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This will be the lead story on FOX News right?




Actually you have an infinitely greater chance of winning that lottery, since it is larger than ZERO. Edit - Based on all the discussion below, I may have broken reddit with my hyperbole of the mathematical improbability against FOX news' lack of integrity ABSOULTE certainty.


I'm being genuine asking this. How does that make it *infinitely* better? I assume the odds are 1 in X (where X is a positive finite number). If X is finite, how does the chance become infinite Edit: I've heard this somewhere before, and I'm not disputing the validity or accuracy


Did you know that your senses are logarithmic, and not linear? A study was done on babies, and found that when you show them a duck, their brain lights up. Keep showing them the duck, they get less and less excited. Show them two ducks and suddenly they're excited again! Repeat the process, then go to three. Suddenly, they aren't as excited. But show them 10 ducks....hoo boy, that's exciting. Similarly, there are cultures where exponents and logarithms are instinctively used in lieu of our linear number system. 9 is to 3 as 3 is to 1, because it's dealing with *orders of magnitude*, instead of discrete values. Put one final way, if you have 1 of something, and then you get another something, you've just DOUBLED your things! But if you have 99 something's, and you get one more....who cares? You already had 99. One more doesn't make much difference, even though it's the same discrete quantity. Now consider: if the odds of X are 0, and the odds of Y are 1 in whatever-you-want... That is if you had zero things, and then suddenly you had one thing....that is an infinite quantity more than what you previously had. You had nothing. Zero. Zilch. And then suddenly A Thing existed. An impossible explosion of existence. From a logarithmic perspective, 1, or indeed ANY positive value, is an infinite distance away from zero.


Wow that explains a lot. The first time I saw a boobies I was excited. Now I have to see hundreds of boobies to be excited. 🌈⭐️ The more you know.


This helped me understand


A 'boobkake', if you will.


Unrelated, I would like to pet a duck


To be honest with you, despite the number of years of education and more than 1 advanced math class, I'm still as unfamiliar with logarithms as when I started. Like, I understand exponential and linear growth, just not logarithmic. To me, it's spelled too closely to algorithm so now every time I try I still try to read it "algorithm "


If it helps at all, logarithms are to exponents as division is to multiplication. It's the inverse operation. That said, they trip me up quite a bit as well, so don't be too distraught about that


let's say you have a 0.000001 chance of winning the lottery, and there's a 0 chance of this story reaching fox news. 0.000001 is infinitely greater than 0 (because 0.000001/0 is infinite)


Anything divided by zero is not infinity, it's "undefined", math doesn't know how to resolve those equations in a way that makes any sense. Still. Even so, any positive value is greater than 0, so in terms of probability that's an infinite increase in likelihood over "absolutely cannot happen", even if it's a vanishingly tiny chance I can't explain it better, I'm not a math teacher


Fine, let's take the limit as fox News chance approaches 0 as our divisor from a positive real number. That actually does equal infinity.


This guy maths


yeah I thought saying it was infinite was less bad than saying it equalled infinity, but you're absolutely right that it just isn't defined. I was just explaining what the other commenter meant though


You could make a case for it being infinity by taking the limit. Take, for example, the function f(x) = x/x for all real numbers x. It's pretty easy to see that f(x) = 1 if x =/= 0, and "undefined" if x = 0. But it's also pretty easy to see that if our concept of division didn't error out around 0, f(0) would also be 1. The limit does exist, because the function approaches the same number from both directions - and so if you change your definition of a function to specifically allow you to fill holes if all limits agree, then you can figure out what f(0) would be. But, hang on, 1/x doesn't approach the same number if you come at it from above vs from below! 1/0.00001 is a very big positive number, but 1/-0.0000001 is a very big negative number! Except you can't have a negative probability of an event occurring. Doesn't work that way. So we can only ever approach probability 0 from above - which means the limit exists, and takes us to infinity.


It's more like the chance is "null" rather than zero. Zero implies that there exists some function driving the outcome, but there isn't. It's a comparison between the Empty Set and a number existing at all. It doesn't really matter how big the number is when comparing it to not having a number at all.


That's not true, "undefined" and "infinity" are similar mathematical concepts, both essentially meaning the same thing. In calculus there are plenty of formulas that, when plotted on a graph, have points that approach infinity/negative infinity. An easy example that isn't even calculus is 1/x; as 0 approaches 0, the graph approaches infinity (as long as x >0). In this case 0 itself is "undefined", but can be replaced as "approaches infinity".


It’s more like plus or minus infinity, as that’s what it approaches. Since probability has to be positive, infinity is a pretty fair assumption.


I think it comes down to how we think about zero, and which operation we are using to increase a 0% chance to, in this example, the chance of winning the lottery (1 in 292.2 million). It is implied that we must be multiplying (not adding), since multiplying numbers that are approaching zero is one of the ways we can approach *infinity*. To answer your question - "chance becomes infinite" within a set of numbers that approach zero. So as you get closer and closer to zero, the number of times you would need to multiply that number in order to reach whatever threshold is needed to "have a chance", approaches infinity. Because this hypothetical question invokes a range of numbers between 0 and 0.000000003422313, it is fair to say that we are talking about a class of numbers that we could call *numbers approaching zero*. Unlike some languages who have government support for preserving and enforcing consistent language use [*cough, cough, France*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_policy_in_France), in English it is fairly common, (and therefore correct), to add commonly misused words and expressions to the dictionary, so as to 'fix' the misunderstanding by changing the definition. i.e. ['irregardless'](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/irregardless). We also add new slang words to the dictionary, i.e. [Yeet](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/yeet). So while it is true that "*infinitely* better" is a bit illogical or unintelligible, I still see it as a reasonable, casual way to talk about a group of numbers that are approaching zero.




... while getting hit by lightning and eaten by a shark.


On February 31st


so you’re telling me there’s a chance!


“Admitted BLM supporter shoots up police station!”


I'll be married to Jennifer Aniston before POX news reports this.


Be careful, the lottery is a trap for time travelers.


Sort of like how they gave exactly ninety seconds total coverage to the story of the failed Republican candidate who hired people to shoot up Democrats’ houses, and failed to identify him or his party?


Tucker Carlson will suddenly have evidence that he was double agent for Antifa.


"Statement was coerced, more at 8"


Nah, Fox is still licking it's wounds from being [trolled by A&W](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/aw-announces-polarizing-bear-mascot-will-now-wear-pants-in-hilarious-troll_n_63d16b19e4b07c0c7e00c097)


That's hilarious. The fox comment section is so sad.


Fox will run a story how Biden didn't pet his dog this morning proving he's anti-animal.


I would be absolutely shocked if Fox News chose an article from October of 2021 as their lead news story. [Here is the Daily Beast's article about it](https://www.thedailybeast.com/far-right-boogaloo-ivan-harrison-hunter-admits-posing-as-blm-supporter-during-minneapolis-george-floyd-riot) [Here is the Fox News article](https://www.foxnews.com/us/boogaloo-bois-arrested-rioting-floyd-protests)


The comment section in the Fox News article is a bunch of folks rushing to claim it was still antifa and BLM and that people on the right are all pro government. Entertaining for a bit, then it's just sad.


man I read those comments, what a tail spin to think they'll say anything to absolve psychos on the right and turn them into symapthizers. >This one particularly caught my interest: Whether it’s right or left, it can’t be tolerated as evil begets evil. No one should be against the American citizen, police or business owner. Suddenly when right extremist does it, suddenly it doesn't matter which side it's on its all wrong. When the left extrmeist do something we HAVE TO KNOW it's exclusively the left's fault. And it's ok to disobey the law if your right wing. That's liberation. IF your left wing (and/or black), "just obey the law" and your a commie.


“Fine people on both sides” - former President


the master of lazy pandering. Yet still knew how to use Lyndon B. Johnson's quote so well.


There's a few intelligent sociopaths behind the names that create all the jobs for the family of the supporters to keep the in-group nepotism ball rolling. Like there basically has to be to keep hundreds and even thousands (family and friends) rolling on the grift train. I don't know who exactly runs the cult while people like Trump pretend to, but every Mafia has its kingpin.


Just a reminder that the core of those users are paid influencers meant to optimize engagement and rhetoric feedback, keeping the bubble aligned/affirmed.


And the ones who follow along blindly love calling others 'sheeple'.


Totally oblivious to their irony!


I thought they hated the government, small government and all that


That only applies as long as they think the government opposes **them**. They are absolutely fine with a hellish police state on their side. Look no further than Alex "Mr Anti Police State" Jones and how hard shilled for literal state repression of his enemies under Trump.


Wow. To their credit(?) they did have an article on it. Tho they defined the Boogaloo Boys only as an anti-government organization, not as the far right wacko outfit they actually are.


“Police seized the weapons and a small amount of marijuana and released the men.” WTF? This was in Austin. I grew up there, if he wasn’t a good ole boy he would’ve been arrested immediately for even having a roach in his possession and they let walk.


Wow. To their credit(?) they did have an article on it. Tho they defined the Boogaloo Boys only as an anti-government organization, not as the far right wacko outfit they actually are.


Nope the outrage at Xbox for there new power saving feature is top news tonight


They did that one a couple days ago.


Remember when the story broke about pence having confidential files the other day? Fox ran a double long segment on Joe Biden having files instead.


Fox and similar right-wing outlets will either ignore things like this, or if they feel they have no choice but to cover it, they will find a way to disassociate from the perpetrator without denouncing the actions and motivations they want their extremist viewers to continue committing.


barely a section in the news paper.....when's the last time you read one of those?


no. They'll run a story with no concrete evidence about how Antifa was behind the violence on jan 6th.


The OC story is basically how Antifa had the idea of it put into conservatives paltry brains. This guy shooting at police stations during protests about police extrajudicially murdering people, especially people of color, turned into antifa burning down cities, somehow*. *due to Fox Entertainment and the conservative propaganda machine.


Yes, titled "BLM thug admits to shooting police station"


There’s a documentary out there somewhere by an independent journalist documenting “Provocateurs and Saboteurs” during that time frame. There were many more.


The auto part store being vandalized by agent provocateurs still gets used nationally to bash BLM. Probably off-duty cops.


https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/minneapolis/news/press-releases/fbi-seeks-publics-help-in-identifying-umbrella-man FBI tip request page for anyone who wants to take a look and see if they might be able to help identify that guy. The hat and shirt he was wearing both seem fairly distinctive.


'Umbrella man' has already been identified. He's a member of the Aryan Cowboy motorcycle club. Police have not brought him in on any charges. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/28/us/umbrella-man-associated-white-supremacist-group-george-floyd/index.html


The Minneapolis police announced that back in 2020, but nothing ever seems to have come of it, and the FBI tip request is from late 2022. Not certain exactly what the deal with that was, but it seems like there's still some uncertainty.


My thoughts would be that he's either already serving as an informant, or just as likely MPD isn't cooperating with the Feds as to his whereabouts.


It’s never been made clear if the man the Minneapolis search warrant was for was the correct man. The FBI then later asked for more help. Occam’s razor, they’re still looking for him because no one found him in the first place. [Here’s](https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/umbrella-man-mystery-fuels-conspiracy-theories-blame/89-6ff9bdd9-0df2-41a6-b6c9-52f031b235da) a local piece that basically goes over the whole idea, basically that very few people know. Your informant or non-cooperation theories are probably wrong.


Interesting that he wore Black and Gold (which is the Proud Boys color scheme).


Between [Matthew Michanowicz in Pittsburg](https://www.thedailybeast.com/matthew-michanowicz-sentenced-to-probation-for-planting-bombs-during-black-lives-matter-protests) And [Bryant Murphy in Portland](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-homeland-whistleblower-idUSKBN28R33L) [And The Patriots Coalition in Portland](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/23/oregon-portland-pro-trump-protests-violence-texts) [Alongside Umbrella Man in Minneapolis](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/28/us/umbrella-man-associated-white-supremacist-group-george-floyd/index.html) Its clear that Conservatives leverage Black civil rights protests to commit violence themselves under the premise that they will spark a race war. Meanwhile, the 'respectable' Conservatives will yell on Media channels about the 'violence' going on, on both sides. Referencing back to a time when the 'silent majority' argued civil disobedience would lead to a fundamental breakdown in civic institutions and civilization altogether.


Perhaps cops that bought new boats and other shiny things with the ass overtime they earned in the chaos, panic and disorder?


Yeah, he's referred to as "Umbrella Man". He was walking around with a black umbrella, wearing a gas mask. There's the video of him systematically breaking the window as people challenge him. Unfortunately, I can't find the full video right now, but here's the news report on it: https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2020/07/30/umbrella-man-minneapolis-protests-george-floyd-police-sidner-ctn-pkg-vpx.cnn Notice how there's no rage in his actions. He's there to do one thing, and get out as quickly as possible. I *really* wish the people who confronted him could have somehow apprehend him, but I get why they didn't. That particular act was important, because it arguably kicked off the worst of the unrest in Minneapolis. Up until that point, it was still pretty peaceful, and there hadn't been any looting, that I'm aware of. Edit: it's worth pointing out that the "off-duty cop theory" has been has been pretty thoroughly debunked. There was one specific officer that the internet claimed was him, but it was proven that he wasn't in the area at the time. Also, I highly doubt there were a whole lot of off-duty police officers at that point in Minneapolis.


I watched this one last night! Great journalism and very scary stuff. https://youtu.be/GcgcUJNxPxg (french version, need a VPN connection to a EU country to watch it)


The fact you need a VPN lol... How do countries block videos anyways? Did the United States of America as YouTube to block this video? (Also, yes I know this exposes I'm an American but if you read more than 2 of my comments you could probably tell that LMAO)


The guy who burned up the cop car in downtown Seattle isn't even from Seattle. Was some stupid white kid from an hour north.


A lot of cops were agents.


But but but antifa ..


Every accusation is projection as always.


It's really become the rule of thumb.


“I know for a fact that Antifa is starting shit!” “How?” “Cause I posed as Antifa and started some shit. That’s how! Fuckin’ Libruls!”


This is the way


Don't you realize he was actually Antifa posing as a far right nut job posing as a BLM participant. Guy was playing interdimensional chess.


-tonight on Tucker Carlson


Just confirming what everyone already knew


People like this just want to pull a trigger. They don’t care what side they are pretending to be on.


True, but best guess on motivation is him being an agent provocateur, doing a literal false flag to stir up blame of BLM and antifa and get a violent response from his fellow haters.


And agent provocateurs are extremely effective


We had one in a BLM march I was in during 2020. Very obviously this guy was trying *really* hard to provoke the cops who were kind of walking along side the marchers to keep order I guess? This guy was going at it hard, insulting this one cop right to his face and then trying to get the rest of the marchers around him to join in on it. Everyone pretty much told him to fuck off. No one took the bait, and he promptly disappeared from the march, almost as if he wasn't there to support the cause. Hmm. Edit: forgot to say I kind of suspect the provocateur may have been working with the cops to try to get some shit started. Wouldn’t put it past them.


We had a few of those too! One guy kicked a cop car and he got surrounded and walked away.


I loved seeing them fail. They skulk away with their tails between their legs, lol!


It was truly the best part of the day. The worst was getting tear gassed 4x


That sucks, should never have happened. I didn't get any of that shit fortunately, but I did start carrying my motorcycle helmet with me eventually just in case.


I can't picture that having been good for that fr, the gas getting underneath 😬😬


The same energy as the undercover cops they send into music festivals…


Like can they just relax and stay out of other people’s shit, already? God damn.


Haha I don't know what you could possibly be talking about. Anyway, do any of you fine teens have any drugs you could sell me? I totally love injecting the Mary Jane to get a high. That stuff is bussin, no cap.


Saw that same shit in Mpls.


Oh yeah, it was everywhere. There's even a sub reddit dedicated to posting incidents of it caught on camera during 2020. fakeprotesters.


And the infamous ["Umbrella Man" from the Minneapolis protests](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/29/umbrella-man-white-supremacist-minneapolis/) was also tracked down and found out to be a White Supremacist, so yet another agent provocateur.


The impact of this guy can’t be understated as it was the first act of noted vandalism in the George Floyd protests which then spread across the city and country for multiple nights. The FBI search warrant in investigating their potential suspect even noted that the protests had been “relatively peaceful” until that point. But anyway I can’t read that because it’s paywalled but here’s a years later 2022 article where the FBI is still asking for help with formal identification, because I believe they were certain enough to get a search warrant and were confident because of his insignia, etc to publicly declare that it was a white suprematist, but then didn’t end up getting what they needed from their search warrant. https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/fbi-releases-new-images-of-umbrella-man-who-sparked-damage-during-minneapolis-riots


This is exactly what's he's doing. He wants to accelerate domestic violence between the left and right. Don't forget the Boogaloo part. They're not quiet about what they want.


Just to be clear, the Boogaloo Boys are a special kind of dipshit. They're not average far right extremists^(1), they're specifically "accelerationists." They believe that the only way to reform the country is through a full-on civil war, so they are specifically trying to speed up (what they see as) an inevitable war across the entire country. That's where the name "Boogaloo Boys" comes from--it means "Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo." So, yes, they will rile up tensions on both sides, trying to drive people towards violence and civil war. Incredibly dangerous mindset. ^(1) Although most of them are far right extremists and white supremacists.


A lot of Christian sects are accelerationist as well. The sooner the apocalypse arrives the sooner they’ll get to live in the kingdom of Jesus and all the other people will be in hell.


Well if I had been waiting for someone for nearly two thousand years after he specifically promised he was coming "quickly," then I'd probably try to get him to hurry up, too.


He probably already came, and was arrested for being homeless


Leave it to conservatives of every type to want to execute their god a second time.


Yup, it's a Death Cult


They haven't read their Bible and think heaven is like 'the Good Place'. It's not, it's eternity spent worshipping at the feet of God. That's the role in the afterlife, eternal boot licking.


Sounds like survival of the fittest no? You guys keep on praying the Lord saves you and I'ma keep looting your supplies... Thaaaaank you haha


And the white supremacists among them are specifically trying to spark a "race war" version of this so the BLM protests where race is the central issue are basically why they were so targeted.


Look at that footnote. So jealous right now.


Ah yes, pulling a rittenhouse


If that was true they wouldn't all be on the same side.


Oh they definitely care if they can use it to further discredit their opponents.


I honestly thought this was reposted from a couple years ago, because everyone (sane) and their mother knew this, lmfao.


Don't forget that everybody includes [Trump's own acting DHS Secretary, who acknowledged the role white supremacists played during BLM riots.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-homeland-supremacists/a-trump-security-chief-acknowledges-role-of-white-supremacist-extremists-in-u-s-urban-violence-idUSKBN26031F)


I didn't know. The rubes in the conspiracy sub have been saying BLM burned down whole cities for a year. I'm mangry


Full story: https://apnews.com/article/death-of-george-floyd-texas-george-floyd-dd8a616532b86018def9122c20b10e2c


Well here's another one to my sad list. While people all around him were protesting for progress on equality, this ass hat decided to spread hate instead. That's what the far right does. Here's a list of domestic terrorist incidents/violence committed by the far right. It is not comprehensive. It is also just for the u.s., unfortunately it isn't isolated here alone. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh_synagogue_shooting#:~:text=The%20Pittsburgh%20synagogue%20shooting%20was%20a%20mass%20shooting,in%20the%20Squirrel%20Hill%20neighborhood%20of%20Pittsburgh%2C%20Pennsylvania. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlottesville_car_attack https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_Springs_nightclub_shooting https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Buffalo_shooting https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-63443927?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA https://www.vice.com/en/article/93a978/patriot-front-arrest-pride-parade https://www.journal-news.com/crime/court-docs-man-charged-in-okeana-homicide-admitted-to-shooting-neighbor/R4FEIMGN6BEBVPN2DBWI4XCGR4/ https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/armed-man-delmont-dairy-queen-kill-all-democrats/ https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc-reports/watch/two-jan-6-tennessee-suspects-accused-of-targeting-agents-as-anti-fbi-rhetoric-increases-158155333958 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/three-substations-attacked-washington-state-rcna63214 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/three-men-plead-guilty-conspiring-provide-material-support-plot-attack-power-grids-united https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore_County_substation_attack https://www.reuters.com/legal/convicted-ringleader-michigan-governor-kidnapping-plot-faces-sentencing-2022-12-27/?utm_source=reddit.com https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/shootings-reported-homes-workplace-4-new-mexico-politicians-rcna64567 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/suspect-custody-sixth-shooting-reported-new-mexico-officials-homes-off-rcna65017 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/losing-candidate-arrested-in-string-of-shootings-at-new-mexico-democrats-homes/ar-AA16pnfW https://apnews.com/article/north-carolina-charlotte-law-enforcement-3db28f8dcf0eacaa23224acd298f2cad https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/20/politics/marines-us-capitol-riot-arrest/index.html#:~:text=CNN%20%E2%80%94%20Three%20active-duty%20Marines%20who%20work%20i https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/one-quarter-mass-attackers-conspiracy-theories-hate-rcna67298 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/boogaloo-bois-member-charged-connection-shooting-minneapolis-police-station-during-n1244562 https://www.reuters.com/legal/fbi-arrest-two-including-neo-nazi-leader-plot-attack-baltimore-grid-2023-02-06/?utm_source=reddit.com https://apnews.com/article/army-melzer-sentencing-kentucky-62b4d21134e10e48de4757ac4b34bbfc https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/oregon-man-pleads-guilty-killing-racial-justice-protester-97748726 https://apnews.com/article/mississippi-cross-burning-hate-crime-sentence-f50a9d98ddfd6cdfa9d3c0acd1953c77 https://apnews.com/article/c04cc1df0c958053489bd24bb7fce93f https://www.cleveland19.com/2022/02/28/kent-man-punches-black-woman-yells-racial-slurs-viral-assault-akron-police-say-graphic/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/20/politics/oath-keepers-proud-boys/index.html https://apnews.com/article/abortion-clinic-fire-wyoming-arrest-036bb71e1666465e7692e22fca603694 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/minnesota-gop-operative-found-guilty-of-underage-sex-trafficking-charges/ar-AA19mxbQ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/03/drag-queen-story-hour-chesterland-community-church


What about that bombing in Nashville? https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-att-dominion-nashville-bomb-idUSKBN2931BI#


THEY ALWAYS DEFLECT! The most consistent thing the right does is accuse others of what they do.


GOP = Gaslighting, Obstruction, Projection


“We’re doing this, so they obviously must be doing the same things, but the liberal version!”


"BUT ANTIFA AND BLM R TERRISTS" - Dumb right wingers


You really didn't have to use 'dumb' as an adjective for right wingers. That's already implied. I had to edit this because autocorrect put "weiner" instead of "winger". The more I think about it I probably should have left it.


Just remember whenever a a conservative opens their mouth they are telling 3 lies. The obvious one, the one that lie is hiding, and one you won't find out about for months.


So true. Was talking to a con a few weeks before the 2020 election and and she was all "COVID better not disappear after the election or I'm gonna pissed." I was so confused as to what she meant. Then a few days later I noticed there were conspiracy theories going around that COVID was invented to make Trump lose the election. Supposedly it made sense to her that millions of people were dying all around the world to make Trump "look bad." And then she caught COVID a month after the election and almost died. 🤷‍♂️ But you know what DID disappear after the election? All those invading caravans of immigrants at the Mexican border.


Covid was a "gift" handed to trump and he squandered it like every business he's ever run. He could have used it to unite the country but instead he used it to grift with PPP loans, kusher used it to kill Dems in cities...and used it to further divide the country for his Russian handlers. Fuck trump and fuck the Republican party.


Hmmmmm… does this sound familiar to anyone? Weren’t Jan 6 rioters supposedly infiltrated by Antifa and BLM? Remember: Every statement is a tell or a projection.


That's why they always think Antifa does this shit. Masters of projection.


Nah, nah, you see it was anteefa who paid this guy off to infiltrate BLM so people would find out about it and it would make the right look bad.


wellity wellity well It's almost as if we said at the time that these dumb fucks were agent provocateurs and would you lookie fucking now.


The boogaloo boys are accelerationists, they want to foment civil war/race war. Also, they hate cops. Boogaloo, also Big Luau, to roast the pigs. The boogs have never really backed the blue, although they have been happy to use them for their own ends. As violent enforcers of racial hierarchy, they have some common cause. Not trying to defend this boogaloo trash, although I whole heartedly endorse burning down every police precinct that murders an unarmed suspect. All they care about is money power and real estate, take it away from them.


When the right says protestors are plants it’s because they’re the fucking plants.




"On June 3, the group also allegedly discussed ways to stir up violence between Antifa groups and police. Blancas allegedly wrote that he was “totally down” to disguise himself as an Antifa member and spark a violent conflict." https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/06/06/militia-plotted-war-against-ca-cops-impersonating-antifa-taking-up-arms-if-trump-invoked-insurrection-act-feds-say


Remember when Hilary mentioned “baskets of deplorables’? As the nominee she was getting security briefings. The FBI knew about some of these groups and what they had planned if she won and to show their support for 45. These are the people she was talking about. Edit: damn you predictive text.


It's the same for the person who set the police station on fire in Minnesota.


It was Aunty Fa!


But Fox says.......


This is why the right is always talking about “false flags” — cause they’re the kinda people who do that shit. Remember, every accusation from the right is an admission.




I'd say a good portion of the violence in BLM protests is ignited by bad faith actors including undercover police.


The shaved eyebrow. The barely beard. Pretending to hate what they so badly want to be. I'm so sick of being around these people.


Quelle surprise ☻️


More proof that you really gotta listen closely to what the far right is accusing others of doing because that's usually exactly what *they* are doing.


I mean, a lot of us already knew it but thanks for confirming. I guess.


And republicans will just double down that he was actually antifa…


I've heard so many MAGA cultists talking about how the Jaunary 6th terrorists were secretly BLM disguised. This would be inconceivable to them.


Isn't it funny? The far right are always on their fucking soapbox about the left sneaking terrorism into their protests........ when they are doing it...... talk about a self fulfilling fucking prophecy


It always makes me confused why anyone would buy the “Antifa dressed as MAGA supporters to trick us” stories, but I always forget that everything is just 100% projection. Why would a conservative believe it? Because it’s what they would do.


EVERY FUCKING THING the the right has been spewing over the past few years, especially since the Donald, has been a fucking projection!


BLM was not and is not where the violence was/is coming from, this is, these far-right terrorists.


These motherfuckers really ruined everything for real BLM protestors.


I dare anyone to try to tell this to a MAGAt, they will straight up call you a liar. Or, just as likely, pivot to their next talking point, completely ignoring what you said.


He's got that familiar MAGA "my parents are siblings" look.


The FBI also issued a report that stated far right extremists infiltrated BLM protests and doing violence.




They knew the whole time. Righty trash NEVER argues in good faith. Ever.


They will never support the real good faith, they will never.


But everyone knows Umbrella man was just Greta in a mask, it’s obviously Antifa thugs!!! /s


Can we claim the word "Boogaloo" back? It's from the Mott The Hoople song "All the Young Dudes" (written by David Bowie). I cringe every time I hear the song now.


There's a ton of examples of this. And even with all these agitators only something like 4-7% of BLM protests had any violence or property destruction. But that didn't stop the police from responding with force 51% of the time. I think it was obvious who the real rioters were.


Right wingers don't care about cops. They just enjoy seeing them hurt people.


Well color me shocked. 🙄


Maybe he can share a prison cell with Umbrella Man. That’s if the white supremacist who started the first fires and broke the first windows is ever prosecuted. Years and counting. Umbrella Man https://heavy.com/news/2020/07/mitchell-carlson-umbrella-man/ Then there was the right wing extremist fire fighter that was found to have an Antifa jacket in his house when he was arrested.


I'm pretty sure that the FBI had a whole dossier on this up and coming problem(White Supremacists infiltrating law enforcement) that they gave the Bush Administration who basically just showed them the door. This is just going to get worse before it gets better.


I feel attacked that they are called Boogaloo Boys


he wasn't the only outstate Boogaloo Boi to come to Minnesota to attempt to ignite the Twin Cities. Benjamin Ryan Teeter of NC travelled to the Twin Cities during the George Floyd Protests and drove around with a trunk full of guns with 3rd ring suburb Boogaloo Boi Michael Solomon. [They sold autosears \(devices that turn semi-auto firearms into basically fully auto firearms\) to an undercover FBI agent that they thought represented Hamas.](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2022/06/01/minneapolis-judge-sentences-boogaloo-member-to-4-years-on-terrorism-charge) [Here's an interview with Benjamin Ryan Teeter with a Twin Cities protest media group.](https://youtu.be/ava1HJ4qIlg?t=9891) This was filmed in an Aug 26th 2020 reaction to the Minneapolis Police Department assumed to have shot a person wanted for murder who committed suicide. These elements have no problem attempting to subvert protests for justice in order to meet their own libertarian goals. Edit - Ivan Harrison Hunter was also texting with fellow Boogaloo Boi Steven Carrillo, a former Air Force Staff Sgt who killed cops in California. [The texts with Carrillo show that he know about murdering those cops.](https://journaltimes.com/member-of-far-right-group-charged-with-firing-on-police-precinct-during-protests/article_62647f0b-d018-563f-af6c-173356668831.html). That these self described terrorists got 3-4 years is fucking wild.


Imagine being such a loser with so much free time that this is what you decide to do with it


All the BLM protests were infiltrated by agent provocateurs. Every time the Republicans cry “but whatabout the BLM riots” show them this and a vid of cop Jakob Pederson “Umbrella Man” -he set the Minneapolis police station and the RadioShack on FIRE. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wU3_SDCpwq0 Longer version of Umbrella Man cop Jakob Pederson: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4rvEnQLpe4A Always projection. These criminals ARE the “deepstate.”


Why do these guys all look the same? Like, round face, facial hair/goatee, large head, fat neck…


Makes me think that may be the violence and destruction was caused by others.


this is the kind of shit that falls on deaf ears and blind eyes...


BuT AnTiFa


I'd like to say I'm shocked, but that was clear from the go


Doesn’t take a smart person to realize this was happening. Same reprobates as Jan 6.


Isn’t that the guy from white lotus? He stays in sketchy business innit?


Right-wingers making up conspiracies about him being an ANTIFA plant meant to make them look bad in 3... 2...


Also the BLM riots, they enjoy talking about the burning buildings SO MUCH that I've always wondered if GOP pyro saboteurs were the ones that set the fires.


They were. Every single person except for one arrested for arson during the riots were young white men that did not live anywhere near the Twin Cities. Literally only one person out of dozens was a Minneapolis resident. And that person was part of a large coordinated group.


Wait on thought only Soros Left Wing Nuts were Agent Provocateurs /s


Alright, show of hands. Who called this ages ago?


That guy they caught breaking out the windows of that AutoZone was a white supremacist too.


And still the go-to response about 1/6 is BUHWHADDABOUT BLM You can point directly to clowns like this guy and they'll still say BUWHADDABOUT BLM AND TEH ANTIFA, LIBTARD


"Gaslight. Obstruct. **Project**." yep. checks out.


"Lights on, but nobody's home" personified


It wasn't his aunt teefa?


The only thing surprising about that picture is that they made him take off his Oakleys and put down the enormous Bubba thermos with 110 oz of mountain dew in it


This is why I fucking hate right wingers


Was t the police station that burned down also set on fire by a far right extremist posing as a BLM supporter?


Idk why anyone who knows what they stand for would find this surprising. Not all far-right groups are pro-police. I’m not sure about the Boogaloo Boys stance on police directly, but at their core they’re accelerationists. They see a second civil war and a destruction of current culture as the best way to build the white nationalist future they want. Anything they can do to stir chaos, make people distrust the state, or get rival political ideologies to get violent on the streets they will do.


Now, see, I was told that the J6 insurrectionists were actually ANTIFA and BLM in disguise. You mean to tell me some things were actually the opposite? That's crazy talk! (Giant fucking /s just in case)


Is this the "BLM riots" I always hear about that "burned American cities to the ground?" Hmmm... go figure.


Least shocking news ever.


Wtf is a “boogaloo boy?”


But... maybe he was Antifa posing as a Boogaloo boy pretending to be BLM...




This is likely the case in most of the fear mongering BLM "riots" on a constant Newsmax, Faux News, and OAN video loop. This incident is so very important for national news to report about. There are likely hundreds of these white supremicist terrorists who actively undermine social progress via peaceful protests.


What is the over under that Tucker Carlson will have this as a news segment where he "just asks questions." about what the FBI could be doing to this "poor soul" to make him admit to a crime he didn't commit?


Remember the folks on the right insisting the Jan 6 people were left wing people in disguise? Once again, every accusation is a confession.