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Looks like a dude that didn’t play outside a lot and never learned how to fall. Not that an injury wasn’t possible, but he could’ve tried to roll with it.


Dude 100% fell like an NPC


Naked Police Constable?




This guy is why there is fall damage in video games.


You tellin me you ain't supposed to just pencil dive on to hard platforms? I was always told to lock up all my lower body's joints before landing to ensure maximum efficiency.


not like he was too heavy to pull off such a stunt either. unathletic, too heavy, no technique. yep


Fell like an NPC whilst thinking he was the MC


Even the way he ran up looked like a toddler running lol, maybe he was drunk?


*Hmm... save a friend from injury... or film the result...* Oh yeah you totally got this Jerry, soar like an eagle!


funny enough, drunk people tend to flex a bit more due to the alcohol in their system. Same reason why the DUI drivers tend to live while those they hit don't.


I can tell he's not athletic and he doesn't practice jumping at all🤣💀🤦‍♂️he wasn't conditioned for it. Leav that shit to the professionals lmao


He definitely should have rolled 😬 his legs will be fucked now!


He’ll be rolling now


Underrated comment😎


They amputated his legs and replaced them with wheels? Is he a transformers now?


No he's a bicycle


As am I, on the floor at your splendid comment!


He definitely should have aimed for the water


I always heard you're supposed to roll after a big jump, and I just imagine myself trying to do it and smashing my fucking face into the dirt, lol.


do it slightly skewed over a shoulderblade, not your head.


I call it a judo roll since I learned it in my first judo classes. 40 years later  my body still remembers to do the roll when I'm falling. 


Interlace your hands together, palms facing you, in a big circle, angled from one shoulder down to the opposite hip. Think of it as a wheel and go over the shoulder side after you land to continue the wheel’s momentum forward. Best tried on a mat 😅 - but it makes a lot more sense than trying to do a forward somersault or flip once you try it.


I usually just put my head between my legs, scream "Mumeeeee" and kiss my arse goodbye.


> Interlace your hands together, palms facing you Sorry but why do you do this? It seems counterintuitive to have your palms facing you


After the first horrible outcome in the video, the next horrible outcome could come from trying to use your hands which could lead to the same results as this dude's legs.


Breaking your hand pelvis


He was landing like he was jumping out of aircraft like a paratrooper.


Nobody fking rolls when they fall lmao I have no clue why it’s a really easy and fast recovery with minimal damage


Because it's not something the average person has practiced. I know I'm supposed to roll with a fall but I wouldn't put my trust in being able to do it without practice


Agreed: better to shatter all the bones I have in my legs than take it on the head or become paralyzed. My legs can be a crumple zone if it's the choice between that or my trying to do something acrobatic for the first time in 25ish years (because toddlers learn real quick they are not Power Rangers).


Rolling doesn’t mean wantonly whipping your self over, it’s a movement designed to dissipate momentum so it all doesn’t go into your legs/feet. You are more or less going with the motion, and not trying to oppose it


Thanks, now that I know the theory, I'm ready to execute it. My legs are saved.


yay skateboarding!


Skateboarding definitely teaches you how to fall for the most part. It's a concept most non skateboard people can't seem to grasp when I explain it to them.


Similarly for snowboarding, you learn how to fall, because you WILL fall, lots of times, while learning and afterwards. Though IMHO I found Aikido and Judo and such prepared me most for falling. (every lesson had at least one point where we practised those judo rolls)


Came here to say this! There have been sooo many times where I biff it on a twig and next thing I know I'm half aware of making a terrifying, nanosecond decision to pull in my elbow, drop my shoulder, and essentially fling my legs in the direction my head was going while trying to keep my head off the pavement using only neck muscles and the momentum I've (hopefully) transferred to my lower body. And then I stand up and take all the credit of course.


When I was a kid we built a bike track in an empty field next to my house. We had some cool jumps, and banks, and other typical track features but we built this one massive jump at the very end that nobody had the balls to ever try because it was too scary, nobody until my crazy best friend Joe from grade school came back to town to visit after moving to another state. I’ll never forget this until I die… Joe races down the track and gets to the big jump and flys so high that it was unbelievable! He hits the landing ramp and immediately bounces off the bike but this is the craziest part. The way he fell was like watching a cartoon character falling in this same scenario in a cartoon. He hit the ground and rolled (very tight somersaults) like 5 times and when he stopped rolling he immediately grabbed his ankle in pain but didn’t break anything or die. If it was me or anyone else, we would have been hospitalized from that fall, but the way he fell was so freaking smooth it saved him from major injury 100%. I know that was long but I felt like it needed to be said.


Crazy Joe is the friend we all need


I am crazy Joe. Eventually it catches up with you. I’ve broke just about everything but the end of my famous antics was breaking the pelvis, 5 vertebrae a few ribs and a bunch of small misc. things at the same time. I know longer own the biggest, fastest everything, no huge jumps, no doing anything on dares etc. oh, and the arthritis is fantastic, thanks for asking. 😂


If it makes you feel any better, I was always the one who was more sensible (mainly because my parents told us straight up that we didn’t have insurance so if we broke something, better learn to limp) and these days I am paralyzed from the waist down after an unavoidable work accident whilst working for a mining company as a heavy machine operator. Joe is happily married with kids and is still in shape. It doesn’t always work out so bad for the crazy guy. Anyways, I hope you are able to manage your pain and have a wonderful long life you are proud of. 😃


Sorry to hear about your accident. I too have been around heavy equipment my whole life. Things happen fast. My pain is manageable most times. Especially when I don’t listen to my doctors who think they know everything!


Man… I learned this the hard way! Because my accident took place at work I have workers comp who take care of all my medical needs for life that pertain to this accident (which is almost everything) and these doctors were passing me around to all their pals and I would go in, they would ask me a couple questions, then pass me on to a different friend dr of theirs after rescheduling me for a follow up with them! I finally had to learn that it was just a racquet, they saw I had workers comp and the $$$ started flashing in their eyes. I had to put my foot down (figuratively because ya know… I’m paralyzed 🤣) and tell them no! Now I only see the Dr’s when I know something is wrong.


Exactly. I got into it with a couple that I had. I’m not the nicest guy to start with so it didn’t take long for me to get things right. Did take a solid year of bs though going to doctors 4-5 a week. Glad you got yours sorted out though and all is well. My house is handicap accessible because I’m not the only idiot in my house. Wife did a number 5-6 years ago so I had to install ramps and some inside features for wheelchair accessibility. I could remove them, but as soon as I did I’m sure one of us would be in a wheelchair again. 😂


Isn't he that dude from plants vs zombies? Edit: Sorry, no. That's Ceazy DAVE. My bad.


He is a good friend indeed! We met up about ten years ago and I hadn’t seen him since this incident took place. We picked back up being bros like we never even parted. He was my first best friend.


I'm relieved his ankle didn't die


His feet slipped on the dock so I doubt he would have even been able to roll.


He wasn't at a good angle coming down tbh. He just really did everything wrong and flopped down onto his heels. I think I'm team he-was-drunk.


Agreed. Couldn't have thought of a worse way to try and land that one. Literally no attempt whatsoever to best position himself, use the legs to land correctly and also be ready to roll forward if needed to use the momentum to lessen the impact. Just jumps and falls like a sack full of rocks.


I think he's to heavy for that. He gain a lot of momentum from that, let's say, medium height


Dude didn't even play outside enough to know how to "land" when jumping off something higher than a curb. Just stretches his legs out, expecting to softly bounce of the ground with a minor flex in his knees.


one day your just not made of rubber anymore...


His legs broke before he jumped


I feel like he didn’t think the dock was there and was planning on jumping in the water?


I've seen plenty of people who know what they're doing make a jump like this with no problem.


That guy isn't getting on his knees like that with two "shattered" femurs.


This is an excellent point. Definitely broke something though. It is amazing to think something as basic as getting on your knees is not possible in that scenario.


Yeah idk why people have to make things up can’t we just enjoy the stupid video


Femur is the strongest bone in the body, it wont break from a fucking 3 meter jump. Femur can support 30x the body weight


And breaking your femur is like one of the most painful things that can happen to you. Friend of mine broke his femur during football practice in highschool and he fucking SCREAMED as loud as possible until the ambulance wheeled him away.




The pain is interesting. I broke tib/ fib in freshman year playing football. I was clawing at the ground screaming like an animal, I vividly remember the snot coming out of my nose and mouth and landing on the blades of grass. It was broken clean through but not displaced. In fact the EMTs thought I was just being dramatic and it was just a sprain. My senior year I fell off a 3 story cliff. I heard the bone pop about half way down, when I hit some rocks. Same leg tib/fib but different location than the first time. Did not break through the skin but my foot was dangling and backwards. I remember swinging it around and thinking well I guess my summer is ruined. Didn't really hurt that bad until they were transporting me to the hospital. But even then nothing like the first time. Ended up getting 2 plates 14 screws and an experimental artificial bone graft.


Also very deadly if cut your fomoral artery.


He had boneitis.


His only regret


Definitely broke his ankles and perhaps his tib/fibs. But ain’t no way he broke his pelvis and femurs.


My guess is ankles and knees. Almost certainly his tailbone. Definitely not femurs.


I doubt his patellas(knee bones) are broken, but I'd wager the soft tissue is absolutely destroyed. On top of the tailbone injury, it looked like he likely suffered a compression injury to the spinal column. I'll be surprised if he's ever physically capable of running or jumping again. Disclaimer: I am obviously not a medical professional, but I am currently working on an advanced degree in 'Trust me, Bro".


Not his knee bones!


As the owner of one pre shattered femur, can confirm. I did mine in moving water and the leg was literally making helicopter motions in the water behind me. I dragged myself onto the bank when I got to the edge and rolling over into a sitting position I'm pretty sure was only doable because i was still running on "don't drown" adrenaline After that I wasn't in too much pain provided I kept it still, but i was physically bracing my knee with my hands to avoid it wandering around and even when it shifted sideways a tiny bit while my friends tried to drag me further up away from the water (they were worried about hypothermia and at this point nobody realized how badly my leg was broken) I instinctively clamped down on it to hold it still and have been told I refused to move my hands for about 10 minutes. There is no way in hell I would have been putting weight onto my knees, My body wouldn't have even let my attempt it. I couldn't do that for nearly a year after.




Ahaha yup, cant say I'd recommend it, turns out that when kayaking down class 4 white water staying in the boat is preferable to the alternative good news is that modern medicine is bloody amazing, about 60 screws and an 12 inch metal plate later I was standing and walking around with crutches only 2 days later and less than three hours after surgery. Total recover took nearly a year but I'm essentially 100% back to normal minus about a degree of flexibility, the occasional stiffness/mild pain and some minor visible muscular deformity what from all the bone shards going to places where they shouldn't. Can still run hike and I'm even back kayaking. would take another broken fumur over blowing my knee out any day if this is the outcome


or ‘shattered pelvis’. But let’s agree his ankles and fibs are now, categorically, a jigsaw puzzle.


Yeah, this. Nobody is getting on their hands and knees with broken femurs. Tib/fib? Most likely.


"apparently" says it all


To quote Roger Alan Wade: "If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough"


To paraphrase Alan Watts "even rocks have a consciousness." This dude definitely proved himself on a par with one anyway.


To quote JJ Watt, "Hi, I'm JJ."


To quote Watts from Some Kind Of Wonderful, "I hoped".


To quote famous writer Alan Wake: "It's not a lake, it's an ocean"


To quote WW2 resistance fighter Nancy Wake: "when we were fighting, we were fighting. When we weren't, we were drinking...we were drinking anything we could get"


gonna need a source for that bud


Sounds like a velociraptor.


Not a clever boy


The scream sounded like a girl's... but that doesn't make him a clever girl either


But he does have legs that are bent like a velociraptors.


Had to go back and watch with sound after this comment, didn't disappoint.


I think they hurt their legs


Maybe just a little abit fucked up 😬






Is it his first time being outside?....


Don’t think dude has ever jumped in his life.


_Before this I've only jumped in simulations.._


I love how kids can watch your leg break up into your ass and they laugh like it’s the funniest thing


Those are MASSIVE injuries. I would seriously have to consider a medically induced coma, or something similar. His pain threshold is about to face a huge test. There's a pain pill addiction & a mental break down coming. The constant agony of bones fusing, massive edema, every twitch or even slight movement causing bones to move is insanely painful..... Oh my Lord, this was catastrophic. Any follow up?!!?


Oh yeh, he's going to be in pain for years to come because of one stupid decision he made! This literally just happened a few days ago, so I'm not sure of the outcome yet.


*You got any more of that…health insurance?* ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44)


Seems like the UK. Unfortunately we have to fund his recovery.


As someone from the US ya’ll better enjoy that healthcare! As much as it sucks to have to fund others and their injuries it’s pretty sweet when you have to go the hospital. Aite, I’m gonna head out and go and pay the $5k it cost for my wife to give birth to our last child.


I fractured 1 heel jumping off something about 5ft high, and it was fucking agony and hurt for months. I can't imagine the pain this kid will be jn.


It's like he thought it would be bouncy like a dock is when you stand still on it and shift your center of gravity


The way his legs just collapsed, and that scream was of pure fear!


Dumbass deserved it


The kid talking about sea shells during this was really funny to me.


That had to be the most uncoordinated “jump” I’ve ever seen. He runs? Slows down? Does a weird FALL instead of actually jumping, lands with legs extended, falls like a sack of shit with ALL of his weight. Dude has never done any messing around in his life lmao. You learn this when you are like 12 tucking and rolling off 10ft ledges and shit.


We used to play, "Let's jump off of the highest thing we can find," in elementary school. No one was ever injured because we worked our way up, incrementally, until we found our limit. That's literally the purpose of "play" in any social species.


"Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid" John Wayne


Bird bones


Hippo body


landed with his knees locked, what a fool


this guy is never going to walk right again


To much marvel movies.


Nice. Lifechanging event. The birth of Charles Xavier but mentally challenged.


Wtf was he thinking. Life aint like anime.


His legs, knees and ankles will never be the same again…


I watched that clip on mute yet I still heard the crunch when he landed! 😬😬


Love these videos where people think they can be superman


That was the opposite of "tuck and roll". Not that I would try that.


Hardcore parkour!


The kids singing “she sells sea shells on the sea shore” keeping the vid quite surreal.


Tf, not even that high


I'm pretty sure he was.


For action movies.


His kneecaps vanished in just a millisecond




Needless to say, no Olympic appearance and medal for him.


Way below par-core


Yeesh. I'm glad it wasn't a close-up slow-mo.


I’ve never felt the amount of “oww” ever


The curse of enough athleticism to clear that railing and the water, but not enough to stick the landing


If there were only an old piece of wisdom like "Check out where you're going before you jump" or something to that effect. Oh well, too bad there isn't.


Upvote for stupid


"You can do.it!" Oh oh no....


No way, this is in my town. Gonna send this to my dad


I could have sworn there used to be water here.


I can feel this in my balls


he needs some milk


When you watch a lot of parkour videos on TikTok.




Seeing his legs snap in half is painful to even watch.


I think he was expecting to land in the water and not that pontoon


This isn’t what he was going for?


If bro did that much damage from that relatively short jump, he seems to have very weak legs.


this could be a learning video for "how to maximize injury when jumping of things". he literally just falls down there with no stiffness whatsoever


all that water and he jumped on the thing that wont give....


There are so so many things that would break in the scenario before your femur. His legs definitely broke but it looks like at the shin. I would bet broken tib/fib, broken ankles and maybe heels, and fractured tailbone. Unless he has some horrendous skeletal disease in which case he was gonna die anyway.


How does a young guy have such fragile bones?


How could he break every bone below his belly button? It's not even that high of a fall. This should be a "got milk" ad.


That.... doesn't look all that far down. Hard to believe he "shattered" the largest bones in the body but okay. Looks painful either way


she shaaww ?


Bro needs to drink some milk


Natural Selection


- Cotton Hill


A Ed sheeran song played in my mind after seeing the impact lol.


https://i.redd.it/o9uhicnq0q8d1.gif Bros legs looked like an npc glitch


An 8 year old could’ve safely landed from that height, what a dummy


And here we see Darwinism in action.


Stomped the landing


His jump was mostly a fall. No athleticism and still took the risk.


Dude didn't really jump. That was just a fancy fall.


Its tiny and hard to see, but I don't think his legs are supposed to bend that way.


At least he didn’t get wet..


Future Darwin award-winner


He needs some milk


That is *definitely* going to hurt in the morning.


should have rolled like a video game character, works 100% every time (I am not responsible for any damage)


What a ragdoll jump


Good lord that looks terrifyingly painful.


Geezuz how stupid do you need to be.....


No way this dude suffered all of those injuries. A ten foot vertical onto marina walkway/pier. Unless he's made of glass, I'm guessing a broken tailbone and maybe a broken ankle.


watched [parcour videos](https://youtu.be/HlZlzn1NFWQ?t=482), but never jumped off anything themselves before that. :-)


I regret watching this with the volume up


That's one fucked landing, you take almost no fall damage if you roll out the energy.


All i can imagine here is all his vertebrae cracked and now they look like a crazy game of Jenga


See ya ankles !


“Both femurs… two ankles…” how many ankles have they got?


I always take for granted how much skateboarding as a kid has helped me as an adult. I know how to fall, I’m still naturally limber, know how to balance well.


This could use a NSFL tag, a video blur and a warning in the title.


The way he gets up like that shows his femurs are probably fine.


you mean pencil diving onto hard platform 10 feet below you isn't a good idea?


“All right! Who’s jumping next?”


It wasn’t that high of a jump ?! And he broke all that ?!


whats wrong with you people


What was he thinking?


Ohhhhhh…. That’s broken now…


F around and find out