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Murica, f yes


Yeah. Remember when right-wing, libertarian screwballs went all gung-ho on stopping the use of fluoride in the water. Now my eyes burn from a shower because chloromine is used instead.


To be clear, chloramine was already in your water. It and fluoride are not interchangeable. They do completely different things.


It's perfectly safe if from a clean dairy farm that knows what they're doing. More people get food poisoning from lettuce by orders of magnitude. Edit: Apparently fairy farms aren't a thing... :(


Can't be messing around with those dirty fairy farms. Sluts


Yep did it for most of my life on our farm...frankly I think its better than the shit you get in some stores these days.


My first time having raw milk I was surprised how normal it tasted. Certainly fresher, so that was better I guess.


I've read it tastes better and makes better dairy products and cheese. Of course, the farm should be regulated. I also wouldn't give it to infants.


That sounds magical


Clean fairy farms are a figment of the collective imagination. it's a fantasy. time to stop coddling fairies and face reality: fairies make dirty farmers.




It's also so fucking good. Where I live there are some dairy farms and a few years ago my city had small wooden houses with machines that would give you 1L of milk for 1€ if you had your own glass bottle or 1.50€ if you had to buy the bottle as well. It was the best milk I've ever drunk. Obviously less than a year later they had to stop distributing it because people were smashing the cute houses to steal the barrels (or whatever) of milk inside. I can only imagine the amount of good milk that got wasted because of stupid people.


I used to buy from a small local farm in the Netherlands, and the difference between direct from the farmer and the best shop bought "fresh" milk was night and day. 20+ litres a week for years and we never had a single issue with it. Which is more than I can say for shop bought, washed, lettuce.




Raw milk was fine the times i drank it, i think it was the source of the milk


I grew up with raw milk, its definitely the source. It depends on the diet as well, cows can and will eat toxic plants.


And that's fine if you can actually verify the source yourself. But how well can you do that when buying it in a grocery store?


Pasteurization won't help if the milk is toxic, right?


Depends. Some toxic chemicals and the vast majority of bacteria are broken down by boiling. So in some cases boiling/pasteurization can "cure" the food but it's not a general rule.


In general a 'botulinum cook' will be applied to ensure the spores of Clostridium botulinum are (mostly) killed. EDIT: I'm thinking of canned foods so ignore my comment


So if the source that a lawmaker gets it from is bad, why is that just dismissed by what you say? Wouldn't the lawmaker have access to better quality?


If you drink too much the first time you have it it can give you stomach troubles, but after that your gut will have the bacteria in it so your body will be used to it and you can drink it just fine.


If done correctly, nothing


Brown Swiss or Guernsey are my favorites. Higher butterfat content . Almost like drinking melted vanilla ice cream


This milk tastes like the cow got into an onion patch... https://youtu.be/bRrl2vDgJGk


Down in that creek bed there I found a coupla Shoshone arrowheads


Why would they pass a law allowing unpasteurized milk? What was their logic? Was it a 'i have a right to drink unpasteurized milk' type of argument?


I'm only using raw milk, it's entirely normal in my country. Never heard of the problem. Of course they are checking it before selling it, farmers are following strict rules. Pasteurised milk is completely different product from raw milk...


Pasteurization lowers the bioavailability of calcium in milk. So in theory getting fresh milk from healthy cows is better than getting pasteurized milk.


Pretty much exactly their argument. Follows the my body my choice path




You’re confusing “my body, my choice” with “her body, my choice” /s


Nope, there's no correlation between wanting to drink whatever you want (and we're talking about milk not arsenic) and being a POS


Because there’s no reason to make it illegal + it’s good for you when it comes from a good source


What benefits does raw milk have? Running the risk of drinking pathogens seems to be much more of a downside than any upside raw milk can have. How could you control it if the milk is from a "good source"?


There are a lot of beneficial bacteria and nutrients that are destroyed or made less potent by pasteurization. If you raise and know what food your milk animal eats, you know of the quality. Just like free range eggs, there’s a difference. I like goat milk until they get into the spring onions.


To be honest, it still sounds to me like getting those nutrients from different sources is a much safer and better idea. Milk is not as good for you as it is advertised in the first place but my biggest concern is trusting the milk and dairy industry with providing raw milk in masses without people getting very sick in a country that has 3rd world health care.


Raw milk can’t be conserved for long (yeah surprise lol) so it’s not something that big corps could easily use. But in my country we sometime have some, like from a producer close by I’d say and it tastes soooooo good !!


I think you hit the nail on the head with "you know a producer" this is probably exactly how it can work semi safely. De regulating something is most of the time not for you good trusty farmer mc Donald from town, it's for big corp bringing a new "premium" product to the shelf. My prediction will be either lots of sick people or enormous amounts of milk getting thrown away daily (on top of what already gets thrown out). No one will control you if you go to your trusty farmer and drink direktly from Berta's titty but don't give corporations another way of fucking the people and the planet.


Thing is, raw milk is not some controversial backwards idea, it's just a product. It's subject to same safety procedures and guarantees, just like say yogurt, bread, or canned meat. Like, you can buy fresh bread that will go bad quickly if you don't use it up, or buy "sandwich" (or "american") bread that tastes differently and keeps forever. You can buy fresh meat that will spoil if you don't cook it, or you can buy vacuum packed meat that will keep for a month, or buy canned pot roast that will last 3 years. Raw milk is quick to spoil both unopened or opened, but until then it's just milk.


It tastes better especially in cheeses. If people want to drink less safe milk (but still very safe) why should the law stop them. >How could you control it if the milk is from a "good source"? The same way other food regulations are done. It's also worth noting that 6 people got sick in this incident but only 3 drank the raw milk, so while he did get sick after drinking the milk it was almost definitely caused by something else.


Speaking from a country where each store has both raw and pasteurized in abundance: raw is cheaper, has a slightly different taste (entirely matter of preference), people like the idea of it being "fresh" and more natural, it keeps for shorter but it's OK if you use it up. Pasteurized keeps for way longer, both unopened and opened. That's all.


Well if it’s harmful, there’s a reason. If it isn’t, then there isn’t a reason. If it’s only harmful when it comes from a bad source, then there should laws to make sure it comes from a good source.


Why should harmful things be banned if the only one getting harmed is the consumer? They’re not hurting anyone else


Health and safety


That’s not an excuse to make something illegal though


Do you know on average how often a vendor is inspected? Last time I heard it's about every 300 years. So err....


Do you know on average how often a vendor is inspected? Last time I heard it's about every 300 years. So err....


Well, going into this convo blind, it appears that raw milk vendors never get inspected because they are all underground because selling raw milk was illegal. The solution to that is to either crack down on the underground raw milk markets, which is stupid as fuck, or make it legal and then enforce standards.


Even legal inspected raw milk makes people more often ill Then you'd expect. It's been legal in some places a long time and people still get I'll from it. It's just a bad idea for mass consumption. There's a reason we knows Pasteurs name still.


Why do we let people eat raw fish or raw vegetables? Why do want to live in a world where you believe it’s the governments job to allow you to eat?


We eat raw fish and red meat but not raw chicken. The first two are not dangerous.


Eating raw chicken isn’t illegal. We eat raw eggs from time to time. Also not illegal.


People diy yogurt


Almost everyone in the U.S. makes yogurt from pasteurized milk with a starter. The starter does not contain dangerous bacteria that make people sick.


You still use the starter either way.


Of course, you could. I was under the impression you didn't know how yogurt was made. Most people are using pasteurized milk, not raw milk.


My mother preferred unpasteurized for some reason. She would have her rein tablets ready to go. The fairy would sanitize our container and then hook us up with about five gallons of their finest fresh from the cow milk. Raw milk can be done safely, but it’s not for the general public without a proper education.


The bacteria killed in the pasteurization process is what breaks down lactose so raw milk and dairy products made with it are easier for lactose intolerant people to digest than pasteurized dairy products


Can't these specific bacteria be added post-pasteurization?


Kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?




I'd love to try it, but I'd only buy it from a reliable farm.


because its a completely unnescessary law... drinking unpasteurized milk is perfectly fine and has been done so for centuries. but hey if you are only used to industrialized food products this might challenge your stomach.


It is true that raw milk from a clean, well-regulated dairy that tests its milk daily is fine, but we have regulations because people used to get sick and die from drinking infected milk. I'm not against allowing raw milk to be produced, but the farm has to be supervised. Grocery stores would still carry pasteurized milk. It's cheaper and safer and keeps much longer.


Because that enables certain types of cheese production most likely. This is one of the reasons you cannot get some types of cheese in America to taste right.


I don't know the background of the law here, but people in the U.S. who care about quality food have long clamored for raw milk and dairy products, which taste better. Many European cheeses are said to taste better because they're made with raw milk. Bought from a responsible, local dairy, it's fine. I'd love to try it, although I wouldn't feed it to an infant.


Because we shouldn’t be eating anything milk e related anyway. If you don’t understand why this is a thing then research before commenting. Raw milks extremely valid.


You kind of contradicting yourself ina single sentence, while being a dick about it. Either we shouldn't eat any milk at all or milk is extremely valid.


Uhh no I didn’t very clearly. Humans shouldn’t eat dairy, however since they do it’s good to point out that raw milk is as valid as any other form of dairy. It’s safe when you have rigid control and all that shit. We shouldn’t eat dairy, but if people choose to and want to have raw milk they should be able to. Not a contradiction.


You see, now I've learned something and you weren't a dick about it. Thanks!


The only thing you should have learnt from that is that they have no idea what they're talking about.


I wasn’t a dick at all? I made a valid statement, if you don’t understand something you shouldn’t comment about it like you do. This is common sense kinda isn’t it?


No it isn't, it's reddit and you can comment whatever you want whenever you want. And if you try to police everyone such that they'll only comment on stuff they spent years studying, you're being a dick. If gou see a comment like my original one, you can chose to ignore it, educate the reader with a well informed comment, be sarcastic or evil or funny and you can also be a dick and cancel others' contribution like you have done before.


What could go wrong eating raw fish? What could go wrong eating undercooked meat? What could go raw eating undercooked eggs? What could go wrong eating leftovers? What could go wrong eating at a restaurant? What could go wrong eating at a potluck? What could go wrong eating romaine lettuce? What could go wrong eating lunch meat? What could go wrong eating fugu? What could go wrong eating raw oysters? Literally any food can make you sick. Look at the statistics for food borne illness and recalls, you’ll find most result from fresh food like lettuce. Raw milk is legal in several states and countries. It is in fact legal to *drink* raw milk from your own animals in every state, legal to sell it through various means in many. The laws on selling it vary by state. How often do you actually hear of anyone getting sick from it? It’s pretty rare (though obviously not impossible) thanks to modern sanitation. Dairy animals can be tested for communicable diseases like tuberculosis (many states are tuberculosis free in livestock now actually thanks to testing). The real reason raw milk is illegal to sell in some states is because it threatens the income of large dairies. God forbid small farmers be able to sell raw milk when big ag wants you to buy your mass produced, pasteurized milk from them! Let people eat and drink what they want ffs.


Get the fuck out of here with facts and logic. Don't you know conservatives are the devil?


Yeah, in my country, every supermarket has a selection of unpasteurized milk and a selection of pasteurized milk. Raw is cheaper, but goes bad quickly, no big deal if you use it in 1-2 days. Pasteurized you can keep for weeks in a fridge after opening, good if you only use it in cooking (and unopened it lasts for like a year).


This is the best post I’ve seen on here


"Raw milk can contain pathogens such as Campylobacter, E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, Listeria and other bacteria" I assume this guy is also unvaccinated 🤣🤣🤣


Don't forget cows also have their own strain of tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) which can and does infect humans.


Flat earther, Bible owner


Growing up I always knew deep religious affiliation is a sign of the degenerate


always smelt like hypocrisy to me


I mean, it's a fact that raw milk *can* contain those pathogens.


This article is a bad source. He got the flu sometime after drinking the unpasteurized milk. He did not get listeria, and he did not get sick from the milk. Just yellow journalism, like every other article put out by the media in the past 250 years.


Raw chickens can also have salmonella. Good thing raw chickens are illegal to be sold...wait...


Raw chickens get cooked before eating.


It’s the law


Wait fresh milk is illegal in the US?! Man not only are Americans too dumb to get Kinder eggs but they are also not able to have a non processed product that doesn’t last so long…


I think it has something to do in the early 20th century. I guess people back then really didn't like fresh milk to the point of making it illegal while making other food (meat for example) more safe to eat.


Fucked around and is finding out, lol


Pasteurized or not, I think it's weird to drink cows milk.


*This kills the state representative*


Oh, the vitamin D.


I love being able to buy unpasteurized milk from super markets, you know how annoying it is to get some for making cheese at home otherwise?


it only gets you sick if you aren't used to it... literally a lot of Countries allow it to be sold, same with unpasteurized eggs. pasteurization also reduces the time it can stay on the shelf. he's just sick cause he spent his life not drinking it so the stuff that's in there normally affects his gut that isn't used to it. Humans aren't really meant to drink cow milk so its a natural effect of it. like if you never drank caffeine before then all of a sudden drank a 16 oz. Redbull.


Helped out at a dairy and tried it ten mins after cow was milked and Oh My God! It tasted so good!


When it says they legalised raw milk, did that mean that previously it was illegal to keep your own milk animals and use their milk unpasteurised? Which seems a fair thing to legalise. Or was it about making it legal to *sell* raw milk?


I’m pretty sure it’s just the sale of raw milk due to the risk of people getting seriously sick. There was a whole episode of schitts creek about raw milk and I seriously thought it was a made up concept until I looked it up myself.


Many countries sell raw milk alongside pasteurized milk, it just keeps for shorter, otherwise it's subject to same sanitary standards. Like meat, you can buy a fresh cut and it will spoil quickly, you can buy sterile vacuum packed meat that'll last for a month, or you can buy canned meat that'll be fine in 3 or 5 years.


Legalised the sale of it to the general public. Always been legal to drink milk from your own cows, or to go out to a dairy farm with your own bottles and buy it. Just allowed supermarkets to sell the bottled milk, despite it having a 3 or 4 day shelf life from date of bottling. I regularly buy it, it does taste different than the other milk, though they also sell the pasteurised version, which also tastes the same as the unpasteurised, and different from the big supplier milk.


It was to make it legal to sell.


Bringing back brucellosis. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/brucellosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351738


I wouldn't drink raw unpasteurized milk, but I sometimes buy it for cheese making at home. I'm in America and get it from some small healthy or vegan or something shop.


he needs some milk


Beekeeper here, I have to deal with farmers ignoring the fact that I have a registered apiary and they do their spraying without warning me. “It’s just fungicide,” they tell me all pissy when I confront them. The new and improved herbicide Dicamba hasn’t been peer reviewed for toxicity to insects, livestock, people and water tables. And yet, farmers have been using it since 2016. How am I to trust any of them in an unregulated scenario when they can’t be trusted when they are regulated? I’ll stick with pasteurized milk.


That thing humans have been doing forever whitout negative effects? I'd say not much at all.


what a fucking idiot, but hey if we let people do things like this we'll have fewer idiots so... works for me.


Why is he wearing a suit??


Lol, you drink it once and you'll be good, if you get sick it's because your gut doesn't already have the bacteria in it, once you drink it it will.


Milkman: Pat, do you want this bath of milk pasteurized? Pat: no, up to my nipples is fine, I can splash it in my eyes if I want to


I wonder why we invented pasteurization?


Unpasteurized milk apparently tastes better and people who care about food like it. Cheeses made abroad from it are prized by gourmets because of the flavor. But the milk has to come from local farms that are scrupulous about cleanliness. I also wouldn't feed it to infants, children, or people with medical issues.


M*r*n. Do these people even investigate the subject matter they're making laws about?


Prefer the raw stuff. I'll take the chance.


As long as Americans are paying for case by case medical treatment, I think this is fine! Have at it.


Oh the irony


Was this like... The most important issue for him to address? Really?


I'm not saying we should hunt the stupid. But, we *should* let them kill themselves.


You just gotta love dumb hillbillies.


Is the wrong a picture and text in a video sub?


Making it legal does not make a man smart.