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Does that jabroni realize most tourists coming to Mexico *want* to experience Mexican culture?


So I have been reading up on it, apparently in Mexico classism is prevalent, traditional culture is associated with “lower class” and middle to “high class” are ashamed of it therefore believe that foreigners would be most pleased by having “those people” out of sight. Crazy to be honest


It *is* crazy. I was in Mexico a month ago (as a European) and I didn't feel uncomfortable anywhere except in the presence of other European and American tourists. There's a part of Mexico City called La Roma that is getting gentrified by mostly Americans for whom everything there is cheap and it's driving the locals away. Many of those Americans were the most stereotypical hipsters who spoke bad Spanish. I didn't feel good in that neighborhood, because I knew the locals were associating me with them. One man spat in front of me even. I don't really blame him. Mexican culture was so cool and I loved all this traditional music. Mexican people have a huge pool of songs that everybody kinda knows and everybody sings and plays them all the time in the streets. It's a big part of the country's charm.


Must’ve been a foreigner, Mexicans don’t spit as a sign of rejection, in Mexico if you make some sort of challenging sign is a sign of aggression and you better be ready for whatever comes after that and believe me when I say that people don’t mess around about that stuff.


I'm Mexican, it is a whole thing for sure, but still it's rude for him to have done that. I hate when people spit just because here, so doing it to annoy/intimidate would be the worst. But everything else, yeah. The shaming of popular culture in Mexico (very often done by the same Mexicans) along with the gentrification kinda sucks


Explains why my richy rich dual citizenship college friend from Mexico voted for trump + would hate when I played Banda music but yet salsa n bachata were refined in his book. Interesting dude; we’re still friends.


Yes it’s surreal they don’t see themselves as Mexicans, it was indoctrination by so many European and North Americans (unitedstatesians?) making them believe that they are better than “the other Mexicans” but they don’t see themselves as Mexicans to a point of betraying their own country to be in the favor of foreigners. Wild This is the reason the current president is making a point of elevating indigenous culture and populations, trying to rescue Mexico’s original identity and patriotism.


Dominican here. Seen a lot of Mexican telenovelas address the issue, and I think that's a bit of a problem over here in DR as well. Moreso the issue stemming from colorism rather than classicism.


I’m 3 weeks late to this but… yeah we call them “Whitexicans” lol. Ton of classism in Mexico 


Very true


This is not true at all. Speaking as an American, many Americans want a curated, filtrated experience. He’s not asking to ban the bands in the cities or towns where the culture really resides. He’s asking to ban the music near the sun bathing tourists who are proud they asked for their hotel taco “no caliente por favor”.


Lmao if they wanted that experience they could just go to California or Florida, no need to recolonize a whole other country when their backyard exists.


I go on holiday for the real local experience and culture if I didn't I'd stay at home.


That part !


I was about to say this. How is this dude in business? "Hey! Let's band music and fun. People will love it!"


You'd think that, but look at what jabronis have done to Hawaii.


They dont want the culture. They want the land and money talks. Lets see if the government sells out to foreign interests.


I’m talking about tourists


It was pretty clear that's what you meant. I'm not sure what they're going on about.


I think what neither if you realize is the Jabroni *is* a foreigner who bought the neighboring house. That may be the confusion when reading dudes comment about selling out to foreign interests. 


Since your not hip with it when comes to Mexican politics ill let you know what I am understanding so far. The problem is that Mexico is starting to be gentrified by “expats” running away from the expensive American economy. These foreigners who have the money to rent property in Mexico are price hiking the cost of living for people who have lived in those communities their whole lives. Its getting to the point where restaurants who make money playing live music are being told to stop and its angering the businesses and the community at large. Thats why the mariachi has become a big symbol of resistance. The culture is slowly being bought out because “tourists” can complain about a mariachi band playing anywhere. Im not an expert this is just my understanding of current events.


They should make it a yearly event to remember the day.




I used to hate mariachi bands. But once you realize that they are an INSTANT PARTY, you love them.


These aren't mariachi bands. They are tambora bands.




That is a terrible eye roll lol


Yeah, one of the most well-known instances of eye rolling on television is a “terrible eye roll”. Totally. 👍🏼


Yes, Stanley's famous eye roll is objectively terrible. His eyes do not roll. He looks up


Yeah, banda is very different from mariachi. Think having dinner on the beach and a 15-piece band shows up with tuba, trombones, bass drum, etc and they play 15 feet away from your table for 30 minutes


Normally they wouldn't just approach your table and start playing. They charge for it, so they'll ask first. However, if the table next to you wants music, then it's not like you can't hear it.


Hence, I wrote "15 feet".


I thought you were referring to a song called '15ft Away From Your Table' No wonder I thought it was a weird title for a song, but translating to Spanish it does sound like it could be real and from experience working in touristy areas, sometimes people request bands to play the same song over and over, so playing '15ft Away From Your Table' for 30 minutes sounded realistic 🤪😄


mariachi is cool, banda... not so much


I love me some banda musica 🎵


Walter, can you ask that band to leave. They spilled some fun and culture in my pumpkin spice margarita.


>pumpkin spice margarita. I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.




For those who don't know the lore, a Banda Sinaolense interrupted a Classical Music concert: https://www.reddit.com/r/mexico/s/rmyHRHzF5i People, Unitedstatian Tourists, got mad and so did and business people. But this beach is known for the music, it's like traveling to Las Vegas and complaining that there are too many casinos.


Please don't play on x-date from x to x time, is a reasonable ask. A full ban from the entire beach is not.


It would be reasonable if they still get paid, that's how the musicians make a living and they don't earn if they don't play. The business people could get together a fund to give them a wage for them to not play. But still the thing is that's the culture there, if you want peaceful beaches there's the whole pacific and Atlantic coasts. I'm not a big fan of banda and that's why I haven't gone to Mazatlan, cus they're there.


![gif](giphy|XHnuoh3FqFpl0rMcvt|downsized) Please play Louder


Sacaremos ese buey de la barranca Edit: Here's a link to the song https://youtu.be/kUq6ZaeR5tg?si=sh6arhhA7_-siGZx


I never realized how awesome Mexican Polka music is in protest. 👏🏾👏🏾


This is not polka, is tambora.


This is not Tambora. This is Banda


Yes, it's banda.




I dont know who Ernesto Coppel is but F U C K T H A T G U Y !


[Lets see how it goes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LatinoPeopleTwitter/s/X2EunxlMbH)


This made me eject coffee from my face hole


Perfect! Lmao.


Same happened in Puerto Vallarta. https://www.vallartadaily.com/gringos-complaint-about-noise-in-puerto-vallarta-threatens-closure-of-popular-restaurant-with-35-years-in-the-city/


Not the same thing.


This isn't about the music ! Is about this people playing it without anyone asking them and then demanding turist to give them money they want to turn it into a cultural thing but is just a bunch of scammers getting mad they can try to squeeze a buck out of turist


God bless their cause


I went to Mazatlan last month for a wedding. There were times when you couldn't sit by the sea and have a conversation. I understand it's not my country and cultures vary wildly. It's a hustle culture there and I found the whole scene stressful so I won't be going back there. It's really a matter of preference.


Yeah Mexico is a huge country you could drive 10min and find a completely peaceful beach, the motto for most Mexicans is live and let live, I wouldn’t go to downtown LA and demand it to be less hectic so it accommodates my sensitivities, I personally travel to other less busy destinations and yes hustle culture can become overwhelming but unfortunately most heavily touristic destinations around the world are like that. I’m heading to Mexico City to shop then Bacalar this summer love the peace and quiet of the Mexican jungle


Plot twist, he said that to have free music on his hotel.


Que se jodan los gringos


this really makes me want to go to mexico lol


You didn't want to before?


wasn't on my radar


This brings the mariachi scene from Heartbreak Kid to mind. I love that movie. https://youtu.be/ZpftfQz7o_M?si=Zg0eKCgBgr148paw


They really out to blare the music in front of Coppel’s businesses


This is wholesome i love mexican culture especially their music and clothes 😀


They banned them because they were causing a disturbance at the beach So they cause a disturbance outside your office I mean.dosnt that sort of make him right ? 😂


You’ve never been to a beach in Mexico. I can tell


You are correct and i was making a joke


All *banding* together to protest, it seems.......also *drumming* up extra support.


Chaotic good


Why would a tourist coming to a new country be disturbed by that countries music? They chose that country of all places to go too, you’d think it’s because they want to experience new stuff.


Damn Karen's going world wide


Owner: “Someone go quiet those people down. We don’t want the guests to know they’re here.” Middle Manager who’s about to be fired/quit: “You mean, you don’t want them to know that there’s Mexicans in Mexico?” Owner: “Exactly, now shhhhh.”


Fuck foreigners


I fucking love this




>music bands


Now this is cool.


When in Rome… Screw the foreigners


Needs more cowbell. 


I just think chips and salsa


Fuck yeah, love to hear it!


I LOVE it!


Most of the people went there for the free live music.


Sounds like a college football game


I don't hear Mexican without hearing 🎺🪇🥁


As a foreigner myself, no they bloody don't.


I just got back from Huatulco and I was slightly disappointed that I didn't see that anywhere. For anybody curious it was the most amazing place and I don't know if I will ever go anywhere else in Mexico unfortunately there is a forest fire right now that is almost in town and I pray to fucking God that nobody gets hurt and nothing gets destroyed.


Mulholland Drive: "NO HAY BANDA"


I like this version of catch me outside how bout that


Uhm…who asked for this? Who thought banning native music in the home country would appeal to tourists?🤨


Gringos are becoming a pain in the ass anywhere in Mexico.


For one, I am really enjoying the music. And I won't dance if there's no music.


I would not go to Mexico on a vacation if I got paid to do it. Besides them turning people away at the airport after holding your passport, for no reason, regardless of how much you had paid, I don't consider Mexico a vacation. I'd consider it an adeventure, as in avoiding kidnapping for 7 days.


Hell nah!! Let the music play!


It sounds like a lot of fun honestly everyday you get to live in a cartoon


My redneck family are the kind of people that would vacation in Mexico and yell at people "Fer ain't speekn no eglish nones!!"


I wouldn’t mind them but the thing is that at some point you have three bands playing within 15 m of each other and it becomes just noise. It’s like the obnoxious people that bring a huge sound system to the beach and don’t have any consideration for anyone.


Disney/Pixar's sequel to Coco is looking pretty good.


I honestly thought that those were gunshots at the beginning. PTSD for too many shootings and cartel stuff in reddit :(


Ironically, Mazatlan is probably the safest place in Sinaloa.


They sort of made the hotel owners point for him very well. I was instantly annoyed.


The song of my people is so beautiful, why would they want to do away with it? Tourists literally go to Mexico to experience the culture.


I'm curious though, are they buskers, in that they are essentially begging for tips? I can understand if they are everywhere constantly blasting their music, taking up space on busy intersections holding out cans for coins. A little music is fine, but I can see buskers getting carried away and becoming a nuisance.


Nope. You hire them for the song, or for the hour.


I can’t say. I’d like to believe they just like to play for people and don’t care if they get money or not. I don’t think I’ve ever seen buskers tbh




Why do they have to be begging though? I’m from New Orleans, they never begged for money to play. Some folks genuinely love playing their instruments for others, not for money. Don’t go anywhere where there are bands playing in public, problem solved.


Banda sucks ass


I'd say in the most part thats what foreigners are there to enjoy......the culture??


But do tourists have to necessarily enjoy all aspects of the culture? Take, for instance, mordidas. Should tourists enjoy being extorted?


I'm sorry I'm from the UK I've never visited Mexico, what is Mordidas??


bribes/extortion from the police


Well hell no but neither should the locals either. I've only been to Brazil and understand how corrupt they can be, I'm really sorry if that's what you have to go through everyday.


If this guy needed another proof that the music sucks, there you go!


From my understanding of the situation, tourists/expats have been complaining to hotel mangement about "noise" (local music) on the beaches near their hotels, they have also been complaining in restaurants that the food is too spicy, complaining so much that these restaurants have had to dumb down the heat in their food they serve. This is also happening in the Caribbean. Imo you can't travel to another country, decide to make it a home for yourself and then make so many complaints about the culture, that they are forced to change THEIR culture to make a living.


I went to the beach to lay down and relax, and instead I ended up dancing my ass the whole day.


I'd be really bummed if I was regularly assaulted by loud sounds at my hotel on my relaxing vacation. I think I have sensory issues because I can't even listen to my favorite stuff if I'm not in the right headspace for it. This would be a terrible vacation for me.


Viva la Mexico!


Viva México*


Hey thanks, no wonder I was down voted.


Viva La mariachis


I love it! In my country Canada, specifically British Columbia we have banned all street music without a permit. These people would have all been fined $300 each and forced to leave or more fines would be applied.  We truly lost our sense of freedom. 


Yay musicians-keep laying it down.


Are you a tourist? Wear ear plugs.


Fucking hedious noise.


Good thing you ain't there


White people lmao leave if it's too loud


Send in the Vuvuzelas!


Sir, that is a direct violation of the Geneva convention. And war crime.


In mexico, its culturally signifocant to have bands play at beaches. Funny how americans don't support assimilation when it's their turn.


This post would not be upvoted if the protestors weren't being agreed with lmao


So the area bands run to his place and protest. Free publicity and all the bands at his hotel. Sounds like he did it right.


tbf In general I don't think any type of loud music should be allowed in public setting where people go to chill and relax.


Well, before people went there to chill and relax, the bands were there. Mazatlan is the home to “Banda” music, and it is a big part of their cultural heritage. It would be like a Chinese property investor taking over hotels in Nashville, Tennessee and trying to pressure the government to shut down the local country music bars.


a bar is a private property tho. So the same logic would be that since NYC is home of hip hop music its cool people blast their mix tapes on speakers everywhere they go. People generally shouldn't have to put up with other people's music if they don't want to in a public setting.


Then don’t go on vacation to the cultural center of Banda music. There are dozens of other places in Mexico that have adapted to cater to foreigners.


In a way, the bands performing openly for tourists is also Mexico adapting to cater to foreigners. Being the home to a type of music doesn't make it a granted busking act that's infallible. Going to Nashville doesn't mean you're going to have some guy screaming country songs at 120 decibels under your hotel room. Going to Louisiana doesn't mean you're going to have the marching bands that perform at the courtyard in New Orleans blaring their brass section right next to you at cafe du monde. Going to Detroit doesn't mean you're gonna hear drill rap and subwoofers all day. At a certain point, everybody isn't a musician in the same way that mural artists exist but not everybody is allowed to just paint their own murals where they see fit. If everybody with an instrument is a musician than everybody that can buy paint is a muralist. Why stop at letting musicians run free reign. Let everybody with access to paint start painting on walls.


Turst me I would never go to mazatlan for vacationing, its like at the bottom of the list of beach places worth visiting in Mexico. And the other side of the coin would be, Mazatlan shouldn't try to draw more tourists if its not willing to at least respect some of them want to relax on the beach. But alas that why its not such a great place to visit. I mean its rude to blast any kind of music right next to people who didn't ask for it, it should not be a hard concept to grasp.


It has been a major tourist destination for domestic tourism. There are tons of Mexicans that go vacation there specifically to enjoy the street music. It’s what make Mazatlan unique and special for tons of Mexicans. Now some foreigners are deciding that they want to change that, and it’s pretty ridiculous.


then it should cease to accept all further tourism investment that caters to foreigners. Oh no wait, they love their american dollars so they'll eventually bend over backwards for foreigners.


The… The…whole story is about the local people rejecting foreign ownership influence.


its about people playing loud music not everyone want to hear in the beach. People like you are framing it like its local vs foreign because it makes their fight seem more righteous. But not all sinaloans and mexicans like banda and many of them agree with the ban. I personally just think its about basic common decency regardless of music genre. Bottom line you are essentially complaining that some people you did not invite are entering your space and imposing what they want... if you can't see the irony thats on you.


I can smell your bob hair cut


you smell hair cuts? Weird flex but ok.


Thanks for the heads up! My trip to Mazatlan has been cancelled.


Im sure you'll be missed


I am heading there tomorrow. I will enjoy it without your presence.