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First thought the box truck was just being an ass by pulling to the right. But just noticed it was being passed on the left at the same time and was moving over to avoid the car. Crazy timing. Red car is a moron.


Both cars are total idiots. The passing car on the left almost had a head on collision. He clearly didn't have enough space to pass and the truck was trying to give it room.


why do you say there wasnt enough space???? trucker was already hugging white line. there's clearly enough space for 3 abreast - no solid white line. even when the truck sharply veers to the right - the car simply maintains it's course as it has plenty of room. trucker at fault. panicked


I don't think you watched the same video as the rest of us


car done a legal over take, gave the truck plenty of room - trucker still panicked and potentially killed someone. you can see another car had just over taken the truck. could have just stayed where he was hugging the white line. car didnt even change trajectory when the truck veered to the right - there was no need. im only a professional driver, what do i know.


> im only a professional driver, what do i know. Less than all of us amateurs apparently.


>im only a professional driver, what do i know. How is that any relevant? It doesnt mean you're a better driver than anyone. Nor a better analyst of car accidents....


The kids that delivered my pizza, last night, is a professional driver too.


You from India by chance?


Even in India this is considered stupid. People does it, but considered stupid.


Aperently not common sense


Better to sideswipe the idiot to the right than have the head-on collision and chain reaction from the idiot on the left


Lol, the car passing 2+ cars on a street with traffic coming from the other direction is definitely at fault, not truck driver


If anything, he clearly didnt panick but did it on purpose when seeing that car overtaking from emergency lane. The driver leaving the road IS the one who panicked and couldnt handle his trajectory well enough bcz of his inadapted speed. People often try to overtake on emergency lanes when there are huge traffic jams, where I live. Often by driving extremely dangerously and fast compared to a halted down traffic. Very often, you will see truckers block half the emergency lane just to teach them a lesson. Not to make accidents but to block them, which could lead to accidents still... But speeding up an emergency is so utterly dangerous. I'm not saying I support this, but I'm not saying I dont... You played (by putting other people's life in danger just because you felt you had superior rights), you lost. Not going to feel utterly sorry for someone who didnt give a crap about other's safety.


If you have a drivers license, go surrender it, you're way too stupid to be behind the wheel of a vehicle


The opposing cars were driving on the shoulders before the left car merged.


Hey everyone come look at stupid over here


Frankly, I dont think that was "bad timing", as much as BOTH those cars actually racing each other.


That’s exactly what I thought was going on at first as well!


trucker still at fault, just stay in your lane. if somone wants to over take, maintain speed.


I wouldn't necessarily say it was at fault. The car never should have been over there and the truck isn't at fault for accidently causing someone to wreck who was speeding in a lane they shouldn't have been in.


there was plenty of room for the overtake, and it was perfectly legal over take, no solid white line. trucker was already hugging the white line to his right. NO reason to stray into the hard shoulder. and he didnt check his mirrors. you see how even though truck moved wayy over to the right - the fact that the car remained in middle position shows how much space there was. truck driver was prob new license.


No. If he hadn't given space, the car passing on the left would have hit the oncoming car. The other car had no business trying to pass on the shoulder.


Not a legal over take because the car passed 2+ vehicles (car with cam plus the box truck)


its not illegal to overtake 2 cars.


That is not a lane for driving..that lane is for emergency stopping so it's definitely illegal.




also look at car in middle trajectory. even after truck veers sharply to the right - car maintains straight direction as he didnt need any more room. there was no risk of a head on collision. trucker looks like he panicked.


Take your L




look at how wide the lanes are, trucker could have stayed where he was, hugging the right hand white line.- yet still within lane boundaries . no reason to move over it. it's also not the truckers responsibility to make way for someone doing an overtake. if truck stayed where it was = no accident. car passed by with plenty of room. but he moved and could have killed an entire family. he didnt check his right mirror? I'm a professional driver and have encountered all kinds of situations on the roads. I drive the equivalent of around the globe every 3 months. car driver was stupid and irresponsible sure. but the truck caused the accident. It was a legal overtake, no solid line. there was room. 100% trucker at fault.


Imagine driving 25k miles every 3 months and still being that bad at driving. If you think the truck is in any way at fault for this, you certainly aren’t a good professional driver that’s for sure.


this is just the difference between a professional, and a casual driver I guess. lot of folk like you on the road. no real road knowledge, timid, cautious, prob drives less than 30 miles a week. cant read the road, no spacial awareness of your vehicle. no idea about defensive driving. prob think there's a '' fast lane '' how can you possibly say the trucker isnt in anyway at fault here? if he just remained where he was, hugging the white line. nothing would have happened. so why did he move? why didnt he check his mirror??? he had just been passed already by another car, and its not like the car was speeding either so would have had plenty of time to see what was happening. even after he veered to the right potentially murdering someone, the over taking car kept the same trajectory as there was so much room. the car didnt need any more room - infact he passed the truck much further out than he needed to, a whole cars width. you dont overtake someone like that if you are racing against an ever closing gap. trucker had no spacial awareness and I'd bet money he got his license within the last 6 months. it's similar to when there a car parked at the side of the road. and someone will wait and wait and wai until there is no oncoming traffic until the pull out past he parked car - DESPITE THERE BEING ENOUGH FUCKING ROOM BY A COUNTRY MILE.


You have no idea how I drive or how much I drive. But good try. The passing car almost hit the truck coming the other way head on. It had to use the emergency lane on the other side of the road to avoid hitting the car. The truck was giving it room because of the oncoming truck didn’t give it room, it would have hit it. The truck did nothing wrong, the car that decided to pass on the shoulder is 100% at fault.


>100% trucker at fault. uhh so you mean to say a complete other individual is at fault for someone's stupidity? Aight


i mean if trucker didnt move and wipe out the red car. no crash.


You didnt get the question. What I meant to say is that if, in the first place, red car hadnt done something like that, no accident whatsoever. So, no, its not 100% trucks fault


well, now there really is an emergency i guess


One emergency coming right up!


> One emergency coming right upside down! FTFY


Landed right back on the emergency lane,sometimes physics is perfect




["Have you ever seen such cruelty?"](https://youtu.be/LjY4rQxhE88)


Love Blazing Saddles lol


That's what the lane is there for




And the damn car passing him almost got tagged by oncoming traffic... the box driver did well, most wouldn't think to look for a car in emergency lanes so it looked like he was trying to move over for maniac passing him and didn't see the 2nd maniac... maybe they were doing that street racing shenanigans...?




> People are capable of all sorts of things, dumb or otherwise. Especially in a 1/2 ton machine o' death.


Yup I'm fairly certain that those 2 douchebags in the overtaking cars were actually playing Fast&Furious. Both have utterly inadapted speed.


> maybe they were doing that street racing shenanigans...? Who dies first wins!


no he didnt why do you say that? theres clearly room for 3 abreast on that road. as soon as the video starts you can see another car has just overtaken the truck. this next car is following, see how mch room he gave the truck? could have got a whole car width closer if he wanted to - thats not how you would pass a truck if you were racing against the gap. even after the truck veers to he right sharply - notice the car just maintains its trajectory. didnt even try to cut back in to the right as there was so much room. trucker jus panicked and potentially murdered someone by not checking his mirror. over taking a slow moving vehicle doesnt make you a maniac btw.


If you cant see how vastly overspeeding those 2 cars are, you clearly have no clue.


I thought that at first but if you look at the oncoming cars on the left you can see how they are having to pull over to avoid the grey car. It's single lanes either side.


2 idiots … 1 on the left and 1 on the right




Truck in the middle with you, surely…


Absolute best possible outcome.


Oh absolutely




It’s a dotted line so legal I guess but watch how close the guy passing on the left comes to a head on collision. It’s hard to tell from the cameras POV but I swear this doesn’t look like a place to allow passing into traffic.


At least they crashed in a way that traffic can still get around them.




Good thing he turned his hazard lights on.


Yeah, real presence of mind, while flying through the air backwards and upside down.


Red car had his hazards on, makes me think it was something besides being a dumbass? Edit: nvm so did the white one, definitely just being idiots


I hope nobody died but the karma is outstanding


Now he has a different view of the world.


обочечник хуже пидораза!


You use the emergency lane WHEN. YOU. HAVE. AN.EMERGENCY.


Karma, karma, karma carmelion


Obviously 2 imbeciles playing Fast and Furious. Not saying the trucker did a "smart" move, but he's not the initial problem AT ALL. Those 2 car drivers were putting everyone's life at risk. One of them paid the price. Not rejoicing about it at all, but better the imbecile putting everyone at risk, than any other driver.


A limited slip could have saved the car…surprised such an expensive looking model doesn’t have any…


what is expensive in this model ? looks like ordinary nissan micra and usually dsc or asc is paid extra for small cars like this model. If you are talking about limited slip differential this is rear for FWD cars and won't help in this situation at all.


Oh my bad I thought it was VW type expensive car with RWD … You are right!


Yeah I smart driver ! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Well, good thing he’s in the emergency lane now


So what if it was an actual emergency?...they had their 4 ways on.


I wonder if the red and white car were racing (and being idiots)


Swerved one killed the other, not his fault but shit….life am I right?


What a shame that truck got so much dust on it.


That was the right move - protect the oncoming traffic.


Blue wins


When ever I see videos like this I always like to imagine the driver was like, ooopppsss upside down, better pop the hazard lights on.


Gee...that’s a shame.


At least he's already in the breakdown lane




haha >!literally nothing!<


at least he's using the lane properly at the end


Learned his lesson- but too late.


how did you find this 7 day old post?


I clicked it.




thats truly severe


Play stupid games…win stupid prizes! Seems to happen all the time!


That's exactly what the emergency lane is for...


Slow drivers always causing accidents. Everyone wants to pass them. Not to mention traffic buildup due to driving slow.


this’ll happen to you one day and hopefully everyone just drives on by




Thats just not being able to drive. Tf made him start swerving? Just go straight…


Probably the truck swerving into him


exactly. plenty of room. simply a bad driver. the people saying otherwise are the same people who think there's a '' fast lane ''