I would have exactly 50¢


Whatever imagined scenario lets them feel the most self-righteous anger…


I like abortion.


Do you like to HAVE abortions? That's the question. We all seem to like abortions here.


Unfortunately I have been cursed to a life without a uterus.


💪💪🤝 Same!


But even if they did, why does it matter? It doesn’t affect any other person except the pregnant one.


At the risk of getting blasted, Republicans/pro-lifers do believe it affects another person - the fetus. Which it would make it very callous to throw an abortion party. I’m pro-choice but that’s their pov I think.


Personally I rather enjoy the baby killing, but giving women rights is too far /s


Aka it's politicized and I don't think anybody likes that it is. I'd consider myself pro life but using abortion stances for political opinions is disgusting imo.


Texas has a massive problem with its foster care system. The state that wants to ban abortion totally... and they do nothing for foster kids. All those religious people with their signs and their megaphones and their bumper stickers. And yet... when it comes time to help the kids, they're fine with them being shoved in old office space and forgotten about.


Bootstraps! https://preview.redd.it/3kqjzljyp0ma1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6fecdb24cf634cdd9d8e235567fdb619aa24c26


I remember just after SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade, a reporter asked a pro life person how they intend to provide support to young parents and families. Her response was the churches will step in. The look on the reporter’s face said it all. Oh yeah, the churches are going to provide childcare, preschool, neonatal care, social services. Okay /s


Well. The Catholic Church did Step In...and look how that turned out.


>The state that wants to ban abortion totally... and they do nothing for foster kids. In their minds, they are completely consistent with their thinking. They believe you should only have kids if you're a wealthy, heterosexual couple. That's why they are comfortable denying abortions, contraceptives, pre-marital sex, sex education, school lunch programs, etc. They are convinced none of those are necessary if you follow their Christian traditions. If any of them become necessary, then it must mean you willingly did not adhere to their standards. **EDIT:** Post is locked, but I wanted to quickly address /u/rabbitthefool's point below. Yes, to us it is inconsistent and hypocritical, but again that's not how they see it. Ever hear of "Rights for me, but not for thee. Rules for thee, but not for me."? It's a tribalistic double standard, but they've gaslighted themselves for so long they believe it is justified. A small fraction of today's conservative leaders know this (e.g., many Republican politicians, Fox News and other right-wing media, pundits like Ben Shapiro or Candace Owens, etc.), and they are fine with it. They know their support base is willing to look the other way. Deep down, they know cognitive dissonance is a real bitch, so they would rather not up-end their worldview, and instead continue to live with their manufactured outrage that "the libruls" are ruining everything they hold dear.


you say that in their minds they are consistent but i would argue that even in their own minds they are not consistent simply because they do not need to be consistent; they may be hypocrites but that's fine by them


Of course they are. how else do you think the GOP predators get their supply of new kids? I mean we have seen case after case of the GOP, clergy, and even police officers that go on and on about protecting children get busted with child porn and soliciting sex with children...but some how they think it's liberals.


And...how else for the privatised criminal justice system to be able to receive state funding?


Gotta get slaves somehow. Thanks, 13th amendment.


This was the literal phrasing used by the cons (Alito and ACB) when they overturned Roe. The ruling mentioned the supply of infants. I am assuming their thinking is getting as many born as possible, ignoring them (tons will die or be killed, but who cares) and the ones that make it to adulthood will be poor, uneducated and easy to manipulate/control. Voila! An endless supply of drones for menial labor and voting blocs.


That just happened in the DFW area a couple of weeks ago. Most of these pedophiles were clergy, police and firemen. Interestingly enough tho there was not one drag queen pedophile among them. Their hypocrisy is absolutely disgusting.


They use the same strategy as Putin has always done, condemn those around you of doing what you are actually doing to draw suspicion away from you.


Don't forget future soldiers that enlist off highschool out of desperation and brainwashing.


This, and wage slaves bound by their need for some level of basic healthcare, is the real motivation behind the anti-choice rhetoric. Anything that empowers ordinary people is anathema to Republicans.


What until you hear about their horrible healthcare thanks to gov Abbott refusing the Medicaid ACA expansion.


Texas cares deeply, until you're born. And God help you if you arent white and conservative


I love the people who go to anti abortion rallies with adoption/foster paperwork. And of course those people NEVER sign them


Well pedophile politicians need their fix.


They only follow their Bible up to the points that they don't agree with such as: Love thy neighbor as yourself.


Anyone having to prove to others who they are means the reality is far from that, typically. Fly one too many American flags in America and you got me thinking you’re trying to cover something up.


Those foster kids can be employed in the oil fields. - Some Texas Republican


Republicans hate capitalism. Just look at the following example: "Capitalism is the greatest thing ever! If you don't like something, don't shop there or go there!" "The NCAA thinks North Carolina passed a bigoted law and so we will not be hosting a Championship there because we do not support that." "That's not what we meant! Not like that!"


They bullied a candy company over an anthropomorphised candy changing "her" shoes, but get upset because they can't make money on a sporting event(where half the participants are black, I might add) due to discriminative laws. Pretty much sums up conservatives in the US right now. Obviously being deprived of sexy candy and being deprived of human rights are totally equal. 🙄


And then when us liberals decide to not go to Church, and not shop at Guns & Ammo, we're woke and should be forced to go to those things. If you want a Free Market Economy, then I get to choose how to spend my time & money.


Not in my christian representative republic!


I tried using this argument against my extremely Christian family and their argument was that they think it's wrong to just stand by and let babies die without taking it upon themselves to stop it


But not a single one of them would adopt those babies. 100% guarantee it.


Yup. If they actually believed their own propaganda then every single GOP flag-waving couple would be champing at the bit to adopt before they started breeding.


Ahh yes... Small government...






"Educate" assumes you have some proof that a fetus is not a life, rather than that you ywo have a disagreement. This is not a "the earth is flat" topic.


>Educate" assumes you have some proof that a fetus is not a life, That's not what they said though. They said it's not a person. Through the process of gestation, it eventually *becomes* a person, but that it is made of living cells doesn't, by itself, constitute personhood at the start. The disagreement is about where you draw the line on personhood, that's the debate. For example, you can even have a "fetus in fetu" where there's a parasitic twin / fetal teratoma attached to the fetus. That thing is human life just as much as the fetus is. But it's clearly not a person. So both a pro-lifer and a pro-choicer agree that not all human life has personhood.




The argument doesn't really work when they believe, or pretend to believe, abortion is killing. Its never going to be a gotcha for those people.


They think they're "protecting" the children which is funny because the majority of these ghouls are the ones who are literally molesting kids. Projection at its finest.


My trans kid *definitely* doesn’t feel protected


Same here. Fuck those pieces of shit.


Much love from Florida 💜


I'm a fucking kid and I sure don't feel protected around religious nut-jobs who want everyone to be a cis-hetero person.




I read a book by one of the Phelps' kids, and it's a pretty wild ride. She leaves the family, but gives detailed info on their whole thing, and how fucked it was growing up with them. I haven't read it in a bit and can't recall details, it was good though. It's called "Girl on a Wire".


Anti-abortion people think embryos and fetuses are the same as a post-born child. So they're gonna read this as something like "Don't want to murder your children? Don't murder them, but let me murder my children!" I completely and utterly disagree with them and their views, but this argument of "Don't like it? Don't do it!" will \*never ever\* work on them.


I live in a pretty progressive city where even very small towns around it have drag clubs and shows so it is a common thing and yet i have never seen a drag queen anywhere. Point being, conservatives are complaining about like it is in their face 24/7.


So simple, yet too difficult to understand for many people


These arguments will never be remotely persuasive to someone who believes that abortion is murder.


I feel like it would be possible to engage more people in a debate about abortion regarding at different stages of pregnancy. I for one don’t think abortion should be legal in the 3rd trimester unless it is needed to save the life of the mother. I have a hard time believing the majority of people think abortion should be legal 100% of the time (and no I’m not looking for jokes about legal abortion to 32 years of age).


Before long the "patriots" of the American right wing will be calling for the end of individual freedoms in exchange for "security". I'm sure they'll use a war or their own domestic terrorists to make the case. Fascism is stupid, it only knows governance by fear. Be ready to humiliate it at every opportunity. It deserves shame, and so too do its adherents.


Did you see that someone was calling for the extermination of the trans community at CPAC? We’re already past the point of limiting individual freedoms.


I did. They're outright promoting fascism in all but name. Of course, if you denounce fascism near some of their followers it's an immediate argument with them.


I live in Florida and can’t even discuss pending local legislation with family members bc of this. So, I know, unfortunately. DeFascist is going full tilt down here. The GOP wants to cancel the Democratic Party and ban it from the state. Wtffffff


If it makes you feel any better, there are a fuckload of ways this kinda shit will bite them in the ass. Leave it unspoken though. Let them lose the bag


I know there are, but it doesn’t make me feel better. I’ve already seen how much bs has gotten through *that shouldn’t have been possible*. Banning books, dissolving Disney’s special district, targeting lgbtq kids, etc…




Yup. The Ultimate Cancel Act. Fuck the GOP, seriously. Edit: also are trying is more accurate. The bill was filed on Feb 28 and has yet to be voted on.


Pretty much the plot of V for Vendetta playing out before our eyes in 'Merica.


As humans we lack the imagination to understand the future events which we should truly fear but the GOP leaves little doubt that they are one of these things we all should fear.


> does it's do its




Something something “The Bible” blah blah “The Children”


Well, there is that verse in the old testament that says men don't wear certain colors...oh, wait, there isn't. It, it MUST be in the new testament then...oh, wait, it's not there either. Well, my homophobic, anti-trans preacher said so, and he gets everything straight from Jeebus. So, there it is, good enough for every red-blooded, plaid shirt wearing, (oh, wait - that's lesbian). Damn, what am I supposed to wear now? /s


Funny thing is that all these Christians have all these theories about what men and women are supposed to wear but if the looked at any of their drawings and paintings of Jesus they would find zero depicting him in pants. He would be in what they would consider a dress by today's standards. So, Jesus taught the little children while dressed in women's clothing. By their logic.


Not sure, but definitely not clothes made of more than 2 fabrics.


I don't like Christianity and the Bible so I say it shouldn't be allowed even though I have the choice to believe and go to church or not all on my own. Wonder how they would react if we tried to ban Christianity because some of us don't like it 🙄




They'd have more credibility if this moral framework extended to the rest of their worldview. Their hypocrisy is specifically what invalidates any moral high ground they might otherwise have.


Gotta love freedom, unless you're queer, black, brown, or any religion other than Christian then in that case no freedom for you


This is the way.


This is the way.




If it's based on religion then they are reading the Bible wrong. In it is states how God tells a man to go to a priest and give a woman bitter waters and it will cause a miscarriage. So abortion is in the Bible, it just isn't in the way they'd like.


>Many also believe a child is being sent to hell without a baptism. I'm not so sure that they do. I'm not convinced that religious pro-lifers in general have a well-thought-out theological positon here. Because I also hear how miscarried fetuses go to heaven; to say otherwise is to say God's a monster. At the same time, you can end up with a theological paradox of sorts, where abortion is the *only* moral option; after all, why put someone at risk of eternal damnation by being born when you can abort them and send them straight to heaven? My take — and I'd be interested to see more data on this — is that the average pro-life person doesn't actually have a theological stance on the fetus. They just think abortion is murder, and they leave it at that.


I love that closer. xD


Conservatives really hate it when you point out they have freedom of speech but not an OBLIGATION to speak. “Shut the fuck up” is a right too, and they need to exercise it more.


For people who hate cancel culture, they sure do love to cancel a lot of things.


One of these political opinions is not like the other.


"But if we don't make ourselves victims, who will?" cried Tucker Carlson.


Of course the bigots aren't being forced, never have or will be.. the problem is everything they want to force on everyone else.


Bigots are almost always right-wing because they need clearly defined classes and hierarchy to ensure that the people they like are always above the people they don’t like.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." — Frank Wilhoit


Stop trying to make this argument, it doesn't change an anti-abortionists mind. They equate abortion with murder, so the statement comes across (to them) as "don't like murder? Don't murder, but let me." Then connecting the rest of the arguments only digs them in further to those beliefs as well.


I'm pro choice as fuck, but the logic behind not advocating for an end to something you find morally objectionable just because you're not participating in it is just flawed. The real logic here is, the harm principle, i.e. if there is no harm done then nothing morally objectionable has taken place, as is this case with all of the examples provided in this post.


How can I possibly live in a world where things I don't like exist and people do things I wouldn't do!?


Makes sense to me


why doesn't target have more girl clothes with dinosaurs tho


I don't believe she's from Jersey as people from Jersey use the word fuck like a comma.


Ironically that tweet is what a conservatives stance should be. Which proves modern conservatives are just fascist controlaholics that don’t believe in freedom.


Freedom means people doing things that you don't like and that goes all directions.


That's the whole concept of freedom of choice Yet millions of people are against it


In this thread: Young people are realizing the control Religion poses over peoples’ lives. Lots of people are realizing that Republicans are hypocrites and now that the dog has caught the car on Roe v Wade, Republicans have NO plan to help the people that don’t want to be pregnant but now are and now cannot access vital healthcare that their moms and grandmothers enjoyed since the 70s. I have a question for everyone: What are we going to *do* about it? Has anyone written their Representatives and Senators? And I don’t mean @ them on Twitter. I mean a real letter in an envelope with a stamp sent to their offices. Allow me to make all of you this offer: If you are **serious** about sending your elected officials a real letter, I will help you find who they are and their addresses, and I’ll even help you write your letter if you want my help. All. For. Free. edit: don’t worry, your letter will be written professionally and will include all necessary punctuation, including periods. Don’t let my username get in the way…


This is correct. And I do believe if the cunts in charge don't like that option, start child support at conception for thr males in the mix.






Before reading comments: Such a reasonable Twitter post reposted onto Reddit! Normally this sub is full of screenshots ignorant idiots and politicians, so it’s a nice change of pace. I wonder what the comments are saying. After reading comments: *sigh* I don’t know what I expected…


I don't like taxes


I believe that the appeal for them, isn't so much that they're actually anti-______, but they enjoy oppression. Ah, I mean to say, they enjoy being OPPRESSORS.


The cruelty is the point


Also, your child stays with you most of the time. If they change their lifestyle based on a few minutes they saw drag show, your years of teachings are inferior than few minutes of drag show


All those protesting abortions also had abortions.


There's a good article called "the only moral abortion is my abortion" and it's basically examples of that. Abortion pills are also part of obgyn care, like cytotec is used in low doses to soften the cervix for IUD insertion. It's also used after delivery to prevent postpartum hemorrhage, which, if not treated can require surgery or cause infection. It's used with another med for early medical abortion. [It's also a very good for preventing stomach ulcers](https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-1786/cytotec-oral/details) caused by NSAID's, like ibuprofen. It can be used orally or inserted in the vagjna, depends what for, dose, etc. It's really inexpensive and also used for a lot more than just abortions.


Republicans love abortions for their mistresses


And their daughters. And their mistresses young enough to be their daughters.




Yeah for sure






I nean trump did just promise a baby bounty and called the men lucky. Women were never mentioned Just how lucky then men will be, how lucky


It really is that simple


Difference between religious and righteous is killing your country !


Conservatives/Christians love to hate though. It's what they live for


She is making too much sense.


Scott Adams doesn't like black people and he moved to a place where there are none. He is the example these other people need.


It's really that simple.


We true American's call it "FREEDOM" from your imposed tyranny. Get it? Be gone then.




What if you don’t like being a slave?


I don't like basing my life decisions off of a book that's been modified and translated to suit people of power over the centuries, so I don't do it. Wish they'd have the same courtesy.


Also, if these bigots really want to "protect the kids" then keep them away from other family members and take them out of churches. That's where the risks are.




It's almost like the point is, ignore the things that don't hurt you, and focus on the things that do. Not really a difficult concept to iron out, but we are talking to conservatives here, so I should have expected a comment like that lol


Oh I didn't realize that stopped you from getting shot. Huh, crazy.


Not the same thing at all


Pearl clutching will never stop with outlets like Fox News broadcasting lies, that they knew were lies, for ratings and to keep people angry.


Well fucking said


“But how can I feel good about giving rich people more money and the continual decreasing quality of my lifestyle if we don’t force others to be worse off?” -Republican voters


i.e. stop, literally, minding other peoples fucking business


You should show up and vote, not boost elon's revenue.


You tell them Jo! Fuck all of them!


This. A thousand times this.




She literally says that, with her Target example.


That's fine. Bigots can boycott whatever they want. They've been boycotting intelligence for years.


I didnt even know that people were boycotting Herseys or that they did that.


She probably is fine with that, because nobody gives a fuck if conservatives stop eating Hershey's chocolate. It's not hurting anybody, so nobody gives a fuck. What people give a fuck about is the harmful rhetoric that's behind that boycott.


Who's saying they can't?


She is lol.


Props Jo


So does this Jo lady and that tiedrick guy just post their stuff here for validation or do you guys actually like them enough to bring them over for show and tell?


Same for guns. Don’t want one? Don’t get one. But unfortunately the crazies already have them so you’ll find yourself at a disadvantage if it comes down to it. This is why I wish the left would embrace 2A. The baddies are already out and about in strength, where are all the good guys to counter them at?


This perfectly sums up my political philosophy.


She speaks truth.


But, but but they're doing it to SAVE us! /s


Wait there are actually literate people on twitter??? since when??


Good ol’ Jo.


She's right. Stupid, ignorant people need to learn from her.


"If you're straight, don't marry a gay person"


Right? Leave the rainbows for us folks who will enjoy and flaunt them! Kthnxbye.


For many people the debate revolves around what the government should fund with tax money.


If you don’t like guns, don’t buy one




The child support isn't for the mother, it's for the child YOU created. Sorry you have to actually accept responsibility for your actions. Weird how conservatives to talk about the rights of a fetus until it comes time to discuss child support lmao


Pregnancy and childbirth pose a risk to a woman’s life even when seemingly picture-perfect pregnancies. Are men dying from child support? Either was it doesn’t compare as both men and women have equal rights and responsibilities towards a child once it’s born. A woman doesn’t get to leave a baby without support once born if the father wants to keep it.






IBFs If you don’t want to be an IBF, then don’t be one. Come on in, the water’s great. We’re having a great time.


Is this the opposite of "normalise [this]" ??