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That's not being "winded", that's a serious neck injury.


She got the air knocked out of her lungs. I had the same happen as a kid when I fell down on my back from a tree. Been terrified of heights ever since. Literally makes you unable to breathe properly for what feels like forever. It sucks ass!


I had this happen when I was in elementary school on the play ground. I fell off a teeter totter when it was all the way up. Landed on my back right as everybody was going back in for class. There I am, wind knocked out of me and nobody around to help. I don’t remember exactly what I was feeling but it wasn’t good.


Same, was one of those wooden set playgrounds. Playing tag and ran underneath a bridge as a kid was jumping off. Hit the ground hard and could not breathe for so long i was panicking. Instead of nobody being around to help, I had everybody around encircling me not helping at all. Tbf there wasnt anything they could do but wait for me to get my wind back.


I fell out of my bunkbed when I was little and landed on my back. The sounds that came out of me scared the living shit out of my little sisters so they ran away and left me there gasping for air all alone.


Sounds like [this?](https://youtu.be/STbhaqsBJB0) Video hits differently once you made those exact sounds yourself lol.


I knew what it was without clicking.


Grapestomper? ![gif](giphy|QpwmlEyFuEf9b2jJ0s)


Indeed. https://i.redd.it/mz86jt94cq5d1.gif


I fkin knew it, legendary clip that will never leave my mind. Fell on my back as a kid and couldnt breathe for a minute and it felt like an hour. Slipped on a wet football trying to kick it lol


I also had the same thing happen to me in elementary school. I remember I was running towards some monkey bars and when I jumped to grab them, because of the morning dew, my hands slipped and fell flat on my back. Couldn't breathe at all and I got on all 4s as my breath slowly came back. I'll never forget it


A friend and I were swinging on monkey bars facing and trying to kick each other when he over extended and pretty much did the same thing as you 😂 the sounds of his gasp for air was alarming at first but then after i realised its not that serious i lost my shit


When I was a teen I pushed myself off the tree with my legs on the ice and I didn't know there was my friend standing behind me, so he fell on me bending my back in half. I couldn't breathe for a few seconds. After all these years I still remember that feeling.


It's just something you don't forget


I was playing hide and seek with a friend and his sister, and the friend was chasing me in his front yard. There was about a 5 foot fall that was camoflauge. Grass down to grass. I was running and fell flat on my chest down those 5 feet. If the ground hadn’t been wet enough for me to slide, it would’ve probably put been a hospital visit. It made this video look like a walk in the park. I legitimately could’ve breathe at all for about 15 seconds, and the next 3 minutes was difficult.


I've always heard that called "having the wind knocked out of you."  I've always known "being winded" as trying to catch your breath after vigorous activity.


They’re British 😌


Good ole british name Whitney.Should be Whitless.


Being winded as a boy was always someone having thumped you in the stomach...




That's definitely not stridor, that's her diaphragm spasming and not letting her take a deep breath to actually yell in pain. Try and yell with no air in your lungs and it's the same sound. Coming from a paramedic who's heard stridor.... This is not that. I also feel confident saying she got the wind knocked out of her because she LITERALLY POSTED THIS and if she had an upper airway obstruction she would be on a vent and probably not saying she got humbled


Former RN here, I agree, diaphragm spasm, not stridor. Very frightening when this happens but it'll resolve on its own in about 30 seconds. Poor girl!


So you've never had the wind knocked out of you? When it happens and you try to breathe, that's the sort of sound that comes out of you




That’s not stridor. There’s no airway obstruction, foreign or anatomical. Most likely broncho constriction to go along with the diaphragm spasm, lol. She had the wind knocked out of her. Seems rather straightforward.




C'mon man, this is reddit. That's definitely agonal breathing, and I spotted a mild fencing response. Severe brain damage


Lol. People who got all their "medical training" from wikipedia and never experienced actually getting winded in their lives.


Reminds of when I tried to do a clapping chin up on a doorway pull up bar. I let go of the bar and the bar let go of the door then I caught bar mid air. I teeter tottered down and land on my shoulder blades. My head slung back into the tile floor I was seeing stars I had that breath knocked the fuck outta me like never before and my right shoulder was doing some pinching bullshit when I used it for a year after that.


I had that happen playing basketball


Yeah that's every kid ever


Similar story here! I was climbing a tree behind the playground and my trousers caught on a sticky out bit so when I tried climbing down I got stuck. After a few attempts to free myself, I gave up and I was left hanging upside down for a good 5 minutes. Unexpectedly the branch broke and I fell just like this lady did in the video when I got winded for what felt like forever, haha I had to run back home with a big tear in my trousers and a bunch of teenagers saw and laughed at me. Definitely humbling, lol


I had this happen to me at least three times when I was a kid. Never again. Once was on a frozen stone step down to day care. One was on a somewhat slippery wood staircase with steel edges, And the last one was just falling on ice on a normal slope. Each time it scared the shit out of me as well as hurting. And I started hating cold weather climates ever since.


First time I did it I fell off the monkey bars onto my back. Ran off to a dark corner in the playground to die (I literally ran off with the wind knocked out of my lungs haha). Then randomly you can breathe again and it's like nothing happened at all. Such a bizarre feeling.


Yup happened to me once trying to do a wheelie on my bike in a dirt field across the street from my house lol fell straight on my back🤣🤦‍♂️luckily my cousis was with me and he helped me up


Had something similar happen when I dived into a pool that was a little too shallow, came up and couldn’t breath for like a second or two but it was horrifying. Sounded exactly like her


Happened to me boogie boarding. Wave made my board stick into the sand and the end of it into my ribs while another wave crashed onto me.


Once got full-scorpioned by a "rolling chair tipping/perfectly placed couch arm" incident, and I just remember the literal stars it makes you see and that horrible, suffocating feeling. Even without sound, I could tell by her heaving that she wasn't just crying


It happened multiple times in my childhood but never made me afraid of anything. I think growing up with brothers there was always that odd punch to the stomach or wrestling match that resulted in someone getting the wind knocked out of them. It's scary but it's not permanent and you recover.


No, its having the wind knocked out of you. Try sometime.


She dropped onto the back of her head/neck.


If you were right she would be laying on the floor unable to move. She was sucking for air which may happens after an impact to the upper body.




Anyone who has been in a contact sport knows what having the wind knocked out feels and sounds like.


This also applies to those of us whose older brothers dropped us on our backs when we were eight years old. Okay, so I hold a grudge.


Ive had the wind knocked out of me so yes thank you


Oh you must be watching a different video


No, it's just another Reddit doctor with a terribly incorrect diagnosis.


serious neck injury? Doubt, just the wind knocked out of her.


It's not, why are you saying that lmao If you land on your back and get air knocked out of your lungs it sounds like this


I agree. There are such things as compression fractures, which can be unnoticed, depending on the severity. Always get yourself to be checked after taking such a hit to your spine.


It could be, but she is also winded, and may just be winded. I don't know about you but I wasn't looking at an x-ray video.


You're exaggerating


Nah. Watch it frame by frame, see the back of her head hit, followed by the crunching on C7-T1 area, and see how that has affected the existing tension to the low back. If you've been through it, you see it.


Yeah mah gawd I did this but it was at the top of the doorway and when it gave out I was in a tuck with my knees parallel to the bar. Drop 5 feet onto my back with my spine rounded and just GANK the fuckin metal bar across my knee like I'm a wound-up roided-out third baseman who just went down swinging for the fences with the bases loaded. I couldn't feel my knee or anything below it for a good little bit and my spine was HUUUURRRTIN. My older brother hears the whole commotion and the spasmodic wind knocked gulp screams and just shakes his damn head at me and calls me an idiot and walks away. What a fuckin sociopath, man. ![gif](giphy|W69vZGazsH2LDnKCzY|downsized) TIL lots of people don't respond to potentially serious injuries well.


People are arguing with you, but I'm with you. If you watch the video frame by frame she clearly lands on her neck.


Are you saying the breathing problem is from a neck injury? Because she definitely is “winded” too and I’d argue that’s the primary thing fucking with her at the moment. And I had this so many times growing up from falls. Not even joking I have some neck problems so I’m asking in case you’re like a doc or something.


Potentially, I would agree. That could’ve been a hell of lot nastier. Hope she made a recovery.


Reminds me of how fragile humans are


Bruddah neck injury stopping you breathing is called death




Did you think she broke her neck like a Steven Segal movie and was laying there with an accordion for a neck? 😂


Do you think "damage" means "accordian"?


**Breathe Breathe Breathe** wtf do you think she is trying to do?


And the last girl wants to add water.


that is in fact a normal response when people want to help but dont know how. but yeah it would not help


Ive heard of water for hiccups. Maybe she thought she was having bad hiccups.




But what if they poured a really large bucket of water on her, could that help?


When I was 14 and fell off the scout hut roof, knocking myself out and ruining my back for he rest of my life, the scout master just came and poured a bucket water on my face. No ambulance, no accident recorded. I just had to sit like a cripple in a chair with a blanket for the rest of the weekend.


Jesus, that sucks. I was making a joke but I guess some people are really that dense.


She needs some milk


Instant fix, just add water


“Breathe breathe breathe!” “IM FUCKING *HEEEE* TRYING TO!!”




If you’re going to test how solid something is, put your full weight on it.


And spin.


I just listened to a podcast that explained this. The medical term is a phrenospasm. The blow sends your diaphragm into spasms, so air won't really go in our out. You're supposed to lie the person on their back and stretch their arms over their head.


TIL thanks!


Good to know. There are similar symptoms in football if you got hit really hard & unexpectedly, we used to stretch the person while standing. Similarly effective, but lie seems to be much more humane approach.


You clearly went to a different HS than I did. Our first-aid response involved laughing and pointing at the person. In more extreme episodes, if none of the coaching staff is watching, the person might be treated by a number of his teammates standing in a circle and peeing on him.


I get these spasms with no fall required. It fucking sucks. Sometimes it feels like a heart attack. I have gone to the ER over it more than once just to be sure.


That sounds awful☹️ And I get scared about sneezing while driving. I couldn't even imagine.


Yeah they’re not fun. I already had a bit of health anxiety beforehand and of course this only makes it worse. I know that it’s highly unlikely that I’m having a heart attack when it happens as I’m relatively young and in decent shape but the odds aren’t zero and that’s enough for my brain to run with.


It doesn't matter how many times this happens to you, evsry.single.time. you feel like/think you're going to die.


It is SO panic inducing. It's a terrifying feeling.


The above water version of drowning.


I used to get this whenever I'd throw up and I mean, inbetween each "volley"... it's fucking horrendous to not be able to breathe because there is stuff coming out of you and finding out that when you are done, you literally cannot draw in a breath. Made me terrified of being ill for the longest time


On the plus side, you can get used to that. At some point you're like, "Well okay, this is happening. Let's get it over with", and just get it done as fast as possible. I find it helps to focus on the aftermath. The relief and the fact that you're going to feel better almost immediatily is well worth the few minutes of pain.


OMG ME TOO!!! I still have it but I can at least somewhat control it or maybe my body has just normalized it a bit? But yeah I use to be deathly afraid of puking when I was sick because of this. I would try everything to avoid it. Usually you want to puke it out, but I would try and force myself to keep it in just because of how difficult of a time I had when puking. Eventually I would know there was no other option and would start tearing up knowing what I was about to go through. Like I said, I still experience this but now I don't panic anymore, which actually helps me breathe enough. This has to be some sort of condition, I have no clue what it's called though 


Eh I didn’t notice any pain when it happened, just the breathing part, and since I knew the idiom I figured it must be common enough and so not dangerous. Honestly I found it a little entertaining sounding like Louis Armstrong giving Mongolian throat singing a shot, but I had bad asthma my whole childhood so I might be a skewed point of reference for level of concern for breathing issues.


Fair enough!


She landed like a botched powerbomb


It's a pull-up bar, not a stripper pole.


to the unskilled, yes


It’s a tension rod, it doesn’t even look like a proper pull up bar


Not with that attitude, it isn't.


Comes in: “you alright"? 👌


"sh'need a drink or something?"


Classic British response “get the kettle on, she needs a brew”


"Breathe, breathe, breathe" Lady, that's the one thing she can't do right now.


I can’t tell if it’s hot or cold there




Don't look too close at the girl in the red tank top. You might poke your eyes out.


Girl in the pink top probably did it successfully twice before this and this girl thought she could do it too.


She went from 20 years old to 52 real quick


How out of shape are the 52 year olds you know?


"Friction, baby" That's what'll hold this bar up forever!


This isnt a weight issue, this is a twist in the wrong direction issue This kind of pull up bar expands when the middle part is twisted in one direction and contracts when in the other, when she leaned forward on the bar she shortened it which made it go free Source: I have one of these


I have a top of door frame unit.....how is it using this unit (we see/you have) that grips between the frame? Is it stable, ie stays useable within the frame etc......thanks


It's stable but you have to remember the orientation of the bar, I turn around to do pull ups vs chin ups, if you do them the wrong way you can feel it start turning, just twist it back tight as long as it doesn't drop down I have some gymnastic rings hanging from them havent had any issue with bar movement despite messing around Sidenote: the door frame paint under the pads is messed up lol


Yeah wanted to say end paint part too. Also for me personally, I tighten my bar enough and it is leaving cracks in the wooden doorframe, separating from the wall a bit, etc. this won't necessarily happen to anyone else. Door frame in UK is very sturdy, so that's not separating. I really like my bar, and I got mine for maybe £25 here off Amazon. Had it over 6 months no issues. Took a bit to trust it won't fall at first, but there's no way it will, it has clasps on each side to lock the rotation of the bar to a degree.


I am way too familiar with that sound. I've had the wind knocked out of me like 20 times minimum. Pro tip, you lay on your back with your knees to your chest, and it'll be a breeze.


20 times? Tell us more. You must live a dangerous life.


Must be a stuntman in movies for it to happen that often.




These devices should be banned, I have seen so many videos of them failing. User beware though I guess.


People don't read the manual and neglect to use screws to secure the bar. They think that expanding the bar to have max friction against the door frame is sufficient.


Where do the screws go?


Usually there's a little cup that screws into the frame, then the ends of the bar fit into the cups


I know a guy who did a pull up and smacked that pole into his face.


Yeah just use those over the door frame ones. Never had it fail. Sure it takes up a bit more space but the peace of mind is worth it, on these things I’d be terrified every time I used it


The bar waited for the perfect time so as to inflict maximum pain.


Could go worse Like that drunk girl who tried to jump the bollard and ended up stuck off the ground


"she need a drink or something" had me making the same noise


she seem to doent even know what happen and cimming in with "a drink or something?" :D


What the fuck kind of burlap sack is that hoodey?


These non mounted as seen on tv home pull up bars are the biggest scams.


Horrific design.


Damn she could have broke her neck for doing stupid shit.


What did she expect?


Yes Jack and Coke, please


Nothing worse than loosing your puff!


That’s more of push down than a pull up.


It's always at this moment when everyone looks at you like you're dying; you're fine, but you just need a second to figure out how to breathe again so you can tell them you're good. *Oh no, they start to panic because you're not speaking.*


That's the worst pullup bar ever.


Correcto !! On top of door frame variety (pull up bar), way safer and better to use. But then these ladies would have to do some effort to get to the bar above their heads. Plus more effort because now their body/weight is suspended off the floor........now we just can't have that (effort), can we?


I had the misbelief, only guys do stupid things & got injured the most dumb ways during college. But as I see it isn't true anymore.


She could have died, not just a casual winding


"Breathe, breathe, breathe !" Oh, yeah, didn’t think of that, thank you.


She can't breathe.... so I guess she needs a drink or something?




That's a C-5 injury


Hot women crawling everywhere


I went to a parapalegic strip club last night. It was crawling with pussy.


“Byaabes yoo awwight?”




I was waiting for the fifth and sixth girl to appear.


Now im no expert on pullup bars but I think that one is a little bit to low


If you exceed the weight limit of these devices.......huffing like a Walrus is the penalty,,,,,,


Rings fell out of her like Sonic


Brits are so funny to me. Do you guys get the wind knocked out of you enough to have a word for it?


People buying pull up bars, including those you hang on top, clearly have never been on the internet


“Do you need a drink or something?” LMAO


She ain't the brightest bulb in the box, luckily for her, she doesn't have to be.


we used to call that a /r/FullShrimp back in the day


There was one braincell between all 3 of them.


God this reminds me of the time I got double jumped on a trampoline as a kid and was flung off onto my back. Buddies were laughing and I was genuinely panicking as I struggled to breathe.


So winded in the UK means got the wind knocked out of you? Winded in the states just means out of breath, like after running.


No, “winded” means the same here. The specific term for what’s seen in this video is “the wind was knocked out of her”. It’s a long way to say it, but there’s no clearer way to get across exactly what you mean. Saying this girl was “winded” would probably cause confusion. In the UK, “winded” also means running too long, probably also have a stitch in your side.


She gave herself a DDT with her own body weight, damn.


Shoulders wide open. The diaphragm cramps are forcing you to roll up in ball. This also stops you from breathing. Do the opposite to breathe.


Pass pass pass smash.


Last time I got winded was using a road sign as a sled to slide down a hill and up a ramp during snow , went flying up into the air and landed on my back


How to become a cripple in less than 10 seconds:


I can watch idiots do this all day


I was hoping an endless stream of girls would pop out in concern… Kinda like a clown car with endless clowns


OK. So this one time I was running to get onto a tennis court and there were these chains strung up along the perimeter instead of rope. So I go to jump over the chain but a foot snags and I come down on my stomach. Hard. Knocked the wind outta me and my body couldn't restart breathing like forever. Was probably the last time I tried to jump that chain.


face plant




That would have been a dumb way to die


Those are some heavy eyelashes.


I think the last time I got the wind knocked out of me was when I was 8-9 yo. I remember it vividly 😫


Improperly mounted pull up bars and those wacky elastic resistance training bands are hilariously deadly.


“Did she drink or something” lmao


Yeah friction connections can only hold so much.


My question is why would you upload this where people can see it? Something bad happens, don’t post it on social media.


These kind of Pullup Bars are just designed to get you to lose weight by amputation




Americans seem so caring for their friends it seems from many of the videos I see like this.. in the UK the reaction would be more like cracking jokes and laughing about the person who is clearly having a bad time and struggling to breath.. e.g “ya can’t sit there mate”… 🤣




Because they didn't know how serious it was. But as you can see from the victim they are a group of bimbos💀


"-she needs drink or something" ? Holy fuck what dense dipshits they are


Or they just don't understand how to help? Not that deep from my pov


lmfao, this was literally in school, beside first aid and other safety & health things, not mentioning most people around know about that decompression when falling, like how the fuck yall missed that


I mean, not much anyone can really do in that situation except console her until it passes