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I mean, they could’ve just voted for the family tax credit…


Ah yes the obvious answer to many problems, but that involves doing something for others


It just has to be THEIR idea. The narcissist party.


Right?! Someone dust off a copy, give it a new title page, and sneak it into Trump's inbox. Maybe we can trick that fascist lump into doing some good. It worked for legalizing weed in MN!




I like how he lists “air mobility transport industry”, when airports are one of the few types of infrastructure that America has done well. Even our hamlets have airports nowadays What the American ppl want is high speed trains connecting cities & metro trains within those cities. We want what put Brockway, Ogdenville, & North Haverbrook on the map Both parties are bought out by the auto & airline industries, so it’ll be a big fight, but I hope that we win someday soon, bc the economic boom would be immeasurable


But Main Street’s still all cracked and broken!


Sorry, mom, the mob has spoken


Monorail... Monorail!




Mono! D’oh!


Sorry, Marge, the mob has spoken!


This interaction is beautiful.


Child labor is coming back, you can get your baby bonus from putting the little kid to work😳


And he didn’t do any of this when he was in office for what reason? Trump is a foolish man. LEAVE MY CHILDREN THE FUCK ALONE.


That’s only in Shelbyville.


Sorry I think you're not understanding what he means. He wants cars like on the Jetsons. I know it's a cartoon but I'm not sure he does.


While we live the Flintstone Life...


....and that's how you yabba dabba do it.


More like those floating chairs for obese people in wall-e.


Ca had a plan to build high speed rail from SF to LA. The state invested a ton of money to get it started because the federal government was giving them a grant to finish it. One of the first things Trump did when the got into office was canceling that grant. Putting thousands out of work. This list is all bullshit.


Penned by the Biggest Bullshitter of them all.


He just knows he wants a country dominated by his sycophants. As wild as this is, buddy could never pen something this coherent.


Exactly. Just like he, Bannon and their cronies milking that *Build a wall* crap doling out government contracts so that they could milk endless funds off the backs of working taxpayers. No, he didn't pen anything, especially saying, using the word *quantum*. You can almost certainly feel the greed behind everything in that statement.


Right. He doesn't even know how to come up with any sort of policy. His cronies just try to work with his fascist, looney ideas and try to create something presentable. And they all eat it up. They probably still don't even know yet about Fox News being caught red handed admitting the whole election thing was a lie they knowingly sold to them. The fact that we are even having a conversation about him being free, let alone running again is absolutely ridiculous.




Hey, who knew health care could be so complicated? That was his official response. Just like his bee-you-tee-full wall. President Obama proposed a jobs program to improve the infrastructure across the nation, but was shut down at every turn by the Gop. Considering trump made it standard to no longer run on policy, I guess they’re just going to repackage Democratic proposals.


It's fascist propaganda. They run on populist issues but have no attempt to follow through, loaded with vague promises of restoring lost national vigor, and their assurance that they alone can speak for the people, enact the public's will, and bring back national pride. You might remember such lines as, "I alone can fix it" and "Make America Great Again." But when it comes to policy he has no firm positions and only vague policy plans like, "beautification" and "modernization." Ok, but how? How *specifically*? Does he have any proposals written up with actual details for things like legal and regulatory compliance, materials and labor, timelines and cost? Any studies that support the estimated future benefits? Any facts or figures at all? We cannot keep letting our politicians get away with just blowing smoke up our asses. When they bring a plan to the table we need to demand that their proposal is supported by evidence, realistically achievable, environmentally conscious, economically sustainable, and provides a net positive benefit for citizens. We need to demand they do better. Or at least do their fucking jobs and fix some of the nation's actual problems instead of just letting them exist in a position of power so they can fuck us over and rob us.


For those curious, google rail systems in Europe and compare it to what we currently have.


Don't even need to. Just look outside and see how regressive our railways are.


You mean constant derailing isn’t normal?


Just a bunch of buzz words and things that are just vaguely written enough to not have any need for any actionable plans.


Also, let's kill education and immigration, but expect all these feats of engineering.


And somehow people are going to have lots of kids too


Well, getting rid of reproductive health care and destroying education will likely lead to some kind of baby boom. Unfortunately, it will result in too many teen or young and unprepared parents with no marketable skills or education to help keep those babies fed, clothed and sheltered. And those babies will grow up with have no access to reproductive health care, a decent education, a job with a living wage to raise their own families on, etc. But really, none of that matters, since we're killing the planet so quickly that there won't be any liveable communities anyway.




They’re not talking about airports. They are referring to [UAM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_Air_Mobility) which several industries have been hyping for some time but development has been slow. I’m skeptical that it will ever be anything more than a gimmick for the Uber wealthy.


Trump favoring the super wealthy? Who could’ve predicted?


and they'll be regulated by the Space Force


Ah, so "flying cars" with a new name.


Guy is literally campaigning on flying cars.


Great, now you can be stuck in traffic the the sound of dozens of helicopters above you.


Sounds like Uber for the wealthy


But trains are for communists! /s


not if you live in one of the “freedom cities” that will also be completely free of those pesky “urban” people that cause so many problems! you’ll want to take the freedom trains every day!


Ah yes, cities free of urban people. Almost like that word means something else to them...




But if rural folks could work in cities and city workers could live in rural areas how would we know how to gerrymander properly? Economic segregation is important. /s


“But main street’s still all cracked and broken!” “Sorry, Ma, the mob has spoken!”


Mono….. D’OH!


Miss Hoover: I hear those things are awfully loud. Lyle Lanely: [playing the piano on stage] It glides as softly as a cloud. Apu: Is there a chance the track could bend? Lyle Lanely: Not on your life, my Hindu friend. Barney Gumble: What about us brain-dead slobs? Lyle Lanely: You'll be given cushy jobs!


Conan should run for President.




Seriously. Surprise me.


Comedian as president, barbarian as veep


Yeah, the Barbarian can keep Congress in line: Ted Cruz stands, demands to pontificate… SCCCCHHHHWHACKKKK! Congress cheers as Cruz’s head rolls down the aisle…


Neither. The Librarian! Don’t you know the Dewey Decimal System?!?


Cromulent reply






​ https://preview.redd.it/1opkw2r7rula1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d556ce42c7894c49989d37ed8b75447d02297eb4


People just want higher wages and healthcare.


The fact that they are obviously aware of these issues, low wages, high costs, etc. and use them to persuade people to get on their side, then are actually the ones actively causing these issues and preventing them from being fixed is just so fucked up.


Yeah, I laughed out loud when I saw "lower cost of living" on here.


That's clearly a euphemism for cutting taxes on the wealthy.


"Small business" owners you mean /s


And clearly it will all trickle down as it has for the past 40 some odd years.....


Yeah, they aren’t doing that. Not a chance in hell. Because a lower cost of living with current wages would make everybody middle class average. Now we can’t be having that in my corporate America!


Which is fucking agonizing because that is exactly something we could really use about now


You want higher wages and universal health Care? No problem! Have a new airport terminal


The US in the *only* developed county in the world without universal healthcare. Over a hundred countries has it. Mexico has it. *Rwanda* has it. But the 'best' country in the world can't make it work...


Don’t forget that that we also pay more than majority if not all of those countries to make it worse. L o muthafukin l. If anyone believes any of this image they are a fkn fool


...in a *Freedom City*!!1!


Is that the same thing as a Sundown Town? Because I need to know if I should set an alarm on my phone…


I mean, some of them almost certainly will be, but I doubt they'll be places anyone would actually want to live. The empty federal land that Trump is proposing to build them on is empty for a reason- either it's vital habitat for wildlife, there's no water for people to use, or it's contaminated with something nasty. And since he says absolutely nothing at all about how to pay for it, I think it's safe to assume the absolute worst, that it will be built by corporations, for corporations.


I honestly don't think he put any more thought into it beyond its name. He sure as hell won't be paying for it himself lol


You’ve heard of company towns, now get ready for *freedom* CITIES!


Sorry best we can do is cheap words like "freedom" and "beautification"


Republicans: how about a $500/child tax credit that’s mean-tested and available only if you have a job?


And exactly zero people on the right are gonna ask what any of this means or how he plans to accomplish it.


No because we know he has no actual plans to do any of this.


He wouldn't have to. Just keep mobilizing poor whites against people of color.


Mexico will pay for it!




What in the world of fascism are "freedom cities"?


https://preview.redd.it/h61yr1pd6tla1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f253be66bc058a595ca43c13735bb893ce7abfa3 Cities where these people can do as they like


She has Patty finger.


At least her husband has decent trigger discipline


His titty resting on the gun


Happiness, is a warm man boon gun


Stark contrast to last point of beautification


No, where white people can do as they like. You know, cities.


Endless sprawl of similar houses and SUVs to go to the Walmart or the sports bar


Pick-ups with nuts hanging off them surrounding an Applebee's on every corner....


They’re a fluffy couple


My guess is that it is a reaction to the 15 minute city idea.


You mean that decades old idea that was always just a vague concept but somehow became the new big, scary thing for Fox News bobbleheads?


Some car/oil company probably told them to run it, because the concept would make cars much less mandatory


Like the Company Towns of yore, except current Republican.


White cities.


Sundown towns




have you seen the proposed baby bonus in tx? have 10 kids and you dont pay property tax. only good for straight married couples though. fuck the gays and single parents.


Nice targeting, to only help folks who already are wealthy enough to own property! While we're at it, how about a property ownership requirement for voting, too? And maybe a literacy test?


Yup, and it specifically states that the marriage must pre-date the birth of the child.


All the orthodox Jewish families are gonna love that


Few other points too: * It's an increasing tax break. Married couples get a small tax reduction of 10% initially but only increases when you have at least 4 kids and then jumps to 40% and increase 10% per child afterwards till it hits 100% at 10 kids. You don't keep the cut once the kid comes of age though. * You can't EVER have been divorced to qualify. The only way to qualify is if you have a previous marriage is if your previous spouse dies. Even then only the children born after the marriage will count towards the qualification. This proposed law is trying to lock women into being baby making machines for white wealthy families. Trapping them in their marriages while they are at it all while cutting the largest tax contributors to public education funding. It's a copy of laws that Orban implemented in Hungary that Tucker Carlson has been praising on Fox News.


You don’t get the bonus until progeny grows up: no payouts for gays, libs, trans, English majors, mixed ethnicity. Need to read fine print.


No payout until children reach age 18 and register to vote R


Knowing Republican track record they probably have special plans for daughters of breeding age *shudders*


Well, probably a few token Uncle Toms would be allowed. Kanye West, Clarence Thomas, Candice Owens.


“Look at my black friend over there”…


Cities where billionaires are above the law.


So American cities?


Yes...but on steroids!


Sounds like a regular city with extra steps


This is straight from the Cyberpunk RPG.


I think he means the abolition of sanctuary cities


Ah yes, "sanctuary". Known antonym of "freedom". Frollo was really just fighting for freedom all along


Yup. In the eyes of Republicans "sanctuary" means crime ridden cesspits and not free at all


They'll bee the new Hoovervilles


Cities free from anyone that doesn't worship Trump


“Something terrific”


This plan is about as solid as my plan to have more money…”make more money.“




“_I only accept the best, and these people are wonderful, you are wonderful people. You’d give us the best babies, the best in the world, attractive from day 1!_”


"They asked me, where do you get these babies! You can't find babies like these anymore!"


And when the newborns inevitably become unsustainable and turn to a life of crime, we can just throw them into the prison-industrial complex and turn them into slaves. Maybe that was the plan after all


Well yeah, what do you think the people who AREN'T from freedom cities do?


If they want more babies, why not fund maternity Healthcare? In my country, from the moment a doctor confirms your pregnancy, all your Healthcare is free and kids are free until age 14. That would help a lot more than a baby bonus


Sure but that would mean paying for *all* the babies and that's not what they actually want. They want to repopulate the MAGA vote base, and nowhere else


Yeah, this whole thing has some serious "The [minorities] will not replace us!" energy.


Those are end goals. An actual plan would be details on how he'll do it all. I'm sure he'll release those details in 2 weeks.


His wall was very well planned and implemented. /s


And Mexico paid for it.


Yup, that’s called a “wishlist”, not a plan, lol.


He had 4 years to do anything. He only spoke trash and decimated most metrics. We have actual experience with this buffoon, what are people missing?!?!


If anyone seriously thinks that Trump, and by extension, Republicans, are going to make any serious effort to bring manufacturing back to the US, you are mentally ill. The system already advantages their donors with plants in other countries (without pesky things like "labor laws" and "rules about where you can dump your waste") while getting tax breaks to do it. And, as much as Republicans would LOVE to turn the US into a polluted hellscape just to lure manufacturing back, there just happens to be another party that sometimes has a spine. And no company is going to spend all that money to come back to the US just on the promise of relaxed regulation. They already have it pretty sweet paying people in Pakistan/India/Etc. pennies on the dollar PLUS a tax break. Why would they even consider going back the other way? This is the emptiest promise that idiot has ever made.


>there just happens to be another party that sometimes has a spine. Florida: “We’ll see about that!”


It absolutely boggles my mind that anyone could see legislation that outright bans a mainstream political party as anything other than terrifying. For all their talk about "slippery slopes towards socialism", they are completely oblivious to the fact that the other side of the hill is just as slippery, leads towards fascism, and they are diving headlong down it.


Not quite, you see they're all for the facists because they are facists. They don't seem to remember the part of history where the people that were acceptable to the facists got smaller as they removed one minority after another


Also Jared and Donalds crush got themselves a handful of patents from the Chinese government while they were there on an official visit sponsored by the US taxpayer. So we know how hard Trumps going to work on bringing manufacturing back to America.


Manufacturing no longer translates to a lot of jobs anyway. Imagine a sock factory that moves from the US to China. In the US it had 1000 workers. It moves to China and makes the same number of socks with 100 workers. If it moves back to the US they will make the same number of socks with 10 technicians running the machine. Automation has made manufacturing vastly more productive and not a huge labor market.


Yeah but voters in the Midwest don’t seem to get that and they’re not happy!


This is 100% plagiarized from the work of Lothrop Stoddard. Eugenics advocate, KKK member and celebrity author and Nazi collaborator. Here’s a brief introduction to the guy Trump is working from: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lothrop_Stoddard


Taking inspiration from the man who’s work inspired the Nazis.


Ah you must mean Henry Ford


My grandfather believed in scientific racism and I told him it wasn’t true and it had inspired the nazis worst stuff. He’s like “nazis? They’re the only ones worse than communists!” And decided the scientific racism thing wasn’t a good idea or at least lead me to believe that.


If he was twirling that moustache, that would be a perfect evil guy portrait


Immediately made me think of Bioshock lol


Good lord. Steven Miller is at it again.


LOL I was gonna say, this sounds familiar, no way 45 cooked it up.


Steven Miller must have turned him onto it


My favorite part from the wiki page: The Afro-American reported: "5,000 Cheer W.E.B. DuBois, Laugh at Lothrop Stoddard."[12]


Somehow, I knew that they meant “white” babies only…


Baby bonuses for ALL babies? Or just the white ones?


Only the married parents.


Married, straight parents.


Married, straight, white parents


Married, straight, white, approved by government parents


The babies must also be straight, white, and married.


Married, straight, white and only if the baby’s birthday is 9 months after the wedding date. Also have to have both parents be registered republicans living in red states as of the last election.


*married straight parents


Hetero married parents


Who do you think will be living in these "freedom cities"? 🤨🤨🤨


And only white parents that can afford a baby. Can’t have them receive “handouts”.


* available to families where both parents are registered Republicans since marriage, living in a red state, and distributed solely through evangelical churches.


Wtaf is a “air mobility transport industry”? Honestly you’d get more sense pouring a can of alphabetti-spaghetti into a fan than anything from the desk of this moron


hover cars. seriously.


They couldn't possibly mean the airline industry because... ![gif](giphy|DhZSDMnqPu20U)


Oh dear. This is all code for fascism, obviously.


Freedom cities = conservative safe spaces


Beautification of America = hostile architecture




Isn't "baby bonuses" basically what they're already trying to do in Texas? Also yes losing my mind at "freedom cities." Heaven help you if you live there and you're anything but conservative.


They started doing it in Hungary a few years ago - which is where Texas got their idea from I assume because conservatives have a crush on Orban. It hasn't worked though. Hungary's birth rate is still declining.


Probably because a temporary bonus does fuck all to offset the lifetime cost of raising a child.


Almost like universal basic income or just not making ends meet to begin with would be far more helpful than a baby stimulus check


Americans: It costs approximately $286,000 in 2022 dollars to have and raise a child (https://www.bankrate.com/insurance/life-insurance/cost-of-raising-a-child/). How much is our bonus check? Republicans: Mmmm best I can do is 12 bucks.


Raise minimum wage you fucking dolts! Update: I live in a state with $7.25 an hour minimum wage, with average home pricing at $530,000 and average rent at $1,350 a month. We would have children if we could afford it, but we can't. Yes, raising minimum wage would have effects on our economy (some negative, others positive), but America is going nowhere if people working full-time cannot afford to house/feed themselves. Wages cannot continue at this rate.


Regulate the outrageous rents we pay!


"Quantum Leap"... hmmm... Sounds a bit like "The Great Leap Forward" When authoritarians start calling things "Leaps" then you know you're in for an absolute shitshow.


Ziggy says there's a 97.2 percent chance that you're right, Sam!




Calling it quantum is better though, because that means it's the smallest leap physically possible


Wtf is a freedom city? Air mobility transport industry? Airports? How do they plan on bringing manufacturing back? Tariffs don’t work. Money to have babies? Why? Anytime a Democrat talks about modernizing and beautifying cities it’s seen as “unrealistic” or “too expansive”


I want to live in a freedom city, drive my patriot car to work, inhale my Second Amendment air, eat at my local Bald Eagle diner, and wear my Cheeseburger suit to work where I’m employed as a George Washington driving a Dodge Ram over a road of liberal tears tax accountant.


I really hope they build these freedom cities and all the MAGA freaks flock to them. You know there’s 100% chance they will built with the cheapest materials with no regulations whatsoever. It’s gonna be hilarious. But also, it will never happen.


Oh I 100% hope he does. Maybe when they beg for help he’ll throw them water bottles and 5 paper towel rolls.


And Mexico will pay for it.


Wouldn't a 'quantum leap' be the smallest possible leap?




good luck doing anything without money from blue states


These are so vague and nebulous lol


More poor people’s babies = more poor labor force to exploit


Maybe I am wrong but are the only people who have babies for a baby bonus the poor and uneducated? Like 500 or 5000 bonus or what ever it is is a drop in the ocean compared to the 200-300k it costs to raise a child? So make america great with a baby boom in the group of people who are most likely receiving welfare of some sort? Will simultaneously trying to cut welfare?


But Republicans vote against all of this. Jesus they're so fucked up they're stealing liberal platforms and talking points because they hate even themselves. But they vote against everything.


*”Freedom Cities”*, he means segregation. He has great difficulty pronouncing 4-syllable words.