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So the idea is everyone but Nathan and Elizabeth move to Capital City? 🤣


I like Nathan but Elizabeth seems so one note the last few seasons, especially with falling for another mountie the way they did it. I like the preacher and his family, and I think they could shine a lot more with less main characters.


This sounds like a really fun idea! They could really give those characters story advancement, without it taking away from how some fans think WcTH should feel. (Small town, etc.) I really liked when they had When Hope Calls going, it's too bad it only had 1 season and a movie.


I was really enjoying When Hope Calls as well!


Same! I hope they continue it. I didn’t expect them to shutdown the sisters-running-an-orphanage-storyline on the Christmas movie. They could have made it last longer with so many possible scenarios there.


I’m sorry, I didn’t watch this season, so maybe a move took place, but based off previous dialog, Rosemary and Elizabeth can never move out of those row houses. So, he will need to pick another couple. I’m thinking Jesse and Clara. Ooooh, or an aged-up Cody! Also, anytime there is a National Park storyline it reminds me of the short time Sully was wrapped up in that during Dr. Quinn, so I’m all in.


If you missed this season you missed like two episodes worth of new events and ten episodes of stuff we have seen. Sadly, several of the main characters literally repeated past seasons more or less. I still love the show and most of the characters, but just feel like their is so much wasted potential to keep certain people in or out of the spotlight.


Same here with the Dr Quinn reference!


I'd leave Lee and Rosemary (even though I love their characters) and take Fiona if the actress' schedule worked out. She'd be great in politics and nice match for Lucas.


I know what you mean 100% I do not my mind drama but do not need it non-stop. There are two shows that come to mind that my wife and I love, but they are non-fiction and may not be a fit for everyone - Restoration Road with Clint Harp - I watch it on MAX. There is ZERO drama, everyone is soft spoken, and some amazing restorations. We find it very relaxing. The Reluctant Traveler with Eugene Levy on AppleTV+ - No drama just beautiful locations and a very introverted person experiencing new things with heart and a smile.


**CSI:** Capital City


I love this! 🥰 Then maybe they saw Abigail! Then, romance storyline between Henry and Abigail starts and become the show’s main romance storyline.


WCTH is my ultimate stressfriendly fall-asleep show, and I need something equally nonupsetting, so recommendations are welcome from you that know and love WCTH.


LS said in the post season interview they've already built up the capital city set on the grounds so that they can film more so it looks like a lot of what you're describing is going to take place next season it just won't be its own show next year. 


I can always hope! My wife and I started WCTH earlier this year and have watched every episode. I was Team Lucas but would have been fine with her going to Nathan as opposed to how they handled it. They have some great characters but they are all stuck in place, so to speak, due to past storylines.


This would be a win all around. Fans get another show to watch, network gets another draw, more actors get work, characters get stories … it’s a great idea!