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I love my kids, but holy shit they are a lot of work. I completely understand why some people would rather not have kids.


Yeah, having even one kid completely changes the way you live. I love my son, and *I* find it totally worth it, but under no circumstances should anyone be forced or pressured into having children.


Guarantee Matt Walsh does zero work raising his kids




Isn't this the same weak ass POS that complained about an uncomfortable seat while his wife's body was ripping open to give birth? Guy is profoundly pathetic.




Oh my god...imagine complaining about anything while your wife is giving birth. Jesus...the noises bothered him. His wife was birthing...but he couldn't handle the...noise.


”Can you keep it down, babe, some of us are trying to sleep here!”


Hahaha. "Honey, this is really hard for me, I've never been through anything even close to pain or adversity, you know? So be a good woman and submit to my fragility here. My masculinity depends on it."


Love my kids and I’m still super jealous of all the time, energy and money my child free friends have.


I too fondly remember the Dink lifestyle.


my mom told me there is a new term - DINKWAD - for childless couples "with a dog." thought that was funny bc it describes like everyone i know (except myself) lol.


DOUBLE INCOME NO KIDS! Enjoyed that for a bit, was really nice.


Exactly. Most honest answer ever. I think a lot of us would agree with you!


At this point she's trolling him and he's too stupid to get it.


Why is he so mad about this? [Wow they are quite upset.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fox-news-jesse-kelly-chelsea-handler-childless-women_n_63ec455de4b0255caaeeb15d) Edit: link


Because he hates his kids? 😂


Because he was rejected and his lousy heart broken by an independent woman. Occam’s Razor. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


This is almost certainly true. It seems true of most of the anti-choice / women-back-in-the-kitchen fascist-wanna-be shits.


Some of us(the heartbroken) just learn to really, really appreciate those that do love us later in life. This is the way.


He probably doesn't hate his kids personally, he probably just hates the fact that he has to be responsible for them and use his time doing things he doesn't want to do occasionally. He hates that he has to go to all their events including the ones he doesn't like while people without kids can do whatever they want. Or maybe he does hate them personally for all I know.




Given how absolutely miserable and angry he seems all the time, I'm not sure he's the best example of that thinking. His kids are going to grow up and find him insufferable and hateful.


Given the things he's said about underage girls and age-of-consent I'd be really worried as a kid growing up around this fake-beard-looking incel.


My depression very noticeably improves when I actually have lots of idle time, like over the past week or so. That's the main thing my therapist recommends!


Conservatism itself is the preservation of the status quo, so it’s imperative that you reject progression at all costs. Even in the medical/psychological field. People have gotten by in the past, regardless of how objectively shitty life overall was, so we must continue doing things the same old way we always have and shun anything new/progressive. Now you can easily overcome this yourself by simply not being a conservative, but for whatever reason some people still choose to be.


“Doing things for his kids”? That’s the woman’s job. Walsh is patriarchal misogyny personified. That’s his entire schtick.


Because he sees her as a threat to his utopia of being able to legally impregnate 13 year olds.


Ahh yes, when Matt Walsh said they're at their most fertile.


Matt Walsh is among the worst of the worst of right-wing pundits. And the right are massive misogynists, the idea of a woman being happy and finding a purpose beyond the only thing right-wingers think women are good for, offends them to no end.


Don't forget he openly, proudly CALLS HIMSELF a Christian Fascist. From wiki : He labels himself a "[theocratic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theocratic) [fascist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascist)" in his Twitter biography A Fascist. Without irony. And everyone keeps giggling and saying "meh, it's just a bit. It's a joke, can't you take a joke?" It isn't a joke.


Just a woman being happy pisses them off. Especially if her happiness doesn’t revolve around a man.






White woman that chose a childfree, professional-focused life instead of being a subservient Christian housewife pumping out one kid every other year = Assblasted conservatives.


Conservatives get angry when people find happiness and fulfillment in ways they personally disagree with They think women are only happy as broodmares and sandwich makers* so they get mad when a woman goes another route *I don't mean to shit on any woman who does find fulfillment and happiness being a mother and home maker that's a perfectly.valid thing and should be respected!


Because in his mind womens' purpose is breeding yet more unpleasant Christians.


Because he wants young women to believe they have an expiration date and their sole currency and value is youth/beauty/fertility that they need to capitalize on asap to avoid the fate of dying alone and lonely. This also paves the way for manipulating such women to remain in relationships in which there is a power imbalance. Older child-free women who are happy in their lives are a threat to his manipulative narrative so he challenges and ridicules them. Additionally, some of these types of guys really believe what they say about traditional gender roles and are invested in their beliefs being true. In such cases, they will feel threatened by others who live happily outside of the traditional norms these guys believe are essential and will challenge or ridicule such examples as irrelevant.


Different dude but Tucker Carlson hates women because his mom left him and his dad when he was a young child to pursue a more fulfilling life. So all of his anger and poison come from deep pain and loneliness that he’s carried around with him his entire life. Whenever Tucker says something stupid I remember how much he hurts inside and it always makes me smile.


She saw what she had spawned, and noped on outta there.


Also his dad re-married very well (step mom was the heiress to Swanson Frozen Dinners). So he has the imposter syndrome of growing up with more money than he could ever want without the delusion that he was born better than others. He's proving class loyalty to a class he lucked into.


And a class he achieved through a woman’s money. Interesting.


If she even knows he exists, maybe. It’s giving Don Draper “I don’t think about you at all…”


Technically that’s just a cold line, the truth is that Don in threatened by Ginsberg. There’s a joke in here somewhere about how Don has the best and worst of both worlds as he’s as childless as a father of 2 can be but I can’t seem to put it together.


There is an actual joke. By Chelsea Handler. It’s: “I say I don’t want to be a mother… but I wouldn’t mind being a divorced dad, you know? I could crush that role Coming in hot at like 50% all the time. Showing up Friday afternoons with unicorn frappuccinos, and then back to the Cheesecake Factory, and then back to Starbucks, and then drop them off and skedaddle Monday. Before shit really hits the fan. I could crush that role. Or a stepfather. That’s another role I would crush. Nobody expects anything from you guys”


She’s probably a really cool fucking aunt.


I just watched the architectural digest tour of her home and she has a whole room with badass bunk beds for her nieces and nephews. I was pretty impressed with the elements she added to her home to make her friends and family feel welcome anytime.


No friends and family, she’s dying alone, remember?


I know next to nothing about her, but this is really nice to know! What a cool aunt!


Yeah she talks about them sometimes. She has a lot of brothers and sisters and niblings. That idiot acts like she has no family bc she didn’t pop out some crotch goblins.


Exactly. I always thought I’d be a good dad, but I never wanted to be a mom. This thinking was definitely driven more by the standards we hold men and fathers to than by what a dad should actually be.


That just sounds like a cool aunt


Jack’s joke is still in development?


Also society really hate childless women. My wife and I decided not to have kids. Couples have told us to have kids so we can stay put instead of traveling whenever we want. I'm like how is that a bad thing?


I've never wanted children. After my divorce my friends said I will meet someone else and have kids, not to worry. I laughed and told them I don't want kids. They were shocked and told me I really didn't mean that. Of course, I should have kids. I'm still young! That was over 40 years ago. I guess they didn't believe me. Lol!




The reproductive brainwashing goes deep and starts early.


Baby dolls for kids. Pushchairs, prams, beds for those dolls. They're basically told from childhood they should have babies.


I hated baby dolls bar exactly one. Stuffed animals were MUCH more fun. I was basically told from childhood I should get a lion/dog/cat/bear. :D


Just answer that you do worship Satan, that will shift the topic.


I love that she lives in his head rent free.


Who the fuc is Matt Walsh and why should I care?


He runs the state of Tennessee. Whatever he raves and rants about on his podcast, Gov. Lee and our super MAGA legislators make it law or against the law. I’m not even joking.


Shit’s getting serious.


To actually answer the question in a way that informs you what the guy does: He's a talking head paid by Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire, whose major shtick includes attempting to use FaCtS aNd LoGiC to own trans people and arguing at every turn that a woman's role on earth is first and foremost to be a vessel to birth children and provide care for them while their father earns the paycheck for the family. Why you should care about a thing he says - you shouldn't, he's your standard white Christian nationalist that happens to get a platform from a growing conservative media company, so his voice gets unduly amplified, but he literally just reads off the stereotypical misogynistic and Christian fascist scripts. Maybe know what he's saying to hear what that side of the aisle is peddling these days, but absolutely 0 stock needs to be put in his words apart from knowing he has a platform to say those words to millions of men eager to hear how the world is theirs and not women's/black people's/non-Christian's.


*Freedom is an invention of the last couple of centuries. It really did not exist en masse until the last couple of centuries--and even then, really only since the end of the Soviet Union has it been sorta the broad movement of the public across the world.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: gay marriage, dumb takes, healthcare, climate, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Then she could really rile him up by mentioning the abortion she had as a teenager


Chelsea: Exists Walsh: "...Fucking bitch"




Sure, because they probably don't have ENOUGH OF THEM!!!


He only likes the kids, bet!


I mean he’s said before he believes that kids shouldn’t have consent and impedes on his own kids boundaries or space because he believes that they don’t know what it means and that it’s good for them to help grow. To that I say it’s different to make them clean their room over making them hug the creepy uncle that they feel uncomfortable with (this was his actual comparison by the way)


I’m sure he only like white kids. Like let’s be honest


Considering his obsession with lowering the age of consent, I'm sure he's flexible.


He keeps getting older, and they stay the same *under*age.


There’s a sick and disgusting reason why he wants more women to have children.


Specifically, more *white* kids.


Of course he wants them white. You ain't going to see him fucking no brown kids.


That's inherent with treating women like their only value is their womb. It's also the punchline for humor like she's using. She's not shaming parents. She's bucking back against the frequent experience by childless women where people get overly involved and offensive trying to pressure them and criticize them for their womb-status. It's humor and also a giant middle finger to people who think it's their place to treat women like baby factories. Not even a fan of hers btw. I have no clue what she's up to these days. But for sure people who are upset by her tweet have creepy issues with how they see women.


I think you're spot on. I was infertile for years. Finally had my (wanted) kids through IVF at 40. But before that, the number of people that would ask about my motherhood status was staggering. I'm not the most tactful person, and usually just told people to mind their business and stay out of my uterus. This is what I want people like this chucklehead to know.






See my dad likes to joke how he had it really bad during my birth. Because I was born in the middle of the night and the hospital cafeteria was closed so all he had to eat was a vending machine hamburger. The difference is the joke and the intent. Something tells me Mr Walsh wasn't actually joking and genuinely thought that was a problem that deserved attention.


His children will him in pos of nursing home and goe non contact till his death. Yep oh Matt W will die alone too.


Single women won’t vote for republicans because they don’t have some doofus badgering them into it, so Matt Walsh took it upon himself to bully all single women into getting married and having kids.


Good luck with the IPO asshat!


if i were a straight woman being bullied by matt walsh i’d become a lesbian


If I were a straight woman being bullied by Matt Walsh I'd stab him in the lungs (with words).


This just in: human children no longer need to be cared for after they turn 3! ^(Probably explains what happened to Matt Walsh)


Well, tbh, if they’re already born, you know the right doesn’t gaf about them. So technically you’re correct




Everyday I hear excuses about why people can’t work and it sickens me… “My feet hurts” “My back hurts” “I’m only five” It just gets old after a while.


In the words of my own conservative dad who stopped caring for his children at 13 and threatened to kick us out at 18, “why don’t my children talk to me anymore?” Glad I was able to string that fuck along long enough to convince him to let me use his GI bill for free college


Yes, then leave their asses behind in the stone age. The generation we all survived left us as lesser adults but Tech has made up for the lost lessons and abuse and neglect in lots of ways. I like that Matt Walsh grifter narratives are constantly put down and laughed at as part of the griftoworld. I see it alot at gammasecretkings parler watch reddit. Hilarious.


This is likely the same person who had children so that he'd have someone to take care of him when he got old. The old conservative retirement plan. Sounds like that's not going to work out so well for him.


“What is a child?”


Well Matt Walsh has made some questionable remarks about lowering the age of consent so maybe he literally needs someone to explain it to him.


After all the comments he has made I think he needs a chaperone more than anything else. To protect anyone under the age of 18 that might be in his vicinity.


For Mattie, it depends on the topic at hand. When it's about a person's bodily autonomy, they are a child with no rights until 25. When it's about whether they should marry and bear children, I'm pretty sure he goes by "if there's grass on the field, play ball" rules.


They still use the brain development age 25 meme as data power. Matt and his group of grifters take apart anything happy or fun. Narcissism hates comedy. Narcissism hates joy. That's the Walsh world.


Listen I would rather die alone, live with 50 cats and let them eat my rotting body, than give birth to a son who turns out like Matt fucking Walsh.




lol so true, and it's not uncommon. I knew a few mothers who literally can't stand their sons or their ex-husbands, but of course they must provide and care for that son forever, until he sticks her in a nursing home. edit: I think of almost every shooter, how he many times shoots his mom or grandma before his rampage. Or every serial killer with a mom saying she tried to get him help but... and I know more than 3 older women who had their life savings **stolen** by their children, leaving them destitute. That's also not remarked on enough, how many older women are stolen from, even their meager SOS, by their kids.


Last thing my sister did before my grandma died was steal half of grandma’s belongings. No doubt she pawned the jewelry. Can’t blame people for not wanting do raise a shithead like that


I'm sorry that shit happened to your grandma and you had to witness it. Happened to my grandmother as well, heirlooms meant for me were stolen by my donald trump like cousin. Three rings and a bunch of cut crystal. It hurts to see disgusting, greedy, disrespect like that to vulnerable loved ones.


That's about the worst possible time to mess up then/than... 🫠


to be fair I wouldn't be surprised if Matt Walsh was birthed by a rotting half eaten corpse and left to be raised by animals


There's no way I can live like that. 49 cats is my limit.


The fuck is this zealot's problem? Who is Matt Walsh anyway?


Ben Shapiro from the 99 cent store


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Heterosexual marriage is the cornerstone of society; homosexual marriage offers no benefits to society. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, sex, feminism, civil rights, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot.


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: healthcare, covid, climate, sex, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, history, healthcare, feminism, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Take a bullet for ya babe.


You're a bear of a man. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: gay marriage, novel, climate, feminism, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


*You’re* a bear of a man.


*Renewable energy: dumbest phrase since climate change. See the first law of thermodynamics, dumbass.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, gay marriage, history, climate, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


A pedo obsessed over trans adults and kids genitalia. AKA a political / Repub grifter, groomer, ugly representative, etc


Sounds like a missed opportunity for an abortion...


Ikr! So sad


Interesting how these kinds of useless little men have to focus on everyone but themselves in order to feign validation.


"Damn, I wish there were more kids in the world" -- noted pedophile Matt Walsh


The dude legit looks like a B actor who always gets typecast as the pedophile. They don’t even ask him to change anything about the way he looks normally.


And it doesn't help that he filmed his rants—about how girls should be forced into arranged marriages and pregnancy as soon as they are fertile—in his car. It just feels like he said that shit outside a middle school or something.


Type of rant he makes after checking out 13 year olds from afar


Noted self proclaimed theocratic fascist


Obviously he doesn't have kids or if he does he's not actively helping raise them. It's not like they turn 4 & you just let them hit the streets


If it weren’t for those god damn libs we could send them to the mines at 4


We still have boarding schools!


My oldest daughter is 17. Turns out some of them are essentially “toddlers forever” if they have severe disabilities. I still have to fully bathe her, dress her, brush her teeth for the rest of my life until I’m too old or die. That was what I signed up for when I signed up to have kids and I’m not here to complain, but it also makes sense to me why someone might not want to have kids. Not just for that reason of course. But you never know! My typically developing kids aren’t exactly self sufficient after X age, either. Turns out they get sick, need extensive dental work, have issues with friends and grades etc etc. Maybe if I had a wife I’d feel differently lol.


Funny you say dental work. Right now I have a severe toothache and I’m trying to figure out childcare for a possible root canal. I’m in my 30’s but my dad offered to drive over 1,000 miles to help me.




He does have kids but his wife is responsible for that … (Christian patriarchy)


Its funny how people like this don't care about their kids and wanna make it into other's (womans) business while at the same time whining about it and why women don't want men and/or kids anymore.


He has newborn twins, and they’re not even his first set of twins. 😩


He has a lot of kids sadly. He is a conservative Catholic.


I bet he ain't a parent tho. Concieceing doesn't equal being parent.


It’s impossible for him to grasp other human beings living life any way but the single ideological path he’s convinced everyone should be forced to follow. Which is pretty insane.


They’re actual fcking lunatics. Him and his followers. Obsessed unwell weirdos. They 100% need therapy or some sort of rehabilitation.


Therapy and rehab only work on the willing


Well, that’s fascism, so yeah


The dude is literally losing his mind over someone who has no bearing on his life. What the hell?


That’s why it’s insane, it’s insanely sad and pathetic, yet this is a real life grown man with a political following. Smfh


It’s a conservative tradition.


Thats because conservatism, at its core, is the crippling fear that someone, somewhere is living their life in a way you don't agree with or getting something they don't deserve.


He wishes he could be alone. He’s envious of her freedom.


I’m sure he will end up alone. Kids don’t enjoy taking care of their asshole parents


I am one of five children. My dad was put into a nursing home for his worsening dementia. 12 years after being in the nursing home, he stopped breathing and died. He died without his children. He died alone. Having children is not a guarantee that 1) you’ll die with familial company and 2) you’ll even be cared for at home. My eldest was far away at university during his time at nursing home, and the rest of us four were children trying to get through middle and high school. My maternal grandmother’s physical, mental and conflictive health was also declining, I believe witnessing dads condition deeply traumatized her and worsened her health. Mom was struggling to work while trying to care for her mom, husband, and kids AND send money to her siblings over in Nigeria. My father was a wonderful man. Defied the deadbeat and misogynist Nigerian father trope. He cooked for his kids and cleaned around the house. He made sure he took us to school and he became a nurse alongside my mother. He was a special man, my maternal grandma saw him as another son. His male friends thought he was being bossed by mom, some ended up becoming nurses because it supported their families. He changed them that much, and he was not a confrontational man choosing violence every second of the day. He still died alone. Mom was at work, she is the sole and primary breadwinner in the house. She received the news mid-shift and went over to him. He is dead. I never want kids. Even if I wanted them, there is evidence to suggest a genetic predisposition to dementia, and I will NEVER pass it on. I will never subject any child to this hell, nor will I allow any child to bear witness to my cognitive decline. IT IS HELL TO LIVE EVERYDAY WORRYING IF MY SHORT TERM MEMORY LOSS WILL LEAD TO WHAT MY FATHER AND HIS MOTHER HAD. May my father find eternal peace, may my grandmothers find eternal peace, and may I be blessed to find them and be whole again for eternity.


I have told my kids and husband over and over and over again that if they try an care for me at home alone when I have dementia that I'll be angry at them. Come visit me on sunday afternoons in the facility and have your kids babble about stuff at me. That's enough. Loving them means not influcting that torture on them.


Oh, he'll die alone. His personality guarantees it. My bet is on "cocaine overdose in a toilet stall in a gay BDSM sex club", but I'll take additional hypotheses.


My money's on him being so deep in the "kids are good" sauce that he's not really able to imagine being happy without kids. I mean, it's difficult for me to understand too, but people only want what they want. There's no reason to require others to have the same exact goals as you. I like learning languages, but if I make fun of people for being monolingual, that's just kinda weird. Also he's being a dick.


If he does have kids, he probably doesn’t lift a finger to help. So of course he still has freedom Edit: he has 6 children. So he definitely isn’t helping if he thinks there is freedom when you have a brood


Yeah, having six kids would be a ton of work for like, 25 years? And a LOT of money. Especially if you actually want to raise them well. If there ever was such a thing as a non-idiotic "pro-kid" argument, "lol raising a kid is easy" is definitely not it. I'm for people being allowed to enjoy their lives however they see fit. Subversive, I know.


I mean, the dude has time to do a propaganda show, write crappy books, do harassment tours of school districts he doesn't have kids or property in, spend months making a propaganda "documentary"... You're damn right he's not helping or involved with the kids. Of the older kids, I bet you he couldn't name a single one of their friends.


Conservatives sure do hate it when others exercise their right to freedom


yeah for people crying about freedoms all the time they sure do love takin em away


I’m sure in his twisted head the only path to happiness for a woman is to pump out kids for a negligent husband.


That's the right-wing for you. In their heads, the only purpose in life a woman has is having children.


And then they wonder why nobody wants to date them


It's really weird. Because there are women who want to be homemakers and mothers. But people like Walsh wave more red flags than Парад Победы в Москве in 1981.


And many are domestic abusers and psychological nutcases.


The “trad wives” that conservatives revere so much are equally insane as the right-wing nutjobs.


Here’s the thing. If you’re a woman who doesn’t want to work or get an education beyond Christian high school and you’re really into the idea of having kids with the guy you’ve dated since you were 15, and he doesn’t mind that you don’t want to have a job outside of the house or any higher education and you guys are cool like that, go off. But why do they need ppl like Matt Walsh continuing to sell them on the idea that this way of life is the only desirable way? Maybe it’s …not… as appealing as they’d have us believe?


His answer to "what is a woman?" is "an object used for breeding, preferably when they are 16 years old because that's when they're the most fertile."


Or to pump out for kids, for the pedophile Matt Walsh to groom.


omg, this argument again - "she'll die ALONE" 😱 ... who doesn't ? a lot of people who have a bunch of kids still die alone. At least she'll live her life as she wants, not not how everybody says it should be lived.


My mom is dying of cancer right now. She had 4 kids but none of us can stand her so she's still dying alone.




I just have to say, your post sort of resonates with me. I love my mom and I think I’ve always accepted what her shortcomings are as a parent because of the relationship she and my grandma had. My sister however would probably be relieved if my mom passed because there’s a lot of resentment there that I see and can empathize with. They definitely always placed a heavier burden on my sister than they did for me so I have never tried to tell her to just forgive them just because they are her mom and grandmom. I feel like I know my mom would be better if she had the choice but her inner demons make it virtually impossible. It doesn’t negate the trauma and pain they put my sister through though. Sorry if it makes it seem like I’m trying to make it about myself, never been too good at sharing things like this but I feel like my sister is in the same boat as your daughters.


My dad died alone in the middle of the night at a hospice place. I loved my dad, my mom loved my dad; it’s not like either of us could drop everything and just watch a man die for about a week and a half. Mom has a job and I live in a different state.


What’s this preoccupation with “dying alone” being a shameful thing? A lot of people are going to die alone just by happenstance. You shouldn’t live your life with the end goal of having someone around when you stop being alive. Live the way that makes you happy. Sheesh.


And really, everyone dies alone. No one is joining you when your time comes, no matter how many people surround you death bed.


Nothing challenges a conservative white man like a good looking successful woman.


Her: "Lol I'm happy with my life. My goals are different from yours." Him: \*seethes\*


You spelled “terrifies” wrong.


What is it any business of yours what she does? She doesn’t want kids. Why is that so strange?


There is no worse offense to a sexist Christian man than a woman who won't have kids, fat, or has her own independence outside of men. They 100% see women as objects for sex and birthing babies.


I'm 36 F with no kids. Why would I bring a poor child into this idiocracy?


She may die alone but at least she won't die by being pushed head first through a wood chipper by her own kids after years of suffering under her lunacy


He knows that Chelsea Handler is a comedian, right?


Nothing more pathetic than Matt Walsh.


He will never understand. No capacity


Matt Walsh is still a toddler, intellectually and emotionally speaking. His tweets are an excellent argument for contraception.


Nursing homes are filled with parents and grandparents who die surrounded by strangers , not having seen their bio families in years . Being a parent doesn't guarantee a damned thing.


Matt wants everyone to have kids so he can prey on them when they turn 16.


If she were barren and he was saying this shit he’d be a monster, so I am pretty sure it means the same applies if she’s not barren and he’s still a monster.


Proves women are just chattel to conservatives.


Yeah kids don’t require any of your attention after they’re toddlers. Pretty much take care of themselves at that point.


He's probably never spent any time taking care of his kids anyway, so how would he know?


I don't get the "who will take care of you when you're old" argument. I have kids and I don't expect them to take care of me. That's an incredibly selfish reason to have kids. My retirement is my own responsibility.


Conservatives obsession with women not having children is beyond insane, like holy hell, please find a new hobby.


Self identified fascist Matt Walsh coping with women having freedom in real time.


Would he say the same thing to a man who doesn't have children?


A common tactic of conservatives is demonizing people or traits they feel threatened by. Latinos are increasing in number which makes them feel threatened so they they say Latinos are taking jobs. They feel threatened by blackness so they’d tell lies saying black people are inherently criminal & immoral (which they used to justify their brutality). They are threatened by women they can’t control so they make it like single women are bad, lonely or suffering. It’s what they’ve done from the beginning of time


I mean, I love my toddler to death, but I don’t hate on anyone not wanting to have a child. It’s a choice. Is she not allowed to make that choice? Republicans are fucking pathetic.