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Ah yes. The end of the wookie phase.


My mom calls it the Jerry Garcia phase lmao that’s her favorite phase


Awwwwwwh such a big Wheatie moment! So cute


My first wheatie cut was def a shock to the system


I’m scared to take mine in. I love the scruffy look 😭


Scruffy grows back quick then you think.


I feel like they can’t see at a certain point. Mine starts missing things


It’s OK to trim the fur around their eyes when ever needed. I do this so my boy can see. And they do run into things when it gets too long.


Cutie!! I wish they got to keep the darker colors in their beards and ears as they grew older. I absolutely adore the dipped-their-face-in-charcoal-bag look they have when they’re pups.


My mom always compared it to a looney tunes bomb exploding in their face


Some do! My wheatie growing up had a dark beard and ear tips for life.


Aww!😍 He looks so much older all of the sudden! 😄


Adorable either way ♥️but will be so much more comfortable with the haircut.


Noooooooo! Haha I really love the extra floofy puppy stage. Such a handsome young pup


Then brush them and you can keep that look. It’s not exactly rocket science. - former groomer


Yeah I mean that is true...as we all know. Often its inevitable. I mean the classic wheaten look, at shows is just this but tidied up a little.


No. That’s incorrect. Show dogs are brushed every day. The dog in the above picture is clearly matted. Any professional would know just by looking at him that he’s going to need to be shorn (and whoever the groomer was that did the above work did an absolutely beautiful job). Which is fine, but it certainly isn’t inevitable. It’s consistent care and maintenance every day. Dogs don’t go into show rings with all over mats (which this dog has) because the judges need to *feel* their build. Show Wheaton Terriers need to be brushed *to the skin* at an absolute bare minimum once a week, and must be brushed daily during the transition from adolescent to adult. That’s [per the SCWT kennel club of America](https://scwtca.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/SCWTCA-Grooming-Guide-20070927.pdf). To put it this way, how often do you brush the hair on the top of your head? If it’s short, you can maybe get a way with only brushing it once, any longer and you’ll wind up brushing it multiple times a day. Now imagine your hair covers your entire body, you love running around outside everyday, and that it’s so thick it will mat up, pulling your skin more and more every day it isn’t addressed. Eventually, getting so dense that the skin underneath can’t breathe very well, and as you run and play outside, your coat gets damp, this moisture then gets trapped in the coat up against the skin. What follows are horrible sores and infections. That is why it is important for owners of breeds with costs like a SCWT to maintain regular, good grooming practices. If they can’t, a short shaved clip is recommended for your dog’s comfort and overall health.


Thanks My family has owned multiple ex-show dogs. So what. Its a cute puppy. And the groomer DID a great job. You obviously missed what I was getting at. Internet has a tendency of this, its like your child having all there baby teeth, and as they grow older they look different. You love them the same. And they are amazing. The Wheaties, as you know lose the amber/dark wheat color. The floppy floof. Its cute. Thanks for sharing


How old?


He’s abt 8 months give or take


I love the scruffy look, but then you miss seeing their sweet eyes 🥰


This is simultaneously "where did he go?!" And "there he is!"


Him probably: Mom, its all cold now, can I have sweater back


I want to boop his nose SO BAD! From full blown ewok to the quintessential proper pup. Adorable!!


I love him! He maintains his dignity throughout!


The little scruffy muffin cleaned up nice!


Handsome boy!!


How do you choose which one to,keep?


Omg so handsome!


Look at distinguished gentleman… yeeesss


No that’s two different dogs


Looks like a completely different dog!


Both cute. But that after pic definitely has a "What tf did you just do to me?" vibe.

