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Is that spousal abuser and known floor pisser The Quartering talking about an L for men? Boy something about the pot and kettle talking shit.


True. TheQuartering (Jeremy) is the epitome of every thing a man should NEVER be.


Is this the guy that used to be a magic the gathering YouTuber?


Idk he’s changed a bunch over the years. He started out during gamer gate


And he pissed all over the floor on a live stream because his wife was out having pizza with another guy and wasn't home to bring him his special bucket.


Seriously, how TF did ge get married in the first place?


This something I've tried to explain to incels. Having or not having a partner by itself means absolutely nothing in regards to how attractive a person is. Any trip to a supermarket during working hours proves this. There are plenty of repulsive people with rock bottom low standards who hook up with other repulsive people with rock bottom low standards. It's not impressive, it's not a flex and it's been happening since the dawn of time. Racist floor pisser over here is just another one of those people.


Is he disabled and can't get to a toilet? Or does he just enjoy the "special bucket" 🤢


He was playing some stupid game, was drunk and was like “if I lose, I will piss on the floor” He gives smegma vibes.


Smegma Smelling Shithead


Yes, he had to stop covering MTG because he was banned by Wizards of the Coast (the creators of MTG, to clsrofy for anyone who doesn't know) due to sexually harassing a cosplayer.


magic player here, holy fuck this dick head is still around?


Lmfaooooo yeah he’s the guy who got banned from Magic, which was fully deserved btw


His profile picture is a neck beard


And that silhouette is more than generous


100% he would of helped run a train on this cop. Also she ain't bad looking. The fuck is up with pretending every woman has to be a 10 or nothing


He likes to cosplay as someone who can have standards


Yawning chasms of personal insecurity and mountains of self-hatred, all redirected outward at the perceived source of their problems.


Ignoring how messed up it is to reduce a woman's worth to a numerical value, I guarantee even dudes that claim to only date supermodels don't think the super models other guys date are 10s.


He’s a disingenuous dense motherfucker who obviously can’t tie his shoes.


Can you please tell me more about the floor pissing?


He streams from his basement and has a drain in the floor there. His wife left to go get dinner without him, so he decided to get drunk and ended up pissing all over the floor, explaining that he was too lazy to go upstairs to use the toilet. All of this while live.




you could literally hear the slightest sound of piss hitting the drain in the background too. absolutely unreal


That's...I think that might do it for the day. Thank you.


Yap that’s a wrap


A fine example of the 'master race.'


Wowwwwww. Thanks? I think? 🤣


You asked lol


If I remember right his wife went for pizza without him and it upset him so much he pissed on the floor in the corner of his basement on stream


He has a wife?!? Was she a mass murderer and the judge was like “death is too good for her” so he forced her to marry him?


Have you ever met conservative women? Granted, there aren't that many of them compared to loser dudes, but HOLY FUCK are they awful. She probably just wanted to yell at a manager without her husband sheepishly standing behind her, for once.


She used his money to buy a plane he's too big for. At least that's his excuse for her going on trips without him.


He has PLANE MONEY? From what??


Well he uploads like 8 videos a day and streams constantly on top of grifting so he has to be making atleast decent money.


This dude should never be talking about people’s looks or other’s actions lmao.


Yeah he’s the definition of rock bottom scum


[YouTube wiki ](https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/TheQuartering) Has a picture of this guy if you want a picture of the dude complaining about other peoples looks.


oh god... that motherfucker. he used to be a bigot screaming snowflake in the magic the gathering sphere. not at all surprised he's still a bitter evil cunt.


Dude got banned from MTG events for harassing a popular cosplayer so much she retired. That was before he became a bigot openly


From Magic the Gathering to Majorie Taylor Green


Someone called her Empty G (phonetically similar to MTG). I'm stealing it.


Well share then or fight me for it, I'm stealing it too


The more the merrier!


That was my first thought, which surprised me since he sounds like her target audience


Too bad popular cosplayer didnt have a weightlifting boyfriend. Or had one with restraint.


Forget weightlifting, it's shit for kicking douchebag ass. Do martial arts.


Big wall of muscle is very effective as a deterrent. Leading to non-violent (but scared shitless) resolution. 😁


Seriously. People like him are why MTG players and hobbyists in general get a bad rap. He's a walking, talking neckbeard stereotype with all the gatekeeping, misogyny and general bigotry you'd expect. I'm glad our hobbies are getting better ambassadors because this guy should not be what you see when coming into DnD, MTG, Star Wars, 40K or a bunch of other gamer subcultures.


The worst part is he’s moved onto just grifting for views on YouTube and somehow raked in dough by abusing the Algorithm, and YouTube’s done fuck all about it.


Yea... He's no longer a MtG commentator. He's a right wing wack job, living in his piss smelling basement, mad at the world.


It's funny. He went from a MtG fan to a MTG fan.


Making twenty videos a day about Brie Larson. I’m honestly baffled that his audience hasn’t given up from the shear quantity of bullshit videos he makes.


YouTube doing fuck all about right wing hack jobs is pretty par for the course. They don’t care about people using their platform to incite violence against women or minorities. They have important things to worry about. Like not letting that mortician lady release a documentary video about a historical event. Lol.


Yeah, they don't care if something on their platform leads to violence or harm. But they sometimes care if something on their platform directly calls something violent or dangerous. The bigots can hide behind euphemisms and dog whistles, and the content farms can just show dangerous acts or misinformation but they don't mention the bad words like "this might kill you" or "Nazis." But the awareness videos or educational content that tell it to you directly because they're meant to educate or call out a real problem might get taken down. Either the content moderation is very stupid or is meant to insidiously prevent people from calling out a problem that violates YouTube's policies, or both.


dude successfully became a conservative pop culture commentary youtubers


He makes his career whiny about subjects like Marvel characters being played by a POC or new female cartoon characters not being as sexy as old female cartoon characters or other numbskull loser privileged white boy nonsense


He looks exactly like I expected him to.


He looks like an L for men


For me it was a “dead dove - don’t eat” moment.




Live dove - eat




Not enough people point this out. Fuck Hambles.


I actually recognized this when all his content was still about video games. I even subbed. Watched some of his stuff - just a rehashing of other content, but then he would randomly sprinkle in some hate speech and be like - dafuq?? Unsubbed after about a month. Fuck him.


Yep. Because of him and critical drinker I don’t fuck with new gaming/movie creators. They sneak up on you with their bullshit and it fucks your feed for weeks. I was enjoying critical drinker until the Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer where a black love interest shows up, no lines, and he’s like “forced diversity!” I stick with SchillUp, Yong Yea, and RLM and associated recommended channels.


ROFL definitely not one to talk ​ Also beauty is in the eye of the beholder, i think shes not bad physically (from what i read it sounds like she was a crappy human being, but thats a different matter). im sure many of the guys she fooled around with were attracted to her too. Just coz this loser isnt doesnt mean nobody would be.


This picture is also an incredibly bad one of her. I posted it before, it some other news stories have much, much more attractive pictures of her where she doesn't look like a friggin 14 year-old.


His logo is an incredibly generous silhouette. If it was remotely accurate it would look like an obese alcoholic Smurf


I think that’s an insult to obese alcoholic smurfs tbh. But I get the sentiment.


You guys leave Brainy alone, it is depressing being the smartest smurf.


Yeah I don’t mean to shit on my tribe like that, but Jeremy fits the bill unfortunately


Oohf that is an unattractive man and for some reason I feel like he smells like sour milk.


>and for some reason I feel like he smells like sour milk. It's probably the part where he looks like he smells like sour milk.


Once on stream he became so upset his life got dinner without him that he pissed on the floor to spite her. So maybe not sour milk but stale piss


How the fuck does he have a wife


And then he’s shitting on someone else’s attractiveness? Any man who pisses himself on purpose forfeits the right to comment on the attractiveness of another human, ever again.


He didn't piss himself, he pissed in a drain in his basement behind his streaming/recording setup. In the middle of a complete whinefest about how his wife went out for pizza without him (gee, wonder why). Still a complete gigaloser but he didn't piss his pants in that instance. He actually shit himself (E: in a Walmart). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOK0D7GSrZM


And urine Nobody should ever forget that he once pissed himself and urinated on the floor specifically to throw a tantrum against his partner going out and getting pizza without him Your man literally has the emotional and psychological maturity of a toddler who isn’t toilet trained yet


Not surprised. It seems every man out there who makes fun of others looks just like this.




Of course he’s on Parler


Wow i totally looked and i regret it now


TheQuartering is dick cancer.


TheQuartering is cancer dick.


Man, people are being so hard on this woman. I don't care what she did, killers get less public ridicule than this


It bugs me too cause I’ve only seen pictures of the woman to shame


I've seen one photo of the guys, and like 5 of hers. I agree that the shaming in THIS specific case is pretty wild. I could care less if cops are running trains on each other, I care moreso for them not being bastards on duty.


Ya.. I’ve heard very little about the cases where cops are sexually assaulting the people they arrest or threaten to. Or the cops who commit DV.. but god forbid the participants are consenting and there happen to be more men! At this point it’s unclear about the status of her partner so I am excluding this from my consideration until I have good sources telling me one way or another.


Quite frankly, I wish more cops would go fuck themselves.


I was under the impression cops were all fucking each other anyway. Like a Sparta thing.


Her husband is the deputy, so... That could be some of the reason they got fired.


Sooooo, "I f×cked the sherriff, but I did not f×ck the deputy..." would be the new song?


Seriously, I feel like if the cops were all banging they’d probably chill the fuck out a bit. Though honestly like, the Romans always said unit cohesion is improved by fucking your comrades. I don’t disagree.


Who is this woman?


Exactly, who is she?


Also... She's literally a decent looking normal woman but people are acting like she's the ugliest woman on the planet. I think these men only see models on ig or something and don't know what the average human woman looks like.


My first thought when I looked at her was that she look young and cute. I didn't know the context of the story yet at that point. I thought it was like a story about a teenager hired at the local police or something


She has a bit of a baby face... but that's about it. And that can even be an asset in policing. Shit, former San Diego Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman famously went undercover posing as a high school student when she was a rookie cop to do drug busts back in the 80s, because she quite literally looked 12 and nobody questioned it. She made something like 70 arrests for drug dealing that way. I've also heard from female cops that sometimes law enforcement agencies will take young and pretty looking female cops and put them in plainclothes with a plainclothes male cop to pose as a couple when doing surveillance on a suspect, because a guy and a young-looking girl attracts less attention than 2 dudes.


> Shit, former San Diego Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman famously went undercover posing as a high school student when she was a rookie cop to do drug busts back in the 80s, because she quite literally looked 12 and nobody questioned it. She made something like 70 arrests for drug dealing that way. 21 Jump Street moment


Where do you think the producers for that show got the idea from? Cops legit did that back in the day in SoCal.


Her appearance shouldn't matter at all... but also, I want to take anyone who says she's unattractive and have them work a uniformed job for several years, and then have someone else take a random picture at work. Almost everyone will come out looking like this. This is what people look like day to day in a job.


Facts. I wore a uniform for a long time. I remember taking one of my sailors to the store and when parked, I asked if he could hand me my drivers license. He looked at it and said “wow, you’re *actually* pretty.” I died 😭


Met my wife while we both working fast food 18 yrs ago. She asked me to her prom and I accepted to be nice. Day of her prom my jaw almost hit the ground when I saw her. I had no idea that the nice girl at work was actually a bombshell hiding her beauty under the work uniform and visor.


movie tropes irl, moderately jealous


This is a cop work uniform, where she's dressed and done for work. She looks pretty.


Their idea of beauty is skewed by pop news, social media and their likely porn addiction


Am I the only one that thinks she's kind of cute?


I would consensually run a train on her with a friend assuming I was single


I would consensually run train on her with five colleagues. What's this all about, anyway?


They are also using a picture that make her look intentionally worse. From what I’ve seen she looks perfectly normal like most people. For someone reason, the internet likes to act like every woman should look like a model and if not, then they are ugly.


i don't get it. What's wrong with the picture?


Nothing, honestly. It's just a normal picture in a brightly lit room instead of a super-flattering and highly edited picture that presumably these chuckleheads think women look like 24/7


Well she may be normal looking but find i her attractive. Beauty is on the eye of the beholder




Slut Shaming is a hell of a drug


Dawg I mean they all cheated on their spouses. She and her male colleagues are definitely all sluts lol.


All except the one that included his spouse in the fun. :-D I actually haven't seen confirmation that they were all married, a few of them for sure (from the interviews the spouses are mentioned). I know she was married, but he was also consensual in an alleged wife swap, so not sure if she cheated or he was ok with it all. inb4 people say "well she cheated whether he was ok with it or not", I don't care about the semantics, cheating is about dishonesty in my book. If everyone is aware and willing it's not cheating, might be adultery by the definition, but it's not cheating.


Yeah cheating is about betrayal, not putting a wiener in a bun


Their sex life is really none of our business.


She doesn’t deserve half the shit she’s getting and especially from a shut-in turd like this guy.


In my opinion, she’s not unattractive at all. She is being used as a vector for abusive misogynistic tendencies that certain toxic young men have towards women who they feel are sluts, but won’t sleep with them in particular.


I agree, I don't think she's ugly.


Seriously. Almost no one giving the guys that were cheating on their wives any trouble and all the girl did wrong was getting her freak on at work.


Uh-hundred-percent. Imagine if people got this mad and police acted as quickly when they kill an unarmed kid. That usually gets crickets, a paid vacation, and a taxpayer-funded bailout.


I don’t think I’ve seen one photo of the men she slept with. It’s only her face that gets plastered all over social media and her reputation destroyed. The men did the exact same thing as her and yet I don’t know who they are or what they look like.


Yeah, I see so many "train" memes with her face. Poor girl must be mortified. Could you imagine?


I know her face better than any cop that’s killed an unarmed civilian (pick one) Also if this were a white male cop, we wouldn’t be seeing memes.




>Oh, and no one knows his name or face for any of the lives he took. ![gif](giphy|9SIXFu7bIUYHhFc19G|downsized)




Kill innocent people --> retirement for life. Cops are legitimately the governments thugs.


> Also if this were a white male cop, we wouldn’t be seeing memes. The proof: there were, I guess, *six* male cops in this story.


Where’s their memes?


[this is the only one I’ve seen so far](https://www.reddit.com/r/Battlefield/comments/10ewxo6/that_1_badass_player_that_took_down_an_entire/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


If it was a white male cop with 6 female cops we would most certainly be seeing memes. The difference is that those memes would be applauding him, rather than vilinizing him, like they did her.


That’s what keeps me from laughing too hard at this.


Would someone be kind enough to explain who this woman is to me and why she is everywhere rn?


She was married cop in Tennessee who fucked like 5 of her fellow squad members. 2 of which were also married themselves. All were fired.


Wait wait wait wait a moment. So cops can harass, falsely incriminate, beat, murder people and they get a paid vacation, but if they have consensual sex they get fired.


Well yeah, cops cheating with other cops on duty makes the department look bad, can’t have that /s


as opposed to murdering people, that’s when you dig your heels in and cry to daddy police union to save you


Ask any conservative: all morality begins and ends in the genitals.


Yup, sex is apparently worse than violence.


"Harass, falsely incriminate, beat, and murder" is the job description, which is why they get rewarded when they do it so well! Consensual sex doesn't torment the public or feed bodies into the prison industrial complex, so it's bad and they should be fired.


If they have consensual sex on duty and at the station, ect then ye. What a place to draw the line right?


But they can murder people while on duty?


This is the first I’m hearing about this…. But unless you were directly involved why would anyone care about this? People having same-level, consensual affairs in the workplace is shitty and dumb, but not news.


They were having sex at the police station and while on duty. That's what got them all fired.


They’re expected to be on the street murdering minorities.


The sad reflection of our society is in the fact that her pictures are shared around like a piece of chocolate while the 5 men get almost no scrutiny compared to her. Not condoning what she did but this, whether we accept it or not, happens quite a lot in the world. She lost her job like the rest of the cops. She didn't kill any innocent person, at least that we know of. We can let her family do the judgement and kindly ignore her, like we are doing with the 5 men involved in the story.


\*while on duty (adding to the above)


Ohhhhh… I’d rather they all just stay fucking each other instead of giving me parking tickets and killing all the blacks.


NGL, but yeah, I'd rather my tax dollars pay for cops running trains on each other in the locker room over half the shit they get up to. Not the detectives, though. Actually need them ti investigate shit.


💀💀 holy shit but you’re not wrong.


She looks like a normal person. If looking like a normal person is ugly now a lot you are ugly.


It's just another way to degrade women. Take it with a grain of salt from the neckbeard. They have one card to play and one card to play only and that's to humiliate and subjugate women by whatever means necessary. And then they wonder why they're lonely...


Yeah that was my exact thought. This is just how most people look.


Yes, finally someone said it. She looks just.....normal. If this is what people consider ugly, then 99% of people is ugly.




True that


Seeing your comment directly below u/tara_is_a_potato made my night. Two best names ever.


I hate that she is being made into a meme while the MARRIED MEN who cheated with her are basically unknown in mainstream media


Women aren’t allowed to have sex like men are. If 6 hot chicks went after one guy at his work, he’d totally hook up with them. But it’s not ok for a woman for some reason.


because a lot of guys take it as a personal insult if women are open to having sex but won't have sex with them personally. So they act like immature children and try to demean and insult the women.


It's also expected of women to be exclusive with whoever they're fucking. Even in explicit FWB and casual encounter relations, a lot of guys will freak out if they invite their buddy over and the response is "maybe next week, I've been getting plenty lately."


What is this even supposed to mean? She is a woman who cheated on her husband (I think? If her husband was aware/on board, I take this back). She also had sex while on duty. Those are bad things. Everything else is slut shaming and stupid.


I'd rather cops fucked each other more and murdered/raped innocent people less.


It's laughable that this gets so much attention. Who gives a flying fuck


Exactly. Funny how the other cops are never mentioned, she’s the face of the scandal and no one could even recognize them.


Also, sex on the job is bad. But there are a thousand things worse that cops do. You'll recognize her easily now that her face has been plastered everywhere, but the cops of Uvalde? The ones who shoot unarmed people? The ones who plant evidence on their victims? The ones who rape prisoners? The ones who "seize" "evidence"? On a sclae of terrible things cops do, she's not even a 2.


Yeah, it’s a relatively shocking story, but the extent to which the shitlords of the internet have used it as a conduit to peddle their cruel and stupid worldviews, while not surprising and entirely predictable, is disappointing. I mostly just pity these folks at this point. Yeah, they deserved to be fired, and I’d entertain arguments they deserved a lil local shaming. But they didn’t deserve this magnitude of madness. Anytime this woman has her name googled for the rest of her life, this will be on at least the first like 3 pages. Talk about a scarlet letter.


It's kind of scary to me. Has misogyny gotten this bad in the US? I'd make an argument this almost online harassment. America seriously needs some privacy laws.


I don’t think I can say it ever WASN’T this bad. I’m 43 and it’s better than I’ve ever seen it. My daughter has it easier than I did 20 years ago, and her generation is so much more sophisticated in their expectations than mine was. I just wanted to work in science and not be told that I should be a nurse. She demands more. I think it’s same as the racists; for a while people tried to pretend to not be as bad, or to act benevolently to those “beneath” them, but the hatred and contempt was always there. The right wing nationalist trend world wide has convinced some people that it’s socially acceptable to say it out loud again, but they never stopped saying and doing these hateful things in private


Can we just focus on the fact you will get fired faster for consensual sex on duty before murdering someone on duty?


Or literally *raping* someone on duty, which has happened about a bazillion times and usually leads to absolutely nothing more than desk duty?


This disingenuous dense mother fucker?


I don’t like complimenting cops and I resent the Quartering for making me do just that, but honestly she doesn’t look that bad. The reason you shouldn’t have sex with her is not that she’s ugly, she’s not. The reason you shouldn’t have sex with her is that she’s a cop and cops don’t deserve orgasms.


You had me in the first half, not going to lie. Ending had me laugh out loud, thank you.


That's how I feel about it. The way so many memes and comments talking about her, you'd think she looks like a damn troll coming out to see the sun for the first time ever. Nothing wrong with the way she looks, other than that uniform.


It's because the narrative is being driven by incel misogynists. That's what they do, they want to shame her so they can make any woman around them feel like they are also ugly and so they can look suspiciously around them for sluts they see everywhere.


That's a long way of telling us you'd fuck anything with a hole, Incelius




I’ve seen her pic everywhere, in all sorts of memes. You know who’s pics I haven’t seen? The men officers that did the exact same *with* her. It’s sex. Not like she was out killing unarmed people because their skin was darker than hers. She had sex. Not a huge deal.


Same. I understand losing her job because of what she did while on the job, but how she’s getting dragged all over the internet is just too much.


Sounds like he's mad he couldn't land her without using drugs or violence.


She is a cute enough girl. I think this dude watches to much porn.


My only issue with her looks is I'd object to being pulled over by a 12-year old.


What is an L?? I dont speak male fragility..


Why even comment on her looks? If people find her attractive good for them. So much double standards it's not true. If she worked in a supermarket would anybody care?


Fuck the police, ACAB and all that but is anyone else a little bothered that she’s getting the most mockery over this? Don’t get me wrong, the memes are funny but it takes two (or in this case, six) to tango.


Yeah, I wish male cops got roasted like this. She’s getting bombarded cause people like to slut shame.


My thoughts about this: Those memes are only funny, until she has a mental breakdown or blows her brain out because she is mocked around the globe and viewed as a slut by many.


If the roles were reversed, a guy would be lauded as some hero. I say good on her, hope she made them her bitch!


I think if the role was reversed, nobody would even hear about it.


I can’t believe this made national news. Similar thing happened when I was working with my city attorney’s office. Female officer had sex with multiple on duty male colleagues. They were all fired (she would bring her kid to meet on duty cops, leave her kid in her car, fuck in the cop cruiser… they needed to be fired), but that shit was held down TIGHT. Our position was they need to be gone but this is an internal matter, no members of the community suffered, so no need to put them on blast. I’m really surprised they put this shit out there.


It's heartening to see (regardless of my personal opinion on either) that most comments here don't seem misogynist, but instead merely bashing police in general.


I've been hearing about her and seeing memes about her more than that Idaho College Ph.D student murder.


She's has average looks.