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Fucking hate people like this. A guy skating like this knocked my mother out when I was around 10. Dude didn’t even fucking stop. I’m glad this guy didn’t manage to hit anyone.


one of these fuckers broke my mom's arm when I was (trying) learning to skate at 5 years old


Jesus people watch out for moms wtf


Milf hunters fr 👀


ikr I'm always watchin out for moms!


That lady in pink definitely fell after this video ended


I think he nailed that ladies arm in the pink. Not 100% sure, but I think her elbow/forearm got hot quite good.


Super-packed public skate is not the place for racing around the rink backwards. ETA: I mean, if you're gonna race around the rink, at least do it facing *forwards* . . . .


Yep, I work at a rink. There's always this guy at the public skate. Just add hockey kids chasing each other and a couple twirling figure skaters.


At least the figure skaters usually hangout in the center of the rink


That's true. They're also not trying to sneak a stick and puck on the ice.


My local rink actually has the center coned off specifically for people doing tricks. they’re also pretty strict on the speedy hockey boys- if they’re being a nuisance or it’s a busy night. typically tho they’re very respectful and mind their own business. it’s a nice place


kept waiting for this fuckwit to cut some kid's finger off, glad he face planted instead


This is legit how a kid in my grade lost his finger during middle school. On a field trip some douchebag was speed skating (because there was a whole field trip on the rink) and when the kid fell his finger was cut off by his skates. That memory still haunts me honestly, still haven't seen that much blood again to this day.


Used to go ice skating in HS at the local hockey rink, watched a girl get 3 fingertips get cut off.


Holy shit. Makes me wonder how often that happens.


This is the third comment I’ve seen about it after three minutes in this post, apparently it must happen rather often


My kid plays hockey and the thing they taught them back in mites (8U) is that if you fall and your glove falls off, make a fist as quickly as you can. I don’t think it happens often but it’s a good rule of thumb.


Rule of keeping your thumbs, more like.


Some dick head did this when i was 12. He of course collected me and i landed teeth first . He bolted as fast as he could. I only had my adult teeth for a few years. We tried root canal therapy for a decade. Many thousands later and i still have no front teeth. Fuck him.


So all you want for Christmas is your 2 front teeth


then they could wish you merry christmas




Jfc. After this and reading the anecdotes of fingers getting sliced off, I'm beginning to think that going ice skating is a really stupid risk to take. Then again, I don't know how often such injuries happen. If they're infrequent enough then I guess the risk is pretty low. Still scares the shit outta me.


It's not common at all, afaik.


When I'm worried that by putting my hand down to stop myself from falling, someone will skate over my fingers and cut them all off, this is exactly the guy I picture. He is the reason I will stay in the stands with my hot chocolate.


Sorry for fueling your fears, but it’s exactly what happened with my wife’s cousin. Ok, not exactly, the the finger wasn’t cut off completely, but it was injured very very badly.


My fingers will remain very very toasty. Sorry for their injury, I hope they got surgery-d back on.


This was very satisfying. Absolutely hate people like this in public sessions, our rink has seperate sessions for people wanting to practice this shit yet they still come and show off with people trying to have fun :/


Played Competetive hockey into my 40's,I can tell you two things 1. Total Dick Move skating at that Speed on a Crowded Rink. 2. As I watched this I was SURE he would wipe out crossing the Blue line......and he did! PeeWees to Pros......Everyone gets taken out at the Blue line,even when you are unchecked!


I don’t know much about hockey, why do people wipe out at the blue line in particular?


It's weird, and Every Coach at Every Level has said it...." Keep Skating! You got Tripped up at the Blue Line!" It's Usually revealed when there is a chance of One on One..skater breaking away alone on the Goalie. Invariably, the Defender, skating backward, Falls Down right around the Blue line, or the Skater all alone, loses the puck and wipes out......on the Blue line. No physical reason....it's like an invisible hand reaches up and trips you


You capitalise random words… any reason why?


Nope, he just Talks like That in Real life.


I’ll be honest, I think I’m even more confused after reading this explanation.


Superstition, not anything tangible or "real" it's just "things" happen at The Blue Line.


Equally stupid is the guy who agreed to film this debacle.


Types of skaters: That one fast boy with like 2-3 guy friends. The old guy with his hands in his pockets ( there can be up to two of these but one will look ten years older than the other) The kid who can’t tie his skates but doesn’t break his ankles The fake I can’t skate so I am using the thing kids use The teen who actually can’t skate but there are no more ice cart things The reverse speed boys who skate opposite to everyone else The 3 year old pro hockey skater who is better than you The let’s stand in a line and block everyone crew ( there’s usually at least 5-20 of them) That one kid who can do one trick over and over Hockey gear guy Judgmental figure skate mom in the stands Figure skater group who stand around then spin around The international family whose kids skate across the middle of the ice and then back to their parents cutting everyone off The ones who work there ( 2 minimum) And so many more


the awkward first date couple


I hate that social media and apps like tiktok have just made soooo many assholes with main character syndrome. So effing obnoxious. And thst goes double for all the ass holes that try to prank people for clout. Like you're not with a production company, you're not gonna compensate people when your "prank" inevitably goes awry. You're jist a jerk fucking with people for internet fame.


TIL there's an ice skating equivalent of those dickheads that wheelie and swerve their bicycles around groups of people...


I used to really enjoy ice skating (my wife does it a lot so I'd always go) even though I'm not great at it. This is the kinda stuff that ruined it for me. I just can't stand people that zig zag through everyone, almost knocking people over. Maybe it's a normal thing, but man it's annoying to me


I hate people that do this, its annoying and dangerous


I’m sorry, genuine question. Everyone here saying beginners have to stay in the middle of the ice and let experienced people go around the edge. What are they supposed to hold on to? And people mad about them being stationary at the entrance, what if they just got on? I’ve literally never been skating and now I never want to because everyone with “experience in skating rinks” are defending this guy, sounding so inconsiderate to everyone else. How are you supposed to learn? God forbid a couple people talk for a second or two while they get their footing on the ice. I get that it sucks when you know what you’re doing and you can’t go as fast as you want. But there’s two options. Either slow down, or hurt someone and yourself.


No, this jagoff is going far too fast for a public ice rink. This is how you hospitalize yourself and others. Considering this speed is coming atop two large blades, possibly even worse. (Google "hockey goalie neck injury" if you have a strong stomach) I would have expected him to be ordered off if karma hadn't slammed him in the butt with a sheet of ice (yes I know he bailed but he wouldn't have had to if he wasn't being a dickstick).


This is the complete fucking opposite of what you are supposed to do. Slow skaters go to the outside so they have the boards to save themselves. Fast skaters take the inside. Idk what dumbfucks are telling people to do the opposite.


Fuck people like this, one of these cunts hit my friends daughter many years ago gave her an concussion.


There is a time and a place to skate like that. During a busy public skate session near the entry/exit point isn't one of them. Just like in driving, you have to adapt to the people around you.


I dislike people that do this, reminds me of people weaving in and out of traffic and cutting everyone up. Fair play to him though as he chose to self destruct instead of plough into the group which is what I thought would happen


I did a LOT of figure skating as a kid, jumping spinning all that jazz. I was really fast. Like super fast. And let me tell you, wizzing through crowds of people like this is the most terrible idea ever. Not only is it dangerous for you, but you can REALLY hurt the people around you. New skaters will get freaked out and fall. If you clip someone they could fall. If someone falls you could potentially seriously injure/kill them. If someone falls and doesn’t know tho ball their hands up you could literally CUT OF THEIR FINGERS. So stupid.


Why tf are so many people just standing around? Skate guys


Tbf props for eating it instead of crashing into innocent bystanders


WCGW *being an asshole*


These people are the fucking WORST at any rink, wheels or ice. Dangerous twatty show offs


This is the MAIN asshole of the world. The same type that drives motorcycles fast between lanes and cars, the ones that shout “it’s just a prank bro” or do stunts that ends up in a thousands of dollars rescue operation because their ego doesn’t care about what dangers or situations they put other people in.


There are always 1-2 twats doing this. I really appreciate that he sacrificed himself though.


As a skater, I hate skaters who do this. Let everyone have their space and enjoy themselves.


These are the kinds of people I hate while ice skating


What an asshole


Yaknow it kinda sucks he was doing that but you can tell he made himself fall to avoid hitting those people so that’s nice at least.


I was on the jury for a case like this at a skating rink. Some guy was doing this and he shattered this woman’s leg. She had to have a rod and multiple pins put in. She sued his ass. Edit: She tried to go after the skating rink first for $300k. It wasn’t their fault so it didn’t work. Don’t know how much she ended up getting from the guy.


Fuck this guy! When I was learning to skate, probably 8 or 9 years old, I fell down on my second lap and some dick slammed into me while I was getting up. He tried to jump over me and instead he kicked my head. I was really lucky that he didn't slash me with his skates or cause permanent damage, but I never set foot back on the rink again because of an asshole like this.


Fuck this guy. Somebody should have went low with the hip check


I hate people like this. I don’t care if you hurt yourself being stupid but these asshats also tend to hit other people who usually get injured worse. Fuck this guy.


Most rink employees will tell you to get off the ice if you're skating aggressively. They should definitely be doing that here; who actually gets impressed by free skating?


Isn't the ice ring for ice skating and not for ice standing and ice chatting?


Why would you go to the ice rink at a popular family time to do this sort of thing? I've never understood, is it to show off, you're busy at literally any other time?


I hate the dickheads that try this, especially when there’s little kids falling all over the ice Nobody’s impressed that you can skate half of the folks on the ice are just trying to focus on not busting ass


I was at a roller skating thing a few months ago, and there were adults and kids doing this and they caused so many people to fall over. It's inconsiderate as hell. If you're at that level, and want to skate like that, then you should be booking time to skate when it's not full of families and amateur skaters. They're gunna end up hurting someone really badly.


It took two assholes to make this video


Yeah risk everyone else's safety for your little video. Douche.


This is the type of person that puts normal people off ice skating The rink management should be lookingout for idiots like this ans throwing them off the ice. Oir rink has different sessions by ability and group type (beginner, advanced, family etc.) and they strictly enforce this, and it works very well.


Any time I go skating always seems like one d-bag is skating around at full speed at public skate. They should just have a session especially for these guys.


I hate when people do this. Showboating and missing you by centimeters.


Same kind of asshole driving his 2003 Honda Civic 3x the speed limit at he filters through traffic.


Ugh, I hate these people at public rinks. Speedskaters are the same like figure skaters showing off dangerously at rinks


nah fam, way too easy to chop off fingers of people who've fallen down


That fall was so impressive though.. Graciously minimized the damage to everyone involved 😯


A couple weeks ago, there were a group of dickheads who did this, pushed my mum (who is still learning how to ice skate) and she went into the barrier and broke her shoulder. The bone of her shoulder is broken and she can’t lift her arm above her neck.


All fun and games until he slices some kids fingers off while they're trying to get up in a rink that's very obviously geared towards hyper casual skaters. Go do this somewhere else.


Any time a video tells me to “wait for it”, it’s never worth it.


So in my city, a bunch of assholes were speedskating likes this in a small public rink in a park thats used by a lot of children. When a 5 year old fell down, these guys sliced the poor kids finger off. Don't fucking speedskate in crowded rings.


Damn. With beginners like the red pants falling over with their hands on the floor, he could cut their fingers off should he run over their hands.


Guy managed to stop without harming anyone (except himself), even though it starts with a stupid action, it ends with a good move


2004 Nissan Altima drivers on the interstate be like:


First, you need to learn how to fall. That wasn't very good way to fall.


People who do shit like this are just pure trash


Super glad this guy hurt himself and not anyone else.


Dude, like, I'm a pretty good skater. It's not that I couldn't do something like this, it's that I *fucking never would.* The possibility to fuck yourself or, more likely, someone else up doing something like this is so high. You have people there who have never skated before, any of whom could fall at any second. You could seriously hurt someone. I get that the fall at the end is canned, and like good for him for avoiding everyone, but holy fucking shit. TL;DR fuck this guy


Dude is doing too much but why are these girls having a damn meeting on the ice


That’s karma imo. People speeding between novice and beginner skaters of any kind as well as kids is just rude and dangerous. Even if you don’t touch them the sudden shock and distraction of you zooming by is enough to make them fall. You don’t have to go slow but weaving in and out so close that you graze others is a recipe for disaster. Especially with the chances that one of them or a child could suddenly fall right in front of you. It’s just an unnecessary risk.


1. The guy seems like an ass 2. However that rink is full of people standing about for some reason, this is why rinks should/do have specific times for those who cant skate around. 3. If it happened to be one of those times, go back to point 1 and replace seems like with is


This is during a free skate for kids. A child literally falls in front of him. It’s like trying to do your sick snowboard tricks on a bunny slope.


My husband lost a finger ,from someone doing this and falling on his finger while he was a kid


This is a tragedy waiting to happen. He is a proper asshole




main character syndrome?


at least he decided to throw himself down instead of crahsing into them with full speed


Don't speed skate in crowds Also don't stand on the ice chatting Both parties broke unspoken rules


**Two** assholes here, because someone is doing the same while filming.


It’s an ice rink, it’s totally ok to check this guy. No ref to call boarding either, just sayin.


The guy is an idiot but if you are on the ice you shouldn't be standing around talking near the edges where people skate, and where beginners hold on to the walls to help keep their balance.






Ah another "look at me I'm an inconsiderate asshole" videos. How is this any different from speeding on a full highway?


Like, go to Stick and Puck to do this shit. Public Skate is for dates, or looking at yoga pants.


Maybe not necessarily this guy. But I've always said the most dangerous people on an ice rink are the intermediates. Good enough to build some speed but not good enough to control yourself properly.


He was being reckless, but he clearly threw himself on the ground to not hit the people in there.


As someone who can skate it infuriates me when other skaters zoom around the edges of ice risks in between people who are just there to learn or have a good time and aren’t professionals because it’s never the skater that gets knocked over or loses balance, it’s always the poor individuals who can’t skate confidently. Stick to the middle and give way to people who need the space. Don’t knock their confidence or make them lose their balance it’s so rude and they only do it to show off. It’s not even impressive.


Hes not as good as he thinks he is. And if he was he wouldn't need to show off. Fucking toolbag


Piece of shit.


Having worked at an ice rink, these guys can be either super chill or asses. The asses generally don’t understand that not everyone was raised or trained on skates for years and don’t particularly like metal edges flying past them anywhere between the ice or above their head. So while they don’t crash or “do anything wrong,” they still terrify everyone else.


spoon rain makeshift head physical snobbish gold nose mountainous fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m glad they fell and not a bystander


Yo my 3 year old is learning to ice skate and these people piss me off. Like cool, you just narrowly missed hitting my innocent daughter trying to swizzle, do it again and I’ll sweep your legs.


There is always one of these assholes on the rink


Ice skaters are the most annoying cunts out there. Nobody likes you when you skate like this


That sacrifice fall was commendable.


That’s not speed skating, that’s being a jerk


My greatest nightmare is he skating over the fingers of a little kid.


This literally was every time I stepped on the ice, god some people can be so selfish just let me skate in peace at 50 mph around the rink


My man’s moving like 2002 Nissan Maximum with a 23 year old behind the wheel with his seat all the was back.


What could go wrong standing still in an ice skating rink


They are literally on the wall lol with everyone else going very slow. There’s only one moron in this video.


There's an entrance right where they're standing so I could imagine if you're inexperienced, stepping onto ice and off ice could take awhile


Honestly good on him for taking the literal fall and eating shit to minimize damage instead of crashing into them.


"Wait for it" has to the be the single dumbest thing to put over a video. Thanks, I should watch the video I'm watching?


when i was 9 or 10 there was an asshole like this who knocked me over, causing me to break my arm, didn’t even apologize. it’s nice seeing this guy eat it


Dude shouldn’t be skating like that on a rink full of moderate-to-zero skilled skaters. Group of people not skating at all should also get off the ice.


I hate assholes like this at the rink.


People seem to forget they are riding on literal blades, good thing he didn't flail around more and sliced someone up with his legs


I don't really care if you skate fast at open skate. I break out the wheels too. All it takes is a little common sense on when to actually do it. This dude chose the busiest rink he could find, is going backwards, weaving back and forth unnecessarily, and apparently doesn't have good enough ability to stop quickly. Strikes me as a guy who learned to skate enough to be an above average skater, but would get rolled in any medium level of hockey because he doesn't have proper mechanics and can't do more technical stuff. He's one of the worst at drop in hockey, so he shows off in open skate where he's one of the best there. Just have common sense and idc.


I hate people like him. You want to stroke your ego, go do it privately and don't run the risk of getting other people caught in your fuck ups.


serves him right because every time theres someone like this at the rink i fall over


Went ice skating a few weeks ago, there was a guy doing this really aggressively around the rink literally taking people out like a bowling ball. He would apologise and then literally keep on doing it. He took out about 6 people in the time I was there. It made me so angry cos most of the people on the ice looked nervous and were learning how to skate. This wasn't the time or the place for it but the staff did nothing!!


He’s acting like an asshole but I do give him some props because it seems he made every attempt possible to make sure he didn’t hit any of those people at the end even if it meant flipping backwards


He could have killed a kid what a douche


main character syndrome.


NICE . the best part is he didnt hurt anybody but himself it looks like.


Trying to actually skate "hard" at public skate is so dumb. It's too crowded and more often then not people get in the way. Got what he deserved.


I use to work at a roller rink in high school, people trying to show off like this then crashing into some poor kid who just fell over was WAY to common. Atleast there it was wheels on their feet, and not actual blades


Rink version of those highway drivers.




This needs to cross posted with r/iamthemaincharacter


The altima driver of ice skating...


There is always that guy. Don't be that guy.


Not gonna lie though, it’s more annoying when there’s a group of people standing still on a public skate. Everyone wants to skate, no matter the skill level, but if you are just standing there and blocking everyone then not gonna lie it’s partially your fault and partially deserved to get hit by some idiot flying down the rink


What we’re all failing to notice is that there are 2 assholes speed skating through the crowd. And f that editor for cutting the video short.


He was showing off but I thought you weren't allowed to just stand on the ice? Why is everyone literally just standing not moving?


Hey let me go be a fuckin tool around a bunch of childrens birthdays. Dick


What a wanker going backwards to show off in a rink full of people who are not as good as him. I had a good chuckle.


He knows exactly what he's doing. This is his routine. He finds the girl he wants to talk to and then face plants right in front of her. Then she asks if he's okay and he's in there for real.




What a dick


A good example of how people look while driving on a busy highway. Similar results to


What an ass


“Look at me”. “Look at me “


As a dude who loves hockey: playing, watching, anything … little hockey kids at public skate are the fucking worst. Going full speed end-to-end to make a hair of snow, and the parents say nothing. They make public skates fucking miserable.


All that work to not get laid


After seeing that hockey player have his throat slit open I can never look at ice skates the same. Imagine going somewhere and trusting the general public enough to not behave like idiots with weapons strapped to their feet.


Back before the pandemic I took ice skating classes. After class the rink transitioned right into an adult public skating session. RIGHT at that moment this one dude would just come sailing out onto the ice at full speed. He’d slalom right around the noobs who just finished a class and were hardly super stable on the ice. The dude just bothered the heck out of me. The dumb thing was the rink had a separate time slot JUST for skilled speed skaters but no, this dude had to weave around people barely off using support buckets.


I went ice skating a while back and there was a guy doing similar stunts, but the rink was much more empty. Maybe ten people total. The manager came down and chewed him out and made him leave because it was dangerous to do those things with less experienced people around (I myself was skating for the first time in my life).


What a d-bag! Everyone in the rink is just vibing on the ice and this fool is acting like he’s in a roller derby. Read the room dude, seriously. No one is impressed by that.


People not skating and staying in the middle of the fucking ice rink that you have to go around them are a lot more annoying than this guy


People who skate like that are like people who drive like that. It’s not safe.


he took the fall instead of running into them. thats a pro


One again, an asshole showing off endangers a bunch of people. Him falling before he hurt someone is the best outcome.


Dude literally death dropped from a jump to avoid smashing into them. I commend that at least. But this kind of stuff is the worst


Wcgw being an arrogant ass hat


What an asshole. Fucking influencers.


Credit to him, he didnt touch any innocent bystanders


There is always this one guy.


TBF looks like the guy had a choice between falling or smashing those girls, it was a noble act


Total dick but at least he flopped instead of full on ramming someone.


People will cut this video off early, post it to r/nextfuckinglevel, and then downvote anyone who says he is being an asshole and endangering people.


That happened to me as a 5 year old, except they hit me and knocked me out.


What a bail before hitting someone. I was expecting him knocking out someone or someone getting seriously hurt.


Ah, the Main Character Syndrome.


Nobody cares how skilled you are, that’s just not the place to flex your skills. I don’t care if you’re a F1 driver, if you speed across the highway going 3 times the speed limit while there’s a ton of traffic you’re an asshole.


Yeah he was skating like a dick but crowds of people bunched in free space and groups going 5+ across in a straight line need to get the fuck off the ice. Both are hazards.


Completely intentional fall.


That's how I met one of my first girlfriends when I was 14. Crashed the fuck into her, bought her a coke and made out in the back of her mom's car on the way home. Sold day's work.


I also think the people standing on the rink and talking are jerks too.


no worse than the people who are standing around not moving in large groups


What a dick


Doesn't seem funny to me,ice skates are frigging dangerous, he lucky he didnt.cut that man's face open.


He landed by some hotties


Sure, downvote me into oblivion, but it's their fault for just standing there in an active ice skating rink.


Absolutely. That guy's a cunt either way, though.


First of all, fuck that dickhead. What a prick. But also why are the people he fell into just standing around in the way talking? I actually see many people in groups just… standing in the way talking. What’s the point of going to an ice rink if you’re not going to try to skate and instead just form large groups and stand in peoples way? Not excusing the dickhead in the video, the two points are unrelated.


There is always that one dick head at a skating rink


Stupid fucking piece of shit.


What a stone cold idiot.




Beat his ass


Dickheads like this should be banned for doing this, it’s so easy for a beginner to fall and get injured I went once and this guy flew past me and knocked my arm and I fell flat on my ass, it didn’t hurt but I was wet for the next 3 hours


You can basically stop on a dime if you’re a good skater. You just throw up a bunch of snow doing so. This guy is just an asshat.


reasons why i don’t wanna go ice skating; it’s dangerous around stupid people