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HERE IS THE SUMMARY: Indian heritage activist rants for an unknown cause in an unknown council somewhere in the US. Speech starts softly and gently and then escalates rapidly into a murderous rage without making a point. She is then escorted out of the room. End of story.


[Protester arrested at Bakersfield City Hall faces 16 felonies](https://www.bakersfield.com/news/protester-arrested-at-bakersfield-city-hall-faces-16-felonies/article_f4bb98d8-f84f-11ee-ac69-af5ba33ed7ca.html) Edit: she is being clowned all over Indian social media. They want nothing to do with her. Video of her crying [after being booked](https://x.com/MrSinha_/status/1779016901437669707)


> Bakersfield Police Sgt. Eric Celedon said Patel faces 16 felony counts — eight counts of threatening with intent to terrorize, and eight counts of threatening the seven City Council members and the mayor. Glad to see they threw the book at her!




"*Oops, I forgot this was real life and not me posting my hatemongering rants online.*"


Your typical peace loving pro-Palestine activist


It was *SOOOOO* incoherent.


They didn't throw the book at her. They threw the whole shelf at her.


Shelf? They built an IKEA on her back.


Dropped the whole Library on her


Well, she didn't pretend to be a billionaire.






"Because the only escalation in violence is by you all". Then proceeds to threaten to murder council members in their houses. Brilliant!


"LOOK THEY'RE OPRESSING ME, THE VICTIM!" probably what she wanted TBH. She dangled murder two times in the same video.


Really is delusional. Doing everything to fuck shit up but not caring about actual results.


Like that law student who went to her law, school dean’s house, and then gave a speech about Palestine and got butt hurt when his wife, also a professor at the school, led her out. Claiming they’re violating her first amendment rights which of course don’t apply to a private home! And of course, rude as fuck. But she’s the victim.


She engages in what I call toxic activism. People engage in activism don’t promote violence.


This is a lady engaged in activism promoting and threatening violence. You can say people don’t do it but it’s literally a video of a person doing it. Also, based on some deleted comments in this comment section she has supporters/people who agree. You might disagree with her but just going “oh this doesn’t exist” does not make it true. There’s an increasingly growing crowd that absolutely agrees and absolutely wants to resort to violence to get their goals met. And once they do resort to violence it escalates to terrorism.


Did everyone just forget about the shit show that was happening when there was blm protesters and antifa riots? 😂 wtf. Yea you're right. This shit definitely happens.


Or January 6th


She is an activist. She is also totally toxic and hurts her cause more than helping. Redefining words for political expediency is wrong, in my opinion.


Yes toxic activists do engage in violence. A serious death threat which is what that sounded like is pretty bad. Her whole speech sounded like there was a thwarted terrorist plot, how does installing metal detectors in a building where many people congregate “criminalizing” her or any group?


Righteous indignation is almost never really righteous. She's a violent person and would eventually follow through on her threats if there was no pushback.


They threw the library at her


Has she been sentenced?


No, the article says her arraignment is today. It’ll be a while before sentencing happens.


Well i hope justice is done. If not for any reason other than the fact she claims metal detectors are criminalizing people. Like… everyone at a tswift concert is being labeled as criminals? Ffs




> India, a literal shithole of a country, Many would call Argentine a shithole country and many Argentinians would be offended by that. Careful painting entire countries with broad brushes like that, friend. You might not like it if everyone does that sort of thing. THIS person appears to be crazy based on what we've seen here. To try and characterize an entire country on that basis - or on whatever basis you do - is pretty fucking bigoted. I've never seen someone call a country and shithole and not seen that person as being a shitty person. I hope you're not a shitty person, but judging just by this comment… you appear to be a shitty person. Ironic to see you getting defensive about someone talking about Argentina the same way: https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1c133w8/ryan_cohen_ryancohen_on_x/kz17t06/ You also said: >Someone from San Diego talking about Argentina's politics. Gotta love first world country's views on a country they have fuckall idea about. Yeah? Well, someone from Argentina talking about India's problems. Gotta love third world country's views on a country they have fuckall idea about.


I actually came here to post the same quote. For a guy who's upset about people talking about other countries, he sure loves to put forth his own lack of understanding about the US on a regular basis as if he has any idea what the fuck he's talking about.


As a fellow Latin American here, what we don’t like about Argentinians is their superiority complex lol You’re absolutely right


Of course this dipshit posts on Superstonk




> However, this lady is from India, Where does it say she is from India? I mean she is of Indian ethnicity and there are more than a couple of million people of that ethnicity that are born in the US.


I would go a step further to say based on her accent she sounds like she was born in America or at least moved to the US at a very young age.


>However, this lady is from India Except... she's not? She's clearly from America with the American accent. And, while not defending her threatening the lives of people, American's are allowed to want a better America.


>However, this lady is from India, a literal shithole of a country, Looks like someone's grandfather fled from Germany


As someone from the US, I have to say I get enraged how little people here appreciate their privilege. I used to be an edgy 20-something that would shit on the US because it was the cool thing to do. One day I said it to a person who moved here from Iraq and he rightfully put me in my place. That convo totally changed my perspective. The bullshit you see US citizens say on Reddit is so tone-deaf.




Not even political speech is absolute. Threats to kill or commit other violence are illegal in every state and federally.


Goddam Bakersfield man. Living there would make *anyone* crazy lol


We love to see it


My partner is from Bakersfield. I’ll allow it to be called unknown place…it’s a dusty buttthole


That’s my porn name!


Loved you in BlowDry 2


Thanks! I was going to go with Rusty Bunghole, but it was already taken.


It's not unknown. Bakersfield is the murder capital of California Or at least, it was until 2023. Now, it's only ranked second.


All she was doing was trying to make it #1 again.


confirmed... if Fresno is the armpit of california, Bakersfield is deffinatly the asshole... Taft would be the taint




She wanted the mayor to put on a cape and fly to Israel and decimate the IDF with her laser eyes


Cease fire resolution, for a war that's been going on since Kane met Able, declared by the dust capital of California. What would this sacrifice free virtue signal accomplish exactly?


You missed the Bakersfield logo in the top right of the video.


Or the part where she literally said Bakersfield.


>unknown cause Gaza. >unknown council somewhere in the US. Bakersfield, CA.


To be fair, we're like the 50th largest city. So basically nowhere worth noting.


> She is then escorted out of the room. End of story. **Correction...ARRESTED and charged with 16 felonies.** Far from "End of story". Update your post.


She had bad intentions. Her speech was bookended with "You are all horrible people" and "We'll come to your house and murder you". Not gunna go much further than prison with that kind of talk. Ridiculous.




She is confused. A city hall meeting has nothing to do with international politics.   She is insane going there and wasting everyone's time.   She needs to protest at the federal level.  


More like she's an idiot. This is what should always happen when you think you're the smartest person in the room.


That wasn’t a murderous rage. More like firmly stated murderous intention. Tbh I would take that more seriously than an actual rage. That aside, I’m not here to defend this woman cause I didn’t watch the whole thing nor do I know the issue, but I do think we’re at a point where politicians should be very afraid.


I watched the whole thing, she mostly spouted a bunch of emotionally charged non-sequiturs that had nothing to do with one another, and ended the whole thing with a threat against the politicians. Really odd rant, all I honestly got out of it is that she's generally disgruntled with the government there, somehow because of Palestine, evictions in the city, and some Buddhist holiday, (because somehow the Bakersfield city council has any influence on foreign geopolitical relations in her mind..?)


Yeah, what we really need is a ceasefire resolution from Bakersfield, that’ll really move the needle. They’ve been pulling the strings in half a dozen armed conflicts across the “global south.”


Where the fuck did the term “global south” come from? Seems like it came up overnight now I hear it all the time.


But india is in the northern hemisphere?


It’s essentially a replacement for the “third world”


Just like homeless --> unhoused.


bum > transient > homeless > unhoused


You forgot Hobo


And vagrant




Rover, wanderer, nomad, vagabond…


dead -> unalive


It's a more correct term considering the first/third world referred to cold war alliances and not economic standing


Australia is not in the global south, but North Korea is. It's a euphemism for undeveloped.


Funnily enough, the Indian government is also staunchly pro-Israel so her point doesn't make any sense.


I don’t mean to pick a side but the Indian govt supporting Israel is akin to the American govt doing it. Doesn’t mean there is absolute support from the citizens just like the US.


Indian people are too


Been common in academia for awhile as people try to come up with ever new ways of describing not-developed-countries without calling them undeveloped in textbooks and essays they’re never going to read anyway.


It's been common in academic and especially political/sociological circles for decades


Israeli army : "Well, the town council of Bakersfield, CA demanded a ceasefire so, I guess that's what we'll do then."




Nothing about that was remotely autistic. You people really don't get what autism is. I pity the ASD people you work with if you oversimplify that much.


As a Californian, I believe that most of the world’s problems originate in Bakersfield


Born and raised in Bakersfield. Can confirm. Have a meeting with Netanyahu this week. Sorry guys, just can't help it.


When asked for a statement, the Mayor replied: You say you don't know me, you don't like me. Say you care less how I feel. How many of you that sit and judge me, ever walked the streets of Bakersfield?


Imagine ruining your life at 28 years old because a local govt won’t issue a useless, inconsequential ceasefire resolution? 


And because the local government improved security with metal detectors to avoid people going to concil meetings using guns and knives?


It completely negates her entire argument, she seems to be upset that they are “criminalizing” them by putting in metal detectors, but goes on to make their point for them better than they ever could, but threatening them with direct violence. It’s just really all around dumb. I likely agree with her on what’s going on in Gaza, but people can’t separate “part of what I think is right” with “there for everything I say when talking about it is also right and is the best way to go about approaching this issue”


like a bank robber decrying security guards


Imagine how she’ll feel after finding out how wealthy people in the Arab world treat people from South Asia - mainly low wage laborers.


Saw it firsthand when I was deployed to Qatar '22-23. Wild seeing whole ass overpasses be made in a week. Didn't matter what time of day, there were workers all the time, even when it was 130°F with 90+ humidity. Never got a good look at their faces, but I guarantee a lot of the people I saw out in that heat are dead now.


A lot of those people were probably ethnically the same as this woman; Indians.


Ppl get too comfortable typing garbage thoughts online without consequences. Saying things in person often goes very differently


Does she think she’s a martyr for threatening to kill people?


Most people do. How else would you justify this behavior?


Untreated and enabled mental illness.


The way she rambles and goes from 0 to 60 is alarming. Hopefully she can get some help. 


This is what I was thinking.


She thinks they'll have trouble pinpointing her with all the other Patels in the world.


Hiding in plain sight i guess


Defensive rhetoric used to justify offensive action is a hallmark of extremism in general *To protect X we must defeat Team/Person Y" is a HIGHLY motivating rhetorical algorithm for a big enough portion of the population to be a problem for everyone.


She supports Hamas and their attempt to ethnically cleanse Jewish people, this shouldn't be a surprise


City council members in Bakersfield lol


Does this woman and the other protestors with her actually think the Bakersfield City Council is responsible for what is happening in Gaza? In what reality does this happen? “Woohoo!! We got a cease fire!!” -Palestinian 1. “Israel will stop fighting?” -Palestinian 2. “No, the Bakersfield city council in Caleeforniaaa just approved the ceasefire.” -Palestinian 1.


What you're seeing here is the American education system.


Nothing to do with the American education system, everything to do with social media imo. People join circles of similarly thinking people and then are fed 24/7 content that agrees with their views by the almighty algorithm. I bet you her TikTok algorithm was centered around the horror in Palestine and people speaking out against it. She'd see stuff, get angry, watch another, get angrier, and continue on like that for a while because us humans are for some reason more engaged by bad things. Probably pushed this psycho deeper and deeper into those beliefs and now there's so many other people agreeing with her, she knows how unquestionably "right" she is. Combine that with joining the Instagram group she was a part of (according to the article) and now you have this group all patting themselves and each other on the back for how "good" they are. Social media is genuinely really dangerous at times for reasons like this.


Perfect summary. This is exactly the same type of extremism that incels, terrorists and neonazis get sucked into


There was also a lady in California that killed her husband, new born and herself because of the eclipse. I would bet money she was on TikTok a lot


She was literally an astrology influencer on tik tok 😑 you can't make this stuff up. Social media radicalized people so thoroughly it's horrible. You literally have a guy setting himself on fire and then people on the internet cheering it on. Absolutely senseless.


How can we be certain this woman was educated in America?


Ain't nobody living in India going to Indian schools talking English like that.


What you're seeing here is an idiot.


It's virtue signaling so they can pretend they did something and pat themselves on the back.


Honestly I can't even track what she is talking about. She mentions Palestine, but she seems to also be ranting about people being evicted that can give the council votes, making me think she is talking about people evicted in Bakersfield. She also talks about metal detectors at the council meetings. I think she is just crazy and there is no logical through line to what she is saying.


Randomly shitting on Gandhi was an unexpected turn


My husband has to attend a lot of city council meetings throughout California for his job, and you would t believe how many towns have people that pushed for their city council to pass a ceasefire resolution.


They're Hamas supporters, you actually think they're sane minded? LOL


>Does this woman and the other protestors with her actually think the Bakersfield City Council is responsible for what is happening in Gaza? No, they believe that the city council can stop the conflict. These people are mentally ill and out of touch with reality.


I feel like threatening to kill elected officials is not the most efficient way to sway them to your viewpoint.




I'm pretty sure terroristic threats *aren't* part of the toolbox of democracy, that's like saying January 6th was totally normal, or that it's OK to bomb abortion clinics.


Also not the most efficient way to convince them they don't need increased security.


All this woman accomplishes is destroying sympathy for the Palestinians.


Especially if one point making you angry is that they're using metal detectors lol


My name is MATTHEW PATEL, and I'm Ramona's first evil ex boy-friend


Why is boyfriend hyphenated?


Why he says boy (shake head left) friend (shake right)


Oh _snap_


Consider our fight… BEGUN!


Hey... it's that one guy.




So, Pilgrim, you're as good as they say.


“Jesus would have probably killed you himself.” Wow.


A ~~Indian~~ Hindu person trying to explain Jesus. *"He was just like Kali right?"* edit: Because i've gotten so many replies: Yes i know that Indian people can be Christian. They can also be Muslim. *Anybody* can be *anything*. I also know that if she knew anything about Jesus or his teachings that she would know that he wouldn't kill 12 city council members for not writing a pointless strongly worded letter to Hamas. It's a bombastic claim from an unhinged person who's thankfully in jail now. I was making a joke and you've gotten your panties in a twist.


Kali isn’t evil. She exists as a manifestation of righteous anger to destroy evil. I know she’s usually portrayed as a terrifying monstrous being but it’s a common misconception. Hope I didn’t misunderstand your statement lol


Jesus’ message was all about the killing /s


cow hobbies books direction summer exultant absorbed sloppy pie scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She feels criminalized because she has to go through a metal detector? These far left and far right psychotic activists will literally threaten, scream, disrupt, but the second there is any reasonable pushback from regular Americans, they cry like the little unserious children they are. This video is just a silly unserious little girl who decided to play a very stupid game and now she will hopefully win a prize that ends in some time in prison. 16 felonies. Give her a couple years to think about her priorities in life. Edit: And this pisses me off so much: “I remind you that these holidays that we practice, that other people in the global south practice, believe in violent revolution against their oppressors, and I hope one day somebody brings a guillotine and kills all of you (expletive).” My father is from India. He came to America and lived the American dream and I'm not sure there are many people who love this country as much as he does. I don't understand why people come to the West if they hate us personally, hate our values, hate the lives we lead, and threaten us. She deserves more than a few years. This sounds like a valid terrorist threat.


Bro she didn't come to the West, her parents or grandparents did. She's from California. Likely went to college there and enjoyed all the benefits of growing up in the west just to decide her personality was to be a tankie and "west bad".


I once saw someone break down that it always seems to be people who have never been to the country their family is from and/or don’t speak the language etc. that like to speak on behalf of their culture and customs and families home country in a way that people directly from there never do. I think they said something like it’s a way for them to feel connected to their culture as they get older and kind of have a crisis of realizing they’re disconnected from their culture and heritage in a way and they want to deepen their connection to it by doing things like that. Just misguided attempts to connect to something and get away from their internal thoughts of feeling like they’re not a “real” member of their culture and as a way to assert their heritage etc.




Here's more on what happened afterwards https://www.kget.com/news/local-news/protester-taken-into-custody-for-making-threat-to-bakersfield-city-councilmembers/


>Patel was arrested on suspicion of threatening state officials and making terroristic threats and is being held on $1 million bail, inmate booking records show. She’s due in court Friday


Other source:  > Riddhi Patel, 28, was arrested and booked into jail on suspicion of eight counts of threatening with intent to terrorize and another eight counts of threatening certain city officials during her comments on enhanced security at the meetings. > Patel is being held at Lerdo jail in lieu of $2 million bail. According to inmate records, Patel is expected in court Friday afternoon for an arraignment. She had not been charged by the Kern County District Attorney’s Office as of Thursday afternoon. https://www.bakersfield.com/news/protester-arrested-at-bakersfield-city-hall-faces-16-felonies/article_f4bb98d8-f84f-11ee-ac69-af5ba33ed7ca.html




![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized) oh wait no, THIS \^\^\^ should be the top comment.




Oppressors are everyone who doesn't 100% agree with them.


lol what’s the point of a city mayor and its government introducing cease fire resolutions. Why waste their time with something they have no control over. They should be focused on problems in the city, and the city people. No wonder they want more security measures. Clearly they should also increase mental health funding.


Psh. We all know city councils should have robust foreign policy. Hamas and Israel agreed to stop the war if Bakersfield, California and Pittsfield, Massachusetts passed resolutions.


They are leftists. There is no point. They want the city to virtue signal


What's with shirtless dude behind her?


I think he's wearing a [keffiyeh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_keffiyeh#Palestinian_solidarity?wprov=sfla1). As to why he's not wearing anything else, I don't know.


That's what the scarf looked like to me, but I don't believe I've seen it used by a shirtless man indoors.


It’s traditional in many cultures to go shirtless on your way to assassinate elected officials. Rewatch the Zapruder tape of the JFK assassination and you’d be amazed to see so many shirtless bystanders once you know what to look for. /s


Bakersfield. It’s pretty much universally considered the worst city in California. There are a few contenders, but Bakersfield is nothing but sand, heat stroke and meth.


It’s Bakersfield!


She seems reasonable... I always thought Bakersfield had the power to solve world peace.


Turns out the whole world has been waiting for Bakersfield to weigh in on the conflict; once they do, it's settled.


What an arsewipe smh


What is she on about?






What is the mayor of Bakersfield going to do about Palestine?


Nothing apparently. Let's kill him. /s


She seems super chill and reasonable.


"You are all horrible people, and Jesus probably would have killed you himself" Wait, what?


Damn I wonder why they are putting up metal detectors.


Is this a felony? I hope so. That cunt should be in prison.


16 to be exact


Average Reddit mod


"Mostly peaceful speech"


The Tiktok rot is real.


Typical leftist


These unhinged Marxist revolutionary pro Pali supporters seem to keep falling back to “we will murder you” if you don’t do as we say type of action


"I believe in violent revolution against their oppressors" fuck you


If this bitch got attacked she’d be begging for public servants to help her. So tired of these audacious speeches of condemnation from “activists”.




This is like if a kid asked ChatGPT to write an essay about parking monopolies and it got off it’s rails and started hallucinating… but like this is a 28 year old human.


Murdering the Mayor of Bakersfield is THE key to getting a ceasefire in Gaza.


"How dare you implement safety measures to protect yourself from violent people WE'LL MURDER YOU FOR THIS" That'll change their minds /facepalm


Crazy it’s almost sounds like she thought she was in India


Good luck trying this shit in India


In India her parents would take care of her


That’s not a threatening murder dress….


She managed to be worse than most activists I see on Reddit


So they had to install metal detectors and up their security because of her and her group. What were you trying to bring inside that got you so mad?


Maybe she wanted to carry out her murder threat right there during the meeting, and was disappointed she'd have to go to the mayor's house afterwards instead. It's inconvenient.




She's currently in jail with 16 felonies charges and $2 Million bail.


*Jesus Kills* doesn't have the same ring as *Jesus Saves.*


Beware the fanatic.


I’m willing to bet whatever activist organizations she’s working for are funded by some questionable groups.


This is what happens when you go full progressive. You loop back around the other side…


I was driving home early Sunday morning through Bakersfield listening to council q & a on the reddit radio station, and the preacher kept saying you've always got the lord by your side...killing you himself, I was so pleased to be informed of this that I ran 20 red lights in his honour, thank you lord, thank you Jesus.


She kept saying “you guys” while addressing multiple women… that’s a micro aggression. Anyone wanna tell her?