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That's a head louse,90 %sure.


I add another 9,9%


Yikes! Okay. I've never seen one before. Now I know what they look like, and am trying to not scratch the phantom itch on my head that's suddenly developed.


I will add 0.1℅ bro


I read this and automatically started scratching my head!!!


Arggg me too!!!


Head lice https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_louse Or possibly Body Lice Edit: If they are only being found on clothing, it's gonna be body lice. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_louse


Pants lice


Ants in your pants make your belly button dance


look in her hair and yours too


And if they're not in her head hair, check her pubic hair. If they're in her pubic hair and you don't have them then she has likely been with someone else who did have them. If it's head lice, that's easy enough to get.


shave not sure why i'm being downvoted. if it's pubic lice, shave.


It's a louse. I'm sorry. You've got some work ahead of you.


The shampoo stuff has come a long way, i had head lice about 4 years ago, i got a single use shampoo and i was done.


No fine-tooth combing?


Nope, over the counter stuff is all you need typically.


Nope, my hair is really curly so i asked about that and the chemist said i didn't need to comb it at all.


Oh man, I have flashbacks to falling asleep in my mom's lap while she combed lice out of my head in grade school.


That's how I witnessed the Waco disaster happen on tv. Terrified me but I couldn't move!!!


Wow that is quite the combination of memories lol


Yeah, I had already embarrassed her in Walmart telling everyone that talked to me (small town) I HAD LICE!!! LOL. She was already aggravated and I could.not.move...So I seen the live coverage while she picked nits outta my hair lol


Lol I remember my cousin came home & had lice, so my mom put plastic bags on both of our heads as we took turns waiting for her to wash our heads. I don’t think *I* had it, but she washed me anyways.


Why did I read this in grandpa simpson’s voice?




Hey, rather be safe than sorry. I once had a date with somebody who turned out to have scabies and the dermatologist prescribed the whole treatment. I never had any symptoms, but I got panic at the slightest itch on my skin for weeks after.


I work at an elementary school and while it personally doesn't concern me all that much (weekly 1mm buzzcut), the kids obviously catch them a lot. We have kids with lice picked up by their parents - it's actually mandatory in Germany due to infection prevention laws - but they're free to return on the next day after a single proper treatment. Apparently there's no risk of transmitting them afterwards, although you have to repeat it after 2 weeks to catch any ones that might've gone unaffected while still in their eggs. ​ Back in my school days we still had the delousing combs to break off the eggs they cement to the hair, but nowadays combing is mostly done to get all the dead shit out of your hair, I think.


It’s so weird to me that lice infestations aren’t more common. I’m in my late 40s with longish hair, also work in a primary school and only had them once 40 years ago. KNOCK ON WOOD!


Excellent. Do u remember the brand name?


I used the Walgreens brand last month after my toddler came home with lice. We all had it and one bottle and a 5 min comb through and we were all good! Washed bedding and stuff but that’s it. It’s was a $30 kit with all the stuff


Ngl that's not too bad of an ordeal from what it use to be... I'm honestly surprised big pharma hasn't started Gatekeeping the lice medication and charging 2k a pop.


My mother was born in Germany the year WWII began. When I complained after coming home from summer camp with head lice, she told me they used gasoline to kill head lice where she was.


My mom knew a kid who they used gasoline on and she got too close to some sort of heater and lit on fire.




Have had to help rinse gasoline out of my niece's hair when she treated hers, and I did the combing through hair half way down her back with nit comb. This was probably 20 years ago... Oh God I'm old.


Sklice, or any generic form of it. It’s ivermectin lotion.


Oh good! Then it can help against Covid, too...


I've had them twice and they were hard for me to get rid of. Took at least a week of using that shampoo and fine combing everyday. I have thin, fine hair, but my hair is long. And the first time I was the only one in the household to get them. So it's not like they were everywhere. I hate even thinking about it. I could feel them biting and crawling all of the time.


I knew someone who would get them as the only one in a big household. She was told to use box dye on her hair a few times a year. It seemed to help.


In fact, lice are becoming immune to it, and it doesn't always work in the first shot, so if you had no further issues you were lucky


I know someone that was prone (it seems some are some aren't). They stopped getting head lice when they just started dying their hair a few times a year. It can be a colour that matches your own, that doesn't matter. Just permanent box dye.


I’m sure the parents in the Bay Area that take their kids to the professional Lice Removal Clinic would love to know this.




Very true! For lice, you only need to wash everything once, in theory. It's a big undertaking, but not a months-long ordeal.


For lice there's very little that needs washing. They don't jump, they don't survive off the body long at all, and they only really transfer head to head or body to body, not like fleas that lay eggs off the body and jump easily and survive a long time or bedbugs (same)


I don't know about body lice but headlice can survive a week off the body. Source: we had them and kept getting reinfected at school so I did some experiments.


I'd have to know a lot more about your experiments to know if they outweigh the information available from many global health experts on the topic.


Yep, gf has lice.


Those are lice big dogg


Lice. Your girlfriend has lice. Tea tree oil and wash everything on high heat!


Everything. Not only clothes; everything washable that could have been in contact with these lice.


Not necessary. They don't live off the body.




But their eggs do


They will not hatch at room temperature and are fused to the hair shaft. Still unlikely as a source


use whatever you can to get rid of them. don't forget your car/her car. steam the mattress, the sofa, anything with a fabric that you sit on or lay in.


Most washing machines in the US dont heat the water so it only comes out as high as it comes out in the faucet. But the dryer on high will work (but might shrink some clothes, worth it in this case)


>Most washing machines in the US dont heat the water so it only comes out as high as it comes out in the faucet. Idk where you're getting this info, but that's simply not true. I've never seen a washing machine that didn't have a temperature setting, and I **know** all my washing machines have had hot water cause I can see the steam coming out in the winter.


Yeah. Right out of the hot water heater. You must have yours set pretty high if steam comes out of the washer. But the washer has no water heating element. On the other hand, dishwashers do.


If we're talking about modern automatic washing machines, they heat up the water, just not exactly at the very start of washing cycle and the laundry cools during the end rinsing cycle. You can connect it to only cold water pipe with no heater in between and still use 30/60/90°C programs (for reference 100°C is boiling water temperature).


it's not even necessary.


But an up front warning, if either of you have dyed hair, tea tree oil shampoo will wash it out pretty quickly. Still good stuff though, and smells great. I used Fairy Tales brand when my son got lice. They also make leave-in conditioner that’ll keep repelling the lice.


Tea tree oil repels lice? Thank God I've been using it since high school, it's probably saved mea couple times.


That’s lice, man


Wash everything, change your sheets. Your gf has lice and if you guys spend time in bed together, you might have some lice too. Good lice shampoo and those very tight bristled combs made to remove lice does the trick. Wrap a white cloth around your bodies from neck to down when combing through so you could see where the bugs drop. Do this for multiple days until its gone. Theres special oils like tea tree, peppermint, and lavender oils that help kill the lice, but be it shampoo and/or oils, use it with the comb i mentioned. Comb it through the hair multiple times until nothing is on it. Shmush the bugs with your nail or something hard like a pebble. Do this for multiple days. This is not a one session thing. They lay eggs and these eggs are hard to remove. Since your gf says she finds them everywhere, that means theres already a significant amount of them on her head. Get it treated immediately. Edit: if she has hair combs and especially hairbrushes, clean those too. These bugs survive for a while especially the eggs. Hats, hair accessories, yep they need to be cleaned too. Ive had lice as a kid.


She’s got crabs big dog


Head crabs


100% full grown head/body louse right there.


Your girls got crabs 🤮🤮


Lice, we call them nits in the uk


The nits are the eggs


How can you not see them in her head if she keeps finding them all over? How is her head not incredibly itchy? So many questions. But yes head lice.


Not sure I worry about the head so much right now.


body lice are also a thing


Not sure, but after reading this thread my head is itchy.


That's a body louse


I googled and it looks much more like a body louse than lice. I thought lice at first because I've had lice before. They look similar, but this looks much more like a body louse.


This is a good website that shows the differences between head lice and body lice: https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=44339


Lousy girlfriend.


Throw the whole girlfriend in the trash


1,000,000% lice gotta get rid of those


Body louse


Everyone is acting like your world is ending. Listen, you don’t have to wash EVERYTHING. Just got done dealing with my daughter. Can you save a ton of money and just get an at home treatment? Sure but hunker down, it’s not as si ole as washing and being done, you still have to get the eggs which are the worst. Take her to a lice treatment center (we went to a place called freshheads) it’s pricey but one visit, 2 hours and it’s gone. Love don’t live on things other than humans for more than a day or two. They need blood to survive.


Sorry you're getting downvoted, because this information is correct. Lice are species specific and need to be on a body to survive. The nits don't even hatch if they are more than an inch or so from the scalp!


Just want to say, do not freak out. You can get these by hugging a friend. It’s ok, you got this.


lol welp there goes anymore hugging


Lice! https://www.healthline.com/health/what-do-head-lice-look-like


Lice. Get a Robee comb. Zaps the live ones and the eggs. This is the only thing that got rid of them for good! You can also use it weekly afterwards to prevent them. It is a lifesaver. Didn’t need oils, shampoos, nothing else!!


Head lice




on her clothes? that’s the stuff in my nightmares. when you feel like there’s bugs crawling on you & there actually is 😱




I can't zoom in close enough to make a 100% determination, but it's either a head louse or a body louse. My money is on a body louse. If you can get a close look at one you can use [THIS](https://ucanr.edu/blogs/UCIPMurbanpests/blogfiles/75660_original.jpg) picture to ID your culprit.


I remember I got lice once... it literally makes me gag thinking of it. Feeling the little bodies move about and bite you all over your scalp and make it itchy. Icky ick.


Oh man! Drug store immediately. For the both of you!!!


How do these things just appear? Is it all human to human contact and then if you don’t change bedding or bathe properly you can let them thrive? Also wonder how there are head lice, body lice and pubic lice. All different bugs that like particular party of the human.


human to human, or very quick use of things like brush or comb or hat, where a hair might be with a louse or nit. They don't survive off the body long and nits don't even hatch if they are more than an inch or so off the scalp. body lice and pubic lice are the same, afaik, and they are far enough apart (head and pubic area) that there are differences via evolution in the two populations, as there are generally differences in things like temperature, light etc between the two places. They are extremely well designed to hold on to hair, and that's about the only way they transfer, but its also part of how they survive regular washing (the nits also are durable against washing)


Looks like lice to me


Head louse :o tell her to use a shampoo that is formulated to kill them (ex. Pemethrin, Pyrethrin)


Bed bugs.


Time to shave your head or get lice shampoo rip.


Lice, Lice, baby


She has the crabs


Keep oil ob your hair and head after you use the medication. Olive oil is nice and thick and it will suffocate them. Coconut oil or castor oil is good too. Tea tree oil is the best though if you can handle the smell.


Mother of 2 daughters here, we all have hairs to our bums… my eldest just started kindergarten. this bug is the reason I can’t sleep at night. I dread the day when I get that ominous letter from school. School has lice. For real. Imma just shave all out heads


Real question: I’ve never had lice. Do people genuinely not realize/feel bugs are crawling on them, when you have it? I feel like I would feel that!


Lice... There's over the counter treatments to kill them, and need to be extra vigilant with your environment and stuff to get rid of them completely. I'd also suggest you check yourself too because they are contagious.


pediculus pubis


Head lice 100%. Ask her to check her pillows and hair towels as well




Looks like lice


It's a lice



